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- local g, b =,
- local logo = {{0,0,0,b,g,g,g,g,g,b},{0,b,b,g,g,g,g,g,g,g,b,b},{b,b,b,b,g,g,g,g,g,b,b,b,b},{b,g,b,b,b,g,g,g,b,b,b,b,g},{b,b,b,b,b,g,b,b,b,b,b,b,g},{b,b,b,b,b,b,g,g,b,b,b,b,b},{b,b,b,b,b,g,g,g,g,g,b,b,b},{0,b,b,b,b,b,g,g,g,g,b,b},{0,0,0,b,b,b,b,g,g,b}}
- local width, height = term.getSize()
- term.setBackgroundColour(
- term.clear()
- local logoWidth, logoHeight = 13, 9
- local logoY = math.ceil((height - logoHeight) / 2) - 2
- paintutils.drawImage(logo, math.ceil((width - logoWidth) / 2), logoY)
- local splashText = "A Rather Dapper Mapper"
- term.setCursorPos(1 + math.ceil((width - #splashText) / 2), logoY + logoHeight + 2)
- term.setBackgroundColour(
- term.setTextColor(colours.white)
- term.write(splashText)
- term.setCursorPos(math.ceil((width - 7) / 2), logoY + logoHeight + 3)
- term.setTextColor(colours.lightBlue)
- term.write("by oeed")
- sleep(2)
- term.setBackgroundColour(
- term.clear()
- local DAPPER_CLIENT_REQUEST_MAP = "mapdata"
- local modem = peripheral.find("modem")
- if not modem or not modem.isWireless() then
- error("Please connect a wireless modem and re-run the program.", 0)
- end
- local bannerText = "Connecting..."
- local pixels
- local positionX, positionY, positionZ
- local mapX, mapZ
- local isPositionLocked = true
- local direction = "o"
- local zoom = 1
- local directionColour = colours.white
- local needsMapRedraw = true
- local function location()
- local x, y, z = gps.locate(2)
- if not x or not y or not z then
- bannerText = "No GPS Signal"
- return positionX, positionY, positionZ
- end
- if bannerText == "No GPS Signal" then
- bannerText = nil
- end
- return math.floor(x + 0.5), math.floor(y + 0.5), math.floor(z + 0.5)
- end
- positionX, positionY, positionZ = location()
- mapX = positionX
- mapZ = positionZ
- local buffer = {}
- for x = 1, width do
- buffer[x] = {}
- end
- local function drawMap()
- if bannerText then
- term.setCursorPos(1 + math.ceil((width - #bannerText) / 2), 1)
- term.setBackgroundColour(colours.white)
- term.clearLine()
- term.setTextColour(
- term.write(bannerText)
- for x = 1, width do
- buffer[x][1] = nil
- end
- end
- if pixels then
- local xPixel = math.floor(mapX - (zoom * width) / 2)
- local zPixelStart = math.floor(mapZ - (zoom * height) / 2)
- local directionX, directionY = math.floor((positionX - xPixel) / zoom + 0.5), math.floor((positionZ - zPixelStart) / zoom + 0.5)
- for x = 1, width do
- local xPixels = pixels[xPixel]
- local zPixel = zPixelStart
- local xBuffer = buffer[x]
- for y = 1, height do
- if not bannerText or y > 1 then
- local pixel = xPixels and xPixels[zPixel]
- local character, textColour, backgroundColour = " ",,
- if pixel then
- character = pixel[1]
- textColour = pixel[2]
- backgroundColour = pixel[3]
- end
- if x == directionX and y == directionY then
- textColour = directionColour
- character = direction
- end
- local bufferPixel = xBuffer[y]
- if not bufferPixel or bufferPixel[1] ~= character or bufferPixel[2] ~= textColour or bufferPixel[2] ~= backgroundColour then
- xBuffer[y] = {character, textColour, backgroundColour}
- term.setCursorPos(x, y)
- term.setTextColour(textColour)
- term.setBackgroundColour(backgroundColour)
- term.write(character)
- end
- end
- zPixel = zPixel + zoom
- end
- xPixel = xPixel + zoom
- end
- end
- needsMapRedraw = false
- end
- local mapTimeoutTime = os.clock() + 2
- local redrawTime = os.clock() + 0.05
- local updatePositionTime = os.clock() + 1
- local mapUpdateTime = os.clock() + 30
- local directionFlashTime = os.clock() + 0.5
- local updateTimer = os.startTimer(0.05)
- local dragX, dragY
- local didDrag = false
- while true do
- local eventDetails = {os.pullEvent()}
- local event = eventDetails[1]
- if event == "timer" then
- local timer = eventDetails[2]
- if timer == updateTimer then
- local clock = os.clock()
- if mapTimeoutTime and mapTimeoutTime <= clock then
- bannerText = "No Map Server Signal"
- end
- if updatePositionTime <= clock then
- local oldPositionX, oldPositionZ = positionX, positionZ
- positionX, positionY, positionZ = location()
- updatePositionTime = os.clock() + 1
- if positionX ~= oldPositionX or positionZ ~= oldPositionZ then
- local xDiff, zDiff = positionX - oldPositionX, positionZ - oldPositionZ
- if math.abs(zDiff) >= math.abs(xDiff) then
- if zDiff < 0 then
- direction = "^"
- else
- direction = "v"
- end
- else
- if xDiff < 0 then
- direction = "<"
- else
- direction = ">"
- end
- end
- needsMapRedraw = true
- end
- if isPositionLocked then
- mapX, mapZ = positionX, positionZ
- end
- end
- if directionFlashTime <= clock then
- directionColour = (directionColour == colours.grey) and colours.white or colours.grey
- directionFlashTime = os.clock() + 0.5
- needsMapRedraw = true
- end
- if redrawTime <= clock then
- if needsMapRedraw then
- drawMap()
- end
- redrawTime = os.clock() + 0.05
- end
- if mapUpdateTime <= clock then
- mapTimeoutTime = os.clock() + 2
- mapUpdateTime = os.clock() + 30
- end
- updateTimer = os.startTimer(0.05)
- end
- elseif event == "modem_message" then
- local event, side, senderChannel, replyChannel, message, distance = unpack(eventDetails)
- if senderChannel == DAPPER_CLIENT_DATA_CHANNEL then
- needsMapRedraw = true
- pixels = message
- mapUpdateTime = os.clock() + 50
- mapTimeoutTime = false
- if bannerText == "No Map Server Signal" or bannerText == "Connecting..." then
- bannerText = nil
- end
- end
- elseif event == "key" then
- local key = eventDetails[2]
- if key == keys.minus then
- zoom = math.min(zoom + 1, 10)
- needsMapRedraw = true
- elseif key == keys.equals then
- zoom = math.max(zoom - 1, 1)
- needsMapRedraw = true
- elseif key == then
- isPositionLocked = true
- mapX, mapZ = positionX, positionZ
- needsMapRedraw = true
- end
- elseif event == "mouse_click" then
- dragX, dragY = eventDetails[3], eventDetails[4]
- didDrag = false
- elseif event == "mouse_drag" then
- local x, y = eventDetails[3], eventDetails[4]
- isPositionLocked = false
- mapX = mapX + (dragX - x) * zoom
- mapZ = mapZ + (dragY - y) * zoom
- dragX, dragY = x, y
- needsMapRedraw = true
- didDrag = true
- elseif event == "mouse_up" and not didDrag then
- dragX, dragY = eventDetails[3], eventDetails[4]
- end
- end
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