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- #
- from math import sqrt, tan
- import numpy as np
- import sys
- class Light:
- position = np.array([None] * 3)
- intensity = 0.0
- def __init__(self, p, i):
- self.position = p
- self.intensity = i
- class Material:
- refractive_index = 0.0
- albedo = np.array([None] * 4)
- diffuse_color = np.array([None] * 3)
- specular_exponent = 0.0
- def __init__(self,r = 1, a = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]), color = np.array([None] * 3), spec = 0.0):
- self.refractive_index = r
- self.albedo = a
- self.diffuse_color = color
- self.specular_exponent = spec
- class Sphere:
- center = np.array([None] * 3)
- radius = 0.0
- material = Material()
- def __init__(self, c, r, m):
- = c
- self.radius = r
- self.material = m
- def ray_intersect(self, orig, dir):
- L = - orig
- tca = sum(L*dir)
- d2 = (sum(L*L) - tca*tca)
- if (d2 > self.radius * self.radius): return False, 0
- thc = sqrt(self.radius * self.radius - d2)
- t0 = tca - thc
- t1 = tca + thc
- if (t0 < 0): t0 = t1
- if (t0 < 0): return False, 0
- return True, t0
- def reflect(I, N):
- return I - N * 2.0 * sum(I * N)
- def refract(I, N, refractive_index): # Snell's law
- cosi = -max(-1.0, min(1.0, sum(I * N))) #float
- etai, etat = 1, refractive_index #float
- n = N #Vec3f
- if cosi < 0: # if the ray is inside the object, swap the indices and invert the normal to get the correct result
- cosi = -cosi
- (etai, etat) = (etat, etai) #swap
- n = -N
- eta = etai / etat #float
- k = 1 - eta * eta * (1 - cosi * cosi) #float
- return (np.array([0,0,0]), n) if k < 0 else (I * eta + n * (eta * cosi - sqrt(k)), n)
- def scene_intersect(orig, dir, spheres):
- material = Material(color = np.array([0.2, 0.7, 0.8]))
- N, hit = np.array([None] * 3), np.array([None] * 3)
- spheres_dist = sys.float_info.max
- for i in range(len(spheres)):
- intersect, dist_i = spheres[i].ray_intersect(orig, dir)
- if ( intersect and dist_i < spheres_dist):
- spheres_dist = dist_i
- hit = orig + dir*dist_i
- N = (hit - spheres[i].center)/np.linalg.norm((hit - spheres[i].center))
- material = spheres[i].material
- checkerboard_dist = sys.float_info.max
- if (abs(dir[1]) > 1e-3):
- d = -(orig[1]+4)/dir[1] # the checkerboard plane has equation y = -4
- pt = orig + dir * d
- if (d > 0 and abs(pt[0]) < 10 and pt[2] < -10 and pt[2] > -30 and d < spheres_dist):
- checkerboard_dist = d
- hit = pt
- N = np.array([0,1,0])
- fifa = (int(0.5*hit[0]+1000) + int(0.5*hit[2])) & 1
- material.diffuse_color = np.array([1,1,1]) if fifa else np.array([1, 0.7, 0.3])
- material.diffuse_color = material.diffuse_color * 0.3
- return min(spheres_dist, checkerboard_dist) < 1000, material, N, hit
- def cast_ray(orig, dir, spheres, lights, depth=0):
- intersect, material, N, point = scene_intersect(orig, dir, spheres)
- if not intersect or depth > 4:
- return material.diffuse_color #background color
- ray = reflect(dir, N)
- reflect_dir = ray/np.linalg.norm(ray) #VECTOR
- ray, N = refract(dir, N, material.refractive_index)
- refract_dir = ray/np.linalg.norm(ray) #VECTOR
- reflect_orig = sum(point - N) * 1e-3 if sum(reflect_dir * N) < 0 else point + N * 1e-3 #VECTOR offset the original point to avoid occlusion by the object itself
- refract_orig = point - N * 1e-3 if sum(refract_dir * N) < 0 else point + N * 1e-3 #VECTOR
- reflect_color = cast_ray(reflect_orig, reflect_dir, spheres, lights, depth + 1) #VECTOR
- refract_color = cast_ray(refract_orig, refract_dir, spheres, lights, depth + 1) #VECTOR
- diffuse_light_intensity = 0
- specular_light_intensity = 0
- for i in range(len(lights)):
- light_dir = (lights[i].position - point)/np.linalg.norm(lights[i].position - point)
- light_distance = np.linalg.norm(lights[i].position - point)
- shadow_orig = point - N * 1e-3 if sum(light_dir * N) < 0 else point + N * 1e-3 # checking if the point lies in the shadow of the lights[i]
- intersect, tmpmaterial, shadow_N, shadow_pt = scene_intersect(shadow_orig, light_dir, spheres)
- if (intersect and np.linalg.norm(shadow_pt - shadow_orig) < light_distance):
- continue
- diffuse_light_intensity += lights[i].intensity * max(0.0, sum(light_dir * N))
- specular_light_intensity += pow(max(0.0, sum(-reflect(-light_dir, N) * dir)), material.specular_exponent) * lights[i].intensity
- return material.diffuse_color * diffuse_light_intensity * material.albedo[0] + np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) * specular_light_intensity * material.albedo[1] + reflect_color * material.albedo[2] + refract_color * material.albedo[3]
- def render(spheres, lights, width, height):
- fov = int(np.pi/2.0)
- framebuffer = [None] * (width*height)
- for j in range(height):
- for i in range(width):
- x = (2*(i + 0.5)/float(width) - 1)*tan(fov/2.)*width/float(height) #float
- y = -(2*(j + 0.5)/float(height) - 1)*tan(fov/2.) #float
- dir = np.array([x, y, -1])/np.linalg.norm(np.array([x, y, -1])) #SAME
- framebuffer[i+j*width] = cast_ray(np.array([0,0,0]), dir, spheres, lights)
- with open('out.ppm', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as ofs:
- ofs.write(f"P3\n{width} {height}\n255\n")
- for i in range(height*width):
- c = framebuffer[i]
- maximum = max(c[0], max(c[1], c[2]))
- if (maximum > 1): framebuffer[i] = c * (1.0 / maximum)
- for j in range(3):
- char = int((255 * max(0, min(1, framebuffer[i][j]))))
- ofs.write(str(char)+' ')
- ofs.write('\n')
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- ivory = Material(1.0, np.array([0.6, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0]), np.array([0.4, 0.4, 0.3]), 50.0)
- red_rubber = Material(1.0, np.array([0.9, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0]), np.array([0.3, 0.1, 0.1]), 10.0)
- mirror = Material(1.0, np.array([0.0, 10.0, 0.8, 0.0]), np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), 1425.0)
- glass = Material(1.5, np.array([0.0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.8]), np.array([0.6, 0.7, 0.8]), 125.0)
- spheres = []
- spheres.append(Sphere(np.array([ -3, 0, -16]), 2, ivory))
- spheres.append(Sphere(np.array([-1.0, -1.5, -12]), 2, glass))
- spheres.append(Sphere(np.array([ 1.5, -0.5, -18]), 3, red_rubber))
- spheres.append(Sphere(np.array([ 7, 5, -18]), 4, mirror))
- lights = []
- lights.append(Light(np.array([-20, 20, 20]), 1.5))
- lights.append(Light(np.array([ 30, 50, -25]), 1.8))
- lights.append(Light(np.array([ 30, 20, 30]), 1.7))
- if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Not enough arguments");exit()
- render(spheres, lights, int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]))
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