
Mekanism Advanced Fission Reactor Control

Aug 21st, 2022 (edited)
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  1. --------------------------------------------------------
  2. -- This program won’t work properly with a sodium
  3. -- cooled reactor as it won’t calculate the boiler,
  4. -- meaning the reactor will overheat and shutdown
  5. -- several times.
  6. --
  7. --
  8. -- By Alexmaster75
  9. --------------------------------------------------------
  11. -- peripherals
  12. local reactor = peripheral.find("fissionReactorLogicAdapter")
  13. local turbine = peripheral.find("turbineValve")
  14. local monitor = peripheral.find("monitor")
  16. -- variables
  17. local cfg_n = "cfg.txt"
  18. local log_n = "log.txt"
  19. local cfg, log
  20. local data = {}
  21. local reboot = 1
  22. local max_energy = 0.8
  23. local min_energy = 0.2
  24. local limit_rate = 1.0
  25. local deact_side = "left"
  26. local scram_side = "right"
  27. local power = true
  28. local max_burn_rate = 0
  29. local max_turbine_energy = 0
  30. local max_steam = 0
  31. local status = ""
  32. local x, y
  33. local N = 10 -- this is the number responsible for how many samples are required for the estimation
  34. local smpl = {} -- and this is the array that stores those values
  35. local S = 0
  37. local j = 0
  38. local k = 0
  40. -- this shit is for the different timings, you know, you don't want the screen being updated like 500 times per second
  41. local t = 0.0
  42. local t_max = 10.0
  43. local ta = 0.05 -- a brake to the program (if the value is <=0 the program just explodes as it either goes full power or just error)
  44. local t0 = tonumber("%S")) -- this variable is used for time estimation sector
  45. local td = 5 -- this regulates the delay between each estimation (seconds)
  46. local ts = 0 -- this variable is responsible to save the time elapsed since last execution
  49. -- all of these below are just functions, after the double space
  50. -- it just prints a divider
  51. local function divider(char)
  52.     local w, h = term.getSize()
  53.     for i=1,w do
  54.         write(char)
  55.     end
  56.     print()
  57. end
  59. -- checks if the file exists
  60. local function file_exists(file)
  61.     local f =, "rb")
  62.     if (f) then f:close() end
  63.     return f ~= nil
  64. end
  66. -- gets real time (hh/mm/ss) and returns it as string
  67. local function rtime()
  68.     local ts ="%X")
  69.     return ts
  70. end
  71. -- end of all functions
  74. -- =======================================
  76. -- =======================================
  78. -- this part regards the checks for the communication, it makes sure all required components are connected and working properly
  79. -- waits for a response from the peripherals
  80. term.clear()
  81. term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
  82. term.setBackgroundColor(
  83. term.setTextColor(colors.yellow)
  85. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  86. divider("=")
  87. print(("[%s] Checking response from peripherals.."):format(rtime()))
  88. x, y = term.getCursorPos()
  89. while (not (reactor and turbine)) do
  90.     if (t > t_max) then
  91.         error("Too long without a response")
  92.     end
  93.     reactor = peripheral.find("fissionReactorLogicAdapter")
  94.     turbine = peripheral.find("turbineValve")
  95.     monitor = peripheral.find("monitor")
  96.     term.setCursorPos(1, y)
  97.     print(("T: %.1f"):format(t))
  98.     t = t + 0.1
  99.     os.sleep(0.1)
  100. end
  101. print(("[%s] Done!"):format(rtime()))
  102. -- if the program finds them, it checks if they actually work
  103. print(("[%s] Checking if they're formed.."):format(rtime()))
  104. x, y = term.getCursorPos()
  105. t = 0.0
  106. while (not (reactor.isFormed() and turbine.isFormed())) do
  107.     if (t > t_max) then
  108.         error("Too long without a response")
  109.     end
  110.     term.setCursorPos(1, y)
  111.     print(("T: %.1f"):format(t))
  112.     t = t + 0.1
  113.     os.sleep(0.1)
  114. end
  115. print(("[%s] Done!"):format(rtime()))
  116. -- if the program has arrived at this point then all the components are working properly
  117. -- but there's still a chance of not being truly online, so it waits for a valid response
  118. print(("[%s] Checking if the systems are online.."):format(rtime()))
  119. x, y = term.getCursorPos()
  120. t = 0.0
  121. while (reactor.getMaxBurnRate() == nil and turbine.getMaxEnergy() == nil) do
  122.     if (t > t_max) then
  123.         error("Too long without a response")
  124.     end
  125.     term.setCursorPos(1, y)
  126.     print(("T: %.1f"):format(t))
  127.     t = t + 0.1
  128.     os.sleep(0.1)
  129. end
  130. print(("[%s] Done!"):format(rtime()))
  132. print(("[%s] Checking the config file.."):format(rtime()))
  133. -- reads (or creates is it doesn't exist) the config file
  134. if (not file_exists(cfg_n)) then
  135.     -- creates it
  136.     print(("[%s] Config file didn't found"):format(rtime()))
  137.     print(("[%s] Creating it.."):format(rtime()))
  138.     cfg =, "w")
  139.     data = {reboot, limit_rate, max_energy, min_energy, deact_side, scram_side, td, N}
  140.     cfg.write(textutils.serialise(data))
  141.     cfg.close()
  142. else
  143.     -- reads it
  144.     print(("[%s] Config file found"):format(rtime()))
  145.     print(("[%s] Reading it.."):format(rtime()))
  146.     cfg =, "r")
  147.     data = textutils.unserialise(cfg.readAll())
  148.     cfg.close()
  150.     reboot = data[1]
  151.     limit_rate = data[2]
  152.     max_energy = data[3]
  153.     min_energy = data[4]
  154.     deact_side = data[5]
  155.     scram_side = data[6]
  156.     td = data[7]
  157.     N  = data[8]
  158. end
  159. print(("[%s] Done!"):format(rtime()))
  160. -- then it restarts the entire program if necessary
  161. if (reboot ~= 0) then
  162.     cfg =, "r")
  163.     data = textutils.unserialise(cfg.readAll())
  164.     data[1] = 0
  165.     cfg =, "w")
  166.     cfg.write(textutils.serialise(data))
  167.     cfg.close()
  168.     os.reboot()
  169. end
  171. -- here all the constants regarding the external system are assigned
  172. max_burn_rate = reactor.getMaxBurnRate() * limit_rate -- this is a limit imposed to the burn rate, like if someone wants to operate at maximum 50%, the program multiplies the max rate times 0.5
  173. max_turbine_energy = turbine.getMaxEnergy()
  174. max_steam = turbine.getSteamCapacity()
  176. print(("[%s] All set!"):format(rtime()))
  177. print(("[%s] Program started"):format(rtime()))
  179. -- checks if a monitor is connected to the network/computer
  180. -- if so it redirects the terminal output to the monitor
  181. if (monitor) then
  182.     term.redirect(monitor)
  183. end
  184. term.clear()
  185. term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
  186. term.setBackgroundColor(
  187. term.setTextColor(colors.yellow)
  189. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  190. divider("=")
  191. print(("> Min - Max Turbine Energy: %d - %d%s"):format(min_energy*100, max_energy*100, "%"))
  192. divider("=")
  193. x, y = term.getCursorPos()
  194. term.setCursorPos(1, y+8)
  195. divider("-")
  197. -- resets the array to 0
  198. for i=1,N do
  199.     smpl[i] = 0
  200. end
  202. -- saves the actual time (unix timestamp in seconds)
  203. ts = os.time("!*t"))
  205. -- MAIN CYCLE
  206. while (true) do
  207.     -- just gets the reactor status
  209.     -- safety conditions
  210.     if (reactor.getTemperature() > 1200.0 or turbine.getEnergy() >= max_turbine_energy or reactor.getWasteFilledPercentage() > 0.8 or reactor.getCoolantFilledPercentage() < 0.5) then
  211.         if (reactor.getStatus()) then
  212.             reactor.scram()
  213.         end
  214.         break
  215.     end
  217.     -- the logic of this thing (smooth brain)
  218.     -- if the side is activated the program first shutdowns the reactor, then the computer
  219.     if (rs.getInput(scram_side)) then
  220.         if (reactor.getStatus()) then
  221.             reactor.scram()
  222.         end
  223.         break
  224.     end
  226.     -- this is for efficiency/safety. it basically makes the energy go in a range between the minimum & maximum energy in the turbine
  227.     if (turbine.getEnergyFilledPercentage() < min_energy) then
  228.         power = true
  229.     end
  230.     if (turbine.getEnergyFilledPercentage() > max_energy) then
  231.         power = false
  232.     end
  234.     -- if the energy reserve is in range, then the logic can proceed
  235.     if (power and not rs.getInput(deact_side)) then
  236.         reactor.setBurnRate(max_burn_rate - (turbine.getEnergy() * max_burn_rate / max_turbine_energy))
  237.         -- it activates the reactor if it appears ready for operation or it's just off
  238.         if (not reactor.getStatus() and reactor.getCoolantFilledPercentage() > 0.5) then
  239.             reactor.activate()
  240.         end
  241.     else
  242.         if (reactor.getStatus()) then
  243.             reactor.scram()
  244.         end
  245.     end
  247.     -- program output
  248.     term.setCursorPos(1, y)
  249.     -- start big print: it gets the status of the reactor and decides weather to print ON in green or OFF in red
  250.     write("> Status: ")
  251.     if (reactor.getStatus()) then
  252.         status = "ON"
  253.         term.setTextColor(colors.lime)
  254.     else
  255.         status = "OFF"
  256.         term.setTextColor(
  257.     end
  258.     print(status, "         ")
  259.     term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  260.     -- end big print
  261.     print(("> Rods Percentage: %.1f%s          "):format((100 - (reactor.getBurnRate() * 100 / max_burn_rate)), "%"))
  262.     print(("> Reactor Temp.: %.2f °C          "):format(reactor.getTemperature() - 273.15))
  263.     print(("> Burn Rate: %.2f / %.2f mB/t          "):format(reactor.getBurnRate(), max_burn_rate))
  264.     print(("> Fuel: %.1f%s          "):format(reactor.getFuelFilledPercentage()*100, "%"))
  265.     print(("> Eta Fuel (HH/MM/SS): %2d:%2d:%2d          "):format(S/3600, (S/60)%60, S%60))
  266.     print(("> Heating Rate: %d mB/t          "):format(reactor.getHeatingRate()))
  267.     print(("> Coolant: %.1f%s          "):format(reactor.getCoolantFilledPercentage()*100, "%"))
  268.     term.setCursorPos(1, y+9)
  269.     print(("> Turbine Energy: %.1f / %.1f MFE (%.1f%s)         "):format((turbine.getEnergy()/2500000), (max_turbine_energy/2500000), turbine.getEnergyFilledPercentage()*100, "%"))
  270.     print(("> Flow Rate: %d mB/t          "):format(turbine.getFlowRate()))
  271.     print(("> Turbine Prod.: %.1f kFE/t          "):format(turbine.getProductionRate()/2500))
  272.     print(("> Turbine Gas Cap.: %d B          "):format(max_steam/1000))
  274.     -- this sector of the cycle decides the time left for the
  275.     if (math.abs(tonumber("%S")) - t0) > td) then
  276.         t0 = tonumber("%S"))
  278.         k = 0
  279.         j = 0
  281.         -- moves all the values forward, for example:
  282.         -- { 23, 67, 12, 3 } -> { 0, 23, 67, 12 }
  283.         for i=N,1,-1 do
  284.             smpl[i] = smpl[i-1]
  285.         end
  287.         -- assigns the reactor's burn rate to the first value of the array
  288.         smpl[1] = reactor.getActualBurnRate()
  290.         -- cycles through the array picking up all the values that are different from 0, then it sums them toghether in the variable "k", also incrementing "j" by 1 each time
  291.         for i=1,N do
  292.             if (smpl[i] ~= 0) then
  293.                 k = k + smpl[i]
  294.                 j = j + 1
  295.             end
  296.         end
  297.         -- because "j" is the divider for "k", there could be a problem if the array is empty (full of 0), resulting in "j" being 0 and you can't divide by 0
  298.         -- therefore, it checks if it is anywhere near 0 and if so, assigns 1 to it
  299.         if (j <= 0) then j = 1 end
  301.         -- this is just an arithmetic average of all the values in the array
  302.         -- *20 is for the burn rate (velocity) being in mB/t, we want it in seconds so because 1 second = 20 ticks we do that
  303.         k = k*20 / j
  304.         -- calculation of seconds
  305.         S = math.floor(reactor.getFuel().amount / k)
  306.     end
  308.     os.sleep(ta)
  309. end
  311. -- saves the time elapsed since last execution (TESLE)
  312. ts = os.time("!*t")) - ts
  314. -- if for some reason the code encounters an exeption, it cuts to this point to make it smooth
  315. x, y = term.getCursorPos()
  316. while (x < 17) do
  317.     x = x + 1
  318. end
  319. term.setCursorPos(1, y)
  320. divider("-")
  321. print(("> Saving in /%s..."):format(log_n))
  322. log =, "w")
  323. log:write(("LOG OF THE %s\n"):format(
  324. log:write(("========================\nTESLE (HH/MM/SS): %2d:%2d:%2d\n"):format(ts/3600, (ts/60)%60, ts%60))
  325. log:write("========================\nReactor stats:\n")
  326. log:write(("> Reactor Temp.: %.2f °C\n"):format(reactor.getTemperature() - 273.15))
  327. log:write(("> Burn Rate: %.2f / %.2f mB/t\n"):format(reactor.getBurnRate(), max_burn_rate))
  328. log:write(("> Heating Rate: %d mB/t\n"):format(reactor.getHeatingRate()))
  329. log:write(("> Coolant: %s (%.1f%s)\n"):format(reactor.getCoolant().name, reactor.getCoolantFilledPercentage()*100, "%"))
  330. log:write(("> Fuel: %s (%.1f%s)\n"):format(reactor.getFuel().name, reactor.getFuelFilledPercentage()*100, "%"))
  331. log:write(("> Waste: %s (%.1f%s)\n"):format(reactor.getWaste().name, reactor.getWasteFilledPercentage()*100, "%"))
  332. log:write("------------------------\nTurbine stats:\n")
  333. log:write(("> Turbine Energy: %.1f / %.1f MFE (%.1f%s)\n"):format((turbine.getEnergy()/2500000), (max_turbine_energy/2500000), turbine.getEnergyFilledPercentage()*100, "%"))
  334. log:write(("> Flow Rate: %d mB/t\n"):format(turbine.getFlowRate()))
  335. log:write(("> Turbine Prod.: %.1f kFE/t\n"):format(turbine.getProductionRate()/2500))
  336. log:write(("> Turbine Gas Cap.: %d B\n"):format(max_steam/1000))
  337. log:close()
  338. print("> Saved successfully")
  339. print("> Terminated")
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