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- * --- DISCORD.JS CLIENT --- */
- import * as data from '../config.json'
- const { Client, Intents } = require('discord.js');
- const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS] });
- const DarkDashboard = require('dbd-dark-dashboard');
- /* --- DASHBOARD --- */
- (async () => {
- let DBD = require('discord-dashboard');
- await DBD.useLicense(data.dbd_license);
- DBD.Dashboard = DBD.UpdatedClass();
- const Dashboard = new DBD.Dashboard({
- port: 80,
- client: {
- id: data.client_id,
- secret: data.token
- },
- redirectUri: 'http://localhost/discord/callback',
- domain: 'http://localhost',
- requiredPermissions: [DBD.DISCORD_FLAGS.Permissions.MANAGE_GUILD],
- bot: client,
- theme: DarkDashboard({
- information: {
- createdBy: "galnir",
- websiteTitle: "Dashboard",
- websiteName: "Master Bot",
- dashboardUrl: "http://localhost:3000/",
- imageFavicon: "",
- iconURL: "",
- pageBackGround: "linear-gradient(#2CA8FF, #155b8d)",
- loggedIn: "Successfully signed in.",
- mainColor: "#2CA8FF",
- subColor: "#ebdbdb",
- },
- index: {
- card: {
- category: "Master Bot Dashboard - The center of everything",
- title: `Welcome to the Master Bot Dashboard where you can control the core features to the bot.`,
- image: "",
- footer: "galnir/Master-Bot"
- },
- information: {
- category: "Category",
- title: "Information",
- description: `This bot and dashboard are in active development.\nIf you have any issues, head on over to our github and fill out a bug report.`,
- footer: "galnir/Master-Bot"
- },
- },
- commands: [
- {
- category: "Commands",
- subTitle: "All Master Bot commands",
- aliasesDisabled: false,
- list: [
- {
- commandName: "play",
- commandUsage: "/play darude sandstorm",
- commandDescription: "Play any song or playlist from youtube, you can do it by searching for a song by name or song url or playlist url",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "pause",
- commandUsage: "/pause",
- commandDescription: "Pause the current playing song",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "resume",
- commandUsage: "/resume",
- commandDescription: "Resume the current paused song",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "leave",
- commandUsage: "/leave",
- commandDescription: "Leaves the voice channel if in one",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "remove",
- commandUsage: "/remove 4",
- commandDescription: "Remove a specific song from the queue by it's number in the queue",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "queue",
- commandUsage: "/queue",
- commandDescription: "Display the song queue",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "shuffle",
- commandUsage: "/shuffle",
- commandDescription: "Shuffle the song queue",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "skip",
- commandUsage: "/skip",
- commandDescription: "Skip the currently playing song",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "skip all",
- commandUsage: "/skipall",
- commandDescription: "Skip all songs in the queue",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "skip to",
- commandUsage: "/akipto 5",
- commandDescription: "Skip to a specific song in the queue, provide the song number as an argument",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "volume",
- commandUsage: "/volume 80",
- commandDescription: "Adjust the song volume",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "music trivia",
- commandUsage: "/music-trivia",
- commandDescription: "Engage in music trivia with your friends. You can add more songs to the trivia pool in resources/music/musictrivia.json",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "loop",
- commandUsage: "/loop",
- commandDescription: "Loop the currently playing song or queue",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "lyrics",
- commandUsage: "/lyrics song-name",
- commandDescription: "Get the lyrics of any song or the lyrics of the currently playing song",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "now playing",
- commandUsage: "/now-playing",
- commandDescription: "Display the currently playing sonh with a playback bar",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "move",
- commandUsage: "/move 8 1",
- commandDescription: "Move a song to a desired position in the queue",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "queue history",
- commandUsage: "/queue-history",
- commandDescription: "Display the queue history",
- commandAlias: "None"
- },
- {
- commandName: "cat",
- commandUsage: "/cat",
- commandDescription: "Display a random cat gif",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "dog",
- commandUsage: "/dog",
- commandDescription: "Display a random dog gif",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "anime",
- commandUsage: "/anime",
- commandDescription: "Display a random anime gif",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "baka",
- commandUsage: "/baka",
- commandDescription: "Display a random baka gif",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "jojo",
- commandUsage: "/jojo",
- commandDescription: "Display a random JoJo gif",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "gintama",
- commandUsage: "/gintama",
- commandDescription: "Display a random Gintama gif",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "gif",
- commandUsage: "/gif",
- commandDescription: "Display a random gif",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "fortune",
- commandUsage: "/fortune",
- commandDescription: "Get a fortune cookie tip",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "insult",
- commandUsage: "/insult",
- commandDescription: "Generate an evil insult",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "chuck norris",
- commandUsage: "/chucknorris",
- commandDescription: "Get a satirical fact about Chuck Norris",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "motivation",
- commandUsage: "/motivation",
- commandDescription: "Get a random motivational quote",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "world news",
- commandUsage: "/world-news",
- commandDescription: "Latest headlines.",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "random",
- commandUsage: "/random 0 100",
- commandDescription: "Generate a random number between two provided numbers",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "translate",
- commandUsage: "/translate english ?????",
- commandDescription: "Translate any language using Google Translate (Only supported languages)",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "about",
- commandUsage: "/about",
- commandDescription: "Information about Master Bot",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "8ball",
- commandUsage: "/8ball Is this bot awesome?",
- commandDescription: "Get the answer to anything",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "rcok paper scissors",
- commandUsage: "/rps",
- commandDescription: "Play Rock, Paper, Scissors!",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "bored",
- commandUsage: "/bored",
- commandDescription: "Generate a random activity!",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "advice",
- commandUsage: "/advice",
- commandDescription: "Get some advice",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "kanye",
- commandUsage: "/kanye",
- commandDescription: "Get a random Kanye quote",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },
- {
- commandName: "urban",
- commandUsage: "/urban javascript",
- commandDescription: "Get definitions from Urban Dictionary",
- commandAlias: "None",
- },],
- },
- ],
- }),
- settings: [
- {
- categoryId: 'setup',
- categoryName: "Setup",
- categoryDescription: "Setup your bot with default settings!",
- categoryOptionsList: [
- {
- optionId: 'settings',
- optionName: "Settings",
- optionDescription: "Server Settings",
- optionType: DBD.formTypes.switch(),
- ggetActualSet: ({ }) => {
- return;
- },
- setNew: async ({ }) => {
- return;
- },
- allowedCheck: async ({ }) => {
- return;
- }
- },
- ]
- },
- ]
- });
- Dashboard.init();
- })();
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