

Sep 12th, 2018
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  1. message of the Day:
  2. Roll out of 100 for Status. You get two attempts.
  3. Roll out of 100 for Social Standing. You get two attempts.
  4. 1 Being Peasant/Hated, 100 being Top-Level Royalty/Loved.
  5. Usage of the second attempt will impact how you start, if you roll an 80 and then a 1 for Social standing, you'll effectively have gone from being quite respected to likely an outcast amongst your people.
  7. Once your standing is established, all that will be required is your profession or background before having been selected.
  8. If selecting Other, give an example of your race's culture (IE, Valuing knowledge, Combat strength or Religion, things along those lines) and any visual or biological traits that separate them from Humans/Arvanans. Visual differences (Skin Tone, Eye Color, ETC) are free, while Biological changes (IE, Vampirism, Shape-Shifting, Something like being able to survive purely off of drinking water) will require a drawback of some kind. Please keep it within reason.
  10. Planes, realms that all exist at once and are a host to different races and people that live among them, in different places and ages.
  11. Though connected, they are both separated and linked by a single realm that chains them together, Plane Morgania.
  12. As the result of a corruption sparking deep in Morgania, the planes have all but diminished in contact, save for an occurrence once every 2 years, when each realm sends a traveler to Morgania in an attempt to stop the growing Darkness within it, the reasons varying for each.
  14. Two years have passed since the last outing, and as of now, you have been chosen.
  15. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. Rolling for social and Status
  19. Aren Ikin:: rolling for status
  20. Aren Ikin:: Aren Ikin rolled a 95 from a 100-sided die.
  21. Aren Ikin:: rolling for social standing
  22. Aren Ikin:: re-rolling social
  23. Aren Ikin:: Aren Ikin rolled a 49 from a 100-sided die.
  24. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. Character sheet:
  27. Name: Aren Ikin
  28. Age: 15
  29. Lv.1 Other
  30. _______
  31. EXP 0/10 Reknown: 0 HP: 125/125 Skill: 62/62 AP: 15 ATK: 20 DEF: 60 SPD: 50
  33. Charisma: 50
  34. Intelligence: 30
  35. Strength: 40
  36. Endurance: 100
  37. Agility: 50
  38. Style: 30
  40. Items:
  41. Skills: Awareness (Passive)
  42. Specialties: Enduring (+10 DEF)
  43. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. Character race: tiuj-kiuj-eltenas(those who endure) or Kiuj-staras(those who stand)
  46. Culture: the Kiuj are natural born protectors, they while they truly do not like to fight for they (for except an odd few every now and then) are usually a very peaceful race but they will stand against any injustice they see fighting for those who can't fight for themselves (WORK IN PROGRESS) (UNFINISHED)
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