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- *= $2d00
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- jmp start
- .text "+erol+"
- reset jsr $fd15
- jsr $fda3
- jsr $ff5b
- jsr $e453
- jmp $e3bf
- iset stx $0314
- sty $0315
- sta $d012
- inc $d019
- rts
- irex jsr iset
- jmp $ea81
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- start jsr reset
- lda #$0f
- jsr $e536
- dex
- stx $d011
- stx $d020
- stx $2bdf
- stx cnt2+1
- stx f0+1
- stx f2+1
- stx pf+1
- s0 lda $2140,x
- sta $32c0,x
- lda $2240,x
- sta $33c0,x
- lda $2340,x
- sta $34c0,x
- lda $2440,x
- sta $35c0,x
- lda $2540,x
- sta $36c0,x
- lda $2640,x
- sta $37c0,x
- lda $2740,x
- sta $38c0,x
- lda $2838,x
- sta $39b8,x
- lda #$00
- sta $0b00,x
- sta $0c00,x
- sta $0c80,x
- lda $2a00,x
- sta $0428,x
- sta $0658,x
- lda $2af0,x
- sta $d828,x
- sta $da58,x
- inx
- bne s0
- s4 txa
- clc
- adc #$60
- sta $05e0,x
- clc
- adc #40
- sta $0590,x
- lda #$00
- sta $0518,x
- sta $0748,x
- sta $02a7,x
- inx
- cpx #$28
- bne s4
- ldx #$3f
- s3 lda #$ff
- sta $02c0,x
- lda #$55
- sta $32c0,x
- sta $3300,x
- dex
- bpl s3
- jsr plfrs
- jsr screset
- lda #$00
- ldx #$00
- ldy #$00
- jsr $1000
- sei
- lda #$00
- ldx #<irq
- ldy #>irq
- jsr iset
- dec $dc0e
- inc $d01a
- ldx #<linker
- ldy #>linker
- stx $0318
- sty $0319
- cli
- w lda $02
- beq w
- lda #$00
- sta $02
- lda $dc01
- cmp #$ef
- bne qq
- jmp linker
- qq
- on jsr pfls
- lda on
- cmp #$20
- beq w
- inc f0+1
- f0 lda #$00
- cmp #$06
- bne w
- f2 ldx #$00
- lda col,x
- ldy #$27
- f1 sta $d990,y
- dey
- bpl f1
- iny
- sty f0+1
- inc f2+1
- lda f2+1
- cmp #$20
- bne w
- ldx #$00
- stx f2+1
- txa
- q15 sta $0c40,x
- sta $0ce0,x
- inx
- cpx #$a0
- bne q15
- lda #$20
- sta on
- q14 jmp w
- irq jsr $1003
- jsr mlx
- jsr mly
- jsr scroll
- inc $02
- inc $d019
- jmp $ea81
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- ;prop.font centre line show routine
- ptext = $2be0; text (@-end)
- ;0pg $26-$29 mem $07e8-$07f7 font $0800
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- pfls
- pf lda #$00
- bne pfl0
- ldy #$00
- sty $26
- sty $27
- sty $29
- pfl9 jsr pflr2
- beq pfl11
- tax
- lda pfdat,x
- clc
- adc $26
- bcc pfl10
- inc $27
- pfl10 sta $26
- iny
- bne pfl9
- pfl11 lda #$40
- sec
- sbc $26
- sta $26
- lda #$01
- sbc $27
- sta $27
- lsr $27
- ror $26
- lda $26
- and #$07
- sta $29
- lda $26
- sec
- sbc $29
- clc
- adc #$40
- sta $26
- lda $27
- adc #$0c
- sta $27
- lda #$01
- sta pf+1
- pfl0 jsr pflr
- cmp #$ff
- beq pflrs
- cmp #$00
- bne pfl1
- pf5 lda #$00
- sta pf+1
- lda #$2c
- sta on
- pf4 jmp pf3
- pflrs jsr plfrs
- bne pf5
- plfrs ldx #$df
- ldy #$2b
- stx $14
- sty $15
- rts
- pfl1 tax
- ldy pfdat,x
- sty $28
- tay
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- sta pfl2+1
- tya
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- clc
- adc #$08
- sta pfl2+2
- ldx #$07
- pfl2 lda $0800,x
- sta $02b0,x
- dex
- bpl pfl2
- lda $29
- beq pfl4
- tax
- pfl3 clc
- ror $02b0
- ror $02b8
- ror $02b1
- ror $02b9
- ror $02b2
- ror $02ba
- ror $02b3
- ror $02bb
- ror $02b4
- ror $02bc
- ror $02b5
- ror $02bd
- ror $02b6
- ror $02be
- ror $02b7
- ror $02bf
- dex
- bne pfl3
- pfl4 ldy #$0f
- pfl5 lda $02b0,y
- ora ($26),y
- sta ($26),y
- dey
- bpl pfl5
- lda $29
- clc
- adc $28
- sta $29
- cmp #$08
- bcc pfl6
- and #$07
- sta $29
- lda $26
- clc
- adc #$08
- bcc pfl7
- inc $27
- pfl7 sta $26
- pfl6 ldx #$0f
- lda #$00
- pfl8 sta $02b0,x
- dex
- bpl pfl8
- pf3 inc $14
- bne pfl12
- inc $15
- pfl12 rts
- pflr ldy #$00
- pflr2 lda ($14),y
- rts
- scroll ldx #$00
- sc00 clc
- rol $0c38,x
- rol $0c30,x
- rol $0c28,x
- rol $0c20,x
- rol $0c18,x
- rol $0c10,x
- rol $0c08,x
- rol $0c00,x
- rol $0bf8,x
- rol $0bf0,x
- rol $0be8,x
- rol $0be0,x
- rol $0bd8,x
- rol $0bd0,x
- rol $0bc8,x
- rol $0bc0,x
- rol $0bb8,x
- rol $0bb0,x
- rol $0ba8,x
- rol $0ba0,x
- rol $0b98,x
- rol $0b90,x
- rol $0b88,x
- rol $0b80,x
- rol $0b78,x
- rol $0b70,x
- rol $0b68,x
- rol $0b60,x
- rol $0b58,x
- rol $0b50,x
- rol $0b48,x
- rol $0b40,x
- rol $0b38,x
- rol $0b30,x
- rol $0b28,x
- rol $0b20,x
- rol $0b18,x
- rol $0b10,x
- rol $0b08,x
- rol $0b00,x
- inx
- cpx #$06
- beq sc0
- jmp sc00
- sc0 inc cnt2+1
- cnt2 lda #$00
- sc4 cmp #$08
- beq sc5
- rts
- sc5 lda #$00
- sta cnt2+1
- sc3 lda $0b00
- bne sc2
- screset ldx #$80
- ldy #$0d
- stx sc3+1
- sty sc3+2
- rts
- sc2 tax
- lda pfdat,x
- sta sc4+1
- txa
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- sta sc1+1
- txa
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- clc
- adc #$08
- sta sc1+2
- ldy #$05
- sc1 lda $0800,y
- sta $0c38,y
- dey
- bpl sc1
- inc sc3+1
- bne scx
- inc sc3+2
- scx rts
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- ;$7f bytes linker by erol/tempest 1996 ;
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- linker sei
- jsr reset
- inc $d018
- lda #$0f
- jsr $e536
- dex
- stx $d020
- stx $d021
- lda #<ltext
- ldy #>ltext
- jsr $ab1e
- ldx #$27
- lnk2 lda lnk,x
- sta $02d8,x
- dex
- bpl lnk2
- jmp $02d8
- lnk sei
- inc $01
- lnk0 ldy #$00
- lnk1 lda $3b00,y
- sta $0801,y
- iny
- bne lnk1
- inc $02e2
- inc $02df
- bne lnk0
- dec $01
- sty $0800
- cli
- jsr $a659
- stjmp jmp $a7ae
- ltext .text "Logo & idea:Cupid"
- .byte 13
- .text "Code & font:Erol"
- .byte 13
- .text "Music :Kristian "
- .text "Rostoen"
- .byte 0
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- *= $1dad
- mlx lda #$40-$08
- mlx1 cmp $d012
- bne mlx1
- lda $d012
- and #$07
- ora #$78
- sta $d011
- ldy #$19
- mlx2 dey
- bne mlx2
- bit $24
- nop
- jsr mlxr1
- lda #$18
- sta $d018
- sta $d016
- lda #$44-$08
- mlx3 cmp $d012
- bne mlx3
- mlx4 lda #$17
- sta $d016
- lda #$1f
- sta $d015
- ldy #$44-$08
- jsr yco
- mlx5 lda #$11
- sta $d000
- clc
- adc #$18
- sta $d002
- clc
- adc #$18
- sta $d004
- clc
- adc #$18
- sta $d006
- clc
- adc #$18
- sta $d008
- mlx6 lda #$00
- sta $d010
- lda #$0b
- sta $07f8
- sta $07f9
- sta $07fa
- sta $07fb
- sta $07fc
- lda #$00
- sta $d027
- sta $d028
- sta $d029
- sta $d02a
- sta $d02b
- lda #$4a-$08
- mlx0 cmp $d012
- bne mlx0
- lda #$06
- ldx #$3b
- ldy #$06
- mlx00 dey
- bpl mlx00
- sta $d021
- stx $d011
- lda #$58-$08
- mlxx cmp $d012
- bne mlxx
- ldy #$59-$08
- jsr yco
- lda #$6d-$08
- mlx7 cmp $d012
- bne mlx7
- ldy #$6e-$08
- jsr yco
- lda #$7a-$08
- mlxz cmp $d012
- bne mlxz
- ldy #$09
- mlz dey
- bne mlz
- lda #$7b
- sta $d011
- sty $d021
- lda #$88-$08
- mlx9 cmp $d012
- bne mlx9
- lda $d012
- and #$07
- ora #$78
- sta $d011
- ldy #$16
- mlx10 dey
- bne mlx10
- jsr mlxr2
- sty $d016
- lda #$12
- sta $d018
- ldy #$54
- mlx11 dey
- bne mlx11
- lda #$1b
- sta $d011
- mlxr lda $2980
- tax
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- sta mlr1+1
- tay
- txa
- and #$07
- eor #$17
- sta mlx4+1
- lda mlyd1,y
- sta mlx5+1
- lda mlyd2,y
- sta mlx6+1
- inc mlxr+1
- bne c1
- lda #$80
- sta mlxr+1
- c1 rts
- yco sty $d001
- sty $d003
- sty $d005
- sty $d007
- sty $d009
- rts
- mly lda #$40+$70
- mly1 cmp $d012
- bne mly1
- lda $d012
- and #$07
- ora #$18
- sta $d011
- ldy #$18
- mly2 dey
- bne mly2
- bit $2c2c
- bit $2c2c
- nop
- jsr mlyr1
- lda #$18
- sta $d018
- sta $d016
- lda #$44+$70
- mly3 cmp $d012
- bne mly3
- mly4 lda #$17
- sta $d016
- ldy #$44+$70
- jsr yco
- mly5 lda #$11
- sta $d000
- clc
- adc #$18
- sta $d002
- clc
- adc #$18
- sta $d004
- clc
- adc #$18
- sta $d006
- clc
- adc #$18
- sta $d008
- mly6 lda #$00
- sta $d010
- lda #$4a+$70
- mly0 cmp $d012
- bne mly0
- lda #$06
- on2 ldx #$3b
- ldy #$08
- mly00 dey
- bpl mly00
- stx $d011
- sta $d021
- lda #$58+$70
- mlyt cmp $d012
- bne mlyt
- ldy #$59+$70
- jsr yco
- lda #$6d+$70
- mly7 cmp $d012
- bne mly7
- ldy #$6e+$70
- jsr yco
- lda #$7a+$70
- mlys cmp $d012
- bne mlys
- ldy #$08
- mlyp dey
- bne mlyp
- lda #$7b
- sta $d011
- bit $2c2c
- lda #$88+$70
- mly9 cmp $d012
- bne mly9
- lda $d012
- and #$07
- ora #$78
- ldy #$07
- mlyy dey
- bne mlyy
- sta $d011
- ldy #$16
- mly10 dey
- bne mly10
- jsr mlyr2
- sty $d016
- lda #$15
- sta $d018
- ldy #$54
- mly11 dey
- bne mly11
- lda #$1b
- sta $d011
- sty $d021
- mlyr lda $29c0
- tax
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- sta mlp1+1
- tay
- txa
- and #$07
- eor #$17
- sta mly4+1
- lda mlyd1,y
- sta mly5+1
- lda mlyd2,y
- sta mly6+1
- inc mlyr+1
- bne c2
- lda #$80
- sta mlyr+1
- c2 rts
- mlyr1 ldx #$7b ; round address no
- clc
- mlp1 bcc mlp2
- mlp2 lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- bit $ea
- stx $d011
- rts
- mlyr2 lda #$20
- sec
- sbc mlp1+1
- sta mlp3+1
- ldx #$7b
- clc
- mlp3 bcc mlp4
- mlp4 lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- bit $ea
- stx $d011
- rts
- mlxr1 ldx #$7b ; round address no
- clc
- mlr1 bcc mlr2
- mlr2 lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- bit $ea
- stx $d011
- rts
- mlxr2 lda #$20
- sec
- sbc mlr1+1
- sta mlr3+1
- ldx #$7b
- clc
- mlr3 bcc mlr4
- mlr4 lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- lda #$a9
- bit $ea
- stx $d011
- rts
- mlyd1 .byte $11,$09,$01,$f9,$f1,$e9
- .byte $e1,$d9,$d1,$c9,$c1,$b9
- .byte $b1,$a9,$a1,$58,$50,$48
- .byte $40,$38,$30,$28,$20,$18
- .byte $10,$08,$00,$f8,$f0,$e8
- .byte $e0,$d8
- mlyd2 .byte $00,$00,$00,$01,$01,$01
- .byte $03,$03,$03,$07,$07,$07
- .byte $0f,$0f,$0f,$1f,$1f,$1f
- .byte $1f,$1f,$1f,$1f,$1f,$1f
- .byte $1f,$1f,$1f,$1e,$1e,$1e
- .byte $1c,$1c
- pfdat .byte $00,$08,$07,$08,$08,$08
- .byte $06,$07,$07,$05,$07,$07
- .byte $06,$08,$07,$07,$07,$07
- .byte $05,$08,$07,$08,$07,$08
- .byte $07,$07,$08,$05,$07,$05
- .byte $07,$08,$04,$04,$06,$08
- .byte $07,$08,$08,$04,$05,$05
- .byte $08,$07,$04,$07,$03,$08
- .byte $07,$05,$08,$08,$08,$08
- .byte $07,$07,$07,$08,$03,$04
- .byte $05,$07,$05,$07,$07,$07
- .byte $07,$08,$07,$08,$06,$08
- .byte $07,$05,$07,$07,$08,$08
- .byte $07,$07,$07,$08,$07,$08
- .byte $07,$07,$07,$08,$07,$07
- .byte $08,$09,$08,$09,$07,$08
- col .byte 0,0,9,2,8,10
- .byte 15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15
- .byte 15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15
- .byte 15,15,15,15
- .byte 10,8,2,9,0,0
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
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