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- //=============================================================================
- // Maliki's Critical BGM/BGS Changer
- // MalCritBGMBGSChanger.js
- // version 1.0b
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @plugindesc ver1.0 - Allows you to set different music and music effects to play when the Party/troupe is in crit condition.
- * @author Maliki79
- *
- * @param Party Critical BGM
- * @desc BGM to start playing when party is in critical state.
- *
- * @param Enemy Critical BGM
- * @desc BGM to start playing when enemy troupe is in critical state.
- *
- * @param Critical BGM volume
- * @desc Volume level of BGM. (number must be between 0 and 100)
- * @default 100
- *
- * @param Critical BGM pitch
- * @desc Pitch level of BGM. (number must be between 1 and 300)
- * @default 100
- *
- * @param Critical BGM pan
- * @desc Pan level of BGM. (number must be between -100 and 100)
- * @default 0
- *
- * @param Party Critical BGS
- * @desc BGS to start playing when party is in critical state.
- *
- * @param Enemy Critical BGS
- * @desc BGS to start playing when enemy troupe is in critical state.
- *
- * @param Critical BGS volume
- * @desc Volume level of BGS. (number must be between 0 and 100)
- * @default 60
- *
- * @param Critical BGS pitch
- * @desc Pitch level of BGS. (number must be between 1 and 300)
- * @default 100
- *
- * @param Critical BGS pan
- * @desc Pan level of BGS. (number must be between -100 and 100)
- * @default 0
- *
- * @param Critical percentage
- * @desc Percentage of total HP the party/troupe has when BGM/BGS starts/stops.
- * @default 25
- *
- *
- * @help In order to use this plugin, you must first decide which BGM and BGS you want
- * to apply to players' parties or enemy troupes.
- * Pick the name of the BGM or BGS and put it's file name
- * in the parameters section.
- * (No need for " marks here.)
- * You can then adjust the volume, pitch and pan levels to your liking.
- * Finally, you can set the percentage of HP that will be considered
- * critical for your game.
- * It defaults to 25%. This means that once the party or troupe's total hp
- * reaches 25% of it's total Max HP, the music/sounds will begin.
- * (If the hp goes above the critical point, the music/sounds will revert
- * to what they were before.)
- *
- * Note that you must keep the PLugin's file name set as MalCritBGMBGSChanger.js
- *
- * Script Calls:
- * There are several Script calls that can be used with this plugin.
- * Note that these calls make TEMPORARY changes to the plugin and will reset to
- * default upon loading up a new save.
- *
- * $gameSystem.changePartyCritBGM(name);
- * This call will change the BGM used when the party becomes critical.
- * (Use quote marks " around the name.)
- *
- * $gameSystem.changeEnemyCritBGM(name);
- * This call will change the BGM used when the enemy troupe becomes critical.
- * (Use quote marks " around the name.)
- *
- * $gameSystem.changePartyCritBGS(name);
- * This call will change the BGS used when the party becomes critical.
- * (Use quote marks " around the name.)
- *
- * $gameSystem.changeEnemyCritBGS(name);
- * This call will change the BGS used when the enemy troupe becomes critical.
- * (Use quote marks " around the name.)
- *
- * $gameSystem.changeCritBGMVol(number);
- * This call will change the volume of all BGM changes, party or enemy, when
- * they become critical.
- * (Keep the number within the range given for the parameter section.)
- *
- * $gameSystem.changeCritBGMPitch(number);
- * This call will change the pitch of all BGM changes, party or enemy, when
- * they become critical.
- * (Keep the number within the range given for the parameter section.)
- *
- * $gameSystem.changeCritBGMPan(number);
- * This call will change the pan level of all BGM changes, party or enemy, when
- * they become critical.
- * (Keep the number within the range given for the parameter section.)
- *
- * $gameSystem.changeCritBGSVol(number);
- * This call will change the volume of all BGS changes, party or enemy, when
- * they become critical.
- * (Keep the number within the range given for the parameter section.)
- *
- * $gameSystem.changeCritBGSPitch(number);
- * This call will change the pitch of all BGS changes, party or enemy, when
- * they become critical.
- * (Keep the number within the range given for the parameter section.)
- *
- * $gameSystem.changeCritBGSPan(number);
- * This call will change the pan level of all BGS changes, party or enemy,
- * when they become critical.
- * (Keep the number within the range given for the parameter section.)
- * *
- * $gameSystem.disableCritSounds();
- * This call will disable ALL crit BGM and BGS for both party and troupe.
- *
- * $gameSystem.enableCritSounds();
- * This call turns the BGM and BGS changes back on.
- *
- */
- var MalCriticalMusic = PluginManager.parameters('MalCritBGMBGSChanger');
- MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGM = String(MalCriticalMusic['Party Critical BGM']) || '';
- MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGM = String(MalCriticalMusic['Enemy Critical BGM']) || '';
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMVol = Number(MalCriticalMusic['Critical BGM volume']);
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMPitch = Number(MalCriticalMusic['Critical BGM pitch']);
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMPan = Number(MalCriticalMusic['Critical BGM pan']);
- MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGS = String(MalCriticalMusic['Party Critical BGS']) || '';
- MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGS = String(MalCriticalMusic['Enemy Critical BGS']) || '';
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSVol = Number(MalCriticalMusic['Critical BGS volume']);
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSPitch = Number(MalCriticalMusic['Critical BGS pitch']);
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSPan = Number(MalCriticalMusic['Critical BGS pan']);
- MalCriticalMusic.CritPoint = Number(MalCriticalMusic['Critical percentage']);
- Game_System.prototype.enableCritSounds = function() {
- MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGM = String(MalCriticalMusic['Party Critical BGM']) || '';
- MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGM = String(MalCriticalMusic['Enemy Critical BGM']) || '';
- MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGS = String(MalCriticalMusic['Party Critical BGS']) || '';
- MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGS = String(MalCriticalMusic['Enemy Critical BGS']) || '';
- }
- Game_System.prototype.disableCritSounds = function() {
- MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGM = null;
- MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGM = null;
- MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGS = null;
- MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGS = null;
- }
- Game_System.prototype.changePartyCritBGM = function(name) {
- MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGM = name;
- }
- Game_System.prototype.changeEnemyCritBGM = function(name) {
- MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGM = name;
- }
- Game_System.prototype.changePartyCritBGS = function(name) {
- MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGS = name;
- }
- Game_System.prototype.changeEnemyCritBGS = function(name) {
- MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGS = name;
- }
- Game_System.prototype.changeCritBGMVol = function(num) {
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMVol = Number(num) || MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMVol;
- }
- Game_System.prototype.changeCritBGMPitch = function(num) {
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMPitch = Number(num) || MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMPitch;
- }
- Game_System.prototype.changeCritBGMPan = function(num) {
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMPan = Number(num) || MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMPan;
- }
- Game_System.prototype.changeCritBGSVol = function(num) {
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSVol = Number(num) || MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSVol;
- }
- Game_System.prototype.changeCritBGSPitch = function(num) {
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSPitch = Number(num) || MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSPitch;
- }
- Game_System.prototype.changeCritBGSPan = function(num) {
- MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSPan = Number(num) || MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSPan;
- }
- var MalCritBattleSetup = BattleManager.setup;
- BattleManager.setup = function(troopId, canEscape, canLose) {
-, troopId, canEscape, canLose);
- this.oldBgs = null;
- this.oldBgm = null;
- this.oldBgmPos = null;
- this.partycrit = false;
- this.troupecrit = false;
- }
- var MalCritApply = Game_Action.prototype.apply;
- Game_Action.prototype.apply = function(target) {
-, target);
- this.CritMusicCheck();
- }
- Game_Action.prototype.CritMusicCheck = function() {
- var Sound1 = this.buildSound('M');
- var Sound2 = this.buildSound('S');
- var Sound3 = this.buildSound('E');
- var Sound4 = this.buildSound('T');
- if (this.ActorsCritical() && BattleManager.troupecrit == false) {
- if (AudioManager._currentBgm != null && Sound1 != null && BattleManager.partycrit == false) {
- BattleManager.oldBgm = AudioManager._currentBgm;
- BattleManager.oldBgmPos =;
- }
- if (Sound1 != null) AudioManager.playBgm(Sound1);
- if (Sound2 != null && BattleManager.partycrit == false) {
- BattleManager.oldBgs = AudioManager._currentBgs;
- AudioManager.playBgs(Sound2);
- }
- BattleManager.criticalBGMPLaying = true;
- BattleManager.partycrit = true;
- }
- if (!this.ActorsCritical() && BattleManager.partycrit == true && BattleManager.troupecrit == false) {
- if (BattleManager.oldBgm) AudioManager.playBgm(BattleManager.oldBgm, BattleManager.oldBgmPos);
- if(BattleManager.oldBgs){
- AudioManager.playBgs(BattleManager.oldBgs);
- } else {
- AudioManager.stopBgs();
- }
- BattleManager.criticalBGMPLaying = false;
- BattleManager.partycrit = false;
- }
- if (this.EnemyCritical() && BattleManager.partycrit == false) {
- if (AudioManager._currentBgm != null && Sound3 != null && BattleManager.troupecrit == false) {
- BattleManager.oldBgm = AudioManager._currentBgm;
- BattleManager.oldBgmPos =;
- }
- if (Sound3 != null) AudioManager.playBgm(Sound3);
- if (Sound4 != null && BattleManager.troupecrit == false) {
- BattleManager.oldBgs = AudioManager._currentBgs;
- AudioManager.playBgs(Sound4);
- }
- BattleManager.criticalBGMPLaying = true;
- BattleManager.troupecrit = true;
- }
- if (!this.EnemyCritical() && BattleManager.troupecrit == true && BattleManager.partycrit == false) {
- if (BattleManager.oldBgm) AudioManager.playBgm(BattleManager.oldBgm, BattleManager.oldBgmPos);
- if(BattleManager.oldBgs){
- AudioManager.playBgs(BattleManager.oldBgs);
- } else {
- AudioManager.stopBgs();
- }
- BattleManager.criticalBGMPLaying = false;
- BattleManager.troupecrit = false;
- }
- }
- Game_Action.prototype.buildSound = function(key) {
- var key = key;
- if (key == 'M'){
- if (MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGM){
- var sound = {
- name: MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGM,
- volume: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMVol,
- pitch: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMPitch,
- pan: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMPan
- };
- } else return null;
- }
- if (key == 'S') {
- if (MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGS){
- var sound = {
- name: MalCriticalMusic.PartyCritBGS,
- volume: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSVol,
- pitch: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSPitch,
- pan: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSPan
- };
- } else return null;
- }
- if (key == 'E'){
- if (MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGM){
- var sound = {
- name: MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGM,
- volume: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMVol,
- pitch: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMPitch,
- pan: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGMPan
- };
- }else return null;
- }
- if (key == 'T') {
- if (MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGS){
- var sound = {
- name: MalCriticalMusic.EnemyCritBGS,
- volume: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSVol,
- pitch: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSPitch,
- pan: MalCriticalMusic.CritBGSPan
- };
- } else return null;
- }
- return sound;
- }
- Game_Action.prototype.ActorsCritical = function() {
- var mhp = 0;
- var hp = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < $gameParty.battleMembers().length; i++) {
- hp += $gameParty.battleMembers()[i].hp;
- mhp += $gameParty.battleMembers()[i].mhp;
- }
- return hp < mhp * (MalCriticalMusic.CritPoint / 100);
- }
- Game_Action.prototype.EnemyCritical = function() {
- var mhp = 0;
- var hp = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < $gameTroop.members().length; i++) {
- hp += $gameTroop.members()[i].hp;
- mhp += $gameTroop.members()[i].mhp;
- }
- return hp < mhp * (MalCriticalMusic.CritPoint / 100);
- }
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