
Night and Day

Feb 19th, 2023
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  1. ‘Norfi or Narfi was the name of a giant who lived in Giantland.
  2. He had a daughter called Night. She was black and dark in
  3. accordance with her ancestry. She was married to a person called
  4. Naglfari. Their son was called Aud. Next she was married to
  5. someone called Annar. Their daughter was called Iord [Earth].
  6. Her last husband was Delling, he was of the race of the Æsir.
  7. Their son was Day. He was bright and beautiful in accordance
  8. with his father’s nature. Then All-father took Night and her son
  9. Day and gave them two horses and two chariots and set them up
  10. in the sky so that they have to ride around the earth every
  11. twenty-four hours. Night rides in front on the horse called
  12. Hrimfaxi, and every morning he bedews the earth with the drips
  13. from his bit. Day’s horse is called Skinfaxi [shining-mane], and
  14. light is shed over all the sky and sea from his mane.’
  16. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘How does he control the course of the
  17. sun and moon?’
  19. High said: ‘There was a person whose name was Mundilfæri
  20. who had two children. They were so fair and beautiful that he
  21. called the one Moon and his daughter Sol [sun], and gave her in
  22. marriage to a person called Glen. But the gods got angry at this
  23. arrogance and took the brother and sister and set them up in the
  24. sky; they made Sol drive the horses that drew the chariot of the
  25. sun which the gods had created, to illuminate the worlds, out of
  26. the molten particle that had flown out of the world of Muspell.
  27. The names of these horses are Arvak and Alsvinn. Under the
  28. shoulders of the horses the gods put two bellows to cool them, and
  29. in some sources it is called ironblast. Moon guides the course of the
  30. moon and controls its waxing and waning. He took two children
  31. from the earth called Bil and Hiuki as they were leaving a well
  32. called Byrgir, carrying between them on their shoulders a tub
  33. called Sæg; their carrying-pole was called Simul. Their father’s
  34. name is Vidfinn. These children go with Moon, as can be seen
  35. from earth.’
  37. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘The sun moves fast, almost as if she was
  38. afraid, and she would not be able to go any faster if she was in
  39. terror of her death.’
  41. Then High replied: ‘It is not surprising that she goes at great
  42. speed, he comes close who is after her. And she has no escape
  43. except to run away.’
  45. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘Who is it that inflicts this unpleasantness
  46. on her?’
  48. High said: ‘It is two wolves, and the one that is going after her is
  49. called Skoll. She is afraid of him and he will catch her, and the one
  50. that is running ahead of her is called Hati Hrodvitnisson, and he is
  51. trying to catch the moon, and that will happen.’
  53. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘What is the origin of the wolves?’
  55. High said: ‘A certain giantess lives east of Midgard in a forest
  56. called Ironwood. In that forest live trollwives called Iarnvidiur.
  57. The ancient giantess breeds as sons many giants and all in wolf
  58. shapes, and it is from them that these wolves are descended. And
  59. they say that from this clan will come a most mighty one called
  60. Moongarm. He will fill himself with the lifeblood of everyone that
  61. dies, and he will swallow heavenly bodies and spatter heaven and
  62. all the skies with blood. As a result the sun will lose its shine and
  63. winds will then be violent and will rage to and fro. Thus it says in
  64. Voluspa:
  66. In the east lives the old one, in Ironwood, and breeds there
  67. Fenrir’s kind. Out of them all comes one in particular, sun’s
  68. snatcher in troll’s guise.
  70. He gorges the life of doomed men, reddens gods’ halls with
  71. red gore. Dark is sunshine for summers after, all weathers
  72. hostile. Know you yet, or what?’
  74. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘What way is there to heaven from earth?’
  77. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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