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- import Library._
- import Parser._
- import Untyped._
- case class NotImplementedException(s: String) extends RuntimeException(s)
- case class DesugarOpInvalidExcep(s: String) extends DesugarException(s)
- case class InterpOpInvalidExcep(s: String) extends InterpException(s)
- object Desugar {
- val ZCombinator =
- """
- (lambda (f)
- ((lambda (y)
- (y y))
- (lambda (z)
- (f (lambda (x)
- ((z z) x))))))
- """
- def desugarList (l: List[ExprExt]): ExprC = l match {
- case h :: t => ConsC(desugar(h), desugarList(t))
- case _ => NilC()
- }
- /** Binds all the values before processing the `body`, so that all the names are in scope */
- def solveLetBinds(binds: List[LetBindExt], body: ExprExt): ExprC = binds match {
- case LetBindExt(name, value) :: t => SeqC(SetC(name, desugar(value)), solveLetBinds(t, body))
- case Nil => desugar(body) // No more bindings to declare
- }
- def desugarMethods(methods: List[MethodExt]): ExprC = methods match {
- case Nil => UndefinedC()
- case meth :: t => IfC(EqStrC(IdC("msg"), StringC(, FdC("self" :: meth.args, desugar(meth.body)), desugarMethods(t))
- }
- def desugarMethodsDelegate(methods: List[MethodExt]): ExprC = methods match {
- case Nil => AppC(IdC("method"), List(IdC("msg")))
- case meth :: t => IfC(EqStrC(IdC("msg"), StringC(, FdC("self" :: meth.args, desugar(meth.body)), desugarMethodsDelegate(t))
- }
- def solveLetBindsObjects(binds: List[FieldExt], body: ExprC): ExprC = binds match {
- case FieldExt(name, value) :: t => SeqC(SetC(name, desugar(value)), solveLetBindsObjects(t, body))
- case Nil => body // No more bindings to declare
- }
- def desugarDoSeq (l: List[ExprExt]): ExprC = l match {
- case h :: Nil => desugar(h)
- case h :: t :: Nil => SeqC(desugar(h), desugar(t))
- case h :: t => SeqC(desugar(h), desugarDoSeq(t))
- }
- def desugar(e: ExprExt): ExprC = e match {
- case NilExt() => NilC()
- case TrueExt() => TrueC()
- case FalseExt() => FalseC()
- case NumExt(x) => NumC(x)
- case BinOpExt(sym, l, r) => sym match {
- case "+" => PlusC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
- case "*" => MultC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
- case "-" => PlusC(desugar(l), MultC(NumC(-1), desugar(r)))
- case "and" => IfC(desugar(l), desugar(r), FalseC())
- case "or" => IfC(desugar(l), TrueC(), desugar(r))
- case "num=" => EqNumC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
- case "num<" => LtC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
- case "num>" => LtC(MultC(NumC(-1), desugar(l)), MultC(NumC(-1), desugar(r))) // In interp, evaluate `l` first while also use `LtC` => Multiply eq. by (-1) on both sides
- case "cons" => ConsC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
- case "setbox" => SetboxC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
- case "seq" => SeqC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
- // NEW
- case "str=" => EqStrC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
- case "str++" => ConcStrC(desugar(l), desugar(r))
- case _ => throw new DesugarOpInvalidExcep(s"Cannot desugarize this binary operator: $sym")
- }
- case UnOpExt(sym, l) => sym match {
- case "-" => MultC(NumC(-1), desugar(l))
- case "not" => IfC(desugar(l), FalseC(), TrueC())
- case "head" => HeadC(desugar(l))
- case "tail" => TailC(desugar(l))
- case "is-nil" => IsNilC(desugar(l))
- case "is-list" => IsListC(desugar(l))
- // Newly added unOps: `box`, `unbox`
- case "box" => BoxC(desugar(l))
- case "unbox" => UnboxC(desugar(l))
- case _ => throw new DesugarOpInvalidExcep("Cannot desugarize this unary operator: " + sym);
- }
- case ListExt(l) => l match { // Alternative: ConsC(desugar(h), desugar(ListExt(t))) // !!: generative recursion;
- case h :: t => desugarList(l)
- case _ => NilC()
- }
- case IfExt(c, t, e) => IfC(desugar(c), desugar(t), desugar(e))
- case AppExt(f, args) => AppC(desugar(f), => desugar(arg)))
- case IdExt(c) => IdC(c)
- case FdExt(params, body) => FdC(params, desugar(body))
- case LetExt(binds, body) => AppC(
- FdC( =>, desugar(body)),
- => desugar(bind.value))
- )
- case SetExt(id, e) => SetC(id, desugar(e))
- // Make use of Z_Combinator from Lecture Notes (!);
- // Desugar RecLamExt as a AppC(ZComb, FdC(List(name), FdC(List(param)), body)) <=> Application of ZComb function that takes as a parameter the body of actual function
- case RecLamExt(name, param, body) => AppC (
- desugar(parse(ZCombinator)),
- List(FdC(List(name), FdC(List(param), desugar(body))))
- )
- // Newly added: `LetRecExt`, which makes use of `LetBindExt`
- // Desugar `let-rec` into `AppC`; ALTERNATIVE - desugar `let-rec` into `let`, but this would imply generative recursion
- // 2 pass algorithm:
- // 1. Scan bindings; Create bindings for all names in `let-rec` w/ `UninitializedC`
- // 2. Rescan when evaluating (in interp) and update the bindings' values accordingly
- case LetRecExt(binds, body) => AppC(
- FdC( =>, solveLetBinds(binds, body)),
- => UninitializedC()) // Allow `indirect recursion`
- )
- // NEW
- case StringExt(str) => StringC(str)
- case ObjectExt(fields: List[FieldExt], methods: List[MethodExt]) => {
- if (fields.size == 0) throw new DesugarOpInvalidExcep("Objects must have at least one filed")
- val body = FdC(List("msg"), desugarMethods(methods))
- AppC ( // LetRecExt desugar
- FdC( =>, solveLetBindsObjects(fields, body)),
- => UninitializedC())
- )
- }
- case ObjectDelExt(del: ExprExt, fields: List[FieldExt], methods: List[MethodExt]) => {
- // IDEA: Parametrize all methods by `self`
- val delegate = desugar(del)
- val body = FdC(List("msg"), desugarMethodsDelegate(methods))
- AppC ( // LetRecExt desugar
- FdC("method" :: =>, solveLetBindsObjects(fields, body)),
- delegate :: => UninitializedC())
- )
- }
- case MsgExt(recvr: ExprExt, msg: String, args: List[ExprExt]) => {
- val initBody = AppC(AppC(IdC("self"), List(StringC(msg))), IdC("self") ::
- AppC(FdC(List("self"), initBody), List(desugar(recvr)))
- }
- case DoSeqExt(expr: List[ExprExt]) => {
- // Parser ensures the following cond:
- // if (expr.size < 1) throw new DesugarOpInvalidExcep("do-seq expressions should always have at least one subexpression")
- if (expr.size == 1)
- desugar(expr(0))
- else
- desugarDoSeq(expr)
- }
- }
- }
- object Interp {
- type Store = List[Cell]
- type PointerEnvironment = List[Pointer]
- // Do not remove this method. We use this for grading.
- def interp(e: ExprC): Value = interp(e, Nil, Nil)._1
- // Helper methods from assignment "Manipulating Stores"
- def lookup(name: String, nv: PointerEnvironment): Int = nv match {
- case Nil => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("Identifier not found")
- case Pointer(_name, location) :: t if _name == name => location
- case h :: t => lookup(name, t)
- }
- def update(loc: Int, st: Store, v: Value): Store = st match {
- case Nil => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("Cell location not found")
- case Cell(location, value) :: t if location == loc => Cell(loc, v) :: t
- case h :: t => h :: update(loc, t, v)
- }
- def fetch(loc: Int, st: Store): Value = st match {
- case Nil => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("Cell location not found")
- case Cell(location, value) :: t if location == loc => value
- case h :: t => fetch(loc, t)
- }
- def newLoc(store: Store): Int = store.length
- def extendStore(c: Cell, st: Store): Store = c :: st
- def interpArgs(args: List[ExprC], nv: PointerEnvironment, st1: Store): (List[Value], Store) = args match {
- case Nil => (Nil, st1) // base case -> Empty list in current environment; later on prepend to List[Value]s
- case arg :: t => {
- val (v, st2): (Value, Store) = interp(arg, nv, st1)
- val (values, st3) = interpArgs(t, nv, st2)
- (v :: values, st3)
- }
- }
- def extendEnvStore(params: List[String], interpretedArgs: List[Value], nv: PointerEnvironment, st1: Store): (PointerEnvironment, Store)
- = (params, interpretedArgs) match { // REMEMBER: params.length == interpretedArgs.length
- case (Nil, Nil) => (nv, st1)
- case (param :: t_params, arg :: t_args) => {
- val newLocation = newLoc(st1)
- val newPointer: Pointer = Pointer(param, newLocation)
- val extendedNv: PointerEnvironment = newPointer :: nv
- val extendedStore: Store = extendStore(Cell(newLocation, arg), st1)// Extend store by prepending new values to previous Store
- extendEnvStore(t_params, t_args, extendedNv, extendedStore)
- }
- }
- def interp(e: ExprC, nv: PointerEnvironment, st1: Store): (Value, Store) = e match {
- case NilC() => (NilV(), st1)
- case TrueC() => (BoolV(true), st1)
- case FalseC() => (BoolV(false), st1)
- case NumC(x) => (NumV(x), st1)
- case PlusC(l, r) => {
- val (v1, st2) = interp(l, nv, st1)
- val (v2, st3) = interp(r, nv, st2)
- (v1, v2) match {
- case (NumV(a), NumV(b)) => (NumV(a + b), st3)
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("These operations are only defined for numbers")
- }
- }
- case MultC(l, r) => {
- val (v1, st2) = interp(l, nv, st1)
- val (v2, st3) = interp(r, nv, st2)
- (v1, v2) match {
- case (NumV(a), NumV(b)) => (NumV(a * b), st3)
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("These operations are only defined for numbers")
- }
- }
- case EqNumC(l, r) => {
- val (v1, st2) = interp(l, nv, st1)
- val (v2, st3) = interp(r, nv, st2)
- (v1, v2) match {
- case (NumV(a), NumV(b)) => if (a == b) (BoolV(true), st3) else (BoolV(false), st3)
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("These operations are only defined for numbers")
- }
- }
- case LtC(l, r) => {
- val (v1, st2) = interp(l, nv, st1)
- val (v2, st3) = interp(r, nv, st2)
- (v1, v2) match {
- case (NumV(a), NumV(b)) => if (a < b) (BoolV(true), st3) else (BoolV(false), st3)
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("These operations are only defined for numbers")
- }
- }
- case ConsC(l, r) => {
- val (v1, st2) = interp(l, nv, st1)
- val (v2, st3) = interp(r, nv, st2)
- (ConsV(v1, v2), st3)
- }
- case HeadC(e) => interp(e, nv, st1) match {
- case (ConsV(h, _), st2) => (h, st2)
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("HEAD not allowed")
- }
- case TailC(e) => interp(e, nv, st1) match {
- case (ConsV(_, t), st2) => (t, st2)
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("TAIL not allowed")
- }
- case IsNilC(e) => interp(e, nv, st1) match {
- case (NilV(), st2) => (BoolV(true), st2)
- case (ConsV(_, _), st2) => (BoolV(false), st2)
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("isNil not allowed")
- }
- case IsListC(e) => {
- val (v1, st2) = interp(e, nv, st1)
- v1 match {
- case NilV() | ConsV(_, _) => (BoolV(true), st2)
- case _ => (BoolV(false), st2)
- }
- }
- case IfC(e, e1, e2) => interp(e, nv, st1) match {
- case (BoolV(true), st2) => interp(e1, nv, st2)
- case (BoolV(false), st2) => interp(e2, nv, st2)
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep(s"IF not allowed as $e does not evaluate to Boolean")
- }
- case UninitializedC() => (UninitializedV(), st1)
- case AppC(f, args) => interp(f, nv, st1) match {
- case (PointerClosV(f@FdC(params, body), env), st2) => {
- //Alternative - val (interpretedArgs, st3) = interpArgsAlt(args, nv, st2, Nil)
- val (interpretedArgs, st3) = interpArgs(args, nv, st2)
- val (envNew, stNew): (PointerEnvironment, Store) = extendEnvStore(params, interpretedArgs, env, st3)
- interp(body, envNew, stNew)
- }
- //case FdC(params, body) if (params.size != args.size) => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("Error thrown in case AppC/ClosV - Number of `params` and `args` do not match")
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("Error thrown in case AppC/ClosV - `f` IS NOT a function definition")
- }
- case IdC(s) => (fetch(lookup(s, nv), st1), st1)
- case fdc@FdC(params, body) => (PointerClosV(fdc, nv), st1)
- case BoxC(v) => {
- val (v1, st2) = interp(v, nv, st1)
- val newLocation = newLoc(st2)
- (BoxV(newLocation), extendStore(Cell(newLocation, v1), st2))
- }
- case UnboxC(b) => {
- val (b1, st2) = interp(b, nv, st1)
- b1 match {
- case BoxV(loc) => (fetch(loc, st2), st2)
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep(s"Cannot unbox $b1, as it is not a box")
- }
- }
- case SetboxC(b, c) => { // REMEMBER - left->right evaluation order
- val (b1, st2) = interp(b, nv, st1)
- val (b2, st3) = interp(c, nv, st2)
- b1 match {
- case BoxV(loc) => (b2, update(loc, st3, b2))
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep(s"Cannot Setbox $b1, as it is not a box")
- }
- }
- case SetC(v, b) => interp(b, nv, st1) match{
- case (v1, st2) => (v1, update(lookup(v, nv), st2, v1))
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("SetC not allowed.")
- }
- case SeqC(b1, b2) => {
- val st2 = interp(b1, nv, st1)._2
- interp(b2, nv, st2)
- }
- // NEW
- case EqStrC(l, r) => {
- val (v1, st2) = interp(l, nv, st1)
- val (v2, st3) = interp(r, nv, st2)
- (v1, v2) match {
- case (StringV(s1), StringV(s2)) => if (s1 == s2) (BoolV(true), st3) else (BoolV(false), st3)
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("EqStringC not allowed.")
- }
- }
- case ConcStrC(l, r) => {
- val (v1, st2) = interp(l, nv, st1)
- val (v2, st3) = interp(r, nv, st2)
- (v1, v2) match {
- case (StringV(s1), StringV(s2)) => (StringV(s1 + s2), st3)
- case _ => throw new InterpOpInvalidExcep("EqStringC not allowed.")
- }
- }
- case StringC(str) => (StringV(str), st1)
- }
- }
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