
The Activity Club #outsiders_go_home 8/28/2017

Aug 28th, 2017
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  1. DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
  2. DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
  3. Reality Glitch: To begin, let's start with High Concepts.
  4. GM: What about the premise?
  5. Reality Glitch: Right, I forgot the setting isn't the only part of game creation.
  6. Bartam: Scenario Aspects! :3
  7. GM: The world of Flora; we're all familiar with that, right?
  8. Reality Glitch: No, issue aspects, faces, and places,
  9. Reality Glitch: <@!Bartam>
  10. Reality Glitch: <@!GM> Yes.
  11. Revoblam: Yes we are
  12. WokioWolfy: yup
  13. WokioWolfy: it's a bit crazy, but yes
  14. GM: But this place *in* Flora is new territory. How does this sound; Glissod's darker half is flat, arid, with scattered citystates all about. Of all of Hell's continents, this made Aerhiem a target chief among them for just the kind of hostile takeover we're facing.
  15. Reality Glitch: Hold on, let's start with the game's scale.
  16. GM: (Arid doesn't necessarily mean desert, mind; just hot enough to be a discomfort to Topsiders of the mostly chilly Glissod.)
  17. GM: I suppose we should address that, yes.
  18. Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
  20. The setting might be small or it might be vast, but where your stories take
  21. place determines the scale of your game.
  22. In a small-scale game, characters deal with problems in a city or region,
  23. they don’t travel a great deal, and the problems are local. A large-scale
  24. game involves dealing with problems that affect a world, a civilization, or
  25. even a galaxy if the genre you’re playing in can handle that kind of thing.
  26. (Sometimes, a small-scale game will turn into a large-scale one over time,
  27. as you’ve probably seen in long-running novel series or television shows.)
  28. GM: Well, how I plan on running this is sort of both?
  29. Reality Glitch: Think of the direct actions, not their rippling consequences.
  30. GM: Like, as a campaign, you're fighting to liberate most of Aerheim (Glissod, Hell version).
  31. WokioWolfy: but there isn't stories that deal with large-scale problems, but only in 1 region? Like SMT Devil Survivor?
  32. Reality Glitch: ????
  33. WokioWolfy: in SMT Devil Survivor, you're dealing with a large scale problem involving demons, but the entire plot is revolving in Tokyo Japan
  34. GM: But when you zoom in on the adventures within the campaign, you're fighting to take down one person and their operation in a city or a base, and move on.
  35. Bartam: how's this look BTW?
  36. Bartam:
  37. Bartam: i haven't fleshed out his Stunts yet
  38. GM: I can't open it.
  39. Bartam: whoop
  40. Lazarus: Need perms
  41. WokioWolfy: i still need to think of what to do for my character
  42. Bartam: done
  43. Reality Glitch: The move on part determines scale: how far away from their starting point are they going to go?
  44. GM: And I think you're jumping the gun a little.
  45. Bartam: oh
  46. Reality Glitch: i.e. you shouldn't even have your nickname yet.
  47. GM: In the campaign? Half-to-two thirds of a continent.
  48. Reality Glitch: That would qualify as Large scale.
  49. Lazarus: I made mine based soley off what Laz has skills, though Aspects and Stunts are off limits until I actually get in, everything else is fleshed out
  50. Reality Glitch: <@!Lazarus> We are no where ***NEAR*** that point yet; please be on our page.
  51. Lazarus: =n=
  52. Bartam: well, i don't personally see the problem in getting a character ready then retooling them to fit if needed
  53. Lazarus: I have had this character **fleshed out** for a good **three to four YEARS**
  54. Reality Glitch: <@!Bartam> It distracts from your participation with the current stage of gameplay.
  55. Lazarus: ???
  56. Lazarus: I'm not changing it unless the GM says so
  57. Lazarus: End of discussion from me
  58. Reality Glitch: 😑 Let's just move on.
  59. WokioWolfy: oh yeah, about dice, what dice to we roll? a d4?
  60. Lazarus: a 4df
  61. Reality Glitch: df
  62. Revoblam: we roll Fudge dice
  63. Lazarus: Plus whatever your skill is
  64. Bartam: yep
  65. Bartam: !roll 4dF
  66. DiscoDude: <@Bartam> rolled 4dF for -3 [4dF = [ ][-][-][-]]
  67. Bartam: !roll 4dF+3
  68. DiscoDude: <@Bartam> rolled 4dF+3 for 6 [4dF = [+][+][+][ ]]
  69. Lazarus: Like 4df+(X Skill Number)
  70. Alias: <@WokioWolfy> , I think Ryusui was explaining that before, when he was going on and on about the system
  71. Alias: Didn't think you'd ask that again
  72. WokioWolfy: ok
  73. WokioWolfy: thx
  74. WokioWolfy: and lol, i forget sometimes XP
  75. Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
  77. **Decide what threats and pressures inherent to the setting will spur the
  78. protagonists to action.**
  79. Every setting needs to have something going on that the characters care
  80. about, often a peril they want to fight or undermine. These are the setting’s
  81. issues.
  82. You’ll come up with two issues as a group and write them down on index
  83. cards or a game creation worksheet. These issues are aspects and will be
  84. available to invoke or compel throughout the entirety of the game.
  85. The issues should reflect the scale of your game and what the characters
  86. will face. They’re broad ideas; they don’t just affect your characters, but
  87. many people in the world. Issues take two forms:
  88. • Current Issues: These are problems or threats
  89. that exist in the world already, possibly for a
  90. long time. Protagonists tackling these issues
  91. are trying to change the world, to make it
  92. a better place. Examples: a corrupt regime,
  93. organized crime, rampant poverty and disease,
  94. a generations-long war.
  95. • Impending Issues: These are things that have
  96. begun to rear their ugly heads, and threaten
  97. to make the world worse if they come to pass
  98. or achieve a goal. Protagonists tackling these
  99. issues are trying to keep the world from slipping
  100. into chaos or destruction. Examples:
  101. an invasion from a neighboring country, the
  102. sudden rising of a zombie horde, the imposition
  103. of martial law.
  104. The default number of issues in a Fate game is
  105. two: Either two current issues (for a story solely
  106. about trying to make the world a better place),
  107. two impending issues (for a story about striving
  108. to save people from threats), or one of each. The
  109. latter option is common in fiction: think about
  110. the stalwart heroes who work against some
  111. impending doom while already discontent with
  112. the world around them.
  113. Lazarus: I'm not responding to that
  114. Reality Glitch: You just did.😋
  115. GM: Since this campaign is all about taking these guys down, I think we can focus it down to just one issue.
  116. Bartam: lemme propose we have two issues
  117. Bartam: one related to the antagonists
  118. Bartam: one related to us, as a group
  119. Bartam: like
  120. Bartam: "the threat these guys pose"
  121. Reality Glitch: Yes.
  122. Bartam: and
  123. Lazarus: Either way, I'm not changing **anything** until the GM says otherwise ``=n=*``
  124. Reality Glitch: I agree with <@!Bartam>
  125. Alias: What if we had an NPC that turned traitor?
  126. GM: I dunno.
  127. Bartam: "how this conflict relates to us, specifically"/"the circumstances which make this alliance of ours necessary"
  128. Reality Glitch: <@!Lazarus> That's not how Fate work: you have to be just as proactive as you character.
  129. Lazarus: I can literally just post that spongebob meme right. now.
  130. Reality Glitch: ????
  131. Bartam: RG
  132. Bartam: there is no need to be combative
  133. Bartam: this group has functioned without your input up to this point
  134. Bartam: have some faith
  135. Lazarus: There is two ways. One is quick start, the other is just whatever
  136. Lazarus: You like Quick, I like compiled
  137. Lazarus: There
  138. Reality Glitch: @everyone Anyway, what would the issue involving the group dynamic be like?
  139. Bartam: this does need to be hammered out
  140. Lazarus: =n=
  141. GM: Does there need to be one beyond the schisms that might inevitably form?
  142. Reality Glitch: It actually does; that next step is making aspects based on the issues.
  143. GM: Like: Does this need to be an aspect?
  144. Reality Glitch: Yes.
  145. Reality Glitch: Both issues each get their own aspect.
  146. Bartam: it's something we've never done before
  147. Bartam: worth trying just for that
  148. GM: It said that this can have just one "issue" if I wanted, and this story certainly is focused.
  149. Lazarus: Wowie, look at that, aspects are one of the two things I locked away for this very reason!
  150. Reality Glitch: <@!Lazarus> Not your character's aspect, the campaign's aspects.
  151. Lazarus: _shrug_
  152. Lazarus: "Either way."
  153. Reality Glitch: How?
  154. Reality Glitch: Anyway, issues: what exactly is the reason for the outsider to be our antagonists? And what is the protagonists' collective problem?
  155. WokioWolfy: maybe because they exiled us for some reason? Gave us a bad life or something just because we're just different from what they consider the norm?
  156. GM: "Villainous Crime Autonomy"?
  157. Bartam: what does that even mean
  158. Bartam: let's just
  159. Bartam: back up
  160. Lazarus: If you keep on criticizing my way of thinking or whatever, I can just quit for this thing, since it is Session 0. I don't want to deal with a bad environment for me, even if it's one player.
  161. Bartam: as the GM, you have it within you to answer two important questions
  162. Reality Glitch: <@WokioWolfy> That doesn't really make sense since some of us are mercenaries.
  163. Bartam: these are the questions that are important
  164. Bartam: 1. what, exactly, is it the Outsiders are doing
  165. Bartam: 2. what, exactly, is it that brings us *together against them*
  166. Bartam: emphasis on "together" and "against them"
  167. Bartam: like, i dunno
  168. Bartam: if it was me running the game
  169. Bartam: "Session 0" would have a lot less discussing things and a lot more
  170. Bartam: "Okay, let's run these one-off sessions with each character, or groups of characters if that makes sense, and let's see just how these bad guys made an enemy of you"
  171. Bartam: i mean, unless i'm mistaken
  172. GM: Well, 1: Recruiting/Indoctrinating/Enslaving themselves an army to carve out their own massive state, and 2: You are a bunch of professionals hired/volunteered/drafted together as a strike team to be sent to fronts that need a more delicate touch.
  173. Reality Glitch: This is the "collaborativ wouldbuilding" stage; you need discussion for that.
  174. Reality Glitch: <@!Bartam>
  175. Bartam: uhhhhh we tried that before
  176. WokioWolfy: we don't need to be 100% following the rules
  177. Bartam: and the GM has a very specific idea what this story is going to be *about*
  178. WokioWolfy: you don't have to be super strict about it
  179. Bartam: now is not the time to jump in and say
  180. GM: He doesn't mean worldbuilding *as* we play, <@!Bartam>.
  181. Bartam: *"But we all have to decide what's going on as a group; it's in the rules!"*
  182. WokioWolfy: ok, sorry
  183. Bartam: i was addressing RG
  184. Bartam: you're doing just fine Wokio 😉
  185. WokioWolfy: oh, ok
  186. Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
  188. **Making the Issues into Aspects**
  189. As we said earlier, issues are aspects. Turn the ideas you have into aspects that
  190. you could conceivably use at different times in the story (often as compels
  191. to the protagonists or as invocations for foes, but clever players will always
  192. find other uses for aspects). Write them
  193. down, and then if you need to add a little
  194. bit to remember the context or some details,
  195. write those down alongside the aspects.
  196. Bartam: so that's our two aspects right there
  197. Reality Glitch: Aspect are a bit more sicint.
  198. Bartam: "Burgeoning Criminal Empire" and "Recruited by a Mysterious Benefactor"
  199. GM: Anyways, I gave my answers; I don't have a way to make those into snappily worded aspects.
  200. Bartam: or however you want to tweak those
  201. Bartam: i just did, man
  202. Bartam: i just did
  203. Bartam: reword them as you see fit
  204. GM: Sorry; hit enter too late. XP
  205. Bartam: the important thing is we're recruited by *some*body
  206. Bartam: i don't know if they're a "mysterious benefactor"
  207. Bartam: or a political figure, or a do-gooder with deep pockets
  208. Bartam: i don't know if we're working for Harold Finch or Abraham Lincoln or secretly Professor Moriarty
  209. Revoblam: ~~or Floraverses Chuck norris~~
  210. GM: Um... The benefactor is more like a military alliance/organization. Unless you guys have a problem with that?
  211. Bartam: of course not
  212. Bartam: i just want it made clear
  213. Bartam: so basically we're an A-Team being subcontracted by G.I. Joe
  214. WokioWolfy: but the question is, should we know who they are or not know who they are? It might be someone setting up a group as a mysterious letterman, because we might have our reasons to be angry to this evil group of sorts
  215. Bartam: that's a good point to be said
  216. Bartam: do we *know* who we're working for?
  217. Bartam: or do we answer to just a mysterious voice on a viewscreen XD
  218. Bartam: (**[SOUND ONLY]**)
  219. GM: (Uh, turns out Alias's game is soon; his wording threw me off into thinking it was tomorrow...)
  220. WokioWolfy: we could go XCOM on our asses and have a very awesome narrator saying us what to do
  221. Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
  223. **Drilling Down**
  224. You can also use issues to flesh out smaller, but nonetheless important pieces
  225. of your setting. An important location (a major city or nation, or even
  226. a memorable local restaurant) or organization (a knightly order, a king’s
  227. court, or a corporation) can have impending and/or current issues as well.
  228. We recommend you start by giving only one issue to each setting element,
  229. just to keep things from getting too bogged down, but you can always add
  230. more as the campaign progresses. Likewise, you don’t have to do this right
  231. now—if you find a setting element becoming more important later in the
  232. game, you can give it issues then.
  233. GM: Well, I mean, you'd have physical interactions with people of that group, for briefing, as contacts for the more "military" side when needed, etc.
  234. GM: ... Actually, I suppose that could mostly be done over video-call.
  235. GM: But still, you guys should be clearly aware of the city state alliance that hired you.
  236. GM: Again, unless you have a problem with that.
  237. WokioWolfy: i don't have any problem with that
  238. Bartam: same
  239. Reality Glitch: The way I see it, this is a preemptive bit for when we start actually going places.
  240. WokioWolfy: just, hehe, they're letting a crazy person do their job as the brains
  241. WokioWolfy: i dunno, felt saying that XD
  242. Revoblam: I don't have a problem with that
  243. GM: Well, <@WokioWolfy>, They'd probably provide a lot of the tactics, suggest missions, etc. (unless the characters think they can do better).
  244. Reality Glitch: Well, with the issue done, we can move to faces and places.
  245. Reality Glitch: Any objections?
  246. Bartam: not really, unless we're uncomfortable with moving on with <@!Alias>'s attention elsewhere
  247. Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
  249. **Decide who the important people and locations are.**
  250. At this point, you’ve probably got your issues figured out, and you may
  251. have thought of some organizations or groups that feature prominently in
  252. your game.
  253. Now you have to put some faces on those issues and those groups, so
  254. that your PCs have people to interact with when they’re dealing with those
  255. elements. Do they have any particular people who represent them, or stand
  256. out as exemplars of what the issue’s referring to? If you have any ideas at
  257. this point, write them down on an index card: a name, a relationship to the
  258. organization or issue, and an aspect detailing their significance to the story.
  259. Do the same for any notable places in your setting. Are there any important
  260. places where things happen, either important to the world, important
  261. to an issue, or important to the protagonists? If there’s a place where you
  262. envision multiple scenes taking place, then talk about that. Unlike NPCs,
  263. they don’t require aspects.
  264. The GM may flesh these characters and places out later, depending on
  265. their role in the story. Or one of these ideas might be a great inspiration for
  266. a protagonist! And, of course, new ones will unfold as the story progresses.
  267. If there’s a piece of your setting that’s meant to be a mystery which the
  268. protagonists uncover, define it only in loose terms. The specifics can be
  269. detailed as they are revealed in play.
  271. Everyone O.K. with this?
  272. GM: (Um... Seriously, I think <@!Alias> has left the room completely.)
  273. Bartam: well, obviously we have a liaison or two
  274. Reality Glitch: It's only been a minute.
  275. Bartam: my mental image is we've got someone we never talk to in person, we just communicate via two-way display
  276. Bartam: and an in-person liaison who is clearly not calling the shots but has been assigned to basically make sure we don't go too off-the-rails XD
  277. Bartam: "the boss" and "the secretary" if you will
  278. Bartam: or maybe i'm misunderstanding the relationship you had in mind
  279. GM: The boss will generally inform you about the bigger picture, while the liaison keeps track of the situation on the ground; your handler, if you will. Yeah, that works.
  280. GM: Obviously, they're both demons, but beyond that, I haven't put much thought into them. You guys can really contribute here.
  281. Reality Glitch: <@!Lazarus> ?
  282. Bartam: admittedly i picture the guy on the viewscreen is only ever seen in silhouette
  283. Lazarus: I'm here
  284. Revoblam: Well, They might just tell us enough to do the job, but not the reason why they Outsiders are doing hat they are doing?
  285. Bartam: and the "secretary" looks like an older, taller, and rather more humorless Isabelle
  286. Bartam: with little round glasses which always catch the light in a way that her actual eyes are obscured, so you know she's not here to *chat* XD
  287. WokioWolfy: awwww, what a kind lass she is (sarcasm)
  288. Bartam: you know, Revo, you've put my mind on an interesting tangent
  289. Bartam: if we've been recruited
  290. Bartam: maybe we're not after this organization for personal reasons in the obvious sense
  291. Bartam: maybe we're all being blackmailed on top of everything else XD
  292. GM: And she always has this chatty helper with her, like the Officer Bartleby to her Inspector Chelmey. XD
  293. Reality Glitch: ????
  294. Bartam: Professor Layton.
  295. Reality Glitch: Ah.
  296. Bartam: (i'll confess it took me a moment to remember myself XD)
  297. GM: (Sorry. XP)
  298. Bartam: at least once the helper gets the back of a clipboard to the face
  299. Revoblam: Oh God, that sounds.....*interesting*
  300. Bartam: because of course The Secretary always holds a clipboard
  301. Bartam: but yeah, we're all being low-key coerced into this
  302. Bartam: maybe a carrot-and-stick-type situation
  303. Bartam: i mean, *damn*
  304. Bartam: Bartam already has a hook
  305. WokioWolfy: true
  306. Bartam: he's looking for his sisters
  307. Bartam: but at the same time
  308. Bartam: he *may* have murdered his awful, awful parents upon learning they basically sold his sisters off
  309. Bartam: so
  310. Bartam: "help us and we help you find your sisters"
  311. GM: Huh... There goes an idea for FloraJoJo Part II. XP
  312. Bartam: "also we do know your sordid past and we won't hesitate to use it against you if you cross us"
  313. Reality Glitch: Well, it looks to me like we've got a face of the intra-group issue and of the organization hiring the group; I think a face for the issue we're hired against and one or two places will be enough to start.
  314. Lazarus: I think Laz would definitely like information about his mysterious father, rather then getting paid in money.
  315. GM: We need a new aspect for the intrapersonal issue, though; it's changed.
  316. GM: "The Past Hanging Over Our Heads"?
  317. Reality Glitch: I must have missed that during my P.M. with Ommy.
  318. Reality Glitch: Sure.
  319. WokioWolfy: mine would want to get special set of parts to rebuild something.
  320. Bartam: maybe "Carrot and Stick," or "Coerced Into The Job"?
  321. Reality Glitch: I honestly think the best reason for Sabrina is because she think's it'll be fun.
  322. GM: “A Carrot and/or Stick Job”
  323. WokioWolfy: who doesn't want the love of their lives rebuilt?
  324. Revoblam: Oooooh, My Character is an Alchemist, she *may* have gone a little overboard on her experiments trying to invent new potions, that she may have found herself on someone's target...
  325. Reality Glitch: She like sticking it to people just for schadenfreude.
  326. GM: Hm... But yeah, I should establish a few long-term faces on the opposing side.
  327. Revoblam: You said they were inspired on the Cthulu mythos, right?
  328. Reality Glitch: We, we should.
  329. GM: Perhaps the "BBEG" (Azathoth) and the "Liaison" (Nyarlathotep).
  330. Reality Glitch: Cthulhu should be one as well.
  331. GM: The "General," yeah.
  332. GM: "Lou" is mostly just the biggest bad among the "lesser" officers - even if it's by a long shot, and he still deserves mention.
  333. Reality Glitch: Lou who?
  334. Bartam: Cthulhu.
  335. Bartam: koo-thoo-*lou.*
  336. Reality Glitch: Ah. Never seen it shortened like that before.
  337. Bartam: of course you haven't
  338. Bartam: i suggested it XD
  339. GM: (Shut up; they shortened Andrealphus to Andre. XD)
  340. Reality Glitch: That's easier to see, "Lou" and "lhu" aren't.
  341. GM: Alright.
  342. WokioWolfy: then we realize, Andre was the bad guy AND the good guy all along
  343. Reality Glitch: 🤦 😄
  344. GM: Azathoth is the BBEG, of course; he's the kingpin, the don, the *boss*.
  345. GM: He is *The Demon Sultan*.
  346. WokioWolfy: i regret nothing
  347. Revoblam:
  348. Reality Glitch: That make them the face of the issue we're hired against. I assume that make Nyarko-san the face of the organization Azzy is running?
  349. GM: No, Nyarlathotep is their liaison, their negotiator, their diplomat.
  350. GM: Oh, wait, misread.
  351. Reality Glitch: Exactly: the face, the one you talk with.
  352. GM: Yeah, basically.
  353. WokioWolfy: how about a clown face?
  354. Bartam: ba-dum-tish
  355. WokioWolfy: who doesn't like, THE CLOOOWN!!!
  356. WokioWolfy: sry, i got too into the clown thing XD
  357. Reality Glitch:,h_300,w_300/v1/Images/Products/Force%20of%20Will%20Art/Echoes%20Of%20The%20New%20World/full/ENW_026x.jpg
  358. GM: I reckon they have just a normal Flowercat Demon face. Gender is whatever's convenient.
  359. WokioWolfy: it could be a flowercat with a Oni mask
  360. Lazarus: Don't you mean
  361. Lazarus: Beholding Siren mask
  362. Revoblam: ^^^^^^
  363. WokioWolfy: or that
  364. GM: Ooh, nice... Though obviously they'd wear that for less "intimate" tasks.
  365. Reality Glitch: So, we have the faces of the two issues (which already have aspects: the bosses of the organizations; now the faces of the organizations need aspects.
  366. GM: Don't the organizations themselves need aspects?
  367. Bartam: i think so
  368. Bartam: well
  369. Bartam: not strictly "need" but we can totally do that
  370. Bartam: the FATE Fractal, yo
  371. Reality Glitch: The organizations' aspects will be the aspects that Ms. Glasses and Nyarko-chan are faces of.
  372. GM: Ah.
  373. GM: Well... I'm not sure what issue the Allied faction would have.
  374. Bartam: they're having to hire *us,* aren't they?
  375. GM: Heh.
  376. Bartam: obviously they would take these suckers down
  377. Bartam: but they're hamstrung in some respect
  378. Reality Glitch: Didn't we say it was ***The Past Hangin Over Our Heads***?
  379. Bartam: [Lacking in Resources], [Careful to Avoid Open War], [Protective Of Our Public Face]...
  380. Bartam: and no, it's not that
  381. GM: That's *how* they got you there, not *why*.
  382. Bartam: because not all of us are being coerced in that fashion
  383. Reality Glitch: Those work for the organization that's hiring us, though.
  384. Revoblam: ~~Neon Genesis Angelicon except all the severe mindfuck and more like a lot of angels are draining our time?~~
  385. GM: And I'd say the second option is most accurate to what I was thinking. Maybe a little of the third.
  386. Reality Glitch: ***Protective of Our Public Face***?
  387. GM: [Careful to Avoid Open War]
  388. Reality Glitch: O.K., now what about the Outsider's Organization aspect?
  389. GM: [Hints of Undermining Agenda]
  390. Bartam: eh?
  391. GM: Or however more graceful a wording you wish to assign.
  392. Reality Glitch: That sounds like there's dissension in their ranks.
  393. GM: Someone high up in the group is clearly working for themselves and not Azathoth.
  394. Bartam: i'm not sure if you're trying to say that someone is undermining them *-coughnyarkocough-* or if their agenda to "undermine" everything else is evident
  395. Bartam: ah
  396. Bartam: [A Traitor in the Ranks], then?
  397. Reality Glitch: That works.
  398. GM: That would imply that they're a good guy.
  399. Bartam: i don't know about that, but i will concede it could be less ambiguous
  400. Reality Glitch: You make that sound like it's not a good thing.
  401. Reality Glitch: <@!GM>
  402. Bartam: *-coughstarscreamcough-*
  403. Reality Glitch: Except Nyarko is much more subtle and cunning then that.
  404. Bartam: indeed
  405. GM: Yeah, basically, someone wants to "win" this conflict, whatever the outcome.
  406. Bartam: well then
  407. Bartam: [Someone's In It For Themselves]
  408. Reality Glitch: Yes.
  409. GM: BTW, none of your characters (and most of everyone else) are necessarily aware of this.
  410. Bartam: obvs
  411. Reality Glitch: Of course.
  412. Reality Glitch: That's for the characters to find out later.
  413. WokioWolfy: yay!
  414. Reality Glitch: Let's get the headquarters for both forces as well.
  415. Reality Glitch: Give them aspects.
  416. GM: BTW, this is what I have so far:
  417. GM: CAMPAIGN ASPECT: “Burgeoning Criminal Empire”
  418. CAMPAIGN ASPECT: “A Carrot and/or Stick Job”
  419. FACTION: Southern Aerheim Alliance
  420. ISSUE ASPECT: “Careful to Avoid Open War”
  421. FACE: Ms. Glasses
  422. FACE: The Boss
  423. FACE: Little Helper
  424. FACTION: The Outsiders
  425. ISSUE ASPECT: “Someone’s In It For Themselves”
  426. FACE: Azathoth
  427. FACE: Cthulhu
  428. FACE: Nyarlathotep
  429. GM:
  430. WokioWolfy: ok, that's rly interesting and im curious to see how this ends up
  431. GM: Public notes for anyone to view.
  432. Reality Glitch: I thought ***Careful to Avoid Open War*** and ***Someone's in It for Themselves*** were the organization aspects.
  433. GM: They're issues for the organizations.
  434. GM: The copy/paste removed the bullet points.
  435. Reality Glitch: No, it was issue for the campaign, then regular aspect for the organizations.
  436. Reality Glitch: ***Burgeoning Criminal Empire*** would be the Impending Issue and ***A Carrot and/or Stick Job*** would be the Current Issue.
  437. Reality Glitch: The issues *are* the campaign aspects.
  438. Reality Glitch: <@!GM> ?
  439. GM: I've edited it.
  440. Reality Glitch: O.K. Pinning it would also be a good idea.
  441. GM:
  442. GM: There, now can we move on?
  443. Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
  445. **Each player makes a protagonist.**
  446. You can make player characters after finishing game creation, or you can
  447. do it in the middle of this process—follow your instincts here. If you find
  448. yourself talking more about the characters than the world, go to character
  449. creation and then float back around to whatever parts of game creation you
  450. haven’t done yet. Otherwise, go ahead and finish out all of game creation
  451. first.
  452. It’s worth noting that the protagonists should have some connections to
  453. the faces and places you named in the
  454. previous step. If it’s difficult to relate the
  455. characters to the setting, then you may
  456. want to rethink your protagonists or
  457. revise your game so it will make a better
  458. fit for the new characters.
  459. When you’re making characters,
  460. you’ll also discover a bit more about the
  461. setting as people talk about who their
  462. characters know and what their characters
  463. do. If anything comes up that
  464. should be added to your game creation
  465. notes, do so before pushing forward
  466. with playing the game.
  467. GM: For one, the "main HQ" of the alliance isn't something you'll get to see much of.
  468. Reality Glitch: I meant for the P.C.'s.
  469. GM: Well, that will vary from place to place.
  470. GM: Unless you're referring to a vehicle?
  471. Reality Glitch: Then let's get the most commonly visited place or two.
  472. Reality Glitch: I wasn't but that makes for a great idea.
  473. GM: Um... Yeah, let's do a vehicle.
  474. WokioWolfy: a vehicle, we're getting a badass vehicle?!?!
  475. Bartam: wow
  476. GM: I wasn't really planning on you guys seeing a particular place for more than one adventure. >_>
  477. Bartam: seriously, *wow* :3
  478. Bartam: do we get a black van, red stripes optional?
  479. Revoblam: is it *Big?!*
  480. Bartam: (that'd be the van from Leverage and the van from The A-Team, for the curious XD)
  481. WokioWolfy: let's make the worst vehicle ever? Just to make the main characters annoyed by the government they're working on XD
  482. GM: More like an armored convoy truck; a mobile base, the kind you only see in lego sets.
  483. Lazarus: ooo
  484. Bartam: ha, wow
  485. Bartam: so basically an HQ on wheels
  486. Reality Glitch: Yes.
  487. Bartam: "Like if Optimus Prime's trailer really did contain Autobot City, but didn't have to transform into it."
  488. GM: Yeah. In a pinch, anyways. Finding a more fixed position would be preferred in more civilian-filled areas.
  489. Bartam: (sorry, me being silly)
  490. Revoblam: Amaazinnnggg!
  491. Reality Glitch: <@!Bartam> I think it's a good analogy.
  492. GM: (Y'know, like the Sly Cooper Gang.)
  493. GM: RG, I think you tagged yourself. XD
  494. Reality Glitch: I changed it. Does it ping when edited?
  495. Reality Glitch: <@!Bartam>
  496. Bartam: my attention was elsewhere
  497. GM: Like the Cooper gang, you'd find a building if you can, but the truck can do in a pinch.
  498. Reality Glitch: Well? <@!Bartam>
  499. GM: So... I guess it's closer to an FBI van, but on the *really* long side.
  500. WokioWolfy: i dunno why im suddenly getting bored, im trying to see this chat here XP
  501. WokioWolfy: anyway
  502. Bartam: i didn't see if it pinged, sorry, i'm a little distracted at present
  503. Reality Glitch: Well, let's give the vehicle and aspect and move on.
  504. GM: How does [Home and Hearth Preferred] sound? It's a long van with a functional base inside, but it's still a *van*.
  505. Reality Glitch: I think ***Leave Something to Be Desired*** is clearer.
  506. Reality Glitch: Now: Aspect for the enemy base.
  507. GM: Which, admittedly, is aaaaaaalll the way at the end of the campaign, with a *lot* of places to see in between start and finish.
  508. GM: But I'm missing the point, aren't I?
  509. Reality Glitch: The aspect *could* still come into play.
  510. GM: I'm gonna make Location Aspects for all the mission sites eventually, so *eh*, why not.
  511. GM: Let's see... what's the Muslim/Indian version of a palace called?
  512. GM: Is it just "Palace"?
  513. Reality Glitch: Palace.
  514. GM: Alright, "The Brass Palace," fit for the Demon Sultan himself.
  515. Reality Glitch: City of Brass.
  516. GM: Yep.
  517. WokioWolfy: a city made out of brass, it's so brassy
  518. GM: (Can't use "Kadath," 'cause that's already taken. XP)
  519. Reality Glitch: ***City of Brass***?
  520. GM: That's the location, but as for the issue...
  521. Reality Glitch: No. R'yleh.
  522. GM: !!!
  523. GM: Has R'yleh ever been described?
  524. Reality Glitch: It's underwater.
  525. Reality Glitch: That's about it.
  526. GM: Was it supposed to be underwater?
  527. Reality Glitch: But I don't read horror novels so what do I know?
  528. Reality Glitch: <@!GM> R'yleh is underwater.
  529. Reality Glitch: Supposedly.
  530. GM: Alright. Can it be the Brass City of R'yleh?
  531. Reality Glitch: But we can just make up what ever we want.
  532. Reality Glitch: Why Brass?
  533. Reality Glitch:'lyeh
  534. GM: Because... Hell? I dunno. I read that brass is Hell's equivalent to gold in some mythologies.
  535. GM: Again, I dunno.
  536. GM: (Is anyone other than RG still here...?)
  537. Reality Glitch: @everyone
  538. WokioWolfy: im here
  539. Lazarus: I'm just reading
  540. Bartam: oh that sounds like Fallen London
  541. Bartam: nevercold brass being hell-currency
  542. Reality Glitch: Having the base underwater would be a good way to get out of the heat.
  543. Revoblam: Im peacfully watching ~~also thinking of my character aaaaa~~
  544. GM: Hm... Would [The Demon Sultan's Rule] be a sufficient issue?
  545. Reality Glitch: I think something that describe something about the place *itself* would be better.
  546. GM: Hm... I'm actually drawing a blank.
  547. GM: I haven't thought that far ahead into the campaign yet.
  548. Reality Glitch: Maybe ***Outsider Oasis***? This gives it a doulbe meaning.
  549. Reality Glitch: Also the Impending Issue aspect and Current issue aspects are the only issues, the others are just aspects.
  550. GM: Oh.
  551. GM: That opens up some ideas.
  552. Reality Glitch: Which one did the opening for you?
  553. GM: [The Sultan's Gilded Cage]
  554. GM: The fact that locations just have aspects, not issues.
  555. Reality Glitch: Sure. That's also a callback to R'lyeh being Cthulhu's prison in the actual Lovecraft mythos.
  556. GM: Still feels a little swip-swappy, what with that being Cthulhu's domain, and Azathoth being in Kadath.
  557. GM: *in the original mythos.
  558. Reality Glitch: Really? Kadath is Lovecraftian?
  559. GM: "Dreams on Lesser Kadath."
  560. GM: Or something along those lines.
  561. Revoblam: Could it be that Azathoth always projects themselves on Kadath when sleeping, ala bearring?
  562. Reality Glitch: Maybe Azzy is ruling from R'lyeh to better keep a metaphorical eye on Cthulhu and make sure them don't escape.
  563. GM: But Cthulhu is his main general. Why would he escape?
  564. Reality Glitch: <@!GM> Are you still editing the game doc?
  565. GM: Should I?
  566. Reality Glitch: <@!GM> Right; not playing it "straight".
  567. Reality Glitch: <@!GM> Yes, you still have the aspects labeled as issue, when they aren't.
  568. Reality Glitch: Same for the organizations.
  569. GM: (Should I just share editing privileges with you? These *are* the public notes.)
  570. Reality Glitch: That's probably a good idea.
  571. GM: ~~(Better than having you nag about technicalities in the doc every five minutes...)~~
  572. Revoblam: ~~everything is, or isn't a potato~~
  573. GM: (Sorry.)
  574. Reality Glitch: Sorry! 🙁 I didn't mean it like that.
  575. WokioWolfy: im a potato
  576. GM: (And there; added you.)
  577. Bartam: 🥔
  578. GM: (And <@!Bartam> for good measure.)
  579. Reality Glitch: Warm. Now on to the next part.
  580. Bartam: yaaay
  581. Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
  582. WokioWolfy: im thinking, one of the bad guys should be a Bansheep, i dunno
  583. Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
  585. **Each player makes a protagonist.**
  586. You can make player characters after finishing game creation, or you can
  587. do it in the middle of this process—follow your instincts here. If you find
  588. yourself talking more about the characters than the world, go to character
  589. creation and then float back around to whatever parts of game creation you
  590. haven’t done yet. Otherwise, go ahead and finish out all of game creation
  591. first.
  592. It’s worth noting that the protagonists should have some connections to
  593. the faces and places you named in the
  594. previous step. If it’s difficult to relate the
  595. characters to the setting, then you may
  596. want to rethink your protagonists or
  597. revise your game so it will make a better
  598. fit for the new characters.
  599. When you’re making characters,
  600. you’ll also discover a bit more about the
  601. setting as people talk about who their
  602. characters know and what their characters
  603. do. If anything comes up that
  604. should be added to your game creation
  605. notes, do so before pushing forward
  606. with playing the game.
  607. WokioWolfy: why i suddenly came up with that idea?
  608. GM: Um... Suggestion.
  609. WokioWolfy: OH BOY!!!
  610. Revoblam: Alright, This is *our* cue, right?
  611. GM: It's late, and one of us is still very absent.
  612. Revoblam: ~~and by our i mean all of us~~
  613. Reality Glitch: No, you were suppossed to already be contributing.
  614. Bartam: i'm fine with putting a pin in this until later
  615. GM: Part II tomorrow?
  616. WokioWolfy: awwww, ok
  617. Reality Glitch: Sure, session 0.5 tomorrow.
  618. GM: !end
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