
Riemann Hypothesis/Pulse Theorem

Jul 17th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Rule 1: If k is MOD8>0 and MOD8 is a prime, such that when divided by a number of some prime under 8, except 2, resolves to a whole number, then the number is a not a prime
  3.  - It is conjecture to believe, and make this easier, that all numbers are divisible by 1-8.
  5. Rule 2: Also if k is MOD5, or MOD2 or MOD3=2 we do not have a prime
  7. Rule 3: If a number sequence is x,0,1,2,y and x is a prime, then y will be then too if the rules are not broken.
  9. Rule 4: If an unbroken triplet is found, that next number will be a prime; as stated in rule 3. Once this has been found, It will likely go over one more even number and find one more.
  11. Rule 5: If rule 4 does not stand, in the latter, then it will be of another triplet.
  13. Each 3rd iteration passed, post apriori a prime, breaking a rule, becomes the 0-index count for the next 3. So, until the rules are met, the sequences will be counted as triplets so when it does fall under the rules according to the 3 iterations, the next prime is likely just an iteration over the next even number, and the sets of 3 simply stated as being of 3 so that unless a number does not break a rule, and is MOD3, this number is a prime.
  15. If it does not, however, it skips until such a number can be found. It is logical to the pattern it would be a 3 count if the 3 count is one right after another, causing the 3 to ass part of the sequence.
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