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- #!/usr/local/bin/gst -q
- Collection extend [
- sum [ ^self inject: 0 into: [:a : b | a + b] ]
- prod [ ^self inject: 1 into: [:a : b | a * b] ]
- min [ ^self inject: self first into: [:a :b | a min: b] ]
- max [ ^self inject: self first into: [:a :b | a max: b] ]
- greater [ ^(self first > self second) asCBooleanValue ]
- less [ ^(self first < self second) asCBooleanValue ]
- equal [ ^(self first = self second) asCBooleanValue ]
- ]
- Integer extend [
- timesCollect: aBlock [ ^(1 to: self) collect: [:x | aBlock value] ]
- ]
- String extend [
- asRadix: rad [ ^Number readFrom: (ReadStream on: self) radix: rad ]
- ]
- Object subclass: BitStream [
- | bits bitStream |
- BitStream class >> on: bitString [
- ^super new init: bitString
- ]
- init: bitString [
- bits := bitString.
- bitStream := ReadStream on: bits.
- ^self
- ]
- " Streamlike access methods "
- atEnd [ ^bitStream atEnd ]
- next [ ^bitStream next digitValue ]
- next: num [ ^(bitStream next: num) asRadix: 2 ]
- nextString: num [ ^bitStream next: num ]
- " Read an extended literal value from the stream: "
- readExtended [
- | ret extend |
- ret := 0.
- [
- extend := self next.
- ret := ret * 16 + (self next: 4).
- (extend = 1)
- ] whileTrue.
- ^ret
- ]
- ]
- Object subclass: PacketReader [
- | bits verSum |
- operators := Dictionary from: {
- 0 -> #sum.
- 1 -> #prod.
- 2 -> #min.
- 3 -> #max.
- 5 -> #greater.
- 6 -> #less.
- 7 -> #equal.
- }.
- PacketReader class >> on: bitStream [
- ^super new init: bitStream
- ]
- init: bitStream [
- bits := bitStream.
- verSum := 0.
- ^self
- ]
- nextPacket [
- | version type ret |
- " read header "
- verSum := verSum + (bits next: 3).
- type := bits next: 3.
- (type = 4) ifTrue: [
- " read literal "
- ret := bits readExtended.
- ] ifFalse: [
- | lenType vals num |
- " read subpackets "
- lenType := bits next.
- (lenType = 0) ifTrue: [
- | sub |
- num := bits next: 15. " num bits to process packets from "
- sub := PacketReader on: (BitStream on: (bits nextString: num)).
- vals := sub parsePackets.
- verSum := verSum + sub versionSum.
- ] ifFalse: [
- num := bits next: 11. " num packets to collect "
- vals := num timesCollect: [self nextPacket].
- ].
- ret := vals perform: (operators at: type).
- ].
- ^ret
- ]
- parsePackets [
- | vals |
- vals := OrderedCollection new.
- [ bits atEnd not ] whileTrue: [
- vals add: self nextPacket.
- ].
- ^vals
- ]
- versionSum [ ^verSum ]
- ]
- "
- | Mainline
- "
- input := stdin nextLine.
- " Convert hex string into a bit string: "
- bitString := ((input asRadix: 16) radix: 2) allButFirst: 2.
- " Add padding if needed: "
- padding := ((input findFirst: [:chr | chr ~= $0]) - 1) * 4. " lead zeros "
- padding := padding + ((4 - bitString size) \\ 4). " lead zeros in first nybble "
- bitString := (String new: padding withAll: $0), bitString.
- reader := PacketReader on: (BitStream on: bitString).
- value := reader nextPacket.
- ('Part 1: %1' % {reader versionSum}) displayNl.
- ('Part 2: %1' % {value}) displayNl.
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