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- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // SALTEXT Novembre 2012
- //
- // Inspired by Xylor Baysklef, Kermitt Quirk
- //
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- debug(string x) {} // llOwnerSay("debug: "+x); }
- _debug(string x) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,-2,llGetTimestamp()+" "+llGetScriptName()+":"+x,NULL_KEY); }
- //#define debug(x) // llOwnerSay(x)
- integer NCELLS=6;
- /////////////// CONSTANTS ///////////////////
- // number of characters for each "line" in texture
- integer knum=10;
- integer start=0;
- // adjusting offset + multipliers for columns and rows
- vector kcol=<-0.44,0.10,0>; // offset + multiplier for cols
- vector krow=<0.422,-0.05,0>; // offset + multiplier for rows
- vector kmul=<0.07,0.05,0>;
- list decode =
- [ "%C3%87", "%C3%BC", "%C3%A9", "%C3%A2", "%C3%A4", "%C3%A0", "%C3%A5", "%C3%A7", "%C3%AA", "%C3%AB",
- "%C3%A8", "%C3%AF", "%C3%AE", "%C3%AC", "%C3%84", "%C3%85", "%C3%89", "%C3%A6", "%C3%AE", "%E2%96%B6",
- // ö ò û ù ÿ Ö Ü ¢ £ ¥
- "%C3%B6", "%C3%B2", "%C3%BB", "%C3%B9", "%C3%BF", "%C3%96", "%C3%9C", "%C2%A2", "%C2%A3", "%C2%A5",
- // A^ copyright á í ó ú ñ Ñ ª º"
- "%C3%82", "%C2%A9", "%C3%A1", "%C3%AD", "%C3%B3", "%C3%BA", "%C3%B1", "%C3%91", "%C2%AA", "%C2%BA",
- // ¿ O^ ¬ ½ ¼ ¡ « » alfa ß"
- "%C2%BF", "%C3%94", "%C2%AC", "%C2%BD", "%C2%BC", "%C2%A1", "%C2%AB", "%C2%BB", "%CE%B1", "%C3%9F",
- // gamma pi bigsigma smsigma mu
- "%CE%93", "%CF%80", "%CE%A3", "%CF%83", "%C2%B5",
- // tau BIGfi theta omega delta
- "%CF%84", "%CE%A6", "%CE%98", "%CE%A9", "%CE%B4",
- // Uu uu EPS INTERS 3bars +- <= >= INTEGRUP INTEGRDOWN
- "%C5%AC", "%C5%AD", "%CE%B5", "%E2%88%A9", "%E2%89%A1", "%C2%B1", "%E2%89%A5", "%E2%89%A4", "%E2%8C%A0", "%E2%8C%A1",
- // A/ A\ a~ A~ E^ I/ O/ o~ O~ o^
- "%C3%81", "%C3%80", "%C3%A3", "%C3%83", "%C3%8A", "%C3%8D", "%C3%93", "%C3%B5", "%C3%95", "%C3%B4" ];
- ///////////// END CONSTANTS ////////////////
- ///////////// GLOBAL VARIABLES ///////////////
- // This is the key of the font we are displaying.
- key gFontTexture = "font";
- // All displayable characters. Default to ASCII order.
- string gCharIndex;
- // This is the channel to listen on while acting
- // as a cell in a larger display.
- integer gCellChannel = -1;
- // This is the starting character position in the cell channel message
- // to render.
- integer gCellCharPosition = 0;
- // This is whether or not to use the fade in/out special effect.
- integer gCellUseFading = FALSE;
- // This is how long to display the text before fading out (if using
- // fading special effect).
- // Note: < 0 means don't fade out.
- float gCellHoldDelay = 1.0;
- /////////// END GLOBAL VARIABLES ////////////
- ResetCharIndex() {
- gCharIndex = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`";
- gCharIndex += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\n\n\n\n\n";
- //decode=[];
- }
- vector GetGridOffset(integer index) {
- // Calculate the offset needed to display this character.
- integer Row = index / knum - 1;
- integer Col = index % knum;
- // Return the offset in the texture.
- return < kcol.x + kcol.y * Col, krow.x + krow.y * Row, 0.0>;
- }
- ShowChars(integer linknum, vector grid_offset1, vector grid_offset2, vector grid_offset3, vector grid_offset4, vector grid_offset5, vector grid_offset6, vector grid_offset7, vector grid_offset8) {
- // Set the primitive textures directly.
- llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( linknum, [
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, grid_offset1, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 1, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, grid_offset2, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 2, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, grid_offset3, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 3, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, grid_offset4, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 4, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, grid_offset5, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 5, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, grid_offset6, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 6, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, grid_offset7, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 7, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, grid_offset8, 0.0
- ]);
- }
- // SALAHZAR intelligent procedure to extract UTF-8 codes and convert to index in our "cp850"-like table
- integer GetIndex(string char)
- {
- integer ret=llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, char);
- // llSay(0,"pos: "+(string)ret);
- if(ret>=0) return ret;
- // special char do nice trick :)
- string escaped=llEscapeURL(char);
- // llSay(0,"char: "+escaped+" "+llList2CSV(decode));
- integer found=llListFindList(decode, [escaped]);
- // Return blank if not found
- if(found<0) return 0;
- // return correct index
- // llSay(0,"returning "+(string)(100+found));
- return 100+found;
- }
- RenderString(integer linknum, string str) {
- debug("telling link "+(string)linknum+" str {"+str+"}");
- // Get the grid positions for each pair of characters.
- vector GridOffset1 = GetGridOffset( GetIndex(llGetSubString(str, 0, 0)) ); // SALAHZAR intermediate function
- vector GridOffset2 = GetGridOffset( GetIndex(llGetSubString(str, 1, 1)) ); // SALAHZAR
- vector GridOffset3 = GetGridOffset( GetIndex(llGetSubString(str, 2, 2)) ); // SALAHZAR
- vector GridOffset4 = GetGridOffset( GetIndex(llGetSubString(str, 3, 3)) ); // SALAHZAR
- vector GridOffset5 = GetGridOffset( GetIndex(llGetSubString(str, 4, 4)) ); // SALAHZAR
- vector GridOffset6 = GetGridOffset( GetIndex(llGetSubString(str, 5, 5)) ); // SALAHZAR
- vector GridOffset7 = GetGridOffset( GetIndex(llGetSubString(str, 6, 6)) ); // SALAHZAR
- vector GridOffset8 = GetGridOffset( GetIndex(llGetSubString(str, 7, 7)) ); // SALAHZAR
- // Use these grid positions to display the correct textures/offsets.
- llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( linknum, [
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, GridOffset1, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 1, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, GridOffset2, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 2, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, GridOffset3, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 3, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, GridOffset4, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 4, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, GridOffset5, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 5, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, GridOffset6, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 6, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, GridOffset7, 0.0,
- PRIM_TEXTURE, 7, (string)gFontTexture, kmul, GridOffset8, 0.0
- ]);
- // ShowChars(linknum, GridOffset1, GridOffset2, GridOffset3, GridOffset4, GridOffset5, GridOffset6, GridOffset7, GridOffset8);
- }
- parseMessage(string m, integer row)
- {
- debug("Parsing message {"+m+"} to row: "+(string)row);
- integer i; integer j;
- for(j=0;j<g_length;j++)
- {
- string element=llGetSubString(m,j*8,(j+1)*8-1);
- integer found=llListFindList(g_lookup,[ (string)(row+j) ]);
- if(found>=0){
- integer linknumber=llList2Integer(g_lookup,found+1);
- RenderString(linknumber,element);
- }
- }
- // for(i=start;i<llGetNumberOfPrims();i++) RenderString(i+1," ");
- }
- string g_name;
- integer g_start;
- integer g_end;
- integer g_length;
- list g_lookup; // pairs name + linknumber
- default {
- state_entry() {
- debug("Initialize "+llGetScriptName());
- // Initialize the character index.
- list bits=llParseStringKeepNulls(llGetScriptName(),["-"],[]);
- g_name=llList2String(bits,0);
- g_start=(integer)llList2String(bits,1);
- g_end=(integer)llList2String(bits,2);
- g_length=(integer)llList2String(bits,3);
- debug("Start: "+(string)g_start+", End: "+(string)g_end+", length: "+(string)g_length);
- ResetCharIndex();
- integer i; g_lookup=[];
- for(i=1;i<=llGetNumberOfPrims();i++)
- {
- string pname=llGetLinkName(i);
- integer iname=(integer)pname;
- if(iname>=g_start && iname<=g_end)
- {
- debug("adding {"+pname+"} link: "+(string)i);
- g_lookup+=[ pname, i ];
- }
- }
- debug("parsing");
- integer r; for(r=1000;r<30000;r+=1000)
- parseMessage(llGetScriptName()+ " {ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZàèìòù}",r);
- }
- link_message(integer sender,integer channel,string str,key id)
- {
- if(channel>= g_start && channel <=g_end ) parseMessage(str,channel);
- }
- }
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