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- # This file is part of the python-chess library.
- # Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Niklas Fiekas <>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <>.
- """
- A chess library with move generation and validation,
- Polyglot opening book probing, PGN reading and writing,
- Gaviota tablebase probing,
- Syzygy tablebase probing, and XBoard/UCI engine communication.
- """
- from __future__ import annotations
- __author__ = "Niklas Fiekas"
- __email__ = ""
- __version__ = "1.10.0"
- import collections
- import copy
- import dataclasses
- import enum
- import math
- import re
- import itertools
- import typing
- from typing import ClassVar, Callable, Counter, Dict, Generic, Hashable, Iterable, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, SupportsInt, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
- try:
- from typing import Literal
- _EnPassantSpec = Literal["legal", "fen", "xfen"]
- except ImportError:
- # Before Python 3.8.
- _EnPassantSpec = str # type: ignore
- Color = bool
- COLORS = [WHITE, BLACK] = [True, False]
- COLOR_NAMES = ["black", "white"]
- PieceType = int
- PIECE_SYMBOLS = [None, "p", "n", "b", "r", "q", "k", "a", "c", "e"]
- PIECE_NAMES = [None, "pawn", "knight", "bishop", "rook", "queen", "king", "amazon", "cyryl", "eve"]
- def piece_symbol(piece_type: PieceType) -> str:
- return typing.cast(str, PIECE_SYMBOLS[piece_type])
- def piece_name(piece_type: PieceType) -> str:
- return typing.cast(str, PIECE_NAMES[piece_type])
- "R": "♖", "r": "♜",
- "N": "♘", "n": "♞",
- "B": "♗", "b": "♝",
- "Q": "♕", "q": "♛",
- "K": "♔", "k": "♚",
- "P": "♙", "p": "♟",
- }
- FILE_NAMES = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]
- RANK_NAMES = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"]
- STARTING_FEN = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"
- """The FEN for the standard chess starting position."""
- STARTING_BOARD_FEN = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR"
- """The board part of the FEN for the standard chess starting position."""
- class Status(enum.IntFlag):
- VALID = 0
- NO_WHITE_KING = 1 << 0
- NO_BLACK_KING = 1 << 1
- TOO_MANY_KINGS = 1 << 2
- OPPOSITE_CHECK = 1 << 10
- EMPTY = 1 << 11
- RACE_CHECK = 1 << 12
- RACE_OVER = 1 << 13
- RACE_MATERIAL = 1 << 14
- class Termination(enum.Enum):
- """Enum with reasons for a game to be over."""
- """See :func:`chess.Board.is_checkmate()`."""
- """See :func:`chess.Board.is_stalemate()`."""
- """See :func:`chess.Board.is_insufficient_material()`."""
- """See :func:`chess.Board.is_seventyfive_moves()`."""
- """See :func:`chess.Board.is_fivefold_repetition()`."""
- """See :func:`chess.Board.can_claim_fifty_moves()`."""
- """See :func:`chess.Board.can_claim_threefold_repetition()`."""
- """See :func:`chess.Board.is_variant_win()`."""
- """See :func:`chess.Board.is_variant_loss()`."""
- """See :func:`chess.Board.is_variant_draw()`."""
- @dataclasses.dataclass
- class Outcome:
- """
- Information about the outcome of an ended game, usually obtained from
- :func:`chess.Board.outcome()`.
- """
- termination: Termination
- """The reason for the game to have ended."""
- winner: Optional[Color]
- """The winning color or ``None`` if drawn."""
- def result(self) -> str:
- """Returns ``1-0``, ``0-1`` or ``1/2-1/2``."""
- return "1/2-1/2" if self.winner is None else ("1-0" if self.winner else "0-1")
- class InvalidMoveError(ValueError):
- """Raised when move notation is not syntactically valid"""
- class IllegalMoveError(ValueError):
- """Raised when the attempted move is illegal in the current position"""
- class AmbiguousMoveError(ValueError):
- """Raised when the attempted move is ambiguous in the current position"""
- Square = int
- A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1,
- A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2,
- A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3,
- A4, B4, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, H4,
- A5, B5, C5, D5, E5, F5, G5, H5,
- A6, B6, C6, D6, E6, F6, G6, H6,
- A7, B7, C7, D7, E7, F7, G7, H7,
- A8, B8, C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8,
- ] = range(64)
- SQUARE_NAMES = [f + r for r in RANK_NAMES for f in FILE_NAMES]
- def parse_square(name: str) -> Square:
- """
- Gets the square index for the given square *name*
- (e.g., ``a1`` returns ``0``).
- :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if the square name is invalid.
- """
- return SQUARE_NAMES.index(name)
- def square_name(square: Square) -> str:
- """Gets the name of the square, like ``a3``."""
- return SQUARE_NAMES[square]
- def square(file_index: int, rank_index: int) -> Square:
- """Gets a square number by file and rank index."""
- return rank_index * 8 + file_index
- def square_file(square: Square) -> int:
- """Gets the file index of the square where ``0`` is the a-file."""
- return square & 7
- def square_rank(square: Square) -> int:
- """Gets the rank index of the square where ``0`` is the first rank."""
- return square >> 3
- def square_distance(a: Square, b: Square) -> int:
- """
- Gets the Chebyshev distance (i.e., the number of king steps) from square *a* to *b*.
- """
- return max(abs(square_file(a) - square_file(b)), abs(square_rank(a) - square_rank(b)))
- def square_manhattan_distance(a: Square, b: Square) -> int:
- """
- Gets the Manhattan/Taxicab distance (i.e., the number of orthogonal king steps) from square *a* to *b*.
- """
- return abs(square_file(a) - square_file(b)) + abs(square_rank(a) - square_rank(b))
- def square_knight_distance(a: Square, b: Square) -> int:
- """
- Gets the Knight distance (i.e., the number of knight moves) from square *a* to *b*.
- """
- dx = abs(square_file(a) - square_file(b))
- dy = abs(square_rank(a) - square_rank(b))
- if dx + dy == 1:
- return 3
- elif dx == dy == 2:
- return 4
- elif dx == dy == 1:
- if BB_SQUARES[a] & BB_CORNERS or BB_SQUARES[b] & BB_CORNERS: # Special case only for corner squares
- return 4
- m = math.ceil(max(dx / 2, dy / 2, (dx + dy) / 3))
- return m + ((m + dx + dy) % 2)
- def square_mirror(square: Square) -> Square:
- """Mirrors the square vertically."""
- return square ^ 0x38
- SQUARES_180 = [square_mirror(sq) for sq in SQUARES]
- Bitboard = int
- BB_EMPTY = 0
- BB_ALL = 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff
- BB_A1, BB_B1, BB_C1, BB_D1, BB_E1, BB_F1, BB_G1, BB_H1,
- BB_A2, BB_B2, BB_C2, BB_D2, BB_E2, BB_F2, BB_G2, BB_H2,
- BB_A3, BB_B3, BB_C3, BB_D3, BB_E3, BB_F3, BB_G3, BB_H3,
- BB_A4, BB_B4, BB_C4, BB_D4, BB_E4, BB_F4, BB_G4, BB_H4,
- BB_A5, BB_B5, BB_C5, BB_D5, BB_E5, BB_F5, BB_G5, BB_H5,
- BB_A6, BB_B6, BB_C6, BB_D6, BB_E6, BB_F6, BB_G6, BB_H6,
- BB_A7, BB_B7, BB_C7, BB_D7, BB_E7, BB_F7, BB_G7, BB_H7,
- BB_A8, BB_B8, BB_C8, BB_D8, BB_E8, BB_F8, BB_G8, BB_H8,
- ] = [1 << sq for sq in SQUARES]
- BB_CORNERS = BB_A1 | BB_H1 | BB_A8 | BB_H8
- BB_CENTER = BB_D4 | BB_E4 | BB_D5 | BB_E5
- BB_LIGHT_SQUARES = 0x55aa_55aa_55aa_55aa
- BB_DARK_SQUARES = 0xaa55_aa55_aa55_aa55
- BB_FILES = [
- ] = [0x0101_0101_0101_0101 << i for i in range(8)]
- BB_RANKS = [
- BB_RANK_1,
- BB_RANK_2,
- BB_RANK_3,
- BB_RANK_4,
- BB_RANK_5,
- BB_RANK_6,
- BB_RANK_7,
- BB_RANK_8,
- ] = [0xff << (8 * i) for i in range(8)]
- def lsb(bb: Bitboard) -> int:
- return (bb & -bb).bit_length() - 1
- def scan_forward(bb: Bitboard) -> Iterator[Square]:
- while bb:
- r = bb & -bb
- yield r.bit_length() - 1
- bb ^= r
- def msb(bb: Bitboard) -> int:
- return bb.bit_length() - 1
- def scan_reversed(bb: Bitboard) -> Iterator[Square]:
- while bb:
- r = bb.bit_length() - 1
- yield r
- bb ^= BB_SQUARES[r]
- # Python 3.10 or fallback.
- popcount: Callable[[Bitboard], int] = getattr(int, "bit_count", lambda bb: bin(bb).count("1"))
- def flip_vertical(bb: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- #
- bb = ((bb >> 8) & 0x00ff_00ff_00ff_00ff) | ((bb & 0x00ff_00ff_00ff_00ff) << 8)
- bb = ((bb >> 16) & 0x0000_ffff_0000_ffff) | ((bb & 0x0000_ffff_0000_ffff) << 16)
- bb = (bb >> 32) | ((bb & 0x0000_0000_ffff_ffff) << 32)
- return bb
- def flip_horizontal(bb: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- #
- bb = ((bb >> 1) & 0x5555_5555_5555_5555) | ((bb & 0x5555_5555_5555_5555) << 1)
- bb = ((bb >> 2) & 0x3333_3333_3333_3333) | ((bb & 0x3333_3333_3333_3333) << 2)
- bb = ((bb >> 4) & 0x0f0f_0f0f_0f0f_0f0f) | ((bb & 0x0f0f_0f0f_0f0f_0f0f) << 4)
- return bb
- def flip_diagonal(bb: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- #
- t = (bb ^ (bb << 28)) & 0x0f0f_0f0f_0000_0000
- bb = bb ^ t ^ (t >> 28)
- t = (bb ^ (bb << 14)) & 0x3333_0000_3333_0000
- bb = bb ^ t ^ (t >> 14)
- t = (bb ^ (bb << 7)) & 0x5500_5500_5500_5500
- bb = bb ^ t ^ (t >> 7)
- return bb
- def flip_anti_diagonal(bb: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- #
- t = bb ^ (bb << 36)
- bb = bb ^ ((t ^ (bb >> 36)) & 0xf0f0_f0f0_0f0f_0f0f)
- t = (bb ^ (bb << 18)) & 0xcccc_0000_cccc_0000
- bb = bb ^ t ^ (t >> 18)
- t = (bb ^ (bb << 9)) & 0xaa00_aa00_aa00_aa00
- bb = bb ^ t ^ (t >> 9)
- return bb
- def shift_down(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return b >> 8
- def shift_2_down(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return b >> 16
- def shift_up(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return (b << 8) & BB_ALL
- def shift_2_up(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return (b << 16) & BB_ALL
- def shift_right(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return (b << 1) & ~BB_FILE_A & BB_ALL
- def shift_2_right(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return (b << 2) & ~BB_FILE_A & ~BB_FILE_B & BB_ALL
- def shift_left(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return (b >> 1) & ~BB_FILE_H
- def shift_2_left(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return (b >> 2) & ~BB_FILE_G & ~BB_FILE_H
- def shift_up_left(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return (b << 7) & ~BB_FILE_H & BB_ALL
- def shift_up_right(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return (b << 9) & ~BB_FILE_A & BB_ALL
- def shift_down_left(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return (b >> 9) & ~BB_FILE_H
- def shift_down_right(b: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- return (b >> 7) & ~BB_FILE_A
- def _sliding_attacks(square: Square, occupied: Bitboard, deltas: Iterable[int]) -> Bitboard:
- attacks = BB_EMPTY
- for delta in deltas:
- sq = square
- while True:
- sq += delta
- if not (0 <= sq < 64) or square_distance(sq, sq - delta) > 2:
- break
- attacks |= BB_SQUARES[sq]
- if occupied & BB_SQUARES[sq]:
- break
- return attacks
- def _step_attacks(square: Square, deltas: Iterable[int]) -> Bitboard:
- return _sliding_attacks(square, BB_ALL, deltas)
- BB_KNIGHT_ATTACKS = [_step_attacks(sq, [17, 15, 10, 6, -17, -15, -10, -6]) for sq in SQUARES]
- BB_KING_ATTACKS = [_step_attacks(sq, [9, 8, 7, 1, -9, -8, -7, -1]) for sq in SQUARES]
- BB_PAWN_ATTACKS = [[_step_attacks(sq, deltas) for sq in SQUARES] for deltas in [[-7, -9], [7, 9]]]
- def _edges(square: Square) -> Bitboard:
- return (((BB_RANK_1 | BB_RANK_8) & ~BB_RANKS[square_rank(square)]) |
- ((BB_FILE_A | BB_FILE_H) & ~BB_FILES[square_file(square)]))
- def _carry_rippler(mask: Bitboard) -> Iterator[Bitboard]:
- # Carry-Rippler trick to iterate subsets of mask.
- subset = BB_EMPTY
- while True:
- yield subset
- subset = (subset - mask) & mask
- if not subset:
- break
- def _attack_table(deltas: List[int]) -> Tuple[List[Bitboard], List[Dict[Bitboard, Bitboard]]]:
- mask_table = []
- attack_table = []
- for square in SQUARES:
- attacks = {}
- mask = _sliding_attacks(square, 0, deltas) & ~_edges(square)
- for subset in _carry_rippler(mask):
- attacks[subset] = _sliding_attacks(square, subset, deltas)
- attack_table.append(attacks)
- mask_table.append(mask)
- return mask_table, attack_table
- BB_DIAG_MASKS, BB_DIAG_ATTACKS = _attack_table([-9, -7, 7, 9])
- BB_FILE_MASKS, BB_FILE_ATTACKS = _attack_table([-8, 8])
- BB_RANK_MASKS, BB_RANK_ATTACKS = _attack_table([-1, 1])
- def _rays() -> List[List[Bitboard]]:
- rays = []
- for a, bb_a in enumerate(BB_SQUARES):
- rays_row = []
- for b, bb_b in enumerate(BB_SQUARES):
- if BB_DIAG_ATTACKS[a][0] & bb_b:
- rays_row.append((BB_DIAG_ATTACKS[a][0] & BB_DIAG_ATTACKS[b][0]) | bb_a | bb_b)
- elif BB_RANK_ATTACKS[a][0] & bb_b:
- rays_row.append(BB_RANK_ATTACKS[a][0] | bb_a)
- elif BB_FILE_ATTACKS[a][0] & bb_b:
- rays_row.append(BB_FILE_ATTACKS[a][0] | bb_a)
- else:
- rays_row.append(BB_EMPTY)
- rays.append(rays_row)
- return rays
- BB_RAYS = _rays()
- def ray(a: Square, b: Square) -> Bitboard:
- return BB_RAYS[a][b]
- def between(a: Square, b: Square) -> Bitboard:
- bb = BB_RAYS[a][b] & ((BB_ALL << a) ^ (BB_ALL << b))
- return bb & (bb - 1)
- SAN_REGEX = re.compile(r"^([NBKRQ])?([a-h])?([1-8])?[\-x]?([a-h][1-8])(=?[nbrqkNBRQK])?[\+#]?\Z")
- FEN_CASTLING_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(?:-|[KQABCDEFGH]{0,2}[kqabcdefgh]{0,2})\Z")
- @dataclasses.dataclass
- class Piece:
- """A piece with type and color."""
- piece_type: PieceType
- """The piece type."""
- color: Color
- """The piece color."""
- def symbol(self) -> str:
- """
- Gets the symbol ``P``, ``N``, ``B``, ``R``, ``Q`` or ``K`` for white
- pieces or the lower-case variants for the black pieces.
- """
- symbol = piece_symbol(self.piece_type)
- return symbol.upper() if self.color else symbol
- def unicode_symbol(self, *, invert_color: bool = False) -> str:
- """
- Gets the Unicode character for the piece.
- """
- symbol = self.symbol().swapcase() if invert_color else self.symbol()
- return UNICODE_PIECE_SYMBOLS[symbol]
- def __hash__(self) -> int:
- return self.piece_type + (-1 if self.color else 5)
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return f"Piece.from_symbol({self.symbol()!r})"
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- return self.symbol()
- def _repr_svg_(self) -> str:
- import chess.svg
- return chess.svg.piece(self, size=45)
- @classmethod
- def from_symbol(cls, symbol: str) -> Piece:
- """
- Creates a :class:`~chess.Piece` instance from a piece symbol.
- :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if the symbol is invalid.
- """
- return cls(PIECE_SYMBOLS.index(symbol.lower()), symbol.isupper())
- @dataclasses.dataclass(unsafe_hash=True)
- class Move:
- """
- Represents a move from a square to a square and possibly the promotion
- piece type.
- Drops and null moves are supported.
- """
- from_square: Square
- """The source square."""
- to_square: Square
- """The target square."""
- promotion: Optional[PieceType] = None
- """The promotion piece type or ``None``."""
- drop: Optional[PieceType] = None
- """The drop piece type or ``None``."""
- def uci(self) -> str:
- """
- Gets a UCI string for the move.
- For example, a move from a7 to a8 would be ``a7a8`` or ``a7a8q``
- (if the latter is a promotion to a queen).
- The UCI representation of a null move is ``0000``.
- """
- if self.drop:
- return piece_symbol(self.drop).upper() + "@" + SQUARE_NAMES[self.to_square]
- elif self.promotion:
- return SQUARE_NAMES[self.from_square] + SQUARE_NAMES[self.to_square] + piece_symbol(self.promotion)
- elif self:
- return SQUARE_NAMES[self.from_square] + SQUARE_NAMES[self.to_square]
- else:
- return "0000"
- def xboard(self) -> str:
- return self.uci() if self else "@@@@"
- def __bool__(self) -> bool:
- return bool(self.from_square or self.to_square or self.promotion or self.drop)
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return f"Move.from_uci({self.uci()!r})"
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- return self.uci()
- @classmethod
- def from_uci(cls, uci: str) -> Move:
- """
- Parses a UCI string.
- :raises: :exc:`InvalidMoveError` if the UCI string is invalid.
- """
- if uci == "0000":
- return cls.null()
- elif len(uci) == 4 and "@" == uci[1]:
- try:
- drop = PIECE_SYMBOLS.index(uci[0].lower())
- square = SQUARE_NAMES.index(uci[2:])
- except ValueError:
- raise InvalidMoveError(f"invalid uci: {uci!r}")
- return cls(square, square, drop=drop)
- elif 4 <= len(uci) <= 5:
- try:
- from_square = SQUARE_NAMES.index(uci[0:2])
- to_square = SQUARE_NAMES.index(uci[2:4])
- promotion = PIECE_SYMBOLS.index(uci[4]) if len(uci) == 5 else None
- except ValueError:
- raise InvalidMoveError(f"invalid uci: {uci!r}")
- if from_square == to_square:
- raise InvalidMoveError(f"invalid uci (use 0000 for null moves): {uci!r}")
- return cls(from_square, to_square, promotion=promotion)
- else:
- raise InvalidMoveError(f"expected uci string to be of length 4 or 5: {uci!r}")
- @classmethod
- def null(cls) -> Move:
- """
- Gets a null move.
- A null move just passes the turn to the other side (and possibly
- forfeits en passant capturing). Null moves evaluate to ``False`` in
- boolean contexts.
- >>> import chess
- >>>
- >>> bool(chess.Move.null())
- False
- """
- return cls(0, 0)
- BaseBoardT = TypeVar("BaseBoardT", bound="BaseBoard")
- class BaseBoard:
- """
- A board representing the position of chess pieces. See
- :class:`~chess.Board` for a full board with move generation.
- The board is initialized with the standard chess starting position, unless
- otherwise specified in the optional *board_fen* argument. If *board_fen*
- is ``None``, an empty board is created.
- """
- def __init__(self, board_fen: Optional[str] = STARTING_BOARD_FEN) -> None:
- self.occupied_co = [BB_EMPTY, BB_EMPTY]
- if board_fen is None:
- self._clear_board()
- elif board_fen == STARTING_BOARD_FEN:
- self._reset_board()
- else:
- self._set_board_fen(board_fen)
- def _reset_board(self) -> None:
- self.pawns = BB_RANK_2 | BB_RANK_7
- self.knights = BB_B1 | BB_G1 | BB_B8 | BB_G8
- self.bishops = BB_C1 | BB_F1 | BB_C8 | BB_F8
- self.rooks = BB_CORNERS
- self.queens = BB_D1 | BB_D8
- self.kings = BB_E1 | BB_E8
- self.promoted = BB_EMPTY
- self.occupied_co[WHITE] = BB_RANK_1 | BB_RANK_2
- self.occupied_co[BLACK] = BB_RANK_7 | BB_RANK_8
- self.occupied = BB_RANK_1 | BB_RANK_2 | BB_RANK_7 | BB_RANK_8
- def reset_board(self) -> None:
- """
- Resets pieces to the starting position.
- :class:`~chess.Board` also resets the move stack, but not turn,
- castling rights and move counters. Use :func:`chess.Board.reset()` to
- fully restore the starting position.
- """
- self._reset_board()
- def _clear_board(self) -> None:
- self.pawns = BB_EMPTY
- self.knights = BB_EMPTY
- self.bishops = BB_EMPTY
- self.rooks = BB_EMPTY
- self.queens = BB_EMPTY
- self.kings = BB_EMPTY
- self.promoted = BB_EMPTY
- self.occupied_co[WHITE] = BB_EMPTY
- self.occupied_co[BLACK] = BB_EMPTY
- self.occupied = BB_EMPTY
- def clear_board(self) -> None:
- """
- Clears the board.
- :class:`~chess.Board` also clears the move stack.
- """
- self._clear_board()
- def pieces_mask(self, piece_type: PieceType, color: Color) -> Bitboard:
- if piece_type == PAWN:
- bb = self.pawns
- elif piece_type == KNIGHT:
- bb = self.knights
- elif piece_type == BISHOP:
- bb = self.bishops
- elif piece_type == ROOK:
- bb = self.rooks
- elif piece_type == QUEEN:
- bb = self.queens
- elif piece_type == KING:
- bb = self.kings
- else:
- assert False, f"expected PieceType, got {piece_type!r}"
- return bb & self.occupied_co[color]
- def pieces(self, piece_type: PieceType, color: Color) -> SquareSet:
- """
- Gets pieces of the given type and color.
- Returns a :class:`set of squares <chess.SquareSet>`.
- """
- return SquareSet(self.pieces_mask(piece_type, color))
- def piece_at(self, square: Square) -> Optional[Piece]:
- """Gets the :class:`piece <chess.Piece>` at the given square."""
- piece_type = self.piece_type_at(square)
- if piece_type:
- mask = BB_SQUARES[square]
- color = bool(self.occupied_co[WHITE] & mask)
- return Piece(piece_type, color)
- else:
- return None
- def piece_type_at(self, square: Square) -> Optional[PieceType]:
- """Gets the piece type at the given square."""
- mask = BB_SQUARES[square]
- if not self.occupied & mask:
- return None # Early return
- elif self.pawns & mask:
- return PAWN
- elif self.knights & mask:
- return KNIGHT
- elif self.bishops & mask:
- return BISHOP
- elif self.rooks & mask:
- return ROOK
- elif self.queens & mask:
- return QUEEN
- else:
- return KING
- def color_at(self, square: Square) -> Optional[Color]:
- """Gets the color of the piece at the given square."""
- mask = BB_SQUARES[square]
- if self.occupied_co[WHITE] & mask:
- return WHITE
- elif self.occupied_co[BLACK] & mask:
- return BLACK
- else:
- return None
- def king(self, color: Color) -> Optional[Square]:
- """
- Finds the king square of the given side. Returns ``None`` if there
- is no king of that color.
- In variants with king promotions, only non-promoted kings are
- considered.
- """
- king_mask = self.occupied_co[color] & self.kings & ~self.promoted
- return msb(king_mask) if king_mask else None
- def attacks_mask(self, piece_type, square, occupied) -> Bitboard:
- bb_square = BB_SQUARES[square]
- if bb_square & self.pawns:
- color = bool(bb_square & self.occupied_co[WHITE])
- return BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[color][square]
- elif bb_square & self.knights:
- return BB_KNIGHT_ATTACKS[square]
- elif bb_square & self.kings:
- return BB_KING_ATTACKS[square]
- else:
- attacks = 0
- if bb_square & self.bishops or bb_square & self.queens:
- attacks = BB_DIAG_ATTACKS[square][BB_DIAG_MASKS[square] & self.occupied]
- if bb_square & self.rooks or bb_square & self.queens:
- attacks |= (BB_RANK_ATTACKS[square][BB_RANK_MASKS[square] & self.occupied] |
- BB_FILE_ATTACKS[square][BB_FILE_MASKS[square] & self.occupied])
- return attacks
- def attacks(self, square: Square) -> SquareSet:
- """
- Gets the set of attacked squares from the given square.
- There will be no attacks if the square is empty. Pinned pieces are
- still attacking other squares.
- Returns a :class:`set of squares <chess.SquareSet>`.
- """
- return SquareSet(self.attacks_mask(square))
- def _attackers_mask(self, color: Color, square: Square, occupied: Bitboard) -> Bitboard:
- rank_pieces = BB_RANK_MASKS[square] & occupied
- file_pieces = BB_FILE_MASKS[square] & occupied
- diag_pieces = BB_DIAG_MASKS[square] & occupied
- queens_and_rooks = self.queens | self.rooks
- queens_and_bishops = self.queens | self.bishops
- attackers = (
- (BB_KING_ATTACKS[square] & self.kings) |
- (BB_KNIGHT_ATTACKS[square] & self.knights) |
- (BB_RANK_ATTACKS[square][rank_pieces] & queens_and_rooks) |
- (BB_FILE_ATTACKS[square][file_pieces] & queens_and_rooks) |
- (BB_DIAG_ATTACKS[square][diag_pieces] & queens_and_bishops) |
- (BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[not color][square] & self.pawns))
- return attackers & self.occupied_co[color]
- def attackers_mask(self, color: Color, square: Square) -> Bitboard:
- return self._attackers_mask(color, square, self.occupied)
- def is_attacked_by(self, color: Color, square: Square) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the given side attacks the given square.
- Pinned pieces still count as attackers. Pawns that can be captured
- en passant are **not** considered attacked.
- """
- return bool(self.attackers_mask(color, square))
- def attackers(self, color: Color, square: Square) -> SquareSet:
- """
- Gets the set of attackers of the given color for the given square.
- Pinned pieces still count as attackers.
- Returns a :class:`set of squares <chess.SquareSet>`.
- """
- return SquareSet(self.attackers_mask(color, square))
- def pin_mask(self, color: Color, square: Square) -> Bitboard:
- king = self.king(color)
- if king is None:
- return BB_ALL
- square_mask = BB_SQUARES[square]
- for attacks, sliders in [(BB_FILE_ATTACKS, self.rooks | self.queens),
- (BB_RANK_ATTACKS, self.rooks | self.queens),
- (BB_DIAG_ATTACKS, self.bishops | self.queens)]:
- rays = attacks[king][0]
- if rays & square_mask:
- snipers = rays & sliders & self.occupied_co[not color]
- for sniper in scan_reversed(snipers):
- if between(sniper, king) & (self.occupied | square_mask) == square_mask:
- return ray(king, sniper)
- break
- return BB_ALL
- def pin(self, color: Color, square: Square) -> SquareSet:
- """
- Detects an absolute pin (and its direction) of the given square to
- the king of the given color.
- >>> import chess
- >>>
- >>> board = chess.Board("rnb1k2r/ppp2ppp/5n2/3q4/1b1P4/2N5/PP3PPP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 3 7")
- >>> board.is_pinned(chess.WHITE, chess.C3)
- True
- >>> direction =, chess.C3)
- >>> direction
- SquareSet(0x0000_0001_0204_0810)
- >>> print(direction)
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- 1 . . . . . . .
- . 1 . . . . . .
- . . 1 . . . . .
- . . . 1 . . . .
- . . . . 1 . . .
- Returns a :class:`set of squares <chess.SquareSet>` that mask the rank,
- file or diagonal of the pin. If there is no pin, then a mask of the
- entire board is returned.
- """
- return SquareSet(self.pin_mask(color, square))
- def is_pinned(self, color: Color, square: Square) -> bool:
- """
- Detects if the given square is pinned to the king of the given color.
- """
- return self.pin_mask(color, square) != BB_ALL
- def _remove_piece_at(self, square: Square) -> Optional[PieceType]:
- piece_type = self.piece_type_at(square)
- mask = BB_SQUARES[square]
- if piece_type == PAWN:
- self.pawns ^= mask
- elif piece_type == KNIGHT:
- self.knights ^= mask
- elif piece_type == BISHOP:
- self.bishops ^= mask
- elif piece_type == ROOK:
- self.rooks ^= mask
- elif piece_type == QUEEN:
- self.queens ^= mask
- elif piece_type == KING:
- self.kings ^= mask
- else:
- return None
- self.occupied ^= mask
- self.occupied_co[WHITE] &= ~mask
- self.occupied_co[BLACK] &= ~mask
- self.promoted &= ~mask
- return piece_type
- def remove_piece_at(self, square: Square) -> Optional[Piece]:
- """
- Removes the piece from the given square. Returns the
- :class:`~chess.Piece` or ``None`` if the square was already empty.
- :class:`~chess.Board` also clears the move stack.
- """
- color = bool(self.occupied_co[WHITE] & BB_SQUARES[square])
- piece_type = self._remove_piece_at(square)
- return Piece(piece_type, color) if piece_type else None
- def _set_piece_at(self, square: Square, piece_type: PieceType, color: Color, promoted: bool = False) -> None:
- self._remove_piece_at(square)
- mask = BB_SQUARES[square]
- if piece_type == PAWN:
- self.pawns |= mask
- elif piece_type == KNIGHT:
- self.knights |= mask
- elif piece_type == BISHOP:
- self.bishops |= mask
- elif piece_type == ROOK:
- self.rooks |= mask
- elif piece_type == QUEEN:
- self.queens |= mask
- elif piece_type == KING:
- self.kings |= mask
- else:
- return
- self.occupied ^= mask
- self.occupied_co[color] ^= mask
- if promoted:
- self.promoted ^= mask
- def set_piece_at(self, square: Square, piece: Optional[Piece], promoted: bool = False) -> None:
- """
- Sets a piece at the given square.
- An existing piece is replaced. Setting *piece* to ``None`` is
- equivalent to :func:`~chess.Board.remove_piece_at()`.
- :class:`~chess.Board` also clears the move stack.
- """
- if piece is None:
- self._remove_piece_at(square)
- else:
- self._set_piece_at(square, piece.piece_type, piece.color, promoted)
- def board_fen(self, *, promoted: Optional[bool] = False) -> str:
- """
- Gets the board FEN (e.g.,
- ``rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR``).
- """
- builder = []
- empty = 0
- for square in SQUARES_180:
- piece = self.piece_at(square)
- if not piece:
- empty += 1
- else:
- if empty:
- builder.append(str(empty))
- empty = 0
- builder.append(piece.symbol())
- if promoted and BB_SQUARES[square] & self.promoted:
- builder.append("~")
- if BB_SQUARES[square] & BB_FILE_H:
- if empty:
- builder.append(str(empty))
- empty = 0
- if square != H1:
- builder.append("/")
- return "".join(builder)
- def _set_board_fen(self, fen: str) -> None:
- # Compatibility with set_fen().
- fen = fen.strip()
- if " " in fen:
- raise ValueError(f"expected position part of fen, got multiple parts: {fen!r}")
- # Ensure the FEN is valid.
- rows = fen.split("/")
- if len(rows) != 8:
- raise ValueError(f"expected 8 rows in position part of fen: {fen!r}")
- # Validate each row.
- for row in rows:
- field_sum = 0
- previous_was_digit = False
- previous_was_piece = False
- for c in row:
- if c in ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"]:
- if previous_was_digit:
- pass
- # raise ValueError(f"two subsequent digits in position part of fen: {fen!r}")
- field_sum += int(c)
- previous_was_digit = True
- previous_was_piece = False
- elif c == "~":
- if not previous_was_piece:
- raise ValueError(f"'~' not after piece in position part of fen: {fen!r}")
- previous_was_digit = False
- previous_was_piece = False
- elif c.lower() in PIECE_SYMBOLS:
- field_sum += 1
- previous_was_digit = False
- previous_was_piece = True
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"invalid character in position part of fen: {fen!r}")
- if field_sum != 8:
- raise ValueError(f"expected 8 columns per row in position part of fen: {fen!r}")
- # Clear the board.
- self._clear_board()
- # Put pieces on the board.
- square_index = 0
- for c in fen:
- if c in ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"]:
- square_index += int(c)
- elif c.lower() in PIECE_SYMBOLS:
- piece = Piece.from_symbol(c)
- self._set_piece_at(SQUARES_180[square_index], piece.piece_type, piece.color)
- square_index += 1
- elif c == "~":
- self.promoted |= BB_SQUARES[SQUARES_180[square_index - 1]]
- def set_board_fen(self, fen: str) -> None:
- """
- Parses *fen* and sets up the board, where *fen* is the board part of
- a FEN.
- :class:`~chess.Board` also clears the move stack.
- :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if syntactically invalid.
- """
- self._set_board_fen(fen)
- def piece_map(self, *, mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL) -> Dict[Square, Piece]:
- """
- Gets a dictionary of :class:`pieces <chess.Piece>` by square index.
- """
- result = {}
- for square in scan_reversed(self.occupied & mask):
- result[square] = typing.cast(Piece, self.piece_at(square))
- return result
- def _set_piece_map(self, pieces: Mapping[Square, Piece]) -> None:
- self._clear_board()
- for square, piece in pieces.items():
- self._set_piece_at(square, piece.piece_type, piece.color)
- def set_piece_map(self, pieces: Mapping[Square, Piece]) -> None:
- """
- Sets up the board from a dictionary of :class:`pieces <chess.Piece>`
- by square index.
- :class:`~chess.Board` also clears the move stack.
- """
- self._set_piece_map(pieces)
- def _set_chess960_pos(self, scharnagl: int) -> None:
- if not 0 <= scharnagl <= 959:
- raise ValueError(f"chess960 position index not 0 <= {scharnagl!r} <= 959")
- # See for
- # a description of the algorithm.
- n, bw = divmod(scharnagl, 4)
- n, bb = divmod(n, 4)
- n, q = divmod(n, 6)
- for n1 in range(0, 4):
- n2 = n + (3 - n1) * (4 - n1) // 2 - 5
- if n1 < n2 and 1 <= n2 <= 4:
- break
- # Bishops.
- bw_file = bw * 2 + 1
- bb_file = bb * 2
- self.bishops = (BB_FILES[bw_file] | BB_FILES[bb_file]) & BB_BACKRANKS
- # Queens.
- q_file = q
- q_file += int(min(bw_file, bb_file) <= q_file)
- q_file += int(max(bw_file, bb_file) <= q_file)
- self.queens = BB_FILES[q_file] & BB_BACKRANKS
- used = [bw_file, bb_file, q_file]
- # Knights.
- self.knights = BB_EMPTY
- for i in range(0, 8):
- if i not in used:
- if n1 == 0 or n2 == 0:
- self.knights |= BB_FILES[i] & BB_BACKRANKS
- used.append(i)
- n1 -= 1
- n2 -= 1
- # RKR.
- for i in range(0, 8):
- if i not in used:
- self.rooks = BB_FILES[i] & BB_BACKRANKS
- used.append(i)
- break
- for i in range(1, 8):
- if i not in used:
- self.kings = BB_FILES[i] & BB_BACKRANKS
- used.append(i)
- break
- for i in range(2, 8):
- if i not in used:
- self.rooks |= BB_FILES[i] & BB_BACKRANKS
- break
- # Finalize.
- self.pawns = BB_RANK_2 | BB_RANK_7
- self.occupied_co[WHITE] = BB_RANK_1 | BB_RANK_2
- self.occupied_co[BLACK] = BB_RANK_7 | BB_RANK_8
- self.occupied = BB_RANK_1 | BB_RANK_2 | BB_RANK_7 | BB_RANK_8
- self.promoted = BB_EMPTY
- def set_chess960_pos(self, scharnagl: int) -> None:
- """
- Sets up a Chess960 starting position given its index between 0 and 959.
- Also see :func:`~chess.BaseBoard.from_chess960_pos()`.
- """
- self._set_chess960_pos(scharnagl)
- def chess960_pos(self) -> Optional[int]:
- """
- Gets the Chess960 starting position index between 0 and 959,
- or ``None``.
- """
- if self.occupied_co[WHITE] != BB_RANK_1 | BB_RANK_2:
- return None
- if self.occupied_co[BLACK] != BB_RANK_7 | BB_RANK_8:
- return None
- if self.pawns != BB_RANK_2 | BB_RANK_7:
- return None
- if self.promoted:
- return None
- # Piece counts.
- brnqk = [self.bishops, self.rooks, self.knights, self.queens, self.kings]
- if [popcount(pieces) for pieces in brnqk] != [4, 4, 4, 2, 2]:
- return None
- # Symmetry.
- if any((BB_RANK_1 & pieces) << 56 != BB_RANK_8 & pieces for pieces in brnqk):
- return None
- # Algorithm from ChessX, src/database/bitboard.cpp, r2254.
- x = self.bishops & (2 + 8 + 32 + 128)
- if not x:
- return None
- bs1 = (lsb(x) - 1) // 2
- cc_pos = bs1
- x = self.bishops & (1 + 4 + 16 + 64)
- if not x:
- return None
- bs2 = lsb(x) * 2
- cc_pos += bs2
- q = 0
- qf = False
- n0 = 0
- n1 = 0
- n0f = False
- n1f = False
- rf = 0
- n0s = [0, 4, 7, 9]
- for square in range(A1, H1 + 1):
- bb = BB_SQUARES[square]
- if bb & self.queens:
- qf = True
- elif bb & self.rooks or bb & self.kings:
- if bb & self.kings:
- if rf != 1:
- return None
- else:
- rf += 1
- if not qf:
- q += 1
- if not n0f:
- n0 += 1
- elif not n1f:
- n1 += 1
- elif bb & self.knights:
- if not qf:
- q += 1
- if not n0f:
- n0f = True
- elif not n1f:
- n1f = True
- if n0 < 4 and n1f and qf:
- cc_pos += q * 16
- krn = n0s[n0] + n1
- cc_pos += krn * 96
- return cc_pos
- else:
- return None
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.board_fen()!r})"
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- builder = []
- for square in SQUARES_180:
- piece = self.piece_at(square)
- if piece:
- builder.append(piece.symbol())
- else:
- builder.append(".")
- if BB_SQUARES[square] & BB_FILE_H:
- if square != H1:
- builder.append("\n")
- else:
- builder.append(" ")
- return "".join(builder)
- def unicode(self, *, invert_color: bool = False, borders: bool = False, empty_square: str = "⭘", orientation: Color = WHITE) -> str:
- """
- Returns a string representation of the board with Unicode pieces.
- Useful for pretty-printing to a terminal.
- :param invert_color: Invert color of the Unicode pieces.
- :param borders: Show borders and a coordinate margin.
- """
- builder = []
- for rank_index in (range(7, -1, -1) if orientation else range(8)):
- if borders:
- builder.append(" ")
- builder.append("-" * 17)
- builder.append("\n")
- builder.append(RANK_NAMES[rank_index])
- builder.append(" ")
- for i, file_index in enumerate(range(8) if orientation else range(7, -1, -1)):
- square_index = square(file_index, rank_index)
- if borders:
- builder.append("|")
- elif i > 0:
- builder.append(" ")
- piece = self.piece_at(square_index)
- if piece:
- builder.append(piece.unicode_symbol(invert_color=invert_color))
- else:
- builder.append(empty_square)
- if borders:
- builder.append("|")
- if borders or (rank_index > 0 if orientation else rank_index < 7):
- builder.append("\n")
- if borders:
- builder.append(" ")
- builder.append("-" * 17)
- builder.append("\n")
- letters = "a b c d e f g h" if orientation else "h g f e d c b a"
- builder.append(" " + letters)
- return "".join(builder)
- def _repr_svg_(self) -> str:
- import chess.svg
- return chess.svg.board(board=self, size=400)
- def __eq__(self, board: object) -> bool:
- if isinstance(board, BaseBoard):
- return (
- self.occupied == board.occupied and
- self.occupied_co[WHITE] == board.occupied_co[WHITE] and
- self.pawns == board.pawns and
- self.knights == board.knights and
- self.bishops == board.bishops and
- self.rooks == board.rooks and
- self.queens == board.queens and
- self.kings == board.kings)
- else:
- return NotImplemented
- def apply_transform(self, f: Callable[[Bitboard], Bitboard]) -> None:
- self.pawns = f(self.pawns)
- self.knights = f(self.knights)
- self.bishops = f(self.bishops)
- self.rooks = f(self.rooks)
- self.queens = f(self.queens)
- self.kings = f(self.kings)
- self.occupied_co[WHITE] = f(self.occupied_co[WHITE])
- self.occupied_co[BLACK] = f(self.occupied_co[BLACK])
- self.occupied = f(self.occupied)
- self.promoted = f(self.promoted)
- def transform(self: BaseBoardT, f: Callable[[Bitboard], Bitboard]) -> BaseBoardT:
- """
- Returns a transformed copy of the board (without move stack)
- by applying a bitboard transformation function.
- Available transformations include :func:`chess.flip_vertical()`,
- :func:`chess.flip_horizontal()`, :func:`chess.flip_diagonal()`,
- :func:`chess.flip_anti_diagonal()`, :func:`chess.shift_down()`,
- :func:`chess.shift_up()`, :func:`chess.shift_left()`, and
- :func:`chess.shift_right()`.
- Alternatively, :func:`~chess.BaseBoard.apply_transform()` can be used
- to apply the transformation on the board.
- """
- board = self.copy()
- board.apply_transform(f)
- return board
- def apply_mirror(self: BaseBoardT) -> None:
- self.apply_transform(flip_vertical)
- self.occupied_co[WHITE], self.occupied_co[BLACK] = self.occupied_co[BLACK], self.occupied_co[WHITE]
- def mirror(self: BaseBoardT) -> BaseBoardT:
- """
- Returns a mirrored copy of the board (without move stack).
- The board is mirrored vertically and piece colors are swapped, so that
- the position is equivalent modulo color.
- Alternatively, :func:`~chess.BaseBoard.apply_mirror()` can be used
- to mirror the board.
- """
- board = self.copy()
- board.apply_mirror()
- return board
- def copy(self: BaseBoardT) -> BaseBoardT:
- """Creates a copy of the board."""
- board = type(self)(None)
- board.pawns = self.pawns
- board.knights = self.knights
- board.bishops = self.bishops
- board.rooks = self.rooks
- board.queens = self.queens
- board.kings = self.kings
- board.occupied_co[WHITE] = self.occupied_co[WHITE]
- board.occupied_co[BLACK] = self.occupied_co[BLACK]
- board.occupied = self.occupied
- board.promoted = self.promoted
- return board
- def __copy__(self: BaseBoardT) -> BaseBoardT:
- return self.copy()
- def __deepcopy__(self: BaseBoardT, memo: Dict[int, object]) -> BaseBoardT:
- board = self.copy()
- memo[id(self)] = board
- return board
- @classmethod
- def empty(cls: Type[BaseBoardT]) -> BaseBoardT:
- """
- Creates a new empty board. Also see
- :func:`~chess.BaseBoard.clear_board()`.
- """
- return cls(None)
- @classmethod
- def from_chess960_pos(cls: Type[BaseBoardT], scharnagl: int) -> BaseBoardT:
- """
- Creates a new board, initialized with a Chess960 starting position.
- >>> import chess
- >>> import random
- >>>
- >>> board = chess.Board.from_chess960_pos(random.randint(0, 959))
- """
- board = cls.empty()
- board.set_chess960_pos(scharnagl)
- return board
- BoardT = TypeVar("BoardT", bound="Board")
- class _BoardState(Generic[BoardT]):
- def __init__(self, board: BoardT) -> None:
- self.pawns = board.pawns
- self.knights = board.knights
- self.bishops = board.bishops
- self.rooks = board.rooks
- self.queens = board.queens
- self.kings = board.kings
- self.occupied_w = board.occupied_co[WHITE]
- self.occupied_b = board.occupied_co[BLACK]
- self.occupied = board.occupied
- self.promoted = board.promoted
- self.turn = board.turn
- self.castling_rights = board.castling_rights
- self.ep_square = board.ep_square
- self.halfmove_clock = board.halfmove_clock
- self.fullmove_number = board.fullmove_number
- def restore(self, board: BoardT) -> None:
- board.pawns = self.pawns
- board.knights = self.knights
- board.bishops = self.bishops
- board.rooks = self.rooks
- board.queens = self.queens
- board.kings = self.kings
- board.occupied_co[WHITE] = self.occupied_w
- board.occupied_co[BLACK] = self.occupied_b
- board.occupied = self.occupied
- board.promoted = self.promoted
- board.turn = self.turn
- board.castling_rights = self.castling_rights
- board.ep_square = self.ep_square
- board.halfmove_clock = self.halfmove_clock
- board.fullmove_number = self.fullmove_number
- class Board(BaseBoard):
- """
- A :class:`~chess.BaseBoard`, additional information representing
- a chess position, and a :data:`move stack <chess.Board.move_stack>`.
- Provides :data:`move generation <chess.Board.legal_moves>`, validation,
- :func:`parsing <chess.Board.parse_san()>`, attack generation,
- :func:`game end detection <chess.Board.is_game_over()>`,
- and the capability to :func:`make <chess.Board.push()>` and
- :func:`unmake <chess.Board.pop()>` moves.
- The board is initialized to the standard chess starting position,
- unless otherwise specified in the optional *fen* argument.
- If *fen* is ``None``, an empty board is created.
- Optionally supports *chess960*. In Chess960, castling moves are encoded
- by a king move to the corresponding rook square.
- Use :func:`chess.Board.from_chess960_pos()` to create a board with one
- of the Chess960 starting positions.
- It's safe to set :data:`~Board.turn`, :data:`~Board.castling_rights`,
- :data:`~Board.ep_square`, :data:`~Board.halfmove_clock` and
- :data:`~Board.fullmove_number` directly.
- .. warning::
- It is possible to set up and work with invalid positions. In this
- case, :class:`~chess.Board` implements a kind of "pseudo-chess"
- (useful to gracefully handle errors or to implement chess variants).
- Use :func:`~chess.Board.is_valid()` to detect invalid positions.
- """
- aliases: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["Standard", "Chess", "Classical", "Normal", "Illegal", "From Position"]
- uci_variant: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = "chess"
- xboard_variant: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = "normal"
- starting_fen: ClassVar[str] = STARTING_FEN
- tbw_suffix: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = ".rtbw"
- tbz_suffix: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = ".rtbz"
- tbw_magic: ClassVar[Optional[bytes]] = b"\x71\xe8\x23\x5d"
- tbz_magic: ClassVar[Optional[bytes]] = b"\xd7\x66\x0c\xa5"
- pawnless_tbw_suffix: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None
- pawnless_tbz_suffix: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None
- pawnless_tbw_magic: ClassVar[Optional[bytes]] = None
- pawnless_tbz_magic: ClassVar[Optional[bytes]] = None
- connected_kings: ClassVar[bool] = False
- one_king: ClassVar[bool] = True
- captures_compulsory: ClassVar[bool] = False
- turn: Color
- """The side to move (``chess.WHITE`` or ``chess.BLACK``)."""
- castling_rights: Bitboard
- """
- Bitmask of the rooks with castling rights.
- To test for specific squares:
- >>> import chess
- >>>
- >>> board = chess.Board()
- >>> bool(board.castling_rights & chess.BB_H1) # White can castle with the h1 rook
- True
- To add a specific square:
- >>> board.castling_rights |= chess.BB_A1
- Use :func:`~chess.Board.set_castling_fen()` to set multiple castling
- rights. Also see :func:`~chess.Board.has_castling_rights()`,
- :func:`~chess.Board.has_kingside_castling_rights()`,
- :func:`~chess.Board.has_queenside_castling_rights()`,
- :func:`~chess.Board.has_chess960_castling_rights()`,
- :func:`~chess.Board.clean_castling_rights()`.
- """
- ep_square: Optional[Square]
- """
- The potential en passant square on the third or sixth rank or ``None``.
- Use :func:`~chess.Board.has_legal_en_passant()` to test if en passant
- capturing would actually be possible on the next move.
- """
- fullmove_number: int
- """
- Counts move pairs. Starts at `1` and is incremented after every move
- of the black side.
- """
- halfmove_clock: int
- """The number of half-moves since the last capture or pawn move."""
- promoted: Bitboard
- """A bitmask of pieces that have been promoted."""
- chess960: bool
- """
- Whether the board is in Chess960 mode. In Chess960 castling moves are
- represented as king moves to the corresponding rook square.
- """
- move_stack: List[Move]
- """
- The move stack. Use :func:`Board.push() <chess.Board.push()>`,
- :func:`Board.pop() <chess.Board.pop()>`,
- :func:`Board.peek() <chess.Board.peek()>` and
- :func:`Board.clear_stack() <chess.Board.clear_stack()>` for
- manipulation.
- """
- def __init__(self: BoardT, fen: Optional[str] = STARTING_FEN, *, chess960: bool = False) -> None:
- BaseBoard.__init__(self, None)
- self.chess960 = chess960
- self.ep_square = None
- self.move_stack = []
- self._stack: List[_BoardState[BoardT]] = []
- if fen is None:
- self.clear()
- elif fen == type(self).starting_fen:
- self.reset()
- else:
- self.set_fen(fen)
- @property
- def legal_moves(self) -> LegalMoveGenerator:
- """
- A dynamic list of legal moves.
- >>> import chess
- >>>
- >>> board = chess.Board()
- >>> board.legal_moves.count()
- 20
- >>> bool(board.legal_moves)
- True
- >>> move = chess.Move.from_uci("g1f3")
- >>> move in board.legal_moves
- True
- Wraps :func:`~chess.Board.generate_legal_moves()` and
- :func:`~chess.Board.is_legal()`.
- """
- return LegalMoveGenerator(self)
- @property
- def pseudo_legal_moves(self) -> PseudoLegalMoveGenerator:
- """
- A dynamic list of pseudo-legal moves, much like the legal move list.
- Pseudo-legal moves might leave or put the king in check, but are
- otherwise valid. Null moves are not pseudo-legal. Castling moves are
- only included if they are completely legal.
- Wraps :func:`~chess.Board.generate_pseudo_legal_moves()` and
- :func:`~chess.Board.is_pseudo_legal()`.
- """
- return PseudoLegalMoveGenerator(self)
- def reset(self) -> None:
- """Restores the starting position."""
- self.turn = WHITE
- self.castling_rights = BB_CORNERS
- self.ep_square = None
- self.halfmove_clock = 0
- self.fullmove_number = 1
- self.reset_board()
- def reset_board(self) -> None:
- super().reset_board()
- self.clear_stack()
- def clear(self) -> None:
- """
- Clears the board.
- Resets move stack and move counters. The side to move is white. There
- are no rooks or kings, so castling rights are removed.
- In order to be in a valid :func:`~chess.Board.status()`, at least kings
- need to be put on the board.
- """
- self.turn = WHITE
- self.castling_rights = BB_EMPTY
- self.ep_square = None
- self.halfmove_clock = 0
- self.fullmove_number = 1
- self.clear_board()
- def clear_board(self) -> None:
- super().clear_board()
- self.clear_stack()
- def clear_stack(self) -> None:
- """Clears the move stack."""
- self.move_stack.clear()
- self._stack.clear()
- def root(self: BoardT) -> BoardT:
- """Returns a copy of the root position."""
- if self._stack:
- board = type(self)(None, chess960=self.chess960)
- self._stack[0].restore(board)
- return board
- else:
- return self.copy(stack=False)
- def ply(self) -> int:
- """
- Returns the number of half-moves since the start of the game, as
- indicated by :data:`~chess.Board.fullmove_number` and
- :data:`~chess.Board.turn`.
- If moves have been pushed from the beginning, this is usually equal to
- ``len(board.move_stack)``. But note that a board can be set up with
- arbitrary starting positions, and the stack can be cleared.
- """
- return 2 * (self.fullmove_number - 1) + (self.turn == BLACK)
- def remove_piece_at(self, square: Square) -> Optional[Piece]:
- piece = super().remove_piece_at(square)
- self.clear_stack()
- return piece
- def set_piece_at(self, square: Square, piece: Optional[Piece], promoted: bool = False) -> None:
- super().set_piece_at(square, piece, promoted=promoted)
- self.clear_stack()
- def generate_pseudo_legal_moves(self, from_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL, to_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL) -> Iterator[Move]:
- our_pieces = self.occupied_co[self.turn]
- # Generate piece moves.
- non_pawns = our_pieces & ~self.pawns & from_mask
- for from_square in scan_reversed(non_pawns):
- piece_type = self.piece_type_at(from_square)
- moves = self.attacks_mask(piece_type, from_square, self.occupied) & ~our_pieces & to_mask
- for to_square in scan_reversed(moves):
- yield Move(from_square, to_square)
- # Generate castling moves.
- if from_mask & self.kings:
- yield from self.generate_castling_moves(from_mask, to_mask)
- # The remaining moves are all pawn moves.
- pawns = self.pawns & self.occupied_co[self.turn] & from_mask
- if not pawns:
- return
- # Generate pawn moves.
- yield from self.generate_pseudo_legal_pawn_moves(pawns, to_mask)
- # Generate pawn captures.
- capturers = pawns
- for from_square in scan_reversed(capturers):
- targets = (
- chess.BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[self.turn][from_square] &
- self.occupied_co[not self.turn] & to_mask)
- for to_square in scan_reversed(targets):
- if chess.square_rank(to_square) in [0, 7]:
- yield Move(from_square, to_square, chess.QUEEN)
- yield Move(from_square, to_square, chess.ROOK)
- yield Move(from_square, to_square, chess.BISHOP)
- yield Move(from_square, to_square, chess.KNIGHT)
- else:
- yield Move(from_square, to_square)
- # Prepare pawn advance generation.
- if self.turn == WHITE:
- single_moves = pawns << 8 & ~self.occupied
- double_moves = single_moves << 8 & ~self.occupied & (BB_RANK_3 | BB_RANK_4)
- else:
- single_moves = pawns >> 8 & ~self.occupied
- double_moves = single_moves >> 8 & ~self.occupied & (BB_RANK_6 | BB_RANK_5)
- single_moves &= to_mask
- double_moves &= to_mask
- # Generate single pawn moves.
- for to_square in scan_reversed(single_moves):
- from_square = to_square + (8 if self.turn == BLACK else -8)
- if square_rank(to_square) in [0, 7]:
- yield Move(from_square, to_square, QUEEN)
- yield Move(from_square, to_square, ROOK)
- yield Move(from_square, to_square, BISHOP)
- yield Move(from_square, to_square, KNIGHT)
- else:
- yield Move(from_square, to_square)
- # Generate double pawn moves.
- for to_square in scan_reversed(double_moves):
- from_square = to_square + (16 if self.turn == BLACK else -16)
- yield Move(from_square, to_square)
- # Generate en passant captures.
- if self.ep_square:
- yield from self.generate_pseudo_legal_ep(from_mask, to_mask)
- def generate_pseudo_legal_ep(self, from_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL, to_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL) -> Iterator[Move]:
- if not self.ep_square or not BB_SQUARES[self.ep_square] & to_mask:
- return
- if BB_SQUARES[self.ep_square] & self.occupied:
- return
- capturers = (
- self.pawns & self.occupied_co[self.turn] & from_mask &
- BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[not self.turn][self.ep_square] &
- BB_RANKS[4 if self.turn else 3])
- for capturer in scan_reversed(capturers):
- yield Move(capturer, self.ep_square)
- def generate_pseudo_legal_captures(self, from_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL, to_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL) -> Iterator[Move]:
- return itertools.chain(
- self.generate_pseudo_legal_moves(from_mask, to_mask & self.occupied_co[not self.turn]),
- self.generate_pseudo_legal_ep(from_mask, to_mask))
- def checkers_mask(self) -> Bitboard:
- king = self.king(self.turn)
- return BB_EMPTY if king is None else self.attackers_mask(not self.turn, king)
- def checkers(self) -> SquareSet:
- """
- Gets the pieces currently giving check.
- Returns a :class:`set of squares <chess.SquareSet>`.
- """
- return SquareSet(self.checkers_mask())
- def is_check(self) -> bool:
- """Tests if the current side to move is in check."""
- return bool(self.checkers_mask())
- def gives_check(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- """
- Probes if the given move would put the opponent in check. The move
- must be at least pseudo-legal.
- """
- self.push(move)
- try:
- return self.is_check()
- finally:
- self.pop()
- def is_into_check(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- king = self.king(self.turn)
- if king is None:
- return False
- # If already in check, look if it is an evasion.
- checkers = self.attackers_mask(not self.turn, king)
- if checkers and move not in self._generate_evasions(king, checkers, BB_SQUARES[move.from_square], BB_SQUARES[move.to_square]):
- return True
- return not self._is_safe(king, self._slider_blockers(king), move)
- def was_into_check(self) -> bool:
- king = self.king(not self.turn)
- return king is not None and self.is_attacked_by(self.turn, king)
- def is_pseudo_legal(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- # Null moves are not pseudo-legal.
- if not move:
- return False
- # Drops are not pseudo-legal.
- if move.drop:
- return False
- # Source square must not be vacant.
- piece = self.piece_type_at(move.from_square)
- if not piece:
- return False
- # Get square masks.
- from_mask = BB_SQUARES[move.from_square]
- to_mask = BB_SQUARES[move.to_square]
- # Check turn.
- if not self.occupied_co[self.turn] & from_mask:
- return False
- # Only pawns can promote and only on the backrank.
- if move.promotion:
- if piece != PAWN:
- return False
- if self.turn == WHITE and square_rank(move.to_square) != 7:
- return False
- elif self.turn == BLACK and square_rank(move.to_square) != 0:
- return False
- # Handle castling.
- if piece == KING:
- move = self._from_chess960(self.chess960, move.from_square, move.to_square)
- if move in self.generate_castling_moves():
- return True
- # Destination square can not be occupied.
- if self.occupied_co[self.turn] & to_mask:
- return False
- # Handle pawn moves.
- if piece == PAWN:
- return move in self.generate_pseudo_legal_moves(from_mask, to_mask)
- # Handle all other pieces.
- return bool(self.attacks_mask(self.piece_type_at, move.from_square, self.occupied) & to_mask)
- def is_legal(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- return not self.is_variant_end() and self.is_pseudo_legal(move) and not self.is_into_check(move)
- def is_variant_end(self) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the game is over due to a special variant end condition.
- Note, for example, that stalemate is not considered a variant-specific
- end condition (this method will return ``False``), yet it can have a
- special **result** in suicide chess (any of
- :func:`~chess.Board.is_variant_loss()`,
- :func:`~chess.Board.is_variant_win()`,
- :func:`~chess.Board.is_variant_draw()` might return ``True``).
- """
- return False
- def is_variant_loss(self) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the current side to move lost due to a variant-specific
- condition.
- """
- return False
- def is_variant_win(self) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the current side to move won due to a variant-specific
- condition.
- """
- return False
- def is_variant_draw(self) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if a variant-specific drawing condition is fulfilled.
- """
- return False
- def is_game_over(self, *, claim_draw: bool = False) -> bool:
- return self.outcome(claim_draw=claim_draw) is not None
- def result(self, *, claim_draw: bool = False) -> str:
- outcome = self.outcome(claim_draw=claim_draw)
- return outcome.result() if outcome else "*"
- def outcome(self, *, claim_draw: bool = False) -> Optional[Outcome]:
- """
- Checks if the game is over due to
- :func:`checkmate <chess.Board.is_checkmate()>`,
- :func:`stalemate <chess.Board.is_stalemate()>`,
- :func:`insufficient material <chess.Board.is_insufficient_material()>`,
- the :func:`seventyfive-move rule <chess.Board.is_seventyfive_moves()>`,
- :func:`fivefold repetition <chess.Board.is_fivefold_repetition()>`,
- or a :func:`variant end condition <chess.Board.is_variant_end()>`.
- Returns the :class:`chess.Outcome` if the game has ended, otherwise
- ``None``.
- Alternatively, use :func:`~chess.Board.is_game_over()` if you are not
- interested in who won the game and why.
- The game is not considered to be over by the
- :func:`fifty-move rule <chess.Board.can_claim_fifty_moves()>` or
- :func:`threefold repetition <chess.Board.can_claim_threefold_repetition()>`,
- unless *claim_draw* is given. Note that checking the latter can be
- slow.
- """
- # Variant support.
- if self.is_variant_loss():
- return Outcome(Termination.VARIANT_LOSS, not self.turn)
- if self.is_variant_win():
- return Outcome(Termination.VARIANT_WIN, self.turn)
- if self.is_variant_draw():
- return Outcome(Termination.VARIANT_DRAW, None)
- # Normal game end.
- if self.is_checkmate():
- return Outcome(Termination.CHECKMATE, not self.turn)
- if self.is_insufficient_material():
- return Outcome(Termination.INSUFFICIENT_MATERIAL, None)
- if not any(self.generate_legal_moves()):
- return Outcome(Termination.STALEMATE, None)
- # Automatic draws.
- if self.is_seventyfive_moves():
- return Outcome(Termination.SEVENTYFIVE_MOVES, None)
- if self.is_fivefold_repetition():
- return Outcome(Termination.FIVEFOLD_REPETITION, None)
- # Claimable draws.
- if claim_draw:
- if self.can_claim_fifty_moves():
- return Outcome(Termination.FIFTY_MOVES, None)
- if self.can_claim_threefold_repetition():
- return Outcome(Termination.THREEFOLD_REPETITION, None)
- return None
- def is_checkmate(self) -> bool:
- """Checks if the current position is a checkmate."""
- if not self.is_check():
- return False
- return not any(self.generate_legal_moves())
- def is_stalemate(self) -> bool:
- """Checks if the current position is a stalemate."""
- if self.is_check():
- return False
- if self.is_variant_end():
- return False
- return not any(self.generate_legal_moves())
- def is_insufficient_material(self) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if neither side has sufficient winning material
- (:func:`~chess.Board.has_insufficient_material()`).
- """
- return all(self.has_insufficient_material(color) for color in COLORS)
- def has_insufficient_material(self, color: Color) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if *color* has insufficient winning material.
- This is guaranteed to return ``False`` if *color* can still win the
- game.
- The converse does not necessarily hold:
- The implementation only looks at the material, including the colors
- of bishops, but not considering piece positions. So fortress
- positions or positions with forced lines may return ``False``, even
- though there is no possible winning line.
- """
- if self.occupied_co[color] & (self.pawns | self.rooks | self.queens):
- return False
- # Knights are only insufficient material if:
- # (1) We do not have any other pieces, including more than one knight.
- # (2) The opponent does not have pawns, knights, bishops or rooks.
- # These would allow selfmate.
- if self.occupied_co[color] & self.knights:
- return (popcount(self.occupied_co[color]) <= 2 and
- not (self.occupied_co[not color] & ~self.kings & ~self.queens))
- # Bishops are only insufficient material if:
- # (1) We do not have any other pieces, including bishops of the
- # opposite color.
- # (2) The opponent does not have bishops of the opposite color,
- # pawns or knights. These would allow selfmate.
- if self.occupied_co[color] & self.bishops:
- same_color = (not self.bishops & BB_DARK_SQUARES) or (not self.bishops & BB_LIGHT_SQUARES)
- return same_color and not self.pawns and not self.knights
- return True
- def _is_halfmoves(self, n: int) -> bool:
- return self.halfmove_clock >= n and any(self.generate_legal_moves())
- def is_seventyfive_moves(self) -> bool:
- """
- Since the 1st of July 2014, a game is automatically drawn (without
- a claim by one of the players) if the half-move clock since a capture
- or pawn move is equal to or greater than 150. Other means to end a game
- take precedence.
- """
- return self._is_halfmoves(150)
- def is_fivefold_repetition(self) -> bool:
- """
- Since the 1st of July 2014 a game is automatically drawn (without
- a claim by one of the players) if a position occurs for the fifth time.
- Originally this had to occur on consecutive alternating moves, but
- this has since been revised.
- """
- return self.is_repetition(5)
- def can_claim_draw(self) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the player to move can claim a draw by the fifty-move rule or
- by threefold repetition.
- Note that checking the latter can be slow.
- """
- return self.can_claim_fifty_moves() or self.can_claim_threefold_repetition()
- def is_fifty_moves(self) -> bool:
- """
- Checks that the clock of halfmoves since the last capture or pawn move
- is greater or equal to 100, and that no other means of ending the game
- (like checkmate) take precedence.
- """
- return self._is_halfmoves(100)
- def can_claim_fifty_moves(self) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the player to move can claim a draw by the fifty-move rule.
- In addition to :func:`~chess.Board.is_fifty_moves()`, the fifty-move
- rule can also be claimed if there is a legal move that achieves this
- condition.
- """
- if self.is_fifty_moves():
- return True
- if self.halfmove_clock >= 99:
- for move in self.generate_legal_moves():
- if not self.is_zeroing(move):
- self.push(move)
- try:
- if self.is_fifty_moves():
- return True
- finally:
- self.pop()
- return False
- def can_claim_threefold_repetition(self) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the player to move can claim a draw by threefold repetition.
- Draw by threefold repetition can be claimed if the position on the
- board occurred for the third time or if such a repetition is reached
- with one of the possible legal moves.
- Note that checking this can be slow: In the worst case
- scenario, every legal move has to be tested and the entire game has to
- be replayed because there is no incremental transposition table.
- """
- transposition_key = self._transposition_key()
- transpositions: Counter[Hashable] = collections.Counter()
- transpositions.update((transposition_key, ))
- # Count positions.
- switchyard = []
- while self.move_stack:
- move = self.pop()
- switchyard.append(move)
- if self.is_irreversible(move):
- break
- transpositions.update((self._transposition_key(), ))
- while switchyard:
- self.push(switchyard.pop())
- # Threefold repetition occurred.
- if transpositions[transposition_key] >= 3:
- return True
- # The next legal move is a threefold repetition.
- for move in self.generate_legal_moves():
- self.push(move)
- try:
- if transpositions[self._transposition_key()] >= 2:
- return True
- finally:
- self.pop()
- return False
- def is_repetition(self, count: int = 3) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the current position has repeated 3 (or a given number of)
- times.
- Unlike :func:`~chess.Board.can_claim_threefold_repetition()`,
- this does not consider a repetition that can be played on the next
- move.
- Note that checking this can be slow: In the worst case, the entire
- game has to be replayed because there is no incremental transposition
- table.
- """
- # Fast check, based on occupancy only.
- maybe_repetitions = 1
- for state in reversed(self._stack):
- if state.occupied == self.occupied:
- maybe_repetitions += 1
- if maybe_repetitions >= count:
- break
- if maybe_repetitions < count:
- return False
- # Check full replay.
- transposition_key = self._transposition_key()
- switchyard = []
- try:
- while True:
- if count <= 1:
- return True
- if len(self.move_stack) < count - 1:
- break
- move = self.pop()
- switchyard.append(move)
- if self.is_irreversible(move):
- break
- if self._transposition_key() == transposition_key:
- count -= 1
- finally:
- while switchyard:
- self.push(switchyard.pop())
- return False
- def _board_state(self: BoardT) -> _BoardState[BoardT]:
- return _BoardState(self)
- def _push_capture(self, move: Move, capture_square: Square, piece_type: PieceType, was_promoted: bool) -> None:
- pass
- def push(self: BoardT, move: Move) -> None:
- """
- Updates the position with the given *move* and puts it onto the
- move stack.
- >>> import chess
- >>>
- >>> board = chess.Board()
- >>>
- >>> Nf3 = chess.Move.from_uci("g1f3")
- >>> board.push(Nf3) # Make the move
- >>> board.pop() # Unmake the last move
- Move.from_uci('g1f3')
- Null moves just increment the move counters, switch turns and forfeit
- en passant capturing.
- .. warning::
- Moves are not checked for legality. It is the caller's
- responsibility to ensure that the move is at least pseudo-legal or
- a null move.
- """
- # Push move and remember board state.
- move = self._to_chess960(move)
- board_state = self._board_state()
- self.castling_rights = self.clean_castling_rights() # Before pushing stack
- self.move_stack.append(self._from_chess960(self.chess960, move.from_square, move.to_square, move.promotion, move.drop))
- self._stack.append(board_state)
- # Reset en passant square.
- ep_square = self.ep_square
- self.ep_square = None
- # Increment move counters.
- self.halfmove_clock += 1
- if self.turn == BLACK:
- self.fullmove_number += 1
- # On a null move, simply swap turns and reset the en passant square.
- if not move:
- self.turn = not self.turn
- return
- # Drops.
- if move.drop:
- self._set_piece_at(move.to_square, move.drop, self.turn)
- self.turn = not self.turn
- return
- # Zero the half-move clock.
- if self.is_zeroing(move):
- self.halfmove_clock = 0
- from_bb = BB_SQUARES[move.from_square]
- to_bb = BB_SQUARES[move.to_square]
- promoted = bool(self.promoted & from_bb)
- piece_type = self._remove_piece_at(move.from_square)
- assert piece_type is not None, f"push() expects move to be pseudo-legal, but got {move} in {self.board_fen()}"
- capture_square = move.to_square
- captured_piece_type = self.piece_type_at(capture_square)
- # Update castling rights.
- self.castling_rights &= ~to_bb & ~from_bb
- if piece_type == KING and not promoted:
- if self.turn == WHITE:
- self.castling_rights &= ~BB_RANK_1
- else:
- self.castling_rights &= ~BB_RANK_8
- elif captured_piece_type == KING and not self.promoted & to_bb:
- if self.turn == WHITE and square_rank(move.to_square) == 7:
- self.castling_rights &= ~BB_RANK_8
- elif self.turn == BLACK and square_rank(move.to_square) == 0:
- self.castling_rights &= ~BB_RANK_1
- # Handle special pawn moves.
- if piece_type == PAWN:
- diff = move.to_square - move.from_square
- if diff == 16 and square_rank(move.from_square) == 1:
- self.ep_square = move.from_square + 8
- elif diff == -16 and square_rank(move.from_square) == 6:
- self.ep_square = move.from_square - 8
- elif move.to_square == ep_square and abs(diff) in [7, 9] and not captured_piece_type:
- # Remove pawns captured en passant.
- down = -8 if self.turn == WHITE else 8
- capture_square = ep_square + down
- captured_piece_type = self._remove_piece_at(capture_square)
- # Promotion.
- if move.promotion:
- promoted = True
- piece_type = move.promotion
- # Castling.
- castling = piece_type == KING and self.occupied_co[self.turn] & to_bb
- if castling:
- a_side = square_file(move.to_square) < square_file(move.from_square)
- self._remove_piece_at(move.from_square)
- self._remove_piece_at(move.to_square)
- if a_side:
- self._set_piece_at(C1 if self.turn == WHITE else C8, KING, self.turn)
- self._set_piece_at(D1 if self.turn == WHITE else D8, ROOK, self.turn)
- else:
- self._set_piece_at(G1 if self.turn == WHITE else G8, KING, self.turn)
- self._set_piece_at(F1 if self.turn == WHITE else F8, ROOK, self.turn)
- # Put the piece on the target square.
- if not castling:
- was_promoted = bool(self.promoted & to_bb)
- self._set_piece_at(move.to_square, piece_type, self.turn, promoted)
- if captured_piece_type:
- self._push_capture(move, capture_square, captured_piece_type, was_promoted)
- # Swap turn.
- self.turn = not self.turn
- def pop(self: BoardT) -> Move:
- """
- Restores the previous position and returns the last move from the stack.
- :raises: :exc:`IndexError` if the move stack is empty.
- """
- move = self.move_stack.pop()
- self._stack.pop().restore(self)
- return move
- def peek(self) -> Move:
- """
- Gets the last move from the move stack.
- :raises: :exc:`IndexError` if the move stack is empty.
- """
- return self.move_stack[-1]
- def find_move(self, from_square: Square, to_square: Square, promotion: Optional[PieceType] = None) -> Move:
- """
- Finds a matching legal move for an origin square, a target square, and
- an optional promotion piece type.
- For pawn moves to the backrank, the promotion piece type defaults to
- :data:`chess.QUEEN`, unless otherwise specified.
- Castling moves are normalized to king moves by two steps, except in
- Chess960.
- :raises: :exc:`IllegalMoveError` if no matching legal move is found.
- """
- if promotion is None and self.pawns & BB_SQUARES[from_square] and BB_SQUARES[to_square] & BB_BACKRANKS:
- promotion = QUEEN
- move = self._from_chess960(self.chess960, from_square, to_square, promotion)
- if not self.is_legal(move):
- raise IllegalMoveError(f"no matching legal move for {move.uci()} ({SQUARE_NAMES[from_square]} -> {SQUARE_NAMES[to_square]}) in {self.fen()}")
- return move
- def castling_shredder_fen(self) -> str:
- castling_rights = self.clean_castling_rights()
- if not castling_rights:
- return "-"
- builder = []
- for square in scan_reversed(castling_rights & BB_RANK_1):
- builder.append(FILE_NAMES[square_file(square)].upper())
- for square in scan_reversed(castling_rights & BB_RANK_8):
- builder.append(FILE_NAMES[square_file(square)])
- return "".join(builder)
- def castling_xfen(self) -> str:
- builder = []
- for color in COLORS:
- king = self.king(color)
- if king is None:
- continue
- king_file = square_file(king)
- backrank = BB_RANK_1 if color == WHITE else BB_RANK_8
- for rook_square in scan_reversed(self.clean_castling_rights() & backrank):
- rook_file = square_file(rook_square)
- a_side = rook_file < king_file
- other_rooks = self.occupied_co[color] & self.rooks & backrank & ~BB_SQUARES[rook_square]
- if any((square_file(other) < rook_file) == a_side for other in scan_reversed(other_rooks)):
- ch = FILE_NAMES[rook_file]
- else:
- ch = "q" if a_side else "k"
- builder.append(ch.upper() if color == WHITE else ch)
- if builder:
- return "".join(builder)
- else:
- return "-"
- def has_pseudo_legal_en_passant(self) -> bool:
- """Checks if there is a pseudo-legal en passant capture."""
- return self.ep_square is not None and any(self.generate_pseudo_legal_ep())
- def has_legal_en_passant(self) -> bool:
- """Checks if there is a legal en passant capture."""
- return self.ep_square is not None and any(self.generate_legal_ep())
- def fen(self, *, shredder: bool = False, en_passant: _EnPassantSpec = "legal", promoted: Optional[bool] = None) -> str:
- """
- Gets a FEN representation of the position.
- A FEN string (e.g.,
- ``rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1``) consists
- of the board part :func:`~chess.Board.board_fen()`, the
- :data:`~chess.Board.turn`, the castling part
- (:data:`~chess.Board.castling_rights`),
- the en passant square (:data:`~chess.Board.ep_square`),
- the :data:`~chess.Board.halfmove_clock`
- and the :data:`~chess.Board.fullmove_number`.
- :param shredder: Use :func:`~chess.Board.castling_shredder_fen()`
- and encode castling rights by the file of the rook
- (like ``HAha``) instead of the default
- :func:`~chess.Board.castling_xfen()` (like ``KQkq``).
- :param en_passant: By default, only fully legal en passant squares
- are included (:func:`~chess.Board.has_legal_en_passant()`).
- Pass ``fen`` to strictly follow the FEN specification
- (always include the en passant square after a two-step pawn move)
- or ``xfen`` to follow the X-FEN specification
- (:func:`~chess.Board.has_pseudo_legal_en_passant()`).
- :param promoted: Mark promoted pieces like ``Q~``. By default, this is
- only enabled in chess variants where this is relevant.
- """
- return " ".join([
- self.epd(shredder=shredder, en_passant=en_passant, promoted=promoted),
- str(self.halfmove_clock),
- str(self.fullmove_number)
- ])
- def shredder_fen(self, *, en_passant: _EnPassantSpec = "legal", promoted: Optional[bool] = None) -> str:
- return " ".join([
- self.epd(shredder=True, en_passant=en_passant, promoted=promoted),
- str(self.halfmove_clock),
- str(self.fullmove_number)
- ])
- def set_fen(self, fen: str) -> None:
- """
- Parses a FEN and sets the position from it.
- :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if syntactically invalid. Use
- :func:`~chess.Board.is_valid()` to detect invalid positions.
- """
- parts = fen.split()
- # Board part.
- try:
- board_part = parts.pop(0)
- except IndexError:
- raise ValueError("empty fen")
- # Turn.
- try:
- turn_part = parts.pop(0)
- except IndexError:
- turn = WHITE
- else:
- if turn_part == "w":
- turn = WHITE
- elif turn_part == "b":
- turn = BLACK
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"expected 'w' or 'b' for turn part of fen: {fen!r}")
- # Validate castling part.
- try:
- castling_part = parts.pop(0)
- except IndexError:
- castling_part = "-"
- else:
- if not FEN_CASTLING_REGEX.match(castling_part):
- raise ValueError(f"invalid castling part in fen: {fen!r}")
- # En passant square.
- try:
- ep_part = parts.pop(0)
- except IndexError:
- ep_square = None
- else:
- try:
- ep_square = None if ep_part == "-" else SQUARE_NAMES.index(ep_part)
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError(f"invalid en passant part in fen: {fen!r}")
- # Check that the half-move part is valid.
- try:
- halfmove_part = parts.pop(0)
- except IndexError:
- halfmove_clock = 0
- else:
- try:
- halfmove_clock = int(halfmove_part)
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError(f"invalid half-move clock in fen: {fen!r}")
- if halfmove_clock < 0:
- raise ValueError(f"half-move clock cannot be negative: {fen!r}")
- # Check that the full-move number part is valid.
- # 0 is allowed for compatibility, but later replaced with 1.
- try:
- fullmove_part = parts.pop(0)
- except IndexError:
- fullmove_number = 1
- else:
- try:
- fullmove_number = int(fullmove_part)
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError(f"invalid fullmove number in fen: {fen!r}")
- if fullmove_number < 0:
- raise ValueError(f"fullmove number cannot be negative: {fen!r}")
- fullmove_number = max(fullmove_number, 1)
- # All parts should be consumed now.
- if parts:
- raise ValueError(f"fen string has more parts than expected: {fen!r}")
- # Validate the board part and set it.
- self._set_board_fen(board_part)
- # Apply.
- self.turn = turn
- self._set_castling_fen(castling_part)
- self.ep_square = ep_square
- self.halfmove_clock = halfmove_clock
- self.fullmove_number = fullmove_number
- self.clear_stack()
- def _set_castling_fen(self, castling_fen: str) -> None:
- if not castling_fen or castling_fen == "-":
- self.castling_rights = BB_EMPTY
- return
- if not FEN_CASTLING_REGEX.match(castling_fen):
- raise ValueError(f"invalid castling fen: {castling_fen!r}")
- self.castling_rights = BB_EMPTY
- for flag in castling_fen:
- color = WHITE if flag.isupper() else BLACK
- flag = flag.lower()
- backrank = BB_RANK_1 if color == WHITE else BB_RANK_8
- rooks = self.occupied_co[color] & self.rooks & backrank
- king = self.king(color)
- if flag == "q":
- # Select the leftmost rook.
- if king is not None and lsb(rooks) < king:
- self.castling_rights |= rooks & -rooks
- else:
- self.castling_rights |= BB_FILE_A & backrank
- elif flag == "k":
- # Select the rightmost rook.
- rook = msb(rooks)
- if king is not None and king < rook:
- self.castling_rights |= BB_SQUARES[rook]
- else:
- self.castling_rights |= BB_FILE_H & backrank
- else:
- self.castling_rights |= BB_FILES[FILE_NAMES.index(flag)] & backrank
- def set_castling_fen(self, castling_fen: str) -> None:
- """
- Sets castling rights from a string in FEN notation like ``Qqk``.
- Also clears the move stack.
- :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if the castling FEN is syntactically
- invalid.
- """
- self._set_castling_fen(castling_fen)
- self.clear_stack()
- def set_board_fen(self, fen: str) -> None:
- super().set_board_fen(fen)
- self.clear_stack()
- def set_piece_map(self, pieces: Mapping[Square, Piece]) -> None:
- super().set_piece_map(pieces)
- self.clear_stack()
- def set_chess960_pos(self, scharnagl: int) -> None:
- super().set_chess960_pos(scharnagl)
- self.chess960 = True
- self.turn = WHITE
- self.castling_rights = self.rooks
- self.ep_square = None
- self.halfmove_clock = 0
- self.fullmove_number = 1
- self.clear_stack()
- def chess960_pos(self, *, ignore_turn: bool = False, ignore_castling: bool = False, ignore_counters: bool = True) -> Optional[int]:
- """
- Gets the Chess960 starting position index between 0 and 956,
- or ``None`` if the current position is not a Chess960 starting
- position.
- By default, white to move (**ignore_turn**) and full castling rights
- (**ignore_castling**) are required, but move counters
- (**ignore_counters**) are ignored.
- """
- if self.ep_square:
- return None
- if not ignore_turn:
- if self.turn != WHITE:
- return None
- if not ignore_castling:
- if self.clean_castling_rights() != self.rooks:
- return None
- if not ignore_counters:
- if self.fullmove_number != 1 or self.halfmove_clock != 0:
- return None
- return super().chess960_pos()
- def _epd_operations(self, operations: Mapping[str, Union[None, str, int, float, Move, Iterable[Move]]]) -> str:
- epd = []
- first_op = True
- for opcode, operand in operations.items():
- assert opcode != "-", "dash (-) is not a valid epd opcode"
- for blacklisted in [" ", "\n", "\t", "\r"]:
- assert blacklisted not in opcode, f"invalid character {blacklisted!r} in epd opcode: {opcode!r}"
- if not first_op:
- epd.append(" ")
- first_op = False
- epd.append(opcode)
- if operand is None:
- epd.append(";")
- elif isinstance(operand, Move):
- epd.append(" ")
- epd.append(self.san(operand))
- epd.append(";")
- elif isinstance(operand, int):
- epd.append(f" {operand};")
- elif isinstance(operand, float):
- assert math.isfinite(operand), f"expected numeric epd operand to be finite, got: {operand}"
- epd.append(f" {operand};")
- elif opcode == "pv" and not isinstance(operand, str) and hasattr(operand, "__iter__"):
- position = self.copy(stack=False)
- for move in operand:
- epd.append(" ")
- epd.append(position.san_and_push(move))
- epd.append(";")
- elif opcode in ["am", "bm"] and not isinstance(operand, str) and hasattr(operand, "__iter__"):
- for san in sorted(self.san(move) for move in operand):
- epd.append(" ")
- epd.append(san)
- epd.append(";")
- else:
- # Append as escaped string.
- epd.append(" \"")
- epd.append(str(operand).replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\t", "\\t").replace("\r", "\\r").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\"", "\\\""))
- epd.append("\";")
- return "".join(epd)
- def epd(self, *, shredder: bool = False, en_passant: _EnPassantSpec = "legal", promoted: Optional[bool] = None, **operations: Union[None, str, int, float, Move, Iterable[Move]]) -> str:
- """
- Gets an EPD representation of the current position.
- See :func:`~chess.Board.fen()` for FEN formatting options (*shredder*,
- *ep_square* and *promoted*).
- EPD operations can be given as keyword arguments. Supported operands
- are strings, integers, finite floats, legal moves and ``None``.
- Additionally, the operation ``pv`` accepts a legal variation as
- a list of moves. The operations ``am`` and ``bm`` accept a list of
- legal moves in the current position.
- The name of the field cannot be a lone dash and cannot contain spaces,
- newlines, carriage returns or tabs.
- *hmvc* and *fmvn* are not included by default. You can use:
- >>> import chess
- >>>
- >>> board = chess.Board()
- >>> board.epd(hmvc=board.halfmove_clock, fmvn=board.fullmove_number)
- 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - hmvc 0; fmvn 1;'
- """
- if en_passant == "fen":
- ep_square = self.ep_square
- elif en_passant == "xfen":
- ep_square = self.ep_square if self.has_pseudo_legal_en_passant() else None
- else:
- ep_square = self.ep_square if self.has_legal_en_passant() else None
- epd = [self.board_fen(promoted=promoted),
- "w" if self.turn == WHITE else "b",
- self.castling_shredder_fen() if shredder else self.castling_xfen(),
- SQUARE_NAMES[ep_square] if ep_square is not None else "-"]
- if operations:
- epd.append(self._epd_operations(operations))
- return " ".join(epd)
- def _parse_epd_ops(self: BoardT, operation_part: str, make_board: Callable[[], BoardT]) -> Dict[str, Union[None, str, int, float, Move, List[Move]]]:
- operations: Dict[str, Union[None, str, int, float, Move, List[Move]]] = {}
- state = "opcode"
- opcode = ""
- operand = ""
- position = None
- for ch in itertools.chain(operation_part, [None]):
- if state == "opcode":
- if ch in [" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"]:
- if opcode == "-":
- opcode = ""
- elif opcode:
- state = "after_opcode"
- elif ch is None or ch == ";":
- if opcode == "-":
- opcode = ""
- elif opcode:
- operations[opcode] = [] if opcode in ["pv", "am", "bm"] else None
- opcode = ""
- else:
- opcode += ch
- elif state == "after_opcode":
- if ch in [" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"]:
- pass
- elif ch == "\"":
- state = "string"
- elif ch is None or ch == ";":
- if opcode:
- operations[opcode] = [] if opcode in ["pv", "am", "bm"] else None
- opcode = ""
- state = "opcode"
- elif ch in "+-.0123456789":
- operand = ch
- state = "numeric"
- else:
- operand = ch
- state = "san"
- elif state == "numeric":
- if ch is None or ch == ";":
- if "." in operand or "e" in operand or "E" in operand:
- parsed = float(operand)
- if not math.isfinite(parsed):
- raise ValueError(f"invalid numeric operand for epd operation {opcode!r}: {operand!r}")
- operations[opcode] = parsed
- else:
- operations[opcode] = int(operand)
- opcode = ""
- operand = ""
- state = "opcode"
- else:
- operand += ch
- elif state == "string":
- if ch is None or ch == "\"":
- operations[opcode] = operand
- opcode = ""
- operand = ""
- state = "opcode"
- elif ch == "\\":
- state = "string_escape"
- else:
- operand += ch
- elif state == "string_escape":
- if ch is None:
- operations[opcode] = operand
- opcode = ""
- operand = ""
- state = "opcode"
- elif ch == "r":
- operand += "\r"
- state = "string"
- elif ch == "n":
- operand += "\n"
- state = "string"
- elif ch == "t":
- operand += "\t"
- state = "string"
- else:
- operand += ch
- state = "string"
- elif state == "san":
- if ch is None or ch == ";":
- if position is None:
- position = make_board()
- if opcode == "pv":
- # A variation.
- variation = []
- for token in operand.split():
- move = position.parse_xboard(token)
- variation.append(move)
- position.push(move)
- # Reset the position.
- while position.move_stack:
- position.pop()
- operations[opcode] = variation
- elif opcode in ["bm", "am"]:
- # A set of moves.
- operations[opcode] = [position.parse_xboard(token) for token in operand.split()]
- else:
- # A single move.
- operations[opcode] = position.parse_xboard(operand)
- opcode = ""
- operand = ""
- state = "opcode"
- else:
- operand += ch
- assert state == "opcode"
- return operations
- def set_epd(self, epd: str) -> Dict[str, Union[None, str, int, float, Move, List[Move]]]:
- """
- Parses the given EPD string and uses it to set the position.
- If present, ``hmvc`` and ``fmvn`` are used to set the half-move
- clock and the full-move number. Otherwise, ``0`` and ``1`` are used.
- Returns a dictionary of parsed operations. Values can be strings,
- integers, floats, move objects, or lists of moves.
- :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if the EPD string is invalid.
- """
- parts = epd.strip().rstrip(";").split(None, 4)
- # Parse ops.
- if len(parts) > 4:
- operations = self._parse_epd_ops(parts.pop(), lambda: type(self)(" ".join(parts) + " 0 1"))
- parts.append(str(operations["hmvc"]) if "hmvc" in operations else "0")
- parts.append(str(operations["fmvn"]) if "fmvn" in operations else "1")
- self.set_fen(" ".join(parts))
- return operations
- else:
- self.set_fen(epd)
- return {}
- def san(self, move: Move) -> str:
- """
- Gets the standard algebraic notation of the given move in the context
- of the current position.
- """
- return self._algebraic(move)
- def lan(self, move: Move) -> str:
- """
- Gets the long algebraic notation of the given move in the context of
- the current position.
- """
- return self._algebraic(move, long=True)
- def san_and_push(self, move: Move) -> str:
- return self._algebraic_and_push(move)
- def _algebraic(self, move: Move, *, long: bool = False) -> str:
- san = self._algebraic_and_push(move, long=long)
- self.pop()
- return san
- def _algebraic_and_push(self, move: Move, *, long: bool = False) -> str:
- san = self._algebraic_without_suffix(move, long=long)
- # Look ahead for check or checkmate.
- self.push(move)
- is_check = self.is_check()
- is_checkmate = (is_check and self.is_checkmate()) or self.is_variant_loss() or self.is_variant_win()
- # Add check or checkmate suffix.
- if is_checkmate and move:
- return san + "#"
- elif is_check and move:
- return san + "+"
- else:
- return san
- def _algebraic_without_suffix(self, move: Move, *, long: bool = False) -> str:
- # Null move.
- if not move:
- return "--"
- # Drops.
- if move.drop:
- san = ""
- if move.drop != PAWN:
- san = piece_symbol(move.drop).upper()
- san += "@" + SQUARE_NAMES[move.to_square]
- return san
- # Castling.
- if self.is_castling(move):
- if square_file(move.to_square) < square_file(move.from_square):
- return "O-O-O"
- else:
- return "O-O"
- piece_type = self.piece_type_at(move.from_square)
- assert piece_type, f"san() and lan() expect move to be legal or null, but got {move} in {self.fen()}"
- capture = self.is_capture(move)
- if piece_type == PAWN:
- san = ""
- else:
- san = piece_symbol(piece_type).upper()
- if long:
- san += SQUARE_NAMES[move.from_square]
- elif piece_type != PAWN:
- # Get ambiguous move candidates.
- # Relevant candidates: not exactly the current move,
- # but to the same square.
- others = 0
- from_mask = self.pieces_mask(piece_type, self.turn)
- from_mask &= ~BB_SQUARES[move.from_square]
- to_mask = BB_SQUARES[move.to_square]
- for candidate in self.generate_legal_moves(from_mask, to_mask):
- others |= BB_SQUARES[candidate.from_square]
- # Disambiguate.
- if others:
- row, column = False, False
- if others & BB_RANKS[square_rank(move.from_square)]:
- column = True
- if others & BB_FILES[square_file(move.from_square)]:
- row = True
- else:
- column = True
- if column:
- san += FILE_NAMES[square_file(move.from_square)]
- if row:
- san += RANK_NAMES[square_rank(move.from_square)]
- elif capture:
- san += FILE_NAMES[square_file(move.from_square)]
- # Captures.
- if capture:
- san += "x"
- elif long:
- san += "-"
- # Destination square.
- san += SQUARE_NAMES[move.to_square]
- # Promotion.
- if move.promotion:
- san += "=" + piece_symbol(move.promotion).upper()
- return san
- def variation_san(self, variation: Iterable[Move]) -> str:
- """
- Given a sequence of moves, returns a string representing the sequence
- in standard algebraic notation (e.g., ``1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6`` or
- ``37...Bg6 38. fxg6``).
- The board will not be modified as a result of calling this.
- :raises: :exc:`IllegalMoveError` if any moves in the sequence are illegal.
- """
- board = self.copy(stack=False)
- san = []
- for move in variation:
- if not board.is_legal(move):
- raise IllegalMoveError(f"illegal move {move} in position {board.fen()}")
- if board.turn == WHITE:
- san.append(f"{board.fullmove_number}. {board.san_and_push(move)}")
- elif not san:
- san.append(f"{board.fullmove_number}...{board.san_and_push(move)}")
- else:
- san.append(board.san_and_push(move))
- return " ".join(san)
- def parse_san(self, san: str) -> Move:
- """
- Uses the current position as the context to parse a move in standard
- algebraic notation and returns the corresponding move object.
- Ambiguous moves are rejected. Overspecified moves (including long
- algebraic notation) are accepted. Some common syntactical deviations
- are also accepted.
- The returned move is guaranteed to be either legal or a null move.
- :raises:
- :exc:`ValueError` (specifically an exception specified below) if the SAN is invalid, illegal or ambiguous.
- - :exc:`InvalidMoveError` if the SAN is syntactically invalid.
- - :exc:`IllegalMoveError` if the SAN is illegal.
- - :exc:`AmbiguousMoveError` if the SAN is ambiguous.
- """
- # Castling.
- try:
- if san in ["O-O", "O-O+", "O-O#", "0-0", "0-0+", "0-0#"]:
- return next(move for move in self.generate_castling_moves() if self.is_kingside_castling(move))
- elif san in ["O-O-O", "O-O-O+", "O-O-O#", "0-0-0", "0-0-0+", "0-0-0#"]:
- return next(move for move in self.generate_castling_moves() if self.is_queenside_castling(move))
- except StopIteration:
- raise IllegalMoveError(f"illegal san: {san!r} in {self.fen()}")
- # Match normal moves.
- match = SAN_REGEX.match(san)
- if not match:
- # Null moves.
- if san in ["--", "Z0", "0000", "@@@@"]:
- return Move.null()
- elif "," in san:
- raise InvalidMoveError(f"unsupported multi-leg move: {san!r}")
- else:
- raise InvalidMoveError(f"invalid san: {san!r}")
- # Get target square. Mask our own pieces to exclude castling moves.
- to_square = SQUARE_NAMES.index(
- to_mask = BB_SQUARES[to_square] & ~self.occupied_co[self.turn]
- # Get the promotion piece type.
- p =
- promotion = PIECE_SYMBOLS.index(p[-1].lower()) if p else None
- # Filter by original square.
- from_mask = BB_ALL
- if
- from_file = FILE_NAMES.index(
- from_mask &= BB_FILES[from_file]
- if
- from_rank = int( - 1
- from_mask &= BB_RANKS[from_rank]
- # Filter by piece type.
- if
- piece_type = PIECE_SYMBOLS.index(
- from_mask &= self.pieces_mask(piece_type, self.turn)
- elif and
- # Allow fully specified moves, even if they are not pawn moves,
- # including castling moves.
- move = self.find_move(square(from_file, from_rank), to_square, promotion)
- if move.promotion == promotion:
- return move
- else:
- raise IllegalMoveError(f"missing promotion piece type: {san!r} in {self.fen()}")
- else:
- from_mask &= self.pawns
- # Do not allow pawn captures if file is not specified.
- if not
- from_mask &= BB_FILES[square_file(to_square)]
- # Match legal moves.
- matched_move = None
- for move in self.generate_legal_moves(from_mask, to_mask):
- if move.promotion != promotion:
- continue
- if matched_move:
- raise AmbiguousMoveError(f"ambiguous san: {san!r} in {self.fen()}")
- matched_move = move
- if not matched_move:
- raise IllegalMoveError(f"illegal san: {san!r} in {self.fen()}")
- return matched_move
- def push_san(self, san: str) -> Move:
- """
- Parses a move in standard algebraic notation, makes the move and puts
- it onto the move stack.
- Returns the move.
- :raises:
- :exc:`ValueError` (specifically an exception specified below) if neither legal nor a null move.
- - :exc:`InvalidMoveError` if the SAN is syntactically invalid.
- - :exc:`IllegalMoveError` if the SAN is illegal.
- - :exc:`AmbiguousMoveError` if the SAN is ambiguous.
- """
- move = self.parse_san(san)
- self.push(move)
- return move
- def uci(self, move: Move, *, chess960: Optional[bool] = None) -> str:
- """
- Gets the UCI notation of the move.
- *chess960* defaults to the mode of the board. Pass ``True`` to force
- Chess960 mode.
- """
- if chess960 is None:
- chess960 = self.chess960
- move = self._to_chess960(move)
- move = self._from_chess960(chess960, move.from_square, move.to_square, move.promotion, move.drop)
- return move.uci()
- def parse_uci(self, uci: str) -> Move:
- """
- Parses the given move in UCI notation.
- Supports both Chess960 and standard UCI notation.
- The returned move is guaranteed to be either legal or a null move.
- :raises:
- :exc:`ValueError` (specifically an exception specified below) if the move is invalid or illegal in the
- current position (but not a null move).
- - :exc:`InvalidMoveError` if the UCI is syntactically invalid.
- - :exc:`IllegalMoveError` if the UCI is illegal.
- """
- move = Move.from_uci(uci)
- if not move:
- return move
- move = self._to_chess960(move)
- move = self._from_chess960(self.chess960, move.from_square, move.to_square, move.promotion, move.drop)
- if not self.is_legal(move):
- raise IllegalMoveError(f"illegal uci: {uci!r} in {self.fen()}")
- return move
- def push_uci(self, uci: str) -> Move:
- """
- Parses a move in UCI notation and puts it on the move stack.
- Returns the move.
- :raises:
- :exc:`ValueError` (specifically an exception specified below) if the move is invalid or illegal in the
- current position (but not a null move).
- - :exc:`InvalidMoveError` if the UCI is syntactically invalid.
- - :exc:`IllegalMoveError` if the UCI is illegal.
- """
- move = self.parse_uci(uci)
- self.push(move)
- return move
- def xboard(self, move: Move, chess960: Optional[bool] = None) -> str:
- if chess960 is None:
- chess960 = self.chess960
- if not chess960 or not self.is_castling(move):
- return move.xboard()
- elif self.is_kingside_castling(move):
- return "O-O"
- else:
- return "O-O-O"
- def parse_xboard(self, xboard: str) -> Move:
- return self.parse_san(xboard)
- push_xboard = push_san
- def is_en_passant(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- """Checks if the given pseudo-legal move is an en passant capture."""
- return (self.ep_square == move.to_square and
- bool(self.pawns & BB_SQUARES[move.from_square]) and
- abs(move.to_square - move.from_square) in [7, 9] and
- not self.occupied & BB_SQUARES[move.to_square])
- def is_capture(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- """Checks if the given pseudo-legal move is a capture."""
- touched = BB_SQUARES[move.from_square] ^ BB_SQUARES[move.to_square]
- return bool(touched & self.occupied_co[not self.turn]) or self.is_en_passant(move)
- def is_zeroing(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- """Checks if the given pseudo-legal move is a capture or pawn move."""
- touched = BB_SQUARES[move.from_square] ^ BB_SQUARES[move.to_square]
- return bool(touched & self.pawns or touched & self.occupied_co[not self.turn] or move.drop == PAWN)
- def _reduces_castling_rights(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- cr = self.clean_castling_rights()
- touched = BB_SQUARES[move.from_square] ^ BB_SQUARES[move.to_square]
- return bool(touched & cr or
- cr & BB_RANK_1 and touched & self.kings & self.occupied_co[WHITE] & ~self.promoted or
- cr & BB_RANK_8 and touched & self.kings & self.occupied_co[BLACK] & ~self.promoted)
- def is_irreversible(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the given pseudo-legal move is irreversible.
- In standard chess, pawn moves, captures, moves that destroy castling
- rights and moves that cede en passant are irreversible.
- This method has false-negatives with forced lines. For example, a check
- that will force the king to lose castling rights is not considered
- irreversible. Only the actual king move is.
- """
- return self.is_zeroing(move) or self._reduces_castling_rights(move) or self.has_legal_en_passant()
- def is_castling(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- """Checks if the given pseudo-legal move is a castling move."""
- if self.kings & BB_SQUARES[move.from_square]:
- diff = square_file(move.from_square) - square_file(move.to_square)
- return abs(diff) > 1 or bool(self.rooks & self.occupied_co[self.turn] & BB_SQUARES[move.to_square])
- return False
- def is_kingside_castling(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the given pseudo-legal move is a kingside castling move.
- """
- return self.is_castling(move) and square_file(move.to_square) > square_file(move.from_square)
- def is_queenside_castling(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the given pseudo-legal move is a queenside castling move.
- """
- return self.is_castling(move) and square_file(move.to_square) < square_file(move.from_square)
- def clean_castling_rights(self) -> Bitboard:
- """
- Returns valid castling rights filtered from
- :data:`~chess.Board.castling_rights`.
- """
- if self._stack:
- # No new castling rights are assigned in a game, so we can assume
- # they were filtered already.
- return self.castling_rights
- castling = self.castling_rights & self.rooks
- white_castling = castling & BB_RANK_1 & self.occupied_co[WHITE]
- black_castling = castling & BB_RANK_8 & self.occupied_co[BLACK]
- if not self.chess960:
- # The rooks must be on a1, h1, a8 or h8.
- white_castling &= (BB_A1 | BB_H1)
- black_castling &= (BB_A8 | BB_H8)
- # The kings must be on e1 or e8.
- if not self.occupied_co[WHITE] & self.kings & ~self.promoted & BB_E1:
- white_castling = 0
- if not self.occupied_co[BLACK] & self.kings & ~self.promoted & BB_E8:
- black_castling = 0
- return white_castling | black_castling
- else:
- # The kings must be on the back rank.
- white_king_mask = self.occupied_co[WHITE] & self.kings & BB_RANK_1 & ~self.promoted
- black_king_mask = self.occupied_co[BLACK] & self.kings & BB_RANK_8 & ~self.promoted
- if not white_king_mask:
- white_castling = 0
- if not black_king_mask:
- black_castling = 0
- # There are only two ways of castling, a-side and h-side, and the
- # king must be between the rooks.
- white_a_side = white_castling & -white_castling
- white_h_side = BB_SQUARES[msb(white_castling)] if white_castling else 0
- if white_a_side and msb(white_a_side) > msb(white_king_mask):
- white_a_side = 0
- if white_h_side and msb(white_h_side) < msb(white_king_mask):
- white_h_side = 0
- black_a_side = (black_castling & -black_castling)
- black_h_side = BB_SQUARES[msb(black_castling)] if black_castling else BB_EMPTY
- if black_a_side and msb(black_a_side) > msb(black_king_mask):
- black_a_side = 0
- if black_h_side and msb(black_h_side) < msb(black_king_mask):
- black_h_side = 0
- # Done.
- return black_a_side | black_h_side | white_a_side | white_h_side
- def has_castling_rights(self, color: Color) -> bool:
- """Checks if the given side has castling rights."""
- backrank = BB_RANK_1 if color == WHITE else BB_RANK_8
- return bool(self.clean_castling_rights() & backrank)
- def has_kingside_castling_rights(self, color: Color) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the given side has kingside (that is h-side in Chess960)
- castling rights.
- """
- backrank = BB_RANK_1 if color == WHITE else BB_RANK_8
- king_mask = self.kings & self.occupied_co[color] & backrank & ~self.promoted
- if not king_mask:
- return False
- castling_rights = self.clean_castling_rights() & backrank
- while castling_rights:
- rook = castling_rights & -castling_rights
- if rook > king_mask:
- return True
- castling_rights &= castling_rights - 1
- return False
- def has_queenside_castling_rights(self, color: Color) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if the given side has queenside (that is a-side in Chess960)
- castling rights.
- """
- backrank = BB_RANK_1 if color == WHITE else BB_RANK_8
- king_mask = self.kings & self.occupied_co[color] & backrank & ~self.promoted
- if not king_mask:
- return False
- castling_rights = self.clean_castling_rights() & backrank
- while castling_rights:
- rook = castling_rights & -castling_rights
- if rook < king_mask:
- return True
- castling_rights &= castling_rights - 1
- return False
- def has_chess960_castling_rights(self) -> bool:
- """
- Checks if there are castling rights that are only possible in Chess960.
- """
- # Get valid Chess960 castling rights.
- chess960 = self.chess960
- self.chess960 = True
- castling_rights = self.clean_castling_rights()
- self.chess960 = chess960
- # Standard chess castling rights can only be on the standard
- # starting rook squares.
- if castling_rights & ~BB_CORNERS:
- return True
- # If there are any castling rights in standard chess, the king must be
- # on e1 or e8.
- if castling_rights & BB_RANK_1 and not self.occupied_co[WHITE] & self.kings & BB_E1:
- return True
- if castling_rights & BB_RANK_8 and not self.occupied_co[BLACK] & self.kings & BB_E8:
- return True
- return False
- def status(self) -> Status:
- """
- Gets a bitmask of possible problems with the position.
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_VALID` if all basic validity requirements are met.
- This does not imply that the position is actually reachable with a
- series of legal moves from the starting position.
- Otherwise, bitwise combinations of:
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_NO_WHITE_KING`,
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_NO_BLACK_KING`,
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_TOO_MANY_KINGS`,
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_PAWNS_ON_BACKRANK`,
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_INVALID_EP_SQUARE`,
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_OPPOSITE_CHECK`,
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_EMPTY`,
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_RACE_CHECK`,
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_RACE_OVER`,
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_RACE_MATERIAL`,
- :data:`~chess.STATUS_TOO_MANY_CHECKERS`,
- """
- errors = STATUS_VALID
- # There must be at least one piece.
- if not self.occupied:
- errors |= STATUS_EMPTY
- # There must be exactly one king of each color.
- if not self.occupied_co[WHITE] & self.kings:
- if not self.occupied_co[BLACK] & self.kings:
- if popcount(self.occupied & self.kings) > 2:
- # There can not be more than 16 pieces of any color.
- if popcount(self.occupied_co[WHITE]) > 16:
- if popcount(self.occupied_co[BLACK]) > 16:
- # There can not be more than 8 pawns of any color.
- if popcount(self.occupied_co[WHITE] & self.pawns) > 8:
- if popcount(self.occupied_co[BLACK] & self.pawns) > 8:
- # Pawns can not be on the back rank.
- if self.pawns & BB_BACKRANKS:
- # Castling rights.
- if self.castling_rights != self.clean_castling_rights():
- # En passant.
- valid_ep_square = self._valid_ep_square()
- if self.ep_square != valid_ep_square:
- # Side to move giving check.
- if self.was_into_check():
- # More than the maximum number of possible checkers in the variant.
- checkers = self.checkers_mask()
- our_kings = self.kings & self.occupied_co[self.turn] & ~self.promoted
- if checkers:
- if popcount(checkers) > 2:
- if valid_ep_square is not None:
- pushed_to = valid_ep_square ^ A2
- pushed_from = valid_ep_square ^ A4
- occupied_before = (self.occupied & ~BB_SQUARES[pushed_to]) | BB_SQUARES[pushed_from]
- if popcount(checkers) > 1 or (
- msb(checkers) != pushed_to and
- self._attacked_for_king(our_kings, occupied_before)):
- else:
- if popcount(checkers) > 2 or (popcount(checkers) == 2 and ray(lsb(checkers), msb(checkers)) & our_kings):
- return errors
- def _valid_ep_square(self) -> Optional[Square]:
- if not self.ep_square:
- return None
- if self.turn == WHITE:
- ep_rank = 5
- pawn_mask = shift_down(BB_SQUARES[self.ep_square])
- seventh_rank_mask = shift_up(BB_SQUARES[self.ep_square])
- else:
- ep_rank = 2
- pawn_mask = shift_up(BB_SQUARES[self.ep_square])
- seventh_rank_mask = shift_down(BB_SQUARES[self.ep_square])
- # The en passant square must be on the third or sixth rank.
- if square_rank(self.ep_square) != ep_rank:
- return None
- # The last move must have been a double pawn push, so there must
- # be a pawn of the correct color on the fourth or fifth rank.
- if not self.pawns & self.occupied_co[not self.turn] & pawn_mask:
- return None
- # And the en passant square must be empty.
- if self.occupied & BB_SQUARES[self.ep_square]:
- return None
- # And the second rank must be empty.
- if self.occupied & seventh_rank_mask:
- return None
- return self.ep_square
- def is_valid(self) -> bool:
- """
- Checks some basic validity requirements.
- See :func:`~chess.Board.status()` for details.
- """
- return self.status() == STATUS_VALID
- def _ep_skewered(self, king: Square, capturer: Square) -> bool:
- # Handle the special case where the king would be in check if the
- # pawn and its capturer disappear from the rank.
- # Vertical skewers of the captured pawn are not possible. (Pins on
- # the capturer are not handled here.)
- assert self.ep_square is not None
- last_double = self.ep_square + (-8 if self.turn == WHITE else 8)
- occupancy = (self.occupied & ~BB_SQUARES[last_double] &
- ~BB_SQUARES[capturer] | BB_SQUARES[self.ep_square])
- # Horizontal attack on the fifth or fourth rank.
- horizontal_attackers = self.occupied_co[not self.turn] & (self.rooks | self.queens)
- if BB_RANK_ATTACKS[king][BB_RANK_MASKS[king] & occupancy] & horizontal_attackers:
- return True
- # Diagonal skewers. These are not actually possible in a real game,
- # because if the latest double pawn move covers a diagonal attack,
- # then the other side would have been in check already.
- diagonal_attackers = self.occupied_co[not self.turn] & (self.bishops | self.queens)
- if BB_DIAG_ATTACKS[king][BB_DIAG_MASKS[king] & occupancy] & diagonal_attackers:
- return True
- return False
- def _slider_blockers(self, king: Square) -> Bitboard:
- rooks_and_queens = self.rooks | self.queens
- bishops_and_queens = self.bishops | self.queens
- snipers = ((BB_RANK_ATTACKS[king][0] & rooks_and_queens) |
- (BB_FILE_ATTACKS[king][0] & rooks_and_queens) |
- (BB_DIAG_ATTACKS[king][0] & bishops_and_queens))
- blockers = 0
- for sniper in scan_reversed(snipers & self.occupied_co[not self.turn]):
- b = between(king, sniper) & self.occupied
- # Add to blockers if exactly one piece in-between.
- if b and BB_SQUARES[msb(b)] == b:
- blockers |= b
- return blockers & self.occupied_co[self.turn]
- def _is_safe(self, king: Square, blockers: Bitboard, move: Move) -> bool:
- if move.from_square == king:
- if self.is_castling(move):
- return True
- else:
- return not self.is_attacked_by(not self.turn, move.to_square)
- elif self.is_en_passant(move):
- return bool(self.pin_mask(self.turn, move.from_square) & BB_SQUARES[move.to_square] and
- not self._ep_skewered(king, move.from_square))
- else:
- return bool(not blockers & BB_SQUARES[move.from_square] or
- ray(move.from_square, move.to_square) & BB_SQUARES[king])
- def _generate_evasions(self, king: Square, checkers: Bitboard, from_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL, to_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL) -> Iterator[Move]:
- sliders = checkers & (self.bishops | self.rooks | self.queens)
- attacked = 0
- for checker in scan_reversed(sliders):
- attacked |= ray(king, checker) & ~BB_SQUARES[checker]
- if BB_SQUARES[king] & from_mask:
- for to_square in scan_reversed(BB_KING_ATTACKS[king] & ~self.occupied_co[self.turn] & ~attacked & to_mask):
- yield Move(king, to_square)
- checker = msb(checkers)
- if BB_SQUARES[checker] == checkers:
- # Capture or block a single checker.
- target = between(king, checker) | checkers
- yield from self.generate_pseudo_legal_moves(~self.kings & from_mask, target & to_mask)
- # Capture the checking pawn en passant (but avoid yielding
- # duplicate moves).
- if self.ep_square and not BB_SQUARES[self.ep_square] & target:
- last_double = self.ep_square + (-8 if self.turn == WHITE else 8)
- if last_double == checker:
- yield from self.generate_pseudo_legal_ep(from_mask, to_mask)
- def generate_legal_moves(self, from_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL, to_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL) -> Iterator[Move]:
- if self.is_variant_end():
- return
- king_mask = self.kings & self.occupied_co[self.turn]
- if king_mask:
- king = msb(king_mask)
- blockers = self._slider_blockers(king)
- checkers = self.attackers_mask(not self.turn, king)
- if checkers:
- for move in self._generate_evasions(king, checkers, from_mask, to_mask):
- if self._is_safe(king, blockers, move):
- yield move
- else:
- for move in self.generate_pseudo_legal_moves(from_mask, to_mask):
- if self._is_safe(king, blockers, move):
- yield move
- else:
- yield from self.generate_pseudo_legal_moves(from_mask, to_mask)
- def generate_legal_ep(self, from_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL, to_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL) -> Iterator[Move]:
- if self.is_variant_end():
- return
- for move in self.generate_pseudo_legal_ep(from_mask, to_mask):
- if not self.is_into_check(move):
- yield move
- def generate_legal_captures(self, from_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL, to_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL) -> Iterator[Move]:
- return itertools.chain(
- self.generate_legal_moves(from_mask, to_mask & self.occupied_co[not self.turn]),
- self.generate_legal_ep(from_mask, to_mask))
- def _attacked_for_king(self, path: Bitboard, occupied: Bitboard) -> bool:
- return any(self._attackers_mask(not self.turn, sq, occupied) for sq in scan_reversed(path))
- def generate_castling_moves(self, from_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL, to_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL) -> Iterator[Move]:
- if self.is_variant_end():
- return
- backrank = BB_RANK_1 if self.turn == WHITE else BB_RANK_8
- king = self.occupied_co[self.turn] & self.kings & ~self.promoted & backrank & from_mask
- king &= -king
- if not king:
- return
- bb_c = BB_FILE_C & backrank
- bb_d = BB_FILE_D & backrank
- bb_f = BB_FILE_F & backrank
- bb_g = BB_FILE_G & backrank
- for candidate in scan_reversed(self.clean_castling_rights() & backrank & to_mask):
- rook = BB_SQUARES[candidate]
- a_side = rook < king
- king_to = bb_c if a_side else bb_g
- rook_to = bb_d if a_side else bb_f
- king_path = between(msb(king), msb(king_to))
- rook_path = between(candidate, msb(rook_to))
- if not ((self.occupied ^ king ^ rook) & (king_path | rook_path | king_to | rook_to) or
- self._attacked_for_king(king_path | king, self.occupied ^ king) or
- self._attacked_for_king(king_to, self.occupied ^ king ^ rook ^ rook_to)):
- yield self._from_chess960(self.chess960, msb(king), candidate)
- def _from_chess960(self, chess960: bool, from_square: Square, to_square: Square, promotion: Optional[PieceType] = None, drop: Optional[PieceType] = None) -> Move:
- if not chess960 and promotion is None and drop is None:
- if from_square == E1 and self.kings & BB_E1:
- if to_square == H1:
- return Move(E1, G1)
- elif to_square == A1:
- return Move(E1, C1)
- elif from_square == E8 and self.kings & BB_E8:
- if to_square == H8:
- return Move(E8, G8)
- elif to_square == A8:
- return Move(E8, C8)
- return Move(from_square, to_square, promotion, drop)
- def _to_chess960(self, move: Move) -> Move:
- if move.from_square == E1 and self.kings & BB_E1:
- if move.to_square == G1 and not self.rooks & BB_G1:
- return Move(E1, H1)
- elif move.to_square == C1 and not self.rooks & BB_C1:
- return Move(E1, A1)
- elif move.from_square == E8 and self.kings & BB_E8:
- if move.to_square == G8 and not self.rooks & BB_G8:
- return Move(E8, H8)
- elif move.to_square == C8 and not self.rooks & BB_C8:
- return Move(E8, A8)
- return move
- def _transposition_key(self) -> Hashable:
- return (self.pawns, self.knights, self.bishops, self.rooks,
- self.queens, self.kings,
- self.occupied_co[WHITE], self.occupied_co[BLACK],
- self.turn, self.clean_castling_rights(),
- self.ep_square if self.has_legal_en_passant() else None)
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- if not self.chess960:
- return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.fen()!r})"
- else:
- return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.fen()!r}, chess960=True)"
- def _repr_svg_(self) -> str:
- import chess.svg
- return chess.svg.board(
- board=self,
- size=390,
- lastmove=self.peek() if self.move_stack else None,
- check=self.king(self.turn) if self.is_check() else None)
- def __eq__(self, board: object) -> bool:
- if isinstance(board, Board):
- return (
- self.halfmove_clock == board.halfmove_clock and
- self.fullmove_number == board.fullmove_number and
- type(self).uci_variant == type(board).uci_variant and
- self._transposition_key() == board._transposition_key())
- else:
- return NotImplemented
- def apply_transform(self, f: Callable[[Bitboard], Bitboard]) -> None:
- super().apply_transform(f)
- self.clear_stack()
- self.ep_square = None if self.ep_square is None else msb(f(BB_SQUARES[self.ep_square]))
- self.castling_rights = f(self.castling_rights)
- def transform(self: BoardT, f: Callable[[Bitboard], Bitboard]) -> BoardT:
- board = self.copy(stack=False)
- board.apply_transform(f)
- return board
- def apply_mirror(self: BoardT) -> None:
- super().apply_mirror()
- self.turn = not self.turn
- def mirror(self: BoardT) -> BoardT:
- """
- Returns a mirrored copy of the board.
- The board is mirrored vertically and piece colors are swapped, so that
- the position is equivalent modulo color. Also swap the "en passant"
- square, castling rights and turn.
- Alternatively, :func:`~chess.Board.apply_mirror()` can be used
- to mirror the board.
- """
- board = self.copy()
- board.apply_mirror()
- return board
- def copy(self: BoardT, *, stack: Union[bool, int] = True) -> BoardT:
- """
- Creates a copy of the board.
- Defaults to copying the entire move stack. Alternatively, *stack* can
- be ``False``, or an integer to copy a limited number of moves.
- """
- board = super().copy()
- board.chess960 = self.chess960
- board.ep_square = self.ep_square
- board.castling_rights = self.castling_rights
- board.turn = self.turn
- board.fullmove_number = self.fullmove_number
- board.halfmove_clock = self.halfmove_clock
- if stack:
- stack = len(self.move_stack) if stack is True else stack
- board.move_stack = [copy.copy(move) for move in self.move_stack[-stack:]]
- board._stack = self._stack[-stack:]
- return board
- @classmethod
- def empty(cls: Type[BoardT], *, chess960: bool = False) -> BoardT:
- """Creates a new empty board. Also see :func:`~chess.Board.clear()`."""
- return cls(None, chess960=chess960)
- @classmethod
- def from_epd(cls: Type[BoardT], epd: str, *, chess960: bool = False) -> Tuple[BoardT, Dict[str, Union[None, str, int, float, Move, List[Move]]]]:
- """
- Creates a new board from an EPD string. See
- :func:`~chess.Board.set_epd()`.
- Returns the board and the dictionary of parsed operations as a tuple.
- """
- board = cls.empty(chess960=chess960)
- return board, board.set_epd(epd)
- @classmethod
- def from_chess960_pos(cls: Type[BoardT], scharnagl: int) -> BoardT:
- board = cls.empty(chess960=True)
- board.set_chess960_pos(scharnagl)
- return board
- class PseudoLegalMoveGenerator:
- def __init__(self, board: Board) -> None:
- self.board = board
- def __bool__(self) -> bool:
- return any(self.board.generate_pseudo_legal_moves())
- def count(self) -> int:
- # List conversion is faster than iterating.
- return len(list(self))
- def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Move]:
- return self.board.generate_pseudo_legal_moves()
- def __contains__(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- return self.board.is_pseudo_legal(move)
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- builder = []
- for move in self:
- if self.board.is_legal(move):
- builder.append(self.board.san(move))
- else:
- builder.append(self.board.uci(move))
- sans = ", ".join(builder)
- return f"<PseudoLegalMoveGenerator at {id(self):#x} ({sans})>"
- class LegalMoveGenerator:
- def __init__(self, board: Board) -> None:
- self.board = board
- def __bool__(self) -> bool:
- return any(self.board.generate_legal_moves())
- def count(self) -> int:
- # List conversion is faster than iterating.
- return len(list(self))
- def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Move]:
- return self.board.generate_legal_moves()
- def __contains__(self, move: Move) -> bool:
- return self.board.is_legal(move)
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- sans = ", ".join(self.board.san(move) for move in self)
- return f"<LegalMoveGenerator at {id(self):#x} ({sans})>"
- IntoSquareSet = Union[SupportsInt, Iterable[Square]]
- class SquareSet:
- """
- A set of squares.
- >>> import chess
- >>>
- >>> squares = chess.SquareSet([chess.A8, chess.A1])
- >>> squares
- SquareSet(0x0100_0000_0000_0001)
- >>> squares = chess.SquareSet(chess.BB_A8 | chess.BB_RANK_1)
- >>> squares
- SquareSet(0x0100_0000_0000_00ff)
- >>> print(squares)
- 1 . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- >>> len(squares)
- 9
- >>> bool(squares)
- True
- >>> chess.B1 in squares
- True
- >>> for square in squares:
- ... # 0 -- chess.A1
- ... # 1 -- chess.B1
- ... # 2 -- chess.C1
- ... # 3 -- chess.D1
- ... # 4 -- chess.E1
- ... # 5 -- chess.F1
- ... # 6 -- chess.G1
- ... # 7 -- chess.H1
- ... # 56 -- chess.A8
- ... print(square)
- ...
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 56
- >>> list(squares)
- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 56]
- Square sets are internally represented by 64-bit integer masks of the
- included squares. Bitwise operations can be used to compute unions,
- intersections and shifts.
- >>> int(squares)
- 72057594037928191
- Also supports common set operations like
- :func:`~chess.SquareSet.issubset()`, :func:`~chess.SquareSet.issuperset()`,
- :func:`~chess.SquareSet.union()`, :func:`~chess.SquareSet.intersection()`,
- :func:`~chess.SquareSet.difference()`,
- :func:`~chess.SquareSet.symmetric_difference()` and
- :func:`~chess.SquareSet.copy()` as well as
- :func:`~chess.SquareSet.update()`,
- :func:`~chess.SquareSet.intersection_update()`,
- :func:`~chess.SquareSet.difference_update()`,
- :func:`~chess.SquareSet.symmetric_difference_update()` and
- :func:`~chess.SquareSet.clear()`.
- """
- def __init__(self, squares: IntoSquareSet = BB_EMPTY) -> None:
- try:
- self.mask = squares.__int__() & BB_ALL # type: ignore
- return
- except AttributeError:
- self.mask = 0
- # Try squares as an iterable. Not under except clause for nicer
- # backtraces.
- for square in squares: # type: ignore
- self.add(square)
- # Set
- def __contains__(self, square: Square) -> bool:
- return bool(BB_SQUARES[square] & self.mask)
- def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Square]:
- return scan_forward(self.mask)
- def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[Square]:
- return scan_reversed(self.mask)
- def __len__(self) -> int:
- return popcount(self.mask)
- # MutableSet
- def add(self, square: Square) -> None:
- """Adds a square to the set."""
- self.mask |= BB_SQUARES[square]
- def discard(self, square: Square) -> None:
- """Discards a square from the set."""
- self.mask &= ~BB_SQUARES[square]
- # frozenset
- def isdisjoint(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> bool:
- """Tests if the square sets are disjoint."""
- return not bool(self & other)
- def issubset(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> bool:
- """Tests if this square set is a subset of another."""
- return not bool(self & ~SquareSet(other))
- def issuperset(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> bool:
- """Tests if this square set is a superset of another."""
- return not bool(~self & other)
- def union(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- return self | other
- def __or__(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- r = SquareSet(other)
- r.mask |= self.mask
- return r
- def intersection(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- return self & other
- def __and__(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- r = SquareSet(other)
- r.mask &= self.mask
- return r
- def difference(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- return self - other
- def __sub__(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- r = SquareSet(other)
- r.mask = self.mask & ~r.mask
- return r
- def symmetric_difference(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- return self ^ other
- def __xor__(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- r = SquareSet(other)
- r.mask ^= self.mask
- return r
- def copy(self) -> SquareSet:
- return SquareSet(self.mask)
- # set
- def update(self, *others: IntoSquareSet) -> None:
- for other in others:
- self |= other
- def __ior__(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- self.mask |= SquareSet(other).mask
- return self
- def intersection_update(self, *others: IntoSquareSet) -> None:
- for other in others:
- self &= other
- def __iand__(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- self.mask &= SquareSet(other).mask
- return self
- def difference_update(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> None:
- self -= other
- def __isub__(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- self.mask &= ~SquareSet(other).mask
- return self
- def symmetric_difference_update(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> None:
- self ^= other
- def __ixor__(self, other: IntoSquareSet) -> SquareSet:
- self.mask ^= SquareSet(other).mask
- return self
- def remove(self, square: Square) -> None:
- """
- Removes a square from the set.
- :raises: :exc:`KeyError` if the given *square* was not in the set.
- """
- mask = BB_SQUARES[square]
- if self.mask & mask:
- self.mask ^= mask
- else:
- raise KeyError(square)
- def pop(self) -> Square:
- """
- Removes and returns a square from the set.
- :raises: :exc:`KeyError` if the set is empty.
- """
- if not self.mask:
- raise KeyError("pop from empty SquareSet")
- square = lsb(self.mask)
- self.mask &= (self.mask - 1)
- return square
- def clear(self) -> None:
- """Removes all elements from this set."""
- self.mask = BB_EMPTY
- # SquareSet
- def carry_rippler(self) -> Iterator[Bitboard]:
- """Iterator over the subsets of this set."""
- return _carry_rippler(self.mask)
- def mirror(self) -> SquareSet:
- """Returns a vertically mirrored copy of this square set."""
- return SquareSet(flip_vertical(self.mask))
- def tolist(self) -> List[bool]:
- """Converts the set to a list of 64 bools."""
- result = [False] * 64
- for square in self:
- result[square] = True
- return result
- def __bool__(self) -> bool:
- return bool(self.mask)
- def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
- try:
- return self.mask == SquareSet(other).mask # type: ignore
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- return NotImplemented
- def __lshift__(self, shift: int) -> SquareSet:
- return SquareSet((self.mask << shift) & BB_ALL)
- def __rshift__(self, shift: int) -> SquareSet:
- return SquareSet(self.mask >> shift)
- def __ilshift__(self, shift: int) -> SquareSet:
- self.mask = (self.mask << shift) & BB_ALL
- return self
- def __irshift__(self, shift: int) -> SquareSet:
- self.mask >>= shift
- return self
- def __invert__(self) -> SquareSet:
- return SquareSet(~self.mask & BB_ALL)
- def __int__(self) -> int:
- return self.mask
- def __index__(self) -> int:
- return self.mask
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return f"SquareSet({self.mask:#021_x})"
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- builder = []
- for square in SQUARES_180:
- mask = BB_SQUARES[square]
- builder.append("1" if self.mask & mask else ".")
- if not mask & BB_FILE_H:
- builder.append(" ")
- elif square != H1:
- builder.append("\n")
- return "".join(builder)
- def _repr_svg_(self) -> str:
- import chess.svg
- return chess.svg.board(squares=self, size=390)
- @classmethod
- def ray(cls, a: Square, b: Square) -> SquareSet:
- """
- All squares on the rank, file or diagonal with the two squares, if they
- are aligned.
- >>> import chess
- >>>
- >>> print(chess.SquareSet.ray(chess.E2, chess.B5))
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- 1 . . . . . . .
- . 1 . . . . . .
- . . 1 . . . . .
- . . . 1 . . . .
- . . . . 1 . . .
- . . . . . 1 . .
- """
- return cls(ray(a, b))
- @classmethod
- def between(cls, a: Square, b: Square) -> SquareSet:
- """
- All squares on the rank, file or diagonal between the two squares
- (bounds not included), if they are aligned.
- >>> import chess
- >>>
- >>> print(chess.SquareSet.between(chess.E2, chess.B5))
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- . . 1 . . . . .
- . . . 1 . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . .
- """
- return cls(between(a, b))
- @classmethod
- def from_square(cls, square: Square) -> SquareSet:
- """
- Creates a :class:`~chess.SquareSet` from a single square.
- >>> import chess
- >>>
- >>> chess.SquareSet.from_square(chess.A1) == chess.BB_A1
- True
- """
- return cls(BB_SQUARES[square])
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