
vs train lights

Sep 13th, 2022
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  1. I slammed on the brakes and tried to judge where Tiny looked like he'd coast to a halt. Then I drew in my will.
  2. It was difficult as hell in the falling water, but I didn't need a lot of it. When it comes to intentionally screwing up technology, I've always had a gift.
  3. I focused on the lights above the entire section of the station Tiny slid into, lifted my right hand, and snarled, "Hexus!" Some of them actually exploded in showers of golden sparks. Some of them let out little puffs of smoke-but every single one of them went out.
  4. Michael had advanced down the concourse far behind me, and the light of Amoracchius was now shielded by the station's interior walls. When I took out the electric lights, it created a genuine swath of heavy shadows.
  5. The sudden island of darkness drew hobs like corpses draw flies: burned, terrified, furious hobs whose tidbit-filled night on the town had suddenly turned into a nightmare. They didn't have eyes, but they found their way to the dark easily enough, and I saw more than a dozen rush in, one of them passing within a couple of feet of me without ever slowing down or taking note of my presence.
  6. Tiny started bellowing a second later, his huge voice blending with the vengeful howls of angry hobs.
  7. "Ain't so big now," I panted, "are you?"
  10. Small Favor Chapter 25, Page 201
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