

Apr 15th, 2023
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  1. Narrator|N/A|In the brightly painted world of Cartoonland, the Cenobite Babies frolicked in the fields of suffering and pain, secure in their belief that theirs was the ultimate pleasure. |The Cenobite Babies are seen crawling around in a grassy field.
  2. Chatterer Baby|Male|Oh boy, here we go! Another day of playing with our happy toys!|Chatterer Baby smiles wide, showing off his sharp, glistening teeth.
  3. Female Butterball Baby|Female|Yes, playing with our blocks is very tormenting.|Butterball Baby pushes a block over, causing a toy soldier to fall over and shatter.
  4. Female Angelique Baby|Female|I wish something exciting would happen today.|Angelique Baby spins her head toward the Cenobite Clubhouse, where the other babies are inside.
  5. Narrator|N/A|But as the Cenobite Babies waited for something exciting to happen, they would soon learn that not everyone in Cartoonland shared their views on pleasure and pain.|The camera pans out to show an ominous red sky in the distance, with a lone figure walking towards the Cenobite Babies.
  6. Nihilist|Male|Everything is meaningless. Nothing matters.|The Nihilist, dressed in black clothing, approaches the Cenobite Babies.
  7. Female Angelique Baby|Female|Whoa! Who is that? Why does he look so sad?|Angelique Baby points at the Nihilist, who has stopped in front of the Cenobite Babies.
  8. Narrator|N/A|The Cenobite Babies watched as the Nihilist stared blankly ahead, seemingly unaware of the Cenobite Babies' presence.|The Cenobite Babies stare at the Nihilist, who continues to look ahead.
  9. Chatterer Baby|Male|What's wrong with him? Doesn't he like pain?|Chatterer Baby tilts his head, curious about the Nihilist.
  10. Chatterer Baby|Male|Hey, Mister! You look sad! Does pain make you happy?|Chatterer Baby crawls towards the Nihilist, his sharp teeth glinting in the sun.
  11. Nihilist|Male|I find no pleasure in pain or pleasure. Everything is pointless.|The Nihilist looks down at Chatterer Baby, indifferent to the baby's sharp teeth.
  12. Narrator|N/A|The Nihilist's words hit the Cenobite Babies like a ton of bricks. Could it be true? Was everything they believed in meaningless?|The camera zooms in on the Cenobite Babies' faces, as they look at each other in horror.
  13. Female Angelique Baby|Female|No! This can't be true!|Angelique Baby stares at the Nihilist, tears forming in her eyes.
  14. Female Butterball Baby|Female|What are we going to do? If everything truly is meaningless, then what's the point of existence?|Butterball Baby cradles her block, looking lost and sad.
  15. Narrator|N/A|The Cenobite Babies were lost, unsure of what to do next. But they were soon given an answer, as Baby Pinhead emerged from the Clubhouse with his puzzle box in hand. |Baby Pinhead walks out of the Clubhouse, holding his puzzle box.
  16. Baby Pinhead|Male|It doesn't matter if there is no point to existence. We are Cenobites. We were made to explore the limits of pleasure and pain. And that is what we shall do.|Baby Pinhead flicks the puzzle box, causing it to open with a loud click.
  17. Narrator|N/A|The other Cenobite Babies watched as Baby Pinhead walked towards the Nihilist. Without missing a beat, he grabbed the Nihilist by the arms and began to flay him alive.|The Cenobite Babies watch in horror as Baby Pinhead flays the Nihilist alive.
  18. Narrator|N/A|When he was finished, Baby Pinhead lifted the Nihilist's remains and suspended them on a hook that he had attached to the puzzle box.|Baby Pinhead suspends the Nihilist's remains on a hook, attached to the puzzle box.
  19. Female Angelique Baby|Female|But...but why? What was the point?|Angelique Baby looks at Baby Pinhead, tears streaming down her face.
  20. Narrator|N/A|Baby Pinhead smiles cruelly, as he holds up the puzzle box for all to see.|Baby Pinhead holds up the puzzle box, grinning from ear to ear.
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