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- -- Exported table
- local M = {}
- function M.write(output, text, x, y, centre, textColor, bgColor)
- local prevTextColor = output.getTextColor()
- local prevBgColor = output.getBackgroundColor()
- if(textColor) then
- output.setTextColor(textColor)
- end
- if(bgColor) then
- output.setBackgroundColor(bgColor)
- end
- local len = text:len() - 2
- if(centre == "centre") then
- x = ( ( output.x - len ) / 2 ) + x
- elseif(centre == "right") then
- x = output.x - len - x - 1
- elseif(centre == "left") then
- x = 1 + x
- end
- output.setCursorPos(x, y)
- output.write(text)
- output.setTextColor(prevTextColor)
- output.setBackgroundColor(prevBgColor)
- end
- function M.drawBox(output, x, y, dx, dy, filled, bgColor)
- local prevBgColor = output.getBackgroundColor()
- bgColor = bgColor or prevBgColor
- term.redirect(output)
- if(filled) then
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(
- x, y, dx, dy, bgColor
- )
- else
- paintutils.drawBox(
- x, y, dx, dy, bgColor
- )
- end
- term.redirect(term.native())
- output.setBackgroundColor(prevBgColor)
- end
- return M
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