

Dec 16th, 2020
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  1. McConnell acknowledges Biden and Harris won election in major break with Trump
  4. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has, for the first time, acknowledged Joe Biden is the president-elect – becoming the most senior Republican official to break with Donald Trump’s baseless election challenges.
  6. "As of this morning, our country has officially a president-elect and a vice president-elect,” Mr McConnell said on the Senate floor. “Many millions of us had hoped the presidential election would yield a different result, but our system of government has processes that will determine who is sworn in on January the 20th.
  8. “The Electoral College has spoken. So today I want to congratulate Joe Biden. The president-elect is no stranger to the Senate. He’s devoted himself to public service for many years. I also want to congratulate the vice president, and our colleague from California, Senator [Kamala] Harris."
  10. He called it a national milestone that she will be the first female vice president.
  12. Mr McConnell began his session-opening remarks with effusive praise for the efforts by Mr Trump and vice president Mike Pence to push federal agencies and private-sector drug manufacturers to develop, test and deploy Covid-19 vaccines by year’s end.
  14. The speech seemed out of place as lawmakers and the White House limp toward a Friday deadline for government funding and a 26 December expiration date for federal coronavirus relief programs. But as he pivoted to Monday’s Electoral College votes, which saw state electors hand Mr Biden 306 votes – far more than the 270 needed to win – and the president 232, the praise of a president with such a massive ego made sense.
  16. The majority leader was doing the hard work of starting to help Mr Trump understand that he is leaving office on 20 January.
  17. for more:
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