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- assert(Drawing, 'exploit not supported')
- local UserInputService = game:GetService'UserInputService';
- local HttpService = game:GetService'HttpService';
- local GUIService = game:GetService'GuiService';
- local TweenService = game:GetService'TweenService';
- local RunService = game:GetService'RunService';
- local Players = game:GetService'Players';
- local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer;
- local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera;
- local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse();
- local V2New =;
- local V3New =;
- local WTVP = Camera.WorldToViewportPoint;
- local WorldToViewport = function(...) return WTVP(Camera, ...) end;
- local Menu = {};
- local MouseHeld = false;
- local LastRefresh = 0;
- local OptionsFile = 'IC3_ESP_SETTINGS.dat';
- local Binding = false;
- local BindedKey = nil;
- local OIndex = 0;
- local LineBox = {};
- local UIButtons = {};
- local Sliders = {};
- local ColorPicker = { Loading = false; LastGenerated = 0 };
- local Dragging = false;
- local DraggingUI = false;
- local Rainbow = false;
- local DragOffset = V2New();
- local DraggingWhat = nil;
- local OldData = {};
- local IgnoreList = {};
- local EnemyColor =, 0, 0);
- local TeamColor =, 1, 0);
- local MenuLoaded = false;
- local ErrorLogging = false;
- local TracerPosition = V2New(Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, Camera.ViewportSize.Y - 135);
- local DragTracerPosition= false;
- local SubMenu = {};
- local IsSynapse = syn and not PROTOSMASHER_LOADED;
- local Connections = { Active = {} };
- local Signal = {}; Signal.__index = Signal;
- local GetCharacter;
- local CurrentColorPicker;
- local Spectating;
- local scriptware = identifyexecutor()
- local Executor = (identifyexecutor or (function() return '' end))()
- local SupportedExploits = { 'Synapse X', 'ScriptWare', 'Krnl', 'OxygenU' , scriptware}
- local QUAD_SUPPORTED_EXPLOIT = table.find(SupportedExploits, Executor) ~= nil
- -- if not PROTOSMASHER_LOADED then Drawing.UseCompatTransparency = true; end -- For Elysian
- shared.MenuDrawingData = shared.MenuDrawingData or { Instances = {} };
- shared.InstanceData = shared.InstanceData or {};
- shared.RSName = shared.RSName or ('UnnamedESP_by_ic3-' .. HttpService:GenerateGUID(false));
- local GetDataName = shared.RSName .. '-GetData';
- local UpdateName = shared.RSName .. '-Update';
- local Debounce = setmetatable({}, {
- __index = function(t, i)
- return rawget(t, i) or false
- end;
- });
- if shared.UESP_InputChangedCon then shared.UESP_InputChangedCon:Disconnect() end
- if shared.UESP_InputBeganCon then shared.UESP_InputBeganCon:Disconnect() end
- if shared.UESP_InputEndedCon then shared.UESP_InputEndedCon:Disconnect() end
- if shared.CurrentColorPicker then shared.CurrentColorPicker:Dispose() end
- local RealPrint, LastPrintTick = print, 0;
- local LatestPrints = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, i) return rawget(t, i) or 0 end });
- local function print(...)
- local Content = unpack{...};
- local print = RealPrint;
- if tick() - LatestPrints[Content] > 5 then
- LatestPrints[Content] = tick();
- print(Content);
- end
- end
- local function FromHex(HEX)
- HEX = HEX:gsub('#', '');
- return Color3.fromRGB(tonumber('0x' .. HEX:sub(1, 2)), tonumber('0x' .. HEX:sub(3, 4)), tonumber('0x' .. HEX:sub(5, 6)));
- end
- local function IsStringEmpty(String)
- if type(String) == 'string' then
- return String:match'^%s+$' ~= nil or #String == 0 or String == '' or false;
- end
- return false;
- end
- local function Set(t, i, v)
- t[i] = v;
- end
- local Teams = {};
- local CustomTeams = { -- Games that don't use roblox's team system
- [2563455047] = {
- Initialize = function()
- Teams.Sheriffs = {}; -- prevent big error
- Teams.Bandits = {}; -- prevent big error
- local Func = game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage':WaitForChild('RogueFunc', 1);
- local Event = game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage':WaitForChild('RogueEvent', 1);
- local S, B = Func:InvokeServer'AllTeamData';
- Teams.Sheriffs = S;
- Teams.Bandits = B;
- Event.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(id, PlayerName, Team, Remove) -- stolen straight from decompiled src lul
- if id == 'UpdateTeam' then
- local TeamTable, NotTeamTable
- if Team == 'Bandits' then
- TeamTable = TDM.Bandits
- NotTeamTable = TDM.Sheriffs
- else
- TeamTable = TDM.Sheriffs
- NotTeamTable = TDM.Bandits
- end
- if Remove then
- TeamTable[PlayerName] = nil
- else
- TeamTable[PlayerName] = true
- NotTeamTable[PlayerName] = nil
- end
- if PlayerName == LocalPlayer.Name then
- TDM.Friendlys = TeamTable
- TDM.Enemies = NotTeamTable
- end
- end
- end)
- end;
- CheckTeam = function(Player)
- local LocalTeam = Teams.Sheriffs[LocalPlayer.Name] and Teams.Sheriffs or Teams.Bandits;
- return LocalTeam[Player.Name] and true or false;
- end;
- };
- [5208655184] = {
- CheckTeam = function(Player)
- local LocalLastName = LocalPlayer:GetAttribute'LastName' if not LocalLastName or IsStringEmpty(LocalLastName) then return true end
- local PlayerLastName = Player:GetAttribute'LastName' if not PlayerLastName then return false end
- return PlayerLastName == LocalLastName
- end
- };
- [3541987450] = {
- CheckTeam = function(Player)
- local LocalStats = LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild'leaderstats';
- local LocalLastName = LocalStats and LocalStats:FindFirstChild'LastName'; if not LocalLastName or IsStringEmpty(LocalLastName.Value) then return true; end
- local PlayerStats = Player:FindFirstChild'leaderstats';
- local PlayerLastName = PlayerStats and PlayerStats:FindFirstChild'LastName'; if not PlayerLastName then return false; end
- return PlayerLastName.Value == LocalLastName.Value;
- end;
- };
- };
- local RenderList = {Instances = {}};
- function RenderList:AddOrUpdateInstance(Instance, Obj2Draw, Text, Color)
- RenderList.Instances[Instance] = { ParentInstance = Instance; Instance = Obj2Draw; Text = Text; Color = Color };
- return RenderList.Instances[Instance];
- end
- local CustomPlayerTag;
- local CustomESP;
- local CustomCharacter;
- local GetHealth;
- local GetAliveState;
- local CustomRootPartName;
- local Modules = {
- [292439477] = {
- CustomESP = function()
- if type(shared.PF_Replication) ~= 'table' then
- local lastScan = shared.pfReplicationScan
- if (tick() - (lastScan or 0)) > 0.01 then
- shared.pfReplicationScan = tick()
- local gc = getgc(true)
- for i = 1, #gc do
- local gcObject = gc[i];
- if type(gcObject) == 'table' and type(rawget(gcObject, 'getbodyparts')) == 'function' then
- shared.PF_Replication = gcObject;
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- for Index, Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if Player == LocalPlayer then continue end
- local Body = shared.PF_Replication.getbodyparts(Player);
- if type(Body) == 'table' and typeof(rawget(Body, 'torso')) == 'Instance' then
- Player.Character = Body.torso.Parent
- continue
- end
- Player.Character = nil;
- end
- end,
- GetHealth = function(Player)
- if type(shared.pfHud) ~= 'table' then
- return false
- end
- return shared.pfHud:getplayerhealth(Player)
- end,
- GetAliveState = function(Player)
- if type(shared.pfHud) ~= 'table' then
- local lastScan = shared.pfHudScan
- if (tick() - (lastScan or 0)) > 0.1 then
- shared.pfHudScan = tick()
- local gc = getgc(true)
- for i = 1, #gc do
- local gcObject = gc[i];
- if type(gcObject) == 'table' and type(rawget(gcObject, 'getplayerhealth')) == 'function' then
- shared.pfHud = gcObject;
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- return shared.pfHud:isplayeralive(Player)
- end,
- CustomRootPartName = 'Torso',
- };
- [2950983942] = {
- CustomCharacter = function(Player)
- if workspace:FindFirstChild'Players' then
- return workspace.Players:FindFirstChild(Player.Name);
- end
- end
- };
- [2262441883] = {
- CustomPlayerTag = function(Player)
- return Player:FindFirstChild'Job' and (' [' .. Player.Job.Value .. ']') or '';
- end;
- CustomESP = function()
- if workspace:FindFirstChild'MoneyPrinters' then
- for i, v in pairs(workspace.MoneyPrinters:GetChildren()) do
- local Main = v:FindFirstChild'Main';
- local Owner = v:FindFirstChild'TrueOwner';
- local Money = v:FindFirstChild'Int' and v.Int:FindFirstChild'Money' or nil;
- if Main and Owner and Money then
- local O = tostring(Owner.Value);
- local M = tostring(Money.Value);
- pcall(RenderList.AddOrUpdateInstance, RenderList, v, Main, string.format('Money Printer\nOwned by %s\n[%s]', O, M), Color3.fromRGB(13, 255, 227));
- end
- end
- end
- end;
- };
- -- [4581966615] = {
- -- CustomESP = function()
- -- if workspace:FindFirstChild'Entities' then
- -- for i, v in pairs(workspace.Entities:GetChildren()) do
- -- if not v.Name:match'Printer' then continue end
- -- local Properties = v:FindFirstChild'Properties' if not Properties then continue end
- -- local Main = v:FindFirstChild'hitbox';
- -- local Owner = Properties:FindFirstChild'Owner';
- -- local Money = Properties:FindFirstChild'CurrentPrinted'
- -- if Main and Owner and Money then
- -- local O = Owner.Value and tostring(Owner.Value) or 'no one';
- -- local M = tostring(Money.Value);
- -- pcall(RenderList.AddOrUpdateInstance, RenderList, v, Main, string.format('Money Printer\nOwned by %s\n[%s]', O, M), Color3.fromRGB(13, 255, 227));
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end;
- -- };
- [4801598506] = {
- CustomESP = function()
- if workspace:FindFirstChild'Mobs' and workspace.Mobs:FindFirstChild'Forest1' then
- for i, v in pairs(workspace.Mobs.Forest1:GetChildren()) do
- local Main = v:FindFirstChild'Head';
- local Hum = v:FindFirstChild'Mob';
- if Main and Hum then
- pcall(RenderList.AddOrUpdateInstance, RenderList, v, Main, string.format('[%s] [%s/%s]', v.Name, Hum.Health, Hum.MaxHealth), Color3.fromRGB(13, 255, 227));
- end
- end
- end
- end;
- };
- [2555873122] = {
- CustomESP = function()
- if workspace:FindFirstChild'WoodPlanks' then
- for i, v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name == 'WoodPlanks' then
- local Main = v:FindFirstChild'Wood';
- if Main then
- pcall(RenderList.AddOrUpdateInstance, RenderList, v, Main, 'Wood Planks', Color3.fromRGB(13, 255, 227));
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end;
- };
- [5208655184] = {
- CustomESP = function()
- -- if workspace:FindFirstChild'Live' then
- -- for i, v in pairs(workspace.Live:GetChildren()) do
- -- if v.Name:sub(1, 1) == '.' then
- -- local Main = v:FindFirstChild'Head';
- -- if Main then
- -- pcall(RenderList.AddOrUpdateInstance, RenderList, v, Main, v.Name:sub(2), Color3.fromRGB(250, 50, 40));
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- end;
- CustomPlayerTag = function(Player)
- if game.PlaceVersion < 457 then return '' end
- local Name = '';
- local FirstName = Player:GetAttribute'FirstName'
- if typeof(FirstName) == 'string' and #FirstName > 0 then
- local Prefix = '';
- local Extra = {};
- Name = Name .. '\n[';
- if Player:GetAttribute'Prestige' > 0 then
- Name = Name .. '#' .. tostring(Player:GetAttribute'Prestige') .. ' ';
- end
- if not IsStringEmpty(Player:GetAttribute'HouseRank') then
- Prefix = Player:GetAttribute'HouseRank' == 'Owner' and (Player:GetAttribute'Gender' == 'Female' and 'Lady ' or 'Lord ') or '';
- end
- if not IsStringEmpty(FirstName) then
- Name = Name .. '' .. Prefix .. FirstName;
- end
- if not IsStringEmpty(Player:GetAttribute'LastName') then
- Name = Name .. ' ' .. Player:GetAttribute'LastName';
- end
- if not IsStringEmpty(Name) then Name = Name .. ']'; end
- local Character = GetCharacter(Player);
- if Character then
- if Character and Character:FindFirstChild'Danger' then table.insert(Extra, 'D'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'ManaAbilities' and Character.ManaAbilities:FindFirstChild'ManaSprint' then table.insert(Extra, 'D1'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'Mana' then table.insert(Extra, 'M' .. math.floor(Character.Mana.Value)); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'Vampirism' then table.insert(Extra, 'V'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'Observe' then table.insert(Extra, 'ILL'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'Inferi' then table.insert(Extra, 'NEC'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'World\'s Pulse' then table.insert(Extra, 'DZIN'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'Shift' then table.insert(Extra, 'MAD'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'Head' and Character.Head:FindFirstChild'FacialMarking' then
- local FM = Character.Head:FindFirstChild'FacialMarking';
- if FM.Texture == '' then
- table.insert(Extra, 'HEALER');
- elseif FM.Texture == '' then
- table.insert(Extra, 'SEER');
- elseif FM.Texture == '' then
- table.insert(Extra, 'JESTER');
- elseif FM.Texture == '' then
- table.insert(Extra, 'BLADE');
- end
- end
- end
- if Player:FindFirstChild'Backpack' then
- if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Observe' then table.insert(Extra, 'ILL'); end
- if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Inferi' then table.insert(Extra, 'NEC'); end
- if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild'World\'s Pulse' then table.insert(Extra, 'DZIN'); end
- if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Shift' then table.insert(Extra, 'MAD'); end
- end
- if #Extra > 0 then Name = Name .. ' [' .. table.concat(Extra, '-') .. ']'; end
- end
- return Name;
- end;
- };
- [3541987450] = {
- CustomPlayerTag = function(Player)
- local Name = '';
- if Player:FindFirstChild'leaderstats' then
- Name = Name .. '\n[';
- local Prefix = '';
- local Extra = {};
- if Player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild'Prestige' and Player.leaderstats.Prestige.ClassName == 'IntValue' and Player.leaderstats.Prestige.Value > 0 then
- Name = Name .. '#' .. tostring(Player.leaderstats.Prestige.Value) .. ' ';
- end
- if Player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild'HouseRank' and Player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild'Gender' and Player.leaderstats.HouseRank.ClassName == 'StringValue' and not IsStringEmpty(Player.leaderstats.HouseRank.Value) then
- Prefix = Player.leaderstats.HouseRank.Value == 'Owner' and (Player.leaderstats.Gender.Value == 'Female' and 'Lady ' or 'Lord ') or '';
- end
- if Player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild'FirstName' and Player.leaderstats.FirstName.ClassName == 'StringValue' and not IsStringEmpty(Player.leaderstats.FirstName.Value) then
- Name = Name .. '' .. Prefix .. Player.leaderstats.FirstName.Value;
- end
- if Player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild'LastName' and Player.leaderstats.LastName.ClassName == 'StringValue' and not IsStringEmpty(Player.leaderstats.LastName.Value) then
- Name = Name .. ' ' .. Player.leaderstats.LastName.Value;
- end
- if Player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild'UberTitle' and Player.leaderstats.UberTitle.ClassName == 'StringValue' and not IsStringEmpty(Player.leaderstats.UberTitle.Value) then
- Name = Name .. ', ' .. Player.leaderstats.UberTitle.Value;
- end
- if not IsStringEmpty(Name) then Name = Name .. ']'; end
- local Character = GetCharacter(Player);
- if Character then
- if Character and Character:FindFirstChild'Danger' then table.insert(Extra, 'D'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'ManaAbilities' and Character.ManaAbilities:FindFirstChild'ManaSprint' then table.insert(Extra, 'D1'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'Mana' then table.insert(Extra, 'M' .. math.floor(Character.Mana.Value)); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'Vampirism' then table.insert(Extra, 'V'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'Observe' then table.insert(Extra, 'ILL'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'Inferi' then table.insert(Extra, 'NEC'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'World\'s Pulse' then table.insert(Extra, 'DZIN'); end
- if Character:FindFirstChild'Head' and Character.Head:FindFirstChild'FacialMarking' then
- local FM = Character.Head:FindFirstChild'FacialMarking';
- if FM.Texture == '' then
- table.insert(Extra, 'HEALER');
- elseif FM.Texture == '' then
- table.insert(Extra, 'SEER');
- elseif FM.Texture == '' then
- table.insert(Extra, 'JESTER');
- end
- end
- end
- if Player:FindFirstChild'Backpack' then
- if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Observe' then table.insert(Extra, 'ILL'); end
- if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Inferi' then table.insert(Extra, 'NEC'); end
- if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild'World\'s Pulse' then table.insert(Extra, 'DZIN'); end
- end
- if #Extra > 0 then Name = Name .. ' [' .. table.concat(Extra, '-') .. ']'; end
- end
- return Name;
- end;
- };
- [4691401390] = { -- Vast Realm
- CustomCharacter = function(Player)
- if workspace:FindFirstChild'Players' then
- return workspace.Players:FindFirstChild(Player.Name);
- end
- end
- };
- };
- if Modules[game.PlaceId] ~= nil then
- local Module = Modules[game.PlaceId];
- CustomPlayerTag = Module.CustomPlayerTag or nil;
- CustomESP = Module.CustomESP or nil;
- CustomCharacter = Module.CustomCharacter or nil;
- GetHealth = Module.GetHealth or nil;
- GetAliveState = Module.GetAliveState or nil;
- CustomRootPartName = Module.CustomRootPartName or nil;
- end
- function GetCharacter(Player)
- return Player.Character or (CustomCharacter and CustomCharacter(Player));
- end
- function GetMouseLocation()
- return UserInputService:GetMouseLocation();
- end
- function MouseHoveringOver(Values)
- local X1, Y1, X2, Y2 = Values[1], Values[2], Values[3], Values[4]
- local MLocation = GetMouseLocation();
- return (MLocation.x >= X1 and MLocation.x <= (X1 + (X2 - X1))) and (MLocation.y >= Y1 and MLocation.y <= (Y1 + (Y2 - Y1)));
- end
- function GetTableData(t) -- basically table.foreach i dont even know why i made this
- if typeof(t) ~= 'table' then return end
- return setmetatable(t, {
- __call = function(t, func)
- if typeof(func) ~= 'function' then return end;
- for i, v in pairs(t) do
- pcall(func, i, v);
- end
- end;
- });
- end
- local function Format(format, ...)
- return string.format(format, ...);
- end
- function CalculateValue(Min, Max, Percent)
- return Min + math.floor(((Max - Min) * Percent) + .5);
- end
- function NewDrawing(InstanceName)
- local Instance =;
- -- pcall(Set, Instance, 'OutlineOpacity', 0.8)
- return (function(Properties)
- for i, v in pairs(Properties) do
- pcall(Set, Instance, i, v);
- end
- return Instance;
- end)
- end
- function Menu:AddMenuInstance(Name, DrawingType, Properties)
- local Instance;
- if shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances[Name] ~= nil then
- Instance = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances[Name];
- for i, v in pairs(Properties) do
- pcall(Set, Instance, i, v);
- end
- else
- Instance = NewDrawing(DrawingType)(Properties);
- end
- shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances[Name] = Instance;
- return Instance;
- end
- function Menu:UpdateMenuInstance(Name)
- local Instance = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances[Name];
- if Instance ~= nil then
- return (function(Properties)
- for i, v in pairs(Properties) do
- pcall(Set, Instance, i, v);
- end
- return Instance;
- end)
- end
- end
- function Menu:GetInstance(Name)
- return shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances[Name];
- end
- local Options = setmetatable({}, {
- __call = function(t, ...)
- local Arguments = {...};
- local Name = Arguments[1];
- OIndex = OIndex + 1;
- rawset(t, Name, setmetatable({
- Name = Arguments[1];
- Text = Arguments[2];
- Value = Arguments[3];
- DefaultValue = Arguments[3];
- AllArgs = Arguments;
- Index = OIndex;
- }, {
- __call = function(t, v, force)
- local self = t;
- if typeof(t.Value) == 'function' then
- t.Value();
- elseif typeof(t.Value) == 'EnumItem' then
- local BT = Menu:GetInstance(Format('%s_BindText', t.Name));
- if not force then
- Binding = true;
- local Val = 0
- while Binding do
- wait();
- Val = (Val + 1) % 17;
- BT.Text = Val <= 8 and '|' or '';
- end
- end
- t.Value = force and v or BindedKey;
- if BT and t.BasePosition and t.BaseSize then
- BT.Text = tostring(t.Value):match'%w+%.%w+%.(.+)';
- BT.Position = t.BasePosition + V2New(t.BaseSize.X - BT.TextBounds.X - 20, -10);
- end
- else
- local NewValue = v;
- if NewValue == nil then NewValue = not t.Value; end
- rawset(t, 'Value', NewValue);
- if Arguments[2] ~= nil and Menu:GetInstance'TopBar'.Visible then
- if typeof(Arguments[3]) == 'number' then
- local AMT = Menu:GetInstance(Format('%s_AmountText', t.Name));
- if AMT then
- AMT.Text = tostring(t.Value);
- end
- else
- local Inner = Menu:GetInstance(Format('%s_InnerCircle', t.Name));
- if Inner then Inner.Visible = t.Value; end
- end
- end
- end
- end;
- }));
- end;
- })
- function Load()
- local _, Result = pcall(readfile, OptionsFile);
- if _ then -- extremely ugly code yea i know but i dont care p.s. i hate pcall
- local _, Table = pcall(HttpService.JSONDecode, HttpService, Result);
- if _ and typeof(Table) == 'table' then
- for i, v in pairs(Table) do
- if typeof(Options[i]) == 'table' and Options[i].Value ~= nil and (typeof(Options[i].Value) == 'boolean' or typeof(Options[i].Value) == 'number') then
- Options[i].Value = v.Value;
- pcall(Options[i], v.Value);
- end
- end
- if Table.TeamColor then TeamColor =, Table.TeamColor.G, Table.TeamColor.B) end
- if Table.EnemyColor then EnemyColor =, Table.EnemyColor.G, Table.EnemyColor.B) end
- if typeof(Table.MenuKey) == 'string' then Options.MenuKey(Enum.KeyCode[Table.MenuKey], true) end
- if typeof(Table.ToggleKey) == 'string' then Options.ToggleKey(Enum.KeyCode[Table.ToggleKey], true) end
- end
- end
- end
- Options('Enabled', 'ESP Enabled', true);
- Options('ShowTeam', 'Show Team', true);
- Options('ShowTeamColor', 'Show Team Color', false);
- Options('ShowName', 'Show Names', true);
- Options('ShowDistance', 'Show Distance', true);
- Options('ShowHealth', 'Show Health', true);
- Options('ShowBoxes', 'Show Boxes', true);
- Options('ShowTracers', 'Show Tracers', true);
- Options('ShowDot', 'Show Head Dot', false);
- Options('VisCheck', 'Visibility Check', false);
- Options('Crosshair', 'Crosshair', false);
- Options('TextOutline', 'Text Outline', true);
- -- Options('Rainbow', 'Rainbow Mode', false);
- Options('TextSize', 'Text Size', syn and 18 or 14, 10, 24); -- cuz synapse fonts look weird???
- Options('MaxDistance', 'Max Distance', 2500, 100, 50000);
- Options('RefreshRate', 'Refresh Rate (ms)', 5, 1, 200);
- Options('YOffset', 'Y Offset', 0, -200, 200);
- Options('MenuKey', 'Menu Key', Enum.KeyCode.F4, 1);
- Options('ToggleKey', 'Toggle Key', Enum.KeyCode.F3, 1);
- Options('ChangeColors', SENTINEL_LOADED and 'Sentinel Unsupported' or 'Change Colors', function()
- if SENTINEL_LOADED then return end
- SubMenu:Show(GetMouseLocation(), 'Unnamed Colors', {
- {
- Type = 'Color'; Text = 'Team Color'; Color = TeamColor;
- Function = function(Circ, Position)
- if tick() - ColorPicker.LastGenerated < 1 then return; end
- if shared.CurrentColorPicker then shared.CurrentColorPicker:Dispose() end
- local ColorPicker = - V2New(-10, 50));
- CurrentColorPicker = ColorPicker;
- shared.CurrentColorPicker = CurrentColorPicker;
- ColorPicker.ColorChanged:Connect(function(Color) Circ.Color = Color TeamColor = Color Options.TeamColor = Color end);
- end
- };
- {
- Type = 'Color'; Text = 'Enemy Color'; Color = EnemyColor;
- Function = function(Circ, Position)
- if tick() - ColorPicker.LastGenerated < 1 then return; end
- if shared.CurrentColorPicker then shared.CurrentColorPicker:Dispose() end
- local ColorPicker = - V2New(-10, 50));
- CurrentColorPicker = ColorPicker;
- shared.CurrentColorPicker = CurrentColorPicker;
- ColorPicker.ColorChanged:Connect(function(Color) Circ.Color = Color EnemyColor = Color Options.EnemyColor = Color end);
- end
- };
- {
- Type = 'Button'; Text = 'Reset Colors';
- Function = function()
- EnemyColor =, 0, 0);
- TeamColor =, 1, 0);
- local C1 = Menu:GetInstance'Sub-ColorPreview.1'; if C1 then C1.Color = TeamColor end
- local C2 = Menu:GetInstance'Sub-ColorPreview.2'; if C2 then C2.Color = EnemyColor end
- end
- };
- {
- Type = 'Button'; Text = 'Rainbow Mode';
- Function = function()
- Rainbow = not Rainbow;
- end
- };
- });
- end, 2);
- Options('ResetSettings', 'Reset Settings', function()
- for i, v in pairs(Options) do
- if Options[i] ~= nil and Options[i].Value ~= nil and Options[i].Text ~= nil and (typeof(Options[i].Value) == 'boolean' or typeof(Options[i].Value) == 'number' or typeof(Options[i].Value) == 'EnumItem') then
- Options[i](Options[i].DefaultValue, true);
- end
- end
- end, 5);
- Options('LoadSettings', 'Load Settings', Load, 4);
- Options('SaveSettings', 'Save Settings', function()
- local COptions = {};
- for i, v in pairs(Options) do
- COptions[i] = v;
- end
- if typeof(TeamColor) == 'Color3' then COptions.TeamColor = { R = TeamColor.R; G = TeamColor.G; B = TeamColor.B } end
- if typeof(EnemyColor) == 'Color3' then COptions.EnemyColor = { R = EnemyColor.R; G = EnemyColor.G; B = EnemyColor.B } end
- if typeof(COptions.MenuKey.Value) == 'EnumItem' then COptions.MenuKey = COptions.MenuKey.Value.Name end
- if typeof(COptions.ToggleKey.Value) == 'EnumItem' then COptions.ToggleKey = COptions.ToggleKey.Value.Name end
- writefile(OptionsFile, HttpService:JSONEncode(COptions));
- end, 3);
- Load(1);
- Options('MenuOpen', nil, true);
- local function Combine(...)
- local Output = {};
- for i, v in pairs{...} do
- if typeof(v) == 'table' then
- table.foreach(v, function(i, v)
- Output[i] = v;
- end)
- end
- end
- return Output
- end
- function LineBox:Create(Properties)
- local Box = { Visible = true }; -- prevent errors not really though dont worry bout the Visible = true thing
- local Properties = Combine({
- Transparency = 1;
- Thickness = 3;
- Visible = true;
- }, Properties);
- if shared.am_ic3 then -- sory just my preference, dynamic boxes will be optional in unnamed esp v2
- Box['OutlineSquare']= NewDrawing'Square'(Properties);
- Box['Square'] = NewDrawing'Square'(Properties);
- Box['Quad'] = NewDrawing'Quad'(Properties);
- else
- Box['TopLeft'] = NewDrawing'Line'(Properties);
- Box['TopRight'] = NewDrawing'Line'(Properties);
- Box['BottomLeft'] = NewDrawing'Line'(Properties);
- Box['BottomRight'] = NewDrawing'Line'(Properties);
- end
- function Box:Update(CF, Size, Color, Properties, Parts)
- if not CF or not Size then return end
- if shared.am_ic3 and typeof(Parts) == 'table' then
- local AllCorners = {};
- for i, v in pairs(Parts) do
- -- if not v:IsA'BasePart' then continue end
- local CF, Size = v.CFrame, v.Size;
- -- CF, Size = v.Parent:GetBoundingBox();
- local Corners = {
- + Size.X / 2, CF.Y + Size.Y / 2, CF.Z + Size.Z / 2);
- - Size.X / 2, CF.Y + Size.Y / 2, CF.Z + Size.Z / 2);
- - Size.X / 2, CF.Y - Size.Y / 2, CF.Z - Size.Z / 2);
- + Size.X / 2, CF.Y - Size.Y / 2, CF.Z - Size.Z / 2);
- - Size.X / 2, CF.Y + Size.Y / 2, CF.Z - Size.Z / 2);
- + Size.X / 2, CF.Y + Size.Y / 2, CF.Z - Size.Z / 2);
- - Size.X / 2, CF.Y - Size.Y / 2, CF.Z + Size.Z / 2);
- + Size.X / 2, CF.Y - Size.Y / 2, CF.Z + Size.Z / 2);
- };
- for i, v in pairs(Corners) do
- table.insert(AllCorners, v);
- end
- -- break
- end
- local xMin, yMin = Camera.ViewportSize.X, Camera.ViewportSize.Y;
- local xMax, yMax = 0, 0;
- local Vs = true;
- for i, v in pairs(AllCorners) do
- local Position, V = WorldToViewport(v);
- if VS and not V then Vs = false break end
- if Position.X > xMax then
- xMax = Position.X;
- end
- if Position.X < xMin then
- xMin = Position.X;
- end
- if Position.Y > yMax then
- yMax = Position.Y;
- end
- if Position.Y < yMin then
- yMin = Position.Y;
- end
- end
- local xSize, ySize = xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin;
- local Outline = Box['OutlineSquare'];
- local Square = Box['Square'];
- Outline.Visible = Vs;
- Square.Visible = Vs;
- Square.Position = V2New(xMin, yMin);
- Square.Color = Color;
- Square.Thickness = math.floor(Outline.Thickness * 0.3);
- -- Square.Position = V2New(xMin, yMin);
- Square.Size = V2New(xSize, ySize);
- Outline.Position = Square.Position;
- Outline.Size = Square.Size;
- Outline.Color =, 0.12, 0.12);
- Outline.Transparency = 0.75;
- return
- end
- local TLPos, Visible1 = WorldToViewport((CF * Size.X, Size.Y, 0)).Position);
- local TRPos, Visible2 = WorldToViewport((CF *, Size.Y, 0)).Position);
- local BLPos, Visible3 = WorldToViewport((CF * Size.X, -Size.Y, 0)).Position);
- local BRPos, Visible4 = WorldToViewport((CF *, -Size.Y, 0)).Position);
- local Quad = Box['Quad'];
- if Visible1 and Visible2 and Visible3 and Visible4 then
- Quad.Visible = true;
- Quad.Color = Color;
- Quad.PointA = V2New(TLPos.X, TLPos.Y);
- Quad.PointB = V2New(TRPos.X, TRPos.Y);
- Quad.PointC = V2New(BRPos.X, BRPos.Y);
- Quad.PointD = V2New(BLPos.X, BLPos.Y);
- else
- Box['Quad'].Visible = false;
- end
- else
- Visible1 = TLPos.Z > 0 -- (commented | reason: random flashes);
- Visible2 = TRPos.Z > 0 -- (commented | reason: random flashes);
- Visible3 = BLPos.Z > 0 -- (commented | reason: random flashes);
- Visible4 = BRPos.Z > 0 -- (commented | reason: random flashes);
- if Visible1 then
- Box['TopLeft'].Visible = true;
- Box['TopLeft'].Color = Color;
- Box['TopLeft'].From = V2New(TLPos.X, TLPos.Y);
- Box['TopLeft'].To = V2New(TRPos.X, TRPos.Y);
- else
- Box['TopLeft'].Visible = false;
- end
- if Visible2 then
- Box['TopRight'].Visible = true;
- Box['TopRight'].Color = Color;
- Box['TopRight'].From = V2New(TRPos.X, TRPos.Y);
- Box['TopRight'].To = V2New(BRPos.X, BRPos.Y);
- else
- Box['TopRight'].Visible = false;
- end
- if Visible3 then
- Box['BottomLeft'].Visible = true;
- Box['BottomLeft'].Color = Color;
- Box['BottomLeft'].From = V2New(BLPos.X, BLPos.Y);
- Box['BottomLeft'].To = V2New(TLPos.X, TLPos.Y);
- else
- Box['BottomLeft'].Visible = false;
- end
- if Visible4 then
- Box['BottomRight'].Visible = true;
- Box['BottomRight'].Color = Color;
- Box['BottomRight'].From = V2New(BRPos.X, BRPos.Y);
- Box['BottomRight'].To = V2New(BLPos.X, BLPos.Y);
- else
- Box['BottomRight'].Visible = false;
- end
- if Properties and typeof(Properties) == 'table' then
- GetTableData(Properties)(function(i, v)
- pcall(Set, Box['TopLeft'], i, v);
- pcall(Set, Box['TopRight'], i, v);
- pcall(Set, Box['BottomLeft'], i, v);
- pcall(Set, Box['BottomRight'], i, v);
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- function Box:SetVisible(bool)
- if shared.am_ic3 then
- Box['Square'].Visible = bool;
- Box['OutlineSquare'].Visible = bool;
- else
- pcall(Set, Box['Quad'], 'Visible', bool);
- end
- -- pcall(Set, Box['TopLeft'], 'Visible', bool);
- -- pcall(Set, Box['TopRight'], 'Visible', bool);
- -- pcall(Set, Box['BottomLeft'], 'Visible', bool);
- -- pcall(Set, Box['BottomRight'], 'Visible', bool);
- end
- function Box:Remove()
- self:SetVisible(false);
- if shared.am_ic3 then
- Box['Square']:Remove();
- Box['OutlineSquare']:Remove();
- else
- Box['Quad']:Remove();
- end
- -- Box['TopLeft']:Remove();
- -- Box['TopRight']:Remove();
- -- Box['BottomLeft']:Remove();
- -- Box['BottomRight']:Remove();
- end
- return Box;
- end
- local Colors = {
- White = FromHex'ffffff';
- Primary = {
- Main = FromHex'424242';
- Light = FromHex'6d6d6d';
- Dark = FromHex'1b1b1b';
- };
- Secondary = {
- Main = FromHex'e0e0e0';
- Light = FromHex'ffffff';
- Dark = FromHex'aeaeae';
- };
- };
- function Connections:Listen(Connection, Function)
- local NewConnection = Connection:Connect(Function);
- table.insert(self.Active, NewConnection);
- return NewConnection;
- end
- function Connections:DisconnectAll()
- for Index, Connection in pairs(self.Active) do
- if Connection.Connected then
- Connection:Disconnect();
- end
- end
- self.Active = {};
- end
- function
- local self = setmetatable({ _BindableEvent ='BindableEvent' }, Signal);
- return self;
- end
- function Signal:Connect(Callback)
- assert(typeof(Callback) == 'function', 'function expected; got ' .. typeof(Callback));
- return self._BindableEvent.Event:Connect(function(...) Callback(...) end);
- end
- function Signal:Fire(...)
- self._BindableEvent:Fire(...);
- end
- function Signal:Wait()
- local Arguments = self._BindableEvent:Wait();
- return Arguments;
- end
- function Signal:Disconnect()
- if self._BindableEvent then
- self._BindableEvent:Destroy();
- end
- end
- local function GetMouseLocation()
- return UserInputService:GetMouseLocation();
- end
- local function IsMouseOverDrawing(Drawing, MousePosition)
- local TopLeft = Drawing.Position;
- local BottomRight = Drawing.Position + Drawing.Size;
- local MousePosition = MousePosition or GetMouseLocation();
- return MousePosition.X > TopLeft.X and MousePosition.Y > TopLeft.Y and MousePosition.X < BottomRight.X and MousePosition.Y < BottomRight.Y;
- end
- local ImageCache = {};
- local function SetImage(Drawing, Url)
- local Data = IsSynapse and game:HttpGet(Url) or Url;
- print(Drawing, IsSynapse)
- Drawing[IsSynapse and 'Data' or 'Uri'] = ImageCache[Url] or Data;
- ImageCache[Url] = Data;
- if not IsSynapse then repeat wait() until Drawing.Loaded; end
- end
- -- oh god unnamed esp needs an entire rewrite, someone make a better one pls im too lazy
- -- btw the color picker was made seperately so it doesnt fit with the code of unnamed esp
- local function CreateDrawingsTable()
- local Drawings = { __Objects = {} };
- local Metatable = {};
- function Metatable.__index(self, Index)
- local Object = rawget(self.__Objects, Index);
- if not Object or (IsSynapse and not Object.__SELF.__OBJECT_EXISTS) then
- local Type = Index:sub(1, Index:find'-' - 1);
- Success, Object = pcall(, Type);
- if not Object or not Success then return function() end; end
- self.__Objects[Index] = setmetatable({ __SELF = Object; Type = Type }, {
- __call = function(self, Properties)
- local Object = rawget(self, '__SELF'); if IsSynapse and not Object.__OBJECT_EXISTS then return false, 'render object destroyed'; end
- if Properties == false then
- Object.Visible = false;
- Object.Transparency = 0;
- Object:Remove();
- return true;
- end
- if typeof(Properties) == 'table' then
- for Property, Value in pairs(Properties) do
- local CanSet = true;
- if self.Type == 'Image' and not IsSynapse and Property == 'Size' and typeof(Value) == 'Vector2' then
- CanSet = false;
- spawn(function()
- repeat wait() until Object.Loaded;
- if not self.DefaultSize then rawset(self, 'DefaultSize', Object.Size) end
- Property = 'ScaleFactor';
- Value = Value.X / self.DefaultSize.X;
- Object[Property] = Value
- end)
- end
- if CanSet then Object[Property] = Value end
- end
- end
- return Object;
- end
- });
- Object.Visible = true;
- Object.Transparency = 1; -- Transparency is really Opacity with drawing api (1 being visible, 0 being invisible)
- if Type == 'Text' then
- if Drawing.Fonts then Object.Font = Drawing.Fonts.Monospace end
- Object.Size = 20;
- Object.Color =, 1, 1);
- Object.Center = true;
- Object.Outline = true;
- OutlineOpacity = 0.5;
- elseif Type == 'Square' or Type == 'Rectangle' then
- Object.Thickness = 2;
- Object.Filled = false;
- end
- return self.__Objects[Index];
- end
- return Object;
- end
- function Metatable.__call(self, Delete, ...)
- local Arguments = {Delete, ...};
- if Delete == false then
- for Index, Drawing in pairs(rawget(self, '__Objects')) do
- Drawing(false);
- end
- end
- end
- return setmetatable(Drawings, Metatable);
- end
- local Images = {};
- spawn(function()
- Images.Ring = '';
- Images.Overlay = '';
- end)
- function, Size, Color)
- ColorPicker.LastGenerated = tick();
- ColorPicker.Loading = true;
- local Picker = { Color = Color or, 1, 1); HSV = { H = 0, S = 1, V = 1 } };
- local Drawings = CreateDrawingsTable();
- local Position = Position or V2New();
- local Size = Size or 150;
- local Padding = { 10, 10, 10, 10 };
- Picker.ColorChanged =;
- local Background = Drawings['Square-Background'] {
- Color = Color3.fromRGB(33, 33, 33);
- Filled = false;
- Visible = false;
- Position = Position - V2New(Padding[4], Padding[1]);
- Size = V2New(Size, Size) + V2New(Padding[4] + Padding[2], Padding[1] + Padding[3]);
- };
- local ColorPreview = Drawings['Circle-Preview'] {
- Position = Position + (V2New(Size, Size) / 2);
- Radius = Size / 2 - 8;
- Filled = true;
- Thickness = 0;
- NumSides = 20;
- Color =, 0, 0);
- };
- local Main = Drawings['Image-Main'] {
- Position = Position;
- Size = V2New(Size, Size);
- }; SetImage(Main, Images.Ring);
- local Preview = Drawings['Square-Preview'] {
- Position = Main.Position + (Main.Size / 4.5);
- Size = Main.Size / 1.75;
- Color =, 0, 0);
- Filled = true;
- Thickness = 0;
- };
- local Overlay = Drawings['Image-Overlay'] {
- Position = Preview.Position;
- Size = Preview.Size;
- Transparency = 1;
- }; SetImage(Overlay, Images.Overlay);
- local CursorOutline = Drawings['Circle-CursorOutline'] {
- Radius = 4;
- Thickness = 2;
- Filled = false;
- Color =, 0.2, 0.2);
- Position = V2New(Main.Position.X + Main.Size.X - 10, Main.Position.Y + (Main.Size.Y / 2));
- };
- local Cursor = Drawings['Circle-Cursor'] {
- Radius = 3;
- Transparency = 1;
- Filled = true;
- Color =, 1, 1);
- Position = CursorOutline.Position;
- };
- local CursorOutline = Drawings['Circle-CursorOutlineSquare'] {
- Radius = 4;
- Thickness = 2;
- Filled = false;
- Color =, 0.2, 0.2);
- Position = V2New(Preview.Position.X + Preview.Size.X - 2, Preview.Position.Y + 2);
- };
- Drawings['Circle-CursorSquare'] {
- Radius = 3;
- Transparency = 1;
- Filled = true;
- Color =, 1, 1);
- Position = CursorOutline.Position;
- };
- function Picker:UpdatePosition(Input)
- local MousePosition = V2New(Input.Position.X, Input.Position.Y + 33);
- if self.MouseHeld then
- if self.Item == 'Ring' then
- local Main = self.Drawings['Image-Main'] ();
- local Preview = self.Drawings['Square-Preview'] ();
- local Bounds = Main.Size / 2;
- local Center = Main.Position + Bounds;
- local Relative = MousePosition - Center;
- local Direction = Relative.unit;
- local Position = Center + Direction * Main.Size.X / 2.15;
- local H = (math.atan2(Position.Y - Center.Y, Position.X - Center.X)) * 60;
- if H < 0 then H = 360 + H; end
- H = H / 360;
- self.HSV.H = H;
- local EndColor = Color3.fromHSV(H, self.HSV.S, self.HSV.V); if EndColor ~= self.Color then self.ColorChanged:Fire(self.Color); end
- local Pointer = self.Drawings['Circle-Cursor'] { Position = Position };
- self.Drawings['Circle-CursorOutline'] { Position = Pointer.Position };
- Bounds = Bounds * 2;
- Preview.Color = Color3.fromHSV(H, 1, 1);
- self.Color = EndColor;
- self.Drawings['Circle-Preview'] { Color = EndColor };
- elseif self.Item == 'HL' then
- local Preview = self.Drawings['Square-Preview'] ();
- local HSV = self.HSV;
- local Position = V2New(math.clamp(MousePosition.X, Preview.Position.X, Preview.Position.X + Preview.Size.X), math.clamp(MousePosition.Y, Preview.Position.Y, Preview.Position.Y + Preview.Size.Y));
- HSV.S = (Position.X - Preview.Position.X) / Preview.Size.X;
- HSV.V = 1 - (Position.Y - Preview.Position.Y) / Preview.Size.Y;
- local EndColor = Color3.fromHSV(HSV.H, HSV.S, HSV.V); if EndColor ~= self.Color then self.ColorChanged:Fire(self.Color); end
- self.Color = EndColor;
- self.Drawings['Circle-Preview'] { Color = EndColor };
- local Pointer = self.Drawings['Circle-CursorSquare'] { Position = Position };
- self.Drawings['Circle-CursorOutlineSquare'] { Position = Pointer.Position };
- end
- end
- end
- function Picker:HandleInput(Input, P, Type)
- if Type == 'Began' then
- if Input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseButton1' then
- local Main = self.Drawings['Image-Main'] ();
- local SquareSV = self.Drawings['Square-Preview'] ();
- local MousePosition = V2New(Input.Position.X, Input.Position.Y + 33);
- self.MouseHeld = true;
- local Bounds = Main.Size / 2;
- local Center = Main.Position + Bounds;
- local R = (MousePosition - Center);
- if R.Magnitude < Bounds.X and R.Magnitude > Bounds.X - 20 then
- self.Item = 'Ring';
- end
- if MousePosition.X > SquareSV.Position.X and MousePosition.Y > SquareSV.Position.Y and MousePosition.X < SquareSV.Position.X + SquareSV.Size.X and MousePosition.Y < SquareSV.Position.Y + SquareSV.Size.Y then
- self.Item = 'HL';
- end
- self:UpdatePosition(Input, P);
- end
- elseif Type == 'Changed' then
- if Input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseMovement' then
- self:UpdatePosition(Input, P);
- end
- elseif Type == 'Ended' and Input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseButton1' then
- self.Item = nil;
- end
- end
- function Picker:Dispose()
- self.Drawings(false);
- self.UpdatePosition = nil;
- self.HandleInput = nil;
- Connections:DisconnectAll(); -- scuffed tbh
- end
- Connections:Listen(UserInputService.InputBegan, function(Input, Process)
- Picker:HandleInput(Input, Process, 'Began');
- end);
- Connections:Listen(UserInputService.InputChanged, function(Input, Process)
- if Input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseMovement' then
- local MousePosition = V2New(Input.Position.X, Input.Position.Y + 33);
- local Cursor = Picker.Drawings['Triangle-Cursor'] {
- Filled = true;
- Color =, 0.9, 0.9);
- PointA = MousePosition + V2New(0, 0);
- PointB = MousePosition + V2New(12, 14);
- PointC = MousePosition + V2New(0, 18);
- Thickness = 0;
- };
- end
- Picker:HandleInput(Input, Process, 'Changed');
- end);
- Connections:Listen(UserInputService.InputEnded, function(Input, Process)
- Picker:HandleInput(Input, Process, 'Ended');
- if Input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseButton1' then
- Picker.MouseHeld = false;
- end
- end);
- ColorPicker.Loading = false;
- Picker.Drawings = Drawings;
- return Picker;
- end
- function SubMenu:Show(Position, Title, Options)
- self.Open = true;
- local Visible = true;
- local BasePosition = Position;
- local BaseSize = V2New(200, 140);
- local End = BasePosition + BaseSize;
- self.Bounds = { BasePosition.X, BasePosition.Y, End.X, End.Y };
- delay(0.025, function()
- if not self.Open then return; end
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('Sub-Main', 'Square', {
- Size = BaseSize;
- Position = BasePosition;
- Filled = false;
- Color = Colors.Primary.Main;
- Thickness = 3;
- Visible = Visible;
- });
- end);
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('Sub-TopBar', 'Square', {
- Position = BasePosition;
- Size = V2New(BaseSize.X, 10);
- Color = Colors.Primary.Dark;
- Filled = true;
- Visible = Visible;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('Sub-TopBarTwo', 'Square', {
- Position = BasePosition + V2New(0, 10);
- Size = V2New(BaseSize.X, 20);
- Color = Colors.Primary.Main;
- Filled = true;
- Visible = Visible;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('Sub-TopBarText', 'Text', {
- Size = 20;
- Position = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances['Sub-TopBarTwo'].Position + V2New(15, -3);
- Text = Title or '';
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- Visible = Visible;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('Sub-Filling', 'Square', {
- Size = BaseSize - V2New(0, 30);
- Position = BasePosition + V2New(0, 30);
- Filled = true;
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Main;
- Transparency= .75;
- Visible = Visible;
- });
- if Options then
- for Index, Option in pairs(Options) do -- currently only supports color and button(but color is a button so), planning on fully rewriting or something
- local function GetName(Name) return ('Sub-%s.%d'):format(Name, Index) end
- local Position = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances['Sub-Filling'].Position + V2New(20, Index * 25 - 10);
- -- local BasePosition = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.Filling.Position + V2New(30, v.Index * 25 - 10);
- if Option.Type == 'Color' then
- local ColorPreview = Menu:AddMenuInstance(GetName'ColorPreview', 'Circle', {
- Position = Position;
- Color = Option.Color;
- Radius = IsSynapse and 10 or 10;
- NumSides = 10;
- Filled = true;
- Visible = true;
- });
- local Text = Menu:AddMenuInstance(GetName'Text', 'Text', {
- Text = Option.Text;
- Position = ColorPreview.Position + V2New(15, -8);
- Size = 16;
- Color = Colors.Primary.Dark;
- Visible = true;
- });
- UIButtons[#UIButtons + 1] = {
- FromSubMenu = true;
- Option = function() return Option.Function(ColorPreview, BasePosition + V2New(BaseSize.X, 0)) end;
- Instance = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_Hitbox', GetName'Button'), 'Square', {
- Position = Position - V2New(20, 12);
- Size = V2New(BaseSize.X, 25);
- Visible = false;
- });
- };
- elseif Option.Type == 'Button' then
- UIButtons[#UIButtons + 1] = {
- FromSubMenu = true;
- Option = Option.Function;
- Instance = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_Hitbox', GetName'Button'), 'Square', {
- Size = V2New(BaseSize.X, 20) - V2New(20, 0);
- Visible = true;
- Transparency= .5;
- Position = Position - V2New(10, 10);
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- Filled = true;
- });
- };
- local Text = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_Text', GetName'Text'), 'Text', {
- Text = Option.Text;
- Size = 18;
- Position = Position + V2New(5, -10);
- Visible = true;
- Color = Colors.Primary.Dark;
- });
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function SubMenu:Hide()
- self.Open = false;
- for i, v in pairs(shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances) do
- if i:sub(1, 3) == 'Sub' then
- v.Visible = false;
- if i:sub(4, 4) == ':' then -- ';' = Temporary so remove
- v:Remove();
- shared.MenuDrawingData.Instance[i] = nil;
- end
- end
- end
- for i, Button in pairs(UIButtons) do
- if Button.FromSubMenu then
- UIButtons[i] = nil;
- end
- end
- spawn(function() -- stupid bug happens if i dont use this
- for i = 1, 10 do
- if shared.CurrentColorPicker then -- dont know why 'CurrentColorPicker' isnt a variable in this
- shared.CurrentColorPicker:Dispose();
- end
- wait(0.1);
- end
- end)
- CurrentColorPicker = nil;
- end
- function CreateMenu(NewPosition) -- Create Menu
- MenuLoaded = false;
- UIButtons = {};
- Sliders = {};
- local BaseSize = V2New(300, 625);
- local BasePosition = NewPosition or V2New(Camera.ViewportSize.X / 8 - (BaseSize.X / 2), Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2 - (BaseSize.Y / 2));
- BasePosition = V2New(math.clamp(BasePosition.X, 0, Camera.ViewportSize.X), math.clamp(BasePosition.Y, 0, Camera.ViewportSize.Y));
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('CrosshairX', 'Line', {
- Visible = false;
- Color =, 1, 0);
- Transparency = 1;
- Thickness = 1;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('CrosshairY', 'Line', {
- Visible = false;
- Color =, 1, 0);
- Transparency = 1;
- Thickness = 1;
- });
- delay(.025, function() -- since zindex doesnt exist
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('Main', 'Square', {
- Size = BaseSize;
- Position = BasePosition;
- Filled = false;
- Color = Colors.Primary.Main;
- Thickness = 3;
- Visible = true;
- });
- end);
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('TopBar', 'Square', {
- Position = BasePosition;
- Size = V2New(BaseSize.X, 15);
- Color = Colors.Primary.Dark;
- Filled = true;
- Visible = true;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('TopBarTwo', 'Square', {
- Position = BasePosition + V2New(0, 15);
- Size = V2New(BaseSize.X, 45);
- Color = Colors.Primary.Main;
- Filled = true;
- Visible = true;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('TopBarText', 'Text', {
- Size = 25;
- Position = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.TopBarTwo.Position + V2New(25, 10);
- Text = 'Unnamed ESP';
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- Visible = true;
- Transparency= 1; -- proto outline fix
- Outline = true;
- OutlineOpacity = 0.5;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('TopBarTextBR', 'Text', {
- Size = 18;
- Position = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.TopBarTwo.Position + V2New(BaseSize.X - 75, 25);
- Text = 'by ic3w0lf';
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- Visible = true;
- Transparency= 1;
- Outline = true;
- OutlineOpacity = 0.5;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('Filling', 'Square', {
- Size = BaseSize - V2New(0, 60);
- Position = BasePosition + V2New(0, 60);
- Filled = true;
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Main;
- Transparency= .5;
- Visible = true;
- });
- local CPos = 0;
- GetTableData(Options)(function(i, v)
- if typeof(v.Value) == 'boolean' and not IsStringEmpty(v.Text) and v.Text ~= nil then
- CPos = CPos + 25;
- local BaseSize = V2New(BaseSize.X, 30);
- local BasePosition = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.Filling.Position + V2New(30, v.Index * 25 - 10);
- UIButtons[#UIButtons + 1] = {
- Option = v;
- Instance = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_Hitbox', v.Name), 'Square', {
- Position = BasePosition - V2New(30, 15);
- Size = BaseSize;
- Visible = false;
- });
- };
- Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_OuterCircle', v.Name), 'Circle', {
- Radius = 10;
- Position = BasePosition;
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- Filled = true;
- Visible = true;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_InnerCircle', v.Name), 'Circle', {
- Radius = 7;
- Position = BasePosition;
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Dark;
- Filled = true;
- Visible = v.Value;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_Text', v.Name), 'Text', {
- Text = v.Text;
- Size = 20;
- Position = BasePosition + V2New(20, -10);
- Visible = true;
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- Transparency= 1;
- Outline = true;
- OutlineOpacity = 0.5;
- });
- end
- end)
- GetTableData(Options)(function(i, v) -- just to make sure certain things are drawn before or after others, too lazy to actually sort table
- if typeof(v.Value) == 'number' then
- CPos = CPos + 25;
- local BaseSize = V2New(BaseSize.X, 30);
- local BasePosition = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.Filling.Position + V2New(0, CPos - 10);
- local Line = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_SliderLine', v.Name), 'Square', {
- Transparency = 1;
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- -- Thickness = 3;
- Filled = true;
- Visible = true;
- Position = BasePosition + V2New(15, -5);
- Size = BaseSize - V2New(30, 10);
- Transparency = 0.5;
- });
- local Slider = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_Slider', v.Name), 'Square', {
- Visible = true;
- Filled = true;
- Color = Colors.Primary.Dark;
- Size = V2New(5, Line.Size.Y);
- Transparency = 0.5;
- });
- local Text = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_Text', v.Name), 'Text', {
- Text = v.Text;
- Size = 20;
- Center = true;
- Transparency = 1;
- Outline = true;
- OutlineOpacity = 0.5;
- Visible = true;
- Color = Colors.White;
- }); Text.Position = Line.Position + (Line.Size / 2) - V2New(0, Text.TextBounds.Y / 1.75);
- local AMT = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_AmountText', v.Name), 'Text', {
- Text = tostring(v.Value);
- Size = 22;
- Center = true;
- Transparency = 1;
- Outline = true;
- OutlineOpacity = 0.5;
- Visible = true;
- Color = Colors.White;
- Position = Text.Position;
- });
- local CSlider = {Slider = Slider; Line = Line; Min = v.AllArgs[4]; Max = v.AllArgs[5]; Option = v};
- local Dummy ='NumberValue';
- Dummy:GetPropertyChangedSignal'Value':Connect(function()
- Text.Transparency = Dummy.Value;
- -- Text.OutlineTransparency = 1 - Dummy.Value;
- AMT.Transparency = 1 - Dummy.Value;
- end);
- Dummy.Value = 1;
- function CSlider:ShowValue(Bool)
- self.ShowingValue = Bool;
- TweenService:Create(Dummy,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Value = Bool and 0 or 1 }):Play();
- end
- Sliders[#Sliders + 1] = CSlider;
- -- local Percent = (v.Value / CSlider.Max) * 100;
- -- local Size = math.abs(Line.From.X - Line.To.X);
- -- local Value = Size * (Percent / 100);
- Slider.Position = Line.Position + V2New(35, 0);
- v.BaseSize = BaseSize;
- v.BasePosition = BasePosition;
- -- AMT.Position = BasePosition + V2New(BaseSize.X - AMT.TextBounds.X - 10, -10)
- end
- end)
- local FirstItem = false;
- GetTableData(Options)(function(i, v) -- just to make sure certain things are drawn before or after others, too lazy to actually sort table
- if typeof(v.Value) == 'EnumItem' then
- CPos = CPos + (not FirstItem and 30 or 25);
- FirstItem = true;
- local BaseSize = V2New(BaseSize.X, FirstItem and 30 or 25);
- local BasePosition = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.Filling.Position + V2New(0, CPos - 10);
- UIButtons[#UIButtons + 1] = {
- Option = v;
- Instance = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_Hitbox', v.Name), 'Square', {
- Size = V2New(BaseSize.X, 20) - V2New(30, 0);
- Visible = true;
- Transparency= .5;
- Position = BasePosition + V2New(15, -10);
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- Filled = true;
- });
- };
- local Text = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_Text', v.Name), 'Text', {
- Text = v.Text;
- Size = 20;
- Position = BasePosition + V2New(20, -10);
- Visible = true;
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- Transparency= 1;
- Outline = true;
- OutlineOpacity = 0.5;
- });
- local BindText = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_BindText', v.Name), 'Text', {
- Text = tostring(v.Value):match'%w+%.%w+%.(.+)';
- Size = 20;
- Position = BasePosition;
- Visible = true;
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- Transparency= 1;
- Outline = true;
- OutlineOpacity = 0.5;
- });
- Options[i].BaseSize = BaseSize;
- Options[i].BasePosition = BasePosition;
- BindText.Position = BasePosition + V2New(BaseSize.X - BindText.TextBounds.X - 20, -10);
- end
- end)
- GetTableData(Options)(function(i, v) -- just to make sure certain things are drawn before or after others, too lazy to actually sort table
- if typeof(v.Value) == 'function' then
- local BaseSize = V2New(BaseSize.X, 30);
- local BasePosition = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.Filling.Position + V2New(0, CPos + (25 * v.AllArgs[4]) - 35);
- UIButtons[#UIButtons + 1] = {
- Option = v;
- Instance = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_Hitbox', v.Name), 'Square', {
- Size = V2New(BaseSize.X, 20) - V2New(30, 0);
- Visible = true;
- Transparency= .5;
- Position = BasePosition + V2New(15, -10);
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- Filled = true;
- });
- };
- local Text = Menu:AddMenuInstance(Format('%s_Text', v.Name), 'Text', {
- Text = v.Text;
- Size = 20;
- Position = BasePosition + V2New(20, -10);
- Visible = true;
- Color = Colors.Secondary.Light;
- Transparency= 1;
- Outline = true;
- OutlineOpacity = 0.5;
- });
- -- BindText.Position = BasePosition + V2New(BaseSize.X - BindText.TextBounds.X - 10, -10);
- end
- end)
- delay(.1, function()
- MenuLoaded = true;
- end);
- -- this has to be at the bottom cuz proto drawing api doesnt have zindex :triumph:
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('Cursor1', 'Line', {
- Visible = false;
- Color =, 0, 0);
- Transparency = 1;
- Thickness = 2;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('Cursor2', 'Line', {
- Visible = false;
- Color =, 0, 0);
- Transparency = 1;
- Thickness = 2;
- });
- Menu:AddMenuInstance('Cursor3', 'Line', {
- Visible = false;
- Color =, 0, 0);
- Transparency = 1;
- Thickness = 2;
- });
- end
- CreateMenu();
- delay(0.1, function()
- SubMenu:Show(V2New()); -- Create the submenu
- SubMenu:Hide();
- end);
- shared.UESP_InputChangedCon = UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseMovement' and Options.MenuOpen.Value then
- for i, v in pairs(Sliders) do
- local Values = {
- v.Line.Position.X;
- v.Line.Position.Y;
- v.Line.Position.X + v.Line.Size.X;
- v.Line.Position.Y + v.Line.Size.Y;
- };
- if MouseHoveringOver(Values) then
- v:ShowValue(true);
- else
- if not MouseHeld then v:ShowValue(false); end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- shared.UESP_InputBeganCon = UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseButton1' and Options.MenuOpen.Value then
- MouseHeld = true;
- local Bar = Menu:GetInstance'TopBar';
- local Values = {
- Bar.Position.X;
- Bar.Position.Y;
- Bar.Position.X + Bar.Size.X;
- Bar.Position.Y + Bar.Size.Y;
- }
- if MouseHoveringOver(Values) then
- DraggingUI = true;
- DragOffset = Menu:GetInstance'Main'.Position - GetMouseLocation();
- else
- for i, v in pairs(Sliders) do
- local Values = {
- v.Line.Position.X;
- v.Line.Position.Y;
- v.Line.Position.X + v.Line.Size.X;
- v.Line.Position.Y + v.Line.Size.Y;
- -- v.Line.From.X - (v.Slider.Radius);
- -- v.Line.From.Y - (v.Slider.Radius);
- -- v.Line.To.X + (v.Slider.Radius);
- -- v.Line.To.Y + (v.Slider.Radius);
- };
- if MouseHoveringOver(Values) then
- DraggingWhat = v;
- Dragging = true;
- break
- end
- end
- if not Dragging then
- local Values = {
- TracerPosition.X - 10;
- TracerPosition.Y - 10;
- TracerPosition.X + 10;
- TracerPosition.Y + 10;
- };
- if MouseHoveringOver(Values) then
- DragTracerPosition = true;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- shared.UESP_InputEndedCon = UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseButton1' and Options.MenuOpen.Value then
- MouseHeld = false;
- DragTracerPosition = false;
- local IgnoreOtherInput = false;
- if SubMenu.Open and not MouseHoveringOver(SubMenu.Bounds) then
- if CurrentColorPicker and IsMouseOverDrawing(CurrentColorPicker.Drawings['Square-Background']()) then IgnoreOtherInput = true; end
- if not IgnoreOtherInput then SubMenu:Hide() end
- end
- if not IgnoreOtherInput then
- for i, v in pairs(UIButtons) do
- if SubMenu.Open and MouseHoveringOver(SubMenu.Bounds) and not v.FromSubMenu then continue end
- local Values = {
- v.Instance.Position.X;
- v.Instance.Position.Y;
- v.Instance.Position.X + v.Instance.Size.X;
- v.Instance.Position.Y + v.Instance.Size.Y;
- };
- if MouseHoveringOver(Values) then
- v.Option();
- IgnoreOtherInput = true;
- break -- prevent clicking 2 options
- end
- end
- for i, v in pairs(Sliders) do
- if IgnoreOtherInput then break end
- local Values = {
- v.Line.Position.X;
- v.Line.Position.Y;
- v.Line.Position.X + v.Line.Size.X;
- v.Line.Position.Y + v.Line.Size.Y;
- };
- if not MouseHoveringOver(Values) then
- v:ShowValue(false);
- end
- end
- end
- elseif input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseButton2' and Options.MenuOpen.Value and not DragTracerPosition then
- local Values = {
- TracerPosition.X - 10;
- TracerPosition.Y - 10;
- TracerPosition.X + 10;
- TracerPosition.Y + 10;
- }
- if MouseHoveringOver(Values) then
- DragTracerPosition = false;
- TracerPosition = V2New(Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, Camera.ViewportSize.Y - 135);
- end
- elseif input.UserInputType.Name == 'Keyboard' then
- if Binding then
- BindedKey = input.KeyCode;
- Binding = false;
- elseif input.KeyCode == Options.MenuKey.Value or (input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Home and UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl)) then
- Options.MenuOpen();
- elseif input.KeyCode == Options.ToggleKey.Value then
- Options.Enabled();
- elseif input.KeyCode.Name == 'F1' and UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(1) and shared.am_ic3 then -- hehe hiden spectate feature cuz why not
- local HD, LPlayer, LCharacter = 0.95;
- for i, Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local Character = GetCharacter(Player);
- if Player ~= LocalPlayer and Player ~= Spectating and Character and Character:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' then
- local Head = Character:FindFirstChild'Head';
- local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid';
- if Head then
- local Distance = (Camera.CFrame.Position - Head.Position).Magnitude;
- if Distance > Options.MaxDistance.Value then continue; end
- local Direction = -(Camera.CFrame.Position - Mouse.Hit.Position).unit;
- local Relative = Character.Head.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position;
- local Unit = Relative.unit;
- local DP = Direction:Dot(Unit);
- if DP > HD then
- HD = DP;
- LPlayer = Player;
- LCharacter = Character;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if LPlayer and LPlayer ~= Spectating and LCharacter then
- Camera.CameraSubject = LCharacter.Head;
- Spectating = LPlayer;
- else
- if LocalPlayer.Character and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid' then
- Camera.CameraSubject = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid';
- Spectating = nil;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- local function CameraCon() -- unnamed esp v1 sucks
- workspace.CurrentCamera:GetPropertyChangedSignal'ViewportSize':Connect(function()
- TracerPosition = V2New(Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, Camera.ViewportSize.Y - 135);
- end);
- end
- CameraCon();
- local function ToggleMenu()
- if Options.MenuOpen.Value then
- -- GUIService:SetMenuIsOpen(true);
- GetTableData(shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances)(function(i, v)
- if OldData[v] then
- pcall(Set, v, 'Visible', true);
- end
- end)
- else
- -- GUIService:SetMenuIsOpen(false);
- GetTableData(shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances)(function(i, v)
- OldData[v] = v.Visible;
- if v.Visible then
- pcall(Set, v, 'Visible', false);
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- local function CheckRay(Instance, Distance, Position, Unit)
- local Pass = true;
- local Model = Instance;
- if Distance > 999 then return false; end
- if Instance.ClassName == 'Player' then
- Model = GetCharacter(Instance);
- end
- if not Model then
- Model = Instance.Parent;
- if Model.Parent == workspace then
- Model = Instance;
- end
- end
- if not Model then return false end
- local _Ray =, Unit * Distance);
- local List = {LocalPlayer.Character, Camera, Mouse.TargetFilter};
- for i,v in pairs(IgnoreList) do table.insert(List, v); end;
- local Hit = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(_Ray, List);
- if Hit and not Hit:IsDescendantOf(Model) then
- Pass = false;
- if Hit.Transparency >= .3 or not Hit.CanCollide and Hit.ClassName ~= Terrain then -- Detect invisible walls
- IgnoreList[#IgnoreList + 1] = Hit;
- end
- end
- return Pass;
- end
- local function CheckTeam(Player)
- if Player.Neutral and LocalPlayer.Neutral then return true; end
- return Player.TeamColor == LocalPlayer.TeamColor;
- end
- local CustomTeam = CustomTeams[game.PlaceId];
- if CustomTeam ~= nil then
- if CustomTeam.Initialize then ypcall(CustomTeam.Initialize) end
- CheckTeam = CustomTeam.CheckTeam;
- end
- local function CheckPlayer(Player, Character)
- if not Options.Enabled.Value then return false end
- local Pass = true;
- local Distance = 0;
- if Player ~= LocalPlayer and Character then
- if not Options.ShowTeam.Value and CheckTeam(Player) then
- Pass = false;
- end
- local Head = Character:FindFirstChild'Head';
- if Pass and Character and Head then
- Distance = (Camera.CFrame.Position - Head.Position).Magnitude;
- if Options.VisCheck.Value then
- Pass = CheckRay(Player, Distance, Camera.CFrame.Position, (Head.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position).unit);
- end
- if Distance > Options.MaxDistance.Value then
- Pass = false;
- end
- end
- else
- Pass = false;
- end
- return Pass, Distance;
- end
- local function CheckDistance(Instance)
- if not Options.Enabled.Value then return false end
- local Pass = true;
- local Distance = 0;
- if Instance ~= nil then
- Distance = (Camera.CFrame.Position - Instance.Position).Magnitude;
- if Options.VisCheck.Value then
- Pass = CheckRay(Instance, Distance, Camera.CFrame.Position, (Instance.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position).unit);
- end
- if Distance > Options.MaxDistance.Value then
- Pass = false;
- end
- else
- Pass = false;
- end
- return Pass, Distance;
- end
- local function UpdatePlayerData()
- if (tick() - LastRefresh) > (Options.RefreshRate.Value / 1000) then
- LastRefresh = tick();
- if CustomESP and Options.Enabled.Value then
- local a, b = pcall(CustomESP);
- end
- for i, v in pairs(RenderList.Instances) do
- if v.Instance ~= nil and v.Instance.Parent ~= nil and v.Instance:IsA'BasePart' then
- local Data = shared.InstanceData[v.Instance:GetDebugId()] or { Instances = {}; DontDelete = true };
- Data.Instance = v.Instance;
- Data.Instances['OutlineTracer'] = Data.Instances['OutlineTracer'] or NewDrawing'Line'{
- Transparency = 0.75;
- Thickness = 5;
- Color =, 0.1, 0.1);
- }
- Data.Instances['Tracer'] = Data.Instances['Tracer'] or NewDrawing'Line'{
- Transparency = 1;
- Thickness = 2;
- }
- Data.Instances['NameTag'] = Data.Instances['NameTag'] or NewDrawing'Text'{
- Size = Options.TextSize.Value;
- Center = true;
- Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value;
- Visible = true;
- };
- Data.Instances['DistanceTag'] = Data.Instances['DistanceTag'] or NewDrawing'Text'{
- Size = Options.TextSize.Value - 1;
- Center = true;
- Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value;
- Visible = true;
- };
- local NameTag = Data.Instances['NameTag'];
- local DistanceTag = Data.Instances['DistanceTag'];
- local Tracer = Data.Instances['Tracer'];
- local OutlineTracer = Data.Instances['OutlineTracer'];
- local Pass, Distance = CheckDistance(v.Instance);
- if Pass then
- local ScreenPosition, Vis = WorldToViewport(v.Instance.Position);
- local Color = v.Color;
- local OPos = Camera.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(v.Instance.Position);
- if ScreenPosition.Z < 0 then
- local AT = math.atan2(OPos.Y, OPos.X) + math.pi;
- OPos = CFrame.Angles(0, 0, AT):vectorToWorldSpace((CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(89.9), 0):vectorToWorldSpace(V3New(0, 0, -1))));
- end
- local Position = WorldToViewport(Camera.CFrame:pointToWorldSpace(OPos));
- if Options.ShowTracers.Value then
- Tracer.Transparency = math.clamp(Distance / 200, 0.45, 0.8);
- Tracer.Visible = true;
- Tracer.From = TracerPosition;
- Tracer.To = V2New(Position.X, Position.Y);
- Tracer.Color = Color;
- OutlineTracer.Visible = true;
- OutlineTracer.Transparency = Tracer.Transparency - 0.1;
- OutlineTracer.From = Tracer.From;
- OutlineTracer.To = Tracer.To;
- OutlineTracer.Color =, 0.1, 0.1);
- else
- Tracer.Visible = false;
- OutlineTracer.Visible = false;
- end
- if ScreenPosition.Z > 0 then
- local ScreenPositionUpper = ScreenPosition;
- if Options.ShowName.Value then
- LocalPlayer.NameDisplayDistance = 0;
- NameTag.Visible = true;
- NameTag.Text = v.Text;
- NameTag.Size = Options.TextSize.Value;
- NameTag.Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value;
- NameTag.Position = V2New(ScreenPositionUpper.X, ScreenPositionUpper.Y);
- NameTag.Color = Color;
- if Drawing.Fonts and shared.am_ic3 then -- CURRENTLY SYNAPSE ONLY :MEGAHOLY:
- NameTag.Font = Drawing.Fonts.Monospace;
- end
- else
- LocalPlayer.NameDisplayDistance = 100;
- NameTag.Visible = false;
- end
- if Options.ShowDistance.Value or Options.ShowHealth.Value then
- DistanceTag.Visible = true;
- DistanceTag.Size = Options.TextSize.Value - 1;
- DistanceTag.Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value;
- DistanceTag.Color =, 1, 1);
- if Drawing.Fonts and shared.am_ic3 then -- CURRENTLY SYNAPSE ONLY :MEGAHOLY:
- NameTag.Font = Drawing.Fonts.Monospace;
- end
- local Str = '';
- if Options.ShowDistance.Value then
- Str = Str .. Format('[%d] ', Distance);
- end
- DistanceTag.Text = Str;
- DistanceTag.Position = V2New(ScreenPositionUpper.X, ScreenPositionUpper.Y) + V2New(0, NameTag.TextBounds.Y);
- else
- DistanceTag.Visible = false;
- end
- else
- NameTag.Visible = false;
- DistanceTag.Visible = false;
- end
- else
- NameTag.Visible = false;
- DistanceTag.Visible = false;
- Tracer.Visible = false;
- OutlineTracer.Visible = false;
- end
- Data.Instances['NameTag'] = NameTag;
- Data.Instances['DistanceTag'] = DistanceTag;
- Data.Instances['Tracer'] = Tracer;
- Data.Instances['OutlineTracer'] = OutlineTracer;
- shared.InstanceData[v.Instance:GetDebugId()] = Data;
- end
- end
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local Data = shared.InstanceData[v.Name] or { Instances = {}; };
- Data.Instances['Box'] = Data.Instances['Box'] or LineBox:Create{Thickness = 4};
- Data.Instances['OutlineTracer'] = Data.Instances['OutlineTracer'] or NewDrawing'Line'{
- Transparency = 1;
- Thickness = 3;
- Color =, 0.1, 0.1);
- }
- Data.Instances['Tracer'] = Data.Instances['Tracer'] or NewDrawing'Line'{
- Transparency = 1;
- Thickness = 1;
- }
- Data.Instances['HeadDot'] = Data.Instances['HeadDot'] or NewDrawing'Circle'{
- Filled = true;
- NumSides = 30;
- }
- Data.Instances['NameTag'] = Data.Instances['NameTag'] or NewDrawing'Text'{
- Size = Options.TextSize.Value;
- Center = true;
- Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value;
- OutlineOpacity = 1;
- Visible = true;
- };
- Data.Instances['DistanceHealthTag'] = Data.Instances['DistanceHealthTag'] or NewDrawing'Text'{
- Size = Options.TextSize.Value - 1;
- Center = true;
- Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value;
- OutlineOpacity = 1;
- Visible = true;
- };
- local NameTag = Data.Instances['NameTag'];
- local DistanceTag = Data.Instances['DistanceHealthTag'];
- local Tracer = Data.Instances['Tracer'];
- local OutlineTracer = Data.Instances['OutlineTracer'];
- local HeadDot = Data.Instances['HeadDot'];
- local Box = Data.Instances['Box'];
- local Character = GetCharacter(v);
- local Pass, Distance = CheckPlayer(v, Character);
- if Pass and Character then
- local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid';
- local Head = Character:FindFirstChild'Head';
- local HumanoidRootPart = Character:FindFirstChild(CustomRootPartName or 'HumanoidRootPart')
- local Dead = (Humanoid and Humanoid:GetState().Name == 'Dead')
- if type(GetAliveState) == 'function' then
- Dead = (not GetAliveState(v, Character))
- end
- if Character ~= nil and Head and HumanoidRootPart and not Dead then
- local ScreenPosition, Vis = WorldToViewport(Head.Position);
- local Color = Rainbow and Color3.fromHSV(tick() * 128 % 255/255, 1, 1) or (CheckTeam(v) and TeamColor or EnemyColor); Color = Options.ShowTeamColor.Value and v.TeamColor.Color or Color;
- local OPos = Camera.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(Head.Position);
- if ScreenPosition.Z < 0 then
- local AT = math.atan2(OPos.Y, OPos.X) + math.pi;
- OPos = CFrame.Angles(0, 0, AT):vectorToWorldSpace((CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(89.9), 0):vectorToWorldSpace(V3New(0, 0, -1))));
- end
- local Position = WorldToViewport(Camera.CFrame:pointToWorldSpace(OPos));
- if Options.ShowTracers.Value then
- if TracerPosition.X >= Camera.ViewportSize.X or TracerPosition.Y >= Camera.ViewportSize.Y or TracerPosition.X < 0 or TracerPosition.Y < 0 then
- TracerPosition = V2New(Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, Camera.ViewportSize.Y - 135);
- end
- Tracer.Visible = true;
- Tracer.Transparency = math.clamp(1 - (Distance / 200), 0.25, 0.75);
- Tracer.From = TracerPosition;
- Tracer.To = V2New(Position.X, Position.Y);
- Tracer.Color = Color;
- OutlineTracer.From = Tracer.From;
- OutlineTracer.To = Tracer.To;
- OutlineTracer.Transparency = Tracer.Transparency - 0.15;
- OutlineTracer.Visible = true;
- else
- Tracer.Visible = false;
- OutlineTracer.Visible = false;
- end
- if ScreenPosition.Z > 0 then
- local ScreenPositionUpper = WorldToViewport((HumanoidRootPart:GetRenderCFrame() *, Head.Size.Y + HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y + (Options.YOffset.Value / 25), 0)).Position);
- local Scale = Head.Size.Y / 2;
- if Options.ShowName.Value then
- NameTag.Visible = true;
- NameTag.Text = v.Name .. (CustomPlayerTag and CustomPlayerTag(v) or '');
- NameTag.Size = Options.TextSize.Value;
- NameTag.Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value;
- NameTag.Position = V2New(ScreenPositionUpper.X, ScreenPositionUpper.Y) - V2New(0, NameTag.TextBounds.Y);
- NameTag.Color = Color;
- NameTag.Color = Color;
- NameTag.OutlineColor=, 0.05, 0.05);
- NameTag.Transparency= 0.85;
- if Drawing.Fonts and shared.am_ic3 then -- CURRENTLY SYNAPSE ONLY :MEGAHOLY:
- NameTag.Font = Drawing.Fonts.Monospace;
- end
- else
- NameTag.Visible = false;
- end
- if Options.ShowDistance.Value or Options.ShowHealth.Value then
- DistanceTag.Visible = true;
- DistanceTag.Size = Options.TextSize.Value - 1;
- DistanceTag.Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value;
- DistanceTag.Color =, 1, 1);
- DistanceTag.Transparency= 0.85;
- if Drawing.Fonts and shared.am_ic3 then -- CURRENTLY SYNAPSE ONLY :MEGAHOLY:
- NameTag.Font = Drawing.Fonts.Monospace;
- end
- local Str = '';
- if Options.ShowDistance.Value then
- Str = Str .. Format('[%d] ', Distance);
- end
- if Options.ShowHealth.Value then
- if typeof(Humanoid) == 'Instance' then
- Str = Str .. Format('[%d/%d] [%s%%]', Humanoid.Health, Humanoid.MaxHealth, math.floor(Humanoid.Health / Humanoid.MaxHealth * 100));
- elseif type(GetHealth) == 'function' then
- local health, maxHealth = GetHealth(v)
- if type(health) == 'number' and type(maxHealth) == 'number' then
- Str = Str .. Format('[%d/%d] [%s%%]', health, maxHealth, math.floor(health / maxHealth * 100))
- end
- end
- end
- DistanceTag.Text = Str;
- DistanceTag.OutlineColor =, 0.05, 0.05);
- DistanceTag.Position = (NameTag.Visible and NameTag.Position + V2New(0, NameTag.TextBounds.Y) or V2New(ScreenPositionUpper.X, ScreenPositionUpper.Y));
- else
- DistanceTag.Visible = false;
- end
- if Options.ShowDot.Value and Vis then
- local Top = WorldToViewport((Head.CFrame *, Scale, 0)).Position);
- local Bottom = WorldToViewport((Head.CFrame *, -Scale, 0)).Position);
- local Radius = (Top - Bottom).y;
- HeadDot.Visible = true;
- HeadDot.Color = Color;
- HeadDot.Position = V2New(ScreenPosition.X, ScreenPosition.Y);
- HeadDot.Radius = Radius;
- else
- HeadDot.Visible = false;
- end
- if Options.ShowBoxes.Value and Vis and HumanoidRootPart then
- local Body = {
- Head;
- Character:FindFirstChild'Left Leg' or Character:FindFirstChild'LeftLowerLeg';
- Character:FindFirstChild'Right Leg' or Character:FindFirstChild'RightLowerLeg';
- Character:FindFirstChild'Left Arm' or Character:FindFirstChild'LeftLowerArm';
- Character:FindFirstChild'Right Arm' or Character:FindFirstChild'RightLowerArm';
- }
- Box:Update(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, V3New(2, 3, 1) * (Scale * 2), Color, nil, shared.am_ic3 and Body);
- else
- Box:SetVisible(false);
- end
- else
- NameTag.Visible = false;
- DistanceTag.Visible = false;
- HeadDot.Visible = false;
- Box:SetVisible(false);
- end
- else
- NameTag.Visible = false;
- DistanceTag.Visible = false;
- HeadDot.Visible = false;
- Tracer.Visible = false;
- OutlineTracer.Visible = false;
- Box:SetVisible(false);
- end
- else
- NameTag.Visible = false;
- DistanceTag.Visible = false;
- HeadDot.Visible = false;
- Tracer.Visible = false;
- OutlineTracer.Visible = false;
- Box:SetVisible(false);
- end
- shared.InstanceData[v.Name] = Data;
- end
- end
- end
- local LastInvalidCheck = 0;
- local function Update()
- if tick() - LastInvalidCheck > 0.3 then
- LastInvalidCheck = tick();
- if Camera.Parent ~= workspace then
- Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera;
- CameraCon();
- WTVP = Camera.WorldToViewportPoint;
- end
- for i, v in pairs(shared.InstanceData) do
- if not Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(i)) then
- if not shared.InstanceData[i].DontDelete then
- GetTableData(v.Instances)(function(i, obj)
- obj.Visible = false;
- obj:Remove();
- v.Instances[i] = nil;
- end)
- shared.InstanceData[i] = nil;
- else
- if shared.InstanceData[i].Instance == nil or shared.InstanceData[i].Instance.Parent == nil then
- GetTableData(v.Instances)(function(i, obj)
- obj.Visible = false;
- obj:Remove();
- v.Instances[i] = nil;
- end)
- shared.InstanceData[i] = nil;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local CX = Menu:GetInstance'CrosshairX';
- local CY = Menu:GetInstance'CrosshairY';
- if Options.Crosshair.Value then
- CX.Visible = true;
- CY.Visible = true;
- CX.To = V2New((Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2) - 8, (Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2));
- CX.From = V2New((Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2) + 8, (Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2));
- CY.To = V2New((Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2), (Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2) - 8);
- CY.From = V2New((Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2), (Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2) + 8);
- else
- CX.Visible = false;
- CY.Visible = false;
- end
- if Options.MenuOpen.Value and MenuLoaded then
- local MLocation = GetMouseLocation();
- shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.Main.Color = Color3.fromHSV(tick() * 24 % 255/255, 1, 1);
- local MainInstance = Menu:GetInstance'Main';
- local Values = {
- MainInstance.Position.X;
- MainInstance.Position.Y;
- MainInstance.Position.X + MainInstance.Size.X;
- MainInstance.Position.Y + MainInstance.Size.Y;
- };
- if MainInstance and (MouseHoveringOver(Values) or (SubMenu.Open and MouseHoveringOver(SubMenu.Bounds))) then
- Debounce.CursorVis = true;
- Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor1'{
- Visible = true;
- From = V2New(MLocation.x, MLocation.y);
- To = V2New(MLocation.x + 5, MLocation.y + 6);
- }
- Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor2'{
- Visible = true;
- From = V2New(MLocation.x, MLocation.y);
- To = V2New(MLocation.x, MLocation.y + 8);
- }
- Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor3'{
- Visible = true;
- From = V2New(MLocation.x, MLocation.y + 6);
- To = V2New(MLocation.x + 5, MLocation.y + 5);
- }
- else
- if Debounce.CursorVis then
- Debounce.CursorVis = false;
- Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor1'{Visible = false};
- Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor2'{Visible = false};
- Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor3'{Visible = false};
- end
- end
- if MouseHeld then
- local MousePos = GetMouseLocation();
- if Dragging then
- DraggingWhat.Slider.Position = V2New(math.clamp(MLocation.X - DraggingWhat.Slider.Size.X / 2, DraggingWhat.Line.Position.X, DraggingWhat.Line.Position.X + DraggingWhat.Line.Size.X - DraggingWhat.Slider.Size.X), DraggingWhat.Slider.Position.Y);
- local Percent = (DraggingWhat.Slider.Position.X - DraggingWhat.Line.Position.X) / ((DraggingWhat.Line.Position.X + DraggingWhat.Line.Size.X - DraggingWhat.Line.Position.X) - DraggingWhat.Slider.Size.X);
- local Value = CalculateValue(DraggingWhat.Min, DraggingWhat.Max, Percent);
- DraggingWhat.Option(Value);
- elseif DraggingUI then
- Debounce.UIDrag = true;
- local Main = Menu:GetInstance'Main';
- Main.Position = MousePos + DragOffset;
- elseif DragTracerPosition then
- TracerPosition = MousePos;
- end
- else
- Dragging = false;
- DragTracerPosition = false;
- if DraggingUI and Debounce.UIDrag then
- Debounce.UIDrag = false;
- DraggingUI = false;
- CreateMenu(Menu:GetInstance'Main'.Position);
- end
- end
- if not Debounce.Menu then
- Debounce.Menu = true;
- ToggleMenu();
- end
- elseif Debounce.Menu and not Options.MenuOpen.Value then
- Debounce.Menu = false;
- ToggleMenu();
- end
- end
- RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep(GetDataName);
- RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep(UpdateName);
- RunService:BindToRenderStep(GetDataName, 300, UpdatePlayerData);
- RunService:BindToRenderStep(UpdateName, 199, Update);
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