

Sep 22nd, 2024 (edited)
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  1. 5 REM Crap Games Competition 3009 (err.. 4011 I mean) - The Adventure v0.5
  3. 10 REM A game written using advanced assembly techniques.
  4. 11 REM Source code is written in HiDDeN BASIC (TM) - You can't see all the program lines.
  5. 12 REM (c) Firelord Quality Games LTD (trister12[at]yahoo[dot]com - Put the word "SPECTRUM" somewhere in the subject line if you mail me )
  6. 13 CLS
  7. 14 REM ****Intro coding***
  9. 50 PAPER 4: FLASH 1: PRINT "  Crap Games Competition 4011   ": FLASH 0: PRINT "       - The Adventure -        ": PAPER 7
  10. 54 PAPER 5: PRINT "Will you be a crap judge or a   good judge of crapness ?": PAPER 7
  11. 56 PRINT "A game that transfers all the   excitement of being a judge of  CSSCGC from the safety of your       HOME. "
  12. 65 INK 6: PAPER 0: PRINT "Written by Firelord.": INK 0: PAPER 7: PAUSE 0
  13. 66 PRINT
  14. 68 REM *****initialise control selection menu****
  15. 69 CLS : PRINT "Please select judge / year : "
  16. 70 GO SUB 4200
  17. 72 GO SUB 4400
  18. 73 REM INPUT "Please select judge / year : " ,j$
  19. 75 PAPER 7: INK 0:
  20. 83 INK 3: PRINT "Now press any key": INK 0: PAUSE 0
  21. 90 CLS : REM ***************GAMES SELECTION****************************
  22. 91 LET c=1: FLASH 1: PRINT "****Let the JUDGING BEGIN****": FLASH 0: PAUSE 50: REM game counter
  23. 93 REM ***Init Random Buttons ***
  24. 99 REM ****Games comments *****
  25. 100 REM GO SUB 5000 :REM
  26. 101 INVERSE 1: PRINT "--------------------------------": PRINT "You see a new game in front of  you. It's name seems to be      ": PRINT "        GAME #";c;"        ":: INVERSE 0
  27. 110 INK 0: PAPER 4: PRINT "Description : ": PAPER 7
  28. 120 GO SUB 4090
  29. 140 INK 0: PAPER 4: PRINT "Graphics can be described as : ": PAPER 7
  30. 150 GO SUB 5090
  31. 160 INK 0: PAPER 4: PRINT "Gameplay is : ": PAPER 7
  32. 170 GO SUB 5090
  33. 175 INK 0: PAPER 4: PRINT "Coding seems to be : ": PAPER 7
  34. 177 GO SUB 5090
  35. 180 INK 0: PAPER 4: PRINT "Documentation seems to be : ": PAPER 7
  36. 190 GO SUB 5090
  37. 1200 INK 0: BRIGHT 1: PRINT n$;" . How many crap points do you give to this game? :": INPUT "How many crap points do you give to this game? :",P$: BRIGHT 0
  38. 1201 LET c=c+1
  39. 1950 PAUSE 20: INK 0: PAPER 7
  40. 1952 IF c=10 THEN GO TO 2000
  41. 1960 GO TO 95
  42. 2000
  43. 2010 FLASH 1: PRINT n$;: PRINT "You have voted. What is your verdict ?": FLASH 0
  44. 2015 INPUT "What is the CSSCGC winner this year? ",w$
  45. 2020 CLS : INK 5: FLASH 1: PRINT " THE WINNER IS GAME # ";w$: FLASH 0
  46. 2030 PRINT "You can restart the experience by typing RUN & (ENTER)"
  47. 2100 STOP
  48. 3000 STOP
  49. 4089 REM *** Advanced Algorithm that calculates the game description ****
  50. 4090 PAPER 7: INK 0: GO TO 4100+10*INT (RND*7)
  51. 4095 REM *** Language configuration ***
  52. 4100 INK 4: PRINT "Another brilliant game that you can't exactly understand what it is, what to do and the manual has pictures of another game..": RETURN
  53. 4110 INK 4: PRINT "OMG , another game by FIRELORD!!! RUUUNNNNNNN!!! ": RETURN
  54. 4120 INK 4: PRINT "It's a very original title that is a hack/ripoff of manic miner!": RETURN
  55. 4130 INK 4: PRINT "A lawnmower simulator.From the author description seems very original.": RETURN
  56. 4140 INK 4: PRINT "It's an exact copy of a game that was submitted last year and had the name changed from 2008 to 4011...": RETURN
  57. 4150 INK 4: PRINT "its a game based on another game based on another game ,that was originaly based on another game.": RETURN
  58. 4160 INK 4: PRINT "It is one of the pointless games that you must press a key to do nothing (possible winner).": RETURN
  59. 4170 INK 4: PRINT "It's a game that... never mind. You're really bored and don't even load it. You could put a random rank in this game and still be ok.": RETURN
  60. 4199 REM *** Judge selection list ***
  61. 4200 CLS : PAPER 3: PRINT "  Crap Games Competition 3011  ": PAPER 7
  62. 4205 PAPER 7: INK 0
  63. 4206 PRINT "The Judges :": RANDOMIZE
  64. 4207 PRINT " 1996 Judge Blood.": BRIGHT 1
  65. 4208 PRINT " 1998 Judge Barry Salter.": BRIGHT 0
  66. 4209 PRINT " 1999 Judges Alistair Nelson & Graham Goring.": BRIGHT 1
  67. 4210 PRINT " 2000 Judge Graham Goring .": BRIGHT 0
  68. 4211 PRINT " 2001 Judge Adam D. Moss .": BRIGHT 1
  69. 4212 PRINT " 2002 Judge P.Equinox Collins": BRIGHT 0
  70. 4213 PRINT " 2003 Judge Dave the Lurker .": BRIGHT 1
  71. 4214 PRINT " 2004 Judge Jim Langmead .": BRIGHT 0
  72. 4315 PRINT " 2005 Judge Starglider .": BRIGHT 1
  73. 4316 PRINT " 2006 Judge Matt Rudge .": BRIGHT 0
  74. 4317 PRINT " 2007 Judges Chris Young & Phillip Lake .": BRIGHT 1
  75. 4318 PRINT " 2008 Judge Digital Prawn .": BRIGHT 0
  76. 4319 PRINT " 2009 Judge Guesser .": BRIGHT 1
  77. 4320 PRINT " 2010 Judge BloodBaz .": BRIGHT 0
  78. 4321 PRINT " 2011 Judge The Mojon Twins.": BRIGHT 1
  79. 4322 PRINT " 2012 Judge ------ .": BRIGHT 0
  80. 4323 PRINT " 2013 Judge ------ .": BRIGHT 1
  81. 4324 PRINT " 2014 Judge Max Power .": BRIGHT 0
  82. 4325 PRINT " 2015 Judge Captain Coder .": BRIGHT 1
  83. 4326 PRINT " 2016 Judge The Code Ninja .": BRIGHT 0
  84. 4327 PRINT " 2017 Judge The Data Whisperer .": BRIGHT 1
  85. 4328 PRINT " 2018 Judge The Algorithm Overlord .": BRIGHT 0
  86. 4329 PRINT " 2019 Judge Anomaly Detector .": BRIGHT 1
  87. 4330 PRINT " 2020 Judge AI Architect .": BRIGHT 0
  88. 4331 PRINT " 2021 Judge The Debugger .": BRIGHT 1
  89. 4332 PRINT " 2022 Judge Quantum Coder .": BRIGHT 0
  90. 4333 PRINT " 2023 Judge Cyber Sage .": BRIGHT 1
  91. 4334 PRINT " 2024 Judge Virtual Visionary .": BRIGHT 0
  92. 4340 PRINT "18. 4011 Judge GOD ."
  93. 4341 PRINT "17. ???? Vah-Ka the Almighty .": BRIGHT 0: INK 0
  94. 4350 RETURN
  95. 4400 REM *** accept judge selection ***
  96. 4405 INPUT "Please select Judge by typing the CORRECT NUMBER!! : ",j$
  97. 4407 PAPER 6: INK 4
  98. 4410 IF j$="1996" THEN PRINT "You selected year 1996 & you are Judge Blood.": LET n$="Judge Blood": RETURN
  99. 4411 IF j$="1997" THEN PRINT "You selected year 1997 & you are Judge Blood.": LET n$="Judge Blood": RETURN
  100. 4412 IF j$="1998" THEN PRINT "You selected year 1998 & you are Judge Barry Salter.": LET n$="Judge Barry Salter": RETURN
  101. 4413 IF j$="1999" THEN PRINT "You selected year 1999 & you are Judges Alistair Nelson & Graham Goring.": LET n$="Judges Alistair Nelson & Graham Goring": RETURN
  102. 4450 IF j$="2000" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2000 & you are Judge Graham Goring .": LET n$="Judge Graham Goring": RETURN
  103. 4451 IF j$="2001" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2001 & you are Judge Adam D. Moss .": LET n$="Judge Adam D. Mos": RETURN
  104. 4452 IF j$="2002" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2002 & you are Judge Paul Equinox Collins .": LET n$="Judge Paul Equinox Collins": RETURN
  105. 4453 IF j$="2003" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2003 & you are Judge Dave the Lurker .": LET n$="Judge Dave the Lurker": RETURN
  106. 4454 IF j$="2004" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2004 & you are Judge Jim Langmead .": LET n$="Judge Jim Langmead": RETURN
  107. 4455 IF j$="2005" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2005 & you are Judge Starglider .": LET n$="Judge Starglider": RETURN
  108. 4456 IF j$="2006" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2006 & you are Judge Matt Rudge .": LET n$="Judge Matt Rudge": RETURN
  109. 4457 IF j$="2007" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2007 & you are Judges Chris Young & Phillip Lake .": LET n$="Judges Chris Young & Phillip Lake": RETURN
  110. 4458 IF j$="2008" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2008 & you are Judge Digital Prawn .": LET n$="Judge Digital Prawn": RETURN
  111. 4459 IF j$="2009" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2009 & you are Judge Guesser .": LET n$="Judge Guesser": RETURN
  112. 4460 IF j$="2010" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2010 & you are Judge BloodBaz .": LET n$="Judge BloodBaz": RETURN
  113. 4461 IF j$="2011" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2011 & you are The Mojo Twins ??? (Dual Personality) .": LET n$="MojoTwins": RETURN
  114. 4462 IF j$="2012" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2012 & you are Judge  --------------.": LET n$="Judge ---------": RETURN
  115. 4463 IF j$="2013" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2013 & you are Judge Bella Luna .": LET n$="Judge Bella Luna": RETURN
  116. 4464 IF j$="2014" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2014 & you are Judge Xavier Frame .": LET n$="Judge Xavier Frame": RETURN
  117. 4465 IF j$="2015" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2015 & you are Judge Sandra Day .": LET n$="Judge Sandra Day": RETURN
  118. 4466 IF j$="2016" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2016 & you are Judge Marco Polo .": LET n$="Judge Marco Polo": RETURN
  119. 4467 IF j$="2017" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2017 & you are Judge Diana Prince .": LET n$="Judge Diana Prince": RETURN
  120. 4468 IF j$="2018" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2018 & you are Judge Elrond .": LET n$="Judge Elrond": RETURN
  121. 4469 IF j$="2019" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2019 & you are Judge Optimus Prime .": LET n$="Judge Optimus Prime": RETURN
  122. 4470 IF j$="2020" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2020 & you are Judge Luna Lovegood .": LET n$="Judge Luna Lovegood": RETURN
  123. 4471 IF j$="2021" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2021 & you are Judge T'Challa .": LET n$="Judge T'Challa": RETURN
  124. 4472 IF j$="2022" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2022 & you are Judge Ada Lovelace .": LET n$="Judge Ada Lovelace": RETURN
  125. 4473 IF j$="2023" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2023 & you are Judge Neo .": LET n$="Judge Neo": RETURN
  126. 4474 IF j$="2024" THEN PRINT "You selected year 2024 & you are Judge Sherlock Holmes .": LET n$="Judge Sherlock Holmes": RETURN
  128. 4483 IF j$="4010" THEN PRINT "You selected year 4011 & you are GOD .": LET n$="-Mr. Judge GOD-": RETURN
  129. 4485 IF j$="17" THEN PRINT "You selected year 4011 & you are Vah-Ka the Almighty (TM).": LET n$="-Vah-Ka the Almighty-": RETURN
  130. 4496 PRINT "Your Character stats are : STR:";INT(RND*9);" ,AGI:";INT(RND*9);", INT:";INT(RND*9);" ,CHA:";INT(RND*9);", LUCK: ";INT(RND*9);",SNEAK:";INT(RND*9);", ";
  131. 4498 PRINT " MENTAL HEALTH:";INT(RND*9);" ,PILL:";INT(RND*9);", TEST:";INT(RND*9);" "
  132. 4499 GO TO 4400
  133. 5089 REM *** Advanced Algorithm that calculates the game statement ****
  134. 5090 PAPER 7: INK (RND*6): GO TO 5100+10*INT (RND*7)
  135. 5095 REM ***  ***
  136. 5100 PRINT "more than crap.": RETURN
  137. 5110 PRINT "crap. ": RETURN
  138. 5120 PRINT "awful.": RETURN
  139. 5130 PRINT "Sitting in a white room with    white clothes for 2 years seems more interesting!": RETURN
  140. 5140 PRINT "incredibly bad.": RETURN
  141. 5150 PRINT "can't even describe.": RETURN
  142. 5180 PRINT "not worth mentioning.": RETURN
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