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- --!optimize 2
- --TODO: add --optimize hotcomment support if possible even?
- --TODO: stop listing nested upvalues and use them directly
- --TODO: use letter "u" instead of "v" for upvalues
- local POINT_TYPE_END = 0
- local POINT_TYPE_ELSE = 1
- -- maybe move this somewhere? its just faster bit32 funcs
- local lshift, rshift
- function lshift(x, disp)
- if disp < 0 then return rshift(x,-disp) end
- return (x * 2^disp) % 2^32
- end
- function rshift(x, disp)
- if disp < 0 then return lshift(x,-disp) end
- return (x % 2^32) // (2^disp)
- end
- local function LoadFromUrl(x)
- local BASE_USER = "w-a-e"
- local BASE_BRANCH = "main"
- local BASE_URL = ""
- local loadSuccess, loadResult = pcall(function()
- local formattedUrl = string.format(BASE_URL, BASE_USER, BASE_BRANCH, x)
- return game:HttpGet(formattedUrl, true)
- end)
- if not loadSuccess then
- warn(`({math.random()}) MОDULE FАILЕD ТO LOАD FRОM URL: {loadResult}.`)
- return
- end
- local success, result = pcall(loadstring, loadResult)
- if not success then
- warn(`({math.random()}) MОDULE FАILЕD ТO LOАDSТRING: {result}.`)
- return
- end
- if type(result) ~= "function" then
- warn(`MОDULE IS {tostring(result)} (function expected)`)
- return
- end
- return result()
- end
- local Implementations = LoadFromUrl("Implementations")
- local Reader = LoadFromUrl("Reader")
- local Strings = LoadFromUrl("Strings")
- local Luau = LoadFromUrl("Luau")
- local LuauOpCode = Luau.OpCode
- local LuauBytecodeTag = Luau.BytecodeTag
- local LuauBytecodeType = Luau.BytecodeType
- local LuauCaptureType = Luau.CaptureType
- local LuauBuiltinFunction = Luau.BuiltinFunction
- local LuauProtoFlag = Luau.ProtoFlag
- local toboolean = Implementations.toboolean
- local toEscapedString = Implementations.toEscapedString
- local formatIndexString = Implementations.formatIndexString
- local isGlobal = Implementations.isGlobal
- local function Decompile(bytecode)
- local bytecodeVersion, typeEncodingVersion
- --
- local reader =
- --
- -- collects all information from the bytecode and organizes it
- local function disassemble()
- if bytecodeVersion >= 4 then
- -- type encoding did not exist before this version
- typeEncodingVersion = reader:nextByte()
- end
- local stringTable = {}
- local function readStringTable()
- local sizeStringTable = reader:nextVarInt()
- for i = 1, sizeStringTable do
- stringTable[i] = reader:nextString()
- end
- end
- readStringTable()
- local protoTable = {}
- local function readProtoTable()
- local sizeProtoTable = reader:nextVarInt()
- for i = 1, sizeProtoTable do
- local protoId = i - 1 -- account for main proto
- local proto = {
- id = protoId,
- insnTable = {},
- constsTable = {},
- innerProtoTable = {},
- smallLineInfo = {},
- largeLineInfo = {},
- -- stores information about the first instruction to help detect inlining
- firstInstruction = nil
- }
- protoTable[protoId] = proto
- -- read header
- proto.maxStackSize = reader:nextByte()
- proto.numParams = reader:nextByte()
- proto.numUpvalues = reader:nextByte()
- proto.isVarArg = toboolean(reader:nextByte())
- -- prepare a table for upvalue references for further use if there are any
- if proto.numUpvalues > 0 then
- proto.nestedUpvalues = table.create(proto.numUpvalues)
- end
- -- read flags and typeinfo if bytecode version includes that information
- if bytecodeVersion >= 4 then
- proto.flags = reader:nextByte()
- proto.typeinfo = reader:nextBytes(reader:nextVarInt()) -- array of uint8
- end
- proto.sizeInsns = reader:nextVarInt() -- total number of instructions
- for i = 1, proto.sizeInsns do
- local encodedInsn = reader:nextUInt32()
- proto.insnTable[i] = encodedInsn
- end
- -- this might be confusing but just read into it
- proto.sizeConsts = reader:nextVarInt() -- total number of constants
- for i = 1, proto.sizeConsts do
- local constType = reader:nextByte()
- local constValue
- if constType == LuauBytecodeTag.LBC_CONSTANT_BOOLEAN then
- -- 1 = true, 0 = false
- constValue = toboolean(reader:nextByte())
- elseif constType == LuauBytecodeTag.LBC_CONSTANT_NUMBER then
- constValue = reader:nextDouble()
- elseif constType == LuauBytecodeTag.LBC_CONSTANT_STRING then
- local stringId = reader:nextVarInt()
- constValue = stringTable[stringId]
- elseif constType == LuauBytecodeTag.LBC_CONSTANT_IMPORT then
- local id = reader:nextUInt32()
- local indexCount = rshift(id, 30)
- local cacheIndex1 =, 20), 0x3FF)
- local cacheIndex2 =, 10), 0x3FF)
- local cacheIndex3 =, 0), 0x3FF)
- local importTag = "("
- if indexCount == 1 then
- local k1 = proto.constsTable[cacheIndex1 + 1]
- importTag ..= tostring(k1.value)
- elseif indexCount == 2 then
- local k1 = proto.constsTable[cacheIndex1 + 1]
- local k2 = proto.constsTable[cacheIndex2 + 1]
- importTag ..= tostring(k1.value) .. ", "
- importTag ..= tostring(k2.value)
- elseif indexCount == 3 then
- local k1 = proto.constsTable[cacheIndex1 + 1]
- local k2 = proto.constsTable[cacheIndex2 + 1]
- local k3 = proto.constsTable[cacheIndex3 + 1]
- importTag ..= tostring(k1.value) .. ", "
- importTag ..= tostring(k2.value) .. ", "
- importTag ..= tostring(k3.value)
- end
- importTag ..= ")"
- constValue = "import - " .. importTag
- elseif constType == LuauBytecodeTag.LBC_CONSTANT_TABLE then
- local sizeTable = reader:nextVarInt()
- local tableKeys = {}
- for _ = 1, sizeTable do
- local keyStringId = reader:nextVarInt() + 1
- table.insert(tableKeys, keyStringId)
- end
- constValue = { ["size"] = sizeTable, ["keys"] = tableKeys }
- elseif constType == LuauBytecodeTag.LBC_CONSTANT_CLOSURE then
- local closureId = reader:nextVarInt() + 1
- constValue = closureId
- elseif constType == LuauBytecodeTag.LBC_CONSTANT_VECTOR then
- local x, y, z, w = reader:nextFloat(), reader:nextFloat(), reader:nextFloat(), reader:nextFloat()
- if w ~= 0 then
- constValue = `{x}, {y}, {z}, {w})`
- else
- constValue = `{x}, {y}, {z})`
- end
- elseif constType ~= LuauBytecodeTag.LBC_CONSTANT_NIL then
- -- handle unknown constant type later
- end
- proto.constsTable[i] = { ["type"] = constType, ["value"] = constValue }
- end
- proto.sizeInnerProtos = reader:nextVarInt() -- total number of protos inside this proto
- for i = 1, proto.sizeInnerProtos do
- local protoId = reader:nextVarInt()
- proto.innerProtoTable[i] = protoTable[protoId]
- end
- -- lineDefined is the line function starts on
- proto.lineDefined = reader:nextVarInt()
- -- protoSourceId is the string id of the function's name if it is not unnamed
- local protoSourceId = reader:nextVarInt()
- proto.source = stringTable[protoSourceId]
- -- smallLineInfo contains lines for each instruction
- -- largeLineInfo contains lines for each 256 line chunk proto uses
- local hasLineInfo = toboolean(reader:nextByte())
- if hasLineInfo then
- -- this code is confusing
- local logspan = reader:nextByte() -- uint8
- local intervals = rshift(proto.sizeInsns - 1, logspan) + 1
- local lastOffset = 0
- local lastLine = 0
- local added = {}
- local smallLineInfo = {}
- local largeLineInfo = {}
- for i, insn in proto.insnTable do
- local val = reader:nextByte()
- local prevInsn = proto.insnTable[i - 1]
- if prevInsn then
- local insnOP = Luau:INSN_OP(prevInsn)
- local opInfo = LuauOpCode[insnOP]
- if opInfo and opInfo.aux then
- -- ignore aux lines
- val = 0
- end
- end
- local currOP = Luau:INSN_OP(insn)
- local currOPInfo = LuauOpCode[currOP]
- if currOPInfo then
- if string.find(currOPInfo.type, "sD") then
- -- works in most cases but still gotta replace this
- local sD = Luau:INSN_sD(insn)
- if sD < -1 and val ~= 0 then
- val -= (0xFF + 1)
- end
- elseif == "CALL" and val > 0 then
- -- TODO: replace later. i dont trust this. check if there is a pointer to an instruction less than the current one
- val -= (0xFF + 1)
- end
- end
- smallLineInfo[i] = val
- end
- for i = 1, intervals do
- local val = reader:nextUInt32()
- largeLineInfo[i - 1] = val
- end
- for i, offset in smallLineInfo do
- local largeLineIndex = rshift(i - 0.1, logspan)
- local largeLine
- if not added[largeLineIndex] then
- added[largeLineIndex] = true
- largeLine = largeLineInfo[largeLineIndex]
- lastLine += largeLine
- if largeLineIndex ~= 0 then
- offset = 0
- lastOffset = offset
- end
- end
- local lineInsn = proto.insnTable[i]
- local lineOP = lineInsn and Luau:INSN_OP(lineInsn)
- local lineOPInfo = LuauOpCode[lineOP]
- lastOffset += offset
- if i == 1 then
- proto.firstInstruction = {lineOPInfo and, largeLine}
- end
- proto.smallLineInfo[i] = lastOffset
- proto.largeLineInfo[i] =, 0xFFFF)
- end
- end
- -- debug info is local and function parameter names, all that
- local hasDebugInfo = toboolean(reader:nextByte())
- if hasDebugInfo then
- -- script does not use Roblox bytecode
- return ":("
- end
- end
- end
- readProtoTable()
- local mainProtoId = reader:nextVarInt()
- return protoTable[mainProtoId], protoTable, stringTable
- end
- local function roughDecompilation()
- local output = ""
- local mainProto, protoTable, stringTable = disassemble()
- local inlineRemarks = {}
- local function handleInlinedCalls()
- -- its either my lineinfo implementation is faulty or roblox's inlining
- -- is so bad they mess up line numbers. i hate it so much
- -- also this is not trustworthy, if anyone comes up with a better method
- -- try it out
- for i, proto in protoTable do
- local smallLineInfo = proto.smallLineInfo
- local largeLineInfo = proto.largeLineInfo
- local lineDefined = proto.lineDefined
- local insnTable = proto.insnTable
- local validProtos = {}
- for i, otherProto in protoTable do
- local protoName = otherProto.source
- if protoName and otherProto.lineDefined < lineDefined then
- validProtos[i] = otherProto
- end
- end
- local lineOffset = 0
- local queuedInsns = {}
- for i, insn in insnTable do
- local instructionLine = smallLineInfo[i]
- local largeInstructionLine = largeLineInfo[i]
- if queuedInsns[i] then
- queuedInsns[i] = nil
- else
- local prevInstructionLine = smallLineInfo[i - 1]
- local largePrevInstructionLine = largeLineInfo[i - 1]
- if not prevInstructionLine or ((instructionLine + largeInstructionLine) - (prevInstructionLine + largePrevInstructionLine)) >= 30 then
- local actualInstructionLine = largeInstructionLine + (instructionLine - (0xFF + 1))
- local insnOP = Luau:INSN_OP(insn)
- local opInfo = LuauOpCode[insnOP]
- if opInfo then
- for _, otherProto in validProtos do
- local protoName = otherProto.source
- local firstInstructionInfo = otherProto.firstInstruction
- if == firstInstructionInfo[1] and actualInstructionLine == firstInstructionInfo[2] then
- -- this instruction was used in another function previously defined
- inlineRemarks[i..insn] = protoName
- end
- lineOffset += (0xFF + 1)
- for x = i, i + otherProto.sizeInsns - 1 do
- queuedInsns[x] = true
- end
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- smallLineInfo[i] = instructionLine - lineOffset
- end
- end
- end
- handleInlinedCalls()
- local globalData = {}
- local totalParams = 0
- local totalVars = 0
- local function baseProto(proto, depth, isMainProto)
- local localData = {}
- local refData = {}
- --local upvalRefData = {}
- local ifLoopPoints = {}
- local promotedJumps = {}
- local function createLoopPoint(jumpId, pointId)
- --TODO: fix this system. it only works for relatively simplistic if thens and idk why I called it loop point
- if promotedJumps[jumpId] then
- -- promoted to elseif, end is not needed
- return
- end
- local pointData = ifLoopPoints[pointId] or table.create(1)
- local pointInsn = proto.insnTable[pointId]
- local pointOP = pointInsn and Luau:INSN_OP(pointInsn)
- local pointInfo = LuauOpCode[pointOP]
- if pointInfo and == "JUMP" then
- local promote = false
- local jumpEndPoint = pointId + Luau:INSN_sD(pointInsn)
- -- analyze closest jump in range
- for i = pointId + 1, jumpEndPoint do
- local insn = proto.insnTable[i]
- local op = Luau:INSN_OP(insn)
- local opInfo = LuauOpCode[op]
- if opInfo and string.find(, "JUMP") then
- -- check if matches initial jump point
- local endPoint = i + Luau:INSN_sD(insn)
- if endPoint == jumpEndPoint then
- promotedJumps[i] = true
- promote = true
- break
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if promote then
- table.insert(pointData, POINT_TYPE_ELSEIF)
- else
- table.insert(pointData, POINT_TYPE_ELSE)
- end
- else
- table.insert(pointData, POINT_TYPE_END)
- end
- ifLoopPoints[pointId] = pointData
- end
- local protoId =
- local protoNumParams = proto.numParams
- local protoTypeInfo = proto.typeinfo
- local protoFlags = proto.flags
- local protoVars = 0
- local function logRegister(t, register)
- local dataTable
- if t == "local" then
- dataTable = localData
- protoVars += 1
- elseif t == "global" then
- dataTable = globalData
- end
- local isLogged = table.find(dataTable, register)
- if not isLogged then
- table.insert(dataTable, register)
- end
- return isLogged
- end
- local function modifyRegister(register, isUpvalue)
- -- parameter registers are preallocated
- if register < protoNumParams then
- return `p{(totalParams - protoNumParams) + register + 1}`
- else
- local starterCount
- if isUpvalue then
- starterCount = 0
- else
- starterCount = totalVars
- end
- return `v{starterCount + depth + register - protoNumParams}`, true
- end
- end
- local function baseHotComments()
- -- not really needed but I feel like it
- local isNative = false
- local isCold = true
- if protoFlags then
- isNative = toboolean(, LuauProtoFlag.LPF_NATIVE_MODULE))
- isCold = toboolean(, LuauProtoFlag.LPF_NATIVE_COLD))
- end
- local output = ""
- if isNative then
- output ..= "--!native\n"
- output ..= string.format(Strings.DECOMPILER_REMARK, "This function is cold and is not compiled natively")
- end
- end
- return output
- end
- local function baseLocal(register, value)
- local prefix = "local "
- -- previously logged
- if logRegister("local", register) then
- prefix = ""
- end
- local register, isVar = modifyRegister(register)
- if not isVar then
- prefix = ""
- end
- return `{prefix}{register} = {value}`
- end
- local function baseLocals(register, count, value)
- if count > 0 then
- local output = `local `
- for i = 0, count - 1 do
- local usedRegister = register + i
- logRegister("local", usedRegister)
- output ..= modifyRegister(usedRegister)
- if i ~= count - 1 then
- output ..= ", "
- end
- end
- output ..= ` = {value}`
- return output
- else
- return baseLocal(register, value)
- end
- end
- local function baseGlobal(key, value)
- logRegister("global", key)
- return `{key} = {value}`
- end
- local function baseFunc()
- local prefix = ""
- local postfix = "function"
- local output
- if proto.source then
- prefix = "local "
- -- has a name
- postfix ..= ` {proto.source}`
- end
- postfix ..= "("
- output = prefix .. postfix
- -- handle type info
- local hasTypedParameters = false
- if protoTypeInfo and #protoTypeInfo > 0 then
- local encodedType = table.remove(protoTypeInfo, 1)
- if (encodedType ~= LuauBytecodeType.LBC_TYPE_FUNCTION) then
- -- this shouldn't happen? but it happened so i had to do this
- else
- local numparams = table.remove(protoTypeInfo, 1)
- hasTypedParameters = true
- end
- end
- -- complex parameter handling
- for i = 1, proto.numParams do
- -- params coincide with stack index
- local paramRef = totalParams + i
- local typeSetString = ""
- if hasTypedParameters then
- local paramType = protoTypeInfo[i]
- if paramType then
- typeSetString ..= `: {Luau:GetBaseTypeString(paramType, true)}`
- end
- end
- output ..= `p{paramRef}{typeSetString}`
- if i < proto.numParams then
- output ..= ", "
- end
- end
- totalParams = totalParams + proto.numParams
- if proto.isVarArg then
- if proto.numParams > 0 then
- output ..= ", "
- end
- output ..= "..."
- end
- output ..= `) {`-- [line {proto.lineDefined}]`}\n`
- output ..= baseHotComments()
- return output
- end
- --
- local protoOutput = ""
- local function addTab(depth)
- protoOutput ..= string.rep(" ", depth)
- end
- local function addNewLine()
- protoOutput ..= "\n"
- end
- if isMainProto then
- protoOutput ..= baseHotComments()
- else
- protoOutput ..= baseFunc()
- depth += 1
- end
- -- instruction handling here
- local expectation
- local nextIsAux = false
- for insnIndex, insn in proto.insnTable do
- if nextIsAux then
- nextIsAux = false
- else
- addTab(depth)
- local aux = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 1]
- local OP = Luau:INSN_OP(insn)
- local A, B, C = Luau:INSN_A(insn), Luau:INSN_B(insn), Luau:INSN_C(insn)
- local D, sD = Luau:INSN_D(insn), Luau:INSN_sD(insn)
- local E = Luau:INSN_E(insn)
- local opInfo = LuauOpCode[OP]
- if not opInfo then
- protoOutput ..= `UNKNOWN OP: {OP}`
- addNewLine()
- continue
- end
- if opInfo.aux then
- nextIsAux = true
- end
- local lineStr = ""
- local remarkProtoName = inlineRemarks[insnIndex..insn]
- if remarkProtoName then
- lineStr ..= string.format(Strings.DECOMPILER_REMARK, `Function "{remarkProtoName}" was inlined here (LINE IS NOT VALID)`) .. " "
- end
- local instructionLine = proto.smallLineInfo[insnIndex]
- local instructionLargeLine = proto.largeLineInfo[insnIndex]
- lineStr ..= `[line {instructionLargeLine + instructionLine}] `
- end
- protoOutput ..= lineStr .. '--[[# ' .. tostring(insnIndex) .. "]] "
- addTab(1)
- protoOutput ..= or "[UNNAMED]"
- addTab(1)
- end
- -- no scope/flow control
- --local upvalRefs = {}
- --upvalRefData[protoId] = upvalRefs
- local function addReference(refStart, refEnd)
- for _, v in refData do
- if v.insnIndex == refEnd then
- table.insert(v.refs, refStart)
- return
- end
- end
- table.insert(refData, { ["insnIndex"] = refEnd, ["refs"] = {refStart} })
- end
- local nilValue = { ["type"] = "nil", ["value"] = nil }
- --
- local function handleConstantValue(k)
- if k["type"] == LuauBytecodeTag.LBC_CONSTANT_VECTOR then
- return k.value
- else
- if type(tonumber(k.value)) == "number" then
- return tonumber(string.format(`%0.{READER_FLOAT_PRECISION}f`, k.value))
- else
- return toEscapedString(k.value)
- end
- end
- end
- --
- local opConstructors = {} do
- opConstructors["LOADNIL"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, "nil")
- end
- opConstructors["NOP"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= "[NOP]"
- end
- opConstructors["BREAK"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= "break (debugger)"
- end
- opConstructors["LOADK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[D + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, handleConstantValue(k))
- end
- opConstructors["LOADKX"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[aux + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, handleConstantValue(k))
- end
- opConstructors["LOADB"] = function()
- local value = toboolean(B)
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, toEscapedString(value))
- if C ~= 0 then
- protoOutput ..= string.format(" +%i", C) -- skip over next LOADB?
- end
- end
- opConstructors["LOADN"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, sD)
- end
- opConstructors["GETUPVAL"] = function()
- --local upvalRefs = upvalRefData[protoId - 1] or {}
- --local var = upvalRefs[B]
- --if var then
- -- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, toEscapedString(var))
- --else
- -- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `upvalues[{B}]`)
- --end
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{proto.nestedUpvalues[B]} -- get upval`)
- end
- opConstructors["SETUPVAL"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= `{proto.nestedUpvalues[B]} = {modifyRegister(A)} -- set upval`
- end
- opConstructors["CLOSEUPVALS"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= `[CLOSEUPVALS]: clear captures from back until: {A}`
- end
- opConstructors["MOVE"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, modifyRegister(B))
- end
- opConstructors["MINUS"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `-{modifyRegister(B)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["LENGTH"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `#{modifyRegister(B)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["NOT"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `not {modifyRegister(B)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["GETVARARGS"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocals(A, B - 1, "...")
- end
- opConstructors["CONCAT"] = function()
- local value = modifyRegister(B)
- local totalStrings = C - B
- for i = 1, totalStrings do
- value ..= ` .. {modifyRegister(B + i)}`
- end
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, value)
- end
- opConstructors["AND"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} and {modifyRegister(C)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["OR"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} or {modifyRegister(C)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["ANDK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[C + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} and {handleConstantValue(k)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["ORK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[C + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} or {handleConstantValue(k)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["FASTCALL"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= `FASTCALL[{Luau:GetBuiltinInfo(A)}]()`
- end
- opConstructors["FASTCALL1"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= `FASTCALL[{Luau:GetBuiltinInfo(A)}]({modifyRegister(B)})`
- end
- opConstructors["FASTCALL2"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= `FASTCALL[{Luau:GetBuiltinInfo(A)}]({modifyRegister(B)}, {modifyRegister(aux)})`
- end
- opConstructors["FASTCALL2K"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[aux + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= `FASTCALL[{Luau:GetBuiltinInfo(A)}]({modifyRegister(B)}, {handleConstantValue(k)})`
- end
- opConstructors["GETIMPORT"] = function()
- local indexCount = rshift(aux, 30) -- 0x40000000 --> 1, 0x80000000 --> 2
- local cacheIndex1 =, 20), 0x3FF)
- local cacheIndex2 =, 10), 0x3FF)
- local cacheIndex3 =, 0), 0x3FF)
- if indexCount == 1 then
- local k1 = tostring(proto.constsTable[cacheIndex1 + 1].value)
- if not isGlobal(k1) then
- logRegister("global", k1)
- end
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, k1)
- elseif indexCount == 2 then
- local k1 = tostring(proto.constsTable[cacheIndex1 + 1].value)
- local k2 = tostring(proto.constsTable[cacheIndex2 + 1].value)
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{k1}{formatIndexString(k2)}`)
- elseif indexCount == 3 then
- local k1 = tostring(proto.constsTable[cacheIndex1 + 1].value)
- local k2 = tostring(proto.constsTable[cacheIndex2 + 1].value)
- local k3 = tostring(proto.constsTable[cacheIndex3 + 1].value)
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{k1}{formatIndexString(k2)}{formatIndexString(k3)}`)
- else
- error("[GETIMPORT] Too many entries")
- end
- end
- opConstructors["GETGLOBAL"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[aux + 1] or nilValue
- local key = tostring(k.value) -- escaping not required here
- logRegister("global", key)
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, key)
- end
- opConstructors["SETGLOBAL"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[aux + 1] or nilValue
- local key = tostring(k.value)
- protoOutput ..= baseGlobal(key, modifyRegister(A))
- end
- opConstructors["GETTABLE"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)}[{modifyRegister(C)}]`)
- end
- opConstructors["SETTABLE"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= `{modifyRegister(B)}[{modifyRegister(C)}] = {modifyRegister(A)}`
- end
- opConstructors["GETTABLEN"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)}[{C - 1}]`)
- end
- opConstructors["SETTABLEN"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= `{modifyRegister(B)}[{C - 1}] = {modifyRegister(A)}`
- end
- opConstructors["GETTABLEKS"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[aux + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)}{formatIndexString(k.value)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["SETTABLEKS"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[aux + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= `{modifyRegister(B)}{formatIndexString(k.value)} = {modifyRegister(A)}`
- end
- opConstructors["NAMECALL"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[aux + 1] or nilValue
- expectation = { ["type"] = "NAMECALL", ["value"] = `{modifyRegister(B)}:{tostring(k.value)}` }
- --nextIsAux = true
- end
- opConstructors["FORNPREP"] = function() -- prepare numeric loop
- --TODO: read instructions before fornprep and show their values (and clear them away)
- -- also remove step if its 1
- protoOutput ..= `for {modifyRegister(A + 2)} = {modifyRegister(A + 2)}, {modifyRegister(A)}, {modifyRegister(A + 1)} do -- [escape at #{insnIndex + sD}]`
- end
- opConstructors["FORNLOOP"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= "end" .. ` -- FORNLOOP end - iterate + goto #{insnIndex + sD}`
- end
- opConstructors["FORGPREP"] = function() -- prepare generic loop
- local endInsnIndex = insnIndex + sD + 1
- local endInsnAuxIndex = endInsnIndex + 1
- local endInsnAux = proto.insnTable[endInsnAuxIndex]
- local numRegs =, 0xFF)
- local regStr = ""
- for regIndex = 1, numRegs do
- regStr = regStr .. modifyRegister(A + 2 + regIndex)
- if regIndex ~= numRegs then
- regStr = regStr .. ", "
- end
- end
- protoOutput ..= `for {regStr} in {modifyRegister(A)} do -- [escape at #{endInsnIndex}]`
- end
- opConstructors["FORGLOOP"] = function()
- local respectsArrayOrder = toboolean(rshift(aux, 0x1F))
- protoOutput ..= "end" .. string.format(" -- FORGLOOP - iterate + goto #%i", insnIndex + sD) .. (respectsArrayOrder and " (ipairs)" or "")
- end
- opConstructors["FORGPREP_INEXT"] = function()
- local endInsnIndex = insnIndex + sD + 1
- local endInsnAuxIndex = endInsnIndex + 1
- local endInsnAux = proto.insnTable[endInsnAuxIndex]
- local numRegs =, 0xFF)
- local regStr = ""
- for regIndex = 1, numRegs do
- regStr = regStr .. modifyRegister(A + 2 + regIndex)
- if regIndex ~= numRegs then
- regStr = regStr .. ", "
- end
- end
- protoOutput ..= `for {regStr} in {modifyRegister(A)}({modifyRegister(A + 1)}) do -- [escape at #{endInsnIndex}] (ipairs)`
- end
- opConstructors["DEP_FORGLOOP_INEXT"] = function()
- local endInsnIndex = insnIndex + sD + 1
- local endInsnAuxIndex = endInsnIndex + 1
- local endInsnAux = proto.insnTable[endInsnAuxIndex]
- local numRegs =, 0xFF)
- local regStr = ""
- for regIndex = 1, numRegs do
- regStr = regStr .. modifyRegister(A + 2 + regIndex)
- if regIndex ~= numRegs then
- regStr = regStr .. ", "
- end
- end
- protoOutput ..= `for {regStr} in {modifyRegister(A)}({modifyRegister(A + 1)}) do -- [escape at #{endInsnIndex}] (ipairs) DEPRECATED`
- end
- opConstructors["FORGPREP_NEXT"] = function()
- local endInsnIndex = insnIndex + sD + 1
- local endInsnAuxIndex = endInsnIndex + 1
- local endInsnAux = proto.insnTable[endInsnAuxIndex]
- local numRegs =, 0xFF)
- local regStr = ""
- for regIndex = 1, numRegs do
- regStr = regStr .. modifyRegister(A + 2 + regIndex)
- if regIndex ~= numRegs then
- regStr = regStr .. ", "
- end
- end
- protoOutput ..= `for {regStr} in {modifyRegister(A)}({modifyRegister(A + 1)}) do -- [escape at #{endInsnIndex}] (pairs/next)`
- end
- opConstructors["DEP_FORGLOOP_NEXT"] = function()
- local endInsnIndex = insnIndex + sD + 1
- local endInsnAuxIndex = endInsnIndex + 1
- local endInsnAux = proto.insnTable[endInsnAuxIndex]
- local numRegs =, 0xFF)
- local regStr = ""
- for regIndex = 1, numRegs do
- regStr = regStr .. modifyRegister(A + 2 + regIndex)
- if regIndex ~= numRegs then
- regStr = regStr .. ", "
- end
- end
- protoOutput ..= `for {regStr} in {modifyRegister(A)}({modifyRegister(A + 1)}) do -- [escape at #{endInsnIndex}] (pairs/next) DEPRECATED`
- end
- opConstructors["JUMP"] = function()
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- addReference(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("goto #%i", endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPBACK"] = function()
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- addReference(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("go back to #%i -- might be a repeating loop", endPoint + 1)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPIF"] = function(ignoreJump) -- inverse
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- if not ignoreJump and LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name == "JUMPBACK" then
- return opConstructors["JUMPIFNOT"](true)
- end
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- addReference(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if not %s then goto #%i", modifyRegister(A), endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPIFNOT"] = function(ignoreJump) -- inverse
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- if not ignoreJump and LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name == "JUMPBACK" then
- return opConstructors["JUMPIF"](true)
- end
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- addReference(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if %s then goto #%i", modifyRegister(A), endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPX"] = function()
- addReference(insnIndex, insnIndex + E)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("goto #%i [X]", insnIndex + E)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPIFEQ"] = function(ignoreJump) -- inverse
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- if not ignoreJump and LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name == "JUMPBACK" then
- return opConstructors["JUMPIFNOTEQ"](true)
- end
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- addReference(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if %s ~= %s then goto #%i", modifyRegister(A), modifyRegister(aux), endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPIFNOTEQ"] = function(ignoreJump) -- inverse
- if not ignoreJump then
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- local nextOPName = LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name
- if nextOPName == "JUMPBACK" or nextOPName == "CALL" then
- return opConstructors["JUMPIFEQ"](true)
- end
- end
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- addReference(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if %s == %s then goto #%i", modifyRegister(A), modifyRegister(aux), endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPIFLE"] = function(ignoreJump) -- inverse
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- if not ignoreJump and LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name == "JUMPBACK" then
- return opConstructors["JUMPIFNOTLE"](true)
- end
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- addReference(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if %s > %s then goto #%i", modifyRegister(A), modifyRegister(aux), endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPIFNOTLE"] = function(ignoreJump) -- inverse
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- if not ignoreJump and LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name == "JUMPBACK" then
- return opConstructors["JUMPIFLE"](true)
- end
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- addReference(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if %s <= %s then goto #%i", modifyRegister(A), modifyRegister(aux), endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPIFLT"] = function(ignoreJump) -- inverse
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- if not ignoreJump and LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name == "JUMPBACK" then
- return opConstructors["JUMPIFNOTLT"](true)
- end
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- addReference(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if %s >= %s then goto #%i", modifyRegister(A), modifyRegister(aux), endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPIFNOTLT"] = function(ignoreJump) -- inverse
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- if not ignoreJump and LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name == "JUMPBACK" then
- return opConstructors["JUMPIFLT"](true)
- end
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- addReference(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if %s > %s then goto #%i", modifyRegister(aux), modifyRegister(A), endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPXEQKNIL"] = function() -- inverse
- addReference(insnIndex, insnIndex + sD)
- local NOTFlag = rshift(aux, 0x1F) ~= 1
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- if LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name == "JUMPBACK" then
- NOTFlag = not NOTFlag
- end
- local v = if NOTFlag then "~=" else "=="
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if %s %s nil then goto #%i", modifyRegister(A), v, endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPXEQKB"] = function() -- inverse
- addReference(insnIndex, insnIndex + sD)
- local NOTFlag = rshift(aux, 0x1F) ~= 1
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- if LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name == "JUMPBACK" then
- NOTFlag = not NOTFlag
- end
- local v = if NOTFlag then "~=" else "=="
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if %s %s %s then goto #%i", modifyRegister(A), v, tostring(, 1) == 1), endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPXEQKN"] = function() -- inverse
- addReference(insnIndex, insnIndex + sD)
- local NOTFlag = rshift(aux, 0x1F) ~= 1
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- if LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name == "JUMPBACK" then
- NOTFlag = not NOTFlag
- end
- local v = if NOTFlag then "~=" else "=="
- local k = proto.constsTable[, 0xFFFFFF) + 1] or nilValue
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if %s %s %s then goto #%i", modifyRegister(A), v, tostring(k.value), endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["JUMPXEQKS"] = function() -- inverse
- addReference(insnIndex, insnIndex + sD)
- local NOTFlag = rshift(aux, 0x1F) ~= 1
- local nextInsn = proto.insnTable[insnIndex + 2]
- local nextOP = Luau:INSN_OP(nextInsn)
- local nextOPName = LuauOpCode[nextOP] and LuauOpCode[nextOP].name
- if nextOPName == "JUMPBACK" or string.find(nextOPName,"JUMPXEQ%w+") then
- NOTFlag = not NOTFlag
- end
- local v = if NOTFlag then "~=" else "=="
- local k = proto.constsTable[, 0xFFFFFF) + 1] or nilValue
- local endPoint = insnIndex + sD
- createLoopPoint(insnIndex, endPoint)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("if %s %s %s then goto #%i", modifyRegister(A), v, '"' .. tostring(k.value) .. '"', endPoint)
- end
- opConstructors["ADD"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} + {modifyRegister(C)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["ADDK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[C + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} + {handleConstantValue(k)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["SUB"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} - {modifyRegister(C)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["SUBK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[C + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} - {handleConstantValue(k)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["MUL"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} * {modifyRegister(C)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["MULK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[C + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} * {handleConstantValue(k)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["DIV"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} / {modifyRegister(C)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["DIVK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[C + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} / {handleConstantValue(k)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["MOD"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} % {modifyRegister(C)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["MODK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[C + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} % {handleConstantValue(k)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["POW"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} ^ {modifyRegister(C)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["POWK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[C + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} ^ {handleConstantValue(k)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["CALL"] = function()
- if C == 0 then -- MULTRET (Results)
- protoOutput ..= modifyRegister(A - 1)
- else
- for j = 1, C - 1 do
- protoOutput ..= modifyRegister(A + j - 1)
- if j < C - 1 then protoOutput ..= ", " end
- end
- end
- if C ~= 1 then
- protoOutput ..= " = "
- end
- local nameCallExpected = expectation and expectation.type == "NAMECALL"
- if nameCallExpected then
- protoOutput ..= expectation.value .. "("
- else
- protoOutput ..= modifyRegister(A) .. "("
- end
- if (B - 1) == 0 then -- MULTRET (Arguments)
- protoOutput ..= modifyRegister(A + 1)
- else
- if nameCallExpected then
- for j = 1, B - 2 do
- protoOutput ..= modifyRegister(A + 1 + j) -- exclude self
- if j < B - 2 then protoOutput ..= ", " end
- end
- else
- for j = 1, B - 1 do
- protoOutput ..= modifyRegister(A + j)
- if j < B - 1 then protoOutput ..= ", " end
- end
- end
- end
- expectation = nil
- protoOutput ..= ")"
- end
- opConstructors["NATIVECALL"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= "NATIVECALL()"
- end
- opConstructors["NEWTABLE"] = function()
- local arraySize = aux
- if arraySize ~= 0 then
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, string.format("{} -- this array has (%s)indexes by default", arraySize))
- else
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, "{} -- this array is empty")
- end
- end
- opConstructors["DUPTABLE"] = function()
- local t = proto.constsTable[D + 1].value
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, "{")
- for i = 1, t.size do
- local id = t.keys[i]
- local k = proto.constsTable[id]
- protoOutput ..= handleConstantValue(k)
- if i < t.size then
- protoOutput ..= ", "
- end
- end
- --addTab(depth)
- protoOutput ..= "}"
- end
- opConstructors["SETLIST"] = function()
- local reg = A
- local arrayChunkReg = B
- local count = C
- local arrayIndex = aux
- if count == 0 then -- MULTRET
- -- TODO: learn more and fix this
- protoOutput ..= string.format("%s[%i] = ...", modifyRegister(reg), arrayIndex)
- else
- for i = 0, count - 2 do
- protoOutput ..= string.format("%s[%i] = %s\n", modifyRegister(reg), arrayIndex + i, modifyRegister(arrayChunkReg + i))
- end
- end
- end
- opConstructors["COVERAGE"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= string.format("COVERAGE (%i)", E)
- end
- opConstructors["CAPTURE"] = function()
- local captureType = ""
- if A == LuauCaptureType.LCT_VAL then
- -- value is immutable
- captureType = "VAL"
- elseif A == LuauCaptureType.LCT_UPVAL then
- -- upvalues are confirmed locals and not temporary registers
- captureType = "UPVAL"
- elseif A == LuauCaptureType.LCT_REF then
- captureType = "REF"
- end
- protoOutput ..= string.format("CAPTURE %s %s%d\n", captureType, if captureType == "UPVAL" then "U" else "R", B)
- end
- opConstructors["SUBRK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[B + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{handleConstantValue(k)} - {modifyRegister(C)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["DIVRK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[B + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{handleConstantValue(k)} / {modifyRegister(C)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["NEWCLOSURE"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= "[NEWCLOSURE]\n"
- end
- local nextProto = proto.innerProtoTable[D + 1]
- if not nextProto then
- warn("no next proto?")
- end
- local nCaptures = 0
- for j = insnIndex + 1, proto.sizeInsns do
- local insn = proto.insnTable[j]
- local op = Luau:INSN_OP(insn)
- local opInfo = LuauOpCode[op]
- if opInfo and == "CAPTURE" then
- local upvalueIndex = j - insnIndex - 1
- local captureType = Luau:INSN_A(insn)
- local captureIndex = Luau:INSN_B(insn)
- nCaptures += 1
- addTab(depth)
- if captureType == LuauCaptureType.LCT_VAL or captureType == LuauCaptureType.LCT_REF then
- local varRef = modifyRegister(captureIndex, true)
- --upvalRefs[upvalueIndex] = varRef
- protoOutput ..= string.format("-- V nested upvalues[%i] = %s\n", upvalueIndex, varRef)
- nextProto.nestedUpvalues[upvalueIndex] = varRef
- elseif captureType == LuauCaptureType.LCT_UPVAL then
- protoOutput ..= string.format("-- V nested upvalues[%i] = upvalues[%i]\n", upvalueIndex, captureIndex)
- -- temporary
- nextProto.nestedUpvalues[upvalueIndex] = `upvalues[{captureIndex}]`
- else
- error("[NEWCLOSURE] Invalid capture type")
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- insnIndex += nCaptures
- addTab(depth)
- if nextProto then
- if nextProto.source then
- protoOutput ..= baseProto(nextProto, depth, false)
- addTab(depth)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("[NEWCLOSURE] %s = ", modifyRegister(A)) .. nextProto.source
- else
- protoOutput ..= string.format("[NEWCLOSURE] %s = ", modifyRegister(A)) .. baseProto(nextProto, depth, false)
- end
- --TODO: idk what to do with this. causes issues sometimes
- totalVars += nextProto.numVars
- end
- end
- opConstructors["DUPCLOSURE"] = function()
- -- shared upvalues >= 0
- protoOutput ..= "[DUPCLOSURE]\n"
- end
- local nextProto = protoTable[proto.constsTable[D + 1].value - 1]
- if not nextProto then
- warn("no next proto?")
- end
- local nCaptures = 0
- for j = insnIndex + 1, proto.sizeInsns do
- local insn = proto.insnTable[j]
- local op = Luau:INSN_OP(insn)
- local opInfo = LuauOpCode[op]
- if opInfo and == "CAPTURE" then
- local upvalueIndex = j - insnIndex - 1
- local captureType = Luau:INSN_A(insn)
- local captureIndex = Luau:INSN_B(insn)
- nCaptures += 1
- addTab(depth)
- if captureType == LuauCaptureType.LCT_VAL or captureType == LuauCaptureType.LCT_REF then
- local varRef = modifyRegister(captureIndex)
- --upvalRefs[upvalueIndex] = varRef
- protoOutput ..= string.format("-- V nested upvalues[%i] = %s\n", upvalueIndex, varRef)
- nextProto.nestedUpvalues[upvalueIndex] = varRef
- elseif captureType == LuauCaptureType.LCT_UPVAL then
- protoOutput ..= string.format("-- V nested upvalues[%i] = upvalues[%i]\n", upvalueIndex, captureIndex)
- -- temporary
- nextProto.nestedUpvalues[upvalueIndex] = `upvalues[{captureIndex}]`
- else
- error("[DUPCLOSURE] Invalid capture type")
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- insnIndex += nCaptures
- addTab(depth)
- if nextProto then
- if nextProto.source then
- protoOutput ..= baseProto(nextProto, depth, false)
- addTab(depth)
- protoOutput ..= string.format("[DUPCLOSURE] %s = ", modifyRegister(A)) .. nextProto.source
- else
- protoOutput ..= string.format("[DUPCLOSURE] %s = ", modifyRegister(A)) .. baseProto(nextProto, depth, false)
- end
- --TODO: idk what to do with this. causes issues sometimes
- totalVars += nextProto.numVars
- end
- end
- opConstructors["PREPVARARGS"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= string.format("[PREPVARARGS] (%i) -- number of fixed args", A)
- end
- end
- opConstructors["RETURN"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= "return"
- --if B == 1 then return doesn't return any values
- if B == 0 then -- MULTRET
- protoOutput ..= string.format(" %s, ...", modifyRegister(A))
- elseif B > 1 then
- local numValues = B - 2
- for i = 0, numValues do
- protoOutput ..= string.format(" %s", modifyRegister(A + i))
- if i ~= numValues then
- protoOutput ..= ","
- end
- end
- end
- end
- opConstructors["IDIV"] = function()
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} // {modifyRegister(C)}`)
- end
- opConstructors["IDIVK"] = function()
- local k = proto.constsTable[C + 1] or nilValue
- protoOutput ..= baseLocal(A, `{modifyRegister(B)} // {handleConstantValue(k)}`)
- end
- end
- local ctor = opConstructors[]
- if ctor then
- ctor()
- else
- warn(`OP '{}' went unhandled: missing constructor`)
- end
- for _, v in refData do
- if v.insnIndex == insnIndex then
- protoOutput ..= " -- referenced by "
- for i = 1, #v.refs do
- protoOutput ..= "#" .. v.refs[i]
- if i < #v.refs then
- protoOutput ..= ", "
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- addNewLine()
- end
- local loopPointData = ifLoopPoints[insnIndex]
- if loopPointData then
- local hasElse = false
- for i, pointType in loopPointData do
- local pointResult = "end"
- if pointType == POINT_TYPE_ELSE then
- if hasElse then
- -- can't handle it right now, mark as an addition to previous if then
- pointResult = "and (else)"
- else
- hasElse = true
- pointResult = "else"
- end
- elseif pointType == POINT_TYPE_ELSEIF then
- pointResult = "elseif"
- end
- addTab(depth + 4)
- protoOutput ..= pointResult
- addNewLine()
- end
- end
- end
- if not isMainProto then
- depth -= 1
- addTab(depth)
- protoOutput ..= "end"
- addNewLine()
- end
- proto.numVars = protoVars
- return protoOutput
- end
- local decompiledOutput = baseProto(mainProto, 0, true)
- if #globalData > 0 then
- output ..= string.format(Strings.USED_GLOBALS, table.concat(globalData, ", "))
- end
- end
- output ..= decompiledOutput
- return output
- end
- -- supposed to cleanup temporary registers
- local function optimize(code)
- return code
- end
- local function manager(proceed, issue)
- if proceed then
- local startTime
- local elapsedTime
- local result
- local function processingTask()
- startTime = os.clock()
- result = optimize(roughDecompilation())
- elapsedTime = os.clock() - startTime
- end
- task.spawn(processingTask)
- -- wait for yielding task
- while not result and (os.clock() - startTime) < DECOMPILER_TIMEOUT do
- task.wait()
- end
- if result then
- return string.format(Strings.SUCCESS, result), elapsedTime
- else
- return Strings.TIMEOUT
- end
- else
- if issue == "COMPILATION_FAILURE" then
- local errorMessageLength = reader:len() - 1
- local errorMessage = reader:nextString(errorMessageLength)
- return string.format(Strings.COMPILATION_FAILURE, errorMessage)
- elseif issue == "UNSUPPORTED_LBC_VERSION" then
- end
- end
- end
- --
- bytecodeVersion = reader:nextByte()
- if bytecodeVersion == 0 then
- -- script errored
- return manager(false, "COMPILATION_FAILURE")
- elseif bytecodeVersion <= LuauBytecodeTag.LBC_VERSION_MAX and bytecodeVersion >= LuauBytecodeTag.LBC_VERSION_MIN then
- -- script uses supported bytecode version
- return manager(true)
- else
- return manager(false, "UNSUPPORTED_LBC_VERSION")
- end
- end
- local _ENV = (getgenv or getrenv or getfenv)()
- _ENV.decompile = function(script)
- if typeof(script) ~= "Instance" then
- error("invalid argument #1 to 'decompile' (Instance expected)", 2)
- return
- end
- local function isScriptValid()
- local class = script.ClassName
- if class == "Script" then
- return script.RunContext == Enum.RunContext.Client
- else
- return class == "LocalScript" or class == "ModuleScript"
- end
- end
- if not isScriptValid() then
- error("invalid argument #1 to 'decompile' (Instance<LocalScript, ModuleScript> expected)", 2)
- return
- end
- if not getscriptbytecode then
- error("decompile is not enabled. (getscriptbytecode is missing)", 2)
- return
- end
- local success, result = pcall(getscriptbytecode, script)
- if not success or type(result) ~= "string" then
- error(`decompile failed to grab script bytecode: {tostring(result)}`, 2)
- return
- end
- local output, elapsedTime = Decompile(result)
- return output, elapsedTime
- else
- return output
- end
- end
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