
PREY (2006): Kills_Alone.binds

Mar 16th, 2016
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  1. unbindall
  2. bind "TAB" "_impulse19"
  3. bind "SPACE" "_moveup"
  4. bind "0" "_impulse0"
  5. bind "1" "_impulse1"
  6. bind "2" "_impulse2"
  7. bind "3" "_impulse3"
  8. bind "4" "_impulse4"
  9. bind "5" "_impulse5"
  10. bind "6" "_impulse6"
  11. bind "7" "_impulse7"
  12. bind "8" "_impulse8"
  13. bind "9" "_impulse9"
  14. bind "\" "_mlook"
  15. bind "a" "_moveleft"
  16. bind "c" "_moveDown"
  17. bind "d" "_moveright"
  18. bind "e" "_impulse54"
  19. bind "f" "_impulse16"
  20. bind "g" "_impulse25"
  21. bind "-" toggle "g_showhud 0"
  22. bind "=" toggle "g_showhud 1"
  23. bind "o" toggle "ui_showgun"
  24. bind "p" toggle "pm_thirdperson"
  25. bind "k" "pm_thirdpersonangle - 0"
  26. bind "l" "pm_thirdpersonangle - 180"
  27. bind "s" "_back"
  28. bind "t" "clientMessageMode"
  29. bind "w" "_forward"
  30. bind "y" "clientMessageMode 1"
  31. bind "LEFTARROW" "_left"
  32. bind "RIGHTARROW" "_right"
  33. bind "CTRL" "_moveDown"
  34. bind "DEL" "_lookdown"
  35. bind "PGDN" "_lookup"
  36. bind "END" "_impulse18"
  37. bind "F1" "togglehelp"
  38. bind "F2" "_impulse28"
  39. bind "F3" "_impulse29"
  40. bind "F4" "_impulse17"
  41. bind "F5" "savegame quick"
  42. bind "F6" "_impulse20"
  43. bind "F7" "_impulse22"
  44. bind "F9" "loadgame quick"
  45. bind "MOUSE1" "_attack"
  46. bind "MOUSE2" "_attackalt"
  47. bind "MOUSE3" "_impulse54"
  48. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "_impulse14"
  49. bind "MWHEELUP" "_impulse15"
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