
Jackson Miss.

Sep 15th, 2022
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  1. Jackson Miss.
  2. =============
  3. So why did Favre take the money in the first place?
  4. Why? He wants to get into the syndicates, he needs a lot of money, bc he wants to be Chapo from Star Trek, but he knows they need phaser rifles, so he can improve things. (1/>)
  7. U cant get into the syndicate with ur own money, that's actually in that Star Trek.
  9. This makes me think, it's possible that The Q Conspiracy started in Mississippi. Favre might have had to go out of state, to see "The Chapo", original trek.
  10. (2/>)
  13. So, with Next Gen, what if they stopped showing it, after Q did Robin Hood. Mb that offended ultra religious conservatives -- not enough worship on T.V.
  14. What if it was just a news item, never hit national; that one state stopped doing Star Trek, I think that it was (3/>)
  16. season 3, with Q, and the crew was playing on the HoloDeck and Q took on the role, of the guy who's responsible for the Sheriff of Nottingham, who I always equated with Cardinal *Richy*loo*,
  17. but whose name I now know I can never remember,but first the reader needs to worry (4/>)
  19. about Milady, where she is, where she was, and where she could be next. If don't have Milady right, you don't have the Three Musketeers...
  20. What is Milady, in any circumstance, always a dangerous woman! (5/>)
  22. So naturally white male conservatives, and those that cater to them, don't like that, when you could be admitting what's your politics quickly, and then talking about football. (6/>)
  24. And, so, the infancy of the conspiracy, could be in Mississippi with young people writing fan fiction, after Mississippi turned off Next Gen.
  25. Did they claim later--thru conservative media outlets, that it was bc of of Roe, the Roe character, most Americans would just accept that.
  27. Then kids have to write stuff more to the liking of their conservative parents, or parents keep turning the shower off, with the kids inside, then it devolves, into, no shower unless you can improve what, the neighbors are putting out, via their Windows Share. (8/>)
  29. And now, you know why they can't have Blacks have clean water.
  31. And it's not just because they run their state like a bank robbery.
  33. (9/9)
  36. Mississippi is run like a bank robbery.
  38. And, is this true, that America' paid bloggers, have manager's right, and they bring people in, and it's supposed to be two years here, and then 1 year with better pay, for the other guy?
  40. Keep shoveling those bags!
  41. I really like that country song, Jackson.
  42. Do you who sung that?
  43. Ah, I dunnakno, but shouldn't some of this go to Jackson?
  44. That's not us, Mimmsy!
  46. What are you doing with that one.
  47. That goes to our friend Eric.
  48. So, he's part of our mob?
  49. No, Mimmsy, it's not a mob, it's a syndicate.
  50. So, we're leaving Jackson for the Biden Mob?
  51. No, we don't ever try to help the Feds, so it's the Hunter Biden Mob.
  52. OH!
  53. ===later===
  54. What do we want the Biden Mob to do, boss?
  55. It's the Hunter Biden Mob, Mimmsy.
  56. Well, ok. but if we're NOT running from 'em, they must need to do something.
  57. Ok, Mimmsy, just this one time, I'll explain it for you;
  58. we need them, to get France, to get the E.U. to declare Mississippi a Failed State.
  59. So, then, we'll be running guns again?
  60. Yeah Mimmsy.
  61. I like running guns.
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