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- Maths = require './core/Maths'
- IKinematic = require './core/IKinematic'
- Vec2 = require './core/Vec2'
- Color = require './core/Color'
- Bullet = require './bullet'
- class Agent
- constructor: (x = 0, y = 0, dna) ->
- @acceleration = new Vec2()
- @velocity = new Vec2 Maths.randRange(-3, 3), Maths.randRange(-3, 3)
- @angle = @velocity.getAngle() + Math.PI * 0.5
- @position = new Vec2 x, y
- @radius = 8
- @maxSpeed = 3
- @maxForce = 0.2
- @health = 1
- @maxHealth = 1
- @tail = null
- @tailPhase = 0
- @tailSegments = 16+
- @tailSegLength = 6
- @team = null
- @color = new Color 0, 0, 220, 1
- @bullets = []
- @targetNutrition = null
- @targetEnemy = null
- @shooting = false
- @aiming = false
- @seeking = false
- @maxShootDistance = 200
- @closestTargetEnemy = Infinity
- @closestTargetNutrition = Infinity
- if dna instanceof Array
- @dna = []
- for i in [0 .. dna.length]
- if Math.random() < 0.1
- if i < 3
- @dna[i] = dna[i] + Maths.randRange -0.2, 0.2
- else if i == 3
- v = dna[i] + Maths.randRange -10, 10
- rSq = @radius * @radius
- v = rSq if v < rSq
- @dna[i] = v
- else if i == 4
- min = Math.PI / 16
- max = Math.PI / 2
- v = dna[i] + Maths.randRange min, max
- v = min if v < min
- @dna[i] = v
- else
- @dna[i] = dna[i]
- else
- max = 3
- # 0: Attraction / repulsion to food
- # 1: Attraction / repulsion to poison
- # 2: Attraction / repulsion to enemy
- # 3: Line of sight radius
- # 4: Line of sight angle
- @dna = [
- Maths.randRange(-max, max),
- Maths.randRange(-max, max),
- Maths.randRange(-max, max),
- Maths.randRange(@radius * @radius, @radius * @radius + @radius * @radius),
- Maths.randRange(Math.PI / 16, Math.PI / 2)
- ]
- @
- isDead : -> @health <= 0
- reproduce: ->
- if Math.random() < 0.001
- agent = new Agent @position.x, @position.y, @dna
- = @team
- agent.color = @color
- agent.createTail()
- return agent
- else
- return null
- createTail: ->
- @tail = new IKinematic @position
- @tail.addNode(@tailSegLength, @color) for i in [1 .. @tailSegments]
- shoot: (target) ->
- bullet = new Bullet this, @color
- bullet.position.setX @position.x
- bullet.position.setY @position.y
- bullet.velocity.setLength Maths.randRange(4, 8)
- bullet.velocity.setAngle target.position.subtract(@position).getAngle()
- @bullets.push bullet
- setTimeout =>
- @aiming = false
- , 1100
- attack: (enemies) ->
- @aim enemies
- aim: (list) ->
- @targetEnemy = null
- @closestTargetEnemy = Infinity
- for enemy, i in list by -1
- dist = enemy.position.distance @position
- if dist < @dna[3] and dist < @closestTargetEnemy
- @closestTargetEnemy = dist
- @targetEnemy = enemy
- if @targetEnemy != null && !@aiming
- if @isInSight @targetEnemy.position
- @aiming = true
- seek = @seek @targetEnemy
- seek.multiply @dna[2]
- seek.limit @maxForce
- @applyForce seek
- @shoot @targetEnemy
- eat: (list, index) ->
- @targetNutrition = null
- @closestTargetNutrition = Infinity
- for item, i in list by -1
- dist = item.position.distance @position
- if dist < @dna[3] and dist < @closestTargetNutrition
- @closestTargetNutrition = dist
- @targetNutrition = item
- if dist < 9
- @health += item.nutrition
- list.splice i, 1
- if @targetNutrition != null
- if @isInSight @targetNutrition.position
- seek = @seek @targetNutrition, index
- seek.multiply @dna[index]
- seek.limit @maxForce
- @applyForce seek
- followFlowField: (flowField) ->
- x = Math.floor @position.x / flowField.scale
- y = Math.floor @position.y / flowField.scale
- i = x + y * flowField.cols
- force = flowField.field[i]
- @applyForce force.limit(@maxForce) if typeof force != 'undefined'
- draw: (ctx) ->
- if window.toggleTails
- @tail.draw ctx if @tail isnt null
- @drawAimLine ctx
- ctx.translate @position.x, @position.y
- @angle = @velocity.getAngle() + Math.PI * 0.5
- ctx.rotate @angle
- @drawLineOfSight ctx
- @debug ctx
- @drawHealthBar ctx
- @drawShape ctx
- ctx.restore()
- drawShape: (ctx) ->
- ctx.beginPath()
- ctx.ellipse 0, 0, @radius, @radius * 2, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI
- ctx.closePath();
- gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient 0, 0, @radius * 1.5, 0, -@radius * 1.5, @radius / 3
- c = Color.FromHex @color
- c.r += 60
- c.g += 60
- c.b += 60
- gradient.addColorStop 1, c.toStr()
- gradient.addColorStop 0, @color
- ctx.fillStyle = gradient
- ctx.fill()
- drawAimLine: (ctx) ->
- if @targetEnemy && window.toggleAimLines
- p = @targetEnemy.position.clone()
- ctx.beginPath()
- ctx.moveTo @position.x, @position.y
- ctx.lineTo p.x, p.y
- ctx.closePath()
- color = Color.FromHex @color
- ctx.lineWidth = 2
- ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(#{color.r}, #{color.g}, #{color.b}, 1)"
- ctx.stroke()
- isInSight: (target) ->
- delta = target.subtract(@position)
- angle = delta.getAngle()
- baseAngle = @angle - (Math.PI * 0.5)
- los1Angle = baseAngle - (@dna[4] * 0.5)
- los2Angle = baseAngle + (@dna[4] * 0.5)
- if angle >= los1Angle && angle <= los2Angle
- return true
- else
- @color = @team.color
- return false
- drawLineOfSight: (ctx) ->
- if window.toggleSightLines
- los1 = new Vec2()
- los2 = new Vec2()
- baseAngle = @angle - (Math.PI * 0.5)
- los1Angle = baseAngle - (@dna[4] * 0.5)
- los2Angle = baseAngle + (@dna[4] * 0.5)
- ctx.lineWidth = 0
- ctx.rotate -@angle
- gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient 0, 0, @dna[3] / 3, 0, 0, @dna[3]
- c = Color.FromHex @color
- c.a = 0.3
- gradient.addColorStop 1, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.0)'
- gradient.addColorStop 0, c.toStr()
- los1.setLength @dna[3]
- los2.setLength @dna[3]
- los1.setAngle los1Angle
- ctx.beginPath()
- ctx.moveTo 0, 0
- ctx.lineTo los1.x, los1.y
- ctx.arc 0, 0, @dna[3], los1Angle, los2Angle
- los2.setAngle los2Angle
- ctx.moveTo 0, 0
- ctx.lineTo los2.x, los2.y
- ctx.fillStyle = gradient
- ctx.fill()
- ctx.restore()
- drawHealthBar: (ctx) ->
- if window.toggleHealthBar
- ctx.rotate -@angle
- ctx.rect -@radius * 4, 40, @radius * 8, 4
- ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.3)";
- ctx.lineWidth = 2
- ctx.stroke()
- percent = @health / @maxHealth
- green = new Color 0, 255, 0, 1
- red = new Color 255, 0, 0, 1
- ctx.fillStyle = red.blend(green, @health).toStr()
- ctx.fillRect -@radius * 4, 40, (@radius * 8) * percent, 4
- ctx.restore()
- debug: (ctx) ->
- if window.toggleFoodAttraction is true
- lineFood = new Vec2()
- lineFood.setLength @dna[0] * 60
- lineFood.setAngle -Math.PI * 0.5
- ctx.beginPath()
- ctx.moveTo 0, 0
- ctx.lineTo lineFood.x, lineFood.y
- ctx.closePath()
- ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)'
- ctx.lineWidth = 1
- ctx.stroke()
- if window.togglePoisonAttraction is true
- linePoison = new Vec2()
- linePoison.setLength @dna[1] * 60
- linePoison.setAngle Math.PI * 0.5
- ctx.beginPath()
- ctx.moveTo 0, 0
- ctx.lineTo linePoison.x, linePoison.y
- ctx.closePath()
- ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)'
- ctx.lineWidth = 1
- ctx.stroke()
- update: ->
- if @tail isnt null
- @tail.update()
- @velocity.add @acceleration
- @velocity.limit @maxSpeed
- @position.add @velocity
- @acceleration.multiplyBy 0
- @health -= 0.0015
- @health = @maxHealth if @health > @maxHealth
- @health = 0 if @health < 0
- applyForce: (force) ->
- @acceleration.add force
- seek: (target) ->
- @seeking = true
- focus = target.position.subtract @position
- focus.setLength @maxSpeed
- focus.subtract @velocity
- boundaries: ->
- dist = 10
- focus = null
- if @position.x < dist
- focus = new Vec2 @maxSpeed, @velocity.y
- else if @position.x + dist > window.canvasWidth - dist
- focus = new Vec2 -@maxSpeed, @velocity.y
- if @position.y < dist
- focus = new Vec2 @velocity.x, @maxSpeed
- else if @position.y + dist > window.canvasHeight - dist
- focus = new Vec2 @velocity.x, -@maxSpeed
- if focus isnt null
- focus.setLength @maxSpeed
- steer = focus.subtract @velocity
- steer.limit @maxForce
- @applyForce steer
- if typeof module != 'undefined'
- module.exports = Agent
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