
Netrunner Instructions

Jun 6th, 2013
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  1. Netrunner Rules:
  3. • Download the OCTGN client:
  4. • Launch the client, let it patch up and do its thing. You’ll need to create an account.
  5. • Go to the “Games Manager” tab in the second ribbon along the top. Click “Add”, then in the Feed URL/Path put:
  6. • Select Android: Netrunner in the dropdown on the left, then Android-Netrunner should be the top choice on the right. Select it and click Install.
  7. • You now have Netrunner! Yay!
  9. You don't need to make a deck, you can simply use the ones in ~\Documents\OCTGN\Decks\Android-Netrunner\Core Teaching Decks. If you want to make one later on however, you can do so by the below:
  10. • Create a decklist using CardGameDB (optional, but I prefer their UI):
  11. • Click the “Deck Editor” button along the top ribbon.
  12. • You can sort cards with a large variety of filters along the top – drag your identity into the top folder on the left and the rest of your deck into the bottom.
  13. • Save.
  15. How to start a game:
  16. • Select the “Play or Spectate” tab from the second ribbon along the top.
  17. • Click Start to create a new game.
  18. • Press start!
  19. • In the game, select the Game dropdown along the top, and load your deck.
  20. • Once both players have loaded decks, right click the main area, select the Game option, then ‘Set Up’.
  21. • For the rest of the game, use the right click context menus to perform actions (most are on the table, some are on the partic. Shortcuts are listed in italics along the right to simplify play as you acclimate to the UI.
  23. Resources:
  24. The original, outclassed in some areas now. Has some niche uses its best at but just not as classy as some of the new ones.
  25. Solid, my builder of choice lately. It does have a few aggravating use cases though.
  26. Slick, but you must export, it doesn't save for you.
  27. Beautiful viewer with interesting ice analysis, but no deck builder yet.
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