
Aegir's Fire

Feb 21st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Why is gold called Ægir’s fire? The origin of it is this story:
  2. Ægir, as was told before, went as a guest to Asgard, and when he
  3. was about to return home, he invited Odin and all the Æsir to visit
  4. him after an interval of three months. Undertaking this journey
  5. were first of all Odin and Niord, Freyr, Tyr, Bragi, Vidar, Loki,
  6. and then Asyniur, Frigg, Freyia, Gefiun, Skadi, Idunn, Sif. Thor
  7. was not there; he was away in eastern parts killing trolls. And
  8. when the gods had taken their places, Ægir had glowing gold
  9. brought into the middle of the hall which illuminated and lit up
  10. the hall like fire, and this was used as lights at his feast just as in
  11. Val-hall there had been swords instead of fire. Then Loki wrangled
  12. with all the gods there and killed a slave of Ægir’s called
  13. Fimafeng. The name of another of his slaves is Eldir. Ran is the
  14. name of Ægir’s wife, and the names of their nine daughters are as
  15. was written above. At this feast everything served itself, both food
  16. and ale and all the utensils that were needed for the feast. Then the
  17. Æsir discovered that Ran had a net in which she caught everyone
  18. that went to sea. So this is the story of the origin of gold being
  19. called fire or light or brightness of Ægir, Ran or Ægir’s daughters,
  20. and from such kennings the practice has now developed of calling
  21. gold fire of the sea and of all terms for it, since Ægir and Ran’s
  22. names are also terms for sea, and hence gold is now called fire of
  23. lakes or rivers and of all river-names.
  26. - Prose Edda, Skaldskaparnal
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