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- --[[
- patchma hub by MyWorld
- optimize the optimized
- IDs of paid accessories:
- -for arms 11159410305,11263254795 or 14255556501,14255554762 or 12344545199,12344591101
- -for legs 14768693948,14768701869 or 11159483910,12652786974
- -for torso 14255528083 or 13421786478 or 14768678294
- or anything else that covers ur torso. examples:
- 14532301415,13423624885,11502853991,14053485259,13779879140,14443132226
- can be same stuff but different colors
- there are 54 ways to make a rig with the ids above
- IDs of free accessories:
- 3033910400,3409612660,3438342658,3398308134,4324158403,3822880197,4154538250,3443038622,4819740796
- ]]
- --no need to get and index the library tables with function names every time the script uses them
- local osclock=os.clock
- local tspawn=task.spawn
- local twait=task.wait
- local schar=string.char
- local ssub=string.sub
- local sfind=string.find
- local supper=string.upper
- local mrandom=math.random
- local sin=math.sin
- local cos=math.cos
- local abs=math.abs
- local rad=math.rad
- local min=math.min
- local clamp=math.clamp
- local tinsert=table.insert
- local tclear=table.clear
- local tclone=table.clone
- local tfind=table.find
- local tunpack=table.unpack
- --the script doesnt have to read global varaibles every time to get them
- --why not have them saved in local varaibles for faster access times
- local pairs=pairs
- local ipairs=ipairs
- local next=next
- local pcall=pcall
- local xpcall=xpcall
- local type=type
- local typeof=typeof
- local game=game
- local
- local
- local
- local
- local
- local cfl=CFrame.lookAt
- local angles=CFrame.Angles
- local
- local e=Enum
- local
- local
- local
- local sine=osclock()
- local deltaTime=0
- local v3_0=v3(0,0,0)
- local v3_101=v3(1,0,1)
- local v3_010=v3(0,1,0)
- local v3_001=v3(0,0,1)
- local cf_0=cf(0,0,0)
- local v3_xz=v3_101*10
- local v3_net=v3_010*25.01
- local function rs(l)
- l=l or mrandom(8,15)
- local s=""
- for i=1,l do
- if mrandom(1,2)==1 then
- s=s..schar(mrandom(65,90))
- else
- s=s..schar(mrandom(97,122))
- end
- end
- return s
- end
- --it runs even faster if u call __index and __newindex of metatables of userdata directly
- local function getMetamethodFromErrorStack(userdata,f,test)
- local ret=nil
- xpcall(f,function()
- end,userdata,nil,0)
- if (type(ret)~="function") or not test(ret) then
- return f
- end
- return ret
- end
- local insSet=getMetamethodFromErrorStack(game,function(a,b,c) a[b]=c end,function(f) local a=i("Folder") local b=rs() f(a,"Name",b) return a.Name==b end)
- local insGet=getMetamethodFromErrorStack(game,function(a,b) return a[b] end,function(f) local a=i("Folder") local b=rs() a.Name=b return f(a,"Name")==b end)
- local cfGet=getMetamethodFromErrorStack(cf_0,function(a,b) return a[b] end,function(f) return f(cf(1,2,3),"Position")==v3(1,2,3) end)
- local cfMul=getMetamethodFromErrorStack(cf_0,function(a,b) return a*b end,function(f) return angles(1,2,3)*angles(1,2,3)==f(angles(1,2,3),angles(1,2,3)) end)
- local cfAdd=getMetamethodFromErrorStack(cf_0,function(a,b) return a+b end,function(f) return cf(1,2,3)+v3(1,2,3)==f(cf(1,2,3),v3(1,2,3)) end)
- local v3Get=getMetamethodFromErrorStack(v3_0,function(a,b) return a[b] end,function(f) return v3(1,2,3).Unit==f(v3(1,2,3),"Unit") end)
- --multiplying and adding vector3 is faster if you use the * and + operators
- --no need to index instances every time to call their functions
- local Clone=insGet(game,"Clone")
- local ClearAllChildren=insGet(game,"ClearAllChildren")
- local Destroy=insGet(game,"Destroy")
- local IsA=insGet(game,"IsA")
- local FindFirstChildOfClass=insGet(game,"FindFirstChildOfClass")
- local FindFirstChildWhichIsA=insGet(game,"FindFirstChildWhichIsA")
- local GetChildren=insGet(game,"GetChildren")
- local GetDescendants=insGet(game,"GetDescendants")
- local IsDescendantOf=insGet(game,"IsDescendantOf")
- local GetPropertyChangedSignal=insGet(game,"GetPropertyChangedSignal")
- --findfirstchildofclass faster than getservice
- local plrs=FindFirstChildOfClass(game,"Players")
- local rus=FindFirstChildOfClass(game,"RunService")
- local ws=FindFirstChildOfClass(game,"Workspace")
- local uis=FindFirstChildOfClass(game,"UserInputService")
- local gs=FindFirstChildOfClass(game,"GuiService")
- local lp=insGet(plrs,"LocalPlayer")
- local pg=FindFirstChildOfClass(lp,"PlayerGui")
- local mouse=insGet(lp,"GetMouse")(lp)
- local stepped=insGet(rus,"Stepped")
- local heartbeat=insGet(rus,"Heartbeat")
- local renderstepped=insGet(rus,"RenderStepped")
- local GetPlayers=insGet(plrs,"GetPlayers")
- local Raycast=insGet(ws,"Raycast")
- local Connect=heartbeat.Connect
- local Disconnect=Connect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(game,"CreatorId"),type).Disconnect
- local Wait=heartbeat.Wait
- local GetMouseLocation=insGet(uis,"GetMouseLocation")
- local GetFocusedTextBox=insGet(uis,"GetFocusedTextBox")
- local GetMouseDelta=insGet(uis,"GetMouseDelta")
- local IsMouseButtonPressed=insGet(uis,"IsMouseButtonPressed")
- local IsKeyDown=insGet(uis,"IsKeyDown")
- local Inverse=cfGet(cf_0,"Inverse")
- local Lerp=cfGet(cf_0,"Lerp")
- local guiTheme={
- guiTitle="patchma hub",
- windowTitleColor=c3(0,0,1),
- windowTopColor=c3(0,0,0),
- windowBottomColor=c3(0,0,0.584314),
- windowMinimizedSize={X=220,Y=22},
- windowRegularSize={X=220,Y=290},
- buttonsTextColor=c3(0.0941177,0.317647,0.878431),
- labelsTextColor=c3(0.560784,0.560784,0.560784),
- listTopColor=c3(0,0,0),
- listBottomColor=c3(0.0705882,0.0705882,0.0705882)
- }
- local accessorylimbs={
- {meshid="11263221350",textureid="11263219250",C0=angles(1.5707963267948966,0,1.5707963267948966),Name="Left Arm"},
- {meshid="11159370334",textureid="11159284657",C0=angles(-1.5707963267948966,0,1.5707963267948966),Name="Right Arm"},
- {meshid="14255522247",textureid="",C0=angles(1.5707963267948966,0,1.5707963267948966),Name="Left Arm"},
- {meshid="14255522247",textureid="",C0=angles(-1.5707963267948966,0,1.5707963267948966),Name="Right Arm"},
- {meshid="12344207333",textureid="",C0=angles(2,0,0),Name="Left Arm"},
- {meshid="12344206657",textureid="",C0=angles(2,0,0),Name="Right Arm"},
- {meshid="11159370334",textureid="11159285454",C0=angles(1.5707963267948966,0,1.5707963267948966),Name="Left Leg"},
- {meshid="12652772399",textureid="12652775021",C0=cf(0,-0.125,0),Name="Right Leg"},
- {meshid="14768684979",textureid="",C0=angles(0,0,1.5707963267948966),Name="Left Leg"},
- {meshid="14768684979",textureid="",C0=angles(0,0,1.5707963267948966),Name="Right Leg"},
- {meshid="14768666349",textureid="",C0=cf_0,Name="Torso"},
- {meshid="14241018198",textureid="",C0=cf_0,Name="Torso"},
- {meshid="13421774668",textureid="",C0=cf_0,Name="Torso"},
- {meshid="4324138105",textureid="4324138210",C0=cfMul(angles(-1.6144295580947547,1.5707963267948966,0),cf(-0.125,0.3,0)),Name="Left Arm"},
- {meshid="4154474745",textureid="4154474807",C0=cfMul(angles(1.5271630954950384,-1.5707963267948966,0),cf(-0.125,-0.3,0)),Name="Left Arm"},
- {meshid="3030546036",textureid="3650191503",C0=cfMul(angles(1.5271630954950384,1.5707963267948966,0),cf(0.125,-0.3,0)),Name="Right Arm"},
- {meshid="3030546036",textureid="3443321249",C0=cfMul(angles(-1.6144295580947547,-1.5707963267948966,0),cf(0.125,0.3,0)),Name="Right Arm"},
- {meshid="3030546036",textureid="3360974849",C0=cfMul(angles(1.5271630954950384,1.5707963267948966,0),cf(-0.125,-0.35,0)),Name="Left Leg"},
- {meshid="3030546036",textureid="3360978739",C0=cfMul(angles(-1.6144295580947547,-1.5707963267948966,0),cf(-0.125,0.3,0)),Name="Left Leg"},
- {meshid="3030546036",textureid="3033898741",C0=cfMul(angles(1.5271630954950384,-1.5707963267948966,0),cf(0.125,-0.35,0)),Name="Right Leg"},
- {meshid="3030546036",textureid="3409604993",C0=cfMul(angles(-1.6144295580947547,1.5707963267948966,0),cf(0.125,0.3,0)),Name="Right Leg"},
- {meshid="4819720316",textureid="4819722776",C0=angles(0,0,0.2617993877991494),Name="Torso"}
- }
- local function gp(p,n,cl)
- for i,v in ipairs(GetChildren(p)) do
- if IsA(v,cl) and (insGet(v,"Name")==n) then
- return v
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function timegp(p,n,c,t)
- t=osclock()+t
- while t>osclock() do
- local r=gp(p,n,c)
- if r then
- return r
- end
- Wait(stepped)
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function getNetlessVelocity(realVel)
- --if true then return v3_0 end
- --if true then return realPartVelocity end
- --if true then return v3_net end
- if v3Get(realVel,"Magnitude")>25.01 then
- realVel=v3Get(realVel,"Unit")*25.01
- end
- return realVel*v3_xz+v3_net
- end
- local sft=1/45
- local function getFallingTime(Ypos,destY,gravity)
- local velY=25.01
- local fallingTime=0
- gravity=gravity*sft
- while (Ypos>destY) or (velY>0) do
- fallingTime=fallingTime+sft
- velY=velY-gravity
- Ypos=Ypos+(velY*sft)
- end
- return fallingTime
- end
- local function getMeshOfPart(v)
- if IsA(v,"MeshPart") then
- return insGet(v,"MeshId"), insGet(v,"TextureID")
- elseif IsA(v,"BasePart") then
- v=FindFirstChildOfClass(v,"SpecialMesh")
- if v then
- return insGet(v,"MeshId"), insGet(v,"TextureId")
- end
- end
- return nil, nil
- end
- local function makeplaceholder(v)
- if typeof(v)~="Instance" then
- return nil
- end
- if not insGet(v,"Archivable") then
- insSet(v,"Archivable",true)
- end
- v=Clone(v)
- for i,v in ipairs(GetChildren(v)) do
- if IsA(v,"SpecialMesh") then
- insSet(v,"Name",rs())
- ClearAllChildren(v)
- else
- Destroy(v)
- end
- end
- insSet(v,"Name",rs())
- insSet(v,"Anchored",true)
- insSet(v,"CanCollide",false)
- insSet(v,"Transparency",0.25)
- insSet(v,"Parent",ws)
- return v
- end
- local function emptyfunction() end
- local i1=i("Frame")
- local i2=i("Frame")
- local i3=i("Frame")
- local i4=i("ScrollingFrame")
- local i5=i("UIListLayout")
- local i6=i("UIGradient")
- local i7=i("TextBox")
- local i8=i("TextButton")
- local i9=i("UIGradient")
- local i10=i("ScreenGui")
- insSet(i1,"AnchorPoint",v2(0.5,0))
- insSet(i1,"Active",true)
- insSet(i1,"BorderSizePixel",0)
- insSet(i1,"ClipsDescendants",true)
- insSet(i1,"Position",u2(0.5,0,0.5,-150))
- insSet(i1,"Size",u2(0,guiTheme.windowRegularSize.X,0,guiTheme.windowRegularSize.Y))
- insSet(i1,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i1,"Parent",i10)
- insSet(i2,"BackgroundColor3",c3(1,1,1))
- insSet(i2,"BorderSizePixel",0)
- insSet(i2,"Size",u2(0,guiTheme.windowRegularSize.X,0,guiTheme.windowRegularSize.Y))
- insSet(i2,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i2,"Parent",i1)
- insSet(i3,"BackgroundColor3",c3(1,1,1))
- insSet(i3,"BorderSizePixel",0)
- insSet(i3,"Position",u2(0,5,0,guiTheme.windowMinimizedSize.Y-2))
- insSet(i3,"Size",u2(1,-10,0,guiTheme.windowRegularSize.Y-guiTheme.windowMinimizedSize.Y-3))
- insSet(i3,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i3,"Parent",i2)
- insSet(i4,"Active",true)
- insSet(i4,"BackgroundTransparency",1)
- insSet(i4,"BorderSizePixel",0)
- insSet(i4,"Size",u2(1,-3,1,0))
- insSet(i4,"AutomaticCanvasSize",e.AutomaticSize.Y)
- insSet(i4,"CanvasSize",u2(0,0,0,0))
- insSet(i4,"ScrollBarThickness",7)
- insSet(i4,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i4,"Parent",i3)
- insSet(i5,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i5,"Parent",i4)
- insSet(i5,"SortOrder",e.SortOrder.LayoutOrder)
- insSet(i6,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i6,"Parent",i3)
- insSet(i6,"Color",cs({csk(0,guiTheme.listTopColor),csk(1,guiTheme.listBottomColor)}))
- insSet(i6,"Rotation",90)
- insSet(i7,"Font",e.Font.SourceSans)
- insSet(i7,"FontSize",e.FontSize.Size18)
- insSet(i7,"ClearTextOnFocus",false)
- insSet(i7,"Text",guiTheme.guiTitle)
- insSet(i7,"TextColor3",guiTheme.windowTitleColor)
- insSet(i7,"TextSize",16)
- insSet(i7,"AnchorPoint",v2(0.5,0))
- insSet(i7,"BackgroundTransparency",1)
- insSet(i7,"Position",u2(0.5,0,0,guiTheme.windowMinimizedSize.Y/2))
- insSet(i7,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i7,"Parent",i2)
- insSet(i8,"AnchorPoint",v2(1,0))
- insSet(i8,"BackgroundTransparency",1)
- insSet(i8,"Position",u2(1,0,0,0))
- insSet(i8,"Size",u2(0,40,0,guiTheme.windowMinimizedSize.Y))
- insSet(i8,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i8,"Parent",i2)
- insSet(i8,"Font",e.Font.SourceSans)
- insSet(i8,"FontSize",e.FontSize.Size18)
- insSet(i8,"Text","-")
- insSet(i8,"TextColor3",c3(1,1,1))
- insSet(i8,"TextSize",16)
- insSet(i9,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i9,"Parent",i2)
- insSet(i9,"Color",cs({csk(0,guiTheme.windowTopColor),csk(1,guiTheme.windowBottomColor)}))
- insSet(i9,"Rotation",90)
- insSet(i10,"ZIndexBehavior",e.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling)
- insSet(i10,"IgnoreGuiInset",true)
- insSet(i10,"ResetOnSpawn",false)
- insSet(i10,"DisplayOrder",2147483647)
- insSet(i10,"Name",rs())
- local guimin=false
- local minloop=false
- local i1X=guiTheme.windowRegularSize.X
- local i1Y=guiTheme.windowRegularSize.Y
- local i1Xdest=i1X
- local i1Ydest=i1Y
- Connect(insGet(i8,"MouseButton1Click"),function()
- guimin = not guimin
- if guimin then
- i1Xdest=guiTheme.windowMinimizedSize.X
- i1Ydest=guiTheme.windowMinimizedSize.Y
- else
- i1Xdest=guiTheme.windowRegularSize.X
- i1Ydest=guiTheme.windowRegularSize.Y
- end
- if minloop then
- return
- end
- minloop=true
- insSet(i3,"Visible",true)
- sine=osclock()
- local lastsine=sine
- while true do
- sine=osclock()
- local deltaTime=(sine-lastsine)*10
- lastsine=sine
- local difX=i1Xdest-i1X
- local difY=i1Ydest-i1Y
- if (abs(difY)<=1) and (abs(difX)<=1) then
- i1X=i1Xdest
- i1Y=i1Ydest
- insSet(i1,"Size",u2(0,i1X,0,i1Y))
- break
- end
- i1X=i1X+difX*deltaTime
- i1Y=i1Y+difY*deltaTime
- insSet(i1,"Size",u2(0,i1X,0,i1Y))
- twait()
- end
- insSet(i3,"Visible",not guimin)
- minloop=false
- end)
- local function Draggable(window,obj)
- local MB1enum = e.UserInputType.MouseButton1
- local TOUCHenum = e.UserInputType.Touch
- obj = obj or window
- local activeEntered = 0
- local mouseStart = nil
- local dragStart = nil
- local inputbegancon = nil
- local rendersteppedcon = nil
- local inputendedcon = nil
- local function inputendedf(a)
- a=insGet(a,"UserInputType")
- if (a==MB1enum) or (a==TOUCHenum) then
- Disconnect(rendersteppedcon)
- Disconnect(inputendedcon)
- end
- end
- local function rendersteppedf()
- local off = GetMouseLocation(uis)-mouseStart
- insSet(window,"Position",dragStart+u2(0,off.X,0,off.Y))
- end
- local function inputbeganf(a)
- a=insGet(a,"UserInputType")
- if ((a==MB1enum) or (a==TOUCHenum)) and (activeEntered==0) and not GetFocusedTextBox(uis) then
- mouseStart=GetMouseLocation(uis)
- dragStart=insGet(window,"Position")
- if rendersteppedcon then Disconnect(rendersteppedcon) end
- rendersteppedcon = Connect(renderstepped,rendersteppedf)
- if inputendedcon then Disconnect(inputendedcon) end
- inputendedcon = Connect(insGet(uis,"InputEnded"),inputendedf)
- end
- end
- Connect(insGet(obj,"MouseEnter"),function()
- if inputbegancon then Disconnect(inputbegancon) end
- inputbegancon = Connect(insGet(uis,"InputBegan"),inputbeganf)
- end)
- Connect(insGet(obj,"MouseLeave"),function()
- Disconnect(inputbegancon)
- end)
- local function ondes(d)
- if IsA(d,"GuiObject") then
- local thisEntered = false
- local thisAdded = false
- local con0 = Connect(insGet(d,"MouseEnter"),function()
- thisEntered = true
- if (not thisAdded) and insGet(d,"Active") then
- activeEntered = activeEntered + 1
- thisAdded = true
- end
- end)
- local con1 = Connect(insGet(d,"MouseLeave"),function()
- thisEntered = false
- if thisAdded then
- activeEntered = activeEntered - 1
- thisAdded = false
- end
- end)
- local con2 = Connect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(d,"Active"),function()
- if thisEntered then
- if thisAdded and not insGet(d,"Active") then
- activeEntered = activeEntered - 1
- thisAdded = false
- elseif insGet(d,"Active") and not thisAdded then
- activeEntered = activeEntered + 1
- thisAdded = true
- end
- end
- end)
- local con3 = nil
- con3 = Connect(insGet(d,"AncestryChanged"),function()
- if not IsDescendantOf(d,window) then
- if thisEntered then
- activeEntered = activeEntered - 1
- end
- Disconnect(con0)
- Disconnect(con1)
- Disconnect(con2)
- Disconnect(con3)
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- Connect(insGet(window,"DescendantAdded"),ondes)
- for i,v in ipairs(GetDescendants(window)) do
- ondes(v)
- end
- end
- local function btn(txt, f)
- local i1=i("TextBox")
- local i2=i("TextButton")
- insSet(i1,"Font",e.Font.SourceSans)
- insSet(i1,"FontSize",e.FontSize.Size14)
- insSet(i1,"Text",txt)
- insSet(i1,"ClearTextOnFocus",false)
- insSet(i1,"Position",u2(0.5,0,0.5,0))
- insSet(i1,"TextColor3",guiTheme.buttonsTextColor)
- insSet(i1,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i1,"Parent",i2)
- insSet(i2,"BackgroundTransparency",1)
- insSet(i2,"TextTransparency",1)
- insSet(i2,"Size",u2(1,0,0,14))
- insSet(i2,"Name",rs())
- if f then
- Connect(insGet(i2,"MouseButton1Click"),f)
- end
- insSet(i2,"Parent",i4)
- return i1
- end
- local function lbl(txt)
- local i1=i("TextBox")
- local i2=i("Frame")
- insSet(i1,"Font",e.Font.SourceSans)
- insSet(i1,"FontSize",e.FontSize.Size14)
- insSet(i1,"Text",txt)
- insSet(i1,"ClearTextOnFocus",false)
- insSet(i1,"TextColor3",guiTheme.labelsTextColor)
- insSet(i1,"Position",u2(0.5,0,0.5))
- insSet(i1,"BackgroundTransparency",1)
- insSet(i1,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i1,"Parent",i2)
- insSet(i2,"Size",u2(1,0,0,14))
- insSet(i2,"BackgroundTransparency",1)
- insSet(i2,"Name",rs())
- insSet(i2,"Parent",i4)
- return i1
- end
- Draggable(i1)
- lbl("by MyWorld")
- lbl("")
- local allowshiftlock=nil
- local ctrltp=nil
- local placeholders=nil
- local clickfling=nil
- local highlightflingtargets=nil
- local discharscripts=nil
- local flingchangestate=nil
- local respawntp=true
- local c=nil
- local function stopreanimate()
- if c then
- c=nil
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- local function reanimate()
- --[[
- FDless reanimate by MyWorld
- aka no client sided instances
- "what else do i optimize here"
- ]]
- local novoid = true --prevents parts from going under workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight if you control them
- local speedlimit = 3000 --makes your parts move slower if the magnitude of their velocity is higher than this
- local retVelTime = 0.51 --time that claimed parts have velocity to reclaim in case u lose them
- local walkSpeed = 16 --your walkspeed (can be changed at runtime)
- local jumpPower = 50 --your jump power (can be changed at runtime)
- local gravity = 196.2 --how fast the characters velocity decreases while falling (can be changed at runtime)
- local ctrlclicktp = ctrltp --makes you teleport where u point ur mouse cursor at when click and hold ctrl down
- local clickfling = clickfling --makes you fling the person you clicked when its available to do so
- local flingvel = v3(15000,16000,15000) --the rotation velocity that ur character will have while flinging
- if stopreanimate() then return end
- c=insGet(lp,"Character")
- if not (c and IsDescendantOf(c,ws)) then return end
- local rootpart=gp(c,"HumanoidRootPart","BasePart") or gp(c,"Torso","BasePart") or gp(c,"UpperTorso","BasePart") or timegp(c,"HumanoidRootPart","BasePart",0.5) or FindFirstChildWhichIsA(c,"BasePart")
- if not rootpart then return end
- local cam=nil
- --theres a way to have ws.currentcamera nil on heartbeat and still have the game run normally
- local function refcam()
- local newcam=insGet(ws,"CurrentCamera")
- while not newcam do
- Wait(GetPropertyChangedSignal(ws,"CurrentCamera"))
- newcam=insGet(ws,"CurrentCamera")
- end
- cam=newcam
- end
- refcam()
- local camcf=insGet(cam,"CFrame")
- local enumCamS=e.CameraType.Scriptable
- local camt=insGet(cam,"CameraType")
- local camcon0=nil
- local camcon1=nil
- local camcon2=nil
- local function onnewcamera()
- refcam()
- if camcon0 then
- Disconnect(camcon0)
- Disconnect(camcon1)
- camcon0=nil
- end
- if not c then
- if insGet(cam,"CameraType")==enumCamS then
- insSet(cam,"CameraType",camt)
- end
- return Disconnect(camcon2)
- end
- camcon0=Connect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(cam,"CFrame"),function()
- if insGet(cam,"CFrame")~=camcf then
- insSet(cam,"CFrame",camcf)
- end
- end)
- camcon1=Connect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(cam,"CameraType"),function()
- if insGet(cam,"CameraType")~=enumCamS then
- insSet(cam,"CameraType",enumCamS)
- end
- end)
- if insGet(cam,"CameraType")~=enumCamS then
- insSet(cam,"CameraType",enumCamS)
- end
- if insGet(cam,"CFrame")~=camcf then
- insSet(cam,"CFrame",camcf)
- end
- end
- camcon2=Connect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(ws,"CurrentCamera"),onnewcamera)
- onnewcamera()
- local rGravity=insGet(ws,"Gravity")
- Connect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(ws,"Gravity"),function()
- rGravity=insGet(ws,"Gravity"
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