
The Exploding Rink #dryh_ic 3/2/2018

Mar 2nd, 2018
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DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
Ryusui|GM: So, <@!McColly>.
Ryusui|GM: The first rule of rehab is obviously staying clean.
Ryusui|GM: You've done that.
Ryusui|GM: You've done a great job at it, by most estimates.
Ryusui|GM: The catch is that you haven't been able to catch a wink of sleep for days.
Ryusui|GM: And when you found yourself surrounded by policemen with their ridiculous plastic grins, you sincerely wondered if maybe, just maybe, you had some kind of weird blackout, shoved your face full of pills, and then forgot you'd done so, because that was right up there with the worst trips you'd ever had.
Ryusui|GM: The pain when they whacked you on the back of the head felt real enough, though.
Ryusui|GM: Getting carted through some crazy backstreets felt disturbingly real.
Ryusui|GM: And now that the pain's subsided, and your vision's cleared, you can only hope you're just having some kind of bad drug-induced hallucination.
Ryusui|GM: "Quack quack." "Quack quack quack quack."
Ryusui|GM: Because you are strapped to a gurney with a light shining down on you, and there are, all around you, a bunch of tall figures in scrubs.
Ryusui|GM: And despite their masks and opaque goggles...
Ryusui|GM: can tell they have big flat beaks and yellow downy feathers.
Ryusui|GM: (and now...the scene is set!)
McColly: He looks at the feathered doctors, staring at them and struggling, "This has to be a dream...For fuck's sake, either somebody wake me up, I'll find some way to lucid dream out of here." He grits his teeth and attempts to break free from the gurney, "And if this is a dream, I guess there is no harm in killing these freaks either."
Ryusui|GM: "Quack quack." "Goodness me, you're finally back to your senses," a voice cuts in over a PA system. "Don't struggle, dearie, these fine doctors have done this well over a dozen times and they've almost perfected their technique!"
Ryusui|GM: The bumbling Quacks waddle around with trays full of dirty-looking instruments and syringes full of strange substances. They give you no confidence in their abilities whatsoever.
McColly: He glares at the source of the voice, "If I get out of here, I'll be sure to smash your face into a fucking wall." He snarls, and tried to break free yet again from the restraints of the gurney. "Because this isn't real, and none of this is real, I'll wake up again, somewhere, where, I don't care as long as it is the real world."
Ryusui|GM: "That's right, dearie," the voice croons. "Keep telling yourself that. None of this is real, none of this is real, it's all just a dream, you'll wake up safe in your own bed. You'll make our job sooooo much easier." One of the Quacks approaches your gurney with a syringe of something blood-red in your hand. Not only does the needle not look like it's ever been sterilized, but it's about as thick as a pencil. He cocks his head, and quacks to himself as he prepares to insert the business end into your head.
Ryusui|GM: (Breaking free of your restraints is going to be a Pain 3 challenge. Time to roll! :3)
Ryusui|GM: (!roll [D]d6 [E]d6 [M]d6, where D is Discipline, E is Exhaustion, and M is Madness)
McColly: !roll 1d6 [Exhaustion: Unprofessional Locksmith]
DiscoDude: <@McColly> rolled 1d6 for 1 [1d6 = 1] [Exhaustion: Unprofessional Locksmith]
McColly: !roll 3d6 [Discipline]
DiscoDude: <@McColly> rolled 3d6 for 10 [3d6 = 2, 5, 3] [Discipline]
Ryusui|GM: !roll 3d6 (Pain)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 3d6 for 11 [3d6 = 3, 2, 6] (Pain)
Ryusui|GM: The restraints are meant to hold down a man twice your size. They snap like string in a dramatic show of nigh-supernatural force. The Quack hovering over you pauses in surprise.
McColly: He grabs the syringe from the doctor's hand and attempts to plunge it into their chest and push the plunger down. He stands up and grabs something sharp and nasty to use to attack the other doctors with.
Ryusui|GM: The Quack you stabbed with the syringe burbles. You can't see his eyes behind his goggles but you can be pretty sure they're bulging. Something red and syrupy erupts from his chest - it sure doesn't smell like blood, you can at least be certain of that - and he collapses on the floor, slowly turning into more of the goop. The other Quacks stop what they're doing and stare at you in shock. (continued)
Ryusui|GM: Now you have a better look at your surroundings now that that damn light isn't in your eyes. This place looks like some kind of dingy surgical theater-slash-mad scientist's lab, with jars full of strange bubbling substances and squishy-looking organs (possibly even what looks like few pieces of brain) on shelves. As for sharp objects, well, there's a Quack holding a tray of rusty scalpels in easy reach, and he(?)'s not going to do anything to stop you...
McColly: He grabs two rusty scalpels from the tray of one of the doctors, and proceeds to go wild on them. Stabbing them over and over, he seems to be enjoying slaughtering these fools, knowing that this isn't at all real. He still continues on going on a rampage, hacking and slashing the doctors in the room.
Ryusui|GM: You've cut up the first couple to the point they stop moving, but four more pour in the door behind you. "Quack quack!" one of them declares urgently, pointing at you, and as one improbable duck they converge to try and thwart your killing spree. (It'll be Pain 6 to fight back against these guys!)
McColly: McColly glares at the other doctors, then turns towards the substances that were lined on the shelves, he grabs a couple of substances from the shelves and begins to mix some of them together into one container, and hurls it at the group, in hopes of melting them all down or causing something lethal.
Ryusui|GM: (This is basic stuff, so you'll need to roll at least 1 Madness!)
McColly: !roll 3d6 [Discipline] 2d6 [Madness]
DiscoDude: <@McColly> rolled 3d6 for 13 [3d6 = 1, 6, 6] [Discipline]; 2d6 for 10 [2d6 = 6, 4] [Madness]
McColly: !roll 1d6 [Exhaustion]
DiscoDude: <@McColly> rolled 1d6 for 4 [1d6 = 4] [Exhaustion]
Ryusui|GM: !roll 6d6 (Pain)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 6d6 for 22 [6d6 = 6, 1, 2, 4, 6, 3] (Pain)
Ryusui|GM: So, good news: the lead duck melts into a puddle as soon as you douse him. The bad news: there's three more behind him, and you don't have time to recreate your chemical miracle.
Ryusui|GM: And while your dual scalpels are effective against duck doctors who aren't fighting back, these guys are totally fighting back, and soon have your back against the wall.
Ryusui|GM: "My, my, what a spirited patient you are," the PA voice croons again. "We'll have to make sure we give you a double-dose of...what was it again?" "Quack quack." "Ah, yes. That stuff."
Ryusui|GM: (You can still roll to fight back, but since you're being pushed here, it's gonna be Pain 8.)
McColly: McColly grits their teeth and looks up, launching his fist into the shelf above and hoping it was enough to shatter it down on top of them, with all the substances and chemicals.
McColly: !roll 3d6 2d6 3d6
DiscoDude: <@McColly> rolled 3d6 for 3 [3d6 = 1, 1, 1]; 2d6 for 10 [2d6 = 6, 4]; and 3d6 for 10 [3d6 = 1, 3, 6]
Ryusui|GM: !roll 8d6 (Pain)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 8d6 for 30 [8d6 = 6, 2, 6, 2, 4, 6, 2, 2] (Pain)
Ryusui|GM: The duck doctors are doused. Whatever was in the jars undergoes some kind of miraculous transformation: the angry ducks stare in confusion at themselves as their flesh suddenly sprouts flowers, and after a few seconds they've all collapsed into piles of compost on the ground.
Ryusui|GM: It's still growing flowers on the wooden floor as it spreads across the ground.
Ryusui|GM: "What's going on in there?" the voice on the PA shouts. "Doctors? Doctors? Is the patient subdued? DOCTORS?!?"
Ryusui|GM: The voice loses all trace of its Fairy Godmother-like cloyingness as the last word makes the PA whine.
McColly: He walks up to the PA and speaks into it, "You're next." He then begins to search the area for anything better as a weapon.
Ryusui|GM: One of the surgical trays has a bloodstained butcher's cleaver on it.
McColly: He grabs a hold of it, and then takes the clothes off of one of the doctors to wear as a disguise.
Ryusui|GM: Do you want the ones soaked in blood or the ones covered in dirt and flowers?
McColly: The ones soaked in blood.
Ryusui|GM: You now look rather like one of the duck doctors. Obviously you don't have a beak or feathers, but you have a feeling the doctors will probably be fooled by your disguise. No clue when you'll find out one way or another, though - no more doctor reinforcements are coming through the door, which leads out into a corridor.
McColly: He begins to walk out into the corridor, holding his rusty cleaver in hand.
Ryusui|GM: As you head out into the corridor, you hear another voice from a wall speaker. It's not like the voice from before; it's still a woman's voice, but it's faint, and...somehow a bit hoarse, as if it hasn't been used in a long time.
Ryusui|GM: "Hello? Are you real? Are you...Awake?"
McColly: He looks at the speaker and talks. "Yeah, I'm real. Not awake though, I'm still asleep apparently." He stops, talking through the mask.
Ryusui|GM: "Ha ha... Well, at least you're sane, and lucid..." There's a pause. "You're the first to break out of the Treatment Ward. The first I've had a chance to talk to. The first person I've...spoken a long, long time." The voice sounds wistful, desperate. "There's others in this place, brought here like you were. Can you help them?"
McColly: "First tell me, is this reality? This isn't a dream? Do my actions have consequences?" He talks, waiting for a response.
Ryusui|GM: "...Yes, this is reality. And to answer your obvious next question, no, you're not a murderer. Those...things...the owner of this place has the ability to make them by the dozen. And whatever they were before, they're better off now. I can tell you more, but...first I need you to help the others. There are places she can't listen, places she doesn't have eyes. Places like this corridor. It's not safe to talk anywhere else."
McColly: "Okay, one last thing before I do anything else," He pauses, "How do I know I can trust you?"
Ryusui|GM: "...You can't. And I won't ask you to. So we'll make a deal instead. You do as I ask, and I'll help you get out of this place."
McColly: "Better idea, I do as you ask, and you get me out of this realm as well as the others. Deal?" He says.
Ryusui|GM: "I thought that went without saying," the voice says, with a slight, hopeful chuckle. "Now, I'll tell you how to get to the Evaluation Ward..."
Ryusui|GM: <@!Daryl Coy>, <@!Ross Dolamitty>, <@!Bran Doneury>!
Ryusui|GM: You three are still handcuffed to four-poster beds in a room that smells faintly of gingerbread, with frosting splatters on the wall here and there like patches of mold.
Bran Doneury: (are the headboards wooden?)
Ryusui|GM: (they are)
Ross Dolamitty: Ross kicks at his bed’s headboard as soon as he’s finally lucid enough to get his bearings.
Ryusui|GM: It's sturdy stuff, Ross. Pain 3.
Bran Doneury: I re-adjust my grip on the handcuff chains, trying to keep the cuffs from digging into my wrists, as I start leveraging against the head board, trying to snap the chain.
Ryusui|GM: Same for you, Bran. Pain 3.
Bran Doneury: !roll 3d6 Discipline
DiscoDude: <@Bran Doneury> rolled 3d6 for 11 [3d6 = 2, 3, 6] Discipline
Daryl Coy: Daryl waits to see if the others succeed, before trying his desperate plan
Ross Dolamitty: !roll 3d6 [Discipline]
DiscoDude: <@Ross Dolamitty> rolled 3d6 for 12 [3d6 = 6, 5, 1] [Discipline]
Ryusui|GM: !roll 3d6 (Pain vs. Ross)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 3d6 for 7 [3d6 = 5, 1, 1] (Pain vs. Ross)
Ryusui|GM: !roll 3d6 (Pain vs. Bran)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 3d6 for 9 [3d6 = 4, 3, 2] (Pain vs. Bran)
Bran Doneury: (My muuuuuscles!!)
Ryusui|GM: Ross, you can't break it. Bran, you, on the other hand, snap your handcuffs neatly.
Bran Doneury: (Yah do we want to make it clear I can physically break the others out?)
Bran Doneury: The chains, snap, my hands flying forward with the force of the effort. "Yes! Cheap metal, saves the day." I go around to the others, starting with the calmer one (Daryl), and set up to rip the cuffs off the others.
Daryl Coy: "Please! Get me out of here!" Daryl begs to Bran, as soon as he notices he've escaped his handcuffs.
Ryusui|GM: Well, let's say that standing upright, you have a much easier time snapping the handcuff chains.
Ryusui|GM: ( <@!McColly>, when do you wanna come in? I can go ahead and narrate your entrance if you like :3 )
Bran Doneury: (I can actually brace properly, thats a nice mechanical advantage)
Ryusui|GM: It's at this precise moment a figure arrives at the door.
Bran Doneury: (Up to Ryu, but I'd say yes? My action there was to free both of you)
Ryusui|GM: (sure, you're all free now)
Ryusui|GM: (and right after the chains break)
Daryl Coy: "Thanks... Much appreciated..." Daryl says, standing up now that he's free
Ryusui|GM: He's wearing bloodied surgical scrubs with opaque goggles, and holding a cleaver with old dried bloodstains on it.
Ross Dolamitty: “Would have liked... to keep the other end, okay what the actual crap is this.”
Daryl Coy: Daryl turns with an alarmed look to the figure that just arrived
Bran Doneury: Noticing the person in the doorway, my legs tense ready to jump away. "Who they fuck are you?? Are you why we're here??!" I barely keep the terror from lacing my voice.
Daryl Coy: "Uuuuh! He've been discharged!" Daryl quickly exclaims
Daryl Coy: "Th-they've sent us h-home... Right?" Daryl says, looking at the others
Ross Dolamitty: “Eh, whatever works.” Ross shrugs.
McColly: He looks at them silently, motioning for them to follow him. No words were said from them as he begins to leave the room.
Bran Doneury: "Yah, not following a bloody clever boy in a deranged hospital, without at least a few words."
Ross Dolamitty: “... All in favor of following Dr. Death here say Aye?”
Daryl Coy: "Well... Shit... There's no other ways out of the room anyways... So... Aye?" Daryl says, coyly going after the bloody figure that was McColly
Ross Dolamitty: “Didn’t think one of you’d actually go for it. Alright, Dr. Death above aimless sneaking it is.”
McColly: He stops and turns to Bran, "You wanna sit here and die? Or you wanna get out of here and go back home?"
Ryusui|GM: Bran, there's a faint sound of quacking coming from down the corridor outside, in the opposite direction of where the mystery doctor is going.
Bran Doneury: I grimace, and shake my head. "Fine. I guess that enough words for a place like this. But I sure as shit have no trust for you." Following the others, I'm careful to keep at least one of them between me and Cleaver Boy
Ryusui|GM: (XD)
Ryusui|GM: So you're all in the corridor now. There are posters on the walls - some of them talking about something called the "Mad City," a few for "Miss Magpie's Home for the Sane," complete with a cartoonish fairy godmother-looking figure made out of twigs and leaves and what are presumably bits of shiny metal, but the thing that stands out most of all is the ones showing a figure in a policeman's uniform with a pocketwatch for a face, looming over a cityscape with a baton held menacingly in his hand.
Ryusui|GM: Across the bottoms of these last posters is the motto, in big bold letters, "KEEP 'EM SLEEPING".
Ross Dolamitty: “Fun place.” Ross looks disinterested, at best.
Bran Doneury: Muttering to himself, "Why do I get the sense we dont want to run into Watch Boy anytime soon."
Ryusui|GM: The smell of gingerbread is a lot stronger here.
McColly: He rips a few posters off the way for safe keeping, might as well. "Might as well keep these, could prove useful for more questions." He says to himself, and continues to walk as the leader of the group. "So who the fuck are you guys, in real life anyways?" He asks.
Bran Doneury: He ignores the question from Cleaver Boy. "Anyone know how long we've been conked out? This smell is making me mighty hungry."
Daryl Coy: "I am Daryl Coy... Horror novelist..." Coy simply states, in a matter-of-fact way.
Ross Dolamitty: “Ross Dolamitty. Review columnist and blogger. You?”
McColly: "McColly Dunaham. A dude that just works at a gas station convenience store." He says, "Yeah what the fuck is this shit? This isn't Christmas."
Ryusui|GM: The wall crumbles a bit where you rip off a few of the posters, McColly. The gingerbread smell intensifies.
Bran Doneury: I scratch at the wall.
Ryusui|GM: It might actually be gingerbread, albeit gingerbread that's been left out for weeks, maybe even months. It's maybe a little fresher underneath?
Bran Doneury: I brace, and kick the wall, aiming to break through
McColly: "Just don't eat this shit, it's probably way past five second rule."
Ryusui|GM: A chunk breaks loose, but there's nothing but more wall-gingerbread behind it.
Ross Dolamitty: “Looking to get at some of that wall-food? Thanks, but I’ll pass.”
Ryusui|GM: It certainly seems to get denser the further in it goes.
Daryl Coy: "I'd rather get wall chicken than wall gingerbread..."
Bran Doneury: "I'm not going to eat it, but if we can tunnel out, essentially..."
Ross Dolamitty: “Seems unlikely.”
Ryusui|GM: "Hello? Hello? Are you all there?" A soft voice can be heard over a wall speaker. McColly, you recognize it from earlier; the rest of you only know it sounds different from "Miss Magpie."
Daryl Coy: "Uh... Nooooo?" Daryl coyly answers
McColly: "Yeah, sure, just magically make us a Sledgehammer." He scoffs, "Let's keep on going, those doctors are probably looking for me like crazy-" He pauses, "Yeah, I got them like you asked, now you better hold true to the deal of getting us out."
Ross Dolamitty: Ross shrugs.
Daryl Coy: "What- What deal is this?" Daryl asks
McColly: "I follow orders, they make sure we all get out of this hell land."
Daryl Coy: "Works for me."
Ryusui|GM: It's a woman's voice, slightly desperate-sounding, a bit hoarse, perhaps from disuse.
McColly: He turns to the com, "And if you double cross me I'll fucking kill you. I hate backstabbers." He snarls.
Ryusui|GM: There's a bitter laugh. "You might find that difficult. Believe me when I say I have tested it myself. But enough self-pity for now." Another pause. "I can guide you to the lobby, but the only way that won't go straight through hospital staff will take you through the mess hall, which has its own...problems."
McColly: "Murdering 8 of these doctors is child's play, as long as there are no armored guards, we'll be fine." He says bluntly.
Bran Doneury: "Get us out as fast as possible. If that means we go through a few people, so be it." My heart jumps a bit at the thought of the risk, but I try to stay looking calm.
Ross Dolamitty: Ross guffaws at that. “Ha! And here I was thinking of grabbing a bite there. Thanks for helping me dodge that bullet.”
Ross Dolamitty: “Though I guess considering this is a hospital cafeteria we’re talking about, I shouldn’t have expected any different.”
Ryusui|GM: "QUACK QUACK!" The sound echoes from back the way you came. There's three of those quacking doctors approaching you, and they're not alone: there are what look like strange, bipedal-walking wolves staggering alongside them, four or five.
Ross Dolamitty: “And running now.”
Bran Doneury: "Alright, let's go forward and at speed, Folks! Only one of us has a weapon here!"
Ryusui|GM: Unlike the ducks, these wolves aren't anthropomorphic in the least. They look like they've been surgically altered - and painfully - to walk upright on their hind legs. There are also some nasty-looking surgical scars on their bellies. Their eyes are rolled back, and they seem to be drooling as if brain-dead or something.
Ryusui|GM: At another angry "QUACK!" the big, bad wolves are on the chase.
Ryusui|GM: (Escaping them will be Pain 5.)
McColly: He turns around, "And here I thought this was gonna be easy, oh well." He looks at the others, "Y'all wanna run? I want something better than this piece of shit."
Ryusui|GM: "Sounds like they're onto you," the voice says. "I'll tell you where to go - you concentrate on running!"
Daryl Coy: "I'm running already!" Daryl says... Running
Bran Doneury: (Let's see if we can make the roof fall, as I run)
Bran Doneury: (Nope, no exhuastion, but I did Madness, Snap, and the Flight)
Ryusui|GM: (you checked a response, you mean 😉 )
Bran Doneury: (Ohp, that one then! Snapping is worse xD)
Bran Doneury: My paranoia mounts. Panic builds; what if we cant escape these? What if we run into more.
My eyes snap to where I kicked the wall. To the cracks that spread around it. To the foggy memory of my street dissolving, while I thought through how everything could go wrong, just right.
"Let's start running, Boys! This might just get worse in a moment!"
I put my hands to the backs of Daryl and Ross, pushing them forward, keeping them at speed; as my mind spins out, imagining cracks spiralling out from where I kicked. Faults forming, dense old gingerbread collapsing downward.
Bran Doneury: (Alright, rolling now.)
Bran Doneury: !roll 3d6 Discipline 4d6 Madness
DiscoDude: <@Bran Doneury> rolled 3d6 for 10 [3d6 = 6, 2, 2] Discipline; 4d6 for 11 [4d6 = 3, 2, 2, 4] Madness
Ryusui|GM: !roll 5d6
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 5d6 for 17 [5d6 = 1, 6, 4, 5, 1]
Bran Doneury: (I know Daryle and Ross, sliiightly more then you Mr Bloody
Bran Doneury: (Not at the moment, yet ;D)
Ryusui|GM: It works out just as you envisioned it, Bran. Cracks spider out from where you kicked the wall across the floor and ceiling, and suddenly the approaching wolves find themselves dodging around pieces of falling ceiling and stumbling over gaps in the floor.
Bran Doneury: (I'll totally trust you more if you cut off my pinky, yuuuup)
Ryusui|GM: (Bran, your escape is guaranteed; the wolves are officially Pain 2 for the rest of you now 😉 )
Daryl Coy: (I am going to roll discipline 3 and madness 1)
Bran Doneury: "SHIT IT WORKED! Keep moving!"
Bran Doneury: (I also only have two limbs to push people with, McColly xD )
Bran Doneury: (I dont really trust touching people with attitude and a cleaver in their hands)
Ross Dolamitty: “How are those abominations even running? They look like they’d fall apart if they tried.”
Daryl Coy: (Ross is rolling first, right?)
Ross Dolamitty: (I’d assume so.)
Daryl Coy: (oh, right)
Ross Dolamitty: !roll 3d6 [Discipline] 1d6 [Madness]
DiscoDude: <@Ross Dolamitty> rolled 3d6 for 15 [3d6 = 6, 3, 6] [Discipline]; 1d6 for 3 [1d6 = 3] [Madness]
Ryusui|GM: !r 2d6
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 2d6 for 4 [2d6 = 2, 2]
Ryusui|GM: (discipline dominates, but you get no benefit obvs XD)
Bran Doneury: (Hold off Daryl. We've got the outcome of Ross's to have happen.)
Ryusui|GM: The wolves yelp as their stitches come undone. Their hind legs fall out in gruesome spurts, and they collapse into the pits on the floor. One of them gets smashed by a falling piece of debris. Three others roll onto their backs, and...undergo a rather disturbing metamorphosis.
Ryusui|GM: The stitches on their bellies burst open, and three wretched little maggot-looking creatures with tiny baby arms and vicious grins emerge, each wearing what looks like a piece of wolf innards like a little red hood. "You!" the closest one sputters in a high-pitched voice. "This wath my FAVOWITE!!!" it lisps angrily, and as one all the little red hooded monsters pull out tiny baskets clearly full of what look like cartoon cherry bombs.
Ryusui|GM: They're about to start throwing. Better run.
Ryusui|GM: (No Pain! Just run! XD)
Daryl Coy: "JESUS CHRIST!" Daryl yells, glimpsing to the madness behind him, and running as fast as he can
McColly: "Wowza, that's...fucking stupid." He says continuing to run with the others, "This is fairy land bullshit, sorta."
Ross Dolamitty: “No,” said Ross in an overly sarcastic tone, as he kept running.
Bran Doneury: "Hey Not-As-Crazy-PA-Voice! Give us some direction, if you're actually here to help us!"
Ryusui|GM: The voice continues to guide you in a soft, whispering voice. The place is a maze - there's no way in hell you'd navigate this place on your own, not without getting dogpiled by ducks or wolves or whatever else this place has stashed away.
Ryusui|GM: Finally, you come out into a large room with flickering fluorescent lights.
Ryusui|GM: For the first time since you've all gotten here, there's another smell which overpowers the gingerbread.
Ryusui|GM: It's this massive pile of food taking up the middle of the floor, spread around untidily, covering some nearby tables and chairs as well.
Ryusui|GM: Like someone gathered up the entire contents of a cafeteria buffet - mashed potatoes and peas and carrots and corn and all the other stuff that they put into frozen dinners as side dishes - and dumped it all on the floor in one spot.
Ryusui|GM: It's easily ten feet tall, reaching almost to the ceiling of this place.
Daryl Coy: "Well... Who of us was hungry again?"
Daryl Coy: "I've lost my appetite, if I had any before."
Ross Dolamitty: “That can’t be sanitary.”
Ryusui|GM: It is, as it turns out, a mess hall in almost the most literal sense possible.
Bran Doneury: "I'm not hungry enough to eat anything in this place."
McColly: McColly looks at the top of the stack for a vent or anything.
Ryusui|GM: There's no vents, but there is another exit directly across from where you came in. On the other side of the pile.
Daryl Coy: "Le'ts just move around it. I don't want to be attacked by the mess monster under this mess..." Daryl said, trying to move to the other side of the room, but staying close to the walls
Bran Doneury: I start edging around the pile.
Ryusui|GM: "Hey." A deep, gravelly voice echoes from the center of the room.
Bran Doneury: (OF COURSE)
Daryl Coy: "Q-quak.. Quack..." Daryl pretends to be a stray duck.
McColly: For fuck's sake he thinks to himself.
Ross Dolamitty: Ross quietly sprints to other door to wait for the others.
Ryusui|GM: With a thick slopping sound a vaguely humanoid figure emerges from the top of the pile. It has olives for eyes and what looks like a hairnet made out of spaghetti noodles.
Ryusui|GM: "Nobody leaves till they've had their lunch."
Ross Dolamitty: Ross pauses mid-sprint.
Ryusui|GM: Ross, a massive arm made out of mashed potatoes lashes out of the pile.
Daryl Coy: "It is not lunchtime!" Daryl objects
Ryusui|GM: If you hadn't stopped running it would have caught you and probably slammed you into the opposite wall.
Ross Dolamitty: “Er, is that all? What does that constitute?”
Ryusui|GM: "You're here, ain't ya? That means it's lunchtime." There's no malice in the voice, just a grating, "I hate this job but it's all I got" tone.
Bran Doneury: His mind is spinning. "Does....that mean we have to"
Daryl Coy: "I'd rather not... You see... I am on a diet... A diet that excludes..."
Daryl Coy: "Anything that you would eat... At lunchtime."
Daryl Coy: "It is a very fad diet."
Ryusui|GM: "Don't ask dumb questions." A tendril of mixed-up goop aims straight for your face, Bran. (Pain 5 to dodge this!)
Daryl Coy: "But I need to go with it."
Bran Doneury: !r 3d6 Discipline 2d6 Madness
DiscoDude: <@Bran Doneury> rolled 3d6 for 14 [3d6 = 4, 5, 5] Discipline; 2d6 for 8 [2d6 = 6, 2] Madness
Bran Doneury: (Oh no)
Ryusui|GM: (as for you, McColly, also Pain 5 to try and scrounge stuff you can use against this thing)
Ryusui|GM: !roll 5d6 (Pain)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 5d6 for 18 [5d6 = 3, 6, 3, 2, 4] (Pain)
Bran Doneury: (Failure, Pain Dominate, daaaaamn)
Bran Doneury: (Ryuuuuuu whyyyyyy)
Ryusui|GM: Despite your efforts to avoid it, the Lunch Lady slams a mouthful of food into your face. Your instinct is to gag, but then...something assaults your senses.
Ryusui|GM: It's a warm, fuzzy feeling, like this is something you haven't eaten in a long time.
Bran Doneury: (I could sweeeear I told the Voice to avoid the Mess Hall. Sighs)
Ryusui|GM: The sensation is rapidly filling up your entire mind.
Ryusui|GM: The other three of you note that the food seems to be having an effect on Bran.
Ryusui|GM: (Bran, how do you wanna roleplay your Flight response?)
Ryusui|GM: (doesn't have to be literal fleeing; it can be general submission)
Bran Doneury: (Can I delay it? Submission to the "fuzzies" is good, but Bran being constantly hyper paranoid, probably wouldnt accept the feeling. If I can delay it, and "Flight" to ditch all these boys here, tho....)
Ryusui|GM: (sure, you can hold it off till later, but i'll remember 😉 )
Ryusui|GM: ( <@!McColly>, again, gonna be Pain 5 to find stuff you can use)
Ryusui|GM: "There ya go. Nice and docile like a good inmate."
McColly: !roll 3d6 !roll 2d6 !roll 1d6
DiscoDude: <@McColly> rolled 3d6 for 15 [3d6 = 5, 4, 6] !roll; 2d6 for 7 [2d6 = 2, 5] !roll; and 1d6 for 5 [1d6 = 5]
Bran Doneury: The dissonance of the situation and the feeling the food is causing, keep me from wanting to submit. Panic is mounting, but I cant quite break free from the feeling, memories of comfort foods of childhood, and the trash that gets one through early adulthood filling the mind.
Ryusui|GM: !roll 5d6 (Pain vs. McColly)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 5d6 for 20 [5d6 = 1, 1, 6, 6, 6] (Pain vs. McColly)
Bran Doneury: (You havent been using the Despair/Hope coin counter, you pinned last time, Ryu)
Bran Doneury: (What would the Pain be to break free, for Bran, Ryu?)
Ryusui|GM: McColly, while the Lunch Lady is force-feeding Bran, you scour around for things you can use. You dig up a bottle of soy sauce in a brand you can't recognize, something that might be vinegar or maybe vodka, that inescapable bottle of hot sauce with the rooster on the label, and a couple other useful-looking liquids. Which is weird, since it looks like nobody actually uses the cafeteria kitchen.
Ryusui|GM: (You're not restrained; she just shoved a mouthful down your throat and let go.)
Ryusui|GM: (that said, simply collapsing to the floor in the throes of emotional conflict would count as a Flight response IMHO)
Ross Dolamitty: Ross gingerly makes his way to a table and sits down. “It doesn’t look that bad, right? I don’t like the ‘docile’ part, but if this is all that’s needed to leave, then... give me your worst, I suppose.”
Bran Doneury: (I'm thinking more, Exhaustion and [Escape Route])
Daryl Coy: "What- what are you doing?" Daryl says to Ross, whispering on the second half "Have you gone mad?"
Ryusui|GM: "All right, inmate, open wide." The Lunch Lady gives you another mouthful of goop.
Ross Dolamitty: (Rolling to resist its effects. How much Pain?)
Ryusui|GM: (Pain 5.)
Ross Dolamitty: (Gonna be rolling 5 madness, I think.)
Ross Dolamitty: !roll 3d6 [D] 5d6 [M]
DiscoDude: <@Ross Dolamitty> rolled 3d6 for 13 [3d6 = 5, 6, 2] [D]; 5d6 for 18 [5d6 = 6, 4, 3, 3, 2] [M]
Ryusui|GM: !roll 5d6
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 5d6 for 19 [5d6 = 3, 3, 4, 6, 3]
Ross Dolamitty: (Victory, and Discipline dominates.)
Ross Dolamitty: (Allow me?)
Ryusui|GM: (Right, but that's boring, so I'm spending a Despair Coin >8D)
Ross Dolamitty: (Ah.)
Ryusui|GM: (Madness dominates, but you still win. Check a response!)
Ross Dolamitty: (Gonna be one of my Fight responses.)
Ross Dolamitty: (Also, where are we keeping track of those?)
Ross Dolamitty: (Allow me the description?)
McColly: [Pinned messages]
Ryusui|GM: Ross, the taste is absolutely nostalgic. You'd use the phrase "just like mother used to make," except you would probably shoot yourself if you ever caught yourself using such cliche language in a review.
Daryl Coy: (Ratatouile?)
Ryusui|GM: (McColly, attacking the Lunch Lady in any respect will be Pain 8.)
Ryusui|GM: (and again, trying to nullify a supernatural-ish effect through the power of mad chemistry will take at least 4 Madness.)
Ross Dolamitty: But the memory is soured completely and utterly by his mother’s actual skill at cooking. His eyes almost light up as he shoots up to a straight posture, and he jumps up on the table and starts walking towards the Lunch Lady looking like he’s about to explode. He reached the end of the table, only to sit back in an armchair that had seemingly fallen out of the sky behind him, a typewriter falling into his lap. (Cont.)
Ryusui|GM: (oh this gon' be good)
Ross Dolamitty: He starts hammering away as he begins to speak: “That, was, the worst shite I had ever had the displeasure of hosting in my mouth, and I imagine I will still be spitting out the memory of its taste a week from today. You are less a Lunch Lady and more a glorified pile of feces with the word Lunch poorly drawn on it with crayon. You belong down a drain, woman. Zero stars.” ding goes the typewriter as the manuscript floats up and disappears like some unicorn’s lesson.
Ross Dolamitty: He gets up, and walks out of the room.
Daryl Coy: "What... The... Fuck..." Daryl says, with furrowed brows, as he witness the scene
Ryusui|GM: The Lunch Lady is absolutely stunned.
Ryusui|GM: Ross walks out, completely unscathed.
Ryusui|GM: " for the rest of you..."
Ryusui|GM: It turns its attention to the rest of you, and you can see it - smell it - literally transforming into a ten-foot pile of crap with the word "LUNCH" scrawled on its front in crayon.
Daryl Coy: "NO."
Daryl Coy: /ME Daryl tries to skidaddle
Ryusui|GM: "There's still two o' you who need feeding."
Bran Doneury: (This is a perfect time to have me flip my Flight)
Ryusui|GM: Daryl, it'll be Pain 5. Making this thing edible is way outside the realm of probability, McColly, but you can still take out the Lunch Lady for good, and maybe, just maybe, you'll find something salvageable in the fallout.
Daryl Coy: "You know what, I know someone who LIKES shit!"
Bran Doneury: The mental weight of struggling against the passifying nature of the food, is exhausting me. I start to feel the dreary weight of insomnia.
And then...the smell hits me. I look up as the Lunch Lady turns into a fetid brown pile, and I see the door swing between Ross. I latch onto that moment, that possibility. I notice The Lunch Lady's attention shift to focus on McColly and Daryl, and I bolt out of the room in that short moment.
Bran Doneury: (Gonna use a Major of exhaustion, and just Flee)
Ryusui|GM: (okay, here's what i'm gonna do here)
Ryusui|GM: (you can either roll Pain 5 to escape like the others)
Ryusui|GM: (or since this is in response to a Flight check)
Bran Doneury: (This isnt a short flee tho, Like, I want to just keep running, and rely on [Escape Route] to get me as far as possible)
Ryusui|GM: (...okay. In that case I have a thought, and you're not gonna like it :3)
Ryusui|GM: (also since we're assuming you're using your Exhaustion Talent you get 1 Exhaustion anyway)
Bran Doneury: (This is me checking my Flight response tho, Ross)
McColly: He looks at the person who caused this madness as he left, "You look like a fucking Ross."
Ryusui|GM: You vault the horrifying pile of feces and run past Ross. You run, and you keep running, and, well...suffice it to say you'll have some trouble getting back to the group.
Ryusui|GM: (McColly you gonna wreck some shit? :3)
Ryusui|GM: (literally? XD)
Ross Dolamitty: Ross flips him off as he runs by.
Ryusui|GM: (XD)
Bran Doneury: (I imagine you probably wont let me leave the "building" tho, Ryu?)
Ryusui|GM: (nope)
McColly: "FUCK YOU TOO ROSS!!" He yells, "YOU WASTED MY CHANCE TO GET GOOD FOOD!" He turns towards the Lunch Lady, "And for you, I'll put you out of your misery." He tries to make a concoction with the condiments he had and attempts to dissolve her.
McColly: !roll 3d6 2d6 4d6
DiscoDude: <@McColly> rolled 3d6 for 8 [3d6 = 1, 2, 5]; 2d6 for 6 [2d6 = 3, 3]; and 4d6 for 14 [4d6 = 3, 5, 3, 3]
Ryusui|GM: !roll 8d6 (Pain)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 8d6 for 28 [8d6 = 1, 5, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 2] (Pain)
Bran Doneury: (Alright, narratively then, Bran is using escape route to find the furthest "safe" space they can, away from as many people/entities as is possible)
Ryusui|GM: McColly, you hurl your concoction at the Lunch Lady. She hisses and steams and fizzes, like whatever you made was some kind of industrial-strength cleaner. "Now look what you've done," she grumbles. "How'm I supposed to serve the inmates like..."
Ryusui|GM: She doesn't get to finish as she literally vanishes down a small drain grate in the floor.
Ryusui|GM: Also, McColly, you don't know how you missed it, but there is a surprisingly edible-looking basket of dinner rolls on the cafeteria counter.
Ryusui|GM: Neither the mashed potato horror nor the feces seems to have gone anywhere near it.
McColly: He grins, "Nice." He takes the basket and walks out of the room to the next place.
Ryusui|GM: Daryl, the Lunch Lady/Great Mighty Poo-ette has literally gone down the drain.
Daryl Coy: "I am more determinated than ever to leave this hellish place..." Daryl says, as he begins to leave.
Ryusui|GM: Ross is outside. Bran is nowhere to be found.
McColly: he takes a bite out of a dinner roll, "I dunno man."
Ryusui|GM: McColly, the dinner roll is absolutely nothing special but you are 100% certain it is not cursed or madness-tainted or otherwise contaminated by the nightmare nonsense that is this place.
Ryusui|GM: Bran, when you finally get what you feel is a safe distance, you take a moment to get your bearings and realize two things: the guiding voice was desperately begging you to stop running before she lost track of you for like a full minute there, and you are pretty sure you're lost now.
McColly: "Finally something normal..." He begins to finish the roll, "Oh right, where is everybody again?"
Ryusui|GM: McColly, you and Ross and Daryl have all exited the mess hall and are standing together.
Ryusui|GM: <@!Bran Doneury>, it'll be Pain 5 to find your way back to the group.
Ross Dolamitty: “Bran ran by off into the sunset a while back. I flipped him off. Can I have one of those? I want to get the taste of mother’s cooking out of my mouth.” He makes a gesture of turning to the side to spit.
McColly: "No, fuck off." He says, holding the basket close to his chest.
Bran Doneury: (Would it be less Pain to just find the voice again?)
Ryusui|GM: (let's assume that if you fail, you take whatever consequence there is and find them anyway)
Ross Dolamitty: (Dude, I suggest holding off on the Madness for now. You’re pretty close to snapping.)
Ryusui|GM: (no he ain't, he's only checked one response)
Ryusui|GM: (he cleared his other response at the end of last session)
Bran Doneury: "shit shit shit shit shit" Mumbling under my breath, I keep repeating the fetid oath. The Voice was saying this place is a maze. While I dont trust them anymore then any other thing in this place, especially after leading us directly to that Pile of Insistent Muck, they are still the only thing offering a way out of here; and heading towards hell is still more of a direction then going nowhere.
Bran Doneury: I start wandering the halls, paranoia making every step sound like something creeping behind me, but at least its progress.
Bran Doneury: !roll 3d6 D 2d6 M
DiscoDude: <@Bran Doneury> rolled 3d6 for 5 [3d6 = 2, 1, 2] D; 2d6 for 8 [2d6 = 2, 6] M
Ryusui|GM: !roll 5d6
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 5d6 for 20 [5d6 = 4, 5, 3, 2, 6]
Bran Doneury: (I cant escape pain dominating tho xD )
Ryusui|GM: (yep)
Ryusui|GM: And Bran unexpectedly walks up to the rest of you.
Daryl Coy: "Oh, That solves that..."
Ryusui|GM: "Hello? Hello? Are you all there?"
Ryusui|GM: It's your guiding voice again.
McColly: He turns to Bran, "Wait-NO MY CLEAVER!!" He screams, and then looks over at the voice, "Sup."
Bran Doneury: Emphatically and with desperation "*get us out of here,* **now**"
Bran Doneury: (Ugh discord, why you do that)
Ross Dolamitty: Ross points at Bran with a bored look. “What he said.”
Ryusui|GM: The voice sighs with relief. "I was afraid I'd lost one of you for a moment there. Apologies about the Mess Hall - I didn't get a chance to warn you about the Lunch Lady, what with the running and all. At any rate, you're close to the lobby now. Just a bit further."
McColly: "Alright, whatever." He keeps on walking with the rolls in hand, "Whatever happens."
Daryl Coy: "All hyped for getting out of this hellhole say 'aye'... Aye." Daryl says, following the directions
Ryusui|GM: She hesitates a bit, and then says: "The exit will be barred. You might be able to open it on your own, though. Miss Magpie has the key, and the quickest way to her office will be the elevators in the lobby. It's your decision, but..." She pauses again. "...if it's possible, I have a personal reason why I'd like you to go there, in addition to getting you all out."
McColly: "Sure sure whatever, elevator and shit." He says.
Bran Doneury: "How much worse is she then that Pile of Shit we walked out on?"
Daryl Coy: "So. You are saying that the only thing in our way is a locked door? I know someone who can deal with that."
Ross Dolamitty: “I’d rather not, but if we can’t open the doors on our own, then what can you do?”
Bran Doneury: (Are you referencing McColly, or something else, Daryl? )
Daryl Coy: (I am referencing Daryl's ability with the occult)
Bran Doneury: (Ahkay. Good good.)
Bran Doneury: (You did, but I'm talking about how we as character dont know about that yet)
McColly: "Well I got some revenge shit to do with her, but if all of y'all want to get rid of that, you can do it."
Daryl Coy: "So? What is it that you need on that woman's room? Is it really important? Otherwise, we might just beeline for the exit door."
Daryl Coy: Daryl directs himself to the voice
Ryusui|GM: "...I'm something of a prisoner here," the voice says, as if trying to decide how best to phrase it. "She holds a key of sorts to my imprisonment as well. It's not something you'd be able to override with your powers alone, either. That is, if you chose to help me further after this."
Daryl Coy: Daryl inhales
Ryusui|GM: "...I'm sorry. I've been so coy and mysterious about all this. I suppose I take after my father more than I wished." A bitter laugh. "I can remember him, good heavens, I can at least remember that..."
Daryl Coy: "I'd usually go with the coward route."
Daryl Coy: "But..."
Daryl Coy: "You can royally fuck us from over there."
Daryl Coy: "So, just to make sure, we'll help you."
McColly: "If any of y'all say that's BS, I saved your three asses because of them, I'm going to repay the favor. Even if it is just only me and Daryl."
Bran Doneury: "You seriously want to trust a voice coming from the same centralised PA systems as creepy-what-was-trying-to-kill-us??" I look in disbelief, at Daryl and McColly
Daryl Coy: "Yeah."
McColly: "They told me to RESCUE YOUR FUCKING ASSES"
Ryusui|GM: (What's <@!Ross Dolamitty> think? XD)
Daryl Coy: "Why not, we're in asylum with quack doctors. Might as well listen to a disembodied voice."
Bran Doneury: "We dont even have any proof they aren't just the same person, or or or or, THING, trying to trick us!"
McColly: "I could have ignored the voice and just slaughtered my way out, but I listened." He looks at Bran, "And making me save you guys was a trick? You wanted to be in a cell and be experimented on?"
Daryl Coy: "We're lost if we don't listen. On the off chance they're legit, we gotta follow. Because heading off on our own has no chance of success."
Ross Dolamitty: “Going with the side of logic here.” He points at Daryl and McColly while giving Bran a look.
Bran Doneury: "I was already starting to get us out before YOU showed up covered in blood, with a giant knife in your hand! Your opinion of this Voice makes me trust it almost less!!"
Daryl Coy: "Might as well take the possibility... Over the impossibility of escape."
Ross Dolamitty: “But then again, not sure what you want me to do up there.”
McColly: He walks the direction of the lobby, "Your loss kid, I'm going up. You can stay here and be defenseless." He turns to Ross, "We need a key and rescue them."
Ryusui|GM: (you're not at the lobby yet)
Ross Dolamitty: “To clarify; I’m not sure how you think I can help.”
Ryusui|GM: (though as soon as you've worked out what you're going to do I'll be happy to change the scene)
McColly: "You turned those wolves into a pile of limbs, that's a start."
Ross Dolamitty: “Did I do that? I was just making an observation.”
Bran Doneury: "Hey, Voice, look you lead me to the Door Out first, and maybe, maybe I'll see about trying to get you out. But I'm sure as hell not going straight to the Leader of this Madhouse, straight off, /ESPECIALLY/ when I know jack all about you, other then that you talk through the same PA as that Crazy."
Daryl Coy: Daryl sighs
McColly: "Start making friends, this is a mad world, having no allies and going out blazing is something every cliche slasher flick does."
Ryusui|GM: "You're all Awakened. This place fears you, and with good reason. All the more so now. Your powers put you at equal to even the worst this world has to offer." She pauses. "Like I told McColly, I don't expect you to trust me. All I can do is offer my help and...hope you'll listen. I'll be honest, you're the first batch of inmates to make it even this far."
McColly: "You wanna be that cliche dude that dies first because they're too scared, boy?"
Daryl Coy: "I don't believe in friendship." Daryl says "Just being honest. I just believe that mutual cooperation will net us a better chance of success than would otherwise. I believe in probabilities after all."
McColly: "Either way, soloing shit when we are about to get five people is the most retarded thing I have ever heard." He says, "And that's coming from a guy who works at a gas station, where people talk about crazy shit."
Ryusui|GM: "Your next stop will be the lobby, where the exit door and the elevator both are. If you can figure out a way to open the exit on your own, I can't stop you."
Bran Doneury: "I'm not leaving people here if I can help it, but being lead directly to that Food Mess doesnt inspire confidence. You three can go to this madhouses Bird Nest if you want, I'll stay at the exit, then."
Ross Dolamitty: “Either way, are we headed to the lobby or not?” Ross points at his wrist like he’s stressing about the time.
Daryl Coy: "I'll open the door for you, Bran, then..." Daryl says, walking towards the location of the Lobby "I'd rather have you off on your way and out of the picture, if you won't be of help."
Ryusui|GM: With the voice guiding you, it's not long before you reach the lobby. It's clean, clinical-looking. Not a hint of gingerbread smell. The receptionist is a giant spider, but it seems content to read its newspaper, sometimes dipping a spoon into a bowl of what looks like cottage cheese and lifting it to its mandibles.
Bran Doneury: (I so want the spider to be named Muffet)
Daryl Coy: Daryl tries to signal for the others to remain silent.
Ryusui|GM: The front door is exactly like the voice described. It's a triple-locked wrought-iron gate, very sturdily constructed. Nobody's slipping through it, that's for sure, and it looks like it might be a formidable foe for even a brute force effort. (Pain 12 😉 )
Ryusui|GM: The elevator looks rather modern.
Ryusui|GM: And it doesn't seem to have any locks or anything on it.
McColly: He walks over to the spider, "Excuse me..." He looks around the desk for a name tag.
Daryl Coy: Daryl becomes pale as McColly approaches the spider
Ryusui|GM: "Mrr?" the spider warbles, pointing at a sign that says, simply, "RECEPTIONIST."
Bran Doneury: I keep around the corner from the entrance, out of sight as much as I can of the spider and lobby.
Daryl Coy: Daryl coyly tries to approach the door while the spider is distracted.
McColly: He looks at her, "I have a gift offering for you, a basket of dinner rolls." He says, "I just need to see the person at the top, can you give me elevator access? I have some friends as well."
Ross Dolamitty: Ross just walks over and presses the call button.
Ryusui|GM: "MrrrRrrrrrr." It doesn't speak anything resembling human language, but it seems to appreciate the offer. It does push the basket back, however. The way it points at the elevator doors, you can get the gist: "That's sweet of you, dear, but Miss Magpie's office is always open. Plus, I've got this nasty gluten allergy."
Daryl Coy: <@!Ryusui|GM> ... I am itching for it, can I do the magic?
Ryusui|GM: (yes)
McColly: "Ah, thank you then." He says, waving, and going towards the elevator, "Thank you for being of much help!"
Daryl Coy: ahem
Daryl Coy: Daryl presses his hand against the keyhole of the door, just before he begins chanting
"O' Lucifer, I humbly beg for you to grant me the services of your subject! Come, Surgat, come! Come, Surgat, come! Come, Surgat, come! Surgat, Opener of all locks! I call to you! Come, Surgat, come!(...)"
Ryusui|GM: (you'll need to roll at least 4 madness for this)
Ryusui|GM: (against Pain 8)
Bran Doneury: (Can you add exhaustion to any role as well??)
Daryl Coy: !roll 3d6 discipline 1d6 exhaustion 6d6 madness
DiscoDude: <@Daryl Coy> rolled 3d6 for 6 [3d6 = 3, 1, 2] discipline; 1d6 for 3 [1d6 = 3] exhaustion; 6d6 for 23 [6d6 = 1, 6, 1, 5, 6, 4] madness
Daryl Coy: (Pain does note dominate...?)
Ryusui|GM: !roll 8d6
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 8d6 for 31 [8d6 = 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 6, 4]
Bran Doneury: (You did!)
Daryl Coy: (I got twice as many successes as they did!)
Bran Doneury: (Nah, feel free to use it for yall)
Bran Doneury: (I'm not changing my exhaustion or checked responses)
Ryusui|GM: A glowing pentagram appears on the floor in front of the door, and a black-skinned figure with long, upright horns and black feathered wings rises in a pillar of sulfurous smoke. "I AM SURGAT, OPENER OF ALL LOCKS," it booms. "WHAT BUSINESS DO YOU HAVE WITH ME, MORTAL?"
Ryusui|GM: The receptionist blinks all eight of her eyes at once.
Bran Doneury: (Hope and Despair only last the current session. If you three are going up to fight a big bad, one of you should use it, before they disappear)
Daryl Coy: "There is a lock in need of opening, O' Surgat, opener of all locks!" Daryl says, throwing his arms dramatically on the air.
McColly: He looks at Daryl, pointing at dinner roll basket.
Daryl Coy: "You may have blood! O' Surgat, blood from the deceased! Killed in agony!" Daryl says, motioning for McColly's bloody clothes "But only the blood already shedded, as a offering for you, O' grand Surgat." Daryl finished with a bow.
McColly: He blinks, I swear to god...
Bran Doneury: Whispering to myself "What fucking madhouse people am I trying to help here?"
Ryusui|GM: "CLEVER MORTAL. A BLOOD SACRIFICE, ALREADY PREPARED. VERY WELL." As if by an invisible vacuum cleaner, McColly, your bloodied scrubs go flying off, and Surgat snatches them out of the air.
Daryl Coy: Daryl contains himself from doing a fistpump
McColly: He tenses up, but sighs in relief, "Alright...guys...I think you might be scaring the nice spider receptionist over there just a tad..."
Daryl Coy: "She WORKS here, she can't be scared by demons."
Ryusui|GM: He raises his arms, and there is a cacophony of clanks and clunks. Finally, the gate retracts into the ground. The spider is clearly sweating at this point.
McColly: He grumbles and pinches the bridge of his nose and goes toward the spider, "Look uh...If you need anything to calm you down, I'll get it for you. Alright?"
Daryl Coy: "Bran. Nobody is stopping you. The way is clear." Daryl says, waving a hand towards the opening.
Ryusui|GM: "THE BARGAIN IS THUS COMPLETE. FAREWELL...AND MAY WE MEET AGAIN." You can swear he gives you a diabolical wink as he vanishes back into the pentagram.
Ryusui|GM: McColly, the spider doesn't respond; her eyes are fixed on the now-open gate, and it looks like she's jamming a button under her desk.
Daryl Coy: "I feel like this will be a start of a long lasting business... With the opener of locks..." Daryl mumbles to himself.
McColly: McColly sighs, "Guys, she is pressing the panic button."
Ryusui|GM: "Mrrrrrr," the spider whimpers, as if to say "sorry, dear, but it's my job on the line!"
Daryl Coy: "... Right... I didn't think of this detail..."
Bran Doneury: I look around the corner, at the spider jamming at panic button, at the opened doorway. "So, we've got only moments before "help" shows up, folks."
McColly: "I know, not your fault." He says, "Can I still go up the elevator?"
Ryusui|GM: She nods timidly.
Ryusui|GM: (Last lines, folks?)
Daryl Coy: "Bran, you may leave... I am taking the elevator."
McColly: He walks into the elevator, "Come on guys."
Daryl Coy: Daryl follows McColly
Ross Dolamitty: Ross is already there, trying not to blow up at how Daryl clearly didn’t think this through.
Bran Doneury: Shaking my head, I walk towards the front door. "I'll stay as close as I can, and if yall make it out, I'll close the way behind you, if I can. But You three are on your own in going further into that particular hell."
I head out the door, and start looking for the safest bolt hole, with a view of the entrance.
Ryusui|GM: The door immediately shuts behind you, Bran.
Ryusui|GM: The elevator is already on its way up, though, so the others don't notice.
Ryusui|GM: And Bran.
Ryusui|GM: You're not sure where the hell you are.
Ryusui|GM: But you sure as hell ain't in Kansas anymore.
Daryl Coy: "Well... Now Bran will serve as distraction for our plan, unless I am mistaken."
Daryl Coy: (SORRY BRAN)
Bran Doneury: (ITS ALL GOOD. xD )
Bran Doneury: (Bran is pretty much built on running solo, literally xP )
Ryusui|GM: And so, let us...
Ryusui|GM: !end

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