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- name:Peanut Butter Cupper
- by:morkysherk
- desc:Make some tasty peanut butter cups!<.>Created on <b>December 2nd, 2017</b><.>Last updated on <b>April 2nd, 2018</b>
- forum post:16768
- //hello
- Settings
- tiling background:
- spritesheet:numbers, 48 by 48,
- spritesheet:hat, 48 by 48,
- spritesheet:cursor, 48 by 48,
- building cost refund: 60%
- stylesheet:
- Buttons
- class:inFront
- *chocoButton
- name:Chocolate Button
- desc:Click to make more chocolate!
- icon:
- on click:
- if (buttonAnimation=1) anim icon wobble2
- if (buttonAnimation=2) anim icon bounceOnce
- if (buttonAnimation=3) anim icon plop
- if (buttonAnimation=4) anim icon wiggling2
- if (buttonAnimation=5) anim icon wobbleSlow
- end
- no text
- on click:yield 1 chocolate
- on click:if (chance(min(20,(0.3+(chanceIncreases*0.03)))%)) yield 1 goldBeanPod
- on click:if (have combinedClicking) yield 0.5 peanutButter
- on click:if (have peanutcupClicking) yield (1/3) peanutCups
- on click:if (aaa<1) yield 1 aaa
- on click:
- noClickSeconds=0
- end
- class:bigButton redFlares
- tag:cButton
- *pButton
- name:Peanut Butter Button
- desc:Click to make more peanut butter!
- on click:
- if (buttonAnimation=1) anim icon wobble2
- if (buttonAnimation=2) anim icon bounceOnce
- if (buttonAnimation=3) anim icon plop
- if (buttonAnimation=4) anim icon wiggling2
- if (buttonAnimation=5) anim icon wobbleSlow
- end
- no text
- on click:yield 1 peanutButter
- on click:if (chance(min(25,(0.3+(chanceIncreases*0.03)))%)) yield 1 goldBeanPod
- on click:if (have combinedClicking) yield 0.5 chocolate
- on click:if (have peanutcupClicking) yield (1/3) peanutCups
- on click:
- noClickSeconds=0
- end
- icon:
- class:bigButton blueFlares
- tag:pButton
- tag:debug
- *debug1
- name:+1k cups
- on click:yield 1000 peanutCups
- *debug2
- name:+1M cups
- on click:yield 1000000 peanutCups
- *debug3
- name:+1B cups
- on click:yield 1000000000 peanutCups
- *debug10
- name:+1T cups
- on click:yield 1000000000000 peanutCups
- *alottacups
- name:A lot of cups
- on click:yield 1e308 peanutCups
- *debug4
- name:+1k chocolate
- on click:yield 1000 chocolate
- *debug5
- name:+1M chocolate
- on click:yield 1000000 chocolate
- *debug6
- name:+1B chocolate
- on click:yield 1000000000 chocolate
- *debug11
- name:+1T chocolate
- on click:yield 1000000000000 chocolate
- *debug7
- name:+1k peanut butter
- on click:yield 1000 peanutButter
- *debug8
- name:+1M peanut butter
- on click:yield 1000000 peanutButter
- *debug9
- name:+1B peanut butter
- on click:yield 1000000000 peanutButter
- *debug12
- name:+1T peanut butter
- on click:yield 1000000000000 peanutButter
- *beanChanceUp
- name:Max gold bean pod chance
- on click:yield 10000000 chanceIncreases
- *loadsaBuildings
- name:Plenty of moleculizers
- on click:yield 182730871092837098127309812031213123123 subAtomics
- *loadsaAchievs
- name:Plenty of achievements
- on click:yield 923789487092853609890230029837408087034 achievPoints
- *100mana
- name:+100 mana
- on click:yield 100 mana
- *100pods
- name:+100 bean pods
- on click:yield 100 goldBeanPods
- *noDelay
- name:Reset spell delay
- on click:yield -100 delay
- *luckySpawn
- name:Spawn golden cup
- on click:spawn luckyCup
- *60minutes
- name:+60 minutes played
- on click:yield 3600 secondsPlayed
- *3600noClickSeconds
- name:+3600 seconds of no clicking
- on click:yield 3600 noClickSeconds
- *1000lclicks
- name:+1000 lucky cup clicks
- on click:yield 1000 lclicks
- *1000cBeans
- name:+1000 crystal beans
- on click:yield 1000 crystalBeans
- *100000gBeans
- name:+100000 golden beans
- on click:yield 100000 goldBeans
- Resources
- tag:stat
- class:cleared noBackground
- *cwarning
- name:You're not making enough chocolate!
- hidden when 0
- text:You're not making enough chocolate!
- class:roundBg
- tag:warning
- *pwarning
- name:You're not making enough peanut butter!
- hidden when 0
- text:You're not making enough peanut butter!
- class:roundBg
- tag:warning
- *earned
- name:Peanut butter cups produced
- desc:How many peanut butter cups you've produced.
- is always:peanutCups:earned
- text:[?(this=1)|1 peanut butter cup produced|[this] peanut butter cups produced]
- icon:
- *leftBehind
- name:Peanut butter cups left behind
- desc:How many peanut butter cups you've left behind.
- text:[this] peanut butter cups left behind
- icon:
- hidden when 0
- *earnedThisUniverse
- is always:(earned-leftBehind)
- name:Peanut butter cups produced in this universe
- desc:How many peanut butter cups you've produced in this universe.
- text:[?(this=1)|1 peanut butter cup produced in this universe|[this] peanut butter cups produced in this universe]
- icon:
- class:invisible
- *cleftBehind
- class:invisible
- *pleftBehind
- class:invisible
- *cEarnedThisUniverse
- is always:((chocolate:earned)-cleftBehind)
- class:invisible
- *pEarnedThisUniverse
- is always:((peanutButter:earned)-pleftBehind)
- class:invisible
- *chocoworkerp
- name:Chocolate Worker Yield
- desc:How much chocolate your workers make every second.
- text:[chocoworkerp:ps] chocolate/s from workers
- icon:
- *chocofarmp
- name:Chocolate Farm Yield
- desc:How much chocolate your farms make every second.
- text:[chocofarmp:ps] chocolate/s from farms
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *refineryp
- name:Refinery Yield
- desc:How much chocolate your refineries make every second.
- text:[refineryp:ps] chocolate/s from refineries
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *buttererp
- name:Peanut Butterer Yield
- desc:How much peanut butter your butterers make every second.
- text:[buttererp:ps] peanut butter/s from peanut butterers
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *converterp
- name:Converter Yield
- desc:How much peanut butter your peas and nuts converters make every second.
- text:[converterp:ps] peanut butter/s from peas and nuts converters
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *factoryp
- name:Factory Yield
- desc:How much peanut butter your factories make every second.
- text:[factoryp:ps] peanut butter/s from peanut butter factories
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *clickerp
- icon:
- name:Autoclicker Yield
- desc:How much peanut butter and chocolate your autoclickers make every second.
- text:[clickerp:ps] peanut butter and chocolate/s from autoclickers
- hidden when 0
- *replicatorp
- name:Replicator Yield
- desc:How much peanut butter and chocolate your replicators make every second.
- text:[replicatorp:ps] peanut butter and chocolate/s from replicators
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *coreExtractorp
- name:Core Extractor Yield
- desc:How much peanut butter and chocolate your core extractors make every second.
- text:[coreExtractorp:ps] peanut butter and chocolate/s from core extractors
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *qDownloaderp
- name:Quantum Downloader Yield
- desc:How much peanut butter and chocolate your quantum downloaders make every second.
- text:[qDownloaderp:ps] peanut butter and chocolate/s from quantum downloaders
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *mindReaderp
- name:Mind Reader Yield
- desc:How much peanut butter and chocolate your mind readers make every second.
- text:[mindReaderp:ps] peanut butter and chocolate/s from mind readers
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *cupperuse
- always hidden
- *cupperp
- name:Cupper yield
- desc:How many peanut butter cups your peanut butter cuppers make every second.
- text:[cupperp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from cuppers
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *machineuse
- always hidden
- *machinep
- name:Machine yield
- desc:How many peanut butter cups your machines make every second.
- text:[machinep:ps] peanut butter cups/s from machines
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *printeruse
- always hidden
- *printerp
- name:3D printer yield
- desc:How many peanut butter cups your 3D printers make every second.
- text:[printerp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from 3D printers
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *pukeruse
- always hidden
- *pukerp
- name:Puker yield
- desc:How many peanut butter cups your pukers make every second.
- text:[pukerp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from pukers
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *rearrangeruse
- always hidden
- *rearrangerp
- name:Rearranger yield
- desc:How many peanut butter cups your rearrangers make every second.
- text:[rearrangerp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from rearrangers
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *rocketuse
- always hidden
- *rocketp
- name:Trade spaceship yield
- desc:How many peanut butter cups your trade rockets make every second.
- text:[rocketp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from trade spaceships
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *portaluse
- always hidden
- *portalp
- name:Portal yield
- desc:How many peanut butter cups your portals make every second.
- text:[portalp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from portals
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *mysteryuse
- always hidden
- *mysteryp
- name:Mystery box yield
- desc:How many peanut butter cups your mystery boxes make every second.
- text:[mysteryp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from mystery boxes
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *subatomicp
- name:Subatomic moleculizer yield
- desc:How many peanut butter cups your subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators make every second.
- text:[subatomicp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from subatomic moleculizers
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *bhExtractoruse
- always hidden
- *bhExtractorp
- name:Black hole extractor yield
- desc:How many peanut butter cups your black hole extractors make every second.
- text:[bhExtractorp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from black hole extractors
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *anomalyuse
- always hidden
- *anomalyp
- name:Space-time anomaly yield
- desc:How many peanut butter cups your space-time anomalies make every second.
- text:[anomalyp:ps] peanut butter cups/s from space-time anomalies
- hidden when 0
- icon:
- *secondPlayed|secondsPlayed
- name:Seconds played|Seconds played
- desc:How long you've been playing.
- text:[?(this=1)|1 second played|[this] seconds played]
- icon:
- *minutePlayed|minutesPlayed
- name:Minutes played|Minutes played
- desc:How long you've been playing.
- text:[?(this=1)|1 minute played|[this] minutes played]
- icon:
- is always:floor(secondsPlayed/60)
- *cclick|cclicks
- name:Chocolate Clicks|Chocolate Clicks
- desc:How many times you've clicked the chocolate.
- is always:chocoButton:clicks
- text:[?(this=1)|1 chocolate button click|[this] chocolate button clicks]
- icon:
- *pclick|pclicks
- name:Peanut Butter Clicks|Peanut Butter Clicks
- desc:How many times you've clicked the peanut butter.
- is always:pButton:clicks
- text:[?(this=1)|1 peanut butter button click|[this] peanut butter button clicks]
- icon:
- *lclicks|lclicks
- name:Golden cup clicks|Golden cup clicks
- desc:How many golden peanut butter cups you've clicked.
- text:[?(this=1)|1 golden peanut butter cup collected|[this] golden peanut butter cups collected]
- icon:
- *multiplier
- always hidden
- *multiplier2
- is always:multiplier*(max(1,(1+(divineCups/500)*(pow(1.02,angelicCuppers)))))
- name:Multiplier
- desc:Your production multiplier, in percent.
- start with:100
- text:[this]% multiplier
- icon:
- always hidden
- *cIncrease|cIncreases
- name:Golden bean pod chance upgrade|Golden bean pod chance upgrades
- desc:How many times you've increased your golden bean pod chance. Found by clicking golden peanut butter cups.
- hidden when 0
- is always:chanceIncreases
- text:[?(this=1)|1 golden bean pod chance increase|[this] golden bean pod chance increases]
- icon:
- *goldPodSummoned|goldPodsSummoned
- name:Golden bean pod summoned|Golden bean pods summoned
- desc:How many golden bean pods you've summoned.
- text:[?(this=1)|1 golden bean pod summoned|[this] golden bean pods summoned]
- icon:
- *thisstatClick|thisstatClicks
- name:Times you've clicked this stat
- desc:How many times you've clicked this stat.
- on click:yield 1 thisstatClick
- text:[?(this=1)|You've clicked this stat 1 time|You've clicked this stat [this] times]
- icon:
- *noClickSecond|noClickSeconds
- name:no click seconds
- class:invisible
- tag:resource
- *peanutCup|peanutCups
- name:Peanut Butter Cup|Peanut Butter Cups
- desc:A delicious mixture of peanut butter and chocolate!
- icon:
- show earned
- class:noBackground
- on click:yield 1 coolResource
- *chocolate|chocolates
- name:Chocolate Bar|Chocolate Bars
- desc:A tasty snack used as the outer shell of a Reese's cup.
- hidden when 0
- show earned
- icon:
- class:noBackground
- *peanutButter|peanutButters
- name:Jar of Peanut Butter|Jars of Peanut Butter
- desc:Often used on bread, this topping also goes well with chocolate.
- hidden when 0
- show earned
- icon:
- class:noBackground
- *fireCup|fireCups
- name:Flaming Cup|Flaming Cups
- desc:woah duuude
- icon:
- class:blurred noBackground
- always hidden
- tag:special
- *goldBeanPod|goldBeanPods
- name:Golden Bean Pod|Golden Bean Pods
- desc:A pod containing golden cocoa beans.
- on lose:if (chance(1%)) yield 1 crystalBean
- show earned
- class:noBackground
- icon:
- *goldBean|goldBeans
- name:Golden Cocoa Bean|Golden Cocoa Beans
- desc:Rare, exquisitely flavored cocoa beans used to buy special powerful upgrades.
- show earned
- hidden when 0
- class:noBackground
- icon:
- *crystalBean|crystalBeans
- name:Crystal Bean|Crystal Beans
- desc:An incredibly valuable cocoa bean with an unimaginably delicious flavor. Possessed only by successful chocolatiers, and used to purchase powerful boosts.
- icon:
- class:noBackground
- hidden when 0
- *mana|manas
- name:Mana|Mana
- desc:Magic power used to cast spells.
- icon:
- class:noBackground
- tag:spelltxt
- text:Spells - [this] mana, [?(delay=0)|no delay|[delay] second delay]
- on earn:if (mana>=(500*pow(1.01,tallerHats)) and mana<((500*pow(1.01,tallerHats))+10)) log(maxMana) Maximum mana reached!
- *chanceIncrease|chanceIncreases
- name:Golden Bean Pod Chance Increase
- always hidden
- *divineCups
- name:Divine Cups
- desc:Gifts from the peanut butter cup gods for successfully filling a universe. Can be used to purchase powerful upgrades.
- class:noBackground
- icon:
- show earned
- class:invisible
- tag:divine
- *frenzy|frenzy
- name:10x Multiplier Timer
- text:10x multiplier - [this] seconds remaining
- tag:timer
- hidden when 0
- class:noBackground
- *frenzy2
- name:25x Multiplier Timer
- text:25x multiplier - [this] seconds remaining
- tag:timer
- hidden when 0
- class:noBackground
- *delay
- name:Spell Delay
- desc:How much longer you must wait to cast your next spell.
- hidden when 0
- class:invisible
- *coolResource
- name:ayyy
- desc:kajwhd
- hidden
- *effectDeterminer|effectDeterminers
- *achievPoint|achievPoints
- name:Achievements
- tag:achievPoints
- text:Achievements - <b>[this]/90 (~[((achievPoints/90)*100)]%) earned</b>
- desc:Things awarded for reaching certain milestones in the game. These will probably give you bonuses at some point in the future.
- class:noBackground
- *secretPoint|secretPoints
- name:Secrets
- tag:secretPoints
- text:Secrets - <b>[this]/6 (~[((secretPoints/6)*100)]%) discovered</b>
- desc:Things hidden throughout the game that aren't necessarily achievements. These may unlock special bonuses at some point.
- class:noBackground
- *upgradetxt
- name:Available upgrades
- tag:upgradetxt
- text:Available upgrades
- desc:Upgrades to give you boosts.
- class:noBackground
- *ownedUpgradetxt
- name:Owned upgrades
- tag:ownedUpgradetxt
- text:Owned upgrades
- desc:Upgrades giving you boosts.
- class:noBackground
- *spellBoosttxt
- name:Spell boosts
- tag:spellBoosttxt
- text:Spell boosts
- desc:Things to make your spells better.
- class:noBackground
- *divinetxt
- name:Divine upgrades
- tag:divinetxt
- text:Divine upgrades[?(divineCups=0)|| - [divineCups] divine cups]
- desc:Powerful upgrades obtained by restarting.
- class:noBackground
- icon:
- *buildingtxt
- name:Buildings
- tag:buildingtxt
- text:Buildings - [this]
- desc:Buildings that produce resources.
- class:noBackground
- is always:(clickers+chocolateWorkers+refineries+chocoFarms+peanutButterers+pbFactories+factories+replicators+coreExtractors+peanutCuppers+cupMachines+printers+cupVomiters+rearrangers+rocketShips+cupPortals+mysteryBoxes+subAtomics)
- *viewSettings
- name:Settings
- text:Settings
- on click:
- hide tag:spell
- hide tag:upgrade
- hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
- hide tag:upgradeOwned
- hide tag:achievPoints
- hide tag:achievement
- hide tag:secretPoints
- hide tag:secret
- hide tag:philding
- hide tag:stat
- hide tag:spelltxt
- hide upgradetxt
- show tag:setting
- show tag:settingTitle
- hide tag:buildingtxt
- hide tag:divinetxt
- hide tag:divine
- hide tag:spellBoosttxt
- hide tag:spellBoost
- end
- tag:menuButton
- class:leftBorder
- *viewBuildings
- name:Buildings
- tag:menuButton
- text:Buildings
- desc:Buildings to produce more resources.
- on click:
- hide tag:spell
- hide tag:upgrade
- hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
- hide tag:upgradeOwned
- hide tag:achievPoints
- hide tag:achievement
- hide tag:secretPoints
- hide tag:secret
- show tag:philding
- hide tag:stat
- hide tag:spelltxt
- hide upgradetxt
- hide tag:setting
- hide tag:settingTitle
- show tag:buildingtxt
- hide tag:divinetxt
- hide tag:divine
- hide tag:spellBoosttxt
- hide tag:spellBoost
- end
- *viewUpgrades
- name:Upgrades
- tag:menuButton
- text:Upgrades
- desc:Upgrades to give you boosts.
- on click:
- show tag:spell
- show tag:upgrade
- hide tag:upgrade:owned
- show tag:ownedUpgradetxt
- show tag:upgradeOwned
- hide tag:achievPoints
- hide tag:achievement
- hide tag:secretPoints
- hide tag:secret
- hide tag:philding
- hide tag:stat
- show tag:spelltxt
- show upgradetxt
- hide tag:setting
- hide tag:settingTitle
- hide tag:buildingtxt
- show tag:spellBoosttxt
- show tag:spellBoost
- if (peanutCups:earned>=1e12)
- show tag:divinetxt
- show tag:divine
- end
- end
- *viewAchievs
- name:Achievements
- tag:menuButton
- text:Achievements
- desc:Achievements and secrets.
- on click:
- hide tag:spell
- hide tag:upgrade
- hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
- hide tag:upgradeOwned
- show tag:achievPoints
- show tag:achievement
- show tag:secretPoints
- show tag:secret
- hide tag:philding
- hide tag:stat
- hide tag:spelltxt
- hide upgradetxt
- hide tag:setting
- hide tag:settingTitle
- hide tag:buildingtxt
- hide tag:divinetxt
- hide tag:divine
- hide tag:spellBoosttxt
- hide tag:spellBoost
- end
- *viewStats
- name:Stats
- tag:menuButton
- text:Stats
- desc:Statistics about your playthrough.
- on click:
- hide tag:spell
- hide tag:upgrade
- hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
- hide tag:upgradeOwned
- hide tag:achievPoints
- hide tag:achievement
- hide tag:secretPoints
- hide tag:secret
- hide tag:philding
- show tag:stat
- hide tag:spelltxt
- hide upgradetxt
- hide tag:setting
- hide tag:settingTitle
- hide tag:buildingtxt
- hide tag:divinetxt
- hide tag:divine
- hide tag:spellBoosttxt
- hide tag:spellBoost
- end
- class:rightBorder
- *clickAnimation
- text:On click animation for upgrades, spells, achievements, and secrets:</>(You must save and refresh the game for this to work properly!)
- no tooltip
- tags:settingTitle csettingTitle
- class:noBackground lineBreak
- *clickWobble
- text:Wobble
- no tooltip
- on click:
- anim wobble
- clickAnimation is 1
- end
- tags:setting csetting
- class:cleared2
- *clickWobbleSlow
- text:Slow wobble
- no tooltip
- on click:
- anim wobbleSlow
- clickAnimation is 5
- end
- tags:setting csetting
- *clickBounce
- text:Bounce
- no tooltip
- on click:
- anim bounceOnce
- clickAnimation is 2
- end
- tags:setting csetting
- *clickPlop
- text:Plop
- no tooltip
- on click:
- anim plop
- clickAnimation is 3
- end
- tags:setting csetting
- *clickWiggle
- text:Wiggle
- no tooltip
- on click:
- anim wiggling
- clickAnimation is 4
- end
- tags:setting csetting
- *clickNone
- text:None
- no tooltip
- on click:
- clickAnimation is -1
- end
- tags:setting csetting
- *buttonAnimation
- text:On click animation for buttons:</>(You must save and refresh the game for this to work properly!)
- no tooltip
- tags:settingTitle bsettingTitle
- class:noBackground lineBreak
- *buttonWobble
- text:Wobble
- no tooltip
- on click:
- anim wobble
- buttonAnimation is 1
- end
- tags:setting bsetting
- class:cleared2
- *buttonWobbleSlow
- text:Slow wobble
- no tooltip
- on click:
- anim wobbleSlow
- buttonAnimation is 5
- end
- tags:setting bsetting
- *buttonBounce
- text:Bounce
- no tooltip
- on click:
- anim bounceOnce
- buttonAnimation is 2
- end
- tags:setting bsetting
- *buttonPlop
- text:Plop
- no tooltip
- on click:
- anim plop
- buttonAnimation is 3
- end
- tags:setting bsetting
- *buttonWiggle
- text:Wiggle
- no tooltip
- on click:
- anim wiggling
- buttonAnimation is 4
- end
- tags:setting bsetting
- *buttonNone
- text:None
- no tooltip
- on click:
- buttonAnimation is -1
- end
- tags:setting bsetting
- Shinies
- *luckyCup
- on click:
- if (no frenzyMultiplier)
- yield frenzyMultiplier
- end
- yield 1 lclicks
- end
- on click:yield frandom(0,100) effectDeterminers
- on click:
- $boost=1
- if (have blackcatHorseshoe) $boost=1.25
- if (have halfRainbow) $boost=1.5
- if (have closedUmbrella) $boost=1.75
- if (effectDeterminers<=25)
- $amount1=max(1,min(chocolate*0.25,(random(chocolate:ps*900,chocolate:ps*2700))))
- $amount2=max(1,min(peanutButter*0.25,(random(peanutButter:ps*900,peanutButter:ps*2700))))
- toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount1*$boost] chocolate bars and [$amount2*$boost] jars of peanut butter!
- yield ($amount1*$boost) chocolate
- yield ($amount2*$boost) peanutButter
- if (peanutCups:ps>=1)
- $amount3=min(peanutCups*0.2,random(peanutCups:ps*600,peanutCups:ps*1200))
- toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount3*$boost] peanut butter cups!
- yield ($amount3*$boost) peanutCups
- end
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>25 and effectDeterminers<=50)
- yield 45 frenzy
- toast The golden peanut butter cup is multiplying your production rate by 10 for 45 seconds!
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>50 and effectDeterminers<=70)
- $amount=(random(1,(min(100,goldBeans*0.01))))
- toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount*$boost] golden bean pod(s)!
- yield ($amount*$boost) goldBeanPods
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>70 and effectDeterminers<=88.5)
- $amount5=(random(1,3))
- toast The golden peanut butter cup permanently increased your chance of finding a golden bean pod when clicking a button!
- yield ($amount5*$boost) chanceIncreases
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>88.5 and effectDeterminers<=98.5)
- $amount6=(random(500,1250))
- yield ($amount6*$boost) mana
- toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount6*$boost] mana!
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>98.5 and effectDeterminers<=99.8)
- $amount4=(random(100,200))
- toast Wow! The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount4] golden bean pods!
- yield ($amount4) goldBeanPods
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>99.8 and effectDeterminers<=100)
- toast Golden cup storm!
- spawn luckyCup
- spawn luckyCup
- spawn luckyCup
- spawn luckyCup
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>100 and effectDeterminers<=125)
- $amount7=max(1,min(chocolate*0.5,(random(chocolate:ps*2700,chocolate:ps*5400))))
- $amount8=max(1,min(peanutButter*0.5,(random(peanutButter:ps*2700,peanutButter:ps*5400))))
- toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount7*$boost] chocolate bars and [$amount8*$boost] jars of peanut butter!
- yield ($amount7*$boost) chocolate
- yield ($amount8*$boost) peanutButter
- $amount9=min(peanutCups*0.5,random(peanutCups:ps*1500,peanutCups:ps*3000))
- toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount9*$boost] peanut butter cups!
- yield ($amount9*$boost) peanutCups
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>125 and effectDeterminers<=150)
- yield 45 frenzy2
- toast The golden peanut butter cup is multiplying your production rate by 25 for 45 seconds!
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>150 and effectDeterminers<=170)
- $amount10=(random(10,(min(250,goldBeans*0.03))))
- toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount10*$boost] golden bean pod(s)!
- yield ($amount10*$boost) goldBeanPods
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>170 and effectDeterminers<=188.5)
- $amount11=(random(3,6))
- toast The golden peanut butter cup permanently increased your chance of finding a golden bean pod when clicking a button!
- yield ($amount11*$boost) chanceIncreases
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>188.5 and effectDeterminers<=198.5)
- $amount12=(random(1000,2500))
- yield ($amount12*$boost) mana
- toast The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount12*$boost] mana!
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>198.5 and effectDeterminers<=199.5)
- $amount13=(random(300,600))
- toast Wow! The golden peanut butter cup gave you [$amount13] golden bean pods!
- yield ($amount4) goldBeanPods
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>199.5 and effectDeterminers<=200)
- toast Mega golden cup storm!
- spawn luckyCup
- spawn luckyCup
- spawn luckyCup
- spawn luckyCup
- spawn luckyCup
- spawn luckyCup
- spawn luckyCup
- spawn luckyCup
- spawn luckyCup
- end
- if (effectDeterminers>200)
- toast sorry nothing
- end
- frequency:400
- frequency variation:35
- icon:
- duration:15
- movement:growShrink onBox:shinyBox
- class:bigButton hasFlares
- end
- Layout
- *main
- contains:res, cbuttons, pbuttons, res2, res3
- *res
- contains:tag:resource
- class:fullWidth
- *res2
- contains:tag:special
- class:fullWidth
- ps:hide
- *res3
- contains:tag:timer
- *cbuttons
- contains:tag:cButton
- *pbuttons
- contains:tag:pButton
- *coolBox
- *shinyBox
- *store
- contains:store2, log, menuButtons
- *log
- contains:Log
- *menuButtons
- contains:tag:menuButton
- no tooltip
- *animsSettingTitle
- contains:tag:csettingTitle
- *clickanimSettings
- contains:tag:csetting
- *buttonSettingTitle
- contains:tag:bsettingTitle
- *buttonSettings
- contains:tag:bsetting
- *store2
- contains:tag:warning, tag:csettingTitle, clickanimSettings, tag:bsettingTitle, buttonSettings, tag:buildingtxt, tag:philding, tag:upgradetxt, tag:upgrade, tag:ownedUpgradetxt, tag:upgradeOwned, tag:spelltxt, tag:spell, tag:spellBoosttxt, tag:spellBoost, tag:divinetxt, tag:divine, tag:achievPoints, tag:achievement, tag:secretPoints, tag:secret, tag:stat
- tooltip origin:left
- ps:hide
- Buildings
- *aaa|aaaa
- name:aaa|aaaa
- on tick:yield 1 secondPlayed
- on tick:yield 1 noClickSecond
- on tick:yield -1 frenzy
- on tick:if (peanutButter:ps<0) pwarning is 1
- on tick:if (peanutButter:ps>0) pwarning is 0
- on tick:if (pwarning=1) show pwarning
- on tick:if (pwarning=0) hide pwarning
- on tick:if (chocolate:ps<0) cwarning is 1
- on tick:if (chocolate:ps>0) cwarning is 0
- on tick:if (pwarning=1) show cwarning
- on tick:if (pwarning=0) hide cwarning
- on tick:if (aaa>1) aaa is 1
- on tick:yield -1 delay
- on tick:yield -1 frenzy2
- on tick:yield -100 effectDeterminers
- always hidden
- on start:
- log <#ff1f1f><b>WARNING:</b></#> Some images have gone missing after the file host shut down. Sadly, this game will no longer be supported. Sorry.</> </> <#ffffff><b><u>Update Log</u></b></#></> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 9 but it's the real one</i></#> - <#42bff4>April 2nd, 2018</#><.>Spell boosts<.>The very beginnings of a prestige system (shows up at 1T peanut butter cups earned)<.>4 new "tier 2" buildings<.>A purchased upgrades section<.>A couple new spells<.>A couple new golden bean upgrades<.>Renamed a building and made a new icon for another<.>svgs? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe next update<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Made it so the new buildings actually require prestige, as was originally intended. Also fixed the "Spawn golden peanut butter cup" spell</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 9</i></#> - <#42bff4>April 1st, 2018</#><.>Made the game look way better<.>graphic design is my passion<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> it's even better now<.><i>Other mini-update:</i> back to normal, real update 9 coming tomorrow!</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 8</i></#> - <#42bff4>February 26th, 2018</#><.>Redone golden bean system<.>A few time-based achievements<.>Some achievement bonuses<.>A few more SVGs (oh god I still need to make more)<.>Slightly different layout with other small visual changes<.>Disabled multiplier stat (hopefully temporarily) because it wasn't working properly<.>A couple experimental log notifications, more may be added later<.>More colorful building descriptions<.>New secret-ish golden peanut butter cup effects<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Fixed some bugs involving golden peanut butter cups</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 7</i></#> - <#42bff4>February 1st, 2018</#><.>New layout with tabs!<.>Loads of achievements<.>Spawn Lucky Peanut Butter Cup is hopefully bug-free now<.>More icons got the SVG treatment. The rest will come soon. Probably. Maybe. It's a possibility.</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 6</i></#> - <#42bff4>January 19th, 2018</#><.>A few icons were redrawn, either because they looked kinda bad or I lost the source file<.>Most of the game's icons are now SVGs<.>Some more achievements<.>A couple minor CSS changes<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Fixed a few bugs affecting the "Spawn Golden Peanut Butter Cup" spell, and significantly improved game performance</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 5</i></#> - <#42bff4>January 1st, 2018</#><.>Lots of upgrades! Every building now has at least 4<.>A change to how golden peanut butter cup effects are chosen - this should make it easier to add more effects in the future<.>Stats look a bit better (in my opinion at least)<.>2 new better button upgrades and a significant buff to better button 5<#5dff44></> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 4</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>3 new buildings<.>More graphical changes<.>More balancing<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> A separate section for spells, and a more informative info screen</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 3</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>Lots o' graphics<.>2 new buildings<.>More upgrades<.>With a side of rebalancing<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> More stuff to please your eyeballs</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 2</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>2 new buildings<.>Lucky peanut butter cups now have a frenzy-like effect<.>2 new stats</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 1</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>Some rebalancing<.>1 more achievement</> <//><#5dff44><i>Release</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>added plenty of stuff, removed a bit of stuff, changed some stuff, fixed a whole lot of stuff</> <//><#5dff44><i>The Beginning</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2nd, 2017</#><.>woah this Idle Game Maker thing looks neat<.>time to start makin' a game
- clickAnimation is 3
- hide tag:spell
- hide tag:upgrade
- hide tag:achievPoints
- hide tag:achievement
- hide tag:secretPoints
- hide tag:secret
- show :Buildings
- hide tag:stat
- hide upgradetxt
- hide tag:spelltxt
- hide tag:setting
- hide tag:settingTitle
- hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
- hide tag:upgradeOwned
- hide tag:spellBoosttxt
- hide tag:spellBoost
- hide tag:divinetxt
- hide tag:divine
- end
- on load:
- log <#ff1f1f><b>WARNING:</b></#> Some images have gone missing after the file host shut down. Sadly, this game will no longer be supported. Sorry.</> </> <#ffffff><b><u>Update Log</u></b></#></> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 9 but it's the real one</i></#> - <#42bff4>April 2nd, 2018</#><.>Spell boosts<.>The very beginnings of a prestige system (shows up at 1T peanut butter cups earned)<.>4 new "tier 2" buildings<.>A purchased upgrades section<.>A couple new spells<.>A couple new golden bean upgrades<.>Renamed a building and made a new icon for another<.>svgs? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe next update<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Made it so the new buildings actually require prestige, as was originally intended. Also fixed the "Spawn golden peanut butter cup" spell</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 9</i></#> - <#42bff4>April 1st, 2018</#><.>Made the game look way better<.>graphic design is my passion<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> it's even better now<.><i>Other mini-update:</i> back to normal, real update 9 coming tomorrow!</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 8</i></#> - <#42bff4>February 26th, 2018</#><.>Redone golden bean system<.>A few time-based achievements<.>Some achievement bonuses<.>A few more SVGs (oh god I still need to make more)<.>Slightly different layout with other small visual changes<.>Disabled multiplier stat (hopefully temporarily) because it wasn't working properly<.>A couple experimental log notifications, more may be added later<.>More colorful building descriptions<.>New secret-ish golden peanut butter cup effects<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Fixed some bugs involving golden peanut butter cups</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 7</i></#> - <#42bff4>February 1st, 2018</#><.>New layout with tabs!<.>Loads of achievements<.>Spawn Lucky Peanut Butter Cup is hopefully bug-free now<.>More icons got the SVG treatment. The rest will come soon. Probably. Maybe. It's a possibility.</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 6</i></#> - <#42bff4>January 19th, 2018</#><.>A few icons were redrawn, either because they looked kinda bad or I lost the source file<.>Most of the game's icons are now SVGs<.>Some more achievements<.>A couple minor CSS changes<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> Fixed a few bugs affecting the "Spawn Golden Peanut Butter Cup" spell, and significantly improved game performance</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 5</i></#> - <#42bff4>January 1st, 2018</#><.>Lots of upgrades! Every building now has at least 4<.>A change to how golden peanut butter cup effects are chosen - this should make it easier to add more effects in the future<.>Stats look a bit better (in my opinion at least)<.>2 new better button upgrades and a significant buff to better button 5<#5dff44></> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 4</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>3 new buildings<.>More graphical changes<.>More balancing<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> A separate section for spells, and a more informative info screen</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 3</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>Lots o' graphics<.>2 new buildings<.>More upgrades<.>With a side of rebalancing<.><i>Mini-updates:</i> More stuff to please your eyeballs</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 2</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>2 new buildings<.>Lucky peanut butter cups now have a frenzy-like effect<.>2 new stats</> <//><#5dff44><i>Update 1</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>Some rebalancing<.>1 more achievement</> <//><#5dff44><i>Release</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2017</#><.>added plenty of stuff, removed a bit of stuff, changed some stuff, fixed a whole lot of stuff</> <//><#5dff44><i>The Beginning</i></#> - <#42bff4>December 2nd, 2017</#><.>woah this Idle Game Maker thing looks neat<.>time to start makin' a game
- hide tag:spell
- hide tag:upgrade
- hide tag:achievPoints
- hide tag:achievement
- hide tag:secretPoints
- hide tag:secret
- show :Buildings
- hide tag:stat
- hide upgradetxt
- hide tag:spelltxt
- hide tag:setting
- hide tag:settingTitle
- hide tag:ownedUpgradetxt
- hide tag:upgradeOwned
- hide tag:spellBoosttxt
- hide tag:spellBoost
- hide tag:divinetxt
- hide tag:divine
- if (achievPoints=0)
- if (have itBegins) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have upandCup) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have eatemUp) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have pbchocolateFlavor) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have peanutbuttercupHead) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have massProduce) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have aLot) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have plenty) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have lifeSupply) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have Surplus) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have hired) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have hardlyWorking) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have workingHard) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have peanutButtered) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have peanutbutterCupped) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have automated) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have futureisNow) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have makingArrangements) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have cupsinSpace) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have notaButton) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have stop) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (have whyThough) yield 1 achievPoint
- if (clickAnimation=0) clickAnimation is 3
- end
- end
- on load:
- if (secretPoints=0)
- if (have notaButton)
- yield 1 secretPoint
- yield -1 achievPoint
- end
- if (have stop)
- yield 1 secretPoint
- yield -1 achievPoint
- end
- if (have whyThough)
- yield 1 secretPoint
- yield -1 achievPoint
- end
- if (have specificAchiev)
- yield 1 secretPoint
- end
- end
- end
- start with:1
- *manaBoost
- name:Mana boost
- desc:<.>Boosts your mana production by <b>1.5%</b> per level.<.>Stacks multiplicatively.<.>Current level: <b>[this]</b>
- cost:1 crystalBean
- cost:100 goldBeans
- class:smallThing spellBoost
- icon:numbers[0,0]
- tag:spellBoost
- no text
- cost increase:113.5%
- *tallerHats
- name:Taller hats
- desc:<.>Boosts your mana capacity by <b>1%</b> per level.<.>Stacks multiplicatively.<.>Current level: <b>[this]</b>
- cost:1 crystalBean
- cost:100 goldBeans
- class:smallThing spellBoost
- icon:numbers[0,0]
- tag:spellBoost
- no text
- cost increase:113.5%
- *brittleShells
- name:Brittle shells
- desc:<.>Golden bean pods require <b>1%</b> less mana to open per level.<.>Stacks additively.<.>Current level: <b>[this]</b><.>Maximum level: <b>95</b>
- cost:1 crystalBean
- cost:100 goldBeans
- class:smallThing spellBoost
- tag:spellBoost
- icon:numbers[0,0]
- no text
- limit:95
- cost increase:112.5%
- *summonBoost
- name:Golden bean pod summoning boost
- desc:<.>Summon <b>10%</b> more golden beans per spell cast.<.>Stacks multiplicatively.<.>Current level: <b>[this]</b>
- cost:10 crystalBean
- cost:1000 goldBeans
- class:smallThing spellBoost
- tag:spellBoost
- icon:numbers[0,0]
- no text
- cost increase:114.5%
- *manaThing|manaThings
- name:Mana Thing|Mana Things
- on tick:
- if (mana<(500*pow(1.01,tallerHats))) yield pow(1.0125,manaBoost) mana
- end
- start with:1
- always hidden
- *angelicCupper|angelicCuppers
- name:Angelic Cupper|Angelic Cuppers
- desc:<.>Each angelic cupper increases your multiplier by <b>0.02%</b> per divine cup earned.<.>This boost stacks multiplicatively.
- icon:
- cost:10 peanutCups
- cost increase:200%
- class:cleared bigThing
- req:angelicCuppersUnlock
- tag:philding
- *clicker|clickers
- name:Autoclicker|Autoclickers
- desc:Clicks the buttons every 10 seconds.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b>1</b> bar of chocolate and jar of peanut butter every <b><#77ff72>10</#></b> seconds.<.>Affected by most button upgrades, but not production multipliers.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[(((clickerp:ps)/clickers)*10)]</#></b> bar(s) of chocolate every 10 seconds.
- cost:15 chocolate
- cost:15 peanutButter
- on tick:yield 0.1 chocolate
- on tick:yield 0.1 peanutButter
- on tick:yield 0.1 clickerp
- on tick:if (chance(min(2,(0.03+(chanceIncreases*0.003)))%)) yield 1 goldBeanPod
- on tick:if (have peanutcupClicking) yield (1/30) peanutCups
- icon:
- class:cleared bigThing
- tag:philding
- tags:building philding
- class:bigThing
- *chocolateWorker|chocolateWorkers
- name:Chocolate Worker|Chocolate Workers
- desc:A worker to help you start producing chocolate.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1</#></b> bar of chocolate every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((chocoworkerp:ps)/chocolateWorkers)]</#></b> bar(s) of chocolate every second.
- cost:50 chocolate
- on tick:yield 1 chocolate
- on tick:yield 1 chocoworkerp
- icon:
- on earn:if (chocolateWorkers=1) log(unlock) Upgrade unlocked - <b>Faster roasting</b>
- on earn:if (chocolateWorkers=25) log(unlock) Upgrade unlocked - <b>Literal chocolate workers</b>
- *refinery|refineries
- name:Chocolate Farm|Chocolate Farms
- desc:Grows chocolate trees, the next evolution of cocoa trees.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>10</#></b> bars of chocolate every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((chocofarmp:ps)/refineries)]</#></b> bars of chocolate every second.
- cost:750 chocolate
- on tick:yield 10 chocolate
- on tick:yield 10 chocofarmp
- req:330 cEarnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *chocoFarm|chocoFarms
- name:Chocolate Refinery|Chocolate Refineries
- desc:A refinery to produce large amounts of chocolate.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>100</#></b> bars of chocolate every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((refineryp:ps)/chocoFarms)]</#></b> bars of chocolate every second.
- icon:
- cost:11250 chocolate
- on tick:yield 100 chocolate
- req:6600 cEarnedThisUniverse
- on tick:yield 100 refineryp
- *peanutButterer|peanutButterers
- name:Peanut Butterer|Peanut Butterers
- desc:A worker to help you start buttering peanuts.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1</#></b> jar of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((buttererp:ps)/peanutButterers)]</#></b> jars of peanut butter every second.
- cost:50 peanutButter
- on tick:yield 1 peanutButter
- on tick:yield 1 buttererp
- icon:
- *pbFactory|pbFactories|pnConverter|pnConverters
- name:Peas and Nuts Converter|Peas and Nuts Converters
- desc:Converts peas and nuts into peanut butter.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>10</#></b> jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((converterp:ps)/pbFactories)]</#></b> jars of peanut butter every second.
- cost:750 peanutButter
- on tick:yield 10 peanutButter
- on tick:yield 10 converterp
- req:330 pEarnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *factory|factories
- name:Peanut Butter Factory|Peanut Butter Factories
- desc:A factory to produce peanut butter in bulk quantities.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>100</#></b> jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((factoryp:ps)/factories)]</#></b> jars of peanut butter every second.
- cost:11250 peanutButter
- on tick:yield 100 peanutButter
- on tick:yield 100 factoryp
- req:6600 pEarnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- icon class:leftRight
- //BOTH
- *replicator|replicators
- name:Replicator|Replicators
- desc:Duplicates chocolate and peanut butter.<//><.><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((replicatorp:ps)/replicators)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.
- cost:168750 chocolate
- cost:168750 peanutButter
- on tick:yield 1000 chocolate
- on tick:yield 1000 peanutButter
- on tick:yield 1000 replicatorp
- req:80000 cEarnedThisUniverse
- req:80000 pEarnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *coreExtractor|coreExtractors
- name:Core Extractor|Core Extractors
- desc:Extracts hot peanut butter and molten chocolate from the planet's core.<.><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>10000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((coreExtractorp:ps)/coreExtractors)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.
- on tick:
- yield 10000 chocolate
- yield 10000 peanutButter
- yield 10000 coreExtractorp
- end
- cost:2700000 chocolate
- cost:2700000 peanutButter
- req:1300000 cEarnedThisUniverse
- req:1300000 pEarnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *qDownloader|qDownloaders
- name:Quantum Downloader|Quantum Downloaders
- desc:Maybe you wouldn't download a car, but you'd certainly download some peanut butter and chocolate.<.><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>200000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((qDownloaderp:ps)/qDownloaders)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.
- on tick:
- yield 200000 chocolate
- yield 200000 peanutButter
- yield 200000 qDownloaderp
- end
- cost:80000000 chocolate
- cost:80000000 peanutButter
- req:35000000 cEarnedThisUniverse
- req:35000000 pEarnedThisUniverse
- req:prestige1
- icon:
- *mindReader|mindReaders
- name:Mind Reader|Mind Readers
- desc:Makes thoughts of peanut butter and chocolate a reality.<.><i>Base effects:</i><.>Produces <b><#77ff72>400000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((mindReaderp:ps)/mindReaders)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.
- on tick:
- yield 4000000 chocolate
- yield 4000000 peanutButter
- yield 4000000 mindReaderp
- end
- cost:2560000000 chocolate
- cost:2560000000 peanutButter
- req:900000000 cEarnedThisUniverse
- req:900000000 pEarnedThisUniverse
- req:prestige1
- icon:
- tags:building peanutCupper philding
- class:bigThing
- req:cupRecipe
- *peanutCupper|peanutCuppers
- name:Peanut Butter Cupper|Peanut Butter Cuppers
- desc: A worker to help you start cupping peanut butter.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Uses <b><#ff4444>1</#></b> bar of chocolate and jar of peanut butter every 2 seconds.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1</#></b> peanut butter cup every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[(((cupperuse:ps)/peanutCuppers)*2)]</#></b> bar(s) of chocolate and jar(s) of peanut butter every 2 seconds.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((cupperp:ps)/peanutCuppers)]</#></b> peanut butter cup(s) every second.
- cost:100 chocolate
- cost:100 peanutButter
- req:100 cEarnedThisUniverse
- req:100 pEarnedThisUniverse
- on tick:
- if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0)
- yield 1 peanutCup
- yield -0.5 chocolate
- yield -0.5 peanutButter
- yield 1 cupperp
- yield 0.5 cupperuse
- end
- end
- icon:
- *cupMachine|cupMachines
- name:Peanut Butter Cup Machine|Peanut Butter Cup Machines
- desc:A machine to help you start taking the peanut cuppers' jobs.<//><i>Base effects:</i><.>Uses <b><#ff4444>5</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>10</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[(((machineuse:ps)/cupMachines))]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((machinep:ps)/cupMachines)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
- cost:1500 peanutCups
- on tick:
- if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0)
- yield 10 peanutCups
- yield -5 chocolate
- yield -5 peanutButter
- end
- end
- on tick:
- yield 10 machinep
- yield 5 machineuse
- end
- req:500 earnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *printer|printers
- name:3D Printer|3D Printers
- desc:Prints out peanut butter cups.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>30</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>60</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((printeruse:ps)/printers)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((printerp:ps)/printers)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -30 chocolate
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -30 peanutButter
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 60 peanutCups
- on tick:yield 30 printeruse
- on tick:yield 60 printerp
- cost:17500 peanutCups
- req:5000 earnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *cupVomiter|cupVomiters
- name:Cup Puker|Cup Pukers
- desc:A cute little creature that eats peanut butter and chocolate and throws up peanut butter cups. Yes, they're safe to eat.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>125</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>300</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((pukeruse:ps)/cupVomiters)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((pukerp:ps)/cupVomiters)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
- on tick:
- if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0)
- yield 300 peanutCups
- yield -125 chocolate
- yield -125 peanutButter
- end
- end
- on tick:yield 125 pukeruse
- on tick:yield 300 pukerp
- cost:200000 peanutCups
- req:65000 earnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *rearranger|rearrangers
- name:Molecular Rearranger|Molecular Rearrangers
- desc:This amazing device combines chocolate and peanut butter at incredible rates.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>750</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1,750</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((rearrangeruse:ps)/rearrangers)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((rearrangerp:ps)/rearranger)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -750 chocolate
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -750 peanutButter
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 1750 peanutCups
- on tick:yield 750 rearrangeruse
- on tick:yield 1750 rearrangerp
- cost:2500000 peanutCups
- req:800000 earnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *rocketShip|rocketShips|tradeShip|tradeShips
- name:Trade Spaceships
- desc:Trade with alien races across the universe.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>4,000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>10,000</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((rocketuse:ps)/rocketShips)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((rocketp:ps)/rocketShips)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -4000 chocolate
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -4000 peanutButter
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 10000 peanutCups
- on tick:yield 4000 rocketuse
- on tick:yield 10000 rocketp
- cost:30000000 peanutCups
- req:10000000 earnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *cupPortal|cupPortals
- name:Portal|Portals
- desc:Send your chocolate and peanut butter to another dimension, where they are converted to peanut butter cups.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>25,000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>60,000</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((portaluse:ps)/cupPortals)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((portalp:ps)/cupPortals)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -25000 chocolate
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -25000 peanutButter
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 60000 peanutCups
- on tick:yield 25000 portaluse
- on tick:yield 60000 portalp
- cost:325000000 peanutCups
- req:100000000 earnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *mysteryBox|mysteryBoxes
- name:Mystery Box|Mystery Boxes
- desc:A big magical box that sucks in peanut butter and chocolate and does... something that nobody's ever been able to observe. Whatever happens, peanut butter cups will probably come out.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b><#ff4444>125,000</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>325,000</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((mysteryuse:ps)/mysteryBoxes)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((mysteryp:ps)/mysteryBoxes)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -125000 chocolate
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -125000 peanutButter
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 325000 peanutCups
- on tick:yield 125000 mysteryuse
- on tick:yield 325000 mysteryp
- cost:3500000000 peanutCups
- req:100000000 earnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *subAtomic|subAtomics
- name:Subatomic moleculizer of the Greek bose-stein convapitators|Subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators
- desc:Whatever this is, it makes a heck of a lot of peanut butter cups without even using up chocolate or peanut butter.<//>Base effects:<.>Produces <b><#77ff72>1.35M</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((subatomicp:ps)/subAtomics)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
- cost:40000000000 peanutCups
- req:10000000000 earnedThisUniverse
- on tick:yield 1350000 peanutCups
- on tick:yield 1350000 subatomicp
- icon:
- *bhExtractor|bhExtractors
- name:Black Hole Extractor|Black Hole Extractors
- desc:Throw your peanut butter and chocolate in the hole and extract it in the form of peanut butter cups.<//>Base effects:Uses <b>3.5M</b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b>10M</b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((bhExtractoruse:ps)/bhExtractors)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((bhExtractorp:ps)/bhExtractors)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
- cost:678901234567 peanutCups
- req:150000000000 earnedThisUniverse
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -3500000 chocolate
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -3500000 peanutButter
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 10000000 peanutCups
- on tick:yield 3500000 bhExtractoruse
- on tick:yield 10000000 bhExtractorp
- icon:
- *anomaly|anomalies
- name:Space-time Anomaly|Space-time Anomalies
- desc:Spontaneously and efficiently converts random bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter into peanut butter cups while nobody's looking.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b>22.5M</b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b>72.5M</b> peanut butter cups every second.<//><i>Current effects:</i><.>Uses about <b><#ff4444>[((anomalyuse:ps)/anomalies)]</#></b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces about <b><#77ff72>[((anomalyp:ps)/anomalies)]</#></b> peanut butter cups every second.
- cost:11500000000000 peanutCups
- req:3000000000000 earnedThisUniverse
- req:prestige1
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -22500000 chocolate
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -22500000 peanutButter
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 72500000 peanutCups
- on tick:yield 22500000 anomalyuse
- on tick:yield 72500000 anomalyp
- icon:
- *pConverter|pConverters
- name:Planet Converter|Planet Converters
- desc:Convert entire planets into peanut butter cups.<//>Base effects:<.>Uses <b>4,000,000</b> bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every second.<.>Produces <b>12,500,000</b> peanut butter cups every second.
- cost:500000000000 peanutCups
- req:100000000000 earnedThisUniverse
- req:prestige1
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -4000000 chocolate
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield -4000000 peanutButter
- on tick:if (chocolate>0 and peanutButter>0) yield 12500000 peanutCups
- icon:
- always hidden
- Upgrades
- //upgrades section upgrade section (this is for easy ctrl+f searching)
- class:smallThing thing
- on click:
- if (clickAnimation=1)
- anim icon wobble2
- anim wobble2
- end
- if (clickAnimation=2)
- anim icon bounceOnce
- anim bounceOnce
- end
- if (clickAnimation=3)
- anim icon plop
- anim plop
- end
- if (clickAnimation=4)
- anim icon wiggling2
- anim wiggling
- end
- if (clickAnimation=5)
- anim icon wobbleSlow
- anim wobbleSlow
- end
- end
- no text
- *frenzyMultiplier
- name:frenzy multiplier
- always hidden
- on tick:if (frenzy>0) multiply yield of tag:building by 10
- on tick:if (frenzy2>0) multiply yield of tag:building by 25
- owned
- *spawnLucky
- name:Spawn golden peanut butter cup
- no buy
- icon:hat[0,0]
- on click:
- $cost=300
- if (have fourcloverLeaf) $cost=290
- if (have fourcloverLeaf and blackcatHorseshoe) $cost=275
- if (have fourcloverLeaf and blackcatHorseshoe and halfRainbow) $cost=260
- if (have fourcloverLeaf and blackcatHorseshoe and halfRainbow and closedUmbrella) $cost=245
- if (delay=0)
- if (mana>=$cost and chance(85%))
- yield -$cost mana
- spawn luckyCup
- toast You summoned a golden peanut butter cup!
- yield 35 delay
- else if (mana>=$cost)
- yield -$cost mana
- toast Failed to summon a golden peanut butter cup.
- yield 35 delay
- else if (mana<$cost)
- toast Not enough mana!
- else
- toast this message shouldn't appear! that's a bug
- end
- else
- toast Wait for spell delay to wear off.
- end
- end
- desc:Spawn a golden peanut butter cup with <b>300</b> mana, most of the time. Must recharge for <b>35</b> seconds.
- tag:spell
- *spawnBean
- name:Spawn golden bean pod
- desc:Spawn a golden bean pod with <b>50</b> mana, most of the time
- icon:hat[0,0]
- no buy
- on click:if (mana>=50) yield -50 mana
- tag:spell
- on click:
- if (mana>=50)
- if (chance(85%))
- $pods=1
- if (have podSummonBoost)
- $pods=10*pow(1.1,summonBoost)
- end
- yield $pods goldBeanPod
- yield $pods goldPodSummoned
- toast You summoned [$pods] golden bean [?($pods=1)|pod|pods]!
- else
- toast Failed to summon a golden bean pod.
- end
- end
- end
- *reroll
- name:Reroll
- desc:<.>Replaces one random building with one other random building for <b>300</b> mana.<.>Will fail to reroll and use no mana if you don't own at least one of both the selected buildings.
- icon:
- tag:spell
- no buy
- on click:
- $roll1=random(1,18)
- if ($roll1=1)
- if (clickers>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=2)
- if (chocolateWorker>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=3)
- if (refineries>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=4)
- if (chocoFarms>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=5)
- if (peanutButterers>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=6)
- if (pnConverters>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=7)
- if (factories>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=8)
- if (replicators>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=9)
- if (coreExtractors>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=10)
- if (peanutCuppers>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=11)
- if (cupMachines>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=12)
- if (printers>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=13)
- if (cupVomiters>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=14)
- if (rearrangers>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=15)
- if (rocketShips>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=16)
- if (cupPortals>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=17)
- if (mysteryBoxes>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll1=18)
- if (subAtomics>=1)
- $success1=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success1=0
- end
- end
- $roll2=random(1,18)
- if ($roll2=1)
- if (clickers>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=2)
- if (chocolateWorker>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=3)
- if (refineries>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=4)
- if (chocoFarms>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=5)
- if (peanutButterers>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=6)
- if (pnConverters>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=7)
- if (factories>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=8)
- if (replicators>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=9)
- if (coreExtractors>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=10)
- if (peanutCuppers>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=11)
- if (cupMachines>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=12)
- if (printers>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=13)
- if (cupVomiters>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=14)
- if (rearrangers>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=15)
- if (rocketShips>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=16)
- if (cupPortals>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=17)
- if (mysteryBoxes>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($roll2=18)
- if (subAtomics>=1)
- $success2=1
- else
- toast Failed to reroll - no mana was used
- $success2=0
- end
- end
- if ($success1=1 and $success2=1 and mana>=300)
- yield -300 mana
- if ($roll1=1)
- yield -1 clicker
- toast Lost one autoclicker.
- end
- if ($roll1=2)
- yield -1 chocolateWorker
- toast Lost one chocolate worker.
- end
- if ($roll1=3)
- yield -1 refinery
- toast Lost one chocolate farm.
- end
- if ($roll1=4)
- yield -1 chocoFarm
- toast Lost one refinery.
- end
- if ($roll1=5)
- yield -1 peanutButterer
- toast Lost one peanut butterer.
- end
- if ($roll1=6)
- yield -1 pnConverter
- toast Lost one peas and nuts converter.
- end
- if ($roll1=7)
- yield -1 factory
- toast Lost one factory.
- end
- if ($roll1=8)
- yield -1 replicator
- toast Lost one replicator.
- end
- if ($roll1=9)
- yield -1 coreExtractor
- toast Lost one core extractor.
- end
- if ($roll1=10)
- yield -1 peanutCupper
- toast Lost one peanut butter cupper.
- end
- if ($roll1=11)
- yield -1 cupMachine
- toast Lost one peanut butter cup machine.
- end
- if ($roll1=12)
- yield -1 printer
- toast Lost one 3D printer.
- end
- if ($roll1=13)
- yield -1 cupVomiter
- toast Lost one puker.
- end
- if ($roll1=14)
- yield -1 rearranger
- toast Lost one molecular rearranger.
- end
- if ($roll1=15)
- yield -1 rocketShip
- toast Lost one rocketship.
- end
- if ($roll1=16)
- yield -1 cupPortal
- toast Lost one portal.
- end
- if ($roll1=17)
- yield -1 mysteryBox
- toast Lost one mystery box.
- end
- if ($roll1=18)
- yield -1 subAtomic
- toast Lost one subatomic moleculizer of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
- end
- if ($roll2=1)
- yield 1 clicker
- toast Gained one autoclicker.
- end
- if ($roll2=2)
- yield 1 chocolateWorker
- toast Gained one chocolate worker.
- end
- if ($roll2=3)
- yield 1 refinery
- toast Gained one chocolate farm.
- end
- if ($roll2=4)
- yield 1 chocoFarm
- toast Gained one refinery.
- end
- if ($roll2=5)
- yield 1 peanutButterer
- toast Gained one peanut butterer.
- end
- if ($roll2=6)
- yield 1 pnConverter
- toast Gained one peas and nuts converter.
- end
- if ($roll2=7)
- yield 1 factory
- toast Gained one factory.
- end
- if ($roll2=8)
- yield 1 replicator
- toast Gained one replicator.
- end
- if ($roll2=9)
- yield 1 coreExtractor
- toast Gained one core extractor.
- end
- if ($roll2=10)
- yield 1 peanutCupper
- toast Gained one peanut butter cupper.
- end
- if ($roll2=11)
- yield 1 cupMachine
- toast Gained one peanut butter cup machine.
- end
- if ($roll2=12)
- yield 1 printer
- toast Gained one 3D printer.
- end
- if ($roll2=13)
- yield 1 cupVomiter
- toast Gained one puker.
- end
- if ($roll2=14)
- yield 1 rearranger
- toast Gained one molecular rearranger.
- end
- if ($roll2=15)
- yield 1 rocketShip
- toast Gained one rocketship.
- end
- if ($roll2=16)
- yield 1 cupPortal
- toast Gained one portal.
- end
- if ($roll2=17)
- yield 1 mysteryBox
- toast Gained one mystery box.
- end
- if ($roll2=18)
- yield 1 subAtomic
- toast Gained one subatomic moleculizer of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
- end
- else if ($success1=1 and $success2=1)
- toast Not enough mana.
- end
- end
- *openPod
- name:Open golden bean pod
- desc:Open a golden bean pod with <b>[(5*(1-(0.01*brittleShells)))]</b> mana.
- icon:hat[0,0]
- no buy
- on click:
- if (mana>=(5*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) and goldBeanPods>=1)
- yield -(5*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) mana
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- toast Opened a golden bean pod!
- else if (goldBeanPods>=1)
- toast Not enough mana!
- else
- toast Not enough gold bean pods!
- end
- end
- tag:spell
- *open10Pods
- name:Open 10 golden bean pods
- desc:Open 10 golden bean pods with <b>[(45*(1-(0.01*brittleShells)))]</b> mana.
- icon:hat[0,0]
- no buy
- on click:
- if (mana>=(45*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) and goldBeanPods>=10)
- yield -(45*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) mana
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- toast Opened 10 golden bean pods!
- else if (goldBeanPods>=10)
- toast Not enough mana!
- else
- toast Not enough golden bean pods!
- end
- end
- tag:spell
- *open100Pods
- name:Open 100 golden bean pods
- desc:Open 100 golden bean pods with <b>[(405*(1-(0.01*brittleShells)))]</b> mana.
- icon:hat[0,0]
- no buy
- on open:
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- end
- on click:
- if (mana>=(405*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) and goldBeanPods>=100)
- yield -(405*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) mana
- do open with open100Pods
- do open with open100Pods
- do open with open100Pods
- do open with open100Pods
- do open with open100Pods
- do open with open100Pods
- do open with open100Pods
- do open with open100Pods
- do open with open100Pods
- do open with open100Pods
- toast Opened 100 golden bean pods!
- else if (goldBeanPods>=100)
- toast Not enough mana!
- else
- toast Not enough golden bean pods!
- end
- end
- tag:spell
- *open1000Pods
- name:Open 1,000 golden bean pods
- desc:Open 1,000 golden bean pods with <b>[(3847*(1-(0.01*brittleShells)))]</b> mana.<.>turning on full numbers is recommended when viewing the cost
- icon:hat[0,0]
- no buy
- on open:
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield -1 goldBeanPod
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- yield random(3,5) goldBeans
- end
- on click:
- if (mana>=(3847*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) and goldBeanPods>=100)
- yield -(3847*(1-(0.01*brittleShells))) mana
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- do open with open1000Pods
- toast Opened 1,000 golden bean pods!
- else if (goldBeanPods>=1000)
- toast Not enough mana!
- else
- toast Not enough golden bean pods!
- end
- end
- tag:spell
- class:smallThing thing
- on click:
- if (clickAnimation=1)
- anim icon wobble2
- anim wobble2
- end
- if (clickAnimation=2)
- anim icon bounceOnce
- anim bounceOnce
- end
- if (clickAnimation=3)
- anim icon plop
- anim plop
- end
- if (clickAnimation=4)
- anim icon wiggling2
- anim wiggling
- end
- if (clickAnimation=5)
- anim icon wobbleSlow
- anim wobbleSlow
- end
- end
- on earn:hide this
- tag:upgrade
- no text
- *cupRecipe
- name:Peanut butter cup recipe
- desc:Discover the ancient secrets of cupping peanut butter.<//><.>Unlocks peanut butter cup producers.
- cost:100 chocolate
- cost:100 peanutButter
- req:50 cEarnedThisUniverse
- req:50 pEarnedThisUniverse
- req:1 chocolateWorker
- req:1 peanutButterer
- icon:
- *fourcloverLeaf
- name:Four clover leaf
- desc:Four leaf clovers may be rare, but has anyone ever seen one of these?<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear <b>10%</b> more often.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will require <b>10</b> less mana to summon.
- passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
- cost:100 goldBeans
- req:7 lclicks
- icon:
- *luckyBoost
- name:Tiny lucky boost
- desc:Use the power of a small bit of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>1%</b>.
- cost:100 goldBeans
- req:7 lclicks
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.03
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.01) multiplier
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *podSummonBoost
- name:Golden bean pod summoning boost
- desc:<.>Get <b>10</b> golden bean pods per "Spawn golden bean pod" cast instead of 1.<.>Unlocks a spell boost to increase the yield of each cast.
- cost:1500 goldBeans
- req:7 lclicks
- icon:numbers[0,0]
- *blackcatHorseshoe
- name:Black cat's horseshoe
- desc:Just don't let it cross your path.<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15</b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have slightly boosted effects.
- passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
- cost:1000 goldBeans
- cost:1 crystalBean
- req:10 lclicks
- icon:
- *smallLuckyBoost
- name:Relatively small lucky boost
- desc:Use the power of a little more luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>1.5%</b>.
- cost:1000 goldBeans
- cost:1 crystalBean
- req:10 lclicks
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.015
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.015) multiplier
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *halfRainbow
- name:Half Rainbow
- desc:Halfway across the sky!<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15<b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have moderately boosted effects.
- passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
- cost:5000 goldBeans
- cost:3 crystalBeans
- req:17 lclicks
- icon:
- *fairlyLuckyBoost
- name:Fairly lucky boost
- desc:Use the power of a fair bit of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>2%</b>.
- cost:5000 goldBeans
- cost:3 crystalBeans
- req:17 lclicks
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *closedUmbrella
- name:Closed umbrella
- desc:Keep it inside.<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15<b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have boosted effects.
- passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
- cost:20000 goldBeans
- cost:10 crystalBeans
- req:37 lclicks
- icon:
- *sizableLuckyBoost
- name:Sizable lucky boost
- desc:Use the power of a decent amount of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>2.5%</b>.
- cost:20000 goldBeans
- cost:10 crystalBeans
- req:37 lclicks
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.025
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.025) multiplier
- *d7
- name:7 sided die
- desc:Just the right amount of rigged.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15</b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have more boosted effects.
- passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
- cost:100000 goldBeans
- cost:50 crystalBeans
- req:57 lclicks
- icon:
- *peanutcupClicking
- name:Peanut Butter Cup Clicking
- desc:Clicking either button 3 times will produce a peanut butter cup.
- cost:1000 peanutCups
- req:1 peanutCup:ps
- req:notaButton
- icon:
- *combinedClicking
- name:Combined Clicking
- desc:Clicking the chocolate twice will produce a jar of peanut butter, and vice versa.
- cost:10000 chocolate
- cost:10000 peanutButter
- req:1000 chocoButton clicks
- req:1000 pButton clicks
- icon:
- *betterButton
- name:Better Button
- desc:Now with 100% more!<//><.>The peanut butter button will produce <b>twice</b> as much peanut butter, and the chocolate button will yield <b>twice</b> as much chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:100 chocolate
- cost:100 peanutButter
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2
- req:1 cEarnedThisUniverse
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *betterButton2
- name:Better Button II
- desc:Just compare it to the leading brand!<//><.>The peanut butter button will produce <b>twice</b> as much peanut butter, and the chocolate button will yield <b>twice</b> as much chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1000 chocolate
- cost:1000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2
- req:betterButton
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *betterButton3
- name:Better Button III
- desc:We'll double the offer!<//><.>Multiplies all yield of buttons by <b>2</b>.<.>Multiplies yield of clickers by <b>2.25</b>.
- cost:5000 chocolate
- cost:5000 peanutButter
- cost:1000 peanutCups
- req:betterButton2
- passive:multiply yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.25
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.25
- passive:multiply goldBeanPod yield of clicker by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *betterButton4
- name:Better Button IV
- desc:But wait, there's more!<//><.>Multiplies yield of buttons by <b>2</b>.<.>Multiplies yield of clickers by <b>2.5</b>.
- cost:50000 chocolate
- cost:50000 peanutButter
- cost:25000 peanutCups
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- passive:multiply yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.5
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.5
- passive:multiply goldBeanPod yield of clicker by 2
- req:betterButton3
- *betterButton5
- name:Better Button V
- desc:Call now and you'll receive a mini button too!<//><.>Clicking either button will produce <b>7.5%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per chocolate worker and peanut butterer.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2.75</b>.
- cost:500000 chocolate
- cost:500000 peanutButter
- cost:300000 peanutCups
- icon:numbers[5,0]
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.75
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.75
- req:betterButton4
- *betterButton6
- name:Better Button VI
- desc:Are you tired of this? <i>clicks button and gets nothing</i><//><.>Clicking either button will produce <b>15%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per chocolate farm and peas and nuts converter.<.>Combined and peanut butter cup clicking are twice as effective.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>3</b>.
- cost:5000000 chocolate
- cost:5000000 peanutButter
- cost:3000000 peanutCups
- icon:numbers[6,0]
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 3
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 3
- req:betterButton5
- *betterButton7
- name:Better Button VII
- desc:Woops, looks like I'm all out of ideas.<.>Clicking either button will produce <b>22.5%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per refinery and factory.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>3.25</b>.
- cost:500000000 chocolate
- cost:500000000 peanutButter
- cost:300000000 peanutCups
- icon:numbers[7,0]
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 3.25
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 3.25
- req:betterButton6
- *darkCups
- name:Dark chocolate peanut butter cups
- desc:These more bitter cups will add <b>2%</b> to your production multiplier.
- cost:10000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
- req:1000 earnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *whiteCups
- name:White chocolate peanut butter cups
- desc:These cups will add another <b>3%</b> to your production multiplier.
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.03
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.03) multiplier
- cost:100000 peanutCups
- req:10000 earnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *miniCups
- name:Mini peanut butter cups
- desc:These tiny peanut butter cups will go a long way by adding <b>5%</b> to your production multiplier.
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.05
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.05) multiplier
- cost:10000000 peanutCups
- req:1000000 earnedThisUniverse
- icon:
- *cookieCups
- name:Cookies and cream peanut butter cups
- desc:Combine the addicting flavor or cookies and cream with the divine taste of peanut butter cups to earn another <b>+5%</b> to your production multiplier.
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.05
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.05) multiplier
- req:100000000 earnedThisUniverse
- cost:1000000000 peanutCups
- icon:
- *whiteRibbon
- name:White Ribbon
- desc:3rd...<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>0.5%</b> per achievement earned.
- cost:1000000 peanutCups
- cost:1000000 chocolate
- cost:1000000 peanutButter
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.005*(achievPoints)))
- req:15 achievPoints
- *redRibbon
- name:Red Ribbon
- desc:2nd...<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>0.75%</b> per achievement earned.
- cost:10000000000 peanutCups
- cost:10000000000 chocolate
- cost:10000000000 peanutButter
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.0075*(achievPoints)))
- req:35 achievPoints
- *blueRibbon
- name:Blue Ribbon
- desc:1st place!<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>1%</b> per achievement earned.
- cost:100000000000000 peanutCups
- cost:100000000000000 chocolate
- cost:100000000000000 peanutButter
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.01*(achievPoints)))
- req:75 achievPoints
- *gainfulPain
- name:Gainful pain
- desc:oof<.>Boosts peanut butter cup production by <b>50%</b> when chocolate or peanut butter production is negative.
- req:loss
- on tick:
- if (peanutButter:ps<0 or chocolate:ps<0)
- yield (peanutCups:ps/2) peanutCups
- end
- end
- icon:
- *training
- name:Training
- desc:Trained workers just might be more efficient.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
- cost:1000 chocolate
- cost:1000 peanutButter
- cost:500 peanutCups
- req:10 chocolateWorkers:max
- req:10 peanutButterers:max
- req:1 peanutCupper:max
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *collegeEducation
- name:Working smarter
- desc:Not harder.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
- cost:10000 chocolate
- cost:10000 peanutButter
- cost:100 peanutCups
- req:25 chocolateWorkers:max
- req:25 peanutButterers:max
- req:10 peanutCuppers:max
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *collegeEducationA
- name:College education
- desc:I have a PhD in making peanut butter cups.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
- cost:100000 chocolate
- cost:100000 peanutButter
- cost:1000 peanutCups
- req:50 chocolateWorkers:max
- req:50 peanutButterers:max
- req:25 peanutCuppers:max
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *fasterRoasting
- name:Faster roasting
- desc:Chocolate workers roast cocoa beans faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:500 chocolate
- req:1 chocolateWorker:max
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *literalchocoWorkers
- name:Literal chocolate workers
- desc:Chocolate workers are now made of chocolate, which makes them faster. Don't ask.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:5000 chocolate
- req:10 chocolateWorker:max
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *mitosis
- name:Higher melting point
- desc:You've run into some problems with melting workers.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:50000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
- req:25 chocolateWorkers:max
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *mitosis1
- name:Mitosis
- desc:why do i have to give birth why can't i just do my toast is<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:500000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 4
- req:50 chocolateWorkers:max
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *refinedRefineries
- name:Fertilizer
- desc:Enhance your trees' growth rates.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
- cost:7500 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- req:1 refinery:max
- *fasterGrinders
- name:Healthier seeds
- desc:Make them healthier before they even start growing.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
- cost:75000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
- req:10 refineries:max
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *extraMixable
- name:Flavored water
- desc:Drinking regular water every day must get boring.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
- cost:750000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
- req:25 refineries:max
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *chocosynthesis
- name:Chocosynthesis
- desc:Convert sunlight into chocolate instead of sugar.<.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:7500000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of refinery by 4
- req:50 refineries:max
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *refinedRefineriesA
- name:Refined refineries
- desc:Refined refineries refine refined-er chocolate.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
- cost:112500 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- req:1 chocoFarm:max
- *fasterGrindersA
- name:Faster grinders
- desc:griiiiind<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1125000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
- req:10 chocoFarms:max
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *extraMixableA
- name:Extra mixable cocoa
- desc:The liquid cocoa will mix more quickly with other ingredients.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
- cost:11250000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
- req:25 chocoFarms:max
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *decombobulators
- name:Discombobulators
- desc:An important part of chocolate discombobulation.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:112500000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 4
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- req:50 chocoFarms:max
- *fastProcessors
- name:Faster food processors
- desc:Peanut butterers use faster food processors.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:500 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
- req:1 peanutButterer:max
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *softerPeanuts
- name:Softer peanuts
- desc:Peanuts are softer, and can be processed faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:5000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
- req:10 peanutButterers:max
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *biggerProcessors
- name:Bigger processors
- desc:More room to shove your peanuts into.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:50000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
- req:25 peanutButterers:max
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *cProcessors
- name:Computer processors
- desc:Are you sure these'll work?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>4</b><.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:500000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 4
- req:50 peanutButterers:max
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *movingAssembly
- name:Better ratio
- desc:Needs less pea and more nut!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
- cost:7500 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
- req:1 pbFactory:max
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *factored
- name:Wider nut variety
- desc:More kinds of nuts to convert.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
- cost:75000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
- req:10 pbFactories:max
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *factorial
- name:Green bean converter
- desc:Kinda similar to peas? I guess?<.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
- cost:750000 peanutButter
- req:25 pbFactories:max
- passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *secretIngredient
- name:Secret ingredient
- desc:This Woman Found The Secret Ingredient To Quick Conversion! Peanut Butter Companies <b>HATE</b> Her! Click <b>HERE</b> To Find Out Her One Simple Trick!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:7500000 peanutButter
- req:50 pbFactories:max
- passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 4
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *movingAssemblyA
- name:Moving assembly line
- desc:Aren't these pretty much the default these days?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
- cost:112500 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
- req:1 factories:max
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *factoredA
- name:Factored factories
- desc:In simplest form.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1125000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
- req:10 factories:max
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *factorialA
- name:Factorial factories
- desc:Surprisingly, 200-40*2 is only 5!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
- cost:11250000 peanutButter
- req:25 factories:max
- passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *scaleFactor
- name:Scale factor
- desc:Dilated by a scale factor of 2.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:112500000 peanutButter
- req:50 factories:max
- passive:multiply yield of factories by 4
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *triplers
- name:Triplers
- desc:Get an extra bar of chocolate and jar of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1687500 chocolate
- cost:1687500 peanutButter
- req:1 replicator:max
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
- *quintuplers
- name:Quintuplers
- desc:Get 3 extra bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:16875000 chocolate
- cost:16875000 peanutButter
- req:10 replicators:max
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
- *nonuplers
- name:Nonuplers
- desc:Get 7 extra bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:168750000 chocolate
- cost:168750000 peanutButter
- req:25 replicators:max
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
- *tretrigintuplers
- name:Tretrigintuplers
- desc:I couldn't quite fit the X in, sorry.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:1687500000 chocolate
- cost:1687500000 peanutButter
- req:50 replicators:max
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of replicators by 4
- *deeperExtraction
- name:Deeper extraction
- desc:Go deeper into the planet's delicious, gooey core.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
- cost:27000000 chocolate
- cost:27000000 peanutButter
- req:1 coreExtractor:max
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
- *coolers
- name:Coolers
- desc:Make your scorching hot peanut butter and chocolate nice and cool. As a side effect, you may catch them using the latest trendy lingo.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
- cost:270000000 chocolate
- cost:270000000 peanutButter
- req:10 coreExtractors:max
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
- *fasterTransportation
- name:Faster transportation
- desc:Sure takes a while for things to get from the core to the surface.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
- cost:2700000000 chocolate
- cost:2700000000 peanutButter
- req:25 coreExtractors:max
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
- *otherPlanets
- name:Other planets
- desc:Extracting from other planets' cores has a much higher output! It's also less damaging to Earth but that's not what matters.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:27000000000 chocolate
- cost:27000000000 peanutButter
- req:50 coreExtractors:max
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 4
- *quantumPBC
- name:Quantum peanut butter and chocolate
- desc:It's quantum compatible!<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
- cost:800000000 chocolate
- cost:800000000 peanutButter
- req:1 qDownloader:max
- passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *gbWifi
- name:Gigabit Wi-Fi
- desc:gotta download fast<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
- cost:8000000000 chocolate
- cost:8000000000 peanutButter
- req:10 qDownloaders:max
- passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *qMechanic
- name:A quantum mechanic
- desc:Fixes your quantum downloaders when they break.<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
- cost:80000000000 chocolate
- cost:80000000000 peanutButter
- req:25 qDownloaders:max
- passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *qInternet
- name:Quantum internet
- desc:At this point, why not just make everything quantum?<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:800000000000 chocolate
- cost:800000000000 peanutButter
- req:50 qDownloaders:max
- passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 4
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *ads
- name:Advertisements
- desc:Spread the word!<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
- passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
- req:1 mindReader:max
- cost:25600000000 chocolate
- cost:25600000000 peanutButter
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *subliminal
- name:Subliminal messaging
- desc:<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
- passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
- req:10 mindReaders:max
- cost:256000000000 chocolate
- cost:256000000000 peanutButter
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *hallucinogens
- name:Hallucinogens
- desc:if I wasn't eating chocolate that whole time... what was I eating?<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
- passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
- req:25 mindReaders:max
- cost:2560000000000 chocolate
- cost:2560000000000 peanutButter
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *mindControl
- name:Mind control
- desc:Put on your tinfoil hats!<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>4</b>.
- passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 4
- req:50 mindReaders:max
- cost:25600000000000 chocolate
- cost:25600000000000 peanutButter
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *nimbleFingers
- name:Nimble fingers
- desc:Trim off the fat and get some muscle memory.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1000 chocolate
- cost:1000 peanutButter
- cost:250 peanutCups
- req:1 peanutCupper:max
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *cupManufacturers
- name:Cup manufacturers
- desc:These guys have a lot of experience making cups. That should translate well into making peanut butter cups, right?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:10000 chocolate
- cost:10000 peanutButter
- cost:2500 peanutCups
- req:10 peanutCuppers:max
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *chefs
- name:Chefs
- desc:Cooks up some fresh peanut butter cups.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.<q>Are the peanut butter cups fresh or frozen?</q>
- cost:100000 chocolate
- cost:100000 peanutButter
- cost:25000 peanutCups
- req:25 peanutCuppers:max
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *mages
- desc:Casts spells on your peanut butter and chocolate to form peanut butter cups.<.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- name:Mages
- cost:1000000 chocolate
- cost:1000000 peanutButter
- cost:250000 peanutCups
- req:50 peanutCuppers:max
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 4
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *wc
- name:WC-50
- desc:Makes things go.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
- cost:15000 peanutCups
- req:1 cupMachine:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupMachine by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *cheaperMetal
- name:Cheaper Metal
- desc:Refineries, factories, and machines are <b>5%</b> cheaper.
- cost:75000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply cost of cupMachine by 0.95
- passive:multiply cost of factory by 0.95
- passive:multiply cost of chocoFarm by 0.95
- req:5 cupMachines:max
- req:10 factories:max
- req:10 chocoFarms:max
- icon:
- *lighterMachinery
- name:Lighter Machinery
- cost:150000 peanutCups
- desc:Try our new weight loss programs for machines!<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
- req:10 cupMachines:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *hqCogs
- name:High quality cogs
- cost:1500000 peanutCups
- desc:For smoother rotation.<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
- passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
- req:25 cupMachines:max
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *microMachines
- name:Micro-machines
- cost:15000000 peanutCups
- desc:These can move anything anywhere, with ease. If you can think it, they can do it. The only limit is your imagination.<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- req:50 cupMachines:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
- *fasterPrinting
- name:Faster printers
- desc:The printhead can move faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- cost:175000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
- req:1 printer:max
- *optimizedModels
- name:Optimized models
- desc:These more efficient models will cut printing time in half.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- cost:1750000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
- req:10 printers:max
- *biggerFeeder
- name:Bigger material feeder
- desc:With this, you won't need to refill your printer as often.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- cost:17500000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
- req:25 printers:max
- *biggerPrinthead
- name:Bigger printhead
- desc:Your printers can squirt out more stuff at once.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- cost:175000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
- req:50 printers:max
- *largeStomach
- name:Large stomach
- desc:Pukers can hold more peanut butter and chocolate in their stomach.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:2000000 peanutCups
- req:1 cupVomiter:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *fastDigestion
- name:Fast digestion
- desc:Pukers digest faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:20000000 peanutCups
- req:10 cupVomiters:max
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
- *defecation
- name:Defecation
- desc:Even more gross. Still safe, though. Probably.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:200000000 peanutCups
- req:25 cupVomiters:max
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
- *inhale
- name:Inhale ability
- desc:Sucks in the peanut butter and chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:2000000000 peanutCups
- req:50 cupVomiters:max
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 4
- *breakdown
- name:Molecular breakdown
- desc:Breaking down molecules makes them easier to rearrange.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:25000000 peanutCups
- req:1 rearranger:max
- passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *noclip
- name:I accidentally left this name as a placeholder for a long time so I'll just leave this here as a monument to my forgetfulness
- desc:At least I won't have to think of a name now.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:250000000 peanutCups
- req:10 rearrangers:max
- passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *chocolateMolecules
- name:Chocolate molecules
- desc:Chocolate can now be made with a single type of molecule.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:2500000000 peanutCups
- req:25 rearrangers:max
- passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *quantumTunneling
- name:Quantum tunneling
- desc:Molecules go straight through each other.<.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:25000000000 peanutCups
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- req:50 rearrangers:max
- passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 4
- *betterBargaining
- name:Better bargaining
- desc:Best I can do is 20 peanut butter cups.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
- cost:300000000 peanutCups
- req:1 rocketShip:max
- passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *hotDeals
- name:Hot deals
- desc:50% off!<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
- cost:3000000000 peanutCups
- req:10 rocketShips:max
- passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *memberCard
- name:Membership card
- desc:Get rewarded for your loyalty.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
- cost:30000000000 peanutCups
- req:25 rocketShips:max
- passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *hyperDrive
- name:Hyperdrive
- desc:The key to fast, efficient space travel.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:300000000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 4
- req:50 rocketShips:max
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *fasterPortals
- name:Faster portals
- desc:Skip the cutscene for going through a portal.<//><.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
- cost:3250000000 peanutCups
- req:1 cupPortal:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *betterDimension
- name:Better dimension
- desc:Turns out whatever was in that other dimension was slacking off.<//><.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
- cost:32500000000 peanutCups
- req:10 cupPortals:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *theCake
- name:The cake
- desc:It's a lie. This is the pinnacle of low-hanging fruit.<.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
- cost:325000000000 peanutCups
- req:25 cupPortals:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *fourthDimension
- name:Fourth dimension
- desc:The thrilling sequel to the third dimension.<.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:3250000000000 peanutCups
- req:50 cupPortals:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 4
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *biggerBoxes
- name:Bigger boxes
- desc:We're gonna need a bigger box?<//><.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
- cost:35000000000 peanutCups
- req:1 mysteryBox:max
- passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *addedMystery
- name:Added mystery
- desc:The suspense is killing me.<//><.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
- cost:350000000000 peanutCups
- req:10 mysteryBoxes:max
- passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *schrodingersCat
- name:Schrodinger's cat
- desc:Just hangs out in the mystery box with your peanut butter and chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
- cost:3500000000000 peanutCups
- req:25 mysteryBoxes:max
- passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *boxSquared
- name:Mystery box²
- desc:Send mystery boxes full of peanut butter cups through other mystery boxes.<.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:35000000000000 peanutCups
- req:50 mysteryBoxes:max
- passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 4
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *bingBong
- name:Bing bong theory
- desc:Bazoomba<//><.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:400000000000 peanutCups
- req:1 subAtomics:max
- passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *ropeTheory
- name:Rope theory
- desc:Because strings are far too small.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:4000000000000 peanutCups
- req:10 subAtomics:max
- passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *scientificScience
- name:Scientific science
- desc:It just wasn't quite scientific enough before.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:40000000000000 peanutCups
- req:25 subAtomics:max
- passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *subsubAtomic
- name:Subsubatomic particles
- desc:What <i>really</i> makes up the universe.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:400000000000000 peanutCups
- req:50 subAtomics:max
- passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 4
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *suckierHoles
- name:Suckier holes
- desc:uhh<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>2</b>.
- cost:6789012345670 peanutCups
- req:1 bhExtractor:max
- passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *eventfulHorizons
- name:More eventful horizons
- desc:Action-packed!<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>2</b>.
- cost:67890123456701 peanutCups
- req:10 bhExtractors:max
- passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *antiSpaghetti
- name:Spaghettification prevention
- desc:Do I make a "hope she made lotsa spaghetti" joke or a "somebody toucha my spaghet" joke?
- cost:678901234567012 peanutCups
- req:25 bhExtractors:max
- passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *galacticCores
- name:Galactic cores
- desc:As some of the most massive black holes in the universe, these can have entire galaxies orbiting them. They should do the trick.<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>4</b>.<i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:6789012345670123 peanutCups
- req:50 bhExtractor:max
- passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 4
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *longRange
- name:Long-range anomalies
- desc:Convert things from <i>coast to coast</i>.<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
- cost:115000000000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
- req:1 anomaly:max
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *blindSpots
- name:Blind spots
- desc:Wow, you're so insensitive (to light)<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1150000000000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
- req:10 anomalies:max
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *loweredFOV
- name:Lowered FOV
- desc:I'm sure no one will notice.<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
- cost:11500000000000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
- req:25 anomalies:max
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *instantConversion
- name:Instant conversion
- desc:The mere blink of an eye could get your peanut butter and chocolate converted!<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:115000000000000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 4
- req:50 anomalies:max
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- class:smallThing thing
- on click:
- if (clickAnimation=1)
- anim icon wobble2
- anim wobble2
- end
- if (clickAnimation=2)
- anim icon bounceOnce
- anim bounceOnce
- end
- if (clickAnimation=3)
- anim icon plop
- anim plop
- end
- if (clickAnimation=4)
- anim icon wiggling2
- anim wiggling
- end
- if (clickAnimation=5)
- anim icon wobbleSlow
- anim wobbleSlow
- end
- end
- tag:divine
- class:divine
- no text
- *prestige1
- name:A world of peanut butter cups
- desc:Your ultimate goal is to fill the multiverse with peanut butter cups. Fill this small universe and move on to a larger one.</><i>You will:</i><.>Leave behind <b>all</b> buildings, resources, upgrades, and secrets.<.>Gain <b>150</b> divine peanut butter cups to be used to purchase upgrades and get boosts.<.>Unlock the next tier of buildings (and the next tier of upgrades will come eventually)
- on earn:lose tag:upgrade
- on earn:lose :Buildings
- on earn:lose tag:resource
- on earn:lose tag:special
- on earn:lose tag:secret
- on earn:lose tag:secretPoints
- on earn:yield 150 divineCups
- on earn:yield (peanutCups:earned) leftBehind
- on earn:yield (chocolate:earned) cleftBehind
- on earn:yield (peanutButter:earned) pleftBehind
- on earn:yield 1 manaThing
- on earn:yield 1 aaa
- cost:50e12 peanutCups
- icon:
- *angelicCuppersUnlock
- name:Angelic cuppers
- desc:Unlocks <b>angelic cuppers</b> to unleash the power of your divine cups.
- passive:multiply yield of tag:philding by (((pow(1.0002,angelicCuppers)-1)*(divineCups:earned))+1)
- cost:50 divineCups
- icon:
- req:prestige1
- class:thing
- on click:
- if (clickAnimation=1)
- anim icon wobble2
- anim wobble2
- end
- if (clickAnimation=2)
- anim icon bounceOnce
- anim bounceOnce
- end
- if (clickAnimation=3)
- anim icon plop
- anim plop
- end
- if (clickAnimation=4)
- anim icon wiggling2
- anim wiggling
- end
- if (clickAnimation=5)
- anim icon wobbleSlow
- anim wobbleSlow
- end
- end
- tag:upgradeOwned
- no buy
- no text
- *cupRecipeO
- name:Peanut butter cup recipe
- desc:Discover the ancient secrets of cupping peanut butter.<//><.>Unlocks peanut butter cup producers.
- cost:100 chocolate
- cost:100 peanutButter
- req:50 cEarnedThisUniverse
- req:50 pEarnedThisUniverse
- req:1 chocolateWorker
- req:1 peanutButterer
- req:cupRecipe
- icon:
- *fourcloverLeafO
- name:Four clover leaf
- desc:Four leaf clovers may be rare, but has anyone ever seen one of these?<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear <b>10%</b> more often.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will require <b>10</b> less mana to summon.
- passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
- cost:100 goldBeans
- req:7 lclicks
- req:fourcloverLeaf
- icon:
- *luckyBoostO
- name:Tiny lucky boost
- desc:Use the power of a small bit of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>1%</b>.
- cost:100 goldBeans
- req:7 lclicks
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.03
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.01) multiplier
- req:luckyBoost
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *podSummonBoostO
- name:Golden bean pod summoning boost
- desc:Get <b>5</b> golden bean pods per "Spawn golden bean pod" cast instead of 1.
- cost:500 goldBeans
- req:7 lclicks
- req:podSummonBoost
- icon:numbers[0,0]
- *blackcatHorseshoeO
- name:Black cat's horseshoe
- desc:Just don't let it cross your path.<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15</b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have slightly boosted effects.
- passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
- cost:1000 goldBeans
- cost:1 crystalBean
- req:10 lclicks
- req:blackcatHorseshoe
- icon:
- *smallLuckyBoostO
- name:Relatively small lucky boost
- desc:Use the power of a little more luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>1.5%</b>.
- cost:1000 goldBeans
- cost:1 crystalBean
- req:10 lclicks
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.015
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.015) multiplier
- req:smallLuckyBoost
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *halfRainbowO
- name:Half Rainbow
- desc:Halfway across the sky!<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15<b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have moderately boosted effects.
- passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
- cost:5000 goldBeans
- cost:3 crystalBeans
- req:17 lclicks
- req:halfRainbow
- icon:
- *fairlyLuckyBoostO
- name:Fairly lucky boost
- desc:Use the power of a fair bit of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>2%</b>.
- cost:5000 goldBeans
- cost:3 crystalBeans
- req:17 lclicks
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
- req:fairlyLuckyBoost
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *closedUmbrellaO
- name:Closed umbrella
- desc:Keep it inside.<//><.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15<b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have boosted effects.
- passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
- cost:20000 goldBeans
- cost:10 crystalBeans
- req:37 lclicks
- req:closedUmbrella
- icon:
- *sizableLuckyBoostO
- name:Sizable lucky boost
- desc:Use the power of a decent amount of luck to your benefit.<//><.>Boosts all production by <b>2.5%</b>.
- cost:20000 goldBeans
- cost:10 crystalBeans
- req:37 lclicks
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
- req:sizableLuckyBoost
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.025
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.025) multiplier
- *d7O
- name:7 sided die
- desc:Just the right amount of rigged.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will appear another <b>10%</b> more often and cost another <b>15</b> less mana to summon.<.>Golden peanut butter cups will have more boosted effects.
- passive:multiply frequency of luckyCup by 0.9
- cost:100000 goldBeans
- cost:50 crystalBeans
- req:57 lclicks
- req:d7
- icon:
- *peanutcupClickingO
- name:Peanut Butter Cup Clicking
- desc:Clicking either button 3 times will produce a peanut butter cup.
- cost:1000 peanutCups
- req:1 peanutCup:ps
- req:notaButton
- req:peanutcupClicking
- icon:
- *combinedClickingO
- name:Combined Clicking
- desc:Clicking the chocolate twice will produce a jar of peanut butter, and vice versa.
- cost:10000 chocolate
- cost:10000 peanutButter
- req:1000 chocoButton clicks
- req:1000 pButton clicks
- req:combinedClicking
- icon:
- *betterButtonO
- name:Better Button
- desc:Now with 100% more!<//><.>The peanut butter button will produce <b>twice</b> as much peanut butter, and the chocolate button will yield <b>twice</b> as much chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:100 chocolate
- cost:100 peanutButter
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2
- req:1 chocolate:earned
- req:betterButton
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *betterButton2O
- name:Better Button II
- desc:Just compare it to the leading brand!<//><.>The peanut butter button will produce <b>twice</b> as much peanut butter, and the chocolate button will yield <b>twice</b> as much chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1000 chocolate
- cost:1000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2
- req:betterButton2
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *betterButton3O
- name:Better Button III
- desc:We'll double the offer!<//><.>Multiplies all yield of buttons by <b>2</b>.<.>Multiplies yield of clickers by <b>2.25</b>.
- cost:5000 chocolate
- cost:5000 peanutButter
- cost:1000 peanutCups
- req:betterButton3
- passive:multiply yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.25
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.25
- passive:multiply goldBeanPod yield of clicker by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *betterButton4O
- name:Better Button IV
- desc:But wait, there's more!<//><.>Multiplies yield of buttons by <b>2</b>.<.>Multiplies yield of clickers by <b>2.5</b>.
- cost:50000 chocolate
- cost:50000 peanutButter
- cost:25000 peanutCups
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- passive:multiply yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.5
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.5
- passive:multiply goldBeanPod yield of clicker by 2
- req:betterButton4
- *betterButton5O
- name:Better Button V
- desc:Call now and you'll receive a mini button too!<//><.>Clicking either button will produce <b>7.5%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per chocolate worker and peanut butterer.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>2.75</b>.
- cost:500000 chocolate
- cost:500000 peanutButter
- cost:300000 peanutCups
- icon:numbers[5,0]
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((chocolateWorkers+peanutButterers)*0.075))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 2.75
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 2.75
- req:betterButton5
- *betterButton6O
- name:Better Button VI
- desc:Are you tired of this? <i>clicks button and gets nothing</i><//><.>Clicking either button will produce <b>15%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per chocolate farm and peas and nuts converter.<.>Combined and peanut butter cup clicking are twice as effective.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>3</b>.
- cost:5000000 chocolate
- cost:5000000 peanutButter
- cost:3000000 peanutCups
- icon:numbers[6,0]
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((refineries+pbFactories)*0.15))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by 2
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by 2
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 3
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 3
- req:betterButton6
- *betterButton7O
- name:Better Button VII
- desc:Woops, looks like I'm all out of ideas.<.>Clicking either button will produce <b>22.5%</b> more chocolate, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups per refinery and factory.<.>Multiplies yield of autoclickers by <b>3.25</b>.
- cost:500000000 chocolate
- cost:500000000 peanutButter
- cost:300000000 peanutCups
- icon:numbers[7,0]
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of chocoButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply peanutCup yield of pButton by (1+((chocoFarms+factories)*0.225))
- passive:multiply chocolate yield of clicker by 3.25
- passive:multiply peanutButter yield of clicker by 3.25
- req:betterButton7
- *darkCupsO
- name:Dark chocolate peanut butter cups
- desc:These more bitter cups will balance out the sweet peanut butter, and add <b>2%</b> to your production multiplier.
- cost:10000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.02
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.02) multiplier
- req:1000 peanutCups:earned
- req:darkCups
- icon:
- *whiteCupsO
- name:White chocolate peanut butter cups
- desc:These cups will add another <b>3%</b> to your production multiplier.
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.03
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.03) multiplier
- cost:100000 peanutCups
- req:10000 peanutCups:earned
- req:whiteCups
- icon:
- *miniCupsO
- name:Mini Peanut Butter Cups
- desc:These tiny peanut butter cups will go a long way by adding <b>5%</b> to your production multiplier.
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.05
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.05) multiplier
- cost:10000000 peanutCups
- req:1000000 peanutCups:earned
- req:miniCups
- icon:
- *cookieCupsO
- name:Cookies n' Creme Peanut ButterCups
- desc:Combine the addicting flavor or cookies and creme with the divine taste of peanut butter cups to earn another <b>+5%</b> to your production multiplier.
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by 1.05
- on earn:yield (multiplier*0.05) multiplier
- req:100000000 peanutCups:earned
- cost:1000000000 peanutCups
- req:cookieCups
- icon:
- *whiteRibbonO
- name:White Ribbon
- desc:3rd...<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>0.5%</b> per achievement earned.
- cost:1000000 peanutCups
- cost:1000000 chocolate
- cost:1000000 peanutButter
- req:whiteRibbon
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.005*(achievPoints)))
- *redRibbonO
- name:Red Ribbon
- desc:2nd...<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>0.75%</b> per achievement earned.
- cost:10000000000 peanutCups
- cost:10000000000 chocolate
- cost:10000000000 peanutButter
- req:redRibbon
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.0075*(achievPoints)))
- *blueRibbonO
- name:Blue Ribbon
- desc:1st place!<.>Increases your multiplier by <b>1%</b> per achievement earned.
- cost:100000000000000 peanutCups
- cost:100000000000000 chocolate
- cost:100000000000000 peanutButter
- req:blueRibbon
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of tag:building by (1+(0.01*(achievPoints)))
- *gainfulPainO
- name:Gainful pain
- desc:oof<.>Boosts peanut butter cup production by <b>50%</b> when chocolate or peanut butter production is negative.
- req:loss
- on tick:
- if (peanutButter:ps<0 or chocolate:ps<0)
- yield (peanutCups:ps/2) peanutCups
- end
- end
- req:gainfulPain
- icon:
- *trainingO
- name:Training
- desc:Trained workers just might be more efficient.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
- cost:1000 chocolate
- cost:1000 peanutButter
- cost:500 peanutCups
- req:10 chocolateWorkers:max
- req:10 peanutButterers:max
- req:1 peanutCupper:max
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
- req:training
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *collegeEducationO
- name:Working smarter
- desc:Not harder.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
- cost:10000 chocolate
- cost:10000 peanutButter
- cost:100 peanutCups
- req:25 chocolateWorkers:max
- req:25 peanutButterers:max
- req:10 peanutCuppers:max
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
- req:collegeEducation
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *collegeEducationAO
- name:College education
- desc:I have a PhD in making peanut butter cups.<//><.>Chocolate workers, peanut butterers, and peanut butter cuppers are <b>50%</b> faster.
- cost:100000 chocolate
- cost:100000 peanutButter
- cost:1000 peanutCups
- req:50 chocolateWorkers:max
- req:50 peanutButterers:max
- req:25 peanutCuppers:max
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorkers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterers by 1.5
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCuppers by 1.5
- req:collegeEducationA
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *fasterRoastingO
- name:Faster roasting
- desc:Chocolate workers roast cocoa beans faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:500 chocolate
- req:1 chocolateWorker:max
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
- req:fasterRoasting
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *literalchocoWorkersO
- name:Literal chocolate workers
- desc:Chocolate workers are now made of chocolate, which makes them faster. Don't ask.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:5000 chocolate
- req:10 chocolateWorker:max
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
- req:literalchocoWorkers
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *mitosisO
- name:Higher melting point
- desc:You've run into some problems with melting workers.<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:50000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 2
- req:25 chocolateWorkers:max
- req:mitosis
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *mitosis1O
- name:Mitosis
- desc:why do i have to give birth why can't i just do my toast is<//><.>Multiplies yield of chocolate workers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:500000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocolateWorker by 4
- req:50 chocolateWorkers:max
- req:mitosis1
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *refinedRefineriesO
- name:Fertilizer
- desc:Enhance your trees' growth rates.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
- cost:7500 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
- req:refinedRefineries
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- req:1 refinery:max
- *fasterGrindersO
- name:Healthier seeds
- desc:Make them healthier before they even start growing.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
- cost:75000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
- req:10 refineries:max
- req:fasterGrinders
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *extraMixableO
- name:Flavored water
- desc:Drinking regular water every day must get boring.<//><.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>2</b>.
- cost:750000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of refinery by 2
- req:25 refineries:max
- req:extraMixable
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *chocosynthesisO
- name:Chocosynthesis
- desc:Convert sunlight into chocolate instead of sugar.<.>Multiplies yield of farms by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:7500000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of refinery by 4
- req:50 refineries:max
- req:chocosynthesis
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *refinedRefineriesAO
- name:Refined refineries
- desc:Refined refineries refine refined-er chocolate.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
- cost:112500 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
- req:refinedRefineriesA
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- req:1 chocoFarm:max
- *fasterGrindersAO
- name:Faster grinders
- desc:griiiiind<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1125000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
- req:10 chocoFarms:max
- req:fasterGrindersA
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *extraMixableAO
- name:Extra mixable cocoa
- desc:The liquid cocoa will mix more quickly with other ingredients.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>2</b>.
- cost:11250000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 2
- req:25 chocoFarms:max
- req:extraMixableA
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *decombobulatorsO
- name:Discombobulators
- desc:An important part of chocolate discombobulation.<//><.>Multiplies yield of refineries by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:112500000 chocolate
- passive:multiply yield of chocoFarm by 4
- req:decombobulators
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- req:50 chocoFarms:max
- *fastProcessorsO
- name:Faster food processors
- desc:Peanut butterers use faster food processors.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:500 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
- req:1 peanutButterer:max
- req:fastProcessors
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *softerPeanutsO
- name:Softer peanuts
- desc:Peanuts are softer, and can be processed faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:5000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
- req:10 peanutButterers:max
- req:softerPeanuts
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *biggerProcessorsO
- name:Bigger processors
- desc:More room to shove your peanuts into.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:50000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 2
- req:25 peanutButterers:max
- req:biggerProcessors
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *cProcessorsO
- name:Computer processors
- desc:Are you sure these'll work?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butterers by <b>4</b><.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:500000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of peanutButterer by 4
- req:50 peanutButterers:max
- req:cProcessors
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *movingAssemblyO
- name:Better ratio
- desc:Needs less pea and more nut!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
- cost:7500 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
- req:1 pbFactory:max
- req:movingAssembly
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *factoredO
- name:Wider nut variety
- desc:More kinds of nuts to convert.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
- cost:75000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
- req:10 pbFactories:max
- req:factored
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *factorialO
- name:Green bean converter
- desc:Kinda similar to peas? I guess?<.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>2</b>.
- cost:750000 peanutButter
- req:25 pbFactories:max
- passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 2
- req:factorial
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *secretIngredientO
- name:Secret ingredient
- desc:This Woman Found The Secret Ingredient To Quick Conversion! Peanut Butter Companies <b>HATE</b> Her! Click <b>HERE</b> To Find Out Her One Simple Trick!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peas and nuts converters by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:7500000 peanutButter
- req:50 pbFactories:max
- passive:multiply yield of pbFactory by 4
- req:secretIngredient
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *movingAssemblyAO
- name:Moving assembly line
- desc:Aren't these pretty much the default these days?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
- cost:112500 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
- req:1 factories:max
- req:movingAssembly
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *factoredAO
- name:Factored factories
- desc:In simplest form.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1125000 peanutButter
- passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
- req:10 factories:max
- req:factoredA
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *factorialAO
- name:Factorial factories
- desc:Surprisingly, 200-40*2 is only 5!<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>2</b>.
- cost:11250000 peanutButter
- req:25 factories:max
- req:factorialA
- passive:multiply yield of factories by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *scaleFactorO
- name:Scale factor
- desc:Dilated by a scale factor of 2.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter factories by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:112500000 peanutButter
- req:50 factories:max
- req:scaleFactor
- passive:multiply yield of factories by 4
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *triplersO
- name:Triplers
- desc:Get an extra bar of chocolate and jar of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1687500 chocolate
- cost:1687500 peanutButter
- req:1 replicator:max
- req:triplers
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
- *quintuplersO
- name:Quintuplers
- desc:Get 3 extra bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:16875000 chocolate
- cost:16875000 peanutButter
- req:10 replicators:max
- req:quintuplers
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
- *nonuplersO
- name:Nonuplers
- desc:Get 7 extra bars of chocolate and jars of peanut butter every time.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:168750000 chocolate
- cost:168750000 peanutButter
- req:25 replicators:max
- req:nonuplers
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of replicators by 2
- *tretrigintuplersO
- name:Tretrigintuplers
- desc:I couldn't quite fit the X in, sorry.<//><.>Multiplies yield of replicators by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:1687500000 chocolate
- cost:1687500000 peanutButter
- req:50 replicators:max
- req:tretrigintuplers
- icon:
- passive:multiply yield of replicators by 4
- *deeperExtractionO
- name:Deeper extraction
- desc:Go deeper into the planet's delicious, gooey core.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
- cost:27000000 chocolate
- cost:27000000 peanutButter
- req:1 coreExtractor:max
- req:deeperExtraction
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
- *coolersO
- name:Coolers
- desc:Make your scorching hot peanut butter and chocolate nice and cool. As a side effect, you may catch them using the latest trendy lingo.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
- cost:270000000 chocolate
- cost:270000000 peanutButter
- req:10 coreExtractors:max
- req:coolers
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
- *fasterTransportO
- name:Faster transportation
- desc:Sure takes a while for things to get from the core to the surface.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>2</b>.
- cost:2700000000 chocolate
- cost:2700000000 peanutButter
- req:25 coreExtractors:max
- req:fasterTransportation
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 2
- *otherPlanetsO
- name:Other planets
- desc:Extracting from other planets' cores has a much higher output! It's also less damaging to Earth but that's not what matters.<.>Multiplies yield of core extractors by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:27000000000 chocolate
- cost:27000000000 peanutButter
- req:50 coreExtractors:max
- req:otherPlanets
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- passive:multiply yield of coreExtractor by 4
- *quantumPBCO
- name:Quantum peanut butter and chocolate
- desc:It's quantum compatible!<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
- cost:607500000 chocolate
- cost:607500000 peanutButter
- req:1 qDownloader:max
- passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
- req:quantumPBC
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *gbWifiO
- name:Gigabit Wi-Fi
- desc:gotta download fast<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
- cost:6075000000 chocolate
- cost:6075000000 peanutButter
- req:10 qDownloaders:max
- passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
- req:gbWifi
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *qMechanicO
- name:A quantum mechanic
- desc:Fixes your quantum downloaders when they break.<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>2</b>.
- cost:60750000000 chocolate
- cost:60750000000 peanutButter
- req:25 qDownloaders:max
- passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 2
- req:qMechanic
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *qInternetO
- name:Quantum internet
- desc:At this point, why not just make everything quantum?<.>Multiplies yield of quantum downloaders by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:607500000000 chocolate
- cost:607500000000 peanutButter
- req:50 qDownloaders:max
- passive:multiply yield of qDownloaders by 4
- req:qInternet
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *adsO
- name:Advertisements
- desc:Spread the word!<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
- passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
- req:ads
- cost:13668750000 chocolate
- cost:13668750000 peanutButter
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *subliminalO
- name:Subliminal messaging
- desc:<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
- passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
- req:subliminal
- cost:136687500000 chocolate
- cost:136687500000 peanutButter
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *hallucinogensO
- name:Hallucinogens
- desc:if I wasn't eating chocolate that whole time... what was I eating?<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>2</b>.
- passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 2
- req:hallucinogens
- cost:1366875000000 chocolate
- cost:1366875000000 peanutButter
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *mindControlO
- name:Mind control
- desc:Put on your tinfoil hats!<.>Multiplies yield of mind readers by <b>4</b>.
- passive:multiply yield of mindReaders by 4
- req:mindControl
- cost:13668750000000 chocolate
- cost:13668750000000 peanutButter
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *nimbleFingersO
- name:Nimble fingers
- desc:Trim off the fat and get some muscle memory.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1000 chocolate
- cost:1000 peanutButter
- cost:250 peanutCups
- req:1 peanutCupper:max
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
- req:nimbleFingers
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *cupManufacturersO
- name:Cup manufacturers
- desc:These guys have a lot of experience making cups. That should translate well into making peanut butter cups, right?<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:10000 chocolate
- cost:10000 peanutButter
- cost:2500 peanutCups
- req:10 peanutCuppers:max
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
- req:cupManufacturers
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *chefsO
- name:Chefs
- desc:Cooks up some fresh peanut butter cups.<//><.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>2</b>.<q>Are the peanut butter cups fresh or frozen?</q>
- cost:100000 chocolate
- cost:100000 peanutButter
- cost:25000 peanutCups
- req:25 peanutCuppers:max
- req:chefs
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 2
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *magesO
- desc:Casts spells on your peanut butter and chocolate to form peanut butter cups.<.>Multiplies yield of peanut butter cuppers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- name:Mages
- cost:1000000 chocolate
- cost:1000000 peanutButter
- cost:250000 peanutCups
- req:50 peanutCuppers:max
- req:mages
- passive:multiply yield of peanutCupper by 4
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *wcO
- name:WC-50
- desc:Makes things go.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
- cost:15000 peanutCups
- req:1 cupMachine:max
- req:wc
- passive:multiply yield of cupMachine by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *cheaperMetalO
- name:Cheaper Metal
- desc:Refineries, factories, and machines are <b>5%</b> cheaper.
- cost:75000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply cost of cupMachine by 0.95
- passive:multiply cost of factory by 0.95
- passive:multiply cost of chocoFarm by 0.95
- req:5 cupMachines:max
- req:10 factories:max
- req:10 chocoFarms:max
- req:cheaperMetal
- icon:
- *lighterMachineryO
- name:Lighter Machinery
- cost:150000 peanutCups
- desc:Try our new weight loss programs for machines!<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
- req:10 cupMachines:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
- req:lighterMachinery
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *hqCogsO
- name:High quality cogs
- cost:1500000 peanutCups
- desc:For smoother rotation.<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>2</b>.
- passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
- req:hqCogs
- req:25 cupMachines:max
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *microMachinesO
- name:Micro-machines
- cost:15000000 peanutCups
- desc:These can move anything anywhere, with ease. If you can think it, they can do it. The only limit is your imagination.<.>Multiplies yield of cup machines by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- req:microMachines
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- req:50 cupMachines:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupMachines by 2
- *fasterPrintingO
- name:Faster printers
- desc:The printhead can move faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- cost:175000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
- req:fasterPrinting
- req:1 printer:max
- *optimizedModelsO
- name:Optimized models
- desc:These more efficient models will cut printing time in half.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- cost:1750000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
- req:optimizedModels
- req:10 printers:max
- *biggerFeederO
- name:Bigger material feeder
- desc:With this, you won't need to refill your printer as often.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>2</b>.
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- cost:17500000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
- req:biggerFeeder
- req:25 printers:max
- *biggerPrintheadO
- name:Bigger printhead
- desc:Your printers can squirt out more stuff at once.<//><.>Multiplies yield of 3D printers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- cost:175000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of printers by 2
- req:biggerPrinthead
- req:50 printers:max
- *largeStomachO
- name:Large stomach
- desc:Pukers can hold more peanut butter and chocolate in their stomach.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:2000000 peanutCups
- req:1 cupVomiter:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
- req:largeStomach
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *fastDigestionO
- name:Fast digestion
- desc:Pukers digest faster.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:20000000 peanutCups
- req:10 cupVomiters:max
- req:fastDigestion
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
- *defecationO
- name:Defecation
- desc:Even more gross. Still safe, though. Probably.<//><.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:200000000 peanutCups
- req:25 cupVomiters:max
- req:defecation
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 2
- *inhaleO
- name:Inhale ability
- desc:Sucks in the peanut butter and chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of cup pukers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:2000000000 peanutCups
- req:50 cupVomiters:max
- req:inhale
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- passive:multiply yield of cupVomiter by 4
- *breakdownO
- name:Molecular breakdown
- desc:Breaking down molecules makes them easier to rearrange.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:25000000 peanutCups
- req:1 rearranger:max
- passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
- req:breakdown
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *noclipO
- name:I accidentally left this name as a placeholder for a long time so I'll just leave this here as a monument to my forgetfulness
- desc:At least I won't have to think of a name now.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:250000000 peanutCups
- req:10 rearrangers:max
- passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
- req:noclip
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *chocolateMoleculesO
- name:Chocolate molecules
- desc:Chocolate can now be made with a single type of molecule.<//><.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>2</b>.
- cost:2500000000 peanutCups
- req:25 rearrangers:max
- passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 2
- req:chocolateMolecules
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *quantumTunnelingO
- name:Quantum tunneling
- desc:Molecules go straight through each other.<.>Multiplies yield of molecular rearrangers by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:25000000000 peanutCups
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- req:50 rearrangers:max
- req:quantumTunneling
- passive:multiply yield of rearranger by 4
- *betterBargainingO
- name:Better bargaining
- desc:Best I can do is 20 peanut butter cups.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
- cost:300000000 peanutCups
- req:1 rocketShip:max
- passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
- req:betterBargaining
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *hotDealsO
- name:Hot deals
- desc:50% off!<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
- cost:3000000000 peanutCups
- req:10 rocketShips:max
- passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
- req:hotDeals
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *memberCardO
- name:Membership card
- desc:Get rewarded for your loyalty.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>2</b>.
- cost:30000000000 peanutCups
- req:25 rocketShips:max
- passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 2
- req:memberCard
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *hyperDriveO
- name:Hyperdrive
- desc:The key to fast, efficient space travel.<//><.>Multiplies yield of trade spaceships by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:300000000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of rocketShip by 4
- req:50 rocketShips:max
- req:hyperDrive
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *fasterPortalsO
- name:Faster portals
- desc:Skip the cutscene for going through a portal.<//><.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
- cost:3250000000 peanutCups
- req:1 cupPortal:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
- req:fasterPortals
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *betterDimensionO
- name:Better dimension
- desc:Turns out whatever was in that other dimension was slacking off.<//><.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
- cost:32500000000 peanutCups
- req:10 cupPortals:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
- req:betterDimension
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *theCakeO
- name:The cake
- desc:It's a lie. This is the pinnacle of low-hanging fruit.<.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>2</b>.
- cost:325000000000 peanutCups
- req:25 cupPortals:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 2
- req:theCake
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *fourthDimensionO
- name:Fourth dimension
- desc:The thrilling sequel to the third dimension.<.>Multiplies yield of portals by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:3250000000000 peanutCups
- req:50 cupPortals:max
- passive:multiply yield of cupPortal by 4
- req:fourthDimension
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *biggerBoxesO
- name:Bigger boxes
- desc:We're gonna need a bigger box?<//><.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
- cost:35000000000 peanutCups
- req:1 mysteryBox:max
- passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
- req:biggerBoxes
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *addedMysteryO
- name:Added mystery
- desc:The suspense is killing me.<//><.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
- cost:350000000000 peanutCups
- req:10 mysteryBoxes:max
- passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
- req:addedMystery
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *schrodingersCatO
- name:Schrodinger's cat
- desc:Just hangs out in the mystery box with your peanut butter and chocolate.<.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>2</b>.
- cost:3500000000000 peanutCups
- req:25 mysteryBoxes:max
- passive:multiply yield of mysteryBox by 2
- req:schrodingersCat
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *boxSquaredO
- name:Mystery box²
- desc:Send mystery boxes full of peanut butter cups through other mystery boxes.<.>Multiplies yield of mystery boxes by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:35000000000000 peanutCups
- req:boxSquared
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *bingBongO
- name:Bing bong theory
- desc:Bazoomba<//><.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:400000000000 peanutCups
- req:bingBong
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *ropeTheoryO
- name:Rope theory
- desc:Because strings are far too small.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:4000000000000 peanutCups
- req:ropeTheory
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *scientificScienceO
- name:Scientific science
- desc:It just wasn't quite scientific enough before.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>2</b>.
- cost:40000000000000 peanutCups
- req:scientificScience
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *subsubAtomicO
- name:Subsubatomic particles
- desc:What <i>really</i> makes up the universe.<.>Multiplies yield of subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:400000000000000 peanutCups
- req:subsubAtomic
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *suckierHolesO
- name:Suckier holes
- desc:uhh<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>2</b>.
- cost:6789012345670 peanutCups
- req:1 bhExtractor:max
- req:suckierHoles
- passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *eventfulHorizonsO
- name:More eventful horizons
- desc:Action-packed!<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>2</b>.
- cost:67890123456701 peanutCups
- req:10 bhExtractors:max
- passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
- req:eventfulHorizons
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *antiSpaghettiO
- name:Spaghettification prevention
- desc:Do I make a "hope she made lotsa spaghetti" joke or a "somebody toucha my spaghet" joke?
- cost:678901234567012 peanutCups
- req:25 bhExtractors:max
- passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 2
- req:antiSpaghetti
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *galacticCoresO
- name:Galactic cores
- desc:As some of the most massive black holes in the universe, these can have entire galaxies orbiting them. They should do the trick.<.>Multiplies yield of black hole extractors by <b>4</b>.<i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:6789012345670123 peanutCups
- req:50 bhExtractor:max
- passive:multiply yield of bhExtractor by 4
- req:galacticCores
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *longRangeO
- name:Long-range anomalies
- desc:Convert things from <i>coast to coast</i>.<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
- cost:115000000000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
- req:longRange
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *blindSpotsO
- name:Blind spots
- desc:Wow, you're so insensitive (to light)<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
- cost:1150000000000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
- req:blindSpots
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *loweredFOVO
- name:Lowered FOV
- desc:I'm sure no one will notice.<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>2</b>.
- cost:11500000000000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
- req:loweredFOV
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *instantConversionO
- name:Instant conversion
- desc:The mere blink of an eye could get your peanut butter and chocolate converted!<.>Multiplies yield of space-time anomalies by <b>4</b>.<.><i>End of tier 1</i>
- cost:115000000000000000 peanutCups
- passive:multiply yield of anomalies by 2
- req:instantConversion
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- Achievements
- no text
- class:smallThing
- on click:
- if (clickAnimation=1)
- anim icon wobble2
- anim wobble2
- end
- if (clickAnimation=2)
- anim icon bounceOnce
- anim bounceOnce
- end
- if (clickAnimation=3)
- anim icon plop
- anim plop
- end
- if (clickAnimation=4)
- anim icon wiggling2
- anim wiggling
- end
- if (clickAnimation=5)
- anim icon wobbleSlow
- anim wobbleSlow
- end
- end
- tag:achievement
- on earn:yield 1 achievPoint
- no text
- *itBegins
- name:It begins
- desc:Who would win? Your free time VS. one <i>i d l e b o i</i><//><.>Make peanut butter and chocolate.
- req:1 peanutButter
- req:1 chocolate
- icon:
- *upandCup
- name:Get up and cup
- desc:Make your first peanut butter cup.
- req:1 peanutCup:earned
- icon:
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *eatemUp
- name:Eat em up
- desc:The flavor you savor.<//><.>Make <b>1,000</b> peanut butter cups.
- req:1000 peanutCups:earned
- icon:
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *pbchocolateFlavor
- name:Peanut butter chocolate flavor
- desc:What you wake up to.<//><.>Make <b>100,000</b> peanut butter cups.
- req:100000 peanutCups:earned
- icon:
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *peanutbuttercupHead
- name:Peanut butter cuphead
- desc:The peanut butter dark souls of achievements!<//><.>Make <b>1,000,000</b> peanut butter cups.
- req:1000000 peanutCups:earned
- icon:
- class:hue100 smallThing
- *massProduce
- name:Mass produce
- desc:Like the vegetables?<//><.>Make <b>100,000,000</b> peanut butter cups.
- req:100000000 peanutCups:earned
- icon:
- class:hue125 smallThing
- *aLot
- name:A lot
- desc:Exactly 1 lot.<//><.>Make <b>1 billion</b> peanut butter cups.
- req:1000000000 peanutCups:earned
- icon:
- class:hue150 smallThing
- *plenty
- name:Plenty
- desc:Yep.<//><.>Make <b>100 billion</b> peanut butter cups.
- req:100000000000 peanutCups:earned
- icon:
- class:hue175 smallThing
- *lifeSupply
- name:Lifetime supply
- desc:Maybe even more.<//><.>Make <b>1 trillion</b> peanut butter cups.
- req:1000000000000 peanutCups:earned
- icon:
- class:hue200 smallThing
- *Surplus
- name:Surplus
- desc:Definitely more than you need.<//><.>Make <b>100 trillion</b> peanut butter cups.
- req:100000000000000 peanutCups:earned
- icon:
- class:hue225 smallThing
- *notEnough
- name:Yet still not enough
- desc:Apparently.<.>Make <b>1 quadrillion</b> peanut butter cups.
- req:1e15 peanutCups:earned
- icon:
- class:hue250 smallThing
- *pbInTheChocolate
- name:You put the PB in the chocolate
- desc:And eat 'em both together.<.>Make <b>100 quadrillion</b> peanut butter cups.
- req:1e17 peanutCups:earned
- icon:
- class:hue275 smallThing
- *loadsofCups
- name:Lods of echocolat
- desc:what's that spell?<.>Make <b>1 quintillion</b> peanut butter cups.
- req:1e18 peanutCups:earned
- icon:
- class:hue300 smallThing
- *hired
- name:You're Hired
- desc:Hire all 3 types of workers.
- req:1 peanutButterer
- req:1 chocolateWorker
- req:1 peanutCupper
- icon:
- *hardlyWorking
- name:Hardly working
- desc:Hire <b>10</b> chocolate workers.
- req:10 chocolateWorker
- icon:
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *workingHard
- name:Working hard
- desc:Hire <b>25</b> chocolate workers.
- req:25 chocolateWorkers
- icon:
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *employer
- name:Employer
- desc:Hire <b>50</b> chocolate workers.
- req:50 chocolateWorkers
- icon:
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *treeFarmer
- name:Homegrown
- desc:Have <b>1</b> chocolate farm.
- icon:
- req:1 refinery
- *homegrown
- name:Tree farmer
- desc:Have <b>10</b> chocolate farms.
- icon:
- req:10 refinery
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *acres
- name:Acres upon acres
- desc:Have <b>25</b> chocolate farms.
- icon:
- req:25 refinery
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *hectares
- name:Hectares upon hectares
- desc:Have <b>50</b> chocolate farms.
- icon:
- req:50 refinery
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *refinedTaste
- name:Refined taste
- desc:Have <b>1</b> chocolate refinery.
- icon:
- req:1 chocoFarm
- *groundBeans
- name:Ground beans
- desc:Also known as bean mince or minced beans.<.>Have <b>10</b> chocolate refineries.
- icon:
- req:10 chocoFarms
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *dailyGrind
- name:The daily grind
- desc:Have <b>25</b> chocolate refineries.
- icon:
- req:25 chocoFarms
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *captainConch
- name:Captain Conch
- desc:<i>Conchatize me</i><.>Have <b>50</b> chocolate refineries.<.>someone's gotta know what conching is, right?
- icon:
- req:50 chocoFarms
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *peanutButtered
- name:Peanut buttered
- desc:Hire <b>10</b> peanut butterers.
- icon:
- req:10 peanutButterers
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *creamy
- name:Creamy
- desc:Mmm-mmm... creamy.<.>Hire <b>25</b> peanut butterers.<.>this icon is O g r e C o l o r e d (if you have CSS filters on)
- icon:
- req:25 peanutButterers
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *crunchy
- name:Crunchy
- desc:Delicious crunch flavor.<.>Hire <b>50</b> peanut butterers.
- icon:
- req:50 peanutButterers
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *converted
- name:Converted to converting
- desc:Have <b>1</b> peas and nuts converter.
- icon:
- req:1 pbFactory
- *theyreBack
- desc:FOR THE ULTIMATE KART RACING ADVENTURE<.>Have <b>10</b> peas and nuts converters.
- icon:
- req:10 pnConverters
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *peaSandnuts
- name:Pea sand nuts
- desc:Don't misplace the space<.>Have <b>25</b> peas and nuts converters.
- icon:
- req:25 pnConverters
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *peaceandNuts
- name:Peace and nuts
- desc:Your peas and nuts have brought peace among worlds.<.>Have <b>50</b> peas and nuts converters.
- icon:
- req:50 pnConverters
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *manufacturer
- name:Manufacturer
- desc:Have <b>1</b> peanut butter factory.
- req:1 factory
- icon:
- *producer
- name:Producer
- desc:Have <b>10</b> peanut butter factories.
- req:10 factory
- icon:
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *GCF
- name:Greatest common factor
- desc:Yet this joke is the lowest common denominator.<.>Have <b>25</b> peanut butter factories.
- req:25 factory
- icon:
- class:hue50 smallThing
- name:Using FOIL
- desc:Yep, these are all gonna be math-related. Woohoo.<.>Have <b>50</b> peanut butter factories.
- req:50 factory
- icon:
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *easytoReplicate
- name:Easy to replicate
- desc:Helpful when finding and fixing bugs.<.>Have <b>1</b> replicator.
- req:1 replicator
- icon:
- *replicants
- name:Replicants
- desc:Nearly identical to peanut butter cups, but with superior tastiness, chocolatiness, and healthiness.<.>Have <b>10</b> replicators.
- req:10 replicators
- icon:
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *cloneWars
- name:Clone wars
- desc:You might have heard of these a little while ago in a neighboring galaxy.<.>Have <b>25</b> replicators.
- icon:
- class:hue50 smallThing
- req:25 replicators
- *doubleDouble
- name:Double-double
- desc:It's a real shame if you don't live anywhere with an In-N-Out. Unless you have A&W. I like that too.<.>Have <b>50</b> replicators.
- icon:
- req:50 replicators
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *pbcExtract
- name:Peanut butter and chocolate extract
- desc:Have <b>1</b> core extractor.
- req:1 coreExtractor
- icon:
- *deepDish
- name:Deep dish
- desc:Straight from Chicago.<.>Have <b>10</b> core extractors.
- req:10 coreExtractors
- icon:
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *superHeated
- name:Superheated
- desc:Have <b>25</b> core extractors.
- req:25 coreExtractors
- icon:
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *commonCore
- name:Common core
- desc:<.>Have <b>50</b> core extractors.
- req:50 coreExtractors
- icon:
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *peanutbutterCupped
- name:Peanut butter cupped
- desc:Hire <b>10</b> peanut butter cuppers.
- icon:
- req:10 peanutCuppers
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *cuppitize
- name:Peanut butter cuppitized
- desc:Hire <b>25</b> peanut butter cuppers.
- icon:
- req:25 peanutCuppers
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *cuppinated
- name:Peanut butter cuppinated
- desc:-inator-inator-inator<.>Hire <b>50</b> peanut butter cuppers.
- icon:
- req:50 peanutCuppers
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *automated
- name:Automated
- desc:Have <b>1</b> peanut butter cup machine.
- icon:
- req:1 cupMachine
- *automagical
- name:Automagical
- desc:It's magic!<.>Have <b>10</b> peanut butter cup machines.
- icon:
- req:10 cupMachines
- class:sepiahue25 smallThing
- *burningQuestion
- name:If a bakery is a place where baked goods are made, is a machinery a place where machines are made?
- desc:Top 10 Questions Scientists Still Can't Answer<.>Have <b>25</b> peanut butter cup machines.
- icon:
- req:25 cupMachines
- class:sepiahue50 smallThing
- *cognitive
- name:Cog-nitive
- desc:Hopefully not dissonance.<.>Have <b>50</b> peanut butter cup machines.
- icon:
- req:50 cupMachines
- class:sepiahue75 smallThing
- *futureisNow
- name:The future is now
- desc:Have <b>1</b> 3D printer.
- icon:
- req:1 printer
- *futurewasyesterday
- name:The future was yesterday
- desc:Well that came and went pretty quickly.<.>Have <b>10</b> 3D printers.
- icon:
- req:10 printers
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *printShop
- name:Print shop
- desc:Have <b>25</b> 3D printers.
- icon:
- req:25 printers
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *inPrint
- name:In print
- desc:Better not be in cursive!<.>Have <b>50</b> 3D printers.
- icon:
- req:50 printers
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *appetizing
- name:Appetizing
- desc:Have <b>1</b> puker.
- icon:
- req:1 cupVomiter
- *cupatemesis
- name:Cupatemesis
- desc:<.>Have <b>10</b> pukers.
- icon:
- req:10 cupVomiters
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *vomitAlready
- name:Vomit on his sweater already
- desc:Mom's cup-etti? I dunno<.>Have <b>25</b> pukers.
- icon:
- req:25 cupVomiters
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *tooMuchToStomach
- name:Too much to stomach
- desc:Have <b>50</b> pukers.
- icon:
- req:50 cupVomiters
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *makingArrangements
- name:Making arrangements
- desc:Have <b>1</b> molecular rearranger.
- icon:
- req:1 rearranger
- *reorganization
- name:Molecular reorganization
- desc:blah blah organization is important!!!<.>Have <b>10</b> molecular rearrangers.
- icon:
- req:10 rearrangers
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *reschedule
- name:Rescheduling
- desc:Because those arrangements didn't work out.<.>Have <b>25</b> molecular rearrangers.
- icon:
- req:25 rearrangers
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *molecularLevel
- name:The Molecular Level
- desc:Have <b>50</b> molecular rearrangers
- icon:
- req:50 rearrangers
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *cupsinSpace
- name:T minus 10
- desc:Have <b>1</b> trade spaceship.
- icon:
- req:1 rocketShip
- *blastOff
- name:Blast off
- desc:Have <b>10</b> trade spaceship.
- icon:
- req:10 rocketShips
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *inSpace
- name:Cups in Space
- desc:Have <b>25</b> trade spaceship.
- icon:
- req:25 rocketShips
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *tradeRoute
- name:Trade routes established
- desc:<.>Have <b>50</b> trade spaceship.
- icon:
- req:50 rocketShips
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *interDimensional
- name:Interdimensional
- desc:Have <b>1</b> portal.
- req:1 cupPortal
- icon:
- *perpendicular
- name:A perpendicular universe
- desc:What's so great about all those parallel ones anyway?<.>Have <b>10</b> portals.
- req:10 cupPortals
- icon:
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *worldsCollide
- name:When worlds collide
- desc:Have <b>25<b> portals.
- req:25 cupPortals
- icon:
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *ARG
- name:Alternate reality game
- desc:I really don't understand this name.<.>Have <b>50</b> portals.
- req:50 cupPortals
- icon:
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *mysterious
- name:Mysterious
- desc:Have <b>1</b> mystery box.
- req:1 mysteryBox
- icon:
- *whatsInTheBox
- name:What's in the box?
- desc:It's... a bad joke!<.>Have <b>10</b> mystery boxes.
- req:10 mysteryBox
- icon:
- class:sepiahue25 smallThing
- *interrogative
- name:Interrogative
- desc:Make sure it's not derogative.<.>Have <b>25</b> mystery boxes.
- req:25 mysteryBox
- icon:
- class:sepiahue50 smallThing
- *wot
- name:?̣̣̭͓̞̻̳̋͆͂̐ͥ͠ͅ?̧̼̘̻̯̩̲͓̖̔͑̿͊̄ͪ̚?̵̻͈̝̦̱̓̋͊?̶̦̪̉̒̏̀͟͝?̘̱͇͉̯͕̞͆ͫ͘?͈̤̳̍͊ͥ͊ͫ?͈̖͈͔͛̐ͨ͆ͮͣ͞͠?͈̣̖̭͈̩͌?̬̰̺̰̲̃̀ͥͤͧ̇̈́?̨̯̘ͩ̓̎ͩͧ͂͆ͅ
- desc:k͜͏j̵͝͡a̡͝w̧̢̕hk̨j͜d̀͞h̢͜͡k̸ j͞h̵́k҉͟͞h͘la̷͠j̡wh͞҉l̸͢jl͡j̶͘áh̵͏͘l͡͡wj ͏͢͞h͝҉̡l̴̕͘ ͠ḑ̵j̕͞h̸͢͠l͏́j̕á̡h̶<.>H̛ávé <b>50</b> mýst͠e̴ry ̶b̵o̴xe̡s̶.
- req:50 mysteryBox
- icon:
- class:sepiahue75 smallThing
- *sciencingBegins
- name:The sciencing begins
- desc:Have <b>1</b> subatomic moleculizer of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
- req:1 subAtomic
- icon:
- *particules
- name:Partícules
- desc:The lesser-known brother of Hercules.<.>Have <b>10</b> subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
- req:10 subAtomic
- icon:
- class:hue25 smallThing
- *participles
- name:Participles
- desc:They tend to dangle.<.>Have <b>25</b> subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
- req:25 subAtomic
- icon:
- class:hue50 smallThing
- *negativeKelvin
- name:-1 Kelvin
- desc:A tad brisk.<.>Have <b>50</b> subatomic moleculizers of the Greek bose-stein convapitators.
- req:50 subAtomic
- icon:
- class:hue75 smallThing
- *minuteMinutes
- name:Minute minutes
- desc:That's pronounced "my newt minits"<.>Play for <b>10 minutes</b>.
- req:10 minutesPlayed
- icon:numbers[1,0]
- *minuteMaid
- name:Minute Maid
- desc:This maid has 60 whole minutes!<.>Play for <b>1 hour</b>.
- req:60 minutesPlayed
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- *quarterDay
- name:Quarter day
- desc:Time is a valuable thing, you know.<.>Play for <b>6 hours</b>.
- req:360 minutesPlayed
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- *halfDay
- name:Half day
- desc:Early release!<.>Play for <b>12 hours</b>.
- req:720 minutesPlayed
- icon:numbers[4,0]
- *aDay
- name:A day
- desc:Watch the clock count down to the end of the day...<.>Play for <b>1 day</b>.
- req:1440 minutesPlayed
- icon:numbers[5,0]
- *artificialLength
- name:Artificial length
- desc:play my game more please<.>Play for <b>3 and a half days</b>.
- req:5040 minutesPlayed
- icon:numbers[6,0]
- *stillHere
- name:You're still here?
- desc:Watch time fly by as the pendulum swings.<.>Play for <b>1 week</b>.
- req:10080 minutesPlayed
- icon:
- icon:numbers[7,0]
- *aBreak
- name:Taking a break
- desc:Avoid clicking for <b>1 hour</b>.
- req:3600 noClickSeconds
- icon:
- *dayOff
- name:Day off
- desc:Avoid clicking for <b>1 day</b>.
- req:86400 noClickSeconds
- icon:
- *3dayweekend
- name:3 day weekend
- desc:Avoid clicking for <b>3 days</b>.
- req:259200 noClickSeconds
- icon:
- *trueIdler
- name:True idler
- desc:Avoid clicking for <b>1 week</b>.
- req:604800 noClickSeconds
- icon:
- no text
- class:smallThing
- on click:
- if (clickAnimation=1)
- anim icon wobble2
- anim wobble2
- end
- if (clickAnimation=2)
- anim icon bounceOnce
- anim bounceOnce
- end
- if (clickAnimation=3)
- anim icon plop
- anim plop
- end
- if (clickAnimation=4)
- anim icon wiggling2
- anim wiggling
- end
- if (clickAnimation=5)
- anim icon wobbleSlow
- anim wobbleSlow
- end
- end
- tag:secret
- on earn:yield 1 secretPoint
- *notaButton
- name:That's no button
- desc:What were you expecting?<//><.>Click the peanut butter cup.<.>Unlocks <b>peanut butter cup clicking.</b>
- icon:
- req:1 coolResource:earned
- *stop
- name:Stop that
- desc:What do you hope to accomplish?<//><.>Click the peanut butter cup <b>50</b> times.
- icon:numbers[2,0]
- req:50 coolResource:earned
- *whyThough
- name:Why though?
- desc:Just to get that secret counter up, I guess...<//><.>Click the peanut butter cup <b>250</b> times.<.>This is the last one by the way, don't waste your time
- icon:numbers[3,0]
- req:250 coolResource:earned
- *specificAchiev
- name:Unnecessarily specific
- desc:No way you figured this out on your own.<.>Have exactly <b>12</b> chocolate workers, <b>16</b> peas and nuts converters, and <b>22</b> replicators at once.
- req:chocolateWorkers=12
- req:pbFactories=16
- req:replicators=22
- icon:
- tag:secret
- *statClicker
- name:Stat clicker
- desc:That wasn't so hard.<.>Click the stat <b>25</b> times.
- req:25 thisstatClicks
- on earn:hide thisstatClicks
- icon:
- *loss
- name:Loss
- desc:.jpg<.>At any time, use up more peanut butter or chocolate than you can produce.<.>Unlocks <b>gainful pain.</b>
- req:chocolate:ps<0 or peanutButter:ps<0
- icon:
- on earn:yield gainfulPain
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