

Dec 24th, 2015
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  1. [CENTER][IMG][/IMG]
  2. ULTRACOSMETICS 2.0 is there!
  3. I've worked A LOT on it.
  4. First started with some new features but I started redoing everything etc and then decided to make it UltraCosmetics 2.0.
  6. Here is the huge list of (almost because I forgot a few) every thing added. :)[/CENTER]
  7. [LIST]
  8. [*]Fixed a huge amount of bugs, errors, etc.
  9. [*]Complete redone of almost whole UltraCosmetics for a cleaner code, and better working.
  10. [*]A lot of new things running asynchronously to avoid lag.
  11. [*]Fixed Pets Names
  12. [*]Fixed Treasure Chests
  13. [*]New Category: Suits
  14. [*]New Suit: Rave
  15. [*]New Suit: Diamond
  16. [*]New Suit: Astronaut
  17. [*]New Suit: Santa
  18. [*]New Gadget: Freeze Cannon
  19. [*]New Gadget: Party Popper
  20. [*]New Gadget: Snowball
  21. [*]New Gadget: Trampoline
  22. [*]New Morph: Elder Guardian
  23. [*]New Mount: Molten Snake
  24. [*]New Particle Effect: Crushed Candy Cane
  25. [*]New Particle Effect: Ender Aura
  26. [*]New Particle Effect: Flame Fairy
  27. [*]Elf pet now throws christmas presents and no longer beacons.
  29. [*]Fixed Items Duplication.
  30. [*]Now, entities Spawning should bypass WorldGuard.
  31. [*]New Treasure Chest Loot: Gadget (not just ammo)
  32. [*]Treasure Chests can now work without Ammo System and/or Vault.
  33. [*]New Command System.
  34. [*]Removed "reload" command.
  35. [*]New Command /uc treasure
  36. [*]Added page to every category to be ready if more cosmetics are added.
  37. [*]Cleaned code and commented it a lot, easier to read for people modifying the code.
  38. [*]New things sent with packets to avoid lag and avoid possible griefing.
  39. [*]New page design.
  40. [*]Wiki!
  41. [*]Fixed Permission Problems.
  42. [*]Move Gadget-Toggling Item in Gadget Menu.
  43. [*]Improved Menu System and changed item slots.
  44. [*]If you have only one category enabled and treasure chests disabled, main menu is disabled and your menu will open directly.
  45. [*]Changed some default Items.
  46. [*]Changed Clear Cosmetic Item from TNT to Redstone Block.
  47. [*]Improved Cosmetic management system and improved also how they are summoned to take less RAM, make less lag etc.
  48. [*]
  50. [*]AND MORE!! A lot more but I can't remember everything, if I remember anything I'll put it :)
  51. [/LIST]
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