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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use feature qw(say);
- use List::AllUtils qw(all max min uniqint);
- $| = 1;
- # Read in pieces:
- my @Piece;
- while (<>) {
- my @ends = map {[map {int} m#(\d+)#g]} m#(.*)~(.*)#;
- my @delta = map {$ends[1][$_] - $ends[0][$_]} (0 .. 2);
- my @step = map {$ends[1][$_] <=> $ends[0][$_]} (0 .. 2);
- my $height = min( $ends[0][2], $ends[1][2] );
- my $top = abs( $ends[1][2] - $ends[0][2] ) + 1;
- my $len = max( @delta ) + 1;
- my @block; # mask of piece cubes
- my @bottom; # (x,y) coordinates of cubes on the bottom layer
- my @pos = $ends[0]->@*;
- $pos[2] -= $height;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
- push( @block, [@pos] );
- push( @bottom, [$pos[0],$pos[1]] ) if ($pos[2] == 0);
- @pos = map { $pos[$_] += $step[$_] } (0 .. 2);
- }
- push( @Piece, {height => $height, block => \@block, bottom => \@bottom, top => $top} );
- }
- # Sort pieces by height and drop to form tower and build support graph.
- @Piece = sort { $a->{height} <=> $b->{height} } @Piece;
- my %Tower;
- my %Tops;
- my @Support;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @Piece; $i++) {
- my %piece = $Piece[$i]->%*;
- # Drop piece until it intersects the top of the tower:
- my @intersect;
- my $h = $piece{height};
- while ($h > 0) {
- @intersect = grep { $h <= ($Tops{join($;, @$_)} // 0) } $piece{bottom}->@*;
- last DROP if (@intersect);
- $h--;
- }
- # Get supporing pieces and link in graph:
- my @supp = uniqint map { $Tower{$_->[0],$_->[1],$h} } @intersect;
- push( $Support[$i]{below}->@*, @supp );
- push( $Support[$_]{above}->@*, $i ) foreach (@supp);
- # Update (x,y) tops of the tower:
- foreach my $xy ($piece{bottom}->@*) {
- $Tops{join($;,@$xy)} = $h + $piece{top};
- }
- # Add piece to Tower (coord => piece id).
- foreach my $cube ($piece{block}->@*) {
- $Tower{ $cube->[0], $cube->[1], $cube->[2] + $h + 1 } = $i;
- }
- }
- # Use support graph to get answers for part 1 and 2:
- my $part1 = 0;
- my $part2 = 0;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @Piece; $i++) {
- print ::stderr "Piece: $i / $#Piece\r";
- if (!defined $Support[$i]{above} or (all {$Support[$_]{below}->@* > 1} $Support[$i]{above}->@*)) {
- $part1++;
- next;
- }
- # Brute forcing part 2 with a queue:
- my %falls = ($i => 1);
- my @queue = $Support[$i]{above}->@*;
- while (my $p = shift @queue) {
- if (all { $falls{$_} } $Support[$p]{below}->@*) {
- $falls{$p} = 1;
- push( @queue, $Support[$p]{above}->@* ) if (defined $Support[$p]{above});
- }
- }
- $part2 += %falls - 1; # -1 for the block we removed
- }
- say "\nPart 1: $part1";
- say "Part 2: $part2";
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