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- clearscreen.
- set pi to 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923.
- set mu to 3.986*(10^14).
- ag1 off.
- set lateraloffset to 0.
- set verticaloffset to 0.
- rcs on.
- sas off.
- gear off.
- lock steering to prograde + r(0,0,180).
- set latint to 0.
- set verint to 0.
- set maneuverSpeed to .7.
- function lateraldist {
- set uct to vcrs(ship:up:vector,target:position). //up cross target
- set ev to vcrs(ship:body:position,ship:north:vector).
- if vang(uct,ship:north:vector) > 90 {
- set thdg to vang(uct,ev).
- } else {
- set thdg to 360-vang(uct,ev). //heading of the target vector
- }.
- if thdg > 360 {
- set thdg to thdg-360.
- }.
- set ucv to vcrs(ship:up:vector,ship:velocity:orbit).
- if vang(ucv,ship:north:vector) > 90 {
- set vhdg to vang(ucv,ev).
- } else {
- set vhdg to 360-vang(ucv,ev). //heading of the velocity vector
- }
- if vhdg-thdg > 180{
- set hdgdiff to vhdg-thdg-360.
- }. else {
- set hdgdiff to vhdg-thdg.
- }.
- set latdist to sin(hdgdiff)*target:position:mag.
- return latdist.
- }.
- function verticaldist {
- set velangle to vang(ship:velocity:orbit,ship:up:vector).
- set targangle to vang(target:position,ship:up:vector).
- set pitchdiff to velangle-(targangle-verticaloffset).
- set vdist to sin(pitchdiff)*target:position:mag.
- return vdist.
- }.
- function depthdist {
- set targpos to (target:position+ship:body:position).
- set ang to vang(targpos,ship:body:position)*pi/180.
- set ddist to ang*ship:body:position:mag.
- return ddist.
- }
- function lateralinputFunction {
- if abs(lateraldistance2) > 10 {
- set vlat to (lateralDistance2-lateralDistance1)/(dt).
- if lateralDistance2 > 0 {
- set ms to -maneuverSpeed.
- }. else {
- set ms to maneuverSpeed.
- }
- set vlatError to ms-vlat.
- set latinput to kpv*vlatError.
- }. else {
- set slatError to lateralDistance2.
- set vlat to (lateralDistance2-lateralDistance1)/(dt).
- set latinput to -((kps*lateralDistance2)+(kds*vlat)+(kis*latint)).
- }.
- return latinput.
- }
- function verticalinputFunction {
- if abs(verticalDistance2+extraH) > 10 {
- set vver to (verticalDistance2-verticalDistance1)/(dt).
- if verticaldistance2+extraH > 0 {
- set ms to -maneuverSpeed.
- }. else {
- set ms to maneuverSpeed.
- }
- set vverError to ms-vver.
- set vertinput to kpv*vverError.
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- }. else {
- set sverError to (verticaldistance2+extraH).
- set vver to (verticalDistance2-verticalDistance1)/(dt).
- set vertinput to -((kps*sverError)+(kds*vver)+(verint*kis)).
- }.
- return vertinput.
- }.
- function depthinputFunction {
- if abs(depthDistance2-depthoffset) > 10 {
- set vdep to (depthDistance2-depthDistance1)/(dt).
- if depthdistance2-depthoffset > 0 {
- set ms to -maneuverSpeed.
- }. else {
- set ms to maneuverSpeed.
- }
- set vdepError to ms-vdep.
- set depinput to -kpv*vdepError.
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- }. else {
- set sdepError to depthdistance2-depthoffset.
- set vdep to ((depthDistance2)-(depthDistance1))/(dt).
- set depinput to ((kps*sdepError)+(kds*vdep)).
- }.
- return depinput.
- }
- set kpv to 1.
- set kps to .3.
- set kds to 1.7.
- set kis to 0.01.
- set latinput to 0.
- set verticalinput to 0.
- set depthinput to 0.
- set extraH to 0.
- set vver to 0.
- set depthoffset to target:position:mag.
- //Approaching for docking
- until ag1 {
- if 2 > 1 {
- set lateralDistance1 to lateraldist().
- set verticalDistance1 to verticaldist().
- set depthDistance1 to target:position:mag.
- set t1 to time:seconds.
- print "Lateral Difference "+round(lateralDistance1)+" m".
- print "Vertical Difference "+round(verticalDistance1)+" m".
- print "Depth Difference "+round(depthDistance1)+" m".
- print " ".
- print "Lateral Input "+round(100*latinput).
- print "Vertical Input "+round(100*verticalinput).
- print "Depth Input "+round(100*depthinput).
- print " ".
- print "Depth Offset "+round(depthoffset)+" m".
- wait 0.2.
- clearscreen.
- set lateralDistance2 to lateraldist().
- set verticalDistance2 to verticaldist().
- set depthDistance2 to target:position:mag.
- set t2 to time:seconds.
- set dt to t2-t1.
- }. //this is just so i can hide it easily
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- set lateralinput to lateralinputFunction().
- set verticalinput to verticalinputfunction().
- set depthinput to depthinputfunction().
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- set ship:control:starboard to lateralinput.
- set ship:control:top to verticalinput.
- set ship:control:fore to depthinput.
- }.
- ag1 off.
- clearscreen.
- print "Go for docking".
- set depthoffset to 0.
- set t0 to time:seconds.
- set latint to 0.
- set verint to 0.
- until hastarget = false {
- if hastarget = true {
- set lateralDistance1 to lateraldist().
- set verticalDistance1 to verticaldist().
- set depthDistance1 to target:position:mag.
- set t1 to time:seconds.
- print "Go for Docking".
- print " ".
- print "Lateral Difference "+lateralDistance1+" m".
- print "Vertical Difference "+verticalDistance1+" m".
- print "Depth Difference "+round(depthDistance1)+" m".
- print " ".
- print "Lateral Input "+round(100*latinput).
- print "Vertical Input "+round(100*verticalinput).
- print "Depth Input "+round(100*depthinput).
- print " ".
- print "Depth Offset "+round(depthoffset)+" m".
- wait 0.2.
- clearscreen.
- if hastarget = true {
- set lateralDistance2 to lateraldist().
- set verticalDistance2 to verticaldist().
- set depthDistance2 to target:position:mag.
- set t2 to time:seconds.
- set dt to t2-t1.
- }.
- }. //this is just so i can hide it easily
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- //giving the integral gain something to multiply
- set latint to (((lateraldistance2+lateraldistance1)/2)*dt)+latint.
- set verint to (((verticaldistance2+verticaldistance1)/2)*dt)+verint.
- set lateralinput to lateralinputFunction().
- set verticalinput to verticalinputfunction().
- set depthinput to depthinputfunction().
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- set ship:control:starboard to lateralinput.
- set ship:control:top to verticalinput.
- set ship:control:fore to depthinput.
- if depthdistance2 < 20 {
- set maneuverspeed to 0.3.
- }.
- }.
- clearscreen.
- set ship:control:neutralize to true.
- print " ".
- print "Docked!".
- print " ".
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