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- #include "Engine.h"
- void Engine::updateNitro()
- {
- if (isNitring) {
- nitroCounter -= 0.5f;
- if (nitroCounter < nitroCounterMax)
- {
- isNitring = false;
- boost = 50;
- addSpeed = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- void Engine::initSounds()
- {
- if (!(this->gear_bf.loadFromFile("Sounds/Engine/gear_2.wav")))
- std::cout << "Failed to load gear sound";
- this->gear_s.setBuffer(gear_bf);
- this->gear_s.setVolume(30);
- if (!(this->work_bf.loadFromFile("Sounds/Engine/engine_7.wav")))
- std::cout << "Failed to load engine sound";
- this->work_s.setBuffer(work_bf);
- this->work_s.setLoop(true);
- this->work_s.setVolume(20);
- }
- void Engine::updateSound()
- {
- if (work_s.getStatus() == SoundSource::Status::Stopped)
- this->work_s.setPitch((this->rpm + (float)(gear * 500.f)) / 4000.f);
- this->work_s.setVolume(this->rpm / 80.f);
- if (work_s.getPitch() < 0.7f)
- this->work_s.setPitch(0.7f);
- if (work_s.getVolume() < 20)
- this->work_s.setVolume(20);
- }
- void Engine::initVariables()
- {
- this->nitroCounter = 0;
- this->nitroCounterMax = 100;
- this->gear = 1;
- this->gearCount = 5;
- this->speed = 0;
- this->rpm = 800;
- this->maxRpm = 8500;
- this->line = 3;
- this->isNitring = false;
- this->boost = 50;
- this->addSpeed = 0;
- this->left = sf::Time(milliseconds(0));
- this->left = sf::Time(milliseconds(50));
- }
- Engine::Engine()
- {
- this->initVariables();
- this->initSounds();
- }
- void Engine::voiceOff()
- {
- this->work_s.stop();
- }
- bool Engine::canNitro()
- {
- if (this->nitroCounter > 0)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- float Engine::getNitroCount()
- {
- return this->nitroCounter;
- }
- void Engine::getNitro()
- {
- this->nitroCounter += 25;
- if (this->nitroCounter > 100)
- this->nitroCounter = 100;
- }
- void Engine::nitro()
- {
- if (canNitro())
- {
- this->boost = 150;
- addSpeed = 20;
- this->isNitring = true;
- }
- }
- void Engine::brake()
- {
- if (rpm > 800)
- rpm -= 100 / gear;
- else
- if (rpm > 300)
- rpm = 200;
- }
- void Engine::gas()
- {
- if (rpm < maxRpm)
- rpm += boost/(gear);
- }
- void Engine::Idle()
- {
- if (rpm == 200) rpm = 800;
- if (rpm > 800)
- rpm -= 20 / gear;
- }
- void Engine::work()
- {
- this->speed = (int)(((float)rpm / (float)maxRpm ) * ((float)maxSpeedPerGear[gear - 1] + addSpeed));
- this->updateNitro();
- this->updateSound();
- }
- void Engine::crash()
- {
- this->rpm = 2500;
- }
- void Engine::gearDown()
- {
- if ((gear > 1) && (rpm < 4000))
- {
- this->gear--;
- this->rpm = (int)((float)maxRpm * (float)speed / (float)maxSpeedPerGear[gear - 1]);
- if (rpm < 800) rpm = 800;
- if (rpm > maxRpm) rpm = maxRpm;
- }
- }
- void Engine::gearUp()
- {
- if ((gear < gearCount) && (rpm > 8000))
- {
- this->gear++;
- this->rpm = (int)((float)maxRpm * (float)speed / (float)maxSpeedPerGear[gear - 1]);
- if (rpm < 800) rpm = 800;
- if (rpm > maxRpm) rpm = maxRpm;
- }
- }
- void Engine::moveUp()
- {
- if ((this->line != 4) ) {
- this->line++;
- }
- }
- void Engine::moveDown()
- {
- if ((this->line != 1)) {
- this->line--;
- }
- }
- const int Engine::getSpeed() const
- {
- return this->speed;
- }
- const int Engine::getLine() const
- {
- return this -> line;
- }
- const int Engine::getGear() const
- {
- return this->gear;
- }
- const int Engine::getRpm() const
- {
- return this->rpm;
- }
- void Engine::updateView() {
- }
- void Engine::render(sf::RenderTarget* target)
- {
- }
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