
YouTube Script (Parse Vids and Search) v6.4

Jun 20th, 2016
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  1. ;YouTube Script (Parse Vids and Search) v6.4
  2. ;Made by nick1
  3. ;Last edit June 20, 2016
  4. ;For help/setup type /YouTube in mIRC
  5. ;2D0 -- You tell me in the comments!
  6. ;EDITS -- Fixed bug where would say invalid video (and cleaned up some other code in the parse section)
  8. alias -l yversion { return v6.4 }
  9. alias -l yapi { return AIzaSyBZFSgBuREDKNRwHqvHix68W3WiMyZ3N6c }
  11. menu status,channel,query {
  12.   YouTube:youtube
  13. }
  15. alias YouTube { dialog -m YouTube YouTube }
  17. dialog Youtube {
  18.   title "YouTube v6.4"
  19.   size -1 -1 242 196
  20.   option dbu
  21.   icon $mircdirYoutube.ico, 0
  22.   link "View Script On Hawkee", 1, 3 2 59 8
  23.   button "Exit", 7, 88 181 72 12, cancel
  24.   tab "About", 10, 2 9 235 169
  25.   link "YouTube Script (Parse Vids and Search) v6.4 -- Post Bugs and Feature Requests Here", 24, 16 26 208 8, tab 10
  26.   text "Last updated on June 20 2016", 19, 7 66 95 8, tab 10
  27.   text "Please post suggestions, complaints, or bugs on the hawkee link (or in chat)", 20, 7 37 188 8, tab 10
  28.   text "!commands will notice the user; @commands will be public to the channel", 13, 7 93 175 8, tab 10
  29.   text "Default behavior is to run on every channel for every nick. Use the Nick and Channel Settings Tabs to change it for invidividual channels or nicks.", 65, 7 114 208 14, tab 10
  30.   link "Click here to chat (leave a message for nick1)", 66, 58 50 110 8, tab 10
  31.   text "Use the Basic Options Tab to adjust which parts of the script will run and basic formatting options.", 23, 7 142 195 13, tab 10
  32.   button "Check for Updates", 21, 102 64 54 12, tab 10
  33.   tab "Basic Options", 2
  34.   box "Search Commands/Options", 60, 7 52 209 29, tab 2
  35.   text "youtube <search terms>; ytsearch <search>; ysearch <search terms>", 62, 10 60 175 8, tab 2
  36.   box "Disable Options", 5, 7 23 209 27, tab 2
  37.   check "Disable Search - Disables search commands below", 11, 11 29 133 10, tab 2 flat
  38.   check "Disable Parse - Disables the script from automatically sending info", 14, 11 38 175 10, tab 2 flat
  39.   box "Output Options", 9, 7 83 209 93, tab 2
  40.   check "Disable Views - Removes 'Views: <Views>'", 15, 11 90 123 10, tab 2
  41.   check "Disable Length - Removes 'Length: <Length>'", 16, 11 99 130 10, tab 2
  42.   check "Disable User - Removes 'User: <User>'", 17, 11 108 113 10, tab 2
  43.   check "Disable Formatting - Removes Colors and Bold", 22, 11 117 127 10, tab 2
  44.   edit "", 58, 99 69 15 10, tab 2 limit 1
  45.   text "Number of search results displayed:", 25, 10 70 87 8, tab 2
  46.   check "Enable Date - Adds 'Uploaded: <Date>'", 57, 11 126 120 10, tab 2
  47.   check "Enable Likes - Adds 'Likes: <Likes>", 27, 11 135 130 10, tab 2
  48.   check "Enable Dislikes - Adds 'Dislikes: <Dislikes>", 28, 11 144 130 10, tab 2
  49.   check "Enable Description - Adds 'Description <Description>", 29, 11 153 139 10, tab 2
  50.   check "Enable Notice Mode (Does Not Message Channel)", 30, 11 163 139 10, tab 2
  51.   tab "Channel Settings", 3
  52.   list 6, 8 56 220 116, tab 3 sort size extsel vsbar
  53.   edit "", 8, 9 26 155 25, tab 3 multi autohs autovs
  54.   text "List of channels the script will NOT run on", 12, 48 50 101 6, tab 3
  55.   button "Add", 4, 190 25 37 12, tab 3
  56.   button "Remove", 63, 190 42 37 12, tab 3
  57.   button "Click here to enter #channels ...", 64, 10 27 153 23, tab 3
  58.   tab "Nick Settings", 26
  59.   text "List of nicks the script will NOT run for", 70, 48 50 101 6, tab 26
  60.   list 71, 8 56 220 116, tab 26 sort size extsel vsbar
  61.   button "Remove", 72, 190 42 37 12, tab 26
  62.   button "Add", 73, 190 25 37 12, tab 26
  63.   edit "", 69, 9 26 155 25, tab 26 multi autohs autovs
  64.   button "Click here to enter Nicks ...", 74, 10 27 153 23, tab 26
  65.   text "This script created by nick1", 18, 171 2 66 8
  66. }
  68. on *:dialog:youtube:init:0: {
  69.   FillChannelBox
  70.   FillNickBox
  71.   $iif(%_youtube.nocolor == true,did -c youtube 22,noop)
  72.   did -a youtube 58 $iif(%_youtube.limit == $null,1,%_youtube.limit)
  73.   $iif(%_youtube.noviews == true,did -c youtube 15,noop)
  74.   $iif(%_youtube.nolength == true,did -c youtube 16,noop)
  75.   $iif(%_youtube.nouser == true,did -c youtube 17,noop)
  76.   $iif( == true,did -c youtube 57,noop)
  77.   $iif(%_youtube.likes == true,did -c youtube 27,noop)
  78.   $iif(%_youtube.dislikes == true,did -c youtube 28,noop)
  79.   $iif(%_youtube.description == true,did -c youtube 29,noop)
  80.   $iif(%_youtube.notices == true,did -c youtube 30,noop)
  81.   $iif($group(#search) != on,did -c youtube 11,noop)
  82.   $iif($group(#parse) != on,did -c youtube 14,noop)  
  83. }
  84. alias FillChannelBox {
  85.   did -r youtube 6
  86.   var %y 1
  87.   while (%y <= $numtok(%youtubefetch,44)) {
  88.     did -a youtube 6 $gettok(%youtubefetch,%y,44)
  89.     inc %y
  90.   }
  91. }
  92. alias FillNickBox {
  93.   did -r youtube 71
  94.   var %y 1
  95.   while (%y <= $numtok(%nolinks,44)) {
  96.     did -a youtube 71 $gettok(%nolinks,%y,44)
  97.     inc %y
  98.   }
  99. }
  100. on *:dialog:youtube:edit:58: {
  101.   if (($did(58).text < 1) || ($did(58).text !isnum) && ($did(58).text != $null)) {
  102.     did -r youtube 58
  103.     noop $input(Enter a number between 1 and 9, owd, Invalid input!)
  104.   }
  105.   elseif ($did(58).text != $null) { set %_youtube.limit $did(58).text }
  106. }
  107. on *:dialog:youtube:sclick:*: {
  108.   if (($did == 1) || ($did == 24)) { run }
  109.   elseif ($did == 66) { server -m -jn #rsbot_help }
  110.   elseif ($did == 22) { set %_youtube.nocolor $iif($did(22).state,true,false) }
  111.   elseif ($did == 15) { set %_youtube.noviews $iif($did(15).state,true,false) }
  112.   elseif ($did == 16) { set %_youtube.nolength $iif($did(16).state,true,false) }
  113.   elseif ($did == 17) { set %_youtube.nouser $iif($did(17).state,true,false) }
  114.   elseif ($did == 57) { set $iif($did(57).state,true,false) }
  115.   elseif ($did == 27) { set %_youtube.likes $iif($did(27).state,true,false) }
  116.   elseif ($did == 28) { set %_youtube.dislikes $iif($did(28).state,true,false) }
  117.   elseif ($did == 29) { set %_youtube.description $iif($did(29).state,true,false) }
  118.   elseif ($did == 30) { set %_youtube.notices $iif($did(30).state,true,false) }
  119.   elseif ($did == 11) { $iif($group(#search) == on,.disable,.enable) #search }
  120.   elseif ($did == 21) { yupdate }
  121.   elseif ($did == 14) { $iif($group(#parse) == on,.disable,.enable) #parse }
  122.   elseif ($did == 4) {
  123.     set %youtubefetch $addtok(%youtubefetch,$iif(($left($did(8),1) == $chr(35)),$did(8),$+($chr(35),$did(8))),44)
  124.     did -r youtube 8
  125.     FillChannelBox
  126.   }
  127.   elseif ($did == 73) {
  128.     set %nolinks $addtok(%nolinks,$did(69),44)
  129.     did -r youtube 69
  130.     FillNickBox
  131.   }
  132.   elseif ($did == 63) {
  133.     if ($did(8) != $null) {
  134.       set %youtubefetch $remtok(%youtubefetch,$iif(($left($did(8),1) == $chr(35)),$did(8),$+($chr(35),$did(8))),44)
  135.       did -r youtube 8
  136.     }
  137.     if ($did(6).seltext != $null) { set %youtubefetch $remtok(%youtubefetch,$did(6).seltext,44) }
  138.     FillChannelBox
  139.   }
  140.   elseif ($did == 3) { did -t youtube 4 }
  141.   elseif ($did == 26) { did -t youtube 73 }
  142.   elseif ($did == 72) {
  143.     if ($did(69) != $null) {
  144.       set %nolinks $remtok(%nolinks,$did(69),44)
  145.       did -r youtube 69
  146.     }
  147.     if ($did(71).seltext != $null) { set %nolinks $remtok(%nolinks,$did(71).seltext,44) }
  148.     FillNickBox
  149.   }
  150. }
  152. raw 408:*: msg $2 $remove($strip($13-),$chr(9),$chr(8))
  154. alias urlencode { return $replacex($regsubex($$1-,/([^\w\s])/Sg,$+(%,$base($asc(\t),10,16,2))),$chr(32),+,$chr(43),%2B) }
  156. on $*:text:/^[!@](disableyt|offyt|disableyoutube|offyoutube)(\s|$)/Si:?: {
  157.   if ($2) {
  158.     if ($me ison $2) {
  159.       if ($nick isop $2) {
  160.         msg $nick 4Youtube has been10 disabled on $+(,$2,)
  161.         set %youtubefetch $addtok(%youtubefetch,$2,44)
  162.       }
  163.       else { msg $nick 4Sorry, you must be an10 op of $+(,$2,) to disable youtube there }
  164.     }
  165.     else { msg $nick 4Sorry, I am not10 currently in $+(,$2,) }
  166.   }
  167.   elseif ($2 == $null) { msg $nick 4Incorrect Syntax - Use10 $1 <#channel> }
  168. }
  169. on $*:text:/^[!@](enableyt|onyt|enableyoutube|onyoutube)(\s|$)/Si:?: {
  170.   if ($2) {
  171.     if ($me ison $2) {
  172.       if ($nick isop $2) {
  173.         msg $nick 4Youtube has been10 enabled on $+(,$2,)
  174.         set %youtubefetch $remtok(%youtubefetch,$2,44)
  175.       }
  176.       else { msg $nick 4Sorry, you must be an10 op of $+(,$2,) to enable youtube there }
  177.     }
  178.     else { msg $nick 4Sorry, I am not10 currently in $+(,$2,) }
  179.   }
  180.   elseif ($2 == $null) { msg $nick 4Incorrect Syntax - Use10 $1 <#channel> }
  181. }
  183. #search on
  184. on $*:text:/^[!@]y(outube|t|tsearch|search|ousearch|outubesearch)(\s|$)/Si:*: {
  185.   $iif($istok(%youtubefetch,$chan,44),halt,noop)
  186.   $iif($istok(%nolinks,$nick,44),halt,noop)
  187.   if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2)) {
  188.     if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 50) {
  189.       ignore -u60 $address($nick,2)
  190.       msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) You have been put on ignore for 60secs for abusing the bot.
  191.       halt
  192.     }
  193.     elseif ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 40) {
  194.       msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) Please do not flood the bot.
  195.       inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 20
  196.       halt
  197.     }
  198.     else { inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 25 }
  199.   }
  200.   else { inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 25 }
  201.   var %ticks $ticks
  202.   if ($2) {
  203.     if ($chan) {
  204.       if (($left($strip($1),1) == @) && (%_youtube.notices != true)) { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype) msg $chan }
  205.       else { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype) notice $nick }
  206.     }
  207.     else { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype) msg $nick }
  208.     set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.search) $2-
  209.     set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.query) $urlencode($2-)
  210.     sockopen -e $+(youtube.,%ticks) 443
  211.   }
  212.   elseif ($2 == $null) {
  213.     notice $nick 4Incorrect Syntax - Use10 $1 <search term>
  214.   }
  215. }
  217. on *:input:*:{
  218.   $iif($istok(%nolinks,$active,44),return,noop)
  219.   $iif($istok(%youtubefetch,$active,44),return,noop)
  220.   var %ticks $ticks
  221.   if (($remove($1,$left($strip($1),1)) == ysearch) || ($remove($1,$left($strip($1),1)) == ytsearch) || ($remove($1,$left($strip($1),1)) == youtube) || ($remove($1,$left($strip($1),1)) == yt) || ($remove($1,$left($strip($1),1)) == youtubesearch)) {
  222.     if ($left($1,1) != /) {
  223.       if ($2 != $null) {
  224.         set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype) msg $active
  225.         set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.search) $2-
  226.         set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.query) $urlencode($2-)
  227.         sockopen -e $+(youtube.,%ticks) 443
  228.       }
  229.       elseif ($2 == $null) {
  230.         .timerYTInputSyntax -m 1 100 echo -at 4Incorrect Syntax - Use10 $1 <search term>
  231.       }
  232.     }
  233.   }
  234.   elseif ((** iswm $1-) || (** iswm $1-)) {
  235.     if ($left($1,1) != /) {
  236.       var %i 1
  237.       while (%i <= $numtok($1-,32)) {
  238.         if ((** iswm $($+($,%i),2)) || (** iswm $($+($,%i),2))) {
  239.           if (*/playlist* iswm $($+($,%i),2)) { halt }
  240.           set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url) $strip($($+($,%i),2))
  241.           var %tag $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url),2)
  242.           var %tag $iif($numtok(%tag,46) > 1,$gettok(%tag,$calc($numtok(%tag,46)-1) - $numtok(%tag,46),46),%tag)
  243.           var %tag $iif($matchtok(%tag,v=,1,38),$v1,%tag)
  244.           var %tag $deltok($deltok(%tag,2,35),2,38)
  245.           if (** iswm %tag) { var %tag $gettok(%tag,1,63) }
  246.           set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag) $remove(%tag,com/watch?v=,youtube.,$chr(40),$chr(41),?,m.,v=,/watch?src_vid=,https://,http://,www.,/v/,,,,/watch?v=,/watch,?v=,$chr(31),#!,/)
  247.         }
  248.         inc %i
  249.       }
  250.       if (($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) == %_youtube.last) || ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) == $null) || ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) == com) || (*/channel/* iswm $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url),2)) || (*/user/* iswm $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url),2))) {
  251.         unset $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.*)
  252.       }
  253.       else {
  254.         set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype) $iif(%_youtube.notices == true,echo -a,msg $active)
  255.         set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.nick) $nick
  256.         set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.chan) $chan
  257.         set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.network) $network
  258.         sockopen -e $+(youtube.,%ticks) 443
  259.       }
  260.     }
  261.   }
  262. }
  264. #search end
  266. #parse on
  267. on $*:text:/youtu(.be|*: {
  268.   $iif($istok(%youtubefetch,$chan,44),halt,noop)
  269.   $iif($istok(%nolinks,$nick,44),halt,noop)
  270.   if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2)) {
  271.     if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 50) {
  272.       ignore -u60 $address($nick,2)
  273.       msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) You have been put on ignore for 60secs for abusing the bot.
  274.       halt
  275.     }
  276.     elseif ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 40) {
  277.       msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) Please do not flood the bot.  
  278.       inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 20
  279.       halt
  280.     }
  281.     else {
  282.       inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 10
  283.     }
  284.   }
  285.   else { inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 10 }
  286.   var %i 1
  287.   var %ticks $ticks
  288.   while (%i <= $numtok($1-,32)) {
  289.     if ((** iswm $($+($,%i),2)) || (** iswm $($+($,%i),2))) {
  290.       if (*/playlist* iswm $($+($,%i),2)) { halt }
  291.       set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url) $strip($($+($,%i),2))
  292.       var %tag $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url),2)
  293.       var %tag $iif($matchtok(%tag,v=,1,38),$v1,%tag)
  294.       var %tag $deltok($deltok(%tag,2,35),2,38)
  295.       if (** iswm %tag) { var %tag $gettok(%tag,1,63) }
  296.       set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag) $remove(%tag,com/watch?v=,youtube.,?,m.,v=,/watch?src_vid=,https://,http://,www.,/v/,,,,/watch?v=,/watch,?v=,$chr(31),#!,/)
  297.     }
  298.     inc %i
  299.   }
  300.   if ($chan) {
  301.     if (%_youtube.notices != true) { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype) msg $chan }
  302.     else { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype) notice $nick }
  303.   }
  304.   else { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype) msg $nick }
  305.   if (($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) == %_youtube.last) || ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) == $null) || ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) == com) || (*/channel/* iswm $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url),2)) || (*/user/* iswm $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url),2))) {
  306.     unset $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.*)
  307.   }
  308.   else {
  309.     set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.nick) $nick
  310.     set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.chan) $chan
  311.     set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.network) $network
  312.     sockopen -e $+(youtube.,%ticks) 443
  313.   }
  314. }
  315. on $*:action:/youtu(.be|*: {
  316.   $iif($istok(%youtubefetch,$chan,44),halt,noop)
  317.   $iif($istok(%nolinks,$nick,44),halt,noop)
  318.   if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2)) {
  319.     if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 50) {
  320.       ignore -u60 $address($nick,2)
  321.       msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) You have been put on ignore for 60secs for abusing the bot.
  322.       halt
  323.     }
  324.     elseif ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 40) {
  325.       msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) Please do not flood the bot.  
  326.       inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 20
  327.       halt
  328.     }
  329.     else {
  330.       inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 10
  331.     }
  332.   }
  333.   else { inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 10 }
  334.   var %i 1
  335.   var %ticks $ticks
  336.   while (%i <= $numtok($1-,32)) {
  337.     if ((** iswm $($+($,%i),2)) || (** iswm $($+($,%i),2))) {
  338.       set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url) $strip($($+($,%i),2))
  339.       var %tag $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url),2)
  340.       var %tag $iif($numtok(%tag,46) > 1,$gettok(%tag,$calc($numtok(%tag,46)-1) - $numtok(%tag,46),46),%tag)
  341.       var %tag $iif($matchtok(%tag,v=,1,38),$v1,%tag)
  342.       var %tag $deltok($deltok(%tag,2,35),2,38)
  343.       if (** iswm %tag) { var %tag $gettok(%tag,1,63) }
  344.       set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag) $remove(%tag,$chr(40),$chr(41),?,m.,v=,/watch?src_vid=,https://,http://,www.,/v/,,,,/watch?v=,/watch,?v=,$chr(31),#!,/)
  345.     }
  346.     inc %i
  347.   }
  348.   set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype) msg $iif($chan,$v1,$nick)
  349.   if (($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) == %_youtube.last) || ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) == $null) || ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) == com) || (*/channel/* iswm $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url),2)) || (*/user/* iswm $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url),2))) {
  350.     unset $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.*)
  351.   }
  352.   else {
  353.     set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.nick) $nick
  354.     set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.chan) $chan
  355.     set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.network) $network
  356.     sockopen -e $+(youtube.,%ticks) 443
  357.   }
  358. }
  360. #parse end
  362. on *:sockopen:youtube*: {
  363.   var %ticks $remove($sockname,youtube.)
  364.   var %x sockwrite -nt $sockname
  365.   if (($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.search),2) != $null) && ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.round2),2) != true)) {
  366.     var %temp_search0 /youtube/v3/search?safeSearch=none&order=relevance&part=snippet&q=
  367.     %x GET $+(%temp_search0,$($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.query),2),&maxResults=,$iif(%_youtube.limit == $null,1,%_youtube.limit),&key=,$yapi) HTTP/1.1
  368.   }
  369.   else {
  370.     var %temp_search1 $(/youtube/v3/videos?part=contentDetails%2Cstatistics%2Csnippet&id=,0)
  371.     var %temp_search2 &maxResults=1&fields=items $+ $chr(40) $+ $(contentDetails%2Csnippet%2Cstatistics,0) $+ $chr(41)
  372.     %x GET $+(%temp_search1,$($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2),%temp_search2,&key=,$yapi) HTTP/1.1
  373.   }
  374.   %x Host:
  375.   %x $crlf
  376. }
  377. alias nohtml { return $regsubex($$1-,/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,) }
  378. alias yinfo {
  379.   var %step1 errRemoval $gettok($1-,2-,58) errRemoval
  380.   return $replace($gettok(%step1,$+(2-,$calc($numtok(%step1,34) - 1)),34),\r\n,$chr(32),\n,$chr(32),\","))
  381. }
  382. on *:SOCKREAD:youtube*: {
  383.   if ($sockerr) { echo -a SOCKET ERROR: $sockerr | halt }
  384.   else {
  385.     var %ticks $gettok($sockname,2,46)
  386.     var %sockreader
  387.     sockread %sockreader
  388.     if ((*"title": * iswm %sockreader) && ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.title),2) == $null)) {
  389.       set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.title) $yinfo(%sockreader)
  390.       if ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.search),2) != $null) {
  391.         var %i 0
  392.         while (%i <= $numtok($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.search),2),32)) {
  393.           inc %i
  394.           set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.title) $regsubex($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.title),2), /\b( $gettok($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.search),2),%i,32) )\b/gix, $+($chr(2), \1, $chr(2)))
  395.         }
  396.       }
  397.       ;Badword replacement below--useful for bots that kick on badword list. Replace or add words to censor <word,replacement>
  398.       set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.title) $replace($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.title),2),faggot,f****t,nigger,n****r)
  399.     }
  400.     elseif (*"videoId": * iswm %sockreader) {
  401.       var %temp $ticks
  402.       set $+(%,youtube.,%temp,.round2) true
  403.       set $+(%,youtube.,%temp,.search) $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.search),2)
  404.       set $+(%,youtube.,%temp,.query) $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.query),2)
  405.       set $+(%,youtube.,%temp,.msgtype) $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype),2)
  406.       set $+(%,youtube.,%temp,.tag) $yinfo(%sockreader)
  407.       sockopen -e $+(youtube.,%temp) 443
  408.       inc $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.number)
  409.       if (%_youtube.limit == $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.number),2)) {
  410.         unset $+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),*)
  411.         sockclose $sockname
  412.       }
  413.     }
  414.     elseif (*channelTitle": * iswm %sockreader) { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.user) $yinfo(%sockreader) }
  415.     elseif (*"duration": * iswm %sockreader) {
  416.       set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.time) $regsubex($duration($calc($replace( $remove($yinfo(%sockreader), P, T), W, *604800+, D, *86400+, H, *3600+, M, *60+, S,*1)), 3), /^[0:]+, )
  417.     }
  418.     elseif (*"publishedAt": * iswm %sockreader) { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.date) $gettok($yinfo(%sockreader),1,84) }
  419.     elseif ((*"description": * iswm %sockreader) && ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.description),2) == $null)) {
  420.       var %wrong errRemoval ", errRemoval
  421.       var %desc $yinfo(%sockreader)
  422.       if (($gettok(%sockreader,4,34) == $null) || (%desc == %wrong)) { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.description) N/A }
  423.       else { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.description) $iif($numtok(%desc,32) > 10,$+($gettok(%desc,1-8,32),...),%desc) }
  424.     }
  425.     elseif (*"viewCount": * iswm %sockreader) { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.viewcount) $bytes($yinfo(%sockreader),bd) }
  426.     elseif (*"likeCount": * iswm %sockreader) { set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.likes) $bytes($yinfo(%sockreader),bd) }
  427.     elseif (*"dislikeCount": * iswm %sockreader) || (($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.viewcount),2) != $null) && (*}* iswm %sockreader)) {
  428.       set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.dislikes) $bytes($yinfo(%sockreader),bd)
  429.       set %_youtube.last $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2)
  430.       $iif($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.viewcount),2) == 301,set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.viewcount) 301+,noop)
  431.       var %msg 1,0You0,4Tube $&
  432.         $iif($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.search),2) ==  $null,$null,10Link:4 $+ $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2)) $&
  433.         10Title:4 $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.title),2) $&
  434.         $iif(%_youtube.noviews == true,$null,10Views:4 $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.viewcount),2)) $&
  435.         $iif(%_youtube.nolength == true,$null,10Length:4 $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.time),2)) $&
  436.         $iif( == true,10Uploaded:4 $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.date),2),$null) $&
  437.         $iif(%_youtube.nouser == true,$null,10User:4 $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.user),2)) $&
  438.         $iif(%_youtube.likes == true,10Likes:4 $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.likes),2),$null) $&
  439.         $iif(%_youtube.dislikes == true,10Dislikes:4 $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.dislikes),2),$null) $&
  440.         $iif(%_youtube.description == true,10Description:4 $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.description),2),$null)
  441.       var %msg = $remove(%msg,$chr(9))
  442.       $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype),2) $iif(%_youtube.nocolor == true,$strip(%msg),%msg)
  443.       unset $+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),*)
  444.       sockclose $sockname
  445.     }
  446.     elseif (*"totalResults": 0,* iswm %sockreader) {
  447.       var %msg 1,0You0,4Tube 10No relevant results were found. Try different search terms.
  448.       $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype),2) $iif(%_youtube.nocolor == true,$strip(%msg),%msg)
  450.       unset $+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),*)
  451.       sockclose $sockname
  452.     }
  453.     elseif (*"items": []* iswm %sockreader) {
  454.       var %msg 1,0You0,4Tube 10This video was removed or is no longer available.
  455.       $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype),2) $iif(%_youtube.nocolor == true,$strip(%msg),%msg)
  456.       unset $+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),*)
  457.       sockclose $sockname
  458.     }
  459.   }
  460. }
  461. on *:sockclose:youtube*: { unset $+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),*) }
  462. on *:start: .timerYTUpdate 1 60 yupdate
  463. alias yupdate {
  464.   unset %youtube.* | unset %ysearch.*
  465.   ;echo -atc info 12[04YouTube12] Checking for updates and clearing variables...
  466.   sockopen yupdate 80
  467. }
  468. on *:sockopen:yupdate: {  
  469.   var %x sockwrite -nt $sockname
  470.   %x GET /snippet/8577/ HTTP/1.1
  471.   %x Host:
  472.   %x $crlf
  473. }
  474. on *:SOCKREAD:yupdate: {
  475.   if ($sockerr) { echo -a SOCKET ERROR: $sockerr | halt }
  476.   sockread %sockreader
  477.   if (*<title>* iswm %sockreader) {
  478.     var %x $remove($gettok($nohtml(%sockreader),7-,32),- mIRC)
  479.     if ($yversion != %x) {
  480.       echo -atc info 12[04YouTube12] Current: $yversion Latest: %x Status: Please check for updates at
  481.     }
  482.     unset %sockreader
  483.     sockclose $sockname
  484.   }
  485. }
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