
Aging Wisely: Strategies for Baby Boomers and Seniors

Aug 7th, 2014
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  3. "Hi Guys . I'm sharing to you the link to download free eBook Aging Wisely: Strategies for Baby Boomers and Seniors by Robert A. Levine M.D. [PDF/ePUB]
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  6. Aging Wisely: Strategies for Baby Boomers and Seniors by Robert A. Levine M.D. [PDF/ePUB]
  8. Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (July 17, 2014)
  10. Everyone ages. Not everyone ages well. Aging Wisely explains that much of what happens to our minds and bodies as we grow older depends on our approach to life and our attitudes and feelings about ourselves. Though there are elements beyond our control, we must take advantage of those things we can control while dealing competently with adversity. In describing the impact of aging and various conditions associated with the aging process upon our minds and bodies, Aging Wisely provides readers with the knowledge needed to fight back and maximize their relevance and independence. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining the quality of our lives in addition to longevity, for survival alone does not matter if the quality of survival is poor. To age successfully, we must find satisfaction and pleasure in what we do in the time available to us.
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