
Saxo Wartooth Spears

Mar 23rd, 2023
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  1. 10.8. After this he heard that a struggle over the kingdom must
  2. occur between Olaf, king of the Thronds, and two women, Stikla and
  3. Rusla; utterly enraged at such female brashness, he went to the king
  4. unobserved by the royal retinue and, assuming apparel which would
  5. obscure his long teeth, made an attack on these amazons. Each of
  6. them was quashed and he bequeathed to twin harbours a name related
  7. to theirs. It was then that he showed a very striking proof of his
  8. bravery. Wearing a shirt which only reached up to his armpits, he
  9. faced spears with his chest unprotected. When Olaf offered him
  10. reward for his victory he refused the favour, making it a problem to
  11. decide whether he set an example more of valour or self-restraint.
  14. - Gesta Danorum, Book VII
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