
Peanut Butter Cupper

Dec 10th, 2017 (edited)
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  1. Let's make a game!
  2. name:Peanut Butter Cupper
  3. by:morkysherk
  4. desc:Make some tasty peanut butter cups!<.>Created on <b>December 2nd, 2017</b><.>Last updated on <b>April 2nd, 2018</b>
  5. forum post:16768
  7. //hello
  9. Settings
  10. tiling background:
  11. spritesheet:numbers, 48 by 48,
  12. spritesheet:hat, 48 by 48,
  13. spritesheet:cursor, 48 by 48,
  14. building cost refund: 60%
  15. stylesheet:
  17. Buttons
  19. class:inFront
  20. *chocoButton
  21. name:Chocolate Button
  22. desc:Click to make more chocolate!
  23. icon:
  24. on click:
  25. if (buttonAnimation=1) anim icon wobble2
  26. if (buttonAnimation=2) anim icon bounceOnce
  27. if (buttonAnimation=3) anim icon plop
  28. if (buttonAnimation=4) anim icon wiggling2
  29. if (buttonAnimation=5) anim icon wobbleSlow
  30. end
  31. no text
  32. on click:yield 1 chocolate
  33. on click:if (chance(min(20,(0.3+(chanceIncreases*0.03)))%)) yield 1 goldBeanPod
  34. on click:if (have combinedClicking) yield 0.5 peanutButter
  35. on click:if (have peanutcupClicking) yield (1/3) peanutCups
  36. on click:if (aaa<1) yield 1 aaa
  37. on click:
  38. noClickSeconds=0
  39. end
  40. class:bigButton redFlares
  41. tag:cButton
  42. *pButton
  43. name:Peanut Butter Button
  44. desc:Click to make more peanut butter!
  45. on click:
  46. if (buttonAnimation=1) anim icon wobble2
  47. if (buttonAnimation=2) anim icon bounceOnce
  48. if (buttonAnimation=3) anim icon plop
  49. if (buttonAnimation=4) anim icon wiggling2
  50. if (buttonAnimation=5) anim icon wobbleSlow
  51. end
  52. no text
  53. on click:yield 1 peanutButter
  54. on click:if (chance(min(25,(0.3+(chanceIncreases*0.03)))%)) yield 1 goldBeanPod
  55. on click:if (have combinedClicking) yield 0.5 chocolate
  56. on click:if (have peanutcupClicking) yield (1/3) peanutCups
  57. on click:
  58. noClickSeconds=0
  59. end
  60. icon:
  61. class:bigButton blueFlares
  62. tag:pButton
  64. tag:debug
  65. *debug1
  66. name:+1k cups
  67. on click:yield 1000 peanutCups
  68. *debug2
  69. name:+1M cups
  70. on click:yield 1000000 peanutCups
  71. *debug3
  72. name:+1B cups
  73. on click:yield 1000000000 peanutCups
  74. *debug10
  75. name:+1T cups
  76. on click:yield 1000000000000 peanutCups
  77. *alottacups
  78. name:A lot of cups
  79. on click:yield 1e308 peanutCups
  80. *debug4
  81. name:+1k chocolate
  82. on click:yield 1000 chocolate
  83. *debug5
  84. name:+1M chocolate
  85. on click:yield 1000000 chocolate
  86. *debug6
  87. name:+1B chocolate
  88. on click:yield 1000000000 chocolate
  89. *debug11
  90. name:+1T chocolate
  91. on click:yield 1000000000000 chocolate
  92. *debug7
  93. name:+1k peanut butter
  94. on click:yield 1000 peanutButter
  95. *debug8
  96. name:+1M peanut butter
  97. on click:yield 1000000 peanutButter
  98. *debug9
  99. name:+1B peanut butter
  100. on click:yield 1000000000 peanutButter
  101. *debug12
  102. name:+1T peanut butter
  103. on click:yield 1000000000000 peanutButter
  104. *beanChanceUp
  105. name:Max gold bean pod chance
  106. on click:yield 10000000 chanceIncreases
  107. *loadsaBuildings
  108. name:Plenty of moleculizers
  109. on click:yield 182730871092837098127309812031213123123 subAtomics
  110. *loadsaAchievs
  111. name:Plenty of achievements
  112. on click:yield 923789487092853609890230029837408087034 achievPoints
  113. *100mana
  114. name:+100 mana
  115. on click:yield 100 mana
  116. *100pods
  117. name:+100 bean pods
  118. on click:yield 100 goldBeanPods
  119. *noDelay
  120. name:Reset spell delay
  121. on click:yield -100 delay
  122. *luckySpawn
  123. name:Spawn golden cup
  124. on click:spawn luckyCup
  125. *60minutes
  126. name:+60 minutes played
  127. on click:yield 3600 secondsPlayed
  128. *3600noClickSeconds
  129. name:+3600 seconds of no clicking
  130. on click:yield 3600 noClickSeconds
  131. *1000lclicks
  132. name:+1000 lucky cup clicks
  133. on click:yield 1000 lclicks
  134. *1000cBeans
  135. name:+1000 crystal beans
  136. on click:yield 1000 crystalBeans
  137. *100000gBeans
  138. name:+100000 golden beans
  139. on click:yield 100000 goldBeans
  141. Resources
  143. //STATS
  145. *TEMPLATE
  146. tag:stat
  147. class:cleared noBackground
  149. //WARNINGS
  151. *cwarning
  152. name:You're not making enough chocolate!
  153. hidden when 0
  154. text:You're not making enough chocolate!
  155. class:roundBg
  156. tag:warning
  157. *pwarning
  158. name:You're not making enough peanut butter!
  159. hidden when 0
  160. text:You're not making enough peanut butter!
  161. class:roundBg
  162. tag:warning
  164. //EARNED
  166. *earned
  167. name:Peanut butter cups produced
  168. desc:How many peanut butter cups you've produced.
  169. is always:peanutCups:earned
  170. text:[?(this=1)|1 peanut butter cup produced|[this] peanut butter cups produced]
  171. icon:
  172. *leftBehind
  173. name:Peanut butter cups left behind
  174. desc:How many peanut butter cups you've left behind.
  175. text:[this] peanut butter cups left behind
  176. icon:
  177. hidden when 0
  178. *earnedThisUniverse
  179. is always:(earned-leftBehind)
  180. name:Peanut butter cups produced in this universe
  181. desc:How many peanut butter cups you've produced in this universe.
  182. text:[?(this=1)|1 peanut butter cup produced in this universe|[this] peanut butter cups produced in this universe]
  183. icon:
  184. class:invisible
  185. *cleftBehind
  186. class:invisible
  187. *pleftBehind
  188. class:invisible
  189. *cEarnedThisUniverse
  190. is always:((chocolate:earned)-cleftBehind)
  191. class:invisible
  192. *pEarnedThisUniverse
  193. is always:((peanutButter:earned)-pleftBehind)
  194. class:invisible
  198. *chocoworkerp
  199. name:Chocolate Worker Yield
  200. desc:How much chocolate your workers make every second.
  201. text:[chocoworkerp:ps] chocolate/s from workers
  202. icon:
  203. *chocofarmp
  204. name:Chocolate Farm Yield
  205. desc:How much chocolate your farms make every second.
  206. text:[chocofarmp:ps] chocolate/s from farms
  207. hidden when 0
  208. icon:
  209. *refineryp
  210. name:Refinery Yield
  211. desc:How much chocolate your refineries make every second.
  212. text:[refineryp:ps] chocolate/s from refineries
  213. hidden when 0
  214. icon:
  218. *buttererp
  219. name:Peanut Butterer Yield
  220. desc:How much peanut butter your butterers make every second.
  221. text:[buttererp:ps] peanut butter/s from peanut butterers
  222. hidden when 0
  223. icon:
  224. *converterp
  225. name:Converter Yield
  226. desc:How much peanut butter your peas and nuts converters make every second.
  227. text:[converterp:ps] peanut butter/s from peas and nuts converters
  228. hidden when 0
  229. icon:
  230. *factoryp
  231. name:Factory Yield
  232. desc:How much peanut butter your factories make every second.
  233. text:[factoryp:ps] peanut butter/s from peanut butter factories
  234. hidden when 0
  235. icon:
  239. *clickerp
  240. icon:
  241. name:Autoclicker Yield
  242. desc:How much peanut butter and chocolate your autoclickers make every second.
  243. text:[clickerp:ps] peanut butter and chocolate/s from autoclickers
  244. hidden when 0
  245. *replicatorp
  246. name:Replicator Yield
  247. desc:How much peanut butter and chocolate your replicators make every second.
  248. text:[replicatorp:ps] peanut butter and chocolate/s from replicators
  249. hidden when 0
  250. icon:
  251. *coreExtractorp
  252. name:Core Extractor Yield
  253. desc:How much peanut butter and chocolate your core extractors make every second.
  254. text:[coreExtractorp:ps] peanut butter and chocolate/s from core extractors
  255. hidden when 0
  256. icon:
  257. *qDownloaderp
  258. name:Quantum Downloader Yield
  259. desc:How much peanut butter and chocolate your quantum downloaders make every second.
  260. text:[qDownloaderp:ps] peanut butter and chocolate/s from quantum downloaders
  261. hidden when 0
  262. icon:
  263. *mindReaderp
  264. name:Mind Reader Yield
  265. desc:How much peanut butter and chocolate your mind readers make every second.
  266. text:[mindReaderp:ps] peanut butter and chocolate/s from mind readers
  267. hidden when 0
  268. icon:
  272. *cupperuse
  273. always hidden
  274. *cupperp
  275. name:Cupper yield
  276. desc:How many peanut butter cups your peanut butter cuppers make every second.
  277. text:[cupperp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from cuppers
  278. hidden when 0
  279. icon:
  280. *machineuse
  281. always hidden
  282. *machinep
  283. name:Machine yield
  284. desc:How many peanut butter cups your machines make every second.
  285. text:[machinep:ps] peanut butter cups/s from machines
  286. hidden when 0
  287. icon:
  288. *printeruse
  289. always hidden
  290. *printerp
  291. name:3D printer yield
  292. desc:How many peanut butter cups your 3D printers make every second.
  293. text:[printerp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from 3D printers
  294. hidden when 0
  295. icon:
  296. *pukeruse
  297. always hidden
  298. *pukerp
  299. name:Puker yield
  300. desc:How many peanut butter cups your pukers make every second.
  301. text:[pukerp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from pukers
  302. hidden when 0
  303. icon:
  304. *rearrangeruse
  305. always hidden
  306. *rearrangerp
  307. name:Rearranger yield
  308. desc:How many peanut butter cups your rearrangers make every second.
  309. text:[rearrangerp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from rearrangers
  310. hidden when 0
  311. icon:
  312. *rocketuse
  313. always hidden
  314. *rocketp
  315. name:Trade spaceship yield
  316. desc:How many peanut butter cups your trade rockets make every second.
  317. text:[rocketp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from trade spaceships
  318. hidden when 0
  319. icon:
  320. *portaluse
  321. always hidden
  322. *portalp
  323. name:Portal yield
  324. desc:How many peanut butter cups your portals make every second.
  325. text:[portalp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from portals
  326. hidden when 0
  327. icon:
  328. *mysteryuse
  329. always hidden
  330. *mysteryp
  331. name:Mystery box yield
  332. desc:How many peanut butter cups your mystery boxes make every second.
  333. text:[mysteryp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from mystery boxes
  334. hidden when 0
  335. icon:
  336. *subatomicp
  337. name:Subatomic moleculizer yield
  338. desc:How many peanut butter cups your subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators make every second.
  339. text:[subatomicp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from subatomic moleculizers
  340. hidden when 0
  341. icon:
  342. *bhExtractoruse
  343. always hidden
  344. *bhExtractorp
  345. name:Black hole extractor yield
  346. desc:How many peanut butter cups your black hole extractors make every second.
  347. text:[bhExtractorp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from black hole extractors
  348. hidden when 0
  349. icon:
  350. *anomalyuse
  351. always hidden
  352. *anomalyp
  353. name:Space-time anomaly yield
  354. desc:How many peanut butter cups your space-time anomalies make every second.
  355. text:[anomalyp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from space-time anomalies
  356. hidden when 0
  357. icon:
  359. //TIME STATS
  361. *secondPlayed|secondsPlayed
  362. name:Seconds played|Seconds played
  363. desc:How long you've been playing.
  364. text:[?(this=1)|1 second played|[this] seconds played]
  365. icon:
  366. *minutePlayed|minutesPlayed
  367. name:Minutes played|Minutes played
  368. desc:How long you've been playing.
  369. text:[?(this=1)|1 minute played|[this] minutes played]
  370. icon:
  371. is always:floor(secondsPlayed/60)
  375. *cclick|cclicks
  376. name:Chocolate Clicks|Chocolate Clicks
  377. desc:How many times you've clicked the chocolate.
  378. is always:chocoButton:clicks
  379. text:[?(this=1)|1 chocolate button click|[this] chocolate button clicks]
  380. icon:
  381. *pclick|pclicks
  382. name:Peanut Butter Clicks|Peanut Butter Clicks
  383. desc:How many times you've clicked the peanut butter.
  384. is always:pButton:clicks
  385. text:[?(this=1)|1 peanut butter button click|[this] peanut butter button clicks]
  386. icon:
  387. *lclicks|lclicks
  388. name:Golden cup clicks|Golden cup clicks
  389. desc:How many golden peanut butter cups you've clicked.
  390. text:[?(this=1)|1 golden peanut butter cup collected|[this] golden peanut butter cups collected]
  391. icon:
  393. //OTHER STATS
  395. *multiplier
  396. always hidden
  397. *multiplier2
  398. is always:multiplier*(max(1,(1+(divineCups/500)*(pow(1.02,angelicCuppers)))))
  399. name:Multiplier
  400. desc:Your production multiplier, in percent.
  401. start with:100
  402. text:[this]% multiplier
  403. icon:
  404. always hidden
  405. *cIncrease|cIncreases
  406. name:Golden bean pod chance upgrade|Golden bean pod chance upgrades
  407. desc:How many times you've increased your golden bean pod chance. Found by clicking golden peanut butter cups.
  408. hidden when 0
  409. is always:chanceIncreases
  410. text:[?(this=1)|1 golden bean pod chance increase|[this] golden bean pod chance increases]
  411. icon:
  412. *goldPodSummoned|goldPodsSummoned
  413. name:Golden bean pod summoned|Golden bean pods summoned
  414. desc:How many golden bean pods you've summoned.
  415. text:[?(this=1)|1 golden bean pod summoned|[this] golden bean pods summoned]
  416. icon:
  417. *thisstatClick|thisstatClicks
  418. name:Times you've clicked this stat
  419. desc:How many times you've clicked this stat.
  420. on click:yield 1 thisstatClick
  421. text:[?(this=1)|You've clicked this stat 1 time|You've clicked this stat [this] times]
  422. icon:
  423. *noClickSecond|noClickSeconds
  424. name:no click seconds
  425. class:invisible
  427. //RESOURCES
  429. *TEMPLATE
  430. tag:resource
  432. *peanutCup|peanutCups
  433. name:Peanut Butter Cup|Peanut Butter Cups
  434. desc:A delicious mixture of peanut butter and chocolate!
  435. icon:
  436. show earned
  437. class:noBackground
  438. on click:yield 1 coolResource
  439. *chocolate|chocolates
  440. name:Chocolate Bar|Chocolate Bars
  441. desc:A tasty snack used as the outer shell of a Reese's cup.
  442. hidden when 0
  443. show earned
  444. icon:
  445. class:noBackground
  446. *peanutButter|peanutButters
  447. name:Jar of Peanut Butter|Jars of Peanut Butter
  448. desc:Often used on bread, this topping also goes well with chocolate.
  449. hidden when 0
  450. show earned
  451. icon:
  452. class:noBackground
  453. *fireCup|fireCups
  454. name:Flaming Cup|Flaming Cups
  455. desc:woah duuude
  456. icon:
  457. class:blurred noBackground
  458. always hidden
  462. *TEMPLATE
  463. tag:special
  464. *goldBeanPod|goldBeanPods
  465. name:Golden Bean Pod|Golden Bean Pods
  466. desc:A pod containing golden cocoa beans.
  467. on lose:if (chance(1%)) yield 1 crystalBean
  468. show earned
  469. class:noBackground
  470. icon:
  471. *goldBean|goldBeans
  472. name:Golden Cocoa Bean|Golden Cocoa Beans
  473. desc:Rare, exquisitely flavored cocoa beans used to buy special powerful upgrades.
  474. show earned
  475. hidden when 0
  476. class:noBackground
  477. icon:
  478. *crystalBean|crystalBeans
  479. name:Crystal Bean|Crystal Beans
  480. desc:An incredibly valuable cocoa bean with an unimaginably delicious flavor. Possessed only by successful chocolatiers, and used to purchase powerful boosts.
  481. icon:
  482. class:noBackground
  483. hidden when 0
  484. *mana|manas
  485. name:Mana|Mana
  486. desc:Magic power used to cast spells.
  487. icon:
  488. class:noBackground
  489. tag:spelltxt
  490. text:Spells - [this] mana, [?(delay=0)|no delay|[delay] second delay]
  491. on earn:if (mana>=(500*pow(1.01,tallerHats)) and mana<((500*pow(1.01,tallerHats))+10)) log(maxMana) Maximum mana reached!
  492. *chanceIncrease|chanceIncreases
  493. name:Golden Bean Pod Chance Increase
  494. always hidden
  496. *TEMPLATE
  498. *divineCups
  499. name:Divine Cups
  500. desc:Gifts from the peanut butter cup gods for successfully filling a universe. Can be used to purchase powerful upgrades.
  501. class:noBackground
  502. icon:
  503. show earned
  504. class:invisible
  505. tag:divine
  506. *frenzy|frenzy
  507. name:10x Multiplier Timer
  508. text:10x multiplier - [this] seconds remaining
  509. tag:timer
  510. hidden when 0
  511. class:noBackground
  512. *frenzy2
  513. name:25x Multiplier Timer
  514. text:25x multiplier - [this] seconds remaining
  515. tag:timer
  516. hidden when 0
  517. class:noBackground
  518. *delay
  519. name:Spell Delay
  520. desc:How much longer you must wait to cast your next spell.
  521. hidden when 0
  522. class:invisible
  523. *coolResource
  524. name:ayyy
  525. desc:kajwhd
  526. hidden
  527. *effectDeterminer|effectDeterminers
  529. *achievPoint|achievPoints
  530. name:Achievements
  531. tag:achievPoints
  532. text:Achievements - <b>[this]/90 (~[((achievPoints/90)*100)]%) earned</b>
  533. desc:Things awarded for reaching certain milestones in the game. These will probably give you bonuses at some point in the future.
  534. class:noBackground
  535. *secretPoint|secretPoints
  536. name:Secrets
  537. tag:secretPoints
  538. text:Secrets - <b>[this]/6 (~[((secretPoints/6)*100)]%) discovered</b>
  539. desc:Things hidden throughout the game that aren't necessarily achievements. These may unlock special bonuses at some point.
  540. class:noBackground
  541. *upgradetxt
  542. name:Available upgrades
  543. tag:upgradetxt
  544. text:Available upgrades
  545. desc:Upgrades to give you boosts.
  546. class:noBackground
  547. *ownedUpgradetxt
  548. name:Owned upgrades
  549. tag:ownedUpgradetxt
  550. text:Owned upgrades
  551. desc:Upgrades giving you boosts.
  552. class:noBackground
  553. *spellBoosttxt
  554. name:Spell boosts
  555. tag:spellBoosttxt
  556. text:Spell boosts
  557. desc:Things to make your spells better.
  558. class:noBackground
  559. *divinetxt
  560. name:Divine upgrades
  561. tag:divinetxt
  562. text:Divine upgrades[?(divineCups=0)|| - [divineCups] divine cups]
  563. desc:Powerful upgrades obtained by restarting.
  564. class:noBackground
  565. icon:
  566. *buildingtxt
  567. name:Buildings
  568. tag:buildingtxt
  569. text:Buildings - [this]
  570. desc:Buildings that produce resources.
  571. class:noBackground
  572. is always:(clickers+chocolateWorkers+refineries+chocoFarms+peanutButterers+pbFactories+factories+replicators+coreExtractors+peanutCuppers+cupMachines+printers+cupVomiters+rearrangers+rocketShips+cupPortals+mysteryBoxes+subAtomics)
  574. //BUTTONS
  576. *viewSettings
  577. name:Settings
  578. text:Settings
  579. on click:
  580. hide tag:spell
  581. hide tag:upgrade
  582. hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
  583. hide tag:upgradeOwned
  584. hide tag:achievPoints
  585. hide tag:achievement
  586. hide tag:secretPoints
  587. hide tag:secret
  588. hide tag:philding
  589. hide tag:stat
  590. hide tag:spelltxt
  591. hide upgradetxt
  592. show tag:setting
  593. show tag:settingTitle
  594. hide tag:buildingtxt
  595. hide tag:divinetxt
  596. hide tag:divine
  597. hide tag:spellBoosttxt
  598. hide tag:spellBoost
  599. end
  600. tag:menuButton
  601. class:leftBorder
  602. *viewBuildings
  603. name:Buildings
  604. tag:menuButton
  605. text:Buildings
  606. desc:Buildings to produce more resources.
  607. on click:
  608. hide tag:spell
  609. hide tag:upgrade
  610. hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
  611. hide tag:upgradeOwned
  612. hide tag:achievPoints
  613. hide tag:achievement
  614. hide tag:secretPoints
  615. hide tag:secret
  616. show tag:philding
  617. hide tag:stat
  618. hide tag:spelltxt
  619. hide upgradetxt
  620. hide tag:setting
  621. hide tag:settingTitle
  622. show tag:buildingtxt
  623. hide tag:divinetxt
  624. hide tag:divine
  625. hide tag:spellBoosttxt
  626. hide tag:spellBoost
  627. end
  628. *viewUpgrades
  629. name:Upgrades
  630. tag:menuButton
  631. text:Upgrades
  632. desc:Upgrades to give you boosts.
  633. on click:
  634. show tag:spell
  635. show tag:upgrade
  636. hide tag:upgrade:owned
  637. show tag:ownedUpgradetxt
  638. show tag:upgradeOwned
  639. hide tag:achievPoints
  640. hide tag:achievement
  641. hide tag:secretPoints
  642. hide tag:secret
  643. hide tag:philding
  644. hide tag:stat
  645. show tag:spelltxt
  646. show upgradetxt
  647. hide tag:setting
  648. hide tag:settingTitle
  649. hide tag:buildingtxt
  650. show tag:spellBoosttxt
  651. show tag:spellBoost
  652. if (peanutCups:earned>=1e12)
  653. show tag:divinetxt
  654. show tag:divine
  655. end
  656. end
  657. *viewAchievs
  658. name:Achievements
  659. tag:menuButton
  660. text:Achievements
  661. desc:Achievements and secrets.
  662. on click:
  663. hide tag:spell
  664. hide tag:upgrade
  665. hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
  666. hide tag:upgradeOwned
  667. show tag:achievPoints
  668. show tag:achievement
  669. show tag:secretPoints
  670. show tag:secret
  671. hide tag:philding
  672. hide tag:stat
  673. hide tag:spelltxt
  674. hide upgradetxt
  675. hide tag:setting
  676. hide tag:settingTitle
  677. hide tag:buildingtxt
  678. hide tag:divinetxt
  679. hide tag:divine
  680. hide tag:spellBoosttxt
  681. hide tag:spellBoost
  682. end
  683. *viewStats
  684. name:Stats
  685. tag:menuButton
  686. text:Stats
  687. desc:Statistics about your playthrough.
  688. on click:
  689. hide tag:spell
  690. hide tag:upgrade
  691. hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
  692. hide tag:upgradeOwned
  693. hide tag:achievPoints
  694. hide tag:achievement
  695. hide tag:secretPoints
  696. hide tag:secret
  697. hide tag:philding
  698. show tag:stat
  699. hide tag:spelltxt
  700. hide upgradetxt
  701. hide tag:setting
  702. hide tag:settingTitle
  703. hide tag:buildingtxt
  704. hide tag:divinetxt
  705. hide tag:divine
  706. hide tag:spellBoosttxt
  707. hide tag:spellBoost
  708. end
  709. class:rightBorder
  711. //SETTINGS
  713. *clickAnimation
  714. text:On click animation for upgrades, spells, achievements, and secrets:</>(You must save and refresh the game for this to work properly!)
  715. no tooltip
  716. tags:settingTitle csettingTitle
  717. class:noBackground lineBreak
  718. *clickWobble
  719. text:Wobble
  720. no tooltip
  721. on click:
  722. anim wobble
  723. clickAnimation is 1
  724. end
  725. tags:setting csetting
  726. class:cleared2
  727. *clickWobbleSlow
  728. text:Slow wobble
  729. no tooltip
  730. on click:
  731. anim wobbleSlow
  732. clickAnimation is 5
  733. end
  734. tags:setting csetting
  735. *clickBounce
  736. text:Bounce
  737. no tooltip
  738. on click:
  739. anim bounceOnce
  740. clickAnimation is 2
  741. end
  742. tags:setting csetting
  743. *clickPlop
  744. text:Plop
  745. no tooltip
  746. on click:
  747. anim plop
  748. clickAnimation is 3
  749. end
  750. tags:setting csetting
  751. *clickWiggle
  752. text:Wiggle
  753. no tooltip
  754. on click:
  755. anim wiggling
  756. clickAnimation is 4
  757. end
  758. tags:setting csetting
  759. *clickNone
  760. text:None
  761. no tooltip
  762. on click:
  763. clickAnimation is -1
  764. end
  765. tags:setting csetting
  766. *buttonAnimation
  767. text:On click animation for buttons:</>(You must save and refresh the game for this to work properly!)
  768. no tooltip
  769. tags:settingTitle bsettingTitle
  770. class:noBackground lineBreak
  771. *buttonWobble
  772. text:Wobble
  773. no tooltip
  774. on click:
  775. anim wobble
  776. buttonAnimation is 1
  777. end
  778. tags:setting bsetting
  779. class:cleared2
  780. *buttonWobbleSlow
  781. text:Slow wobble
  782. no tooltip
  783. on click:
  784. anim wobbleSlow
  785. buttonAnimation is 5
  786. end
  787. tags:setting bsetting
  788. *buttonBounce
  789. text:Bounce
  790. no tooltip
  791. on click:
  792. anim bounceOnce
  793. buttonAnimation is 2
  794. end
  795. tags:setting bsetting
  796. *buttonPlop
  797. text:Plop
  798. no tooltip
  799. on click:
  800. anim plop
  801. buttonAnimation is 3
  802. end
  803. tags:setting bsetting
  804. *buttonWiggle
  805. text:Wiggle
  806. no tooltip
  807. on click:
  808. anim wiggling
  809. buttonAnimation is 4
  810. end
  811. tags:setting bsetting
  812. *buttonNone
  813. text:None
  814. no tooltip
  815. on click:
  816. buttonAnimation is -1
  817. end
  818. tags:setting bsetting
  820. Shinies
  821. *luckyCup
  822. on click:
  823. if (no frenzyMultiplier)
  824. yield frenzyMultiplier
  825. end
  826. yield 1 lclicks
  827. end
  828. on click:yield frandom(0,100) effectDeterminers
  829. on click:
  830. $boost=1
  831. if (have blackcatHorseshoe) $boost=1.25
  832. if (have halfRainbow) $boost=1.5
  833. if (have closedUmbrella) $boost=1.75
  834. if (effectDeterminers<=25)
  835. $amount1=max(1,min(chocolate*0.25,(random(chocolate:ps*900,chocolate:ps*2700))))
  836. $amount2=max(1,min(peanutButter*0.25,(random(peanutButter:ps*900,peanutButter:ps*2700))))
  837. toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount1*$boost] chocolate bars and [$amount2*$boost] jars of peanut butter!
  838. yield ($amount1*$boost) chocolate
  839. yield ($amount2*$boost) peanutButter
  840. if (peanutCups:ps>=1)
  841. $amount3=min(peanutCups*0.2,random(peanutCups:ps*600,peanutCups:ps*1200))
  842. toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount3*$boost] peanut butter cups!
  843. yield ($amount3*$boost) peanutCups
  844. end
  845. end
  846. if (effectDeterminers>25 and effectDeterminers<=50)
  847. yield 45 frenzy
  848. toast The golden peanut butter cup is multiplying your production rate by 10 for 45 seconds!
  849. end
  850. if (effectDeterminers>50 and effectDeterminers<=70)
  851. $amount=(random(1,(min(100,goldBeans*0.01))))
  852. toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount*$boost] golden bean pod(s)!
  853. yield ($amount*$boost) goldBeanPods
  854. end
  855. if (effectDeterminers>70 and effectDeterminers<=88.5)
  856. $amount5=(random(1,3))
  857. toast The golden peanut butter cup permanently increased your chance of finding a golden bean pod when clicking a button!
  858. yield ($amount5*$boost) chanceIncreases
  859. end
  860. if (effectDeterminers>88.5 and effectDeterminers<=98.5)
  861. $amount6=(random(500,1250))
  862. yield ($amount6*$boost) mana
  863. toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount6*$boost] mana!
  864. end
  865. if (effectDeterminers>98.5 and effectDeterminers<=99.8)
  866. $amount4=(random(100,200))
  867. toast Wow! The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount4] golden bean pods!
  868. yield ($amount4) goldBeanPods
  869. end
  870. if (effectDeterminers>99.8 and effectDeterminers<=100)
  871. toast Golden cup storm!
  872. spawn luckyCup
  873. spawn luckyCup
  874. spawn luckyCup
  875. spawn luckyCup
  876. end
  877. if (effectDeterminers>100 and effectDeterminers<=125)
  878. $amount7=max(1,min(chocolate*0.5,(random(chocolate:ps*2700,chocolate:ps*5400))))
  879. $amount8=max(1,min(peanutButter*0.5,(random(peanutButter:ps*2700,peanutButter:ps*5400))))
  880. toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount7*$boost] chocolate bars and [$amount8*$boost] jars of peanut butter!
  881. yield ($amount7*$boost) chocolate
  882. yield ($amount8*$boost) peanutButter
  883. $amount9=min(peanutCups*0.5,random(peanutCups:ps*1500,peanutCups:ps*3000))
  884. toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount9*$boost] peanut butter cups!
  885. yield ($amount9*$boost) peanutCups
  886. end
  887. if (effectDeterminers>125 and effectDeterminers<=150)
  888. yield 45 frenzy2
  889. toast The golden peanut butter cup is multiplying your production rate by 25 for 45 seconds!
  890. end
  891. if (effectDeterminers>150 and effectDeterminers<=170)
  892. $amount10=(random(10,(min(250,goldBeans*0.03))))
  893. toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount10*$boost] golden bean pod(s)!
  894. yield ($amount10*$boost) goldBeanPods
  895. end
  896. if (effectDeterminers>170 and effectDeterminers<=188.5)
  897. $amount11=(random(3,6))
  898. toast The golden peanut butter cup permanently increased your chance of finding a golden bean pod when clicking a button!
  899. yield ($amount11*$boost) chanceIncreases
  900. end
  901. if (effectDeterminers>188.5 and effectDeterminers<=198.5)
  902. $amount12=(random(1000,2500))
  903. yield ($amount12*$boost) mana
  904. toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount12*$boost] mana!
  905. end
  906. if (effectDeterminers>198.5 and effectDeterminers<=199.5)
  907. $amount13=(random(300,600))
  908. toast Wow! The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount13] golden bean pods!
  909. yield ($amount4) goldBeanPods
  910. end
  911. if (effectDeterminers>199.5 and effectDeterminers<=200)
  912. toast Mega golden cup storm!
  913. spawn luckyCup
  914. spawn luckyCup
  915. spawn luckyCup
  916. spawn luckyCup
  917. spawn luckyCup
  918. spawn luckyCup
  919. spawn luckyCup
  920. spawn luckyCup
  921. spawn luckyCup
  922. end
  923. if (effectDeterminers>200)
  924. toast sorry nothing
  925. end
  926. frequency:400
  927. frequency variation:35
  928. icon:
  929. duration:15
  930. movement:growShrink onBox:shinyBox
  931. class:bigButton hasFlares
  932. end
  934. Layout
  935. *main
  936. contains:res, cbuttons, pbuttons, res2, res3
  937. *res
  938. contains:tag:resource
  939. class:fullWidth
  940. *res2
  941. contains:tag:special
  942. class:fullWidth
  943. ps:hide
  944. *res3
  945. contains:tag:timer
  946. *cbuttons
  947. contains:tag:cButton
  948. *pbuttons
  949. contains:tag:pButton
  950. *coolBox
  951. *shinyBox
  953. *store
  954. contains:store2, log, menuButtons
  955. *log
  956. contains:Log
  957. *menuButtons
  958. contains:tag:menuButton
  959. no tooltip
  960. *animsSettingTitle
  961. contains:tag:csettingTitle
  962. *clickanimSettings
  963. contains:tag:csetting
  964. *buttonSettingTitle
  965. contains:tag:bsettingTitle
  966. *buttonSettings
  967. contains:tag:bsetting
  968. *store2
  969. contains:tag:warning, tag:csettingTitle, clickanimSettings, tag:bsettingTitle, buttonSettings, tag:buildingtxt, tag:philding, tag:upgradetxt, tag:upgrade, tag:ownedUpgradetxt, tag:upgradeOwned, tag:spelltxt, tag:spell, tag:spellBoosttxt, tag:spellBoost, tag:divinetxt, tag:divine, tag:achievPoints, tag:achievement, tag:secretPoints, tag:secret, tag:stat
  970. tooltip origin:left
  971. ps:hide
  973. Buildings
  974. *aaa|aaaa
  975. name:aaa|aaaa
  976. on tick:yield 1 secondPlayed
  977. on tick:yield 1 noClickSecond
  978. on tick:yield -1 frenzy
  979. on tick:if (peanutButter:ps<0) pwarning is 1
  980. on tick:if (peanutButter:ps>0) pwarning is 0
  981. on tick:if (pwarning=1) show pwarning
  982. on tick:if (pwarning=0) hide pwarning
  983. on tick:if (chocolate:ps<0) cwarning is 1
  984. on tick:if (chocolate:ps>0) cwarning is 0
  985. on tick:if (pwarning=1) show cwarning
  986. on tick:if (pwarning=0) hide cwarning
  987. on tick:if (aaa>1) aaa is 1
  988. on tick:yield -1 delay
  989. on tick:yield -1 frenzy2
  990. on tick:yield -100 effectDeterminers
  991. always hidden
  992. on start:
  993. log <#ff1f1f><b>WARNING:</b></#> Some images have gone missing after the file host shut down. Sadly, this game will no longer be supported. Sorry.</> </> <#ffffff><b><u>Update Log</u></b></#></> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 9 but it's the real one</i></#> - <#42bff4>April 2nd, 2018</#><.>Spell boosts<.>The very beginnings of a prestige system (shows up at 1T peanut butter cups earned)<.>4 new "tier 2" buildings<.>A purchased upgrades section<.>A couple new spells<.>A couple new golden bean upgrades<.>Renamed a building and made a new icon for another<.>svgs? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe next update<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Made it so the new buildings actually require prestige, as was originally intended. Also fixed the "Spawn golden peanut butter cup" spell</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 9</i></#> - <#42bff4>April 1st, 2018</#><.>Made the game look way better<.>graphic design is my passion<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> it's even better now<.><i>Other mini-update:</i> back to normal, real update 9 coming tomorrow!</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 8</i></#> - <#42bff4>February 26th, 2018</#><.>Redone golden bean system<.>A few time-based achievements<.>Some achievement bonuses<.>A few more SVGs (oh god I still need to make more)<.>Slightly different layout with other small visual changes<.>Disabled multiplier stat (hopefully temporarily) because it wasn't working properly<.>A couple experimental log notifications, more may be added later<.>More colorful building descriptions<.>New secret-ish golden peanut butter cup effects<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Fixed some bugs involving golden peanut butter cups</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 7</i></#> - <#42bff4>February 1st, 2018</#><.>New layout with tabs!<.>Loads of achievements<.>Spawn Lucky Peanut Butter Cup is hopefully bug-free now<.>More icons got the SVG treatment. The rest will come soon. Probably. Maybe. It's a possibility.</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 6</i></#> - <#42bff4>January 19th, 2018</#><.>A few icons were redrawn, either because they looked kinda bad or I lost the source file<.>Most of the game's icons are now SVGs<.>Some more achievements<.>A couple minor CSS changes<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Fixed a few bugs affecting the "Spawn Golden Peanut Butter Cup" spell, and significantly improved game performance</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 5</i></#> - <#42bff4>January 1st, 2018</#><.>Lots of upgrades! Every building now has at least 4<.>A change to how golden peanut butter cup effects are chosen - this should make it easier to add more effects in the future<.>Stats look a bit better (in my opinion at least)<.>2 new better button upgrades and a significant buff to better button 5<#5dff44></> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 4</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>3 new buildings<.>More graphical changes<.>More balancing<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> A separate section for spells, and a more informative info screen</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 3</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>Lots o' graphics<.>2 new buildings<.>More upgrades<.>With a side of rebalancing<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> More stuff to please your eyeballs</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 2</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>2 new buildings<.>Lucky peanut butter cups now have a frenzy-like effect<.>2 new stats</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 1</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>Some rebalancing<.>1 more achievement</> <//><#5dff44><i>Release</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>added plenty of stuff, removed a bit of stuff, changed some stuff, fixed a whole lot of stuff</> <//><#5dff44><i>The Beginning</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2nd, 2017</#><.>woah this Idle Game Maker thing looks neat<.>time to start makin' a game
  994. clickAnimation is 3
  995. hide tag:spell
  996. hide tag:upgrade
  997. hide tag:achievPoints
  998. hide tag:achievement
  999. hide tag:secretPoints
  1000. hide tag:secret
  1001. show :Buildings
  1002. hide tag:stat
  1003. hide upgradetxt
  1004. hide tag:spelltxt
  1005. hide tag:setting
  1006. hide tag:settingTitle
  1007. hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
  1008. hide tag:upgradeOwned
  1009. hide tag:spellBoosttxt
  1010. hide tag:spellBoost
  1011. hide tag:divinetxt
  1012. hide tag:divine
  1013. end
  1014. on load:
  1015. log <#ff1f1f><b>WARNING:</b></#> Some images have gone missing after the file host shut down. Sadly, this game will no longer be supported. Sorry.</> </> <#ffffff><b><u>Update Log</u></b></#></> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 9 but it's the real one</i></#> - <#42bff4>April 2nd, 2018</#><.>Spell boosts<.>The very beginnings of a prestige system (shows up at 1T peanut butter cups earned)<.>4 new "tier 2" buildings<.>A purchased upgrades section<.>A couple new spells<.>A couple new golden bean upgrades<.>Renamed a building and made a new icon for another<.>svgs? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe next update<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Made it so the new buildings actually require prestige, as was originally intended. Also fixed the "Spawn golden peanut butter cup" spell</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 9</i></#> - <#42bff4>April 1st, 2018</#><.>Made the game look way better<.>graphic design is my passion<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> it's even better now<.><i>Other mini-update:</i> back to normal, real update 9 coming tomorrow!</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 8</i></#> - <#42bff4>February 26th, 2018</#><.>Redone golden bean system<.>A few time-based achievements<.>Some achievement bonuses<.>A few more SVGs (oh god I still need to make more)<.>Slightly different layout with other small visual changes<.>Disabled multiplier stat (hopefully temporarily) because it wasn't working properly<.>A couple experimental log notifications, more may be added later<.>More colorful building descriptions<.>New secret-ish golden peanut butter cup effects<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Fixed some bugs involving golden peanut butter cups</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 7</i></#> - <#42bff4>February 1st, 2018</#><.>New layout with tabs!<.>Loads of achievements<.>Spawn Lucky Peanut Butter Cup is hopefully bug-free now<.>More icons got the SVG treatment. The rest will come soon. Probably. Maybe. It's a possibility.</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 6</i></#> - <#42bff4>January 19th, 2018</#><.>A few icons were redrawn, either because they looked kinda bad or I lost the source file<.>Most of the game's icons are now SVGs<.>Some more achievements<.>A couple minor CSS changes<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Fixed a few bugs affecting the "Spawn Golden Peanut Butter Cup" spell, and significantly improved game performance</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 5</i></#> - <#42bff4>January 1st, 2018</#><.>Lots of upgrades! Every building now has at least 4<.>A change to how golden peanut butter cup effects are chosen - this should make it easier to add more effects in the future<.>Stats look a bit better (in my opinion at least)<.>2 new better button upgrades and a significant buff to better button 5<#5dff44></> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 4</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>3 new buildings<.>More graphical changes<.>More balancing<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> A separate section for spells, and a more informative info screen</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 3</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>Lots o' graphics<.>2 new buildings<.>More upgrades<.>With a side of rebalancing<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> More stuff to please your eyeballs</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 2</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>2 new buildings<.>Lucky peanut butter cups now have a frenzy-like effect<.>2 new stats</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 1</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>Some rebalancing<.>1 more achievement</> <//><#5dff44><i>Release</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>added plenty of stuff, removed a bit of stuff, changed some stuff, fixed a whole lot of stuff</> <//><#5dff44><i>The Beginning</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2nd, 2017</#><.>woah this Idle Game Maker thing looks neat<.>time to start makin' a game
  1016. hide tag:spell
  1017. hide tag:upgrade
  1018. hide tag:achievPoints
  1019. hide tag:achievement
  1020. hide tag:secretPoints
  1021. hide tag:secret
  1022. show :Buildings
  1023. hide tag:stat
  1024. hide upgradetxt
  1025. hide tag:spelltxt
  1026. hide tag:setting
  1027. hide tag:settingTitle
  1028. hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
  1029. hide tag:upgradeOwned
  1030. hide tag:spellBoosttxt
  1031. hide tag:spellBoost
  1032. hide tag:divinetxt
  1033. hide tag:divine
  1034. if (achievPoints=0)
  1035. if (have itBegins) yield 1 achievPoint
  1036. if (have upandCup) yield 1 achievPoint
  1037. if (have eatemUp) yield 1 achievPoint
  1038. if (have pbchocolateFlavor) yield 1 achievPoint
  1039. if (have peanutbuttercupHead) yield 1 achievPoint
  1040. if (have massProduce) yield 1 achievPoint
  1041. if (have aLot) yield 1 achievPoint
  1042. if (have plenty) yield 1 achievPoint
  1043. if (have lifeSupply) yield 1 achievPoint
  1044. if (have Surplus) yield 1 achievPoint
  1045. if (have hired) yield 1 achievPoint
  1046. if (have hardlyWorking) yield 1 achievPoint
  1047. if (have workingHard) yield 1 achievPoint
  1048. if (have peanutButtered) yield 1 achievPoint
  1049. if (have peanutbutterCupped) yield 1 achievPoint
  1050. if (have automated) yield 1 achievPoint
  1051. if (have futureisNow) yield 1 achievPoint
  1052. if (have makingArrangements) yield 1 achievPoint
  1053. if (have cupsinSpace) yield 1 achievPoint
  1054. if (have notaButton) yield 1 achievPoint
  1055. if (have stop) yield 1 achievPoint
  1056. if (have whyThough) yield 1 achievPoint
  1057. if (clickAnimation=0) clickAnimation is 3
  1058. end
  1059. end
  1060. on load:
  1061. if (secretPoints=0)
  1062. if (have notaButton)
  1063. yield 1 secretPoint
  1064. yield -1 achievPoint
  1065. end
  1066. if (have stop)
  1067. yield 1 secretPoint
  1068. yield -1 achievPoint
  1069. end
  1070. if (have whyThough)
  1071. yield 1 secretPoint
  1072. yield -1 achievPoint
  1073. end
  1074. if (have specificAchiev)
  1075. yield 1 secretPoint
  1076. end
  1077. end
  1078. end
  1079. start with:1
  1081. //SPELL BOOSTS
  1083. *manaBoost
  1084. name:Mana boost
  1085. desc:<.>Boosts your mana production by <b>1.5%</b> per level.<.>Stacks multiplicatively.<.>Current level: <b>[this]</b>
  1086. cost:1 crystalBean
  1087. cost:100 goldBeans
  1088. class:smallThing spellBoost
  1089. icon:numbers[0,0]
  1090. tag:spellBoost
  1091. no text
  1092. cost increase:113.5%
  1093. *tallerHats
  1094. name:Taller hats
  1095. desc:<.>Boosts your mana capacity by <b>1%</b> per level.<.>Stacks multiplicatively.<.>Current level: <b>[this]</b>
  1096. cost:1 crystalBean
  1097. cost:100 goldBeans
  1098. class:smallThing spellBoost
  1099. icon:numbers[0,0]
  1100. tag:spellBoost
  1101. no text
  1102. cost increase:113.5%
  1103. *brittleShells
  1104. name:Brittle shells
  1105. desc:<.>Golden bean pods require <b>1%</b> less mana to open per level.<.>Stacks additively.<.>Current level: <b>[this]</b><.>Maximum level: <b>95</b>
  1106. cost:1 crystalBean
  1107. cost:100 goldBeans
  1108. class:smallThing spellBoost
  1109. tag:spellBoost
  1110. icon:numbers[0,0]
  1111. no text
  1112. limit:95
  1113. cost increase:112.5%
  1114. *summonBoost
  1115. name:Golden bean pod summoning boost
  1116. desc:<.>Summon <b>10%</b> more golden beans per spell cast.<.>Stacks multiplicatively.<.>Current level: <b>[this]</b>
  1117. cost:10 crystalBean
  1118. cost:1000 goldBeans
  1119. class:smallThing spellBoost
  1120. tag:spellBoost
  1121. icon:numbers[0,0]
  1122. no text
  1123. cost increase:114.5%
  1125. //BUILDINGS
  1127. *manaThing|manaThings
  1128. name:Mana Thing|Mana Things
  1129. on tick:
  1130. if (mana<(500*pow(1.01,tallerHats))) yield pow(1.0125,manaBoost) mana
  1131. end
  1132. start with:1
  1133. always hidden
  1134. *angelicCupper|angelicCuppers
  1135. name:Angelic Cupper|Angelic Cuppers
  1136. desc:<.>Each angelic cupper increases your multiplier by <b>0.02%</b> per divine cup earned.<.>This boost stacks multiplicatively.
  1137. icon:
  1138. cost:10 peanutCups
  1139. cost increase:200%
  1140. class:cleared bigThing
  1141. req:angelicCuppersUnlock
  1142. tag:philding
  1143. *clicker|clickers
  1144. name:Autoclicker|Autoclickers
  1145. desc:Clicks the buttons every 10 seconds.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b>1</b> bar of chocolate and jar of peanut butter every <b><#77ff72>10</#></b> seconds.<.>Affected by most button upgrades, but not production multipliers.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[(((clickerp:ps)/clickers)*10)]</#></b> bar(s) of chocolate every 10 seconds.
  1146. cost:15 chocolate
  1147. cost:15 peanutButter
  1148. on tick:yield 0.1 chocolate
  1149. on tick:yield 0.1 peanutButter
  1150. on tick:yield 0.1 clickerp
  1151. on tick:if (chance(min(2,(0.03+(chanceIncreases*0.003)))%)) yield 1 goldBeanPod
  1152. on tick:if (have peanutcupClicking) yield (1/30) peanutCups
  1153. icon:
  1154. class:cleared bigThing
  1155. tag:philding
  1156. *TEMPLATE
  1157. tags:building philding
  1158. class:bigThing
  1162. *chocolateWorker|chocolateWorkers
  1163. name:Chocolate Worker|Chocolate Workers
  1164. desc:A worker to help you start producing chocolate.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1</#></b> bar of chocolate every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((chocoworkerp:ps)/chocolateWorkers)]</#></b> bar(s) of chocolate every second.
  1165. cost:50 chocolate
  1166. on tick:yield 1 chocolate
  1167. on tick:yield 1 chocoworkerp
  1168. icon:
  1169. on earn:if (chocolateWorkers=1) log(unlock) Upgrade unlocked - <b>Faster roasting</b>
  1170. on earn:if (chocolateWorkers=25) log(unlock) Upgrade unlocked - <b>Literal chocolate workers</b>
  1171. *refinery|refineries
  1172. name:Chocolate Farm|Chocolate Farms
  1173. desc:Grows chocolate trees, the next evolution of cocoa trees.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>10</#></b> bars of chocolate every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((chocofarmp:ps)/refineries)]</#></b> bars of chocolate every second.
  1174. cost:750 chocolate
  1175. on tick:yield 10 chocolate
  1176. on tick:yield 10 chocofarmp
  1177. req:330 cEarnedThisUniverse
  1178. icon:
  1179. *chocoFarm|chocoFarms
  1180. name:Chocolate Refinery|Chocolate Refineries
  1181. desc:A refinery to produce large amounts of chocolate.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>100</#></b> bars of chocolate every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((refineryp:ps)/chocoFarms)]</#></b> bars of chocolate every second.
  1182. icon:
  1183. cost:11250 chocolate
  1184. on tick:yield 100 chocolate
  1185. req:6600 cEarnedThisUniverse
  1186. on tick:yield 100 refineryp
  1190. *peanutButterer|peanutButterers
  1191. name:Peanut Butterer|Peanut Butterers
  1192. desc:A worker to help you start buttering peanuts.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1</#></b> jar of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((buttererp:ps)/peanutButterers)]</#></b> jars of peanut butter every second.
  1193. cost:50 peanutButter
  1194. on tick:yield 1 peanutButter
  1195. on tick:yield 1 buttererp
  1196. icon:
  1197. *pbFactory|pbFactories|pnConverter|pnConverters
  1198. name:Peas and Nuts Converter|Peas and Nuts Converters
  1199. desc:Converts peas and nuts into peanut butter.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>10</#></b> jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((converterp:ps)/pbFactories)]</#></b> jars of peanut butter every second.
  1200. cost:750 peanutButter
  1201. on tick:yield 10 peanutButter
  1202. on tick:yield 10 converterp
  1203. req:330 pEarnedThisUniverse
  1204. icon:
  1205. *factory|factories
  1206. name:Peanut Butter Factory|Peanut Butter Factories
  1207. desc:A factory to produce peanut butter in bulk quantities.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>100</#></b> jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((factoryp:ps)/factories)]</#></b> jars of peanut butter every second.
  1208. cost:11250 peanutButter
  1209. on tick:yield 100 peanutButter
  1210. on tick:yield 100 factoryp
  1211. req:6600 pEarnedThisUniverse
  1212. icon:
  1213. icon class:leftRight
  1215. //BOTH
  1217. *replicator|replicators
  1218. name:Replicator|Replicators
  1219. desc:Duplicates chocolate and peanut butter.<//><.><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((replicatorp:ps)/replicators)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.
  1220. cost:168750 chocolate
  1221. cost:168750 peanutButter
  1222. on tick:yield 1000 chocolate
  1223. on tick:yield 1000 peanutButter
  1224. on tick:yield 1000 replicatorp
  1225. req:80000 cEarnedThisUniverse
  1226. req:80000 pEarnedThisUniverse
  1227. icon:
  1228. *coreExtractor|coreExtractors
  1229. name:Core Extractor|Core Extractors
  1230. desc:Extracts hot peanut butter and molten chocolate from the planet's core.<.><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>10000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((coreExtractorp:ps)/coreExtractors)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.
  1231. on tick:
  1232. yield 10000 chocolate
  1233. yield 10000 peanutButter
  1234. yield 10000 coreExtractorp
  1235. end
  1236. cost:2700000 chocolate
  1237. cost:2700000 peanutButter
  1238. req:1300000 cEarnedThisUniverse
  1239. req:1300000 pEarnedThisUniverse
  1240. icon:
  1241. *qDownloader|qDownloaders
  1242. name:Quantum Downloader|Quantum Downloaders
  1243. desc:Maybe you wouldn't download a car, but you'd certainly download some peanut butter and chocolate.<.><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>200000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((qDownloaderp:ps)/qDownloaders)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.
  1244. on tick:
  1245. yield 200000 chocolate
  1246. yield 200000 peanutButter
  1247. yield 200000 qDownloaderp
  1248. end
  1249. cost:80000000 chocolate
  1250. cost:80000000 peanutButter
  1251. req:35000000 cEarnedThisUniverse
  1252. req:35000000 pEarnedThisUniverse
  1253. req:prestige1
  1254. icon:
  1255. *mindReader|mindReaders
  1256. name:Mind Reader|Mind Readers
  1257. desc:Makes thoughts of peanut butter and chocolate a reality.<.><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>400000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((mindReaderp:ps)/mindReaders)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.
  1258. on tick:
  1259. yield 4000000 chocolate
  1260. yield 4000000 peanutButter
  1261. yield 4000000 mindReaderp
  1262. end
  1263. cost:2560000000 chocolate
  1264. cost:2560000000 peanutButter
  1265. req:900000000 cEarnedThisUniverse
  1266. req:900000000 pEarnedThisUniverse
  1267. req:prestige1
  1268. icon:
  1272. *TEMPLATE
  1273. tags:building peanutCupper philding
  1274. class:bigThing
  1275. req:cupRecipe
  1277. *peanutCupper|peanutCuppers
  1278. name:Peanut Butter Cupper|Peanut Butter Cuppers
  1279. desc: A worker to help you start cupping peanut butter.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Uses <b><#ff4444>1</#></b> bar of chocolate and jar of peanut butter every 2 seconds.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1</#></b> peanut butter cup every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[(((cupperuse:ps)/peanutCuppers)*2)]</#></b> bar(s) of chocolate and jar(s) of peanut butter every 2 seconds.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((cupperp:ps)/peanutCuppers)]</#></b> peanut butter cup(s) every second.
  1280. cost:100 chocolate
  1281. cost:100 peanutButter
  1282. req:100 cEarnedThisUniverse
  1283. req:100 pEarnedThisUniverse
  1284. on tick:
  1285. if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0)
  1286. yield 1 peanutCup
  1287. yield -0.5 chocolate
  1288. yield -0.5 peanutButter
  1289. yield 1 cupperp
  1290. yield 0.5 cupperuse
  1291. end
  1292. end
  1293. icon:
  1294. *cupMachine|cupMachines
  1295. name:Peanut Butter Cup Machine|Peanut Butter Cup Machines
  1296. desc:A machine to help you start taking the peanut cuppers' jobs.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Uses <b><#ff4444>5</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>10</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[(((machineuse:ps)/cupMachines))]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((machinep:ps)/cupMachines)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
  1297. cost:1500 peanutCups
  1298. on tick:
  1299. if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0)
  1300. yield 10 peanutCups
  1301. yield -5 chocolate
  1302. yield -5 peanutButter
  1303. end
  1304. end
  1305. on tick:
  1306. yield 10 machinep
  1307. yield 5 machineuse
  1308. end
  1309. req:500 earnedThisUniverse
  1310. icon:
  1311. *printer|printers
  1312. name:3D Printer|3D Printers
  1313. desc:Prints out peanut butter cups.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>30</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>60</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((printeruse:ps)/printers)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((printerp:ps)/printers)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
  1314. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -30 chocolate
  1315. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -30 peanutButter
  1316. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 60 peanutCups
  1317. on tick:yield 30 printeruse
  1318. on tick:yield 60 printerp
  1319. cost:17500 peanutCups
  1320. req:5000 earnedThisUniverse
  1321. icon:
  1322. *cupVomiter|cupVomiters
  1323. name:Cup Puker|Cup Pukers
  1324. desc:A cute little creature that eats peanut butter and chocolate and throws up peanut butter cups. Yes, they're safe to eat.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>125</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>300</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((pukeruse:ps)/cupVomiters)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((pukerp:ps)/cupVomiters)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
  1325. on tick:
  1326. if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0)
  1327. yield 300 peanutCups
  1328. yield -125 chocolate
  1329. yield -125 peanutButter
  1330. end
  1331. end
  1332. on tick:yield 125 pukeruse
  1333. on tick:yield 300 pukerp
  1334. cost:200000 peanutCups
  1335. req:65000 earnedThisUniverse
  1336. icon:
  1337. *rearranger|rearrangers
  1338. name:Molecular Rearranger|Molecular Rearrangers
  1339. desc:This amazing device combines chocolate and peanut butter at incredible rates.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>750</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1,750</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((rearrangeruse:ps)/rearrangers)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((rearrangerp:ps)/rearranger)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
  1340. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -750 chocolate
  1341. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -750 peanutButter
  1342. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 1750 peanutCups
  1343. on tick:yield 750 rearrangeruse
  1344. on tick:yield 1750 rearrangerp
  1345. cost:2500000 peanutCups
  1346. req:800000 earnedThisUniverse
  1347. icon:
  1348. *rocketShip|rocketShips|tradeShip|tradeShips
  1349. name:Trade Spaceships
  1350. desc:Trade with alien races across the universe.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>4,000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>10,000</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((rocketuse:ps)/rocketShips)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((rocketp:ps)/rocketShips)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
  1351. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -4000 chocolate
  1352. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -4000 peanutButter
  1353. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 10000 peanutCups
  1354. on tick:yield 4000 rocketuse
  1355. on tick:yield 10000 rocketp
  1356. cost:30000000 peanutCups
  1357. req:10000000 earnedThisUniverse
  1358. icon:
  1359. *cupPortal|cupPortals
  1360. name:Portal|Portals
  1361. desc:Send your chocolate and peanut butter to another dimension, where they are converted to peanut butter cups.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>25,000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>60,000</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((portaluse:ps)/cupPortals)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((portalp:ps)/cupPortals)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
  1362. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -25000 chocolate
  1363. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -25000 peanutButter
  1364. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 60000 peanutCups
  1365. on tick:yield 25000 portaluse
  1366. on tick:yield 60000 portalp
  1367. cost:325000000 peanutCups
  1368. req:100000000 earnedThisUniverse
  1369. icon:
  1370. *mysteryBox|mysteryBoxes
  1371. name:Mystery Box|Mystery Boxes
  1372. desc:A big magical box that sucks in peanut butter and chocolate and does... something that nobody's ever been able to observe. Whatever happens, peanut butter cups will probably come out.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>125,000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>325,000</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((mysteryuse:ps)/mysteryBoxes)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((mysteryp:ps)/mysteryBoxes)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
  1373. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -125000 chocolate
  1374. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -125000 peanutButter
  1375. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 325000 peanutCups
  1376. on tick:yield 125000 mysteryuse
  1377. on tick:yield 325000 mysteryp
  1378. cost:3500000000 peanutCups
  1379. req:100000000 earnedThisUniverse
  1380. icon:
  1381. *subAtomic|subAtomics
  1382. name:Subatomic moleculizer of the Greek bose-stein convapitators|Subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators
  1383. desc:Whatever this is, it makes a heck of a lot of peanut butter cups without even using up chocolate or peanut butter.<//>Base effects:<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1.35M</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((subatomicp:ps)/subAtomics)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
  1384. cost:40000000000 peanutCups
  1385. req:10000000000 earnedThisUniverse
  1386. on tick:yield 1350000 peanutCups
  1387. on tick:yield 1350000 subatomicp
  1388. icon:
  1389. *bhExtractor|bhExtractors
  1390. name:Black Hole Extractor|Black Hole Extractors
  1391. desc:Throw your peanut butter and chocolate in the hole and extract it in the form of peanut butter cups.<//>Base effects:Uses <b>3.5M</b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b>10M</b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((bhExtractoruse:ps)/bhExtractors)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((bhExtractorp:ps)/bhExtractors)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
  1392. cost:678901234567 peanutCups
  1393. req:150000000000 earnedThisUniverse
  1394. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -3500000 chocolate
  1395. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -3500000 peanutButter
  1396. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 10000000 peanutCups
  1397. on tick:yield 3500000 bhExtractoruse
  1398. on tick:yield 10000000 bhExtractorp
  1399. icon:
  1400. *anomaly|anomalies
  1401. name:Space-time Anomaly|Space-time Anomalies
  1402. desc:Spontaneously and efficiently converts random bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter into peanut butter cups while nobody's looking.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b>22.5M</b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b>72.5M</b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((anomalyuse:ps)/anomalies)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((anomalyp:ps)/anomalies)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
  1403. cost:11500000000000 peanutCups
  1404. req:3000000000000 earnedThisUniverse
  1405. req:prestige1
  1406. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -22500000 chocolate
  1407. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -22500000 peanutButter
  1408. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 72500000 peanutCups
  1409. on tick:yield 22500000 anomalyuse
  1410. on tick:yield 72500000 anomalyp
  1411. icon:
  1412. *pConverter|pConverters
  1413. name:Planet Converter|Planet Converters
  1414. desc:Convert entire planets into peanut butter cups.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b>4,000,000</b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b>12,500,000</b> peanut butter cups every second.
  1415. cost:500000000000 peanutCups
  1416. req:100000000000 earnedThisUniverse
  1417. req:prestige1
  1418. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -4000000 chocolate
  1419. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -4000000 peanutButter
  1420. on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 12500000 peanutCups
  1421. icon:
  1422. always hidden
  1424. Upgrades
  1425. //upgrades section upgrade section (this is for easy ctrl+f searching)
  1427. *TEMPLATE
  1428. class:smallThing thing
  1429. on click:
  1430. if (clickAnimation=1)
  1431. anim icon wobble2
  1432. anim wobble2
  1433. end
  1434. if (clickAnimation=2)
  1435. anim icon bounceOnce
  1436. anim bounceOnce
  1437. end
  1438. if (clickAnimation=3)
  1439. anim icon plop
  1440. anim plop
  1441. end
  1442. if (clickAnimation=4)
  1443. anim icon wiggling2
  1444. anim wiggling
  1445. end
  1446. if (clickAnimation=5)
  1447. anim icon wobbleSlow
  1448. anim wobbleSlow
  1449. end
  1450. end
  1451. no text
  1452. *frenzyMultiplier
  1453. name:frenzy multiplier
  1454. always hidden
  1455. on tick:if (frenzy>0) multiply yield of tag:building by 10
  1456. on tick:if (frenzy2>0) multiply yield of tag:building by 25
  1457. owned
  1459. //SPELLS
  1461. *spawnLucky
  1462. name:Spawn golden peanut butter cup
  1463. no buy
  1464. icon:hat[0,0]
  1465. on click:
  1466. $cost=300
  1467. if (have fourcloverLeaf) $cost=290
  1468. if (have fourcloverLeaf and blackcatHorseshoe) $cost=275
  1469. if (have fourcloverLeaf and blackcatHorseshoe and halfRainbow) $cost=260
  1470. if (have fourcloverLeaf and blackcatHorseshoe and halfRainbow and closedUmbrella) $cost=245
  1471. if (delay=0)
  1472. if (mana>=$cost and chance(85%))
  1473. yield -$cost mana
  1474. spawn luckyCup
  1475. toast You summoned a golden peanut butter cup!
  1476. yield 35 delay
  1477. else if (mana>=$cost)
  1478. yield -$cost mana
  1479. toast Failed to summon a golden peanut butter cup.
  1480. yield 35 delay
  1481. else if (mana<$cost)
  1482. toast Not enough mana!
  1483. else
  1484. toast this message shouldn't appear! that's a bug
  1485. end
  1486. else
  1487. toast Wait for spell delay to wear off.
  1488. end
  1489. end
  1490. desc:Spawn a golden peanut butter cup with <b>300</b> mana, most of the time. Must recharge for <b>35</b> seconds.
  1491. tag:spell
  1493. *spawnBean
  1494. name:Spawn golden bean pod
  1495. desc:Spawn a golden bean pod with <b>50</b> mana, most of the time
  1496. icon:hat[0,0]
  1497. no buy
  1498. on click:if (mana>=50) yield -50 mana
  1499. tag:spell
  1500. on click:
  1501. if (mana>=50)
  1502. if (chance(85%))
  1503. $pods=1
  1504. if (have podSummonBoost)
  1505. $pods=10*pow(1.1,summonBoost)
  1506. end
  1507. yield $pods goldBeanPod
  1508. yield $pods goldPodSummoned
  1509. toast You summoned [$pods] golden bean [?($pods=1)|pod|pods]!
  1510. else
  1511. toast Failed to summon a golden bean pod.
  1512. end
  1513. end
  1514. end
  1516. *reroll
  1517. name:Reroll
  1518. desc:<.>Replaces one random building with one other random building for <b>300</b> mana.<.>Will fail to reroll and use no mana if you don't own at least one of both the selected buildings.
  1519. icon:
  1520. tag:spell
  1521. no buy
  1522. on click:
  1523. $roll1=random(1,18)
  1524. if ($roll1=1)
  1525. if (clickers>=1)
  1526. $success1=1
  1527. else
  1528. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1529. $success1=0
  1530. end
  1531. end
  1532. if ($roll1=2)
  1533. if (chocolateWorker>=1)
  1534. $success1=1
  1535. else
  1536. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1537. $success1=0
  1538. end
  1539. end
  1540. if ($roll1=3)
  1541. if (refineries>=1)
  1542. $success1=1
  1543. else
  1544. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1545. $success1=0
  1546. end
  1547. end
  1548. if ($roll1=4)
  1549. if (chocoFarms>=1)
  1550. $success1=1
  1551. else
  1552. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1553. $success1=0
  1554. end
  1555. end
  1556. if ($roll1=5)
  1557. if (peanutButterers>=1)
  1558. $success1=1
  1559. else
  1560. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1561. $success1=0
  1562. end
  1563. end
  1564. if ($roll1=6)
  1565. if (pnConverters>=1)
  1566. $success1=1
  1567. else
  1568. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1569. $success1=0
  1570. end
  1571. end
  1572. if ($roll1=7)
  1573. if (factories>=1)
  1574. $success1=1
  1575. else
  1576. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1577. $success1=0
  1578. end
  1579. end
  1580. if ($roll1=8)
  1581. if (replicators>=1)
  1582. $success1=1
  1583. else
  1584. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1585. $success1=0
  1586. end
  1587. end
  1588. if ($roll1=9)
  1589. if (coreExtractors>=1)
  1590. $success1=1
  1591. else
  1592. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1593. $success1=0
  1594. end
  1595. end
  1596. if ($roll1=10)
  1597. if (peanutCuppers>=1)
  1598. $success1=1
  1599. else
  1600. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1601. $success1=0
  1602. end
  1603. end
  1604. if ($roll1=11)
  1605. if (cupMachines>=1)
  1606. $success1=1
  1607. else
  1608. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1609. $success1=0
  1610. end
  1611. end
  1612. if ($roll1=12)
  1613. if (printers>=1)
  1614. $success1=1
  1615. else
  1616. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1617. $success1=0
  1618. end
  1619. end
  1620. if ($roll1=13)
  1621. if (cupVomiters>=1)
  1622. $success1=1
  1623. else
  1624. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1625. $success1=0
  1626. end
  1627. end
  1628. if ($roll1=14)
  1629. if (rearrangers>=1)
  1630. $success1=1
  1631. else
  1632. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1633. $success1=0
  1634. end
  1635. end
  1636. if ($roll1=15)
  1637. if (rocketShips>=1)
  1638. $success1=1
  1639. else
  1640. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1641. $success1=0
  1642. end
  1643. end
  1644. if ($roll1=16)
  1645. if (cupPortals>=1)
  1646. $success1=1
  1647. else
  1648. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1649. $success1=0
  1650. end
  1651. end
  1652. if ($roll1=17)
  1653. if (mysteryBoxes>=1)
  1654. $success1=1
  1655. else
  1656. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1657. $success1=0
  1658. end
  1659. end
  1660. if ($roll1=18)
  1661. if (subAtomics>=1)
  1662. $success1=1
  1663. else
  1664. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1665. $success1=0
  1666. end
  1667. end
  1668. $roll2=random(1,18)
  1669. if ($roll2=1)
  1670. if (clickers>=1)
  1671. $success2=1
  1672. else
  1673. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1674. $success2=0
  1675. end
  1676. end
  1677. if ($roll2=2)
  1678. if (chocolateWorker>=1)
  1679. $success2=1
  1680. else
  1681. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1682. $success2=0
  1683. end
  1684. end
  1685. if ($roll2=3)
  1686. if (refineries>=1)
  1687. $success2=1
  1688. else
  1689. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1690. $success2=0
  1691. end
  1692. end
  1693. if ($roll2=4)
  1694. if (chocoFarms>=1)
  1695. $success2=1
  1696. else
  1697. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1698. $success2=0
  1699. end
  1700. end
  1701. if ($roll2=5)
  1702. if (peanutButterers>=1)
  1703. $success2=1
  1704. else
  1705. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1706. $success2=0
  1707. end
  1708. end
  1709. if ($roll2=6)
  1710. if (pnConverters>=1)
  1711. $success2=1
  1712. else
  1713. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1714. $success2=0
  1715. end
  1716. end
  1717. if ($roll2=7)
  1718. if (factories>=1)
  1719. $success2=1
  1720. else
  1721. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1722. $success2=0
  1723. end
  1724. end
  1725. if ($roll2=8)
  1726. if (replicators>=1)
  1727. $success2=1
  1728. else
  1729. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1730. $success2=0
  1731. end
  1732. end
  1733. if ($roll2=9)
  1734. if (coreExtractors>=1)
  1735. $success2=1
  1736. else
  1737. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1738. $success2=0
  1739. end
  1740. end
  1741. if ($roll2=10)
  1742. if (peanutCuppers>=1)
  1743. $success2=1
  1744. else
  1745. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1746. $success2=0
  1747. end
  1748. end
  1749. if ($roll2=11)
  1750. if (cupMachines>=1)
  1751. $success2=1
  1752. else
  1753. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1754. $success2=0
  1755. end
  1756. end
  1757. if ($roll2=12)
  1758. if (printers>=1)
  1759. $success2=1
  1760. else
  1761. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1762. $success2=0
  1763. end
  1764. end
  1765. if ($roll2=13)
  1766. if (cupVomiters>=1)
  1767. $success2=1
  1768. else
  1769. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1770. $success2=0
  1771. end
  1772. end
  1773. if ($roll2=14)
  1774. if (rearrangers>=1)
  1775. $success2=1
  1776. else
  1777. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1778. $success2=0
  1779. end
  1780. end
  1781. if ($roll2=15)
  1782. if (rocketShips>=1)
  1783. $success2=1
  1784. else
  1785. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1786. $success2=0
  1787. end
  1788. end
  1789. if ($roll2=16)
  1790. if (cupPortals>=1)
  1791. $success2=1
  1792. else
  1793. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1794. $success2=0
  1795. end
  1796. end
  1797. if ($roll2=17)
  1798. if (mysteryBoxes>=1)
  1799. $success2=1
  1800. else
  1801. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1802. $success2=0
  1803. end
  1804. end
  1805. if ($roll2=18)
  1806. if (subAtomics>=1)
  1807. $success2=1
  1808. else
  1809. toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
  1810. $success2=0
  1811. end
  1812. end
  1813. if ($success1=1 and $success2=1 and mana>=300)
  1814. yield -300 mana
  1815. if ($roll1=1)
  1816. yield -1 clicker
  1817. toast Lost one autoclicker.
  1818. end
  1819. if ($roll1=2)
  1820. yield -1 chocolateWorker
  1821. toast Lost one chocolate worker.
  1822. end
  1823. if ($roll1=3)
  1824. yield -1 refinery
  1825. toast Lost one chocolate farm.
  1826. end
  1827. if ($roll1=4)
  1828. yield -1 chocoFarm
  1829. toast Lost one refinery.
  1830. end
  1831. if ($roll1=5)
  1832. yield -1 peanutButterer
  1833. toast Lost one peanut butterer.
  1834. end
  1835. if ($roll1=6)
  1836. yield -1 pnConverter
  1837. toast Lost one peas and nuts converter.
  1838. end
  1839. if ($roll1=7)
  1840. yield -1 factory
  1841. toast Lost one factory.
  1842. end
  1843. if ($roll1=8)
  1844. yield -1 replicator
  1845. toast Lost one replicator.
  1846. end
  1847. if ($roll1=9)
  1848. yield -1 coreExtractor
  1849. toast Lost one core extractor.
  1850. end
  1851. if ($roll1=10)
  1852. yield -1 peanutCupper
  1853. toast Lost one peanut butter cupper.
  1854. end
  1855. if ($roll1=11)
  1856. yield -1 cupMachine
  1857. toast Lost one peanut butter cup machine.
  1858. end
  1859. if ($roll1=12)
  1860. yield -1 printer
  1861. toast Lost one 3D printer.
  1862. end
  1863. if ($roll1=13)
  1864. yield -1 cupVomiter
  1865. toast Lost one puker.
  1866. end
  1867. if ($roll1=14)
  1868. yield -1 rearranger
  1869. toast Lost one molecular rearranger.
  1870. end
  1871. if ($roll1=15)
  1872. yield -1 rocketShip
  1873. toast Lost one rocketship.
  1874. end
  1875. if ($roll1=16)
  1876. yield -1 cupPortal
  1877. toast Lost one portal.
  1878. end
  1879. if ($roll1=17)
  1880. yield -1 mysteryBox
  1881. toast Lost one mystery box.
  1882. end
  1883. if ($roll1=18)
  1884. yield -1 subAtomic
  1885. toast Lost one subatomic moleculizer of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
  1886. end
  1887. if ($roll2=1)
  1888. yield 1 clicker
  1889. toast Gained one autoclicker.
  1890. end
  1891. if ($roll2=2)
  1892. yield 1 chocolateWorker
  1893. toast Gained one chocolate worker.
  1894. end
  1895. if ($roll2=3)
  1896. yield 1 refinery
  1897. toast Gained one chocolate farm.
  1898. end
  1899. if ($roll2=4)
  1900. yield 1 chocoFarm
  1901. toast Gained one refinery.
  1902. end
  1903. if ($roll2=5)
  1904. yield 1 peanutButterer
  1905. toast Gained one peanut butterer.
  1906. end
  1907. if ($roll2=6)
  1908. yield 1 pnConverter
  1909. toast Gained one peas and nuts converter.
  1910. end
  1911. if ($roll2=7)
  1912. yield 1 factory
  1913. toast Gained one factory.
  1914. end
  1915. if ($roll2=8)
  1916. yield 1 replicator
  1917. toast Gained one replicator.
  1918. end
  1919. if ($roll2=9)
  1920. yield 1 coreExtractor
  1921. toast Gained one core extractor.
  1922. end
  1923. if ($roll2=10)
  1924. yield 1 peanutCupper
  1925. toast Gained one peanut butter cupper.
  1926. end
  1927. if ($roll2=11)
  1928. yield 1 cupMachine
  1929. toast Gained one peanut butter cup machine.
  1930. end
  1931. if ($roll2=12)
  1932. yield 1 printer
  1933. toast Gained one 3D printer.
  1934. end
  1935. if ($roll2=13)
  1936. yield 1 cupVomiter
  1937. toast Gained one puker.
  1938. end
  1939. if ($roll2=14)
  1940. yield 1 rearranger
  1941. toast Gained one molecular rearranger.
  1942. end
  1943. if ($roll2=15)
  1944. yield 1 rocketShip
  1945. toast Gained one rocketship.
  1946. end
  1947. if ($roll2=16)
  1948. yield 1 cupPortal
  1949. toast Gained one portal.
  1950. end
  1951. if ($roll2=17)
  1952. yield 1 mysteryBox
  1953. toast Gained one mystery box.
  1954. end
  1955. if ($roll2=18)
  1956. yield 1 subAtomic
  1957. toast Gained one subatomic moleculizer of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
  1958. end
  1959. else if ($success1=1 and $success2=1)
  1960. toast Not enough mana.
  1961. end
  1962. end
  1964. *openPod
  1965. name:Open golden bean pod
  1966. desc:Open a golden bean pod with <b>[(5*(1-(0.01*brittleShells)))]</b> mana.
  1967. icon:hat[0,0]
  1968. no buy
  1969. on click:
  1970. if (mana>=(5*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) and goldBeanPods>=1)
  1971. yield -(5*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) mana
  1972. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  1973. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  1974. toast Opened a golden bean pod!
  1975. else if (goldBeanPods>=1)
  1976. toast Not enough mana!
  1977. else
  1978. toast Not enough gold bean pods!
  1979. end
  1980. end
  1981. tag:spell
  1982. *open10Pods
  1983. name:Open 10 golden bean pods
  1984. desc:Open 10 golden bean pods with <b>[(45*(1-(0.01*brittleShells)))]</b> mana.
  1985. icon:hat[0,0]
  1986. no buy
  1987. on click:
  1988. if (mana>=(45*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) and goldBeanPods>=10)
  1989. yield -(45*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) mana
  1990. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  1991. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  1992. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  1993. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  1994. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  1995. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  1996. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  1997. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  1998. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  1999. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2000. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2001. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2002. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2003. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2004. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2005. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2006. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2007. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2008. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2009. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2010. toast Opened 10 golden bean pods!
  2011. else if (goldBeanPods>=10)
  2012. toast Not enough mana!
  2013. else
  2014. toast Not enough golden bean pods!
  2015. end
  2016. end
  2017. tag:spell
  2018. *open100Pods
  2019. name:Open 100 golden bean pods
  2020. desc:Open 100 golden bean pods with <b>[(405*(1-(0.01*brittleShells)))]</b> mana.
  2021. icon:hat[0,0]
  2022. no buy
  2023. on open:
  2024. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2025. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2026. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2027. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2028. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2029. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2030. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2031. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2032. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2033. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2034. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2035. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2036. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2037. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2038. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2039. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2040. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2041. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2042. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2043. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2044. end
  2045. on click:
  2046. if (mana>=(405*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) and goldBeanPods>=100)
  2047. yield -(405*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) mana
  2048. do open with open100Pods
  2049. do open with open100Pods
  2050. do open with open100Pods
  2051. do open with open100Pods
  2052. do open with open100Pods
  2053. do open with open100Pods
  2054. do open with open100Pods
  2055. do open with open100Pods
  2056. do open with open100Pods
  2057. do open with open100Pods
  2058. toast Opened 100 golden bean pods!
  2059. else if (goldBeanPods>=100)
  2060. toast Not enough mana!
  2061. else
  2062. toast Not enough golden bean pods!
  2063. end
  2064. end
  2065. tag:spell
  2066. *open1000Pods
  2067. name:Open 1,000 golden bean pods
  2068. desc:Open 1,000 golden bean pods with <b>[(3847*(1-(0.01*brittleShells)))]</b> mana.<.>turning on full numbers is recommended when viewing the cost
  2069. icon:hat[0,0]
  2070. no buy
  2071. on open:
  2072. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2073. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2074. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2075. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2076. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2077. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2078. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2079. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2080. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2081. yield -1 goldBeanPod
  2082. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2083. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2084. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2085. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2086. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2087. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2088. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2089. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2090. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2091. yield random(3,5) goldBeans
  2092. end
  2093. on click:
  2094. if (mana>=(3847*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) and goldBeanPods>=100)
  2095. yield -(3847*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) mana
  2096. do open with open1000Pods
  2097. do open with open1000Pods
  2098. do open with open1000Pods
  2099. do open with open1000Pods
  2100. do open with open1000Pods
  2101. do open with open1000Pods
  2102. do open with open1000Pods
  2103. do open with open1000Pods
  2104. do open with open1000Pods
  2105. do open with open1000Pods
  2106. do open with open1000Pods
  2107. do open with open1000Pods
  2108. do open with open1000Pods
  2109. do open with open1000Pods
  2110. do open with open1000Pods
  2111. do open with open1000Pods
  2112. do open with open1000Pods
  2113. do open with open1000Pods
  2114. do open with open1000Pods
  2115. do open with open1000Pods
  2116. do open with open1000Pods
  2117. do open with open1000Pods
  2118. do open with open1000Pods
  2119. do open with open1000Pods
  2120. do open with open1000Pods
  2121. do open with open1000Pods
  2122. do open with open1000Pods
  2123. do open with open1000Pods
  2124. do open with open1000Pods
  2125. do open with open1000Pods
  2126. do open with open1000Pods
  2127. do open with open1000Pods
  2128. do open with open1000Pods
  2129. do open with open1000Pods
  2130. do open with open1000Pods
  2131. do open with open1000Pods
  2132. do open with open1000Pods
  2133. do open with open1000Pods
  2134. do open with open1000Pods
  2135. do open with open1000Pods
  2136. do open with open1000Pods
  2137. do open with open1000Pods
  2138. do open with open1000Pods
  2139. do open with open1000Pods
  2140. do open with open1000Pods
  2141. do open with open1000Pods
  2142. do open with open1000Pods
  2143. do open with open1000Pods
  2144. do open with open1000Pods
  2145. do open with open1000Pods
  2146. do open with open1000Pods
  2147. do open with open1000Pods
  2148. do open with open1000Pods
  2149. do open with open1000Pods
  2150. do open with open1000Pods
  2151. do open with open1000Pods
  2152. do open with open1000Pods
  2153. do open with open1000Pods
  2154. do open with open1000Pods
  2155. do open with open1000Pods
  2156. do open with open1000Pods
  2157. do open with open1000Pods
  2158. do open with open1000Pods
  2159. do open with open1000Pods
  2160. do open with open1000Pods
  2161. do open with open1000Pods
  2162. do open with open1000Pods
  2163. do open with open1000Pods
  2164. do open with open1000Pods
  2165. do open with open1000Pods
  2166. do open with open1000Pods
  2167. do open with open1000Pods
  2168. do open with open1000Pods
  2169. do open with open1000Pods
  2170. do open with open1000Pods
  2171. do open with open1000Pods
  2172. do open with open1000Pods
  2173. do open with open1000Pods
  2174. do open with open1000Pods
  2175. do open with open1000Pods
  2176. do open with open1000Pods
  2177. do open with open1000Pods
  2178. do open with open1000Pods
  2179. do open with open1000Pods
  2180. do open with open1000Pods
  2181. do open with open1000Pods
  2182. do open with open1000Pods
  2183. do open with open1000Pods
  2184. do open with open1000Pods
  2185. do open with open1000Pods
  2186. do open with open1000Pods
  2187. do open with open1000Pods
  2188. do open with open1000Pods
  2189. do open with open1000Pods
  2190. do open with open1000Pods
  2191. do open with open1000Pods
  2192. do open with open1000Pods
  2193. do open with open1000Pods
  2194. do open with open1000Pods
  2195. do open with open1000Pods
  2196. toast Opened 1,000 golden bean pods!
  2197. else if (goldBeanPods>=1000)
  2198. toast Not enough mana!
  2199. else
  2200. toast Not enough golden bean pods!
  2201. end
  2202. end
  2203. tag:spell
  2205. *TEMPLATE
  2206. class:smallThing thing
  2207. on click:
  2208. if (clickAnimation=1)
  2209. anim icon wobble2
  2210. anim wobble2
  2211. end
  2212. if (clickAnimation=2)
  2213. anim icon bounceOnce
  2214. anim bounceOnce
  2215. end
  2216. if (clickAnimation=3)
  2217. anim icon plop
  2218. anim plop
  2219. end
  2220. if (clickAnimation=4)
  2221. anim icon wiggling2
  2222. anim wiggling
  2223. end
  2224. if (clickAnimation=5)
  2225. anim icon wobbleSlow
  2226. anim wobbleSlow
  2227. end
  2228. end
  2229. on earn:hide this
  2230. tag:upgrade
  2231. no text
  2233. //RECIPES
  2235. *cupRecipe
  2236. name:Peanut butter cup recipe
  2237. desc:Discover the ancient secrets of cupping peanut butter.<//><.>Unlocks peanut butter cup producers.
  2238. cost:100 chocolate
  2239. cost:100 peanutButter
  2240. req:50 cEarnedThisUniverse
  2241. req:50 pEarnedThisUniverse
  2242. req:1 chocolateWorker
  2243. req:1 peanutButterer
  2244. icon:
  2248. *fourcloverLeaf
  2249. name:Four clover leaf
  2250. desc:Four leaf clovers may be rare, but has anyone ever seen one of these?<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear <b>10%</b> more often.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will require <b>10</b> less mana to summon.
  2251. passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
  2252. cost:100 goldBeans
  2253. req:7 lclicks
  2254. icon:
  2255. *luckyBoost
  2256. name:Tiny lucky boost
  2257. desc:Use the power of a small bit of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>1%</b>.
  2258. cost:100 goldBeans
  2259. req:7 lclicks
  2260. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.03
  2261. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.01) multiplier
  2262. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2263. *podSummonBoost
  2264. name:Golden bean pod summoning boost
  2265. desc:<.>Get <b>10</b> golden bean pods per "Spawn golden bean pod" cast instead of 1.<.>Unlocks a spell boost to increase the yield of each cast.
  2266. cost:1500 goldBeans
  2267. req:7 lclicks
  2268. icon:numbers[0,0]
  2269. *blackcatHorseshoe
  2270. name:Black cat's horseshoe
  2271. desc:Just don't let it cross your path.<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15</b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have slightly boosted effects.
  2272. passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
  2273. cost:1000 goldBeans
  2274. cost:1 crystalBean
  2275. req:10 lclicks
  2276. icon:
  2277. *smallLuckyBoost
  2278. name:Relatively small lucky boost
  2279. desc:Use the power of a little more luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>1.5%</b>.
  2280. cost:1000 goldBeans
  2281. cost:1 crystalBean
  2282. req:10 lclicks
  2283. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.015
  2284. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.015) multiplier
  2285. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2286. *halfRainbow
  2287. name:Half Rainbow
  2288. desc:Halfway across the sky!<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15<b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have moderately boosted effects.
  2289. passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
  2290. cost:5000 goldBeans
  2291. cost:3 crystalBeans
  2292. req:17 lclicks
  2293. icon:
  2294. *fairlyLuckyBoost
  2295. name:Fairly lucky boost
  2296. desc:Use the power of a fair bit of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>2%</b>.
  2297. cost:5000 goldBeans
  2298. cost:3 crystalBeans
  2299. req:17 lclicks
  2300. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
  2301. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
  2302. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2303. *closedUmbrella
  2304. name:Closed umbrella
  2305. desc:Keep it inside.<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15<b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have boosted effects.
  2306. passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
  2307. cost:20000 goldBeans
  2308. cost:10 crystalBeans
  2309. req:37 lclicks
  2310. icon:
  2311. *sizableLuckyBoost
  2312. name:Sizable lucky boost
  2313. desc:Use the power of a decent amount of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>2.5%</b>.
  2314. cost:20000 goldBeans
  2315. cost:10 crystalBeans
  2316. req:37 lclicks
  2317. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
  2318. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
  2319. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2320. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.025
  2321. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.025) multiplier
  2322. *d7
  2323. name:7 sided die
  2324. desc:Just the right amount of rigged.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15</b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have more boosted effects.
  2325. passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
  2326. cost:100000 goldBeans
  2327. cost:50 crystalBeans
  2328. req:57 lclicks
  2329. icon:
  2333. *peanutcupClicking
  2334. name:Peanut Butter Cup Clicking
  2335. desc:Clicking either button 3 times will produce a peanut butter cup.
  2336. cost:1000 peanutCups
  2337. req:1 peanutCup:ps
  2338. req:notaButton
  2339. icon:
  2340. *combinedClicking
  2341. name:Combined Clicking
  2342. desc:Clicking the chocolate twice will produce a jar of peanut butter, and vice versa.
  2343. cost:10000 chocolate
  2344. cost:10000 peanutButter
  2345. req:1000 chocoButton clicks
  2346. req:1000 pButton clicks
  2347. icon:
  2351. *betterButton
  2352. name:Better Button
  2353. desc:Now with 100% more!<//><.>The peanut butter button will produce <b>twice</b> as much peanut butter, and the chocolate button will yield <b>twice</b> as much chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2</b>.
  2354. cost:100 chocolate
  2355. cost:100 peanutButter
  2356. passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by 2
  2357. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by 2
  2358. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2
  2359. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2
  2360. req:1 cEarnedThisUniverse
  2361. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2362. *betterButton2
  2363. name:Better Button II
  2364. desc:Just compare it to the leading brand!<//><.>The peanut butter button will produce <b>twice</b> as much peanut butter, and the chocolate button will yield <b>twice</b> as much chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2</b>.
  2365. cost:1000 chocolate
  2366. cost:1000 peanutButter
  2367. passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by 2
  2368. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by 2
  2369. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2
  2370. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2
  2371. req:betterButton
  2372. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2373. *betterButton3
  2374. name:Better Button III
  2375. desc:We'll double the offer!<//><.>Multiplies all yield of buttons by <b>2</b>.<.>Multiplies yield of clickers by <b>2.25</b>.
  2376. cost:5000 chocolate
  2377. cost:5000 peanutButter
  2378. cost:1000 peanutCups
  2379. req:betterButton2
  2380. passive:multiply yield of chocoButton by 2
  2381. passive:multiply yield of pButton by 2
  2382. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.25
  2383. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.25
  2384. passive:multiply goldBeanPod yield of clicker by 2
  2385. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2386. *betterButton4
  2387. name:Better Button IV
  2388. desc:But wait, there's more!<//><.>Multiplies yield of buttons by <b>2</b>.<.>Multiplies yield of clickers by <b>2.5</b>.
  2389. cost:50000 chocolate
  2390. cost:50000 peanutButter
  2391. cost:25000 peanutCups
  2392. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2393. passive:multiply yield of chocoButton by 2
  2394. passive:multiply yield of pButton by 2
  2395. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.5
  2396. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.5
  2397. passive:multiply goldBeanPod yield of clicker by 2
  2398. req:betterButton3
  2399. *betterButton5
  2400. name:Better Button V
  2401. desc:Call now and you'll receive a mini button too!<//><.>Clicking either button will produce <b>7.5%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per chocolate worker and peanut butterer.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2.75</b>.
  2402. cost:500000 chocolate
  2403. cost:500000 peanutButter
  2404. cost:300000 peanutCups
  2405. icon:numbers[5,0]
  2406. passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  2407. passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  2408. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  2409. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  2410. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  2411. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  2412. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.75
  2413. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.75
  2414. req:betterButton4
  2415. *betterButton6
  2416. name:Better Button VI
  2417. desc:Are you tired of this? <i>clicks button and gets nothing</i><//><.>Clicking either button will produce <b>15%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per chocolate farm and peas and nuts converter.<.>Combined and peanut butter cup clicking are twice as effective.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>3</b>.
  2418. cost:5000000 chocolate
  2419. cost:5000000 peanutButter
  2420. cost:3000000 peanutCups
  2421. icon:numbers[6,0]
  2422. passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  2423. passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  2424. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  2425. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  2426. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  2427. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  2428. passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by 2
  2429. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by 2
  2430. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by 2
  2431. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by 2
  2432. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 3
  2433. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 3
  2434. req:betterButton5
  2435. *betterButton7
  2436. name:Better Button VII
  2437. desc:Woops, looks like I'm all out of ideas.<.>Clicking either button will produce <b>22.5%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per refinery and factory.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>3.25</b>.
  2438. cost:500000000 chocolate
  2439. cost:500000000 peanutButter
  2440. cost:300000000 peanutCups
  2441. icon:numbers[7,0]
  2442. passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  2443. passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  2444. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  2445. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  2446. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  2447. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  2448. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 3.25
  2449. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 3.25
  2450. req:betterButton6
  2452. //CUP TYPES
  2454. *darkCups
  2455. name:Dark chocolate peanut butter cups
  2456. desc:These more bitter cups will add <b>2%</b> to your production multiplier.
  2457. cost:10000 peanutCups
  2458. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
  2459. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
  2460. req:1000 earnedThisUniverse
  2461. icon:
  2462. *whiteCups
  2463. name:White chocolate peanut butter cups
  2464. desc:These cups will add another <b>3%</b> to your production multiplier.
  2465. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.03
  2466. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.03) multiplier
  2467. cost:100000 peanutCups
  2468. req:10000 earnedThisUniverse
  2469. icon:
  2470. *miniCups
  2471. name:Mini peanut butter cups
  2472. desc:These tiny peanut butter cups will go a long way by adding <b>5%</b> to your production multiplier.
  2473. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.05
  2474. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.05) multiplier
  2475. cost:10000000 peanutCups
  2476. req:1000000 earnedThisUniverse
  2477. icon:
  2478. *cookieCups
  2479. name:Cookies and cream peanut butter cups
  2480. desc:Combine the addicting flavor or cookies and cream with the divine taste of peanut butter cups to earn another <b>+5%</b> to your production multiplier.
  2481. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.05
  2482. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.05) multiplier
  2483. req:100000000 earnedThisUniverse
  2484. cost:1000000000 peanutCups
  2485. icon:
  2489. *whiteRibbon
  2490. name:White Ribbon
  2491. desc:3rd...<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>0.5%</b> per achievement earned.
  2492. cost:1000000 peanutCups
  2493. cost:1000000 chocolate
  2494. cost:1000000 peanutButter
  2495. icon:
  2496. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.005*(achievPoints)))
  2497. req:15 achievPoints
  2498. *redRibbon
  2499. name:Red Ribbon
  2500. desc:2nd...<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>0.75%</b> per achievement earned.
  2501. cost:10000000000 peanutCups
  2502. cost:10000000000 chocolate
  2503. cost:10000000000 peanutButter
  2504. icon:
  2505. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.0075*(achievPoints)))
  2506. req:35 achievPoints
  2507. *blueRibbon
  2508. name:Blue Ribbon
  2509. desc:1st place!<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>1%</b> per achievement earned.
  2510. cost:100000000000000 peanutCups
  2511. cost:100000000000000 chocolate
  2512. cost:100000000000000 peanutButter
  2513. icon:
  2514. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.01*(achievPoints)))
  2515. req:75 achievPoints
  2517. //OTHER
  2519. *gainfulPain
  2520. name:Gainful pain
  2521. desc:oof<.>Boosts peanut butter cup production by <b>50%</b> when chocolate or peanut butter production is negative.
  2522. req:loss
  2523. on tick:
  2524. if (peanutButter:ps<0 or chocolate:ps<0)
  2525. yield (peanutCups:ps/2) peanutCups
  2526. end
  2527. end
  2528. icon:
  2533. *training
  2534. name:Training
  2535. desc:Trained workers just might be more efficient.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
  2536. cost:1000 chocolate
  2537. cost:1000 peanutButter
  2538. cost:500 peanutCups
  2539. req:10 chocolateWorkers:max
  2540. req:10 peanutButterers:max
  2541. req:1 peanutCupper:max
  2542. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
  2543. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
  2544. passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
  2545. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2546. *collegeEducation
  2547. name:Working smarter
  2548. desc:Not harder.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
  2549. cost:10000 chocolate
  2550. cost:10000 peanutButter
  2551. cost:100 peanutCups
  2552. req:25 chocolateWorkers:max
  2553. req:25 peanutButterers:max
  2554. req:10 peanutCuppers:max
  2555. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
  2556. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
  2557. passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
  2558. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2559. *collegeEducationA
  2560. name:College education
  2561. desc:I have a PhD in making peanut butter cups.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
  2562. cost:100000 chocolate
  2563. cost:100000 peanutButter
  2564. cost:1000 peanutCups
  2565. req:50 chocolateWorkers:max
  2566. req:50 peanutButterers:max
  2567. req:25 peanutCuppers:max
  2568. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
  2569. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
  2570. passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
  2571. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2575. *fasterRoasting
  2576. name:Faster roasting
  2577. desc:Chocolate workers roast cocoa beans faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
  2578. cost:500 chocolate
  2579. req:1 chocolateWorker:max
  2580. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
  2581. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2582. *literalchocoWorkers
  2583. name:Literal chocolate workers
  2584. desc:Chocolate workers are now made of chocolate, which makes them faster. Don't ask.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
  2585. cost:5000 chocolate
  2586. req:10 chocolateWorker:max
  2587. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
  2588. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2589. *mitosis
  2590. name:Higher melting point
  2591. desc:You've run into some problems with melting workers.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
  2592. cost:50000 chocolate
  2593. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
  2594. req:25 chocolateWorkers:max
  2595. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2596. *mitosis1
  2597. name:Mitosis
  2598. desc:why do i have to give birth why can't i just do my toast is<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  2599. cost:500000 chocolate
  2600. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 4
  2601. req:50 chocolateWorkers:max
  2602. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2606. *refinedRefineries
  2607. name:Fertilizer
  2608. desc:Enhance your trees' growth rates.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
  2609. cost:7500 chocolate
  2610. passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
  2611. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2612. req:1 refinery:max
  2613. *fasterGrinders
  2614. name:Healthier seeds
  2615. desc:Make them healthier before they even start growing.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
  2616. cost:75000 chocolate
  2617. passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
  2618. req:10 refineries:max
  2619. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2620. *extraMixable
  2621. name:Flavored water
  2622. desc:Drinking regular water every day must get boring.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
  2623. cost:750000 chocolate
  2624. passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
  2625. req:25 refineries:max
  2626. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2627. *chocosynthesis
  2628. name:Chocosynthesis
  2629. desc:Convert sunlight into chocolate instead of sugar.<.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  2630. cost:7500000 chocolate
  2631. passive:multiply yield of refinery by 4
  2632. req:50 refineries:max
  2633. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2637. *refinedRefineriesA
  2638. name:Refined refineries
  2639. desc:Refined refineries refine refined-er chocolate.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
  2640. cost:112500 chocolate
  2641. passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
  2642. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2643. req:1 chocoFarm:max
  2644. *fasterGrindersA
  2645. name:Faster grinders
  2646. desc:griiiiind<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
  2647. cost:1125000 chocolate
  2648. passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
  2649. req:10 chocoFarms:max
  2650. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2651. *extraMixableA
  2652. name:Extra mixable cocoa
  2653. desc:The liquid cocoa will mix more quickly with other ingredients.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
  2654. cost:11250000 chocolate
  2655. passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
  2656. req:25 chocoFarms:max
  2657. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2658. *decombobulators
  2659. name:Discombobulators
  2660. desc:An important part of chocolate discombobulation.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  2661. cost:112500000 chocolate
  2662. passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 4
  2663. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2664. req:50 chocoFarms:max
  2668. *fastProcessors
  2669. name:Faster food processors
  2670. desc:Peanut butterers use faster food processors.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
  2671. cost:500 peanutButter
  2672. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
  2673. req:1 peanutButterer:max
  2674. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2675. *softerPeanuts
  2676. name:Softer peanuts
  2677. desc:Peanuts are softer, and can be processed faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
  2678. cost:5000 peanutButter
  2679. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
  2680. req:10 peanutButterers:max
  2681. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2682. *biggerProcessors
  2683. name:Bigger processors
  2684. desc:More room to shove your peanuts into.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
  2685. cost:50000 peanutButter
  2686. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
  2687. req:25 peanutButterers:max
  2688. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2689. *cProcessors
  2690. name:Computer processors
  2691. desc:Are you sure these'll work?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>4</b><.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  2692. cost:500000 peanutButter
  2693. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 4
  2694. req:50 peanutButterers:max
  2695. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2699. *movingAssembly
  2700. name:Better ratio
  2701. desc:Needs less pea and more nut!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
  2702. cost:7500 peanutButter
  2703. passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
  2704. req:1 pbFactory:max
  2705. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2706. *factored
  2707. name:Wider nut variety
  2708. desc:More kinds of nuts to convert.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
  2709. cost:75000 peanutButter
  2710. passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
  2711. req:10 pbFactories:max
  2712. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2713. *factorial
  2714. name:Green bean converter
  2715. desc:Kinda similar to peas? I guess?<.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
  2716. cost:750000 peanutButter
  2717. req:25 pbFactories:max
  2718. passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
  2719. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2720. *secretIngredient
  2721. name:Secret ingredient
  2722. desc:This Woman Found The Secret Ingredient To Quick Conversion! Peanut Butter Companies <b>HATE</b> Her! Click <b>HERE</b> To Find Out Her One Simple Trick!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  2723. cost:7500000 peanutButter
  2724. req:50 pbFactories:max
  2725. passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 4
  2726. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2730. *movingAssemblyA
  2731. name:Moving assembly line
  2732. desc:Aren't these pretty much the default these days?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
  2733. cost:112500 peanutButter
  2734. passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
  2735. req:1 factories:max
  2736. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2737. *factoredA
  2738. name:Factored factories
  2739. desc:In simplest form.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
  2740. cost:1125000 peanutButter
  2741. passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
  2742. req:10 factories:max
  2743. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2744. *factorialA
  2745. name:Factorial factories
  2746. desc:Surprisingly, 200-40*2 is only 5!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
  2747. cost:11250000 peanutButter
  2748. req:25 factories:max
  2749. passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
  2750. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2751. *scaleFactor
  2752. name:Scale factor
  2753. desc:Dilated by a scale factor of 2.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  2754. cost:112500000 peanutButter
  2755. req:50 factories:max
  2756. passive:multiply yield of factories by 4
  2757. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2761. *triplers
  2762. name:Triplers
  2763. desc:Get an extra bar of chocolate and jar of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
  2764. cost:1687500 chocolate
  2765. cost:1687500 peanutButter
  2766. req:1 replicator:max
  2767. icon:
  2768. passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
  2769. *quintuplers
  2770. name:Quintuplers
  2771. desc:Get 3 extra bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
  2772. cost:16875000 chocolate
  2773. cost:16875000 peanutButter
  2774. req:10 replicators:max
  2775. icon:
  2776. passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
  2777. *nonuplers
  2778. name:Nonuplers
  2779. desc:Get 7 extra bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
  2780. cost:168750000 chocolate
  2781. cost:168750000 peanutButter
  2782. req:25 replicators:max
  2783. icon:
  2784. passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
  2785. *tretrigintuplers
  2786. name:Tretrigintuplers
  2787. desc:I couldn't quite fit the X in, sorry.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  2788. cost:1687500000 chocolate
  2789. cost:1687500000 peanutButter
  2790. req:50 replicators:max
  2791. icon:
  2792. passive:multiply yield of replicators by 4
  2796. *deeperExtraction
  2797. name:Deeper extraction
  2798. desc:Go deeper into the planet's delicious, gooey core.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
  2799. cost:27000000 chocolate
  2800. cost:27000000 peanutButter
  2801. req:1 coreExtractor:max
  2802. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2803. passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
  2804. *coolers
  2805. name:Coolers
  2806. desc:Make your scorching hot peanut butter and chocolate nice and cool. As a side effect, you may catch them using the latest trendy lingo.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
  2807. cost:270000000 chocolate
  2808. cost:270000000 peanutButter
  2809. req:10 coreExtractors:max
  2810. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2811. passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
  2812. *fasterTransportation
  2813. name:Faster transportation
  2814. desc:Sure takes a while for things to get from the core to the surface.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
  2815. cost:2700000000 chocolate
  2816. cost:2700000000 peanutButter
  2817. req:25 coreExtractors:max
  2818. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2819. passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
  2820. *otherPlanets
  2821. name:Other planets
  2822. desc:Extracting from other planets' cores has a much higher output! It's also less damaging to Earth but that's not what matters.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  2823. cost:27000000000 chocolate
  2824. cost:27000000000 peanutButter
  2825. req:50 coreExtractors:max
  2826. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2827. passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 4
  2831. *quantumPBC
  2832. name:Quantum peanut butter and chocolate
  2833. desc:It's quantum compatible!<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
  2834. cost:800000000 chocolate
  2835. cost:800000000 peanutButter
  2836. req:1 qDownloader:max
  2837. passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
  2838. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2839. *gbWifi
  2840. name:Gigabit Wi-Fi
  2841. desc:gotta download fast<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
  2842. cost:8000000000 chocolate
  2843. cost:8000000000 peanutButter
  2844. req:10 qDownloaders:max
  2845. passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
  2846. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2847. *qMechanic
  2848. name:A quantum mechanic
  2849. desc:Fixes your quantum downloaders when they break.<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
  2850. cost:80000000000 chocolate
  2851. cost:80000000000 peanutButter
  2852. req:25 qDownloaders:max
  2853. passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
  2854. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2855. *qInternet
  2856. name:Quantum internet
  2857. desc:At this point, why not just make everything quantum?<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  2858. cost:800000000000 chocolate
  2859. cost:800000000000 peanutButter
  2860. req:50 qDownloaders:max
  2861. passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 4
  2862. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2866. *ads
  2867. name:Advertisements
  2868. desc:Spread the word!<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
  2869. passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
  2870. req:1 mindReader:max
  2871. cost:25600000000 chocolate
  2872. cost:25600000000 peanutButter
  2873. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2874. *subliminal
  2875. name:Subliminal messaging
  2876. desc:<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
  2877. passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
  2878. req:10 mindReaders:max
  2879. cost:256000000000 chocolate
  2880. cost:256000000000 peanutButter
  2881. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2882. *hallucinogens
  2883. name:Hallucinogens
  2884. desc:if I wasn't eating chocolate that whole time... what was I eating?<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
  2885. passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
  2886. req:25 mindReaders:max
  2887. cost:2560000000000 chocolate
  2888. cost:2560000000000 peanutButter
  2889. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2890. *mindControl
  2891. name:Mind control
  2892. desc:Put on your tinfoil hats!<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>4</b>.
  2893. passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 4
  2894. req:50 mindReaders:max
  2895. cost:25600000000000 chocolate
  2896. cost:25600000000000 peanutButter
  2897. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2901. *nimbleFingers
  2902. name:Nimble fingers
  2903. desc:Trim off the fat and get some muscle memory.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.
  2904. cost:1000 chocolate
  2905. cost:1000 peanutButter
  2906. cost:250 peanutCups
  2907. req:1 peanutCupper:max
  2908. passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
  2909. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2910. *cupManufacturers
  2911. name:Cup manufacturers
  2912. desc:These guys have a lot of experience making cups. That should translate well into making peanut butter cups, right?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.
  2913. cost:10000 chocolate
  2914. cost:10000 peanutButter
  2915. cost:2500 peanutCups
  2916. req:10 peanutCuppers:max
  2917. passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
  2918. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2919. *chefs
  2920. name:Chefs
  2921. desc:Cooks up some fresh peanut butter cups.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.<q>Are the peanut butter cups fresh or frozen?</q>
  2922. cost:100000 chocolate
  2923. cost:100000 peanutButter
  2924. cost:25000 peanutCups
  2925. req:25 peanutCuppers:max
  2926. passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
  2927. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2928. *mages
  2929. desc:Casts spells on your peanut butter and chocolate to form peanut butter cups.<.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  2930. name:Mages
  2931. cost:1000000 chocolate
  2932. cost:1000000 peanutButter
  2933. cost:250000 peanutCups
  2934. req:50 peanutCuppers:max
  2935. passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 4
  2936. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2940. *wc
  2941. name:WC-50
  2942. desc:Makes things go.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
  2943. cost:15000 peanutCups
  2944. req:1 cupMachine:max
  2945. passive:multiply yield of cupMachine by 2
  2946. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2947. *cheaperMetal
  2948. name:Cheaper Metal
  2949. desc:Refineries, factories, and machines are <b>5%</b> cheaper.
  2950. cost:75000 peanutCups
  2951. passive:multiply cost of cupMachine by 0.95
  2952. passive:multiply cost of factory by 0.95
  2953. passive:multiply cost of chocoFarm by 0.95
  2954. req:5 cupMachines:max
  2955. req:10 factories:max
  2956. req:10 chocoFarms:max
  2957. icon:
  2958. *lighterMachinery
  2959. name:Lighter Machinery
  2960. cost:150000 peanutCups
  2961. desc:Try our new weight loss programs for machines!<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
  2962. req:10 cupMachines:max
  2963. passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
  2964. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2965. *hqCogs
  2966. name:High quality cogs
  2967. cost:1500000 peanutCups
  2968. desc:For smoother rotation.<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
  2969. passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
  2970. req:25 cupMachines:max
  2971. icon:numbers[3,0]
  2972. *microMachines
  2973. name:Micro-machines
  2974. cost:15000000 peanutCups
  2975. desc:These can move anything anywhere, with ease. If you can think it, they can do it. The only limit is your imagination.<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  2976. icon:numbers[4,0]
  2977. req:50 cupMachines:max
  2978. passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
  2982. *fasterPrinting
  2983. name:Faster printers
  2984. desc:The printhead can move faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
  2985. icon:numbers[1,0]
  2986. cost:175000 peanutCups
  2987. passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
  2988. req:1 printer:max
  2989. *optimizedModels
  2990. name:Optimized models
  2991. desc:These more efficient models will cut printing time in half.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
  2992. icon:numbers[2,0]
  2993. cost:1750000 peanutCups
  2994. passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
  2995. req:10 printers:max
  2996. *biggerFeeder
  2997. name:Bigger material feeder
  2998. desc:With this, you won't need to refill your printer as often.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
  2999. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3000. cost:17500000 peanutCups
  3001. passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
  3002. req:25 printers:max
  3003. *biggerPrinthead
  3004. name:Bigger printhead
  3005. desc:Your printers can squirt out more stuff at once.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3006. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3007. cost:175000000 peanutCups
  3008. passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
  3009. req:50 printers:max
  3013. *largeStomach
  3014. name:Large stomach
  3015. desc:Pukers can hold more peanut butter and chocolate in their stomach.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
  3016. cost:2000000 peanutCups
  3017. req:1 cupVomiter:max
  3018. passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
  3019. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3020. *fastDigestion
  3021. name:Fast digestion
  3022. desc:Pukers digest faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
  3023. cost:20000000 peanutCups
  3024. req:10 cupVomiters:max
  3025. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3026. passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
  3027. *defecation
  3028. name:Defecation
  3029. desc:Even more gross. Still safe, though. Probably.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
  3030. cost:200000000 peanutCups
  3031. req:25 cupVomiters:max
  3032. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3033. passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
  3034. *inhale
  3035. name:Inhale ability
  3036. desc:Sucks in the peanut butter and chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3037. cost:2000000000 peanutCups
  3038. req:50 cupVomiters:max
  3039. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3040. passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 4
  3044. *breakdown
  3045. name:Molecular breakdown
  3046. desc:Breaking down molecules makes them easier to rearrange.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
  3047. cost:25000000 peanutCups
  3048. req:1 rearranger:max
  3049. passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
  3050. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3051. *noclip
  3052. name:I accidentally left this name as a placeholder for a long time so I'll just leave this here as a monument to my forgetfulness
  3053. desc:At least I won't have to think of a name now.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
  3054. cost:250000000 peanutCups
  3055. req:10 rearrangers:max
  3056. passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
  3057. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3058. *chocolateMolecules
  3059. name:Chocolate molecules
  3060. desc:Chocolate can now be made with a single type of molecule.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
  3061. cost:2500000000 peanutCups
  3062. req:25 rearrangers:max
  3063. passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
  3064. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3065. *quantumTunneling
  3066. name:Quantum tunneling
  3067. desc:Molecules go straight through each other.<.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3068. cost:25000000000 peanutCups
  3069. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3070. req:50 rearrangers:max
  3071. passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 4
  3075. *betterBargaining
  3076. name:Better bargaining
  3077. desc:Best I can do is 20 peanut butter cups.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
  3078. cost:300000000 peanutCups
  3079. req:1 rocketShip:max
  3080. passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
  3081. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3082. *hotDeals
  3083. name:Hot deals
  3084. desc:50% off!<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
  3085. cost:3000000000 peanutCups
  3086. req:10 rocketShips:max
  3087. passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
  3088. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3089. *memberCard
  3090. name:Membership card
  3091. desc:Get rewarded for your loyalty.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
  3092. cost:30000000000 peanutCups
  3093. req:25 rocketShips:max
  3094. passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
  3095. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3096. *hyperDrive
  3097. name:Hyperdrive
  3098. desc:The key to fast, efficient space travel.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3099. cost:300000000000 peanutCups
  3100. passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 4
  3101. req:50 rocketShips:max
  3102. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3106. *fasterPortals
  3107. name:Faster portals
  3108. desc:Skip the cutscene for going through a portal.<//><.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
  3109. cost:3250000000 peanutCups
  3110. req:1 cupPortal:max
  3111. passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
  3112. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3113. *betterDimension
  3114. name:Better dimension
  3115. desc:Turns out whatever was in that other dimension was slacking off.<//><.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
  3116. cost:32500000000 peanutCups
  3117. req:10 cupPortals:max
  3118. passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
  3119. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3120. *theCake
  3121. name:The cake
  3122. desc:It's a lie. This is the pinnacle of low-hanging fruit.<.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
  3123. cost:325000000000 peanutCups
  3124. req:25 cupPortals:max
  3125. passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
  3126. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3127. *fourthDimension
  3128. name:Fourth dimension
  3129. desc:The thrilling sequel to the third dimension.<.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3130. cost:3250000000000 peanutCups
  3131. req:50 cupPortals:max
  3132. passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 4
  3133. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3137. *biggerBoxes
  3138. name:Bigger boxes
  3139. desc:We're gonna need a bigger box?<//><.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
  3140. cost:35000000000 peanutCups
  3141. req:1 mysteryBox:max
  3142. passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
  3143. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3144. *addedMystery
  3145. name:Added mystery
  3146. desc:The suspense is killing me.<//><.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
  3147. cost:350000000000 peanutCups
  3148. req:10 mysteryBoxes:max
  3149. passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
  3150. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3151. *schrodingersCat
  3152. name:Schrodinger's cat
  3153. desc:Just hangs out in the mystery box with your peanut butter and chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
  3154. cost:3500000000000 peanutCups
  3155. req:25 mysteryBoxes:max
  3156. passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
  3157. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3158. *boxSquared
  3159. name:Mystery box²
  3160. desc:Send mystery boxes full of peanut butter cups through other mystery boxes.<.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3161. cost:35000000000000 peanutCups
  3162. req:50 mysteryBoxes:max
  3163. passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 4
  3164. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3168. *bingBong
  3169. name:Bing bong theory
  3170. desc:Bazoomba<//><.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
  3171. cost:400000000000 peanutCups
  3172. req:1 subAtomics:max
  3173. passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
  3174. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3175. *ropeTheory
  3176. name:Rope theory
  3177. desc:Because strings are far too small.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
  3178. cost:4000000000000 peanutCups
  3179. req:10 subAtomics:max
  3180. passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
  3181. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3182. *scientificScience
  3183. name:Scientific science
  3184. desc:It just wasn't quite scientific enough before.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
  3185. cost:40000000000000 peanutCups
  3186. req:25 subAtomics:max
  3187. passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
  3188. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3189. *subsubAtomic
  3190. name:Subsubatomic particles
  3191. desc:What <i>really</i> makes up the universe.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3192. cost:400000000000000 peanutCups
  3193. req:50 subAtomics:max
  3194. passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 4
  3195. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3199. *suckierHoles
  3200. name:Suckier holes
  3201. desc:uhh<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>2</b>.
  3202. cost:6789012345670 peanutCups
  3203. req:1 bhExtractor:max
  3204. passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
  3205. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3206. *eventfulHorizons
  3207. name:More eventful horizons
  3208. desc:Action-packed!<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>2</b>.
  3209. cost:67890123456701 peanutCups
  3210. req:10 bhExtractors:max
  3211. passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
  3212. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3213. *antiSpaghetti
  3214. name:Spaghettification prevention
  3215. desc:Do I make a "hope she made lotsa spaghetti" joke or a "somebody toucha my spaghet" joke?
  3216. cost:678901234567012 peanutCups
  3217. req:25 bhExtractors:max
  3218. passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
  3219. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3220. *galacticCores
  3221. name:Galactic cores
  3222. desc:As some of the most massive black holes in the universe, these can have entire galaxies orbiting them. They should do the trick.<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>4</b>.<i>End of tier 1</i>
  3223. cost:6789012345670123 peanutCups
  3224. req:50 bhExtractor:max
  3225. passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 4
  3226. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3230. *longRange
  3231. name:Long-range anomalies
  3232. desc:Convert things from <i>coast to coast</i>.<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
  3233. cost:115000000000000 peanutCups
  3234. passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
  3235. req:1 anomaly:max
  3236. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3237. *blindSpots
  3238. name:Blind spots
  3239. desc:Wow, you're so insensitive (to light)<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
  3240. cost:1150000000000000 peanutCups
  3241. passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
  3242. req:10 anomalies:max
  3243. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3244. *loweredFOV
  3245. name:Lowered FOV
  3246. desc:I'm sure no one will notice.<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
  3247. cost:11500000000000000 peanutCups
  3248. passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
  3249. req:25 anomalies:max
  3250. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3251. *instantConversion
  3252. name:Instant conversion
  3253. desc:The mere blink of an eye could get your peanut butter and chocolate converted!<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3254. cost:115000000000000000 peanutCups
  3255. passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 4
  3256. req:50 anomalies:max
  3257. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3261. *TEMPLATE
  3262. class:smallThing thing
  3263. on click:
  3264. if (clickAnimation=1)
  3265. anim icon wobble2
  3266. anim wobble2
  3267. end
  3268. if (clickAnimation=2)
  3269. anim icon bounceOnce
  3270. anim bounceOnce
  3271. end
  3272. if (clickAnimation=3)
  3273. anim icon plop
  3274. anim plop
  3275. end
  3276. if (clickAnimation=4)
  3277. anim icon wiggling2
  3278. anim wiggling
  3279. end
  3280. if (clickAnimation=5)
  3281. anim icon wobbleSlow
  3282. anim wobbleSlow
  3283. end
  3284. end
  3285. tag:divine
  3286. class:divine
  3287. no text
  3289. *prestige1
  3290. name:A world of peanut butter cups
  3291. desc:Your ultimate goal is to fill the multiverse with peanut butter cups. Fill this small universe and move on to a larger one.</><i>You will:</i><.>Leave behind <b>all</b> buildings, resources, upgrades, and secrets.<.>Gain <b>150</b> divine peanut butter cups to be used to purchase upgrades and get boosts.<.>Unlock the next tier of buildings (and the next tier of upgrades will come eventually)
  3292. on earn:lose tag:upgrade
  3293. on earn:lose :Buildings
  3294. on earn:lose tag:resource
  3295. on earn:lose tag:special
  3296. on earn:lose tag:secret
  3297. on earn:lose tag:secretPoints
  3298. on earn:yield 150 divineCups
  3299. on earn:yield (peanutCups:earned) leftBehind
  3300. on earn:yield (chocolate:earned) cleftBehind
  3301. on earn:yield (peanutButter:earned) pleftBehind
  3302. on earn:yield 1 manaThing
  3303. on earn:yield 1 aaa
  3304. cost:50e12 peanutCups
  3305. icon:
  3306. *angelicCuppersUnlock
  3307. name:Angelic cuppers
  3308. desc:Unlocks <b>angelic cuppers</b> to unleash the power of your divine cups.
  3309. passive:multiply yield of tag:philding by (((pow(1.0002,angelicCuppers)-1)*(divineCups:earned))+1)
  3310. cost:50 divineCups
  3311. icon:
  3312. req:prestige1
  3318. *TEMPLATE
  3319. class:thing
  3320. on click:
  3321. if (clickAnimation=1)
  3322. anim icon wobble2
  3323. anim wobble2
  3324. end
  3325. if (clickAnimation=2)
  3326. anim icon bounceOnce
  3327. anim bounceOnce
  3328. end
  3329. if (clickAnimation=3)
  3330. anim icon plop
  3331. anim plop
  3332. end
  3333. if (clickAnimation=4)
  3334. anim icon wiggling2
  3335. anim wiggling
  3336. end
  3337. if (clickAnimation=5)
  3338. anim icon wobbleSlow
  3339. anim wobbleSlow
  3340. end
  3341. end
  3342. tag:upgradeOwned
  3343. no buy
  3344. no text
  3346. //RECIPES
  3348. *cupRecipeO
  3349. name:Peanut butter cup recipe
  3350. desc:Discover the ancient secrets of cupping peanut butter.<//><.>Unlocks peanut butter cup producers.
  3351. cost:100 chocolate
  3352. cost:100 peanutButter
  3353. req:50 cEarnedThisUniverse
  3354. req:50 pEarnedThisUniverse
  3355. req:1 chocolateWorker
  3356. req:1 peanutButterer
  3357. req:cupRecipe
  3358. icon:
  3362. *fourcloverLeafO
  3363. name:Four clover leaf
  3364. desc:Four leaf clovers may be rare, but has anyone ever seen one of these?<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear <b>10%</b> more often.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will require <b>10</b> less mana to summon.
  3365. passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
  3366. cost:100 goldBeans
  3367. req:7 lclicks
  3368. req:fourcloverLeaf
  3369. icon:
  3370. *luckyBoostO
  3371. name:Tiny lucky boost
  3372. desc:Use the power of a small bit of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>1%</b>.
  3373. cost:100 goldBeans
  3374. req:7 lclicks
  3375. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.03
  3376. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.01) multiplier
  3377. req:luckyBoost
  3378. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3379. *podSummonBoostO
  3380. name:Golden bean pod summoning boost
  3381. desc:Get <b>5</b> golden bean pods per "Spawn golden bean pod" cast instead of 1.
  3382. cost:500 goldBeans
  3383. req:7 lclicks
  3384. req:podSummonBoost
  3385. icon:numbers[0,0]
  3386. *blackcatHorseshoeO
  3387. name:Black cat's horseshoe
  3388. desc:Just don't let it cross your path.<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15</b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have slightly boosted effects.
  3389. passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
  3390. cost:1000 goldBeans
  3391. cost:1 crystalBean
  3392. req:10 lclicks
  3393. req:blackcatHorseshoe
  3394. icon:
  3395. *smallLuckyBoostO
  3396. name:Relatively small lucky boost
  3397. desc:Use the power of a little more luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>1.5%</b>.
  3398. cost:1000 goldBeans
  3399. cost:1 crystalBean
  3400. req:10 lclicks
  3401. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.015
  3402. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.015) multiplier
  3403. req:smallLuckyBoost
  3404. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3405. *halfRainbowO
  3406. name:Half Rainbow
  3407. desc:Halfway across the sky!<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15<b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have moderately boosted effects.
  3408. passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
  3409. cost:5000 goldBeans
  3410. cost:3 crystalBeans
  3411. req:17 lclicks
  3412. req:halfRainbow
  3413. icon:
  3414. *fairlyLuckyBoostO
  3415. name:Fairly lucky boost
  3416. desc:Use the power of a fair bit of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>2%</b>.
  3417. cost:5000 goldBeans
  3418. cost:3 crystalBeans
  3419. req:17 lclicks
  3420. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
  3421. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
  3422. req:fairlyLuckyBoost
  3423. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3424. *closedUmbrellaO
  3425. name:Closed umbrella
  3426. desc:Keep it inside.<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15<b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have boosted effects.
  3427. passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
  3428. cost:20000 goldBeans
  3429. cost:10 crystalBeans
  3430. req:37 lclicks
  3431. req:closedUmbrella
  3432. icon:
  3433. *sizableLuckyBoostO
  3434. name:Sizable lucky boost
  3435. desc:Use the power of a decent amount of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>2.5%</b>.
  3436. cost:20000 goldBeans
  3437. cost:10 crystalBeans
  3438. req:37 lclicks
  3439. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
  3440. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
  3441. req:sizableLuckyBoost
  3442. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3443. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.025
  3444. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.025) multiplier
  3445. *d7O
  3446. name:7 sided die
  3447. desc:Just the right amount of rigged.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15</b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have more boosted effects.
  3448. passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
  3449. cost:100000 goldBeans
  3450. cost:50 crystalBeans
  3451. req:57 lclicks
  3452. req:d7
  3453. icon:
  3457. *peanutcupClickingO
  3458. name:Peanut Butter Cup Clicking
  3459. desc:Clicking either button 3 times will produce a peanut butter cup.
  3460. cost:1000 peanutCups
  3461. req:1 peanutCup:ps
  3462. req:notaButton
  3463. req:peanutcupClicking
  3464. icon:
  3465. *combinedClickingO
  3466. name:Combined Clicking
  3467. desc:Clicking the chocolate twice will produce a jar of peanut butter, and vice versa.
  3468. cost:10000 chocolate
  3469. cost:10000 peanutButter
  3470. req:1000 chocoButton clicks
  3471. req:1000 pButton clicks
  3472. req:combinedClicking
  3473. icon:
  3477. *betterButtonO
  3478. name:Better Button
  3479. desc:Now with 100% more!<//><.>The peanut butter button will produce <b>twice</b> as much peanut butter, and the chocolate button will yield <b>twice</b> as much chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2</b>.
  3480. cost:100 chocolate
  3481. cost:100 peanutButter
  3482. passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by 2
  3483. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by 2
  3484. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2
  3485. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2
  3486. req:1 chocolate:earned
  3487. req:betterButton
  3488. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3489. *betterButton2O
  3490. name:Better Button II
  3491. desc:Just compare it to the leading brand!<//><.>The peanut butter button will produce <b>twice</b> as much peanut butter, and the chocolate button will yield <b>twice</b> as much chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2</b>.
  3492. cost:1000 chocolate
  3493. cost:1000 peanutButter
  3494. passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by 2
  3495. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by 2
  3496. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2
  3497. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2
  3498. req:betterButton2
  3499. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3500. *betterButton3O
  3501. name:Better Button III
  3502. desc:We'll double the offer!<//><.>Multiplies all yield of buttons by <b>2</b>.<.>Multiplies yield of clickers by <b>2.25</b>.
  3503. cost:5000 chocolate
  3504. cost:5000 peanutButter
  3505. cost:1000 peanutCups
  3506. req:betterButton3
  3507. passive:multiply yield of chocoButton by 2
  3508. passive:multiply yield of pButton by 2
  3509. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.25
  3510. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.25
  3511. passive:multiply goldBeanPod yield of clicker by 2
  3512. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3513. *betterButton4O
  3514. name:Better Button IV
  3515. desc:But wait, there's more!<//><.>Multiplies yield of buttons by <b>2</b>.<.>Multiplies yield of clickers by <b>2.5</b>.
  3516. cost:50000 chocolate
  3517. cost:50000 peanutButter
  3518. cost:25000 peanutCups
  3519. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3520. passive:multiply yield of chocoButton by 2
  3521. passive:multiply yield of pButton by 2
  3522. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.5
  3523. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.5
  3524. passive:multiply goldBeanPod yield of clicker by 2
  3525. req:betterButton4
  3526. *betterButton5O
  3527. name:Better Button V
  3528. desc:Call now and you'll receive a mini button too!<//><.>Clicking either button will produce <b>7.5%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per chocolate worker and peanut butterer.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2.75</b>.
  3529. cost:500000 chocolate
  3530. cost:500000 peanutButter
  3531. cost:300000 peanutCups
  3532. icon:numbers[5,0]
  3533. passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  3534. passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  3535. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  3536. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  3537. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  3538. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
  3539. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.75
  3540. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.75
  3541. req:betterButton5
  3542. *betterButton6O
  3543. name:Better Button VI
  3544. desc:Are you tired of this? <i>clicks button and gets nothing</i><//><.>Clicking either button will produce <b>15%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per chocolate farm and peas and nuts converter.<.>Combined and peanut butter cup clicking are twice as effective.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>3</b>.
  3545. cost:5000000 chocolate
  3546. cost:5000000 peanutButter
  3547. cost:3000000 peanutCups
  3548. icon:numbers[6,0]
  3549. passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  3550. passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  3551. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  3552. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  3553. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  3554. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
  3555. passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by 2
  3556. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by 2
  3557. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by 2
  3558. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by 2
  3559. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 3
  3560. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 3
  3561. req:betterButton6
  3562. *betterButton7O
  3563. name:Better Button VII
  3564. desc:Woops, looks like I'm all out of ideas.<.>Clicking either button will produce <b>22.5%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per refinery and factory.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>3.25</b>.
  3565. cost:500000000 chocolate
  3566. cost:500000000 peanutButter
  3567. cost:300000000 peanutCups
  3568. icon:numbers[7,0]
  3569. passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  3570. passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  3571. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  3572. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  3573. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  3574. passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
  3575. passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 3.25
  3576. passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 3.25
  3577. req:betterButton7
  3579. //CUP TYPES
  3581. *darkCupsO
  3582. name:Dark chocolate peanut butter cups
  3583. desc:These more bitter cups will balance out the sweet peanut butter, and add <b>2%</b> to your production multiplier.
  3584. cost:10000 peanutCups
  3585. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
  3586. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
  3587. req:1000 peanutCups:earned
  3588. req:darkCups
  3589. icon:
  3590. *whiteCupsO
  3591. name:White chocolate peanut butter cups
  3592. desc:These cups will add another <b>3%</b> to your production multiplier.
  3593. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.03
  3594. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.03) multiplier
  3595. cost:100000 peanutCups
  3596. req:10000 peanutCups:earned
  3597. req:whiteCups
  3598. icon:
  3599. *miniCupsO
  3600. name:Mini Peanut Butter Cups
  3601. desc:These tiny peanut butter cups will go a long way by adding <b>5%</b> to your production multiplier.
  3602. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.05
  3603. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.05) multiplier
  3604. cost:10000000 peanutCups
  3605. req:1000000 peanutCups:earned
  3606. req:miniCups
  3607. icon:
  3608. *cookieCupsO
  3609. name:Cookies n' Creme Peanut ButterCups
  3610. desc:Combine the addicting flavor or cookies and creme with the divine taste of peanut butter cups to earn another <b>+5%</b> to your production multiplier.
  3611. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.05
  3612. on earn:yield (multiplier*0.05) multiplier
  3613. req:100000000 peanutCups:earned
  3614. cost:1000000000 peanutCups
  3615. req:cookieCups
  3616. icon:
  3620. *whiteRibbonO
  3621. name:White Ribbon
  3622. desc:3rd...<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>0.5%</b> per achievement earned.
  3623. cost:1000000 peanutCups
  3624. cost:1000000 chocolate
  3625. cost:1000000 peanutButter
  3626. req:whiteRibbon
  3627. icon:
  3628. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.005*(achievPoints)))
  3629. *redRibbonO
  3630. name:Red Ribbon
  3631. desc:2nd...<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>0.75%</b> per achievement earned.
  3632. cost:10000000000 peanutCups
  3633. cost:10000000000 chocolate
  3634. cost:10000000000 peanutButter
  3635. req:redRibbon
  3636. icon:
  3637. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.0075*(achievPoints)))
  3638. *blueRibbonO
  3639. name:Blue Ribbon
  3640. desc:1st place!<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>1%</b> per achievement earned.
  3641. cost:100000000000000 peanutCups
  3642. cost:100000000000000 chocolate
  3643. cost:100000000000000 peanutButter
  3644. req:blueRibbon
  3645. icon:
  3646. passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.01*(achievPoints)))
  3648. //OTHER
  3650. *gainfulPainO
  3651. name:Gainful pain
  3652. desc:oof<.>Boosts peanut butter cup production by <b>50%</b> when chocolate or peanut butter production is negative.
  3653. req:loss
  3654. on tick:
  3655. if (peanutButter:ps<0 or chocolate:ps<0)
  3656. yield (peanutCups:ps/2) peanutCups
  3657. end
  3658. end
  3659. req:gainfulPain
  3660. icon:
  3665. *trainingO
  3666. name:Training
  3667. desc:Trained workers just might be more efficient.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
  3668. cost:1000 chocolate
  3669. cost:1000 peanutButter
  3670. cost:500 peanutCups
  3671. req:10 chocolateWorkers:max
  3672. req:10 peanutButterers:max
  3673. req:1 peanutCupper:max
  3674. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
  3675. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
  3676. passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
  3677. req:training
  3678. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3679. *collegeEducationO
  3680. name:Working smarter
  3681. desc:Not harder.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
  3682. cost:10000 chocolate
  3683. cost:10000 peanutButter
  3684. cost:100 peanutCups
  3685. req:25 chocolateWorkers:max
  3686. req:25 peanutButterers:max
  3687. req:10 peanutCuppers:max
  3688. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
  3689. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
  3690. passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
  3691. req:collegeEducation
  3692. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3693. *collegeEducationAO
  3694. name:College education
  3695. desc:I have a PhD in making peanut butter cups.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
  3696. cost:100000 chocolate
  3697. cost:100000 peanutButter
  3698. cost:1000 peanutCups
  3699. req:50 chocolateWorkers:max
  3700. req:50 peanutButterers:max
  3701. req:25 peanutCuppers:max
  3702. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
  3703. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
  3704. passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
  3705. req:collegeEducationA
  3706. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3710. *fasterRoastingO
  3711. name:Faster roasting
  3712. desc:Chocolate workers roast cocoa beans faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
  3713. cost:500 chocolate
  3714. req:1 chocolateWorker:max
  3715. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
  3716. req:fasterRoasting
  3717. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3718. *literalchocoWorkersO
  3719. name:Literal chocolate workers
  3720. desc:Chocolate workers are now made of chocolate, which makes them faster. Don't ask.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
  3721. cost:5000 chocolate
  3722. req:10 chocolateWorker:max
  3723. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
  3724. req:literalchocoWorkers
  3725. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3726. *mitosisO
  3727. name:Higher melting point
  3728. desc:You've run into some problems with melting workers.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
  3729. cost:50000 chocolate
  3730. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
  3731. req:25 chocolateWorkers:max
  3732. req:mitosis
  3733. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3734. *mitosis1O
  3735. name:Mitosis
  3736. desc:why do i have to give birth why can't i just do my toast is<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3737. cost:500000 chocolate
  3738. passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 4
  3739. req:50 chocolateWorkers:max
  3740. req:mitosis1
  3741. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3745. *refinedRefineriesO
  3746. name:Fertilizer
  3747. desc:Enhance your trees' growth rates.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
  3748. cost:7500 chocolate
  3749. passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
  3750. req:refinedRefineries
  3751. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3752. req:1 refinery:max
  3753. *fasterGrindersO
  3754. name:Healthier seeds
  3755. desc:Make them healthier before they even start growing.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
  3756. cost:75000 chocolate
  3757. passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
  3758. req:10 refineries:max
  3759. req:fasterGrinders
  3760. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3761. *extraMixableO
  3762. name:Flavored water
  3763. desc:Drinking regular water every day must get boring.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
  3764. cost:750000 chocolate
  3765. passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
  3766. req:25 refineries:max
  3767. req:extraMixable
  3768. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3769. *chocosynthesisO
  3770. name:Chocosynthesis
  3771. desc:Convert sunlight into chocolate instead of sugar.<.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3772. cost:7500000 chocolate
  3773. passive:multiply yield of refinery by 4
  3774. req:50 refineries:max
  3775. req:chocosynthesis
  3776. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3780. *refinedRefineriesAO
  3781. name:Refined refineries
  3782. desc:Refined refineries refine refined-er chocolate.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
  3783. cost:112500 chocolate
  3784. passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
  3785. req:refinedRefineriesA
  3786. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3787. req:1 chocoFarm:max
  3788. *fasterGrindersAO
  3789. name:Faster grinders
  3790. desc:griiiiind<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
  3791. cost:1125000 chocolate
  3792. passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
  3793. req:10 chocoFarms:max
  3794. req:fasterGrindersA
  3795. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3796. *extraMixableAO
  3797. name:Extra mixable cocoa
  3798. desc:The liquid cocoa will mix more quickly with other ingredients.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
  3799. cost:11250000 chocolate
  3800. passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
  3801. req:25 chocoFarms:max
  3802. req:extraMixableA
  3803. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3804. *decombobulatorsO
  3805. name:Discombobulators
  3806. desc:An important part of chocolate discombobulation.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3807. cost:112500000 chocolate
  3808. passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 4
  3809. req:decombobulators
  3810. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3811. req:50 chocoFarms:max
  3815. *fastProcessorsO
  3816. name:Faster food processors
  3817. desc:Peanut butterers use faster food processors.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
  3818. cost:500 peanutButter
  3819. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
  3820. req:1 peanutButterer:max
  3821. req:fastProcessors
  3822. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3823. *softerPeanutsO
  3824. name:Softer peanuts
  3825. desc:Peanuts are softer, and can be processed faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
  3826. cost:5000 peanutButter
  3827. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
  3828. req:10 peanutButterers:max
  3829. req:softerPeanuts
  3830. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3831. *biggerProcessorsO
  3832. name:Bigger processors
  3833. desc:More room to shove your peanuts into.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
  3834. cost:50000 peanutButter
  3835. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
  3836. req:25 peanutButterers:max
  3837. req:biggerProcessors
  3838. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3839. *cProcessorsO
  3840. name:Computer processors
  3841. desc:Are you sure these'll work?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>4</b><.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3842. cost:500000 peanutButter
  3843. passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 4
  3844. req:50 peanutButterers:max
  3845. req:cProcessors
  3846. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3850. *movingAssemblyO
  3851. name:Better ratio
  3852. desc:Needs less pea and more nut!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
  3853. cost:7500 peanutButter
  3854. passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
  3855. req:1 pbFactory:max
  3856. req:movingAssembly
  3857. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3858. *factoredO
  3859. name:Wider nut variety
  3860. desc:More kinds of nuts to convert.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
  3861. cost:75000 peanutButter
  3862. passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
  3863. req:10 pbFactories:max
  3864. req:factored
  3865. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3866. *factorialO
  3867. name:Green bean converter
  3868. desc:Kinda similar to peas? I guess?<.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
  3869. cost:750000 peanutButter
  3870. req:25 pbFactories:max
  3871. passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
  3872. req:factorial
  3873. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3874. *secretIngredientO
  3875. name:Secret ingredient
  3876. desc:This Woman Found The Secret Ingredient To Quick Conversion! Peanut Butter Companies <b>HATE</b> Her! Click <b>HERE</b> To Find Out Her One Simple Trick!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3877. cost:7500000 peanutButter
  3878. req:50 pbFactories:max
  3879. passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 4
  3880. req:secretIngredient
  3881. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3885. *movingAssemblyAO
  3886. name:Moving assembly line
  3887. desc:Aren't these pretty much the default these days?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
  3888. cost:112500 peanutButter
  3889. passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
  3890. req:1 factories:max
  3891. req:movingAssembly
  3892. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3893. *factoredAO
  3894. name:Factored factories
  3895. desc:In simplest form.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
  3896. cost:1125000 peanutButter
  3897. passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
  3898. req:10 factories:max
  3899. req:factoredA
  3900. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3901. *factorialAO
  3902. name:Factorial factories
  3903. desc:Surprisingly, 200-40*2 is only 5!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
  3904. cost:11250000 peanutButter
  3905. req:25 factories:max
  3906. req:factorialA
  3907. passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
  3908. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3909. *scaleFactorO
  3910. name:Scale factor
  3911. desc:Dilated by a scale factor of 2.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3912. cost:112500000 peanutButter
  3913. req:50 factories:max
  3914. req:scaleFactor
  3915. passive:multiply yield of factories by 4
  3916. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3920. *triplersO
  3921. name:Triplers
  3922. desc:Get an extra bar of chocolate and jar of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
  3923. cost:1687500 chocolate
  3924. cost:1687500 peanutButter
  3925. req:1 replicator:max
  3926. req:triplers
  3927. icon:
  3928. passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
  3929. *quintuplersO
  3930. name:Quintuplers
  3931. desc:Get 3 extra bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
  3932. cost:16875000 chocolate
  3933. cost:16875000 peanutButter
  3934. req:10 replicators:max
  3935. req:quintuplers
  3936. icon:
  3937. passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
  3938. *nonuplersO
  3939. name:Nonuplers
  3940. desc:Get 7 extra bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
  3941. cost:168750000 chocolate
  3942. cost:168750000 peanutButter
  3943. req:25 replicators:max
  3944. req:nonuplers
  3945. icon:
  3946. passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
  3947. *tretrigintuplersO
  3948. name:Tretrigintuplers
  3949. desc:I couldn't quite fit the X in, sorry.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3950. cost:1687500000 chocolate
  3951. cost:1687500000 peanutButter
  3952. req:50 replicators:max
  3953. req:tretrigintuplers
  3954. icon:
  3955. passive:multiply yield of replicators by 4
  3959. *deeperExtractionO
  3960. name:Deeper extraction
  3961. desc:Go deeper into the planet's delicious, gooey core.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
  3962. cost:27000000 chocolate
  3963. cost:27000000 peanutButter
  3964. req:1 coreExtractor:max
  3965. req:deeperExtraction
  3966. icon:numbers[1,0]
  3967. passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
  3968. *coolersO
  3969. name:Coolers
  3970. desc:Make your scorching hot peanut butter and chocolate nice and cool. As a side effect, you may catch them using the latest trendy lingo.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
  3971. cost:270000000 chocolate
  3972. cost:270000000 peanutButter
  3973. req:10 coreExtractors:max
  3974. req:coolers
  3975. icon:numbers[2,0]
  3976. passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
  3977. *fasterTransportO
  3978. name:Faster transportation
  3979. desc:Sure takes a while for things to get from the core to the surface.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
  3980. cost:2700000000 chocolate
  3981. cost:2700000000 peanutButter
  3982. req:25 coreExtractors:max
  3983. req:fasterTransportation
  3984. icon:numbers[3,0]
  3985. passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
  3986. *otherPlanetsO
  3987. name:Other planets
  3988. desc:Extracting from other planets' cores has a much higher output! It's also less damaging to Earth but that's not what matters.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  3989. cost:27000000000 chocolate
  3990. cost:27000000000 peanutButter
  3991. req:50 coreExtractors:max
  3992. req:otherPlanets
  3993. icon:numbers[4,0]
  3994. passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 4
  3998. *quantumPBCO
  3999. name:Quantum peanut butter and chocolate
  4000. desc:It's quantum compatible!<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
  4001. cost:607500000 chocolate
  4002. cost:607500000 peanutButter
  4003. req:1 qDownloader:max
  4004. passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
  4005. req:quantumPBC
  4006. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4007. *gbWifiO
  4008. name:Gigabit Wi-Fi
  4009. desc:gotta download fast<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
  4010. cost:6075000000 chocolate
  4011. cost:6075000000 peanutButter
  4012. req:10 qDownloaders:max
  4013. passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
  4014. req:gbWifi
  4015. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4016. *qMechanicO
  4017. name:A quantum mechanic
  4018. desc:Fixes your quantum downloaders when they break.<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
  4019. cost:60750000000 chocolate
  4020. cost:60750000000 peanutButter
  4021. req:25 qDownloaders:max
  4022. passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
  4023. req:qMechanic
  4024. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4025. *qInternetO
  4026. name:Quantum internet
  4027. desc:At this point, why not just make everything quantum?<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  4028. cost:607500000000 chocolate
  4029. cost:607500000000 peanutButter
  4030. req:50 qDownloaders:max
  4031. passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 4
  4032. req:qInternet
  4033. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4037. *adsO
  4038. name:Advertisements
  4039. desc:Spread the word!<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
  4040. passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
  4041. req:ads
  4042. cost:13668750000 chocolate
  4043. cost:13668750000 peanutButter
  4044. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4045. *subliminalO
  4046. name:Subliminal messaging
  4047. desc:<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
  4048. passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
  4049. req:subliminal
  4050. cost:136687500000 chocolate
  4051. cost:136687500000 peanutButter
  4052. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4053. *hallucinogensO
  4054. name:Hallucinogens
  4055. desc:if I wasn't eating chocolate that whole time... what was I eating?<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
  4056. passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
  4057. req:hallucinogens
  4058. cost:1366875000000 chocolate
  4059. cost:1366875000000 peanutButter
  4060. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4061. *mindControlO
  4062. name:Mind control
  4063. desc:Put on your tinfoil hats!<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>4</b>.
  4064. passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 4
  4065. req:mindControl
  4066. cost:13668750000000 chocolate
  4067. cost:13668750000000 peanutButter
  4068. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4072. *nimbleFingersO
  4073. name:Nimble fingers
  4074. desc:Trim off the fat and get some muscle memory.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.
  4075. cost:1000 chocolate
  4076. cost:1000 peanutButter
  4077. cost:250 peanutCups
  4078. req:1 peanutCupper:max
  4079. passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
  4080. req:nimbleFingers
  4081. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4082. *cupManufacturersO
  4083. name:Cup manufacturers
  4084. desc:These guys have a lot of experience making cups. That should translate well into making peanut butter cups, right?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.
  4085. cost:10000 chocolate
  4086. cost:10000 peanutButter
  4087. cost:2500 peanutCups
  4088. req:10 peanutCuppers:max
  4089. passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
  4090. req:cupManufacturers
  4091. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4092. *chefsO
  4093. name:Chefs
  4094. desc:Cooks up some fresh peanut butter cups.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.<q>Are the peanut butter cups fresh or frozen?</q>
  4095. cost:100000 chocolate
  4096. cost:100000 peanutButter
  4097. cost:25000 peanutCups
  4098. req:25 peanutCuppers:max
  4099. req:chefs
  4100. passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
  4101. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4102. *magesO
  4103. desc:Casts spells on your peanut butter and chocolate to form peanut butter cups.<.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  4104. name:Mages
  4105. cost:1000000 chocolate
  4106. cost:1000000 peanutButter
  4107. cost:250000 peanutCups
  4108. req:50 peanutCuppers:max
  4109. req:mages
  4110. passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 4
  4111. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4115. *wcO
  4116. name:WC-50
  4117. desc:Makes things go.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
  4118. cost:15000 peanutCups
  4119. req:1 cupMachine:max
  4120. req:wc
  4121. passive:multiply yield of cupMachine by 2
  4122. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4123. *cheaperMetalO
  4124. name:Cheaper Metal
  4125. desc:Refineries, factories, and machines are <b>5%</b> cheaper.
  4126. cost:75000 peanutCups
  4127. passive:multiply cost of cupMachine by 0.95
  4128. passive:multiply cost of factory by 0.95
  4129. passive:multiply cost of chocoFarm by 0.95
  4130. req:5 cupMachines:max
  4131. req:10 factories:max
  4132. req:10 chocoFarms:max
  4133. req:cheaperMetal
  4134. icon:
  4135. *lighterMachineryO
  4136. name:Lighter Machinery
  4137. cost:150000 peanutCups
  4138. desc:Try our new weight loss programs for machines!<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
  4139. req:10 cupMachines:max
  4140. passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
  4141. req:lighterMachinery
  4142. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4143. *hqCogsO
  4144. name:High quality cogs
  4145. cost:1500000 peanutCups
  4146. desc:For smoother rotation.<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
  4147. passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
  4148. req:hqCogs
  4149. req:25 cupMachines:max
  4150. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4151. *microMachinesO
  4152. name:Micro-machines
  4153. cost:15000000 peanutCups
  4154. desc:These can move anything anywhere, with ease. If you can think it, they can do it. The only limit is your imagination.<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  4155. req:microMachines
  4156. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4157. req:50 cupMachines:max
  4158. passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
  4162. *fasterPrintingO
  4163. name:Faster printers
  4164. desc:The printhead can move faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
  4165. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4166. cost:175000 peanutCups
  4167. passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
  4168. req:fasterPrinting
  4169. req:1 printer:max
  4170. *optimizedModelsO
  4171. name:Optimized models
  4172. desc:These more efficient models will cut printing time in half.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
  4173. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4174. cost:1750000 peanutCups
  4175. passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
  4176. req:optimizedModels
  4177. req:10 printers:max
  4178. *biggerFeederO
  4179. name:Bigger material feeder
  4180. desc:With this, you won't need to refill your printer as often.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
  4181. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4182. cost:17500000 peanutCups
  4183. passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
  4184. req:biggerFeeder
  4185. req:25 printers:max
  4186. *biggerPrintheadO
  4187. name:Bigger printhead
  4188. desc:Your printers can squirt out more stuff at once.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  4189. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4190. cost:175000000 peanutCups
  4191. passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
  4192. req:biggerPrinthead
  4193. req:50 printers:max
  4197. *largeStomachO
  4198. name:Large stomach
  4199. desc:Pukers can hold more peanut butter and chocolate in their stomach.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
  4200. cost:2000000 peanutCups
  4201. req:1 cupVomiter:max
  4202. passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
  4203. req:largeStomach
  4204. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4205. *fastDigestionO
  4206. name:Fast digestion
  4207. desc:Pukers digest faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
  4208. cost:20000000 peanutCups
  4209. req:10 cupVomiters:max
  4210. req:fastDigestion
  4211. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4212. passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
  4213. *defecationO
  4214. name:Defecation
  4215. desc:Even more gross. Still safe, though. Probably.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
  4216. cost:200000000 peanutCups
  4217. req:25 cupVomiters:max
  4218. req:defecation
  4219. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4220. passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
  4221. *inhaleO
  4222. name:Inhale ability
  4223. desc:Sucks in the peanut butter and chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  4224. cost:2000000000 peanutCups
  4225. req:50 cupVomiters:max
  4226. req:inhale
  4227. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4228. passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 4
  4232. *breakdownO
  4233. name:Molecular breakdown
  4234. desc:Breaking down molecules makes them easier to rearrange.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
  4235. cost:25000000 peanutCups
  4236. req:1 rearranger:max
  4237. passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
  4238. req:breakdown
  4239. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4240. *noclipO
  4241. name:I accidentally left this name as a placeholder for a long time so I'll just leave this here as a monument to my forgetfulness
  4242. desc:At least I won't have to think of a name now.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
  4243. cost:250000000 peanutCups
  4244. req:10 rearrangers:max
  4245. passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
  4246. req:noclip
  4247. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4248. *chocolateMoleculesO
  4249. name:Chocolate molecules
  4250. desc:Chocolate can now be made with a single type of molecule.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
  4251. cost:2500000000 peanutCups
  4252. req:25 rearrangers:max
  4253. passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
  4254. req:chocolateMolecules
  4255. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4256. *quantumTunnelingO
  4257. name:Quantum tunneling
  4258. desc:Molecules go straight through each other.<.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  4259. cost:25000000000 peanutCups
  4260. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4261. req:50 rearrangers:max
  4262. req:quantumTunneling
  4263. passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 4
  4267. *betterBargainingO
  4268. name:Better bargaining
  4269. desc:Best I can do is 20 peanut butter cups.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
  4270. cost:300000000 peanutCups
  4271. req:1 rocketShip:max
  4272. passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
  4273. req:betterBargaining
  4274. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4275. *hotDealsO
  4276. name:Hot deals
  4277. desc:50% off!<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
  4278. cost:3000000000 peanutCups
  4279. req:10 rocketShips:max
  4280. passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
  4281. req:hotDeals
  4282. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4283. *memberCardO
  4284. name:Membership card
  4285. desc:Get rewarded for your loyalty.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
  4286. cost:30000000000 peanutCups
  4287. req:25 rocketShips:max
  4288. passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
  4289. req:memberCard
  4290. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4291. *hyperDriveO
  4292. name:Hyperdrive
  4293. desc:The key to fast, efficient space travel.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  4294. cost:300000000000 peanutCups
  4295. passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 4
  4296. req:50 rocketShips:max
  4297. req:hyperDrive
  4298. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4302. *fasterPortalsO
  4303. name:Faster portals
  4304. desc:Skip the cutscene for going through a portal.<//><.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
  4305. cost:3250000000 peanutCups
  4306. req:1 cupPortal:max
  4307. passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
  4308. req:fasterPortals
  4309. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4310. *betterDimensionO
  4311. name:Better dimension
  4312. desc:Turns out whatever was in that other dimension was slacking off.<//><.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
  4313. cost:32500000000 peanutCups
  4314. req:10 cupPortals:max
  4315. passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
  4316. req:betterDimension
  4317. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4318. *theCakeO
  4319. name:The cake
  4320. desc:It's a lie. This is the pinnacle of low-hanging fruit.<.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
  4321. cost:325000000000 peanutCups
  4322. req:25 cupPortals:max
  4323. passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
  4324. req:theCake
  4325. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4326. *fourthDimensionO
  4327. name:Fourth dimension
  4328. desc:The thrilling sequel to the third dimension.<.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  4329. cost:3250000000000 peanutCups
  4330. req:50 cupPortals:max
  4331. passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 4
  4332. req:fourthDimension
  4333. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4337. *biggerBoxesO
  4338. name:Bigger boxes
  4339. desc:We're gonna need a bigger box?<//><.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
  4340. cost:35000000000 peanutCups
  4341. req:1 mysteryBox:max
  4342. passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
  4343. req:biggerBoxes
  4344. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4345. *addedMysteryO
  4346. name:Added mystery
  4347. desc:The suspense is killing me.<//><.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
  4348. cost:350000000000 peanutCups
  4349. req:10 mysteryBoxes:max
  4350. passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
  4351. req:addedMystery
  4352. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4353. *schrodingersCatO
  4354. name:Schrodinger's cat
  4355. desc:Just hangs out in the mystery box with your peanut butter and chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
  4356. cost:3500000000000 peanutCups
  4357. req:25 mysteryBoxes:max
  4358. passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
  4359. req:schrodingersCat
  4360. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4361. *boxSquaredO
  4362. name:Mystery box²
  4363. desc:Send mystery boxes full of peanut butter cups through other mystery boxes.<.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  4364. cost:35000000000000 peanutCups
  4365. req:boxSquared
  4366. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4370. *bingBongO
  4371. name:Bing bong theory
  4372. desc:Bazoomba<//><.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
  4373. cost:400000000000 peanutCups
  4374. req:bingBong
  4375. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4376. *ropeTheoryO
  4377. name:Rope theory
  4378. desc:Because strings are far too small.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
  4379. cost:4000000000000 peanutCups
  4380. req:ropeTheory
  4381. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4382. *scientificScienceO
  4383. name:Scientific science
  4384. desc:It just wasn't quite scientific enough before.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
  4385. cost:40000000000000 peanutCups
  4386. req:scientificScience
  4387. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4388. *subsubAtomicO
  4389. name:Subsubatomic particles
  4390. desc:What <i>really</i> makes up the universe.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  4391. cost:400000000000000 peanutCups
  4392. req:subsubAtomic
  4393. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4397. *suckierHolesO
  4398. name:Suckier holes
  4399. desc:uhh<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>2</b>.
  4400. cost:6789012345670 peanutCups
  4401. req:1 bhExtractor:max
  4402. req:suckierHoles
  4403. passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
  4404. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4405. *eventfulHorizonsO
  4406. name:More eventful horizons
  4407. desc:Action-packed!<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>2</b>.
  4408. cost:67890123456701 peanutCups
  4409. req:10 bhExtractors:max
  4410. passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
  4411. req:eventfulHorizons
  4412. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4413. *antiSpaghettiO
  4414. name:Spaghettification prevention
  4415. desc:Do I make a "hope she made lotsa spaghetti" joke or a "somebody toucha my spaghet" joke?
  4416. cost:678901234567012 peanutCups
  4417. req:25 bhExtractors:max
  4418. passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
  4419. req:antiSpaghetti
  4420. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4421. *galacticCoresO
  4422. name:Galactic cores
  4423. desc:As some of the most massive black holes in the universe, these can have entire galaxies orbiting them. They should do the trick.<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>4</b>.<i>End of tier 1</i>
  4424. cost:6789012345670123 peanutCups
  4425. req:50 bhExtractor:max
  4426. passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 4
  4427. req:galacticCores
  4428. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4432. *longRangeO
  4433. name:Long-range anomalies
  4434. desc:Convert things from <i>coast to coast</i>.<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
  4435. cost:115000000000000 peanutCups
  4436. passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
  4437. req:longRange
  4438. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4439. *blindSpotsO
  4440. name:Blind spots
  4441. desc:Wow, you're so insensitive (to light)<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
  4442. cost:1150000000000000 peanutCups
  4443. passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
  4444. req:blindSpots
  4445. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4446. *loweredFOVO
  4447. name:Lowered FOV
  4448. desc:I'm sure no one will notice.<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
  4449. cost:11500000000000000 peanutCups
  4450. passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
  4451. req:loweredFOV
  4452. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4453. *instantConversionO
  4454. name:Instant conversion
  4455. desc:The mere blink of an eye could get your peanut butter and chocolate converted!<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
  4456. cost:115000000000000000 peanutCups
  4457. passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
  4458. req:instantConversion
  4459. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4463. Achievements
  4464. *TEMPLATE
  4465. no text
  4466. class:smallThing
  4467. on click:
  4468. if (clickAnimation=1)
  4469. anim icon wobble2
  4470. anim wobble2
  4471. end
  4472. if (clickAnimation=2)
  4473. anim icon bounceOnce
  4474. anim bounceOnce
  4475. end
  4476. if (clickAnimation=3)
  4477. anim icon plop
  4478. anim plop
  4479. end
  4480. if (clickAnimation=4)
  4481. anim icon wiggling2
  4482. anim wiggling
  4483. end
  4484. if (clickAnimation=5)
  4485. anim icon wobbleSlow
  4486. anim wobbleSlow
  4487. end
  4488. end
  4489. tag:achievement
  4490. on earn:yield 1 achievPoint
  4491. no text
  4492. *itBegins
  4493. name:It begins
  4494. desc:Who would win? Your free time VS. one <i>i d l e b o i</i><//><.>Make peanut butter and chocolate.
  4495. req:1 peanutButter
  4496. req:1 chocolate
  4497. icon:
  4498. *upandCup
  4499. name:Get up and cup
  4500. desc:Make your first peanut butter cup.
  4501. req:1 peanutCup:earned
  4502. icon:
  4503. class:hue25 smallThing
  4504. *eatemUp
  4505. name:Eat em up
  4506. desc:The flavor you savor.<//><.>Make <b>1,000</b> peanut butter cups.
  4507. req:1000 peanutCups:earned
  4508. icon:
  4509. class:hue50 smallThing
  4510. *pbchocolateFlavor
  4511. name:Peanut butter chocolate flavor
  4512. desc:What you wake up to.<//><.>Make <b>100,000</b> peanut butter cups.
  4513. req:100000 peanutCups:earned
  4514. icon:
  4515. class:hue75 smallThing
  4516. *peanutbuttercupHead
  4517. name:Peanut butter cuphead
  4518. desc:The peanut butter dark souls of achievements!<//><.>Make <b>1,000,000</b> peanut butter cups.
  4519. req:1000000 peanutCups:earned
  4520. icon:
  4521. class:hue100 smallThing
  4522. *massProduce
  4523. name:Mass produce
  4524. desc:Like the vegetables?<//><.>Make <b>100,000,000</b> peanut butter cups.
  4525. req:100000000 peanutCups:earned
  4526. icon:
  4527. class:hue125 smallThing
  4528. *aLot
  4529. name:A lot
  4530. desc:Exactly 1 lot.<//><.>Make <b>1 billion</b> peanut butter cups.
  4531. req:1000000000 peanutCups:earned
  4532. icon:
  4533. class:hue150 smallThing
  4534. *plenty
  4535. name:Plenty
  4536. desc:Yep.<//><.>Make <b>100 billion</b> peanut butter cups.
  4537. req:100000000000 peanutCups:earned
  4538. icon:
  4539. class:hue175 smallThing
  4540. *lifeSupply
  4541. name:Lifetime supply
  4542. desc:Maybe even more.<//><.>Make <b>1 trillion</b> peanut butter cups.
  4543. req:1000000000000 peanutCups:earned
  4544. icon:
  4545. class:hue200 smallThing
  4546. *Surplus
  4547. name:Surplus
  4548. desc:Definitely more than you need.<//><.>Make <b>100 trillion</b> peanut butter cups.
  4549. req:100000000000000 peanutCups:earned
  4550. icon:
  4551. class:hue225 smallThing
  4552. *notEnough
  4553. name:Yet still not enough
  4554. desc:Apparently.<.>Make <b>1 quadrillion</b> peanut butter cups.
  4555. req:1e15 peanutCups:earned
  4556. icon:
  4557. class:hue250 smallThing
  4558. *pbInTheChocolate
  4559. name:You put the PB in the chocolate
  4560. desc:And eat 'em both together.<.>Make <b>100 quadrillion</b> peanut butter cups.
  4561. req:1e17 peanutCups:earned
  4562. icon:
  4563. class:hue275 smallThing
  4564. *loadsofCups
  4565. name:Lods of echocolat
  4566. desc:what's that spell?<.>Make <b>1 quintillion</b> peanut butter cups.
  4567. req:1e18 peanutCups:earned
  4568. icon:
  4569. class:hue300 smallThing
  4570. *hired
  4571. name:You're Hired
  4572. desc:Hire all 3 types of workers.
  4573. req:1 peanutButterer
  4574. req:1 chocolateWorker
  4575. req:1 peanutCupper
  4576. icon:
  4577. *hardlyWorking
  4578. name:Hardly working
  4579. desc:Hire <b>10</b> chocolate workers.
  4580. req:10 chocolateWorker
  4581. icon:
  4582. class:hue25 smallThing
  4583. *workingHard
  4584. name:Working hard
  4585. desc:Hire <b>25</b> chocolate workers.
  4586. req:25 chocolateWorkers
  4587. icon:
  4588. class:hue50 smallThing
  4589. *employer
  4590. name:Employer
  4591. desc:Hire <b>50</b> chocolate workers.
  4592. req:50 chocolateWorkers
  4593. icon:
  4594. class:hue75 smallThing
  4595. *treeFarmer
  4596. name:Homegrown
  4597. desc:Have <b>1</b> chocolate farm.
  4598. icon:
  4599. req:1 refinery
  4600. *homegrown
  4601. name:Tree farmer
  4602. desc:Have <b>10</b> chocolate farms.
  4603. icon:
  4604. req:10 refinery
  4605. class:hue25 smallThing
  4606. *acres
  4607. name:Acres upon acres
  4608. desc:Have <b>25</b> chocolate farms.
  4609. icon:
  4610. req:25 refinery
  4611. class:hue50 smallThing
  4612. *hectares
  4613. name:Hectares upon hectares
  4614. desc:Have <b>50</b> chocolate farms.
  4615. icon:
  4616. req:50 refinery
  4617. class:hue75 smallThing
  4618. *refinedTaste
  4619. name:Refined taste
  4620. desc:Have <b>1</b> chocolate refinery.
  4621. icon:
  4622. req:1 chocoFarm
  4623. *groundBeans
  4624. name:Ground beans
  4625. desc:Also known as bean mince or minced beans.<.>Have <b>10</b> chocolate refineries.
  4626. icon:
  4627. req:10 chocoFarms
  4628. class:hue25 smallThing
  4629. *dailyGrind
  4630. name:The daily grind
  4631. desc:Have <b>25</b> chocolate refineries.
  4632. icon:
  4633. req:25 chocoFarms
  4634. class:hue50 smallThing
  4635. *captainConch
  4636. name:Captain Conch
  4637. desc:<i>Conchatize me</i><.>Have <b>50</b> chocolate refineries.<.>someone's gotta know what conching is, right?
  4638. icon:
  4639. req:50 chocoFarms
  4640. class:hue75 smallThing
  4641. *peanutButtered
  4642. name:Peanut buttered
  4643. desc:Hire <b>10</b> peanut butterers.
  4644. icon:
  4645. req:10 peanutButterers
  4646. class:hue25 smallThing
  4647. *creamy
  4648. name:Creamy
  4649. desc:Mmm-mmm... creamy.<.>Hire <b>25</b> peanut butterers.<.>this icon is O g r e C o l o r e d (if you have CSS filters on)
  4650. icon:
  4651. req:25 peanutButterers
  4652. class:hue50 smallThing
  4653. *crunchy
  4654. name:Crunchy
  4655. desc:Delicious crunch flavor.<.>Hire <b>50</b> peanut butterers.
  4656. icon:
  4657. req:50 peanutButterers
  4658. class:hue75 smallThing
  4659. *converted
  4660. name:Converted to converting
  4661. desc:Have <b>1</b> peas and nuts converter.
  4662. icon:
  4663. req:1 pbFactory
  4664. *theyreBack
  4666. desc:FOR THE ULTIMATE KART RACING ADVENTURE<.>Have <b>10</b> peas and nuts converters.
  4667. icon:
  4668. req:10 pnConverters
  4669. class:hue25 smallThing
  4670. *peaSandnuts
  4671. name:Pea sand nuts
  4672. desc:Don't misplace the space<.>Have <b>25</b> peas and nuts converters.
  4673. icon:
  4674. req:25 pnConverters
  4675. class:hue50 smallThing
  4676. *peaceandNuts
  4677. name:Peace and nuts
  4678. desc:Your peas and nuts have brought peace among worlds.<.>Have <b>50</b> peas and nuts converters.
  4679. icon:
  4680. req:50 pnConverters
  4681. class:hue75 smallThing
  4682. *manufacturer
  4683. name:Manufacturer
  4684. desc:Have <b>1</b> peanut butter factory.
  4685. req:1 factory
  4686. icon:
  4687. *producer
  4688. name:Producer
  4689. desc:Have <b>10</b> peanut butter factories.
  4690. req:10 factory
  4691. icon:
  4692. class:hue25 smallThing
  4693. *GCF
  4694. name:Greatest common factor
  4695. desc:Yet this joke is the lowest common denominator.<.>Have <b>25</b> peanut butter factories.
  4696. req:25 factory
  4697. icon:
  4698. class:hue50 smallThing
  4699. *FOIL
  4700. name:Using FOIL
  4701. desc:Yep, these are all gonna be math-related. Woohoo.<.>Have <b>50</b> peanut butter factories.
  4702. req:50 factory
  4703. icon:
  4704. class:hue75 smallThing
  4705. *easytoReplicate
  4706. name:Easy to replicate
  4707. desc:Helpful when finding and fixing bugs.<.>Have <b>1</b> replicator.
  4708. req:1 replicator
  4709. icon:
  4710. *replicants
  4711. name:Replicants
  4712. desc:Nearly identical to peanut butter cups, but with superior tastiness, chocolatiness, and healthiness.<.>Have <b>10</b> replicators.
  4713. req:10 replicators
  4714. icon:
  4715. class:hue25 smallThing
  4716. *cloneWars
  4717. name:Clone wars
  4718. desc:You might have heard of these a little while ago in a neighboring galaxy.<.>Have <b>25</b> replicators.
  4719. icon:
  4720. class:hue50 smallThing
  4721. req:25 replicators
  4722. *doubleDouble
  4723. name:Double-double
  4724. desc:It's a real shame if you don't live anywhere with an In-N-Out. Unless you have A&W. I like that too.<.>Have <b>50</b> replicators.
  4725. icon:
  4726. req:50 replicators
  4727. class:hue75 smallThing
  4728. *pbcExtract
  4729. name:Peanut butter and chocolate extract
  4730. desc:Have <b>1</b> core extractor.
  4731. req:1 coreExtractor
  4732. icon:
  4733. *deepDish
  4734. name:Deep dish
  4735. desc:Straight from Chicago.<.>Have <b>10</b> core extractors.
  4736. req:10 coreExtractors
  4737. icon:
  4738. class:hue25 smallThing
  4739. *superHeated
  4740. name:Superheated
  4741. desc:Have <b>25</b> core extractors.
  4742. req:25 coreExtractors
  4743. icon:
  4744. class:hue50 smallThing
  4745. *commonCore
  4746. name:Common core
  4747. desc:<.>Have <b>50</b> core extractors.
  4748. req:50 coreExtractors
  4749. icon:
  4750. class:hue75 smallThing
  4751. *peanutbutterCupped
  4752. name:Peanut butter cupped
  4753. desc:Hire <b>10</b> peanut butter cuppers.
  4754. icon:
  4755. req:10 peanutCuppers
  4756. class:hue25 smallThing
  4757. *cuppitize
  4758. name:Peanut butter cuppitized
  4759. desc:Hire <b>25</b> peanut butter cuppers.
  4760. icon:
  4761. req:25 peanutCuppers
  4762. class:hue50 smallThing
  4763. *cuppinated
  4764. name:Peanut butter cuppinated
  4765. desc:-inator-inator-inator<.>Hire <b>50</b> peanut butter cuppers.
  4766. icon:
  4767. req:50 peanutCuppers
  4768. class:hue75 smallThing
  4769. *automated
  4770. name:Automated
  4771. desc:Have <b>1</b> peanut butter cup machine.
  4772. icon:
  4773. req:1 cupMachine
  4774. *automagical
  4775. name:Automagical
  4776. desc:It's magic!<.>Have <b>10</b> peanut butter cup machines.
  4777. icon:
  4778. req:10 cupMachines
  4779. class:sepiahue25 smallThing
  4780. *burningQuestion
  4781. name:If a bakery is a place where baked goods are made, is a machinery a place where machines are made?
  4782. desc:Top 10 Questions Scientists Still Can't Answer<.>Have <b>25</b> peanut butter cup machines.
  4783. icon:
  4784. req:25 cupMachines
  4785. class:sepiahue50 smallThing
  4786. *cognitive
  4787. name:Cog-nitive
  4788. desc:Hopefully not dissonance.<.>Have <b>50</b> peanut butter cup machines.
  4789. icon:
  4790. req:50 cupMachines
  4791. class:sepiahue75 smallThing
  4792. *futureisNow
  4793. name:The future is now
  4794. desc:Have <b>1</b> 3D printer.
  4795. icon:
  4796. req:1 printer
  4797. *futurewasyesterday
  4798. name:The future was yesterday
  4799. desc:Well that came and went pretty quickly.<.>Have <b>10</b> 3D printers.
  4800. icon:
  4801. req:10 printers
  4802. class:hue25 smallThing
  4803. *printShop
  4804. name:Print shop
  4805. desc:Have <b>25</b> 3D printers.
  4806. icon:
  4807. req:25 printers
  4808. class:hue50 smallThing
  4809. *inPrint
  4810. name:In print
  4811. desc:Better not be in cursive!<.>Have <b>50</b> 3D printers.
  4812. icon:
  4813. req:50 printers
  4814. class:hue75 smallThing
  4815. *appetizing
  4816. name:Appetizing
  4817. desc:Have <b>1</b> puker.
  4818. icon:
  4819. req:1 cupVomiter
  4820. *cupatemesis
  4821. name:Cupatemesis
  4822. desc:<.>Have <b>10</b> pukers.
  4823. icon:
  4824. req:10 cupVomiters
  4825. class:hue25 smallThing
  4826. *vomitAlready
  4827. name:Vomit on his sweater already
  4828. desc:Mom's cup-etti? I dunno<.>Have <b>25</b> pukers.
  4829. icon:
  4830. req:25 cupVomiters
  4831. class:hue50 smallThing
  4832. *tooMuchToStomach
  4833. name:Too much to stomach
  4834. desc:Have <b>50</b> pukers.
  4835. icon:
  4836. req:50 cupVomiters
  4837. class:hue75 smallThing
  4838. *makingArrangements
  4839. name:Making arrangements
  4840. desc:Have <b>1</b> molecular rearranger.
  4841. icon:
  4842. req:1 rearranger
  4843. *reorganization
  4844. name:Molecular reorganization
  4845. desc:blah blah organization is important!!!<.>Have <b>10</b> molecular rearrangers.
  4846. icon:
  4847. req:10 rearrangers
  4848. class:hue25 smallThing
  4849. *reschedule
  4850. name:Rescheduling
  4851. desc:Because those arrangements didn't work out.<.>Have <b>25</b> molecular rearrangers.
  4852. icon:
  4853. req:25 rearrangers
  4854. class:hue50 smallThing
  4855. *molecularLevel
  4856. name:The Molecular Level
  4857. desc:Have <b>50</b> molecular rearrangers
  4858. icon:
  4859. req:50 rearrangers
  4860. class:hue50 smallThing
  4861. *cupsinSpace
  4862. name:T minus 10
  4863. desc:Have <b>1</b> trade spaceship.
  4864. icon:
  4865. req:1 rocketShip
  4866. *blastOff
  4867. name:Blast off
  4868. desc:Have <b>10</b> trade spaceship.
  4869. icon:
  4870. req:10 rocketShips
  4871. class:hue25 smallThing
  4872. *inSpace
  4873. name:Cups in Space
  4874. desc:Have <b>25</b> trade spaceship.
  4875. icon:
  4876. req:25 rocketShips
  4877. class:hue50 smallThing
  4878. *tradeRoute
  4879. name:Trade routes established
  4880. desc:<.>Have <b>50</b> trade spaceship.
  4881. icon:
  4882. req:50 rocketShips
  4883. class:hue75 smallThing
  4884. *interDimensional
  4885. name:Interdimensional
  4886. desc:Have <b>1</b> portal.
  4887. req:1 cupPortal
  4888. icon:
  4889. *perpendicular
  4890. name:A perpendicular universe
  4891. desc:What's so great about all those parallel ones anyway?<.>Have <b>10</b> portals.
  4892. req:10 cupPortals
  4893. icon:
  4894. class:hue25 smallThing
  4895. *worldsCollide
  4896. name:When worlds collide
  4897. desc:Have <b>25<b> portals.
  4898. req:25 cupPortals
  4899. icon:
  4900. class:hue50 smallThing
  4901. *ARG
  4902. name:Alternate reality game
  4903. desc:I really don't understand this name.<.>Have <b>50</b> portals.
  4904. req:50 cupPortals
  4905. icon:
  4906. class:hue75 smallThing
  4907. *mysterious
  4908. name:Mysterious
  4909. desc:Have <b>1</b> mystery box.
  4910. req:1 mysteryBox
  4911. icon:
  4912. *whatsInTheBox
  4913. name:What's in the box?
  4914. desc:It's... a bad joke!<.>Have <b>10</b> mystery boxes.
  4915. req:10 mysteryBox
  4916. icon:
  4917. class:sepiahue25 smallThing
  4918. *interrogative
  4919. name:Interrogative
  4920. desc:Make sure it's not derogative.<.>Have <b>25</b> mystery boxes.
  4921. req:25 mysteryBox
  4922. icon:
  4923. class:sepiahue50 smallThing
  4924. *wot
  4925. name:?̣̣̭͓̞̻̳̋͆͂̐ͥ͠ͅ?̧̼̘̻̯̩̲͓̖̔͑̿͊̄ͪ̚?̵̻͈̝̦̱̓̋͊?̶̦̪̉̒̏̀͟͝?̘̱͇͉̯͕̞͆ͫ͘?͈̤̳̍͊ͥ͊ͫ?͈̖͈͔͛̐ͨ͆ͮͣ͞͠?͈̣̖̭͈̩͌?̬̰̺̰̲̃̀ͥͤͧ̇̈́?̨̯̘ͩ̓̎ͩͧ͂͆ͅ
  4926. desc:k͜͏j̵͝͡a̡͝w̧̢̕hk̨j͜d̀͞h̢͜͡k̸ j͞h̵́k҉͟͞h͘la̷͠j̡wh͞҉l̸͢jl͡j̶͘áh̵͏͘l͡͡wj ͏͢͞h͝҉̡l̴̕͘ ͠ḑ̵j̕͞h̸͢͠l͏́j̕á̡h̶<.>H̛ávé <b>50</b> mýst͠e̴ry ̶b̵o̴xe̡s̶.
  4927. req:50 mysteryBox
  4928. icon:
  4929. class:sepiahue75 smallThing
  4930. *sciencingBegins
  4931. name:The sciencing begins
  4932. desc:Have <b>1</b> subatomic moleculizer of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
  4933. req:1 subAtomic
  4934. icon:
  4935. *particules
  4936. name:Partícules
  4937. desc:The lesser-known brother of Hercules.<.>Have <b>10</b> subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
  4938. req:10 subAtomic
  4939. icon:
  4940. class:hue25 smallThing
  4941. *participles
  4942. name:Participles
  4943. desc:They tend to dangle.<.>Have <b>25</b> subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
  4944. req:25 subAtomic
  4945. icon:
  4946. class:hue50 smallThing
  4947. *negativeKelvin
  4948. name:-1 Kelvin
  4949. desc:A tad brisk.<.>Have <b>50</b> subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
  4950. req:50 subAtomic
  4951. icon:
  4952. class:hue75 smallThing
  4953. *minuteMinutes
  4954. name:Minute minutes
  4955. desc:That's pronounced "my newt minits"<.>Play for <b>10 minutes</b>.
  4956. req:10 minutesPlayed
  4957. icon:numbers[1,0]
  4958. *minuteMaid
  4959. name:Minute Maid
  4960. desc:This maid has 60 whole minutes!<.>Play for <b>1 hour</b>.
  4961. req:60 minutesPlayed
  4962. icon:numbers[2,0]
  4963. *quarterDay
  4964. name:Quarter day
  4965. desc:Time is a valuable thing, you know.<.>Play for <b>6 hours</b>.
  4966. req:360 minutesPlayed
  4967. icon:numbers[3,0]
  4968. *halfDay
  4969. name:Half day
  4970. desc:Early release!<.>Play for <b>12 hours</b>.
  4971. req:720 minutesPlayed
  4972. icon:numbers[4,0]
  4973. *aDay
  4974. name:A day
  4975. desc:Watch the clock count down to the end of the day...<.>Play for <b>1 day</b>.
  4976. req:1440 minutesPlayed
  4977. icon:numbers[5,0]
  4978. *artificialLength
  4979. name:Artificial length
  4980. desc:play my game more please<.>Play for <b>3 and a half days</b>.
  4981. req:5040 minutesPlayed
  4982. icon:numbers[6,0]
  4983. *stillHere
  4984. name:You're still here?
  4985. desc:Watch time fly by as the pendulum swings.<.>Play for <b>1 week</b>.
  4986. req:10080 minutesPlayed
  4987. icon:
  4988. icon:numbers[7,0]
  4989. *aBreak
  4990. name:Taking a break
  4991. desc:Avoid clicking for <b>1 hour</b>.
  4992. req:3600 noClickSeconds
  4993. icon:
  4994. *dayOff
  4995. name:Day off
  4996. desc:Avoid clicking for <b>1 day</b>.
  4997. req:86400 noClickSeconds
  4998. icon:
  4999. *3dayweekend
  5000. name:3 day weekend
  5001. desc:Avoid clicking for <b>3 days</b>.
  5002. req:259200 noClickSeconds
  5003. icon:
  5004. *trueIdler
  5005. name:True idler
  5006. desc:Avoid clicking for <b>1 week</b>.
  5007. req:604800 noClickSeconds
  5008. icon:
  5010. *TEMPLATE
  5011. no text
  5012. class:smallThing
  5013. on click:
  5014. if (clickAnimation=1)
  5015. anim icon wobble2
  5016. anim wobble2
  5017. end
  5018. if (clickAnimation=2)
  5019. anim icon bounceOnce
  5020. anim bounceOnce
  5021. end
  5022. if (clickAnimation=3)
  5023. anim icon plop
  5024. anim plop
  5025. end
  5026. if (clickAnimation=4)
  5027. anim icon wiggling2
  5028. anim wiggling
  5029. end
  5030. if (clickAnimation=5)
  5031. anim icon wobbleSlow
  5032. anim wobbleSlow
  5033. end
  5034. end
  5035. tag:secret
  5036. on earn:yield 1 secretPoint
  5037. *notaButton
  5038. name:That's no button
  5039. desc:What were you expecting?<//><.>Click the peanut butter cup.<.>Unlocks <b>peanut butter cup clicking.</b>
  5040. icon:
  5041. req:1 coolResource:earned
  5042. *stop
  5043. name:Stop that
  5044. desc:What do you hope to accomplish?<//><.>Click the peanut butter cup <b>50</b> times.
  5045. icon:numbers[2,0]
  5046. req:50 coolResource:earned
  5047. *whyThough
  5048. name:Why though?
  5049. desc:Just to get that secret counter up, I guess...<//><.>Click the peanut butter cup <b>250</b> times.<.>This is the last one by the way, don't waste your time
  5050. icon:numbers[3,0]
  5051. req:250 coolResource:earned
  5052. *specificAchiev
  5053. name:Unnecessarily specific
  5054. desc:No way you figured this out on your own.<.>Have exactly <b>12</b> chocolate workers, <b>16</b> peas and nuts converters, and <b>22</b> replicators at once.
  5055. req:chocolateWorkers=12
  5056. req:pbFactories=16
  5057. req:replicators=22
  5058. icon:
  5059. tag:secret
  5060. *statClicker
  5061. name:Stat clicker
  5062. desc:That wasn't so hard.<.>Click the stat <b>25</b> times.
  5063. req:25 thisstatClicks
  5064. on earn:hide thisstatClicks
  5065. icon:
  5066. *loss
  5067. name:Loss
  5068. desc:.jpg<.>At any time, use up more peanut butter or chocolate than you can produce.<.>Unlocks <b>gainful pain.</b>
  5069. req:chocolate:ps<0 or peanutButter:ps<0
  5070. icon:
  5071. on earn:yield gainfulPain
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