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- # ╔═════════════════════════════════════╦════════════════════╗
- # ║ Title: Actor Trade Gold ║ Version: 1.00 ║
- # ║ Author: Roninator2 ║ ║
- # ╠═════════════════════════════════════╬════════════════════╣
- # ║ Function: For trading gold between ║ Date Created ║
- # ║actors. Requires Hime Actor Inventory╠════════════════════╣
- # ║ and Roninator2 Gold Inventory ║ 29 Mar 2022 ║
- # ╚═════════════════════════════════════╩════════════════════╝
- # ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ Allows to Trade gold between actors ║
- # ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- # ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ Instructions: ║
- # ║ Set the variable below to one you will not use ║
- # ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- # ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ Terms of use: ║
- # ║ Free for all uses in RPG Maker except nudity ║
- # ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- module R2_Gold_Trade
- Variable = 10
- end
- class Scene_Menu < Scene_MenuBase
- alias r2_menu_command_gold_trade create_command_window
- def create_command_window
- r2_menu_command_gold_trade
- @command_window.set_handler(:trade_gold, method(:command_trade_gold))
- end
- def command_trade_gold
- end
- end
- class Window_MenuCommand < Window_Command
- alias r2_trade_gold_menu_command add_original_commands
- def add_original_commands
- r2_trade_gold_menu_command
- add_command("Trade Gold", :trade_gold)
- end
- end
- class Window_Gold_Trade_Command < Window_HorzCommand
- def initialize(x, y, width)
- @window_width = width
- super(x, y)
- activate
- end
- def window_width
- @window_width
- end
- def col_max
- return 2
- end
- def make_command_list
- add_command("Trade Gold", :trade)
- add_command("Cancel", :cancel)
- end
- end
- class Window_Number_Trade < Window_Selectable
- def initialize(x, y, width, height)
- super(x, y, width, height)
- @number = 0
- @digits_max = 1
- @index = 0
- start
- end
- def start
- @digits_max = 7
- @number = $game_variables[R2_Gold_Trade::Variable]
- @number = [[@number, 0].max, 10 ** @digits_max - 1].min
- @index = 6
- create_contents
- end
- def cursor_right(wrap)
- if @index < @digits_max - 1 || wrap
- @index = (@index + 1) % @digits_max
- end
- deactivate
- end
- def cursor_left(wrap)
- if @index > 0 || wrap
- @index = (@index + @digits_max - 1) % @digits_max
- end
- deactivate
- end
- def update
- super
- process_cursor_move
- process_digit_change
- process_handling
- update_cursor
- end
- def process_cursor_move
- if !active
- activate
- return
- end
- return unless active
- last_index = @index
- cursor_right(Input.trigger?(:RIGHT)) if Input.repeat?(:RIGHT)
- cursor_left(Input.trigger?(:LEFT)) if Input.repeat?(:LEFT)
- Sound.play_cursor if @index != last_index
- end
- def process_digit_change
- return unless active
- if Input.repeat?(:UP) || Input.repeat?(:DOWN)
- Sound.play_cursor
- place = 10 ** (@digits_max - 1 - @index)
- n = @number / place % 10
- @number -= n * place
- n = (n + 1) % 10 if Input.repeat?(:UP)
- n = (n + 9) % 10 if Input.repeat?(:DOWN)
- @number += n * place
- refresh
- end
- end
- def process_handling
- return unless active
- return process_ok if Input.trigger?(:C)
- return process_max if Input.trigger?(:X)
- return process_cancel if Input.trigger?(:B)
- end
- def process_ok
- Sound.play_ok
- $game_variables[R2_Gold_Trade::Variable] = @number
- deactivate
- close
- SceneManager.scene.on_number_ok
- end
- def process_max
- Sound.play_ok
- @number = @actor.inventory_gold
- refresh
- end
- def process_cancel
- Sound.play_cancel
- $game_variables[R2_Gold_Trade::Variable] = 0
- deactivate
- close
- SceneManager.scene.on_number_cancel
- end
- def item_rect(index)
- * 20, 0, 20, line_height)
- end
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- change_color(normal_color)
- if @number > @actor.inventory_gold
- @number = @actor.inventory_gold
- end
- s = sprintf("%0*d", @digits_max, @number)
- @digits_max.times do |i|
- rect = item_rect(i)
- rect.x += 1
- draw_text(rect, s[i,1], 1)
- end
- end
- def update_cursor
- cursor_rect.set(item_rect(@index))
- end
- def actor=(actor)
- return if @actor == actor
- @actor = actor
- refresh
- end
- end
- class Window_ActorGold < Window_Selectable
- attr_reader :actor
- def initialize(actor)
- super(0, 0, window_width, window_height)
- @actor = actor
- refresh
- end
- def window_width
- return 200
- end
- def window_height
- return 150
- end
- def standard_padding
- return 10
- end
- def actor=(actor)
- return if @actor == actor
- @actor = actor
- refresh
- end
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- draw_text(0, 0, width, line_height,
- draw_actor_face(@actor, 40, 30)
- draw_actor_gold(@actor, 0, 0)
- draw_left_arrow(0, 70)
- draw_right_arrow(140, 70)
- end
- def value(id)
- $game_actors[id].inventory_gold
- end
- def currency_unit
- Vocab::currency_unit
- end
- def draw_actor_gold(actor, x, y)
- change_color(normal_color)
- draw_currency_value(value(, currency_unit, x, y, contents.width - 8)
- end
- def draw_left_arrow(x, y)
- change_color(system_color)
- draw_text(x, y, 40, line_height, "L <-", 0)
- end
- def draw_right_arrow(x, y)
- change_color(system_color)
- draw_text(x, y, 40, line_height, "-> R", 2)
- end
- end
- class Scene_Trade_Gold < Scene_MenuBase
- def start
- super
- create_scene_window
- create_command_window
- @actor1 = $game_party.battle_members[0]
- @actor2 = $game_party.battle_members[1]
- create_actor_select_window
- create_actor_trade_window
- create_number_window
- end
- def create_scene_window
- @scene_gold_trade_window =, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
- @scene_gold_trade_window.viewport = @viewport
- @scene_gold_trade_window.deactivate
- end
- def create_command_window
- @command_window =, 10, 250)
- @command_window.viewport = @viewport
- @command_window.activate
- @command_window.set_handler(:trade, method(:command_trade))
- @command_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:return_scene))
- end
- def create_actor_select_window
- @actor_status_window =
- @actor_status_window.viewport = @viewport
- @actor_status_window.x = 30
- @actor_status_window.y = 100
- = @actor1
- @actor_status_window.deactivate
- @actor_status_window.hide
- @actor_status_window.set_handler(:ok, method(:on_actor_ok))
- @actor_status_window.set_handler(:pageup, method(:change_actor_before))
- @actor_status_window.set_handler(:pagedown, method(:change_actor_after))
- @actor_status_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_actor_cancel))
- end
- def create_actor_trade_window
- @trade_status_window =
- @trade_status_window.viewport = @viewport
- @trade_status_window.x = 300
- @trade_status_window.y = 100
- = @actor2
- @trade_status_window.deactivate
- @trade_status_window.hide
- @trade_status_window.set_handler(:ok, method(:on_trade_ok))
- @trade_status_window.set_handler(:pageup, method(:change_actor_before))
- @trade_status_window.set_handler(:pagedown, method(:change_actor_after))
- @trade_status_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_trade_cancel))
- end
- def create_number_window
- @number_window =, 300, 170, 48)
- @number_window.viewport = @viewport
- @number_window.hide
- @number_window.deactivate
- = @actor1
- @number_window.set_handler(:ok, method(:on_number_ok))
- @number_window.set_handler(:max, method(:max_number_ok))
- @number_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_number_cancel))
- end
- def command_trade
- @command_window.deactivate
- @actor_status_window.activate
- end
- def on_actor_ok
- @actor1 =
- @actor_status_window.unselect
- @actor_status_window.deactivate
- @trade_status_window.activate
- end
- def on_actor_cancel
- @actor_status_window.deactivate
- @actor_status_window.hide
- @command_window.activate
- end
- def on_trade_ok
- text = "Press A to select Max currency"
- @scene_gold_trade_window.draw_text_ex(100, 348, text)
- @actor2 =
- @trade_status_window.unselect
- @trade_status_window.deactivate
- @number_window.activate
- end
- def on_trade_cancel
- @trade_status_window.deactivate
- @trade_status_window.hide
- @actor_status_window.activate
- end
- def on_number_ok
- trade_gold($game_variables[R2_Gold_Trade::Variable])
- end_number_input
- end
- def on_number_cancel
- Sound.play_cancel
- end_number_input
- end
- def max_number_ok
- end
- def trade_gold(number)
- return if
- $game_actors[].lose_gold(number)
- $game_actors[].gain_gold(number)
- @actor_status_window.refresh
- @trade_status_window.refresh
- end
- def end_number_input
- @scene_gold_trade_window.create_contents
- @number_window.close
- @number_window.deactivate
- @trade_status_window.activate
- end
- def change_actor_before
- if @chkwindow == 1
- id = $game_party.members.index(
- else @chkwindow == 2
- id = $game_party.members.index(
- end
- size = $game_party.members.size
- id -= 1
- id = size - 1 if id < 0
- if @chkwindow == 1
- @actor1 = $game_party.members[id]
- = @actor1
- @actor_status_window.activate
- elsif @chkwindow == 2
- @actor2 = $game_party.members[id]
- = @actor2
- @trade_status_window.activate
- end
- = @actor1
- end
- def change_actor_after
- if @chkwindow == 1
- id = $game_party.members.index(
- else @chkwindow == 2
- id = $game_party.members.index(
- end
- size = $game_party.members.size
- id += 1
- id = 0 if id > size - 1
- if @chkwindow == 1
- @actor1 = $game_party.members[id]
- = @actor1
- @actor_status_window.activate
- elsif @chkwindow == 2
- @actor2 = $game_party.members[id]
- = @actor2
- @trade_status_window.activate
- end
- = @actor1
- end
- alias r2_trade_gold_update update
- def update
- r2_trade_gold_update
- if
- @chkwindow = 0
- elsif
- @chkwindow = 1
- elsif
- @chkwindow = 2
- end
- end
- end
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