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- package reductions
- import org.scalameter._
- object ParallelCountChangeRunner {
- @volatile var seqResult = 0
- @volatile var parResult = 0
- val standardConfig = config(
- Key.exec.minWarmupRuns -> 20,
- Key.exec.maxWarmupRuns -> 40,
- Key.exec.benchRuns -> 80,
- Key.verbose -> true) withWarmer (new Warmer.Default)
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- val amount = 250
- val coins = List(1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50)
- val seqtime = standardConfig measure {
- seqResult = ParallelCountChange.countChange(amount, coins)
- }
- println(s"sequential result = $seqResult")
- println(s"sequential count time: $seqtime ms")
- def measureParallelCountChange(threshold: ParallelCountChange.Threshold): Unit = {
- val fjtime = standardConfig measure {
- parResult = ParallelCountChange.parCountChange(amount, coins, threshold)
- }
- println(s"parallel result = $parResult")
- println(s"parallel count time: $fjtime ms")
- println(s"speedup: ${seqtime / fjtime}")
- }
- measureParallelCountChange(ParallelCountChange.moneyThreshold(amount))
- measureParallelCountChange(ParallelCountChange.totalCoinsThreshold(coins.length))
- measureParallelCountChange(ParallelCountChange.combinedThreshold(amount, coins))
- }
- }
- object ParallelCountChange {
- /**
- * Returns the number of ways change can be made from the specified list of
- * coins for the specified amount of money.
- */
- def countChange(money: Int, coins: List[Int]): Int = {
- //hint: we either decide to continue subtracting the next coin in the coins list from the money amount,
- //or we decide to drop the coin from the list of coins
- if (money < 0) 0
- else if (money == 0) 1
- else if (money > 0 && coins.isEmpty) 0
- else (
- countChange(money - coins.head, coins)
- +
- countChange(money, coins.tail)
- )
- }
- type Threshold = (Int, List[Int]) => Boolean
- /**
- * In parallel, counts the number of ways change can be made from the
- * specified list of coins for the specified amount of money.
- */
- def parCountChange(money: Int, coins: List[Int], threshold: Threshold): Int = {
- if (threshold(money, coins) || coins.isEmpty || money <= 0) countChange(money, coins)
- else {
- val pair = parallel(
- parCountChange(money - coins.head, coins, threshold),
- parCountChange(money, coins.tail,threshold))
- pair._1 + pair._2
- }
- }
- /** Threshold heuristic based on the starting money. */
- def moneyThreshold(startingMoney: Int): Threshold =
- (money, coins) =>
- money <= (2 * startingMoney) / 3
- /** Threshold heuristic based on the total number of initial coins. */
- def totalCoinsThreshold(totalCoins: Int): Threshold = (money, coins) => coins.size <= (2 * totalCoins) / 3
- /** Threshold heuristic based on the starting money and the initial list of coins. */
- def combinedThreshold(startingMoney: Int, allCoins: List[Int]): Threshold = {
- (money,coins) => money * coins.size <= (startingMoney*allCoins.size)/2
- /* credit TomLous looks nice but yields a test error with message:
- * combinedThreshold should return true when the number of coins times money is
- * less than or equal to half of the initial number of coins times starting money */
- //(money,coins) => moneyThreshold(startingMoney)(money,coins) && totalCoinsThreshold(allCoins.size)(money,coins)
- }
- }
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