
netstat -s

Sep 16th, 2016
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  1. [ec2-user@ip-172-31-21-122 php.d]$ netstat -s
  2. Ip:
  3. 4824840 total packets received
  4. 9 with invalid addresses
  5. 0 forwarded
  6. 0 incoming packets discarded
  7. 4824831 incoming packets delivered
  8. 4516137 requests sent out
  9. Icmp:
  10. 738 ICMP messages received
  11. 28 input ICMP message failed.
  12. ICMP input histogram:
  13. destination unreachable: 738
  14. 736 ICMP messages sent
  15. 0 ICMP messages failed
  16. ICMP output histogram:
  17. destination unreachable: 736
  18. IcmpMsg:
  19. InType3: 738
  20. OutType3: 736
  21. Tcp:
  22. 87878 active connections openings
  23. 39885 passive connection openings
  24. 16616 failed connection attempts
  25. 493 connection resets received
  26. 216 connections established
  27. 4789321 segments received
  28. 5325131 segments send out
  29. 763 segments retransmited
  30. 58 bad segments received.
  31. 17529 resets sent
  32. InCsumErrors: 1
  33. Udp:
  34. 34110 packets received
  35. 662 packets to unknown port received.
  36. 0 packet receive errors
  37. 34823 packets sent
  38. UdpLite:
  39. TcpExt:
  40. 14 resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV sockets
  41. 70614 TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer
  42. 36105 delayed acks sent
  43. 17 delayed acks further delayed because of locked socket
  44. Quick ack mode was activated 1175 times
  45. 1038 packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue.
  46. 6953 packets directly received from backlog
  47. 671789 packets directly received from prequeue
  48. 3443543 packets header predicted
  49. 478 packets header predicted and directly queued to user
  50. 423940 acknowledgments not containing data received
  51. 1327579 predicted acknowledgments
  52. 1 times recovered from packet loss due to fast retransmit
  53. 48 times recovered from packet loss due to SACK data
  54. Detected reordering 1 times using reno fast retransmit
  55. TCPDSACKUndo: 1
  56. 82 congestion windows recovered after partial ack
  57. 1 timeouts after reno fast retransmit
  58. 4 timeouts in loss state
  59. 122 fast retransmits
  60. 2 forward retransmits
  61. 19 retransmits in slow start
  62. 205 other TCP timeouts
  63. TCPLossProbes: 110
  64. TCPLossProbeRecovery: 14
  65. TCPRenoRecoveryFail: 1
  66. 1 sack retransmits failed
  67. 1171 DSACKs sent for old packets
  68. 63 DSACKs received
  69. 159 connections reset due to unexpected data
  70. 242 connections reset due to early user close
  71. 1 connections aborted due to timeout
  72. TCPDSACKIgnoredNoUndo: 54
  73. TCPSackShifted: 672
  74. TCPSackMerged: 684
  75. TCPSackShiftFallback: 219
  76. TCPRcvCoalesce: 264444
  77. TCPOFOQueue: 38086
  78. TCPChallengeACK: 134
  79. TCPSYNChallenge: 133
  80. TCPSpuriousRtxHostQueues: 31
  81. TCPAutoCorking: 26616
  82. TCPWantZeroWindowAdv: 17
  83. TCPSynRetrans: 482
  84. TCPOrigDataSent: 2862317
  85. TCPHystartTrainDetect: 1951
  86. TCPHystartTrainCwnd: 41444
  87. TCPHystartDelayDetect: 3
  88. TCPHystartDelayCwnd: 362
  89. IpExt:
  90. InOctets: 53729441833
  91. OutOctets: 4089358267
  92. InNoECTPkts: 8964949
  93. InECT0Pkts: 32
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