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- program new;
- {$I SRL/osr.simba}
- var
- bmp: TMufasaBitmap;
- //technically this can be solved in n log n time.. but meh.. so much work
- procedure FurthestPoints(const TPA:TPointArray; out A,B:TPoint);
- var
- i,j: Integer;
- dist,tmp: Single;
- begin
- for i:=0 to High(TPA) do
- for j:=i+1 to High(TPA) do
- begin
- tmp := Hypot(TPA[i].x-TPA[j].x, TPA[i].y-TPA[j].y);
- if tmp > dist then
- begin
- dist := tmp;
- A := TPA[i];
- B := TPA[j];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- (*
- Approximate smallest bounding circle algorithm by Slacky
- This formula makes 3 assumptions of outlier points that defines the circle.
- p1 and p2 are the furthest possible points from one another
- p3 is the furthest point from the center of the line of p1 and p2 at a 90 degree angle.
- Already now we have a circle that is very close to encapsulating.
- We assume that p3 is nearly always correct, and if there is one wrong assumption it's either p1, or p2.
- We move p1 and/or p2 until the criteria is reached, odds are one of them is correct already alongside p3.
- If we actually didn't solve it so far, we move p3 to see if that does it.
- Time complexity is somewhere along the lines of
- O(max(n log n, h^2))
- Where `h` is the remainding points after convex hull is performed.
- `n` is the number of points, and `n log n` is assuming optimal convexhull algorithm.
- *)
- function MinAreaCircle(arr: TPointArray): TCircle;
- function Circle3(P1,P2,P3: TPoint): TCircle;
- var
- t,d,l: Single;
- p,pcs,q,qcs: record x,y: Single; end;
- begin
- t := ArcTan2(p1.y-p2.y, p1.x-p2.x) - PI/2;
- p := [(p1.x+p2.x) / 2, (p1.y+p2.y) / 2];
- pcs := [Cos(t), Sin(t)];
- t := ArcTan2(p1.y-p3.y, p1.x-p3.x) - PI/2;
- q := [(p1.x+p3.x) / 2, (p1.y+p3.y) / 2];
- qcs := [Cos(t), Sin(t)];
- d := pcs.x * qcs.y - pcs.y * qcs.x;
- if Abs(d) < 0.001 then Exit();
- l := (qcs.x * (p.y - q.y) - qcs.y * (p.x - q.x)) / d;
- Result.x := Round(p.x + l * pcs.x);
- Result.y := Round(p.y + l * pcs.y);
- Result.Radius := Ceil(Sqrt(Sqr((p.x + l * pcs.x)-p1.x) + Sqr((p.y + l * pcs.y)-p1.y)));
- end;
- function InCircle(arr: TPointArray; c: TCircle): Boolean;
- var i: Int32;
- begin
- Result := True;
- for i:=0 to High(arr) do
- if Hypot(arr[i].x-c.x, arr[i].y-c.Y) > c.Radius+1 then Exit(False);
- end;
- function pass(p1,p2,p3: TPoint; now:TCircle; var new: TPoint): TCircle;
- var i: Int32; c: TCircle;
- begin
- new := p2;
- Result := now;
- for i:=0 to High(arr) do
- begin
- if (arr[i] = p3) or (arr[i] = p1) then continue;
- c := Circle3(p1,arr[i],p3);
- if (c.Radius < Result.Radius) and InCircle(arr, c) then
- begin
- Result := c;
- new := arr[i];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- var
- i: Int32;
- v,q,p1,p2,p3: TPoint;
- begin
- arr := arr.ConvexHull();
- FurthestPoints(arr, p1,p2);
- v := [(p1.x + p2.x) div 2, (p1.y + p2.y) div 2];
- p3 := arr[0];
- for i:=0 to High(arr) do
- if Sqrt(Sqr(v.x-arr[i].x)+Sqr(v.y-arr[i].y)) > Sqrt(Sqr(v.x-p3.x)+Sqr(v.y-p3.y)) then
- p3 := arr[i];
- if (p3 = p2) or (p3 = p1) then
- Exit(TCircle([Round(v.x), Round(v.y), Ceil(Distance(p1,p2) / 2)]));
- Result := Circle3(p1,p2,p3);
- if Result.Radius = 0 then
- Exit(TCircle([Round(v.x), Round(v.y), Ceil(Distance(p1,p2) / 2)]));
- if InCircle(arr, Result) then Exit(Result);
- Result.Radius := $FFFF;
- Result := pass(p1,p2,p3, Result, v);
- if v <> p2 then q := v;
- Result := pass(p2,p1,p3, Result, v);
- if v <> p1 then Result := pass(v,q,p3, Result, v);
- if InCircle(arr, Result) and (Result.Radius <> $FFFF) then Exit(Result);
- Result := pass(p2,p3,p1, Result, v); // very rarely is the p3 assumption is wrong.
- if (Result.Radius = $FFFF) then Result.Radius := Ceil(Distance(p1,p2) / 2);
- end;
- function ToString(s: TPoint): string; override;
- begin
- Result := '['+ToString(s.x)+','+ToString(s.y)+']';
- end;
- function InCircle(arr: TPointArray; c: TCircle): Boolean;
- var i: Int32;
- begin
- Result := True;
- for i:=0 to High(arr) do
- if Hypot(arr[i].x-c.x, arr[i].y-c.Y) > c.Radius+1 then Exit(False);
- end;
- var
- TPA: TPointArray;
- a: T2DPointArray;
- e1,e2,i: Int32;
- t1,t2,t1_sum,t2_sum: Double;
- c1,c2: TCircle;
- begin
- bmp.Init();
- bmp.SetSize(900,900);
- bmp.Debug();
- while True do
- begin
- TPA := RandomTPA(Random(5,150), [250,250,550,550]);
- c1 := MinAreaCircle(TPA);
- c2 := TPA.MinAreaCircle();
- c1.Radius += 1;
- (*
- if (not InCircle(TPA.ConvexHull(),c1)) then
- begin
- WriteLn(c1);
- WriteLn(TPA.ConvexHull());
- bmp.DrawCircle(c1.x, c1.y, c1.Radius, $FF);
- bmp.DrawCircle(c2.x, c2.y, c2.Radius, $00FF00);
- bmp.DrawTPA(TPA.ConvexHull().Connect(), $FF00FF);
- bmp.Debug();
- bmp.Clear();
- WaitUntil(isKeyDown(VK_ENTER), 50, 60000);
- Wait(20)
- end;
- *)
- if (Abs(c1.Radius - c2.Radius) > 10) then
- begin
- WriteLn(c1);
- WriteLn(TPA.ConvexHull());
- bmp.DrawCircle(c1.x, c1.y, c1.Radius, $FF);
- bmp.DrawCircle(c2.x, c2.y, c2.Radius, $00FF00);
- bmp.DrawTPA(TPA.ConvexHull().Connect(), $FF00FF);
- bmp.Debug();
- bmp.Clear();
- WriteLn(TPA.ConvexHull());
- WaitUntil(isKeyDown(VK_ENTER), 50, 60000);
- Wait(20);
- if c1.Radius > c2.Radius then Inc(e1);
- if c1.Radius < c2.Radius then Inc(e2);
- end;
- Inc(i);
- if i mod 1000 = 0 then
- begin
- WriteLn('Tested: ', i, '. Error count (new/old): ', e1, '/', e2);
- end;
- end;
- //bmp.Debug();
- end.
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