
Seven Chapter 2

May 27th, 2018
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  1. Seven Chapter 2
  2. Mc: Hae Sung
  3. This is an app.base translation so its not perfect
  5. Blonde Girl > What a beautiful sight So Eun in so dazzling. Gyutaek no wonder you desire her that much
  7. Rapist1 Gyutaek > Am I the only one? any man would be greedy just to be with her
  9. Blonde Girl > By the way why still not making you're move on her You should hurry before she wakes up!
  11. Rapist 1 > Its not like I dont want to do it. You are still here next to her
  13. Blonde Girl > Geez! Am I not a friend
  15. Rapist 1 > Suryeon are you naive? I never recall you us my friend.
  17. Blonde Girl > Haesung been away for years now what will you do if he comes back
  19. Rapist 1 > Even if Hae Sung knows what happening now. He is 100km away from protecting So Eun from me now I am more frightening than Hae Sung now!
  21. Blonde Girl > So once I left this room you will start it
  23. Rapist > By the way Suryeon why? You let me do this to So Eun
  25. Blonde Girl > I only understand women I dont know about what you guys are thinking that all
  27. [Blonde Left]
  29. Rapist1 > So Eun in the end you're first experience will be me
  31. [Rapist start to do his job and after that another 2 join in.]
  33. So Eun wakes up while the Rapist 1 Gyutaek taking a photo of her saying "You're so pretty So Eun I will take a photo of you smile! So Eun I never knew you're so hot when you get drunk. Look at that blood coming out on you're pussy lets keep this as a memory even if you call for help right now You will just end up hurt because this photos will spread in the internet that will put you're life on to misery just start you're new university experience with a pleasure.Do not hate me too much!Remember I am you're first man"
  35. So Eun the rape girl thinking {Mom Dad Soowon and Haesung.......}
  37. Glasses girl narrate {How many hours passed by? when I wake up I quickly find where So Eun might be but I was too late... Its already done they rape her}
  40. [Back to the present}
  41. Glasses crying telling him "I know It was my fault I am too naive. So eun and me they threaten us by blackmailing the video and photos they got we can not do anything about it. I'm so scared of what people will think of us. I remember it clearly those people who rape So Eun that Gyutaek,Jung Sung and Baek Do Hyun those three they plan it from the start"
  43. Mc ask her "So those are the people who did that to So Eun?"
  45. Glasses shouted "I am at fault to just kill me"
  47. Mc tells her "Its you're own choice if you wanna die then go if you want to live then be it choices are yours.Those three they will pay I have no time to feel lonely. You remember this you never hear anything about me"
  49. TBC
  50. INFO about the 7 Girls
  51. Seven Princess
  52. College Professor : Joo Bo Mi (Round Glass)
  53. Actress : Heo Jini (Blue hair)
  54. Announcer : Choi Arah (Orange)
  55. Lawyer : Song Nara (Tan pink hair)
  56. Painter : Park Da Eun (Long Haired black Kinda resemblance the rape girl but its not her)
  57. Neet : Jung Soo Ri (Black Hair round eye)
  58. Politician Daughter: Hwang Soo Ryun (Blonde bitch from 1 2)
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