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- DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
- DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
- Reality Glitch: To begin, let's start with High Concepts.
- GM: What about the premise?
- Reality Glitch: Right, I forgot the setting isn't the only part of game creation.
- Bartam: Scenario Aspects! :3
- GM: The world of Flora; we're all familiar with that, right?
- Reality Glitch: No, issue aspects, faces, and places,
- Reality Glitch: <@!Bartam>
- Reality Glitch: <@!GM> Yes.
- Revoblam: Yes we are
- WokioWolfy: yup
- WokioWolfy: it's a bit crazy, but yes
- GM: But this place *in* Flora is new territory. How does this sound; Glissod's darker half is flat, arid, with scattered citystates all about. Of all of Hell's continents, this made Aerhiem a target chief among them for just the kind of hostile takeover we're facing.
- Reality Glitch: Hold on, let's start with the game's scale.
- GM: (Arid doesn't necessarily mean desert, mind; just hot enough to be a discomfort to Topsiders of the mostly chilly Glissod.)
- GM: I suppose we should address that, yes.
- Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
- The setting might be small or it might be vast, but where your stories take
- place determines the scale of your game.
- In a small-scale game, characters deal with problems in a city or region,
- they don’t travel a great deal, and the problems are local. A large-scale
- game involves dealing with problems that affect a world, a civilization, or
- even a galaxy if the genre you’re playing in can handle that kind of thing.
- (Sometimes, a small-scale game will turn into a large-scale one over time,
- as you’ve probably seen in long-running novel series or television shows.)
- GM: Well, how I plan on running this is sort of both?
- Reality Glitch: Think of the direct actions, not their rippling consequences.
- GM: Like, as a campaign, you're fighting to liberate most of Aerheim (Glissod, Hell version).
- WokioWolfy: but there isn't stories that deal with large-scale problems, but only in 1 region? Like SMT Devil Survivor?
- Reality Glitch: ????
- WokioWolfy: in SMT Devil Survivor, you're dealing with a large scale problem involving demons, but the entire plot is revolving in Tokyo Japan
- GM: But when you zoom in on the adventures within the campaign, you're fighting to take down one person and their operation in a city or a base, and move on.
- Bartam: how's this look BTW?
- Bartam:
- Bartam: i haven't fleshed out his Stunts yet
- GM: I can't open it.
- Bartam: whoop
- Lazarus: Need perms
- WokioWolfy: i still need to think of what to do for my character
- Bartam: done
- Reality Glitch: The move on part determines scale: how far away from their starting point are they going to go?
- GM: And I think you're jumping the gun a little.
- Bartam: oh
- Reality Glitch: i.e. you shouldn't even have your nickname yet.
- GM: In the campaign? Half-to-two thirds of a continent.
- Reality Glitch: That would qualify as Large scale.
- Lazarus: I made mine based soley off what Laz has skills, though Aspects and Stunts are off limits until I actually get in, everything else is fleshed out
- Reality Glitch: <@!Lazarus> We are no where ***NEAR*** that point yet; please be on our page.
- Lazarus: =n=
- Bartam: well, i don't personally see the problem in getting a character ready then retooling them to fit if needed
- Lazarus: I have had this character **fleshed out** for a good **three to four YEARS**
- Reality Glitch: <@!Bartam> It distracts from your participation with the current stage of gameplay.
- Lazarus: ???
- Lazarus: I'm not changing it unless the GM says so
- Lazarus: End of discussion from me
- Reality Glitch: 😑 Let's just move on.
- WokioWolfy: oh yeah, about dice, what dice to we roll? a d4?
- Lazarus: a 4df
- Reality Glitch: df
- Revoblam: we roll Fudge dice
- Lazarus: Plus whatever your skill is
- Bartam: yep
- Bartam: !roll 4dF
- DiscoDude: <@Bartam> rolled 4dF for -3 [4dF = [ ][-][-][-]]
- Bartam: !roll 4dF+3
- DiscoDude: <@Bartam> rolled 4dF+3 for 6 [4dF = [+][+][+][ ]]
- Lazarus: Like 4df+(X Skill Number)
- Alias: <@WokioWolfy> , I think Ryusui was explaining that before, when he was going on and on about the system
- Alias: Didn't think you'd ask that again
- WokioWolfy: ok
- WokioWolfy: thx
- WokioWolfy: and lol, i forget sometimes XP
- Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
- **Decide what threats and pressures inherent to the setting will spur the
- protagonists to action.**
- Every setting needs to have something going on that the characters care
- about, often a peril they want to fight or undermine. These are the setting’s
- issues.
- You’ll come up with two issues as a group and write them down on index
- cards or a game creation worksheet. These issues are aspects and will be
- available to invoke or compel throughout the entirety of the game.
- The issues should reflect the scale of your game and what the characters
- will face. They’re broad ideas; they don’t just affect your characters, but
- many people in the world. Issues take two forms:
- • Current Issues: These are problems or threats
- that exist in the world already, possibly for a
- long time. Protagonists tackling these issues
- are trying to change the world, to make it
- a better place. Examples: a corrupt regime,
- organized crime, rampant poverty and disease,
- a generations-long war.
- • Impending Issues: These are things that have
- begun to rear their ugly heads, and threaten
- to make the world worse if they come to pass
- or achieve a goal. Protagonists tackling these
- issues are trying to keep the world from slipping
- into chaos or destruction. Examples:
- an invasion from a neighboring country, the
- sudden rising of a zombie horde, the imposition
- of martial law.
- The default number of issues in a Fate game is
- two: Either two current issues (for a story solely
- about trying to make the world a better place),
- two impending issues (for a story about striving
- to save people from threats), or one of each. The
- latter option is common in fiction: think about
- the stalwart heroes who work against some
- impending doom while already discontent with
- the world around them.
- Lazarus: I'm not responding to that
- Reality Glitch: You just did.😋
- GM: Since this campaign is all about taking these guys down, I think we can focus it down to just one issue.
- Bartam: lemme propose we have two issues
- Bartam: one related to the antagonists
- Bartam: one related to us, as a group
- Bartam: like
- Bartam: "the threat these guys pose"
- Reality Glitch: Yes.
- Bartam: and
- Lazarus: Either way, I'm not changing **anything** until the GM says otherwise ``=n=*``
- Reality Glitch: I agree with <@!Bartam>
- Alias: What if we had an NPC that turned traitor?
- GM: I dunno.
- Bartam: "how this conflict relates to us, specifically"/"the circumstances which make this alliance of ours necessary"
- Reality Glitch: <@!Lazarus> That's not how Fate work: you have to be just as proactive as you character.
- Lazarus: I can literally just post that spongebob meme right. now.
- Reality Glitch: ????
- Bartam: RG
- Bartam: there is no need to be combative
- Bartam: this group has functioned without your input up to this point
- Bartam: have some faith
- Lazarus: There is two ways. One is quick start, the other is just whatever
- Lazarus: You like Quick, I like compiled
- Lazarus: There
- Reality Glitch: @everyone Anyway, what would the issue involving the group dynamic be like?
- Bartam: this does need to be hammered out
- Lazarus: =n=
- GM: Does there need to be one beyond the schisms that might inevitably form?
- Reality Glitch: It actually does; that next step is making aspects based on the issues.
- GM: Like: Does this need to be an aspect?
- Reality Glitch: Yes.
- Reality Glitch: Both issues each get their own aspect.
- Bartam: it's something we've never done before
- Bartam: worth trying just for that
- GM: It said that this can have just one "issue" if I wanted, and this story certainly is focused.
- Lazarus: Wowie, look at that, aspects are one of the two things I locked away for this very reason!
- Reality Glitch: <@!Lazarus> Not your character's aspect, the campaign's aspects.
- Lazarus: _shrug_
- Lazarus: "Either way."
- Reality Glitch: How?
- Reality Glitch: Anyway, issues: what exactly is the reason for the outsider to be our antagonists? And what is the protagonists' collective problem?
- WokioWolfy: maybe because they exiled us for some reason? Gave us a bad life or something just because we're just different from what they consider the norm?
- GM: "Villainous Crime Autonomy"?
- Bartam: what does that even mean
- Bartam: let's just
- Bartam: back up
- Lazarus: If you keep on criticizing my way of thinking or whatever, I can just quit for this thing, since it is Session 0. I don't want to deal with a bad environment for me, even if it's one player.
- Bartam: as the GM, you have it within you to answer two important questions
- Reality Glitch: <@WokioWolfy> That doesn't really make sense since some of us are mercenaries.
- Bartam: these are the questions that are important
- Bartam: 1. what, exactly, is it the Outsiders are doing
- Bartam: 2. what, exactly, is it that brings us *together against them*
- Bartam: emphasis on "together" and "against them"
- Bartam: like, i dunno
- Bartam: if it was me running the game
- Bartam: "Session 0" would have a lot less discussing things and a lot more
- Bartam: "Okay, let's run these one-off sessions with each character, or groups of characters if that makes sense, and let's see just how these bad guys made an enemy of you"
- Bartam: i mean, unless i'm mistaken
- GM: Well, 1: Recruiting/Indoctrinating/Enslaving themselves an army to carve out their own massive state, and 2: You are a bunch of professionals hired/volunteered/drafted together as a strike team to be sent to fronts that need a more delicate touch.
- Reality Glitch: This is the "collaborativ wouldbuilding" stage; you need discussion for that.
- Reality Glitch: <@!Bartam>
- Bartam: uhhhhh we tried that before
- WokioWolfy: we don't need to be 100% following the rules
- Bartam: and the GM has a very specific idea what this story is going to be *about*
- WokioWolfy: you don't have to be super strict about it
- Bartam: now is not the time to jump in and say
- GM: He doesn't mean worldbuilding *as* we play, <@!Bartam>.
- Bartam: *"But we all have to decide what's going on as a group; it's in the rules!"*
- WokioWolfy: ok, sorry
- Bartam: i was addressing RG
- Bartam: you're doing just fine Wokio 😉
- WokioWolfy: oh, ok
- Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
- **Making the Issues into Aspects**
- As we said earlier, issues are aspects. Turn the ideas you have into aspects that
- you could conceivably use at different times in the story (often as compels
- to the protagonists or as invocations for foes, but clever players will always
- find other uses for aspects). Write them
- down, and then if you need to add a little
- bit to remember the context or some details,
- write those down alongside the aspects.
- Bartam: so that's our two aspects right there
- Reality Glitch: Aspect are a bit more sicint.
- Bartam: "Burgeoning Criminal Empire" and "Recruited by a Mysterious Benefactor"
- GM: Anyways, I gave my answers; I don't have a way to make those into snappily worded aspects.
- Bartam: or however you want to tweak those
- Bartam: i just did, man
- Bartam: i just did
- Bartam: reword them as you see fit
- GM: Sorry; hit enter too late. XP
- Bartam: the important thing is we're recruited by *some*body
- Bartam: i don't know if they're a "mysterious benefactor"
- Bartam: or a political figure, or a do-gooder with deep pockets
- Bartam: i don't know if we're working for Harold Finch or Abraham Lincoln or secretly Professor Moriarty
- Revoblam: ~~or Floraverses Chuck norris~~
- GM: Um... The benefactor is more like a military alliance/organization. Unless you guys have a problem with that?
- Bartam: of course not
- Bartam: i just want it made clear
- Bartam: so basically we're an A-Team being subcontracted by G.I. Joe
- WokioWolfy: but the question is, should we know who they are or not know who they are? It might be someone setting up a group as a mysterious letterman, because we might have our reasons to be angry to this evil group of sorts
- Bartam: that's a good point to be said
- Bartam: do we *know* who we're working for?
- Bartam: or do we answer to just a mysterious voice on a viewscreen XD
- Bartam: (**[SOUND ONLY]**)
- GM: (Uh, turns out Alias's game is soon; his wording threw me off into thinking it was tomorrow...)
- WokioWolfy: we could go XCOM on our asses and have a very awesome narrator saying us what to do
- Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
- **Drilling Down**
- You can also use issues to flesh out smaller, but nonetheless important pieces
- of your setting. An important location (a major city or nation, or even
- a memorable local restaurant) or organization (a knightly order, a king’s
- court, or a corporation) can have impending and/or current issues as well.
- We recommend you start by giving only one issue to each setting element,
- just to keep things from getting too bogged down, but you can always add
- more as the campaign progresses. Likewise, you don’t have to do this right
- now—if you find a setting element becoming more important later in the
- game, you can give it issues then.
- GM: Well, I mean, you'd have physical interactions with people of that group, for briefing, as contacts for the more "military" side when needed, etc.
- GM: ... Actually, I suppose that could mostly be done over video-call.
- GM: But still, you guys should be clearly aware of the city state alliance that hired you.
- GM: Again, unless you have a problem with that.
- WokioWolfy: i don't have any problem with that
- Bartam: same
- Reality Glitch: The way I see it, this is a preemptive bit for when we start actually going places.
- WokioWolfy: just, hehe, they're letting a crazy person do their job as the brains
- WokioWolfy: i dunno, felt saying that XD
- Revoblam: I don't have a problem with that
- GM: Well, <@WokioWolfy>, They'd probably provide a lot of the tactics, suggest missions, etc. (unless the characters think they can do better).
- Reality Glitch: Well, with the issue done, we can move to faces and places.
- Reality Glitch: Any objections?
- Bartam: not really, unless we're uncomfortable with moving on with <@!Alias>'s attention elsewhere
- Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
- **Decide who the important people and locations are.**
- At this point, you’ve probably got your issues figured out, and you may
- have thought of some organizations or groups that feature prominently in
- your game.
- Now you have to put some faces on those issues and those groups, so
- that your PCs have people to interact with when they’re dealing with those
- elements. Do they have any particular people who represent them, or stand
- out as exemplars of what the issue’s referring to? If you have any ideas at
- this point, write them down on an index card: a name, a relationship to the
- organization or issue, and an aspect detailing their significance to the story.
- Do the same for any notable places in your setting. Are there any important
- places where things happen, either important to the world, important
- to an issue, or important to the protagonists? If there’s a place where you
- envision multiple scenes taking place, then talk about that. Unlike NPCs,
- they don’t require aspects.
- The GM may flesh these characters and places out later, depending on
- their role in the story. Or one of these ideas might be a great inspiration for
- a protagonist! And, of course, new ones will unfold as the story progresses.
- If there’s a piece of your setting that’s meant to be a mystery which the
- protagonists uncover, define it only in loose terms. The specifics can be
- detailed as they are revealed in play.
- Everyone O.K. with this?
- GM: (Um... Seriously, I think <@!Alias> has left the room completely.)
- Bartam: well, obviously we have a liaison or two
- Reality Glitch: It's only been a minute.
- Bartam: my mental image is we've got someone we never talk to in person, we just communicate via two-way display
- Bartam: and an in-person liaison who is clearly not calling the shots but has been assigned to basically make sure we don't go too off-the-rails XD
- Bartam: "the boss" and "the secretary" if you will
- Bartam: or maybe i'm misunderstanding the relationship you had in mind
- GM: The boss will generally inform you about the bigger picture, while the liaison keeps track of the situation on the ground; your handler, if you will. Yeah, that works.
- GM: Obviously, they're both demons, but beyond that, I haven't put much thought into them. You guys can really contribute here.
- Reality Glitch: <@!Lazarus> ?
- Bartam: admittedly i picture the guy on the viewscreen is only ever seen in silhouette
- Lazarus: I'm here
- Revoblam: Well, They might just tell us enough to do the job, but not the reason why they Outsiders are doing hat they are doing?
- Bartam: and the "secretary" looks like an older, taller, and rather more humorless Isabelle
- Bartam: with little round glasses which always catch the light in a way that her actual eyes are obscured, so you know she's not here to *chat* XD
- WokioWolfy: awwww, what a kind lass she is (sarcasm)
- Bartam: you know, Revo, you've put my mind on an interesting tangent
- Bartam: if we've been recruited
- Bartam: maybe we're not after this organization for personal reasons in the obvious sense
- Bartam: maybe we're all being blackmailed on top of everything else XD
- GM: And she always has this chatty helper with her, like the Officer Bartleby to her Inspector Chelmey. XD
- Reality Glitch: ????
- Bartam: Professor Layton.
- Reality Glitch: Ah.
- Bartam: (i'll confess it took me a moment to remember myself XD)
- GM: (Sorry. XP)
- Bartam: at least once the helper gets the back of a clipboard to the face
- Revoblam: Oh God, that sounds.....*interesting*
- Bartam: because of course The Secretary always holds a clipboard
- Bartam: but yeah, we're all being low-key coerced into this
- Bartam: maybe a carrot-and-stick-type situation
- Bartam: i mean, *damn*
- Bartam: Bartam already has a hook
- WokioWolfy: true
- Bartam: he's looking for his sisters
- Bartam: but at the same time
- Bartam: he *may* have murdered his awful, awful parents upon learning they basically sold his sisters off
- Bartam: so
- Bartam: "help us and we help you find your sisters"
- GM: Huh... There goes an idea for FloraJoJo Part II. XP
- Bartam: "also we do know your sordid past and we won't hesitate to use it against you if you cross us"
- Reality Glitch: Well, it looks to me like we've got a face of the intra-group issue and of the organization hiring the group; I think a face for the issue we're hired against and one or two places will be enough to start.
- Lazarus: I think Laz would definitely like information about his mysterious father, rather then getting paid in money.
- GM: We need a new aspect for the intrapersonal issue, though; it's changed.
- GM: "The Past Hanging Over Our Heads"?
- Reality Glitch: I must have missed that during my P.M. with Ommy.
- Reality Glitch: Sure.
- WokioWolfy: mine would want to get special set of parts to rebuild something.
- Bartam: maybe "Carrot and Stick," or "Coerced Into The Job"?
- Reality Glitch: I honestly think the best reason for Sabrina is because she think's it'll be fun.
- GM: “A Carrot and/or Stick Job”
- WokioWolfy: who doesn't want the love of their lives rebuilt?
- Revoblam: Oooooh, My Character is an Alchemist, she *may* have gone a little overboard on her experiments trying to invent new potions, that she may have found herself on someone's target...
- Reality Glitch: She like sticking it to people just for schadenfreude.
- GM: Hm... But yeah, I should establish a few long-term faces on the opposing side.
- Revoblam: You said they were inspired on the Cthulu mythos, right?
- Reality Glitch: We, we should.
- GM: Perhaps the "BBEG" (Azathoth) and the "Liaison" (Nyarlathotep).
- Reality Glitch: Cthulhu should be one as well.
- GM: The "General," yeah.
- GM: "Lou" is mostly just the biggest bad among the "lesser" officers - even if it's by a long shot, and he still deserves mention.
- Reality Glitch: Lou who?
- Bartam: Cthulhu.
- Bartam: koo-thoo-*lou.*
- Reality Glitch: Ah. Never seen it shortened like that before.
- Bartam: of course you haven't
- Bartam: i suggested it XD
- GM: (Shut up; they shortened Andrealphus to Andre. XD)
- Reality Glitch: That's easier to see, "Lou" and "lhu" aren't.
- GM: Alright.
- WokioWolfy: then we realize, Andre was the bad guy AND the good guy all along
- Reality Glitch: 🤦 😄
- GM: Azathoth is the BBEG, of course; he's the kingpin, the don, the *boss*.
- GM: He is *The Demon Sultan*.
- WokioWolfy: i regret nothing
- Revoblam:
- Reality Glitch: That make them the face of the issue we're hired against. I assume that make Nyarko-san the face of the organization Azzy is running?
- GM: No, Nyarlathotep is their liaison, their negotiator, their diplomat.
- GM: Oh, wait, misread.
- Reality Glitch: Exactly: the face, the one you talk with.
- GM: Yeah, basically.
- WokioWolfy: how about a clown face?
- Bartam: ba-dum-tish
- WokioWolfy: who doesn't like, THE CLOOOWN!!!
- WokioWolfy: sry, i got too into the clown thing XD
- Reality Glitch:,h_300,w_300/v1/Images/Products/Force%20of%20Will%20Art/Echoes%20Of%20The%20New%20World/full/ENW_026x.jpg
- GM: I reckon they have just a normal Flowercat Demon face. Gender is whatever's convenient.
- WokioWolfy: it could be a flowercat with a Oni mask
- Lazarus: Don't you mean
- Lazarus: Beholding Siren mask
- Revoblam: ^^^^^^
- WokioWolfy: or that
- GM: Ooh, nice... Though obviously they'd wear that for less "intimate" tasks.
- Reality Glitch: So, we have the faces of the two issues (which already have aspects: the bosses of the organizations; now the faces of the organizations need aspects.
- GM: Don't the organizations themselves need aspects?
- Bartam: i think so
- Bartam: well
- Bartam: not strictly "need" but we can totally do that
- Bartam: the FATE Fractal, yo
- Reality Glitch: The organizations' aspects will be the aspects that Ms. Glasses and Nyarko-chan are faces of.
- GM: Ah.
- GM: Well... I'm not sure what issue the Allied faction would have.
- Bartam: they're having to hire *us,* aren't they?
- GM: Heh.
- Bartam: obviously they would take these suckers down
- Bartam: but they're hamstrung in some respect
- Reality Glitch: Didn't we say it was ***The Past Hangin Over Our Heads***?
- Bartam: [Lacking in Resources], [Careful to Avoid Open War], [Protective Of Our Public Face]...
- Bartam: and no, it's not that
- GM: That's *how* they got you there, not *why*.
- Bartam: because not all of us are being coerced in that fashion
- Reality Glitch: Those work for the organization that's hiring us, though.
- Revoblam: ~~Neon Genesis Angelicon except all the severe mindfuck and more like a lot of angels are draining our time?~~
- GM: And I'd say the second option is most accurate to what I was thinking. Maybe a little of the third.
- Reality Glitch: ***Protective of Our Public Face***?
- GM: [Careful to Avoid Open War]
- Reality Glitch: O.K., now what about the Outsider's Organization aspect?
- GM: [Hints of Undermining Agenda]
- Bartam: eh?
- GM: Or however more graceful a wording you wish to assign.
- Reality Glitch: That sounds like there's dissension in their ranks.
- GM: Someone high up in the group is clearly working for themselves and not Azathoth.
- Bartam: i'm not sure if you're trying to say that someone is undermining them *-coughnyarkocough-* or if their agenda to "undermine" everything else is evident
- Bartam: ah
- Bartam: [A Traitor in the Ranks], then?
- Reality Glitch: That works.
- GM: That would imply that they're a good guy.
- Bartam: i don't know about that, but i will concede it could be less ambiguous
- Reality Glitch: You make that sound like it's not a good thing.
- Reality Glitch: <@!GM>
- Bartam: *-coughstarscreamcough-*
- Reality Glitch: Except Nyarko is much more subtle and cunning then that.
- Bartam: indeed
- GM: Yeah, basically, someone wants to "win" this conflict, whatever the outcome.
- Bartam: well then
- Bartam: [Someone's In It For Themselves]
- Reality Glitch: Yes.
- GM: BTW, none of your characters (and most of everyone else) are necessarily aware of this.
- Bartam: obvs
- Reality Glitch: Of course.
- Reality Glitch: That's for the characters to find out later.
- WokioWolfy: yay!
- Reality Glitch: Let's get the headquarters for both forces as well.
- Reality Glitch: Give them aspects.
- GM: BTW, this is what I have so far:
- GM: CAMPAIGN ASPECT: “Burgeoning Criminal Empire”
- CAMPAIGN ASPECT: “A Carrot and/or Stick Job”
- FACTION: Southern Aerheim Alliance
- ISSUE ASPECT: “Careful to Avoid Open War”
- FACE: Ms. Glasses
- FACE: The Boss
- FACE: Little Helper
- FACTION: The Outsiders
- ISSUE ASPECT: “Someone’s In It For Themselves”
- FACE: Azathoth
- FACE: Cthulhu
- FACE: Nyarlathotep
- GM:
- WokioWolfy: ok, that's rly interesting and im curious to see how this ends up
- GM: Public notes for anyone to view.
- Reality Glitch: I thought ***Careful to Avoid Open War*** and ***Someone's in It for Themselves*** were the organization aspects.
- GM: They're issues for the organizations.
- GM: The copy/paste removed the bullet points.
- Reality Glitch: No, it was issue for the campaign, then regular aspect for the organizations.
- Reality Glitch: ***Burgeoning Criminal Empire*** would be the Impending Issue and ***A Carrot and/or Stick Job*** would be the Current Issue.
- Reality Glitch: The issues *are* the campaign aspects.
- Reality Glitch: <@!GM> ?
- GM: I've edited it.
- Reality Glitch: O.K. Pinning it would also be a good idea.
- GM:
- GM: There, now can we move on?
- Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
- **Each player makes a protagonist.**
- You can make player characters after finishing game creation, or you can
- do it in the middle of this process—follow your instincts here. If you find
- yourself talking more about the characters than the world, go to character
- creation and then float back around to whatever parts of game creation you
- haven’t done yet. Otherwise, go ahead and finish out all of game creation
- first.
- It’s worth noting that the protagonists should have some connections to
- the faces and places you named in the
- previous step. If it’s difficult to relate the
- characters to the setting, then you may
- want to rethink your protagonists or
- revise your game so it will make a better
- fit for the new characters.
- When you’re making characters,
- you’ll also discover a bit more about the
- setting as people talk about who their
- characters know and what their characters
- do. If anything comes up that
- should be added to your game creation
- notes, do so before pushing forward
- with playing the game.
- GM: For one, the "main HQ" of the alliance isn't something you'll get to see much of.
- Reality Glitch: I meant for the P.C.'s.
- GM: Well, that will vary from place to place.
- GM: Unless you're referring to a vehicle?
- Reality Glitch: Then let's get the most commonly visited place or two.
- Reality Glitch: I wasn't but that makes for a great idea.
- GM: Um... Yeah, let's do a vehicle.
- WokioWolfy: a vehicle, we're getting a badass vehicle?!?!
- Bartam: wow
- GM: I wasn't really planning on you guys seeing a particular place for more than one adventure. >_>
- Bartam: seriously, *wow* :3
- Bartam: do we get a black van, red stripes optional?
- Revoblam: is it *Big?!*
- Bartam: (that'd be the van from Leverage and the van from The A-Team, for the curious XD)
- WokioWolfy: let's make the worst vehicle ever? Just to make the main characters annoyed by the government they're working on XD
- GM: More like an armored convoy truck; a mobile base, the kind you only see in lego sets.
- Lazarus: ooo
- Bartam: ha, wow
- Bartam: so basically an HQ on wheels
- Reality Glitch: Yes.
- Bartam: "Like if Optimus Prime's trailer really did contain Autobot City, but didn't have to transform into it."
- GM: Yeah. In a pinch, anyways. Finding a more fixed position would be preferred in more civilian-filled areas.
- Bartam: (sorry, me being silly)
- Revoblam: Amaazinnnggg!
- Reality Glitch: <@!Bartam> I think it's a good analogy.
- GM: (Y'know, like the Sly Cooper Gang.)
- GM: RG, I think you tagged yourself. XD
- Reality Glitch: I changed it. Does it ping when edited?
- Reality Glitch: <@!Bartam>
- Bartam: my attention was elsewhere
- GM: Like the Cooper gang, you'd find a building if you can, but the truck can do in a pinch.
- Reality Glitch: Well? <@!Bartam>
- GM: So... I guess it's closer to an FBI van, but on the *really* long side.
- WokioWolfy: i dunno why im suddenly getting bored, im trying to see this chat here XP
- WokioWolfy: anyway
- Bartam: i didn't see if it pinged, sorry, i'm a little distracted at present
- Reality Glitch: Well, let's give the vehicle and aspect and move on.
- GM: How does [Home and Hearth Preferred] sound? It's a long van with a functional base inside, but it's still a *van*.
- Reality Glitch: I think ***Leave Something to Be Desired*** is clearer.
- Reality Glitch: Now: Aspect for the enemy base.
- GM: Which, admittedly, is aaaaaaalll the way at the end of the campaign, with a *lot* of places to see in between start and finish.
- GM: But I'm missing the point, aren't I?
- Reality Glitch: The aspect *could* still come into play.
- GM: I'm gonna make Location Aspects for all the mission sites eventually, so *eh*, why not.
- GM: Let's see... what's the Muslim/Indian version of a palace called?
- GM: Is it just "Palace"?
- Reality Glitch: Palace.
- GM: Alright, "The Brass Palace," fit for the Demon Sultan himself.
- Reality Glitch: City of Brass.
- GM: Yep.
- WokioWolfy: a city made out of brass, it's so brassy
- GM: (Can't use "Kadath," 'cause that's already taken. XP)
- Reality Glitch: ***City of Brass***?
- GM: That's the location, but as for the issue...
- Reality Glitch: No. R'yleh.
- GM: !!!
- GM: Has R'yleh ever been described?
- Reality Glitch: It's underwater.
- Reality Glitch: That's about it.
- GM: Was it supposed to be underwater?
- Reality Glitch: But I don't read horror novels so what do I know?
- Reality Glitch: <@!GM> R'yleh is underwater.
- Reality Glitch: Supposedly.
- GM: Alright. Can it be the Brass City of R'yleh?
- Reality Glitch: But we can just make up what ever we want.
- Reality Glitch: Why Brass?
- Reality Glitch:'lyeh
- GM: Because... Hell? I dunno. I read that brass is Hell's equivalent to gold in some mythologies.
- GM: Again, I dunno.
- GM: (Is anyone other than RG still here...?)
- Reality Glitch: @everyone
- WokioWolfy: im here
- Lazarus: I'm just reading
- Bartam: oh that sounds like Fallen London
- Bartam: nevercold brass being hell-currency
- Reality Glitch: Having the base underwater would be a good way to get out of the heat.
- Revoblam: Im peacfully watching ~~also thinking of my character aaaaa~~
- GM: Hm... Would [The Demon Sultan's Rule] be a sufficient issue?
- Reality Glitch: I think something that describe something about the place *itself* would be better.
- GM: Hm... I'm actually drawing a blank.
- GM: I haven't thought that far ahead into the campaign yet.
- Reality Glitch: Maybe ***Outsider Oasis***? This gives it a doulbe meaning.
- Reality Glitch: Also the Impending Issue aspect and Current issue aspects are the only issues, the others are just aspects.
- GM: Oh.
- GM: That opens up some ideas.
- Reality Glitch: Which one did the opening for you?
- GM: [The Sultan's Gilded Cage]
- GM: The fact that locations just have aspects, not issues.
- Reality Glitch: Sure. That's also a callback to R'lyeh being Cthulhu's prison in the actual Lovecraft mythos.
- GM: Still feels a little swip-swappy, what with that being Cthulhu's domain, and Azathoth being in Kadath.
- GM: *in the original mythos.
- Reality Glitch: Really? Kadath is Lovecraftian?
- GM: "Dreams on Lesser Kadath."
- GM: Or something along those lines.
- Revoblam: Could it be that Azathoth always projects themselves on Kadath when sleeping, ala bearring?
- Reality Glitch: Maybe Azzy is ruling from R'lyeh to better keep a metaphorical eye on Cthulhu and make sure them don't escape.
- GM: But Cthulhu is his main general. Why would he escape?
- Reality Glitch: <@!GM> Are you still editing the game doc?
- GM: Should I?
- Reality Glitch: <@!GM> Right; not playing it "straight".
- Reality Glitch: <@!GM> Yes, you still have the aspects labeled as issue, when they aren't.
- Reality Glitch: Same for the organizations.
- GM: (Should I just share editing privileges with you? These *are* the public notes.)
- Reality Glitch: That's probably a good idea.
- GM: ~~(Better than having you nag about technicalities in the doc every five minutes...)~~
- Revoblam: ~~everything is, or isn't a potato~~
- GM: (Sorry.)
- Reality Glitch: Sorry! 🙁 I didn't mean it like that.
- WokioWolfy: im a potato
- GM: (And there; added you.)
- Bartam: 🥔
- GM: (And <@!Bartam> for good measure.)
- Reality Glitch: Warm. Now on to the next part.
- Bartam: yaaay
- Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
- WokioWolfy: im thinking, one of the bad guys should be a Bansheep, i dunno
- Reality Glitch: Copy/Paste
- **Each player makes a protagonist.**
- You can make player characters after finishing game creation, or you can
- do it in the middle of this process—follow your instincts here. If you find
- yourself talking more about the characters than the world, go to character
- creation and then float back around to whatever parts of game creation you
- haven’t done yet. Otherwise, go ahead and finish out all of game creation
- first.
- It’s worth noting that the protagonists should have some connections to
- the faces and places you named in the
- previous step. If it’s difficult to relate the
- characters to the setting, then you may
- want to rethink your protagonists or
- revise your game so it will make a better
- fit for the new characters.
- When you’re making characters,
- you’ll also discover a bit more about the
- setting as people talk about who their
- characters know and what their characters
- do. If anything comes up that
- should be added to your game creation
- notes, do so before pushing forward
- with playing the game.
- WokioWolfy: why i suddenly came up with that idea?
- GM: Um... Suggestion.
- WokioWolfy: OH BOY!!!
- Revoblam: Alright, This is *our* cue, right?
- GM: It's late, and one of us is still very absent.
- Revoblam: ~~and by our i mean all of us~~
- Reality Glitch: No, you were suppossed to already be contributing.
- Bartam: i'm fine with putting a pin in this until later
- GM: Part II tomorrow?
- WokioWolfy: awwww, ok
- Reality Glitch: Sure, session 0.5 tomorrow.
- GM: !end
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