
Simple things.

Sep 9th, 2013
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  1. Sitting in utter boredom watching as time goes by, trickling slower, and slower as the minutes go by. Tyler is asleep on the bed, and Brian and Sarah are being themselves, Flirting and what not. Its 5:47 right now, and I can't think of a damned thing to do. Played some League of Legends. Though about talking to my Ex... try to patch things up... But i'm not sure. I haven't talked to her that much since we broke up, she still wants to be friends and stuffs. Well, besides that, this is all i'm doing and Brian is asking what time it is. Hes getting aggravated and i just got a message on Skype. Still awful bored. Still have to do my damned chores, and Sarah is asking how im typing while not even looking, shes kinda slow. Tyler is now standing over me, watching as i type this thing now, slobbering from his rem sleep. It's now 5:51. Wow, not much time passes by when you are recording everything that happens as it happens. This being only my second official post on this site, i enjoy the company it provides. A place for free though. Sarah is still raving at how i can type without looking at the keyboard. Its kinda funny. She keeps on saying shes ashamed of herself that she can't type like this. Listening to Audien, Leaving You. Trying to drown my sorrows with music, and cigarettes. Sarah is fucking disgusting. Shes referring To Brian's dick, as "Meat". Still recording my thoughts on this island website im still new to. That'll be all for now. Its now 5:55.
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