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- class ScrnClientPerkRepLink extends ClientPerkRepLink;
- var byte TotalCategories;
- var int TotalWeapons, TotalChars;
- var String CurrentJob; // for debug purposes
- // how many more records client is expecting to receive from the server
- // used on client-side only
- var byte PendingItems;
- replication
- {
- reliable if ( bNetOwner && bNetInitial && Role == ROLE_Authority )
- TotalWeapons, TotalChars, TotalCategories;
- reliable if ( Role < ROLE_Authority )
- ServerStartInitialReplication;
- }
- simulated function PostNetBeginPlay()
- {
- super.PostNetBeginPlay();
- if ( Role < ROLE_Authority ) {
- ShopCategories.Length = TotalCategories;
- ShopInventory.Length = TotalWeapons;
- CustomChars.Length = TotalChars;
- PendingItems = TotalCategories + TotalWeapons + TotalChars;
- // tell server that we are ready to receive data
- ServerStartInitialReplication();
- GotoState('ReceivingData');
- }
- }
- function ServerStartInitialReplication()
- {
- GotoState('InitialReplication');
- }
- function ServerRequestCategories(byte Index, byte Count)
- {
- local byte end;
- if( NextRepTime<Level.TimeSeconds )
- return ;
- end = min(ShopCategories.Length, Index + Count);
- while ( Index < end )
- ClientReceiveCategory(Index, ShopCategories[Index]);
- NextRepTime = Level.TimeSeconds+2.f;
- }
- function ServerRequestWeapons(int Index, byte Count)
- {
- local int end;
- if( NextRepTime<Level.TimeSeconds )
- return ;
- end = min(ShopInventory.Length, Index + Count);
- while ( Index < end )
- ClientReceiveWeapon(Index, ShopInventory[Index].PC, ShopInventory[Index].CatNum);
- NextRepTime = Level.TimeSeconds+2.f;
- }
- function ServerRequestChars(int Index, byte Count)
- {
- local int end;
- if( NextRepTime<Level.TimeSeconds )
- return ;
- end = min(CustomChars.Length, Index + Count);
- while ( Index < end )
- ClientReceiveChar(CustomChars[Index], Index);
- NextRepTime = Level.TimeSeconds+2.f;
- }
- simulated function ClientReceiveCategory( byte Index, FShopCategoryIndex S )
- {
- if ( ShopCategories[Index].Name=="" )
- PendingItems--;
- super.ClientReceiveCategory(Index, S);
- }
- simulated function ClientReceiveWeapon( int Index, class<Pickup> P, byte Categ )
- {
- if ( ShopInventory[Index].PC==None )
- PendingItems--;
- super.ClientReceiveWeapon(Index, P, Categ);
- }
- simulated function ClientReceiveChar( string CharName, int Num )
- {
- if ( CustomChars[Num] == "" ) {
- PendingItems--;
- ClientAckSkinNum++;
- }
- CustomChars[Num] = CharName;
- }
- simulated function ClientReceiveTag( Texture T, string Tag, bool bInCaps )
- {
- local PlayerController PC;
- super.ClientReceiveTag(T, Tag, bInCaps);
- // todo: add delay before upating the HUD (wait for more incoming smiletags)
- PC = Level.GetLocalPlayerController();
- if( PC!=None && SRHUDKillingFloor(PC.MyHUD)!=None )
- SRHUDKillingFloor(PC.MyHUD).SmileyMsgs = SmileyTags;
- }
- simulated function ClientSendAcknowledge()
- {
- ServerAcnowledge(ClientAccknowledged[0],ClientAccknowledged[1]);
- ServerAckSkin(ClientAckSkinNum);
- }
- // client state
- simulated state ReceivingData
- {
- simulated function BeginState()
- {
- if ( Level.NetMode != NM_Client ) {
- GotoState(''); // just in case
- return;
- }
- SetTimer(10.0, true); // give server reasonable time to send us data
- CurrentJob = "Receiving Data";
- }
- simulated function EndState()
- {
- SetTimer(0, false);
- }
- simulated function Timer()
- {
- CheckData();
- }
- simulated function CheckData()
- {
- local int i, j;
- // weapon categories
- CurrentJob = "Receiving Categories";
- for ( i=0; i<ShopCategories.Length; ++i ) {
- if ( ShopCategories[i].Name == "") {
- // check if we need more categories in a row
- j = i+1;
- while ( j<ShopCategories.Length && ShopCategories[j].Name == "" )
- ++j;
- PendingItems = j-i;
- ServerRequestCategories(i, PendingItems);
- SetTimer(2.0, true);
- return;
- }
- }
- // weapons
- CurrentJob = "Receiving Weapons";
- for ( i=0; i<ShopInventory.Length; ++i ) {
- if ( ShopInventory[i].PC == none) {
- // check if we need more categories in a row
- j = i+1;
- while ( j<ShopInventory.Length && ShopInventory[j].PC == none )
- ++j;
- PendingItems = j-i;
- ServerRequestWeapons(i, PendingItems);
- SetTimer(2.0, true);
- return;
- }
- }
- // if we reached here, then client received all categories and weapons
- if ( !bRepCompleted ) {
- // call it before receiving custom characters
- ClientAllReceived();
- // tell server that we've got all weapons
- ServerAcnowledge(ClientAccknowledged[0],ClientAccknowledged[1]);
- }
- // characters
- CurrentJob = "Receiving Characters";
- for ( i=0; i<CustomChars.Length; ++i ) {
- if ( CustomChars[i] == "") {
- // check if we need more categories in a row
- j = i+1;
- while ( j<CustomChars.Length && CustomChars[j] == "" )
- ++j;
- PendingItems = j-i;
- ServerRequestChars(i, PendingItems);
- SetTimer(2.0, true);
- return;
- }
- }
- ServerAckSkin(CustomChars.Length); // tell server that we've got all characters
- CurrentJob = "ALL OK";
- GotoState('');
- }
- simulated function ClientReceiveCategory( byte Index, FShopCategoryIndex S )
- {
- global.ClientReceiveCategory(Index, S);
- if ( PendingItems > 0 )
- SetTimer(1.0, true); // take a little pause before checking - more items should come from server
- else
- CheckData(); // no pending items left, check now
- }
- simulated function ClientReceiveWeapon( int Index, class<Pickup> P, byte Categ )
- {
- global.ClientReceiveWeapon(Index, P, Categ);
- if ( PendingItems > 0 )
- SetTimer(1.0, true); // take a little pause before checking - more items should come from server
- else
- CheckData(); // no pending items left, check now
- }
- simulated function ClientReceiveChar( string CharName, int Num )
- {
- global.ClientReceiveChar(CharName, Num);
- if ( PendingItems > 0 )
- SetTimer(1.0, true); // take a little pause before checking - more items should come from server
- else
- CheckData(); // no pending items left, check now
- }
- }
- auto state RepSetup
- {
- Begin:
- CurrentJob = "RepSetup";
- sleep(1.0);
- if( NetConnection(StatObject.PlayerOwner.Player)==None ) {
- // standalone or server listener
- bReceivedURL = true;
- InitDLCCheck();
- ClientAllReceived();
- CurrentJob = "Solo or Listen Server ";
- GoToState('UpdatePerkProgress');
- }
- }
- // Sending replication data for the first time.
- // No ACK checks here - clients should request missing data later.
- state InitialReplication
- {
- ignores ServerRequestCategories, ServerRequestWeapons, ServerRequestChars;
- Begin:
- CurrentJob = "InitialReplication";
- if( Level.NetMode==NM_Client || NetConnection(StatObject.PlayerOwner.Player)==None )
- Stop;
- NetUpdateFrequency = 5.0;
- ClientReceiveURL(ServerWebSite,StatObject.PlayerOwner.GetPlayerIDHash());
- CurrentJob = "Sending Categories";
- for( SendIndex=0; SendIndex<ShopCategories.Length; ++SendIndex ) {
- ClientReceiveCategory(SendIndex, ShopCategories[SendIndex]);
- Sleep(0.1);
- }
- CurrentJob = "Sending Weapons";
- for( SendIndex=0; SendIndex<ShopInventory.Length; ++SendIndex ) {
- ClientReceiveWeapon(SendIndex, ShopInventory[SendIndex].PC, ShopInventory[SendIndex].CatNum);
- Sleep(0.1);
- }
- CurrentJob = "Sending Characters";
- for( SendIndex=0; SendIndex<CustomChars.Length; ++SendIndex ) {
- ClientReceiveChar(CustomChars[SendIndex],SendIndex);
- Sleep(0.15);
- }
- GoToState('WaitingForACK');
- }
- // server is waiting for client's acknowledgement that all data is
- state WaitingForACK
- {
- Begin:
- CurrentJob = "Waiting for Weapon ACK";
- SendIndex = 0;
- while ( ClientAccknowledged[0]<ShopInventory.Length || ClientAccknowledged[1]<ShopCategories.Length ) {
- if ( ++SendIndex == 5 ) {
- ClientSendAcknowledge();
- SendIndex = 0;
- }
- sleep(1.0);
- }
- CurrentJob = "Waiting for Character ACK";
- while ( ClientAckSkinNum < CustomChars.length ) {
- if ( ++SendIndex == 5 ) {
- ClientSendAcknowledge();
- SendIndex = 0;
- }
- sleep(1.0);
- }
- bRepCompleted = true;
- CurrentJob = "Sending Smiles";
- for( SendIndex=0; SendIndex<SmileyTags.Length; ++SendIndex )
- {
- ClientReceiveTag(SmileyTags[SendIndex].SmileyTex,SmileyTags[SendIndex].SmileyTag,SmileyTags[SendIndex].bInCAPS);
- Sleep(0.1f);
- }
- SmileyTags.Length = 0;
- NetUpdateFrequency = 1.0;
- CurrentJob = "ALL OK";
- GotoState('UpdatePerkProgress');
- }
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