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- import disnake
- import sqlite3
- from disnake.ext import commands
- bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", help_command=None, intents=disnake.Intents.all())
- conn = sqlite3.connect('main.db')
- c = conn.cursor()
- @bot.event
- async def on_ready():
- print(f"Bot {bot.user} is ready to work!")
- c.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (
- name TEXT,
- score BIGINT,
- wins INTEGER,
- loses INTEGER,
- winrate TEXT
- )""")
- conn.commit()
- for guild in bot.guilds:
- for member in guild.members:
- if c.execute(f"SELECT name FROM users WHERE name = '{member}'").fetchone() is None:
- c.execute(f"INSERT INTO users VALUES ('{member}', 0, 0, 0, '0')")
- else:
- pass
- c.execute
- conn.commit()
- print('client connected')
- @bot.slash_command(name='counter', description='Add win\lose')
- async def addwinlose(ctx, user: disnake.User, score: int, winlose: str = commands.Param(choices=['Win', 'Lose'])):
- if
- c.execute("SELECT wins, loses, score FROM users WHERE name=?", (f'{user}',))
- wins, loses, old_score = c.fetchone()
- if winlose == "Win":
- modifier = 1 + score / (wins + 1)
- winrate = (((wins + 1) * modifier) / ((wins + 1) + loses))
- c.execute("UPDATE users SET wins=wins+1, score=score+?, winrate=? WHERE name=?", (score, f'{winrate}', f'{user}'))
- else:
- modifier = 1 + ((old_score + score) / wins)
- winrate = ((wins * modifier) / (wins + (loses + 1)))
- print(old_score + score, wins, loses, modifier, winrate)
- c.execute("UPDATE users SET loses=loses+1, score=score+?, winrate=? WHERE name=?", (score, f'{winrate}', f'{user}'))
- c.execute("SELECT score FROM users WHERE name=?", (f'{user}',))
- new_score = c.fetchone()[0]
- await ctx.send(f'User {user} got {score} score points and now have {new_score}')
- else:
- await ctx.send("You do not have permissions to use this command.")
- conn.commit()
- @bot.slash_command(name='info', description='Show user info')
- async def info(ctx, user: disnake.User):
- if
- c.execute("SELECT wins, loses, score, winrate FROM users WHERE name=?", (f'{user}',))
- wins, loses, score, winrate = c.fetchone()
- embed = disnake.Embed(
- title=f"Info about {user}",
- description=f"Score: {score}\nWins: {wins}\nLoses: {loses}\nWinrate: {float(winrate):.2f}",
- color=0x00ff00
- )
- await ctx.send(embed=embed)
- else:
- await ctx.send("You do not have permissions to use this command.")
- conn.commit()
- @bot.slash_command(name='top10', description='Show top 10 users')
- async def showtop10(ctx):
- if
- top10 = {}
- c.execute("SELECT name FROM users")
- names = c.fetchall()
- for name in names:
- c.execute("SELECT winrate FROM users WHERE name=?", (name[0],))
- top10[name] = c.fetchone()[0]
- sort_top10 = dict(sorted(top10.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
- for item in sort_top10:
- top1 = item
- break
- embed = disnake.Embed(
- title=f"Top 10 users",
- description=f"1) {top1[0]} score {sort_top10[top1]}",
- color=0x00ff00
- )
- del sort_top10[top1]
- count = 2
- for item in sort_top10:
- if count != 10:
- embed.add_field(name='', value=f"{count}) {item[0]} score {sort_top10[item]}", inline=False)
- count += 1
- await ctx.send(embed=embed)
- else:
- await ctx.send("You do not have permissions to use this command.")
- conn.commit()
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