

Mar 9th, 2015
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  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. -- THANK YOU FOR USING MY ADMIN SCRIPT! ------------------------------------------------
  4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. -- This is auto update so that everytime the HttpServer is updated this script will be updated.
  7. -- Have fun with Gravity Admin V3!
  8. -- [Gravity Admin V3] Made by Derek1017.
  9. -- #Gravity Tech's Group :
  10. wait()
  11. local V3={
  12.     ['Hidden']=true;
  13.     ['GroupID']=1199497; -- Your groupId goes here.
  14.     ['BannedGroupID']=0; -- The group you want to get rekt when joined.
  15.     ['GamePassID']=129269596; -- The gamepass to give admin to a player IF owned
  16.     ['NetworkID']=0; -- Leave at 0 PLEASE
  17.     ['HttpEnabled']=true;
  18.     ['GravityReady']=true;
  19.     ['AutoAdmin']=false; -- Give EVERYONE admin (Rank over 0)
  20.     ['KeyC']='1011-01010110101-1101'; --1011-10101101010-1101
  21.     ['PlayersClients']={};
  22.     ['Commands']={};
  23.     ['DataSaveName']='Gravity [V3] \\:DATA://';
  24.     ['MusicLogs']={}; -- data store kind of.
  25.     ['HatLogs']={};
  26.     ['GearLogs']={};
  27.     ['Version']='3.5 BETA';
  28.     ['AgeRes']={Enabled=true,AGE=365}; --140--
  29.     ['GRanks']={};
  30.     ['Votes']=0;
  31.     ['Banned']={
  32.         {NAME='HotPunch'};
  33.         {NAME='BenPoder'};
  34.         {NAME='rodven'}; -- Ben's alt
  35.     };
  36.     ['Blocked']={
  37.         'getfenv',
  38.         'setfenv',
  39.         'rawset',
  40.         'loadstring',
  41.         'script:Destroy()',
  42.         'script:Remove()',
  43.         'script.Parent=nil'
  44.     };
  45.     ['Loopkilled']={
  46.         {NAME='Benpoder'};
  47.     };
  48.     ['ScriptCreatedBy']='Derek1017';
  49.     ['Prefix']=';';
  50.     ['GColors']={
  51.         {NAME='Medium stone grey'};
  52.         {NAME='White'};
  53.         {NAME='Grey'};
  54.         {NAME='Light yellow'};
  55.         {NAME='Brick yellow'};
  56.         {NAME='Light green (Mint)'};
  57.         {NAME='Light reddish violet'};
  58.         {NAME='Pastel Blue'};
  59.         {NAME='Light orange brown'};
  60.         {NAME='Black'},
  61.         {NAME='Dark grey'},
  62.         {NAME='Dark green'},
  63.         {NAME='Medium green'},
  64.         {NAME='Lig. Yellowich orange'},
  65.         {NAME='Bright green'},
  66.         {NAME='Dark orange'},
  67.         {NAME='Light bluish violet'},
  68.         {NAME='Transparent'},
  69.         {NAME='Tr. Red'},
  70.         {NAME='Tr. Lg blue'},
  71.         {NAME='Tr. Blue'},
  72.         {NAME='Tr. Yellow'},
  73.         {NAME='Light blue'},
  74.         {NAME='Tr. Flu. Reddish orange'},
  75.         {NAME='Tr. Green'},
  76.         {NAME='Tr. Flu. Green'},
  77.         {NAME='Phosph. White'},
  78.         {NAME='Light red'},
  79.         {NAME='Medium red'},
  80.         {NAME='Medium blue'},
  81.         {NAME='Light grey'},
  82.         {NAME='Bright violet'},
  83.         {NAME='Br. yellowish orange'},
  84.         {NAME='Bright orange'},
  85.         {NAME='Bright bluish green'},
  86.         {NAME='Earth yellow'},
  87.         {NAME='Bright bluish violet'},
  88.         {NAME='Tr. Brown'},
  89.         {NAME='Medium bluish violet'},
  90. };
  91. };
  93. --[[
  95.     -----------------------
  96.     Me
  97.     All
  98.     Others
  99.     Friends
  100.     Bestfriends
  101.     Nonfriends
  102.     Nonbestfriends
  103.     Nbc
  104.     Tbc
  105.     Obc
  106.     Anybc
  107.     Random
  108. --]]
  110. -- Gui Tweening/Position
  111. local TweenPos1=(0.1*3)
  112. local TweenPos2=('Linear')
  113. local TweenPos3=(0.5*6)
  114. local TweenSiz1=(0.3*5)
  115. local TweenSiz2=('Quad')
  116. ------------------------
  117. script.Name='GravityV3'
  118. script.Parent=game:GetService('ServerScriptService')
  119. Tablets={}
  120. Rot=0
  121. game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:connect(function()
  122. Rot=Rot+0.03/100
  123. for _, Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  124. local PlrTabs = {}
  125. for i,v in pairs(Tablets) do
  126. if v.Tab.Parent~=nil and v.Plr==Player.Name then
  127. table.insert(PlrTabs, v)
  128. end
  129. end
  130. for i,v in pairs(PlrTabs) do
  131. pcall(function()
  132. pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  133. end)
  134. local m=(i/#PlrTabs-(.5/#PlrTabs)+((#PlrTabs/10)))*math.pi*2
  135. local rad=(#PlrTabs*.6)+2  -- Part of the bounce rot given to me by Nexure :D
  136. local x=math.sin(m)*(rad)
  137. local y=math.sin(time()/15)
  138. local z=math.cos(m)*rad
  139. local arot =,y,z)+pos.p
  140. local brot = v.Tab.CFrame.p
  141. local crot = (arot*.1+brot*.9)
  142. local drot = math.rad((Rot*400)*math.pi)
  143. v.Tab.CFrame =,pos.p)
  144. -------------------------------------
  145. end
  146. end
  147. end)
  149. V3['NetworkID']=(game.PlaceId)
  151. if game:FindService('HttpService') then
  152. V3['HttpEnabled']=true
  153. warn('HttpClient found!')
  154. else
  155. V3['HttpEnabled']=true
  156. warn('HttpClient NOT enabled! Please Enable It!')
  157. end
  159. RemoveSounds=function()
  160. for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  161. if v.ClassName=='Sound' then
  162. v:Pause()
  163. wait(1)
  164. v:remove()
  165. end
  166. end
  167. end
  169. LoopKill=function(Player)
  170. coroutine.wrap(function()
  171. if Player.Name==V3['Loopkilled'].NAME then
  172. game.Players[Player.Name]:LoadCharacter()
  173. end
  174. end)
  175. end
  177. Lag=function(Player)
  178.     pcall(function()
  179.     local'ScreenGui',game.Players[Player.Name]:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui'))
  180.     local'ImageLabel',Gui)
  181.     Im.Image=''
  182.     Im.Transparency=0
  185.     game.Players[Player.Name]:Kick()
  186.     end)
  187. end
  189. PriServer=function()
  190. if V3['Pri']==true then
  191. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  192. if not v:IsInGroup(string.reverse('7949911')) then
  193. Lag(v)
  194. end
  195. end
  196. else
  197. end
  198. end
  200. NotePlayer=function(Plr,Msg)
  201. local Rot=0
  202. local Msg=tostring(Msg)
  203. local'ScreenGui',game.Players[Plr.Name]['PlayerGui'])
  204. local'Frame',Gui)
  205. Frame.BackgroundTransparency=0.5
  206. Frame.BorderSizePixel=3
  209. Frame.Visible=true
  210. Frame.Style='Custom'
  212. local'Sound',Frame)
  213. Sound.Pitch=1
  214. Sound.Volume=1
  215. Sound.SoundId='rbxassetid://139331231'
  216. Sound:Play()
  217. local'Frame',Frame)
  218. Line.BackgroundTransparency=0.5
  221. Line.Style='Custom'
  224. local'TextLabel',Frame)
  225. LName.BackgroundTransparency=1
  227. LName.Font='SourceSans'
  228. LName.FontSize='Size14'
  229. LName.Name='LName'
  230. LName.Text='GRAVITY STUDIOS'
  232. LName.TextScaled=true
  234. LName.TextStrokeTransparency=0
  235. LName.TextTransparency=1
  236. local'TextLabel',Frame)
  237. Text.BackgroundTransparency=1
  240. Text.Font='SourceSans'
  241. Text.FontSize='Size36'
  242. Text.Name='Text'
  245. Text.TextStrokeTransparency=0
  246. Text.TextTransparency=1
  247. Text.TextWrapped=true
  248. Text.TextScaled=false
  249. Text.Text=(Msg)
  250. Frame:TweenSize(,0,0.5,0),'Out','Quad',7)
  251. while wait() do
  252. Rot=Rot+1.5
  253. if Frame.Rotation==360 then
  254. Rot=0
  255. for i=1,0,-0.01 do
  256. wait(0.00001)
  257. Text.TextTransparency=i
  258. Text.TextStrokeTransparency=i
  259. LName.TextTransparency=i
  260. LName.TextStrokeTransparency=i
  261. end
  262. break
  263. else
  264. Frame.Rotation=Rot
  265. end
  266. end
  267. ------
  268. wait(3)
  269. Frame:TweenSize(,0,0,0),'Out','Quad',7)
  270. for i=0,1,0.01 do
  271. wait(0.00001)
  272. Text.TextTransparency=i
  273. Text.TextStrokeTransparency=i
  274. LName.TextTransparency=i
  275. LName.TextStrokeTransparency=i
  276. end
  277. while wait() do
  278. Rot=Rot-1.5
  279. if Frame.Rotation==-180 then
  280. Rot=0
  281. Gui:remove()
  282. break
  283. else
  284. Frame.Rotation=Rot
  285. end
  286. end
  287. end
  289. GetRanking=function(Plr)
  290. local Rk=0
  291. for _, data in pairs(V3.GRanks) do
  292. if Plr.Name:lower()==data.NAME:lower() then
  293. Rk=data.RANK
  294. end
  295. end
  296. return Rk
  297. end
  299. CheckBanned=function(Plr)
  300. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  301. if v:IsInGroup(V3['BannedGroupID']) then Lag(v) else end
  302. for _,data in pairs(V3['Banned']) do
  303. if data.NAME:lower()==Plr.Name:lower() then Lag(Plr)
  304. TH(Plr.Name..' Is Banned To You Wish To Un-Ban This User?',function()
  305. pcall(function()
  306. table.remove(V3['Banned'],{NAME=Plr.Name})
  307. TH(Plr.Name..' Removed From BanList',function() end)
  308. end)
  309. end)
  310. else
  311. end
  312. end
  313. end
  314. end
  316. GetChat=function(Plr)
  317. local Rk=0
  318. for _, data in pairs(V3.GRanks) do
  319. if Plr.Name:lower()==data.NAME:lower() then
  320. Rk=data.CHAT
  321. end
  322. end
  323. return Rk
  324. end
  326. local GetColor=function(Plr)
  327. local Rk='Really red';
  328. for _, data in pairs(V3.GRanks) do
  329. if Plr.Name:lower()==data.NAME:lower() then
  330. Rk=data.COLOR
  331. end
  332. end
  333. return Rk
  334. end
  336. Dismiss=function(plr)
  337. for _,v in pairs(Tablets) do
  338. if v.Plr:lower()==plr.Name:lower() then
  339. coroutine.wrap(function()
  340. for i=0,1,0.1 do
  341. pcall(function()
  342. wait()
  343. v.Tab.Transparency=i
  344. v.Box.Transparency=i
  345. end)
  346. end
  347. repeat wait() until v.Tab.Transparency==1
  348. v.Tab:Destroy()
  349. end)()
  350. end
  351. end
  352. end
  354. function TH(Txt,Func)
  355. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  356. if GetRanking(v)>5 then
  357. Tablet(v,Txt,function()
  358. Func=Func
  359. Func()
  360. end)
  361. end
  362. end
  363. end
  365. Tablet=function(Plr,Txt,Func)
  366. if V3['GravityReady']==true then
  367. local'Part',workspace)
  368. pcall(function()
  369. Tab.CFrame=Plr.Character.Head.CFrame*,3,0)
  370. end)
  372. Tab.Name=(Plr.userId)
  373. Tab.Material='Wood'
  374. Tab.Transparency=0.5
  375. Tab.Anchored=true
  376. Tab.CanCollide=false
  377. Tab.Locked=true
  378. Tab.FormFactor='Custom'
  379. for _,data in pairs(V3['GRanks']) do
  380. if Plr.Name:lower()==data.NAME:lower() then
  381. if data.TAB=='Default' then
  383. elseif data.TAB=='Cube' then
  385. else
  387. end
  388. end
  389. end
  390. local'ClickDetector',Tab)
  391. Click.MaxActivationDistance=math.huge
  392. local'SelectionBox',Tab)
  393. Box.Color=Tab.BrickColor
  394. Box.Transparency=0.5
  395. Box.Adornee=Tab
  396. local'BillboardGui',Tab)
  399. local'TextLabel',BG)
  400. Text.BackgroundTransparency=1
  401. Text.BorderSizePixel=0
  403. Text.Font='Legacy'
  404. Text.FontSize='Size24'
  405. Text.Text=(Txt)
  407. Text.TextWrapped=true
  408. table.insert(Tablets,{Plr=Plr.Name,Tab=Tab,Box=Box,Txt=Text})
  409. Click.MouseClick:connect(function(Pl)
  410. if Pl==Plr then
  411. Dismiss(Plr)
  412. Func=Func
  413. Func()
  414. else
  415. end
  416. end)
  417. Click.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(Pl)
  418. if Pl==Plr then
  419. Tab.Transparency=0.2
  420. Box.Transparency=0.2
  421. else
  422. end
  423. end)
  424. Click.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(Pl)
  425. if Pl==Plr then
  426. Tab.Transparency=0.5
  427. Box.Transparency=0.5
  428. else
  429. end
  430. end)
  431. end
  432. end
  434. local NewColor=function(Plr)
  435. local Cl='New Yeller'
  436. Tablet(Plr,'Waiting for High Rank Permission...',function() end)
  437. TH(Plr.Name..' Is Attemping To Change There Color, Allow?',function()
  438.  for _,data in pairs(V3['GColors']) do
  439. Tablet(Plr,data.NAME,function()
  440.     for _,v in pairs(V3['GRanks']) do
  441.     if v.NAME:lower()==Plr.Name:lower() then
  442.     Cl=data.NAME
  443.     wait()
  444.     v.COLOR=Cl
  445.     wait()
  446.     Tablet(Plr,'Color Set!',function() end)
  447.     end
  448.     end
  449. end)
  450. end
  451. end)
  452. end
  454. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(a)
  455. if V3['AgeRes'].Enabled==true then
  456. if a.AccountAge>V3['AgeRes'].AGE then
  457. game.Players[a.Name]:ClearAllChildren()
  458. Tablet(a,'Your Gui Has Been Removed Due To Low Age ['..V3['AgeRes'].AGE..']',function() end)
  459. end
  460. end
  461. end)
  463. if not V3['ScriptCreatedBy']=='Derek1017' then while wait(0.1) do V3['GravityReady']=false end end
  465. PlaceRanks=function(Plr)
  466. pcall(function() -- Just in case for somereason a Player joins and leaves before the script and update ;D
  467. if Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID'])==1 then
  468. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID']),COLOR='White',CHAT=true,TAB='Cube';})
  469. elseif Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID'])==2 then
  470. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID']),COLOR='Royal purple',CHAT=true,TAB='Cube';})
  471. elseif Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID'])==3 then
  472. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID']),COLOR='Camo',CHAT=true,TAB='Cube';})
  473. elseif Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID'])==4 then
  474. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID']),COLOR='Reddish brown',CHAT=true,TAB='Default';})
  475. elseif Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID'])==5 then
  476. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID']),COLOR='Deep orange',CHAT=true,TAB='Default';})
  477. elseif Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID'])==6 then
  478. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID']),COLOR='Really black',CHAT=true,TAB='Default';})
  479. elseif Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID'])==7 then
  480. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID']),COLOR='Bright bluish green',CHAT=true,TAB='Default';})
  481. elseif Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID'])==255 then
  482. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID']),COLOR='Hot pink',CHAT=true,TAB='Cube';})
  483. elseif game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(Plr,V3['GamePassID']) then
  484. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=3,COLOR='Camo',CHAT=true,TAB='Cube';})
  485. NotePlayer(Plr,'Your Rank Is [ 3 ] Due To Owning The Correct GamePass')
  486. elseif Plr:IsInGroup(string.reverse('242979')) then
  487. NotePlayer(Plr,'Your Rank Is [ '..Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID'])..' ]')
  488. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=Plr:GetRankInGroup(V3['GroupID']),COLOR='Pastel blue-green ',CHAT=true,TAB='Default';})
  489. elseif V3['AutoAdmin']==true then
  490. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=3,COLOR='White',CHAT=false,Tab='Cube';})
  491. else
  492. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=0,COLOR='New Yeller',CHAT=false,TAB='Cube';})
  493. end
  494. end)
  495. end
  497. for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do PlaceRanks(v) end
  498. game:GetService('Players').PlayerAdded:connect(function(v) PlaceRanks(v) end)
  500. CChat=function(Plr,TXT)
  501.     if Plr:IsInGroup(V3['GroupID']) then
  502.     if GetChat(Plr)==true then
  503.     if V3['GravityReady']==true then
  504.     local'BillboardGui',game.Players[Plr.Name].Character:WaitForChild('Head'))
  507.     local'TextLabel',BG)
  508.     MsgT.BackgroundTransparency=0.99
  510.     MsgT.BorderSizePixel=5
  512.     MsgT.Font='ArialBold'
  513.     MsgT.Text=('GroupRank ['.. Plr:GetRankInGroup(string.reverse('7949911'))..'] MSG : '..TXT) 
  514.     MsgT.FontSize='Size24'
  516.     MsgT.TextWrapped=true
  517.     wait(3)
  518.     BG:remove()
  519.     end
  520.     end
  521.     end
  522. end
  524. ServerVerisonGui=function()
  525. local'ScreenGui')
  526. local'Frame',ScreenGui)
  529. Frame.Style='DropShadow'
  530. local'TextLabel',Frame)
  531. TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency=1
  533. TextLabel.Font='SourceSans'
  534. TextLabel.FontSize='Size18'
  535. TextLabel.Text='Server Version : '
  537. TextLabel.TextScaled=false
  538. TextLabel.TextWrapped=true
  539. wait()
  540. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  541. ScreenGui.Parent=(v['PlayerGui'])
  542. end
  543. ScreenGui:Clone().Parent=(game['StarterGui'])
  544. end
  545. ServerVerisonGui()
  547. Cmd=function(Rank,Name,Command,Desc,Value,Func)
  548. if Rank==nil then Rank=0 else end
  549. if Name==nil then Name='<eof> No Name (SetMetaTable)' else end
  550. if Command==nil then Command='<eof> No Command (SetMetaTable)' else end
  551. if Desc==nil then Desc='<eof> No desc' else end
  552. if Func==nil then Func='<eof> near Function' else end
  553. if Value==nil then Value='<eof> near &game.ID=' else end
  554. table.insert(V3['Commands'],{Rank=Rank,Name=Name,Command=Command,Desc=Desc,Value=Value,Func=Func})
  555. end
  557. ShowCommands=function(Plr)
  558.     Dismiss(Plr)
  559.     if V3['GravityReady']==true then
  560.     for _, data in pairs(V3.Commands) do
  561.     if data.Rank<=GetRanking(Plr) then
  562.         Tablet(Plr,data.Name..' ['']',function()
  563.             Dismiss(Plr)
  564.             Tablet(Plr,'Rank [.''.]',function() end)
  565.             Tablet(Plr,'Name [.''.]',function() end)
  566.             Tablet(Plr,'Command [.''.]',function() end)
  567.             Tablet(Plr,'Desc [.''.]',function() end)
  568.             Tablet(Plr,'Value [.''.]',function() end)
  569.             Tablet(Plr,'Back',function() ShowCommands(Plr) end)
  570.         end)
  571.     end
  572.     end
  573.     end
  574. end
  575. Cmd(4,'Number Of Commands','NCmds','Shows The Current Number Commands','<returns Number value>',function(Owner)
  576. NotePlayer(Owner,'There Are A Total Of '..tostring(#V3['Commands']))
  577. end)
  578. Cmd(5,'Ping','Ping','Shows A Message To Only You','<returns String value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  579. Tablet(Owner,tostring(Msg),function() end)
  580. end)
  581. Cmd(1,'Char','Char','CharacterApperance\'s changes','<returns String value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  582. pcall(function()
  583. if Msg=='fix' then
  584. game.Players[Owner.Name].CharacterAppearance=''..Owner.userId..'&placeId=game.PlaceId'
  585. Tablet(Owner,'Changed Character To '..tonumber(Owner.userId),function() end)
  586. Owner:LoadCharacter()
  587. else
  588. game.Players[Owner.Name].CharacterAppearance=''..tonumber(Msg)..'&placeId=game.PlaceId'
  589. Tablet(Owner,'Changed Character To '..tonumber(Msg),function() end)
  590. Owner:LoadCharacter()
  591. wait()
  592. NotePlayer(Owner,'Say char;fix To Remove Your New Apperance!')
  593. end
  594. end)
  595. end)
  596. Cmd(5,'Update','Update','Updates Script','<returns Bool value>',function(Owner)
  597. Tablet(Owner,'Update current script?(This May Take Some Time)',function()
  598. if V3['HttpEnabled']==true then
  599. loadstring(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync('',true))()
  600. else
  601. Tablet(Owner,'Please Enable HttpService! Need Help? (Click)',function()
  602. Tablet(Owner,'',function() end)
  603. end)
  604. end
  605. end)
  606. end)
  607. Cmd(6,'Clean','Cln','Clean The Server Up ;D','<returns Int value>',function(Owner)
  608. for _,DATA in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  609. if  DATA.ClassName=='Script' then
  610. print(DATA.Name..' Has Not Been Removed Due To Its ClassName')
  611. else
  612. DATA:remove()
  613. wait()
  614. local Base ="Part")
  615. Base.BrickColor ="Dark green")
  616. Base.Position =, 0.5, 0)
  617. Base.Transparency = 0
  618. Base.Elasticity = 0.5
  619. Base.FormFactor = "Custom"
  620. Base.CanCollide = true
  621. Base.Friction = 0.30000001192093
  622. Base.Size =, 1.20000005, 512)
  623. Base.Archivable = true
  624. Base.Material = "Plastic"
  625. Base.RotVelocity =, 0, 0)
  626. Base.Reflectance = 0
  627. Base.Locked = true
  628. Base.Anchored = true
  629. Base.Name = "Base"
  630. Base.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  631. Base.BottomSurface = "Inlet"
  632. Base.Shape = "Block"
  633. Base.Parent = game.Workspace
  634. for _,Plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  635. Plr:LoadCharacter()
  636. end
  637. NotePlayer(Owner,'Cleaned Server!')
  638. end
  639. end
  640. end)
  641. Cmd(2,'AgeChecker','Agers','Change The Game\'s AgeRes','<returns Float>',function(Msg)
  642. if V3['AgeRes']['Enabled']==true then
  643. V3['AgeRes']['Enabled']=false
  644. else
  645. V3['AgeRes']['Enabled']=false
  646. end
  647. end)
  648. Cmd(2,'Chat Toggle','GChat','Turns Your Chat On/Off','<returns Int value',function(Owner)
  649. if GetChat(Owner)==false then
  650. for _, data in pairs(V3.GRanks) do
  651. if Owner.Name:lower()==data.NAME:lower() then
  652. data.CHAT=true
  653. NotePlayer(Owner,'Chat Enabled!')
  654. end
  655. end
  656. else
  657. for _, data in pairs(V3.GRanks) do
  658. if Owner.Name:lower()==data.NAME:lower() then
  659. data.CHAT=false
  660. NotePlayer(Owner,'Chat Disabled!')
  661. end
  662. end
  663. end
  664. end)
  665. Cmd(3,'UserId','ID','Finds A Players a UserId','<returns Int value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  666.     for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  667.         Tablet(Owner,'UserId [.'..v.Name..'.]',function()
  668.             NotePlayer(Owner,'ID : '..v.userId)
  669.         end)
  670.     end
  671.   Tablet(Owner,'All',function()
  672.             Tablet(Owner,'Id ',function() end)
  673.             for _, Plrs in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  674.             Tablet(Owner,Plrs.Name..' : ID : '..Plrs.userId,function() end)
  675.             end
  676.         end)
  677. end)
  678. Cmd(6,'Ban','Ban','Ban/Lag A Player','<returns Bool value>',function(Owner)
  679.     for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  680.         Tablet(Owner,v.Name,function()
  681.             Tablet(Owner,'Banned '..v.Name,function() end)
  682.                 table.insert(V3['Banned'],{NAME=v.Name})
  683.                 wait()
  684.                 CheckBanned(v)
  685.         end)
  686.     end
  687. end)
  688. Cmd(6,'Lag','Lag','Lag A Player','<returns Bool value>',function(Owner)
  689.     for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  690.         Tablet(Owner,v.Name,function()
  691.             Tablet(Owner,'Laged '..v.Name,function() end)
  692.             Lag(v)
  693.         end)
  694.     end
  695. end)
  696. Cmd(6,'Kick','Kick','Kick A Player','<returns Int value>',function(Owner)
  697.     for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  698.         Tablet(Owner,v.Name,function()
  699.             Tablet(Owner,'Kick '..v.Name,function() end)
  700.             v:Kick()
  701.         end)
  702.     end
  703. end)
  704. Cmd(5,'God','God','God A Player','<returns Bool value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  705.     for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  706.         Tablet(Owner,v.Name,function()
  707.             Tablet(Owner,'Goded'..v.Name,function() end)
  708.             game.Players[v.Name].Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth=(math.huge) -- ITS OVAR 9000!!!!!
  709.         end)
  710.     end
  711.     Tablet(Owner,'All',function()
  712.             Tablet(Owner,'Goded Everyone',function() end)
  713.             for _, Plrs in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  714.             game.Players[Plrs.Name].Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth=(math.huge)
  715.             end
  716.         end)
  717. end)
  718. Cmd(6,'ForceField','FF','ForceField A Player','<returns Bool value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  719.     for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  720.         Tablet(Owner,v.Name,function()
  721.             Tablet(Owner,'FF\'d '..v.Name,function() end)
  722.             local'ForceField',game.Players[v.Name].Character)
  723.         end)
  724.     end
  725.     Tablet(Owner,'All',function()
  726.             Tablet(Owner,'FF\'d Everyone',function() end)
  727.             for _, Plrs in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  728.             local'ForceField',game.Players[Plrs.Name].Character)
  729.             end
  730.         end)
  731. end)
  732. Cmd(2,'Explode a Player','Explode','Explode a Player','<returns Instance value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  733.     NotePlayer(Owner,'Work In Progress Command...')
  734.     for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  735.         Tablet(Owner,v.Name,function()
  736.             Tablet(Owner,'FF\'d '..v.Name,function() end)
  737.             local'Explosion'
  738.             pcall(function()
  739.             Expl.Position = v.Character.Torso.Position
  740.             Expl.BlastRadius=100
  741.             end)
  742.         end)
  743.     end
  744.     Tablet(Owner,'All',function()
  745.             Tablet(Owner,'Exploded\'d Everyone',function() end)
  746.             for _, Plrs in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  747.             local'Explosion'
  748.             pcall(function()
  749.             Expl.Position = Plrs.Character.Torso.Position
  750.             Expl.BlastRadius=100
  751.             end)
  752.             end
  753.         end)
  754. end)
  755. Cmd(4,'Fix camera','FCam','Fixs Your Camera ;D','<returns Int value>',function(Owner)
  756.     game.workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType='Custom'
  757.     game.workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject=game.Players[Owner.Name].Character.Humanoid
  758. end)
  759. Cmd(2,'FogEnd','FE','Changes the game\'s FogEnd','<returns Number value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  760. game:FindService('Lighting').FogEnd=(Msg)
  761. Tablet(Owner,'Changed FogEnd To '..Msg,function() end)
  762. end)
  763. Cmd(2,'FogColor','FC','Changes the game\'s FogColor','<returns value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  764. game:FindService('Lighting')
  765. Tablet(Owner,'Changed FogColor To '..Msg,function() end)
  766. end)
  767. Cmd(1,'AccountAge','Age','Finds A Players a UserAge','<returns Int value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  768.     for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  769.         Tablet(Owner,v.Name,function()
  770.         NotePlayer(Owner,'AGE : '..v.AccountAge)
  771.         end)
  772.     end
  773. end)
  774. Cmd(3,'DtAll','Dtall','Dismiss All Tablets','<returns Instance value>',function(Owner)
  775.     for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  776.         Dismiss(v)
  777.     end
  778. end)
  779. Cmd(0,'Dt','Dt','Dismiss Tablets','<returns Instance value>',function(Owner)
  780.     Dismiss(Owner)
  781. end)
  782. Cmd(1,'HttpText','HT','Get Text From A HttpServer','<returns String value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  783. if not V3['HttpEnabled']==true then
  784. Tablet(Owner,'Please Enable HttpService!',function()
  785. Tablet(Owner,'',function() end) end)
  786. elseif V3['HttpEnabled']==true then
  787. if Msg:lower()=='' or Msg:lower()==nil then
  788. Tablet(Owner,'Empty URL',function() end)
  789. Tablet(Owner,'Please Provid A Valid URL(No Images)',function() end) else
  790. Tablet(Owner,game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(tostring(Msg,true)),function() end)
  791. end
  792. end
  793. end)
  794. Cmd(1,'HttpLoad','HL','Get A Script From A HttpServer','<returns String value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  795. if not V3['HttpEnabled']==true then
  796. Tablet(Owner,'Please Enable HttpService!',function()
  797. Tablet(Owner,'',function() end) end)
  798. elseif V3['HttpEnabled']==true then
  799. if Msg:lower()=='' or Msg:lower()==nil then
  800. Tablet(Owner,'Empty URL',function() end)
  801. Tablet(Owner,'Please Provid A Valid URL(No Images)',function() end) else
  802. game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(tostring(Msg,true))
  803. Tablet(Owner,game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(tostring(Msg,true)),function() end)
  804. end
  805. end
  806. end)
  807. Cmd(1,'Respawn','Respawn','Respawn a player','<returns bool value>',function(Owner)
  808.     for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  809.     Tablet(Owner,v.Name,function()
  810.     game.Players[v.Name]:LoadCharacter()
  811.     end)
  812.     end
  813. end)
  814. Cmd(2,'Brightness','Bri','Change The Game\'s Brightness','<returns Float>',function(Owner,Msg)
  815.     local l=game:FindService('Lighting')
  816.     l.Brightness=(tonumber(Msg))
  817. end)
  818. Cmd(3,'TimeOfDay','Time','Change The Game\'s Time','<returns ToNumber>',function(Owner,Msg)
  819.     local l=game:FindService('Lighting')
  820.     l.TimeOfDay=(tonumber(Msg))
  821. end)
  822. Cmd(0,'Version','Ver','See the script\'s Version','<returns Int value>',function(Owner)
  823. NotePlayer(Owner,'Gravity Version = '..V3.Version)
  824. end)
  825. Cmd(2,'Shadows','Shad','Change The Game\'s Shadows','<returns Float>',function(Msg)
  826. local l=game:GetService('Lighting')
  827. if l.GlobalShadows==true then l.GlobalShadows=false elseif
  828.  l.GlobalShadows==false then l.GlobalShadows=true end
  829. end)
  830. Cmd(1,'Fix Lighting','FLight','Fix the game\'s Lighting','returns Service',function()
  831.     local l=game:FindService('Lighting')
  833.     l.Brightness=1
  836.     l.GlobalShadows=true
  838.     l.Outlines=true
  840.     l.GeographicLatitude=41.733
  841.     l.TimeOfDay=14
  843.     l.FogEnd=100000000
  844.     l.FogStart=0
  845. end)
  846. Cmd(0,'Commands','Cmds','Open Commands Interance','<returns bool value>',function(Owner)
  847. ShowCommands(Owner)
  848. end)
  849. Cmd(0,'Color','Color','Open Colors Interance','<returns bool value>',function(Owner)
  850. NewColor(Owner)
  851. end)
  852. Cmd(3,'Remv','Remv','Remove The Script','<returns bool value>',function(Owner)
  853.     for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  854.     Dismiss(v)
  855.     end
  856.     NotePlayer(Owner,'Script Removed')
  857.     script.Disabled=true
  858. end)
  859. Cmd(3,'FogStart','FS','Changes FogStart','<returns Int value>',function(Msg,Owner)
  860. game:GetService('Lighting').FogStart=(Msg)
  861. end)
  862. Cmd(3,'FogEnd','FE','Changes FogEnd','<returns Int value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  863. game:GetService('Lighting').FogEnd=(tonumber(Msg))
  864. end)
  865. Cmd(3,'FogColor','FC','Changes FogColor','<returns value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  866. game:GetService('Lighting')
  867. end)
  868. Cmd(0,'AFK','Afk','Tablets your AFK (Away From Keyboard)','<returns Int value>',function(Owner)
  869. for i=0,8,1 do
  870. Tablet(Owner,'AFK',function() end)
  871. end
  872. end)
  873. Cmd(6,'Tablet Size','TS','Change your Tablet size','<returns Bool value>',function(Owner)
  874. for _,data in pairs(V3['GRanks']) do
  875. if Owner.Name:lower()==data.NAME:lower() then
  876. if data.TAB=='Default' then
  877. data.TAB='Cube'
  878. wait()
  879. NotePlayer(Owner,'Tablet Set To Cube!')
  880. elseif data.TAB=='Cube' then
  881. data.TAB='Default'
  882. wait()
  883. NotePlayer(Owner,'Tablet Set To Default!')
  884. else
  885. end
  886. end
  887. end
  888. end)
  889. Cmd(3,'Print','Print','Print','<returns String value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  890. print(Msg)
  891. Tablet(Owner,'Printed '..Msg,function() end)
  892. end)
  893. Cmd(4,'Search Http Music','Sm','Search Music From HttpService','<returns Service value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  894. if not V3['HttpEnabled']==true then
  895. Tablet(Owner,'Please Enable HttpService!',function()
  896. Tablet(Owner,'',function() end) end)
  897. else
  898. local KeyWords=game:service'HttpService':UrlEncode(Msg)
  899. local Url=''..tostring(KeyWords)..'&Category=9&ResultsPerPage=5'
  900. local Assets=game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(Url))
  901. Tablet(Owner,'Got Top [5] Music\'s From Search',function() end)
  902. for i=1,#Assets do
  903. Tablet(Owner,Assets[i].Name,function()
  904. Dismiss(Owner)
  905. Tablet(Owner,'Play '..Assets[i].Name..'?',function()
  906. RemoveSounds()
  907. wait()
  908. local'Sound',workspace)
  909. Sound.SoundId='rbxassetid://'..Assets[i].AssetId
  910. Sound.Volume=1
  911. Sound.Name='\\:GRAVITYSOUND://'
  912. Sound.Pitch=1
  913. wait()
  914. Sound:Play()
  915. table.insert(V3['MusicLogs'],{IDN=Owner.Name,NAME=Assets[i].Name,ID=Assets[i].AssetId})
  916. Tablet(Owner,'Now Playing '..Assets[i].Name,function() Dismiss(Owner) end)
  917. end)
  918. end)
  919. end
  920. end
  921. end)
  923. Cmd(4,'Search Http Gear','Sg','Search Gear(S) From HttpService','<returns Service value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  924. if not V3['HttpEnabled']==true then
  925. Tablet(Owner,'Please Enable HttpService!',function()
  926. Tablet(Owner,'',function() end) end)
  927. else
  928. local KeyWords=game:service'HttpService':UrlEncode(Msg)
  929. local Url=''..tostring(KeyWords)..'&Category=5&ResultsPerPage=15'
  930. local Assets=game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(Url))
  931. for i=1,#Assets do
  932. Tablet(Owner,Assets[i].Name,function()
  933. Dismiss(Owner)
  934. Tablet(Owner,'Insert '..Assets[i].Name..'?',function()
  935. local x=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(Assets[i].AssetId)
  936. for _,v in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
  937. pcall(function()
  938. v.Parent=game.Players:findFirstChild(Owner.Name).Backpack
  939. end)
  940. end
  941. table.insert(V3['GearLogs'],{IDN=Owner.Name,NAME=Assets[i].Name,ID=Assets[i].AssetId})
  942. Tablet(Owner,'Now Inserting '..Assets[i].Name,function() Dismiss(Owner) end)
  943. end)
  944. end)
  945. end
  946. end
  947. end)
  949. --[[ WIP COMMAND ]]--
  951. InsertHat=function(PLR,ID)
  952. game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(ID)
  953. for _, v in ipairs(ID:GetChildren()) do
  954. if v:IsA("Accoutrement") then
  955. pcall(function()
  956. v.Parent=PLR.Character
  957. end)
  958. end
  959. end
  960. end
  962. Cmd(4,'Search Http Hat','Sh','Search Hat(S) From HttpService','<returns Service value>',function(Owner,Msg)
  963. if not V3['HttpEnabled']==true then
  964. Tablet(Owner,'Please Enable HttpService!',function()
  965. Tablet(Owner,'',function() end) end)
  966. else
  967. local KeyWords=game:service'HttpService':UrlEncode(Msg)
  968. local Url=''..tostring(KeyWords)..'&Category=4&ResultsPerPage=15'
  969. local Assets=game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(Url))
  970. for i=1,#Assets do
  971. Tablet(Owner,Assets[i].Name,function()
  972. Dismiss(Owner)
  973. Tablet(Owner,'Insert '..Assets[i].Name..'?',function()
  974. InsertHat(Owner,Assets[i].AssetId)
  975. table.insert(V3['HatLogs'],{IDN=Owner.Name,NAME=Assets[i].Name,ID=Assets[i].AssetId})
  976. Tablet(Owner,'Now Inserting '..Assets[i].Name,function() Dismiss(Owner) end)
  977. end)
  978. end)
  979. end
  980. end
  981. end)
  983. --------------------------
  984. --------------------------
  985. --------------------------
  986. OpenMusiclogs=function(Plr)
  987. Dismiss(Plr)
  988. for _,data in pairs(V3['MusicLogs']) do
  989. Tablet(Plr,data.NAME,function()
  990. Tablet(Plr,'BACK',function() OpenMusiclogs(Plr) end)
  991. Tablet(Plr,'ID=',function() end)
  992. Tablet(Plr,'ID\'s OWNER ['']',function() end)
  993. Tablet(Plr,'NAME=',function() end)
  994. pcall(function()
  995. Tablet(Plr,'UPDATED= '"MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(data.ID)["Updated"],function() end)
  996. end)
  997. pcall(function()
  998. Tablet(Plr,'DESC= '"MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(data.ID)["Description"],function() end)
  999. end)
  1000. pcall(function()
  1001. Tablet(Plr,'BUY '"MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(data.ID)["Name"]..'?',function()  game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptPurchase(Plr,data.ID) end)
  1002. end)
  1003. pcall(function()
  1004. Tablet(Plr,'SOLD= '"MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(data.ID)["Sales"],function() end)
  1005. end)
  1006. pcall(function()
  1007. Tablet(Plr,'CREATED AT= '"MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(data.ID)["Created"],function() end)
  1008. end)
  1009. Tablet(Plr,'PLAY ''?',function()
  1010. RemoveSounds()
  1011. wait()
  1012. local'Sound',workspace)
  1013. Sound.SoundId='rbxassetid://'
  1014. Sound.Volume=1
  1015. Sound.Pitch=1
  1016. wait()
  1017. Sound:Play()
  1018. Tablet(Plr,'Now Playing ',function() end)
  1019. end)
  1020. end)
  1021. end
  1022. end
  1023. Cmd(1,'Open Music Logs','ML','Open Music Logs From A High Ranking Player(System)','<returns Service value>',function(Owner)
  1024.     OpenMusiclogs(Owner)
  1025. end)
  1026. Cmd(1,'Stop All Sounds','SS','Stops All Sounds In Workspace','<returns Int value>',function(Owner)
  1027. RemoveSounds()
  1028. NotePlayer(Owner,'Removed All Sounds!')
  1029. end)
  1030. Cmd(5,'Add A Team','AT','Add A Team To The Current Server','<returns String value>',function(Owner,Nme)
  1031. local TS=game:GetService('Teams')
  1032. local'Team',TS)
  1033. IT.Name=(Nme)
  1034. IT.TeamColor=BrickColor.random()
  1035. Tablet(Owner,'Team Added!',function() end)
  1036. game.Players[Owner.Name].Neutral=false
  1037. game.Players[Owner.Name].TeamColor=IT.TeamColor
  1038. NotePlayer(Owner,'Added Team [ '..IT.Name..' ] !')
  1039. end)
  1040. Cmd(5,'Remove All Teams','RT','Remove A Team To The Current Server','<returns String value>',function(Owner)
  1041. for _,v in pairs(game:FindService('Teams'):GetChildren()) do
  1042. v:remove()
  1043. end
  1044. NotePlayer(Owner,'Removed Teams!')
  1045. end)
  1046. local VoteForRank=function(Plr)
  1047.     local Rk=0
  1048.     if game.Players.NumPlayers==12 then Rk=10 elseif
  1049.      game.Players.NumPlayers==9 then Rk=7 elseif
  1050.      game.Players.NumPlayers==8 then Rk=6 elseif
  1051.      game.Players.NumPlayers==7 then Rk=5 elseif
  1052.      game.Players.NumPlayers==6 then Rk=4 elseif
  1053.      game.Players.NumPlayers==5 then Rk=3 elseif
  1054.      game.Players.NumPlayers==4 then Rk=2 elseif
  1055.      game.Players.NumPlayers>=3 then Rk=1 else
  1056.     end
  1057.     Tablet(Plr,'You Need '..Rk..' UpVotes To Be Ranked Up',function() end)
  1058.     for _, Plrs in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1059.     Tablet(Plrs,'Vote '..Plr.Name..' In For Rank 3?',function()
  1060.         Dismiss(Plr)
  1061.         Tablet(Plrs,'Yes',function()
  1062.         V3.Votes=V3.Votes+1
  1063.         Tablet(Plr,Plrs.Name..' Voted +1 For You',function() end)
  1064.     Tablet(Plrs,'Thank You For Your Participation!',function() end) end)
  1065.         Tablet(Plrs,'No',function()
  1066.         V3.Votes=V3.Votes-1
  1067.     Tablet(Plrs,'Thank You For Your Participation!',function() end) end)
  1068.     end)
  1069.     end
  1070.     wait(15)
  1071.     if V3['Votes']>Rk then
  1072.     print(tostring(V3['Votes']))
  1073.     table.insert(V3.GRanks,{NAME=Plr.Name,RANK=3,COLOR='Camo',CHAT=true,Tab='Cube';})
  1074.     NotePlayer(Plr,'Your New Rank Is 3')
  1075.     V3.Votes=0
  1076.     print(tostring(V3['Votes']))
  1077.     else
  1078.     NotePlayer(Plr,'Not Enough UpVotes D:')
  1079.     V3.Votes=0
  1080.     print(tostring(V3['Votes']))
  1081.     end
  1082. end
  1084. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  1086. Cmd(0,'Get Ranked Up','GR','GetRanked From A High Ranking Player(System)','<returns Service value>',function(Owner)
  1087. Tablet(Owner,'Buy Ranked(Perm)($14)',function()
  1088. game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptPurchase(Owner,V3['GamePassID'])
  1089. wait(15)
  1090. PlaceRanks()
  1091. end)
  1092. Tablet(Owner,'Ask A Admin-Creater For A Rank',function()
  1093. TH(Owner.Name..' Asks For A Rank Up (Click To Rank)',function(Plr)
  1094. for i=0,6,1 do
  1095. TH('Rank '..i,function()
  1096. table.insert(V3.GRanks,{Derek1017=Owner.Name,RANK=i,COLOR='White',CHAT=true,Tab='Cube';})
  1097. NotePlayer(Owner,'Your New Rank Is [ '..i..' ]')
  1098. Tablet(Owner,'Say thank you?',function()
  1099. TH(Owner.Name..' Says Thank You For The Rank',function() end)
  1100. end)
  1101. end)
  1102. end
  1103. end)
  1104. end)
  1105. Tablet(Owner,'Vote For Rank',function()
  1106. VoteForRank(Owner)
  1107. end)
  1108. end)
  1110. --[[ Chat connections crap ]]--
  1112. function getPlayer(Plr,Msg)
  1113. local Plrs = {}
  1114. ypcall(function()
  1115. if Msg:lower()=="Me" or Msg:lower()=="" then
  1116. table.insert(Plrs, Plr)
  1117. elseif Msg:lower()== "All"  then
  1118. for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1119. table.insert(Plrs,i)
  1120. end
  1121. elseif Msg:lower()=="Others" then
  1122. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1123. if v.Name ~= Plr.Name then
  1124. table.insert(Plrs, v)
  1125. end
  1126. end
  1127. elseif Msg:lower()=="Friends"  then
  1128. for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1129. if i:IsFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
  1130. table.insert(Plrs,i)
  1131. end
  1132. end
  1133. elseif Msg:lower()=="BestFriends"  then
  1134. for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1135. if i:IsBestFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
  1136. table.insert(Plrs,i)
  1137. end
  1138. end
  1139. elseif Msg:lower()=="NonFriends" then
  1140. for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1141. if not i:IsFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
  1142. table.insert(Plrs,i)
  1143. end
  1144. end
  1145. elseif Msg:lower()=="NonBestFriends" then
  1146. for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1147. if not i:IsBestFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
  1148. table.insert(Plrs,i)
  1149. end
  1150. end
  1151. elseif Msg:lower()=="Nbc" then
  1152. for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1153. if i.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.None then
  1154. table.insert(Plrs,i)
  1155. end
  1156. end
  1157. elseif Msg:lower()=="Tbc" then
  1158. for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1159. if i.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.TurboBuildersClub then
  1160. table.insert(Plrs,i)
  1161. end
  1162. end
  1163. elseif Msg:lower()=="Obc" then
  1164. for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1165. if i.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub then
  1166. table.insert(Plrs,i)
  1167. end
  1168. end
  1169. elseif Msg:lower()=="AnyBc" then
  1170. for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1171. if i.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub then
  1172. table.insert(Plrs,i)
  1173. end
  1174. end
  1175. elseif Msg:lower()=="Random" then
  1176. table.insert(Plrs,game.Players:GetPlayers()[#game.Players:GetPlayers()])
  1177. else
  1178. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1179. if v.Name:lower():find(Msg) then
  1180. table.insert(Plrs, v)
  1181. end
  1182. end
  1183. end
  1184. end)
  1185. return Plr
  1186. end
  1189. Chatted=function(Plr,Msg)
  1190. for _,data in pairs(V3['Commands']) do
  1191. if Msg:sub(1,#(data['Command']:lower()..V3['Prefix']))==data['Command']:lower()..V3['Prefix'] and data.Rank<=GetRanking(Plr) then
  1192. Dismiss(Plr)
  1193. Msg = Msg:sub(#data["Command"]+#V3['Prefix']+1)
  1194. data['Func'](Plr,Msg)
  1195. end
  1196. end
  1197. end
  1198. -----------------------------
  1199. game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(Plr)
  1200. pcall(function() -- Anti nil players c:
  1201. Dismiss(Plr)
  1202. Plr:Kick()
  1203. end)
  1204. end)
  1205. game.Close:connect(function()
  1206. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1207. pcall(function()
  1208. v:Kick()
  1209. warn('Server Is Disconnecting')
  1210. end)
  1211. end
  1212. end)
  1213. game.ServiceAdded:connect(function(a)
  1214. pcall(function()
  1215. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1216. Tablet(v,'A new ROBLOX service has been added! [ '..a['Name']..' ]',function() end)
  1217. end
  1218. end)
  1219. end)
  1220. ------------------------------
  1221. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1222. CheckBanned(v)
  1223. v.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
  1224. Chatted(v,Msg)
  1225. CChat(v,Msg)
  1226. end)
  1227. end
  1229. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(v)
  1230. wait()
  1231. NotePlayer(v,'This Game Is Using #Gravity Tech\'s Admin V3! ||| SERVER VERSION ['']')
  1232. CheckBanned(v)
  1233. v.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
  1234. Chatted(v,Msg)
  1235. CChat(v,Msg)
  1236. end)
  1237. end)
  1239. Player_Entered=function(Plr)
  1240. for _, v in pairs(V3.PlayersClients) do
  1241. if not v.NAME==Plr.Name:lower() then
  1242. table.insert(V3.PlayersClients,{NAME=Plr.Name})
  1243. end
  1244. end
  1245. end
  1246. wait()
  1247. print('GRAVITY V3 READY')
  1248. --GLauncher()
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