

Dec 19th, 2023
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  1. There are 3 pages for C@W (1 for person and 1 for POI and 1 combined) with the following differences:
  2. 1. Person C@W has no filter for the person and poi;
  3. 2. POI C@W has no filter for the person and poi;
  4. 3. The combined one has a filter for POI only.
  6. The idea would be to develop the combined page, but with filters for person, poi, groups, person category.
  7. How do you find this idea? Following that thought, currently we use 2 separate views (1 for person and 1 for poi), the views have the same columns, but the WHERE clause is quite different. Since you mentioned that the link in the new "Tracking" tab is going to be "Person registration", do we use the view for person registration only or we still have to use both views and load each depending on what is clicked (clicking the person name should load the view for the person, clicking the poi should load the view for poi)?
  9. The links for person and poi from the C@W table redirect to their own person/poi c@w pages, so do we actually need the links, since we're not going to make the separate pages?
  11. --
  13. Since the Angular app doesn't have a section that manages documents, the functionality from the left menu "Documents" simply redirects the user to the attach doc page with a pre-set filter (the current person), should we skip this action altogether?
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