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- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //
- // #### ######## ###### ######## ######## ### ## ##
- // ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ###
- // ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ####
- // ## ######## ###### ## ###### ## ## ## ### ##
- // ## ## ## ## ## ######### ## ##
- // ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- // #### ## ###### ## ######## ## ## ## ##
- //
- //
- // Por Bruno da Silva (iPs DraKiNs) e Paulo (iPs Paulo)
- //
- // Acesse meu blog sobre programação
- //
- // --------------------------------------------
- //
- // Detectar:
- // Bot,
- // Death Flood,
- // Surf Vehicle,
- // Car Teleport,
- // State Hack,
- // No-Reload,
- // Weapon Hack,
- // Ammo Hack,
- // Freeze Hack,
- // Score Hack,
- // Money Hack,
- // Health Hack,
- // Armour Hack,
- // Publish Text,
- // Offend Text,
- // Flood Text,
- // Teleport Hack,
- // Air Break,
- // Player Bugger,
- // High Ping,
- // Spider Hack,
- // CP Race Hack,
- // Speed Hack,
- // Player Speed Hack,
- // Fly Hack
- //
- // --------------------------------------------
- //
- //
- // * Bruno da Silva (
- //
- // Ingresse também na [iPs]TeaM
- //
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- enum {
- // Anti DDos Bots
- // Anti Cleo4 Fake-kill
- // Anti Bug Cars
- // Ammo Weapon
- // hackings
- // Text Chat
- // pos cheat
- // outros
- }
- new connect = -1,
- Float: g_ucPos[4],
- databaseIP[MAX_PLAYERS][20],
- Float:g_diferencasAngle[MAX_VEHICLES],
- vehVelocity[MAX_VEHICLES],
- bool: vehRespawn[MAX_VEHICLES],
- bool: pOPC,
- bool: pOPS,
- bool: pOPDI,
- bool: pOPT,
- bool: pOPD,
- bool: pOVM,
- bool: pOPERCP,
- bool: pOPU,
- bool: pOPSC,
- bool: pOUVU;
- forward OnPlayerHacking(playerid, hackid);
- #define SERVER_SIDE_DELAY (0002)
- #define MAX_DISTANCE_DEF (83.1)
- #define MAX_PING (0800)
- // =============================================================================
- //
- // Em caso de não quiser bloquear o texto em caso de texto inválido
- // Texto inválido, spam, flood, palavreado, ofensa, publicação. etc
- // Ping acima de 1 segundo (1000 ms) poderá ocorrer graves problemas de precisão no anti cheater.
- // Em caso de ping muito elevado aconselha-se o uso de SERVER_SIDE_DELAY elevado para maior precisão
- // SERVER_SIDE_DELAY equivale ao tempo de delay entre o uso de uma função registrada
- // que influencia no detectamento do anti cheater. Aconselhável 1 a 5 segundos.
- // Dependendo da conexão do servidor você coloca maior delay ou menor dealay
- // MAX_DISTANCE_DEF é essencial para busca e detecção de anti-teleport e air break
- // O número padrão foi calculado e não houve bugs por parte do sistema
- // A única coisa que pode influenciar será o sistema de SetPlayerPos. Mas o SERVER_SIDE_DELAY supriu isto com precisão
- // Este sistema apenas detecta cheaters. É aconselhavél a checagem de um administrador real antes de aplicar o banimento.
- // ========================================================================================================
- #define pFunction%0(%1) %0(%1); public%0(%1)
- #define Hook%0(%1) stock%0_pB(%1)
- // ---------------------------------------------
- // Nesta parte aparecem funções hookeadas
- // Elas são essenciais para ter controle server-side detalhado
- // Essencial para qualquer anti-hack. Controle minucioso
- // Para o funcionamento disto precisa do filterscript
- // Hookei apenas as mais importantes callbacks nativas da sa:mp.
- // Daria muito trabalho "hookear" todas
- // ---------------------------------------------
- Hook GivePlayerMoney(playerid, value) {
- return SetPVarInt(playerid, #registerMoney, (GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerMoney) + value)), GivePlayerMoney(playerid, value);
- }
- Hook ResetPlayerMoney(playerid) {
- return SetPVarInt(playerid, #registerMoney, 0), ResetPlayerMoney(playerid);
- }
- Hook SetPlayerScore(playerid, value){
- return SetPVarInt(playerid, #registerScore, value), SetPlayerScore(playerid, value);
- }
- Hook PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid,vehicleid, seatid) {
- return SetPVarInt(playerid, #registerState, (gettime() - SERVER_SIDE_DELAY)), PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, seatid);
- }
- Hook SetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, Float: pX, Float: pY, Float: pZ) {
- return vehVelocity[vehicleid] = gettime(), SetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, pX, pY, pZ);
- }
- Hook SetVehiclePos(vehicleid, Float: pX, Float: pY, Float: pZ) {
- for( new i = GetMaxPlayers() - 1; i > -1; --i ) {
- if( GetPlayerVehicleID(i) == vehicleid ) {
- SetPVarInt(i, #tPosSet, gettime());
- break;
- }
- }
- return SetVehiclePos(vehicleid, pX, pY, pZ);
- }
- Hook SetPlayerPos(playerid, Float: pX, Float: pY, Float: pZ) {
- return SetPVarInt(playerid, #tPosSet, gettime()), SetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ);
- }
- Hook GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, weaponid, ammo) {
- return SetPVarInt(playerid, getSlotID_pB(getWeaponSlot_pB(weaponid)), weaponid), SetPVarInt(playerid, getSlotAmmoID_pB(getWeaponSlot_pB(weaponid)), ammo), GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, weaponid, ammo);
- }
- Hook ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid) {
- for(new i; i != 13; ++i) SetPVarInt(playerid, getSlotID_pB(i), 0);
- return ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid);
- }
- Hook TogglePlayerC(playerid, {bool, _}: control) {
- if(control) {
- static Float: pX, Float: pY, Float: pZ;
- GetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ);
- SetPVarFloat(playerid, "xPosControll", pX),
- SetPVarFloat(playerid, "yPosControll", pY),
- SetPVarFloat(playerid, "zPosControll", pZ);
- } else {
- SetPVarFloat(playerid, "xPosControll", 0.0);
- SetPVarFloat(playerid, "yPosControll", 0.0);
- SetPVarFloat(playerid, "zPosControll", 0.0);
- }
- TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, control);
- return SetPVarInt(playerid, "PlayerControllable", _:!control);
- }
- Hook SetPlayerHealth(playerid, Float:health) {
- return SetPVarFloat(playerid, #pHealth, health), SetPlayerHealth(playerid, health);
- }
- Hook SetPlayerArmour(playerid, Float:armour) {
- return SetPVarFloat(playerid, #pArmour, armour), SetPlayerArmour(playerid, armour);
- }
- Hook SetVehicleToRespawn(vehicleid) {
- return vehRespawn[vehicleid] = true, SetVehicleToRespawn(vehicleid);
- }
- isPlayerAiming_pB(playerid) {
- new Anim = GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid);
- if(((Anim >= 1160) && (Anim <= 1163)) || (Anim == 1167) || (Anim == 1365) || (Anim == 1643) || (Anim == 1453) || (Anim == 220)) return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- isPlayerInWater_pB(playerid) { //Coords By Synchro
- static Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ; GetPlayerPos(playerid, fX, fY, fZ);
- if((fX >= 2044.6 && fX <= 2192.984 && fY >= 1206.358 && fY <= 1376.552) && fZ < 0xA) return 1;
- else if((fX >= 2048.504 && fX <= 2185.174 && fY >= 1063.239 && fY <= 1202.49) && fZ < 0xA) return 1;
- else if((fX >= 2204.698 && fX <= 2204.698 && fY >= 1426.837 && fY <= 1430.705) && fZ < 0xA) return 1;
- else if((fX >= 2032.885 && fX <= 2114.887 && fY >= 1852.325 && fY <= 1991.575) && fZ < 0xC) return 1;
- else if((fX >= 2517.086 && fX <= 2606.897 && fY >= 2316.493 && fY <= 2420.93) && fZ < 0x16) return 1;
- else if((fX >= 2554.5996 && fX <= 2507.7683 && fY >= 1548.6178 && fY <= 1588.9154) && fZ < 0xF) return 1;
- else if((fX >= -2043.628 && fX <= -1973.561 && fY >= -980.9415 && fY <= -724.0283) && fZ < 0x20) return 1;
- else if((fX >= -2753.912 && fX <= -2665.071 && fY >= -522.3632 && fY <= -380.3444) && fZ < 0x05) return 1;
- else if((fX >= 1219.864 && fX <= 1292.118 && fY >= -2435.881 && fY <= -2325.344) && fZ < 0xF) return 1;
- else if((fX >= 1923.388 && fX <= 2010.854 && fY >= -1223.924 && fY <= -1168.656) && fZ < 0x16) return 1;
- else if((fX >= 1269.301 && fX <= 1314.935 && fY >= -837.0452 && fY <= -781.7769) && fZ < 0x5A) return 1;
- else if((fX >= 1087.3953 && fX <= 1102.3138 && fY >= -682.6734 && fY <= -663.0043) && fZ < 0x71) return 1;
- else if((fX >= 1268.6118 && fX <= 1291.8774 && fY >= -784.2910 && fY <= -764.6104) && fZ < 0x43D) return 1;
- else if(fZ < 0xF) return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- isPlayerUsingSwimAnim_pB(playerid) { // By Synchro
- if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) || GetPlayerState(playerid) != PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) return 0;
- static animlib[32], animname[32];
- GetAnimationName(GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid),animlib,32,animname,32);
- if(!strcmp(animlib, "SWIM", true) && !strcmp(animname, "SWIM_GLIDE", true)) return 1;
- else if(!strcmp(animlib, "SWIM", true) && !strcmp(animname, "SWIM_BREAST", true)) return 1;
- else if(!strcmp(animlib, "SWIM", true) && !strcmp(animname, "SWIM_CRAWL", true)) return 1;
- else if(!strcmp(animlib, "SWIM", true) && !strcmp(animname, "SWIM_DIVE_UNDER", true)) return 1;
- else if(!strcmp(animlib, "SWIM", true) && !strcmp(animname, "SWIM_DIVE_GLIDE", true)) return 1;
- else if(!strcmp(animlib, "SWIM", true) && !strcmp(animname, "SWIM_UNDER", true)) return 1;
- else if(!strcmp(animlib, "SWIM", true) && !strcmp(animname, "SWIM_TREAD", true)) return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- getSlotID_pB(i) { // Paulor
- static stringSlot[12];
- return format(stringSlot, 12, "wHSlot%i", i), stringSlot;
- }
- getSlotAmmoID_pB(i) { // Paulor
- static stringSlot[12];
- return format(stringSlot, 12, "AmmoSlot%i", i), stringSlot;
- }
- getWeaponSlot_pB(weaponid) { // Paulor
- if(weaponid >= 0 && weaponid < 2) return 0;
- else if(weaponid > 1 && weaponid < 10) return 1;
- else if(weaponid > 21 && weaponid < 25) return 2;
- else if(weaponid > 24 && weaponid < 28) return 3;
- else if(weaponid > 27 && weaponid < 30 || weaponid == 32) return 4;
- else if(weaponid > 29 && weaponid < 32) return 5;
- else if(weaponid > 32 && weaponid < 35) return 6;
- else if(weaponid > 34 && weaponid < 39) return 7;
- else if(weaponid > 15 && weaponid < 19 || weaponid == 39) return 8;
- else if(weaponid > 40 && weaponid < 44) return 9;
- else if(weaponid > 9 && weaponid < 16) return 10;
- else if(weaponid > 43 && weaponid < 47) return 11;
- else if(weaponid == 40) return 12;
- return -1;
- }
- getPlayerSpeed_pB(playerid) {
- static Float: ST[3];
- GetVehicleVelocity(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), ST[0], ST[1], ST[2]);
- return floatround(floatmul(floatsqroot(floatadd(floatpower(ST[0], 2), floatpower(ST[1], 2))), 170.0));
- }
- #if !defined varGet
- #define varGet(%0) getproperty(0,%0)
- #endif
- #if !defined varSet
- #define varSet(%0,%1) setproperty(0, %0, %1)
- #endif
- public OnGameModeInit() {
- pOPC = funcidx(#ExOnPlayerConnect) != -1;
- pOPS = funcidx(#ExOnPlayerSpawn) != -1;
- pOPDI = funcidx(#ExOnPlayerDisconnect) != -1;
- pOPT = funcidx(#ExOnPlayerText) != -1;
- pOPD = funcidx(#ExOnPlayerDeath) != -1;
- pOVM = funcidx(#ExOnVehicleMod) != -1;
- pOPERCP = funcidx(#ExOnPlayerEnterRaceCP) != -1;
- pOPU = funcidx(#ExOnPlayerUpdate) != -1;
- pOPSC = funcidx(#ExOnPlayerStateChange) != -1;
- pOUVU = funcidx(#ExOnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate) != -1;
- return CallLocalFunction(#ExOnGameModeInit, #);
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnGameModeInit
- #undef OnGameModeInit
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnGameModeInit
- #endif
- #define OnGameModeInit ExOnGameModeInit
- forward ExOnGameModeInit();
- public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {
- CallLocalFunction("registrarJogador_pB", "i", playerid);
- return (pOPC ? CallLocalFunction("ExOnPlayerConnect", "i", playerid) : 1);
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
- #undef OnPlayerConnect
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
- #endif
- #define OnPlayerConnect ExOnPlayerConnect
- forward ExOnPlayerConnect(playerid);
- public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) {
- if(!GetPVarInt(playerid, "pSpawned")) SetPVarInt(playerid, "pSpawned", true);
- SetPVarFloat(playerid, #pHealth, 100.0);
- SetPVarFloat(playerid, #pArmour, 0.0);
- SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100.0);
- SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 0.0);
- return (pOPS ? CallLocalFunction("ExOnPlayerSpawn", "i", playerid) : 1);
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
- #undef OnPlayerSpawn
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
- #endif
- #define OnPlayerSpawn ExOnPlayerSpawn
- forward ExOnPlayerSpawn(playerid);
- public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) {
- // Não retire está parte. Isto serve para não enviar mensagens de desconecção quando o player é bot ddos
- if(GetPVarInt(playerid, #jogadorDisponivel)) return false;
- return (pOPDI ? CallLocalFunction("ExOnPlayerDisconnect", "is", playerid, reason) : 1);
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
- #undef OnPlayerDisconnect
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
- #endif
- #define OnPlayerDisconnect ExOnPlayerDisconnect
- forward ExOnPlayerDisconnect(playerid,reason);
- new const palavreado[][24] = {
- "daputa", "babaca", "baitola", "piranha", "bicha", "bichona", "biscat", "bitch", "bix", "boiola", "boiolona", "buceta", "bucetudo", "cuzona", "bund", "burr", "fude", "cacet", "viad",
- "caral", "vadi", "carai", "rola", "chup", "idiot", "corno", "nocu", "eucu", "ocu", "cusa", "cusi", "cuza", "cuzinho", "piroca", "embecil", "fdp", "foda", "fode", "fuck", "fud",
- "hetard", "homo", "imbess", "jegu", "kacet", "karai", "karaleo", "kct", "kral", "krl", "noku", "lasarent", "lazarent", "mula", "otari", "pnc", "pereb", "penis","pint", "prosti",
- "punhet", "put", "retardado", "tnc", "viad", "viadi", "vsf", "vtnc", "sobe", "vogelz", "baranga", "vagab", "broxa", "ignorant", "comed", "ejacu", "prosti", "cachorr", "surub", "peni",
- "chup", "pau", "viad", "perere", "bucet", "bicha", "bixa", "gay", "desgra", "troxa", "tomanocu", "seucu"
- };
- public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) {
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Publicação de IP Inteligente
- * Usando OnPlayerText com manipulação de strings e outros
- * A precisão deste sistema está em torno de 95%
- *
- * Detecta: | 1 2 7 . 0 0 1 etc
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- static szText[128], numerosNochat, pontosNochat, j;
- numerosNochat = -1, pontosNochat = -1, j = 0, szText[0] = EOS;
- for(new i; text[i]; i++) {
- if(text[i] >= '0' && '9' >= text[i] || (text[i] == '.' || text[i] == ':')) {
- if(text[i] == '.' || text[i] == ':') pontosNochat++;
- else numerosNochat++;
- if(numerosNochat >= 8 && pontosNochat >= 3) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_PUBLISH_TEXT);
- #if defined INVALID_CHAT_BLOCK
- return false;
- #else
- break;
- #endif
- }
- }
- switch(text[i]) {
- case '0':{ szText[j] = 'o'; j++; continue; }
- case '1':{ szText[j] = 'i'; j++; continue; }
- case '2':{ szText[j] = 'z'; j++; continue; }
- case '3':{ szText[j] = 'e'; j++; continue; }
- case '4':{ szText[j] = 'a'; j++; continue; }
- case '5':{ szText[j] = 's'; j++; continue; }
- case '6':{ szText[j] = 'g'; j++; continue; }
- case '7':{ szText[j] = 't'; j++; continue; }
- case '8':{ szText[j] = 'b'; j++; continue; }
- case 65 .. 90, 97 .. 122: { szText[j] = tolower(text[i]); j++; continue; }
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Palavreado Inteligente
- * Usando OnPlayerText com manipulação de strings e outros
- * A precisão deste sistema está em torno de 85%
- *
- * Detecta: buceta, b - u c |e t-a, buc 3 7 4 etc
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(palavreado); i++) {
- if(strfind(szText, palavreado[i], false) != -1) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_OFFEND_TEXT);
- #if defined INVALID_CHAT_BLOCK
- return false;
- #else
- break;
- #endif
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Flood
- * Usando OnPlayerText com gettime e outros
- * A precisão deste sistema está em torno de 95%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if((gettime() - GetPVarInt(playerid, #floodChat)) < 3) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_FLOOD_TEXT);
- #if defined INVALID_CHAT_BLOCK
- return false;
- #endif
- }
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #floodChat, gettime());
- return (pOPT ? CallLocalFunction("ExOnPlayerText", "is", playerid, text) : 1);
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerText
- #undef OnPlayerText
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnPlayerText
- #endif
- #define OnPlayerText ExOnPlayerText
- forward ExOnPlayerText(playerid, text[]);
- public OnPlayerDeath(playerid,killerid,reason) {
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Fake Kill
- * Usando OnPlayerDeath com gettime e outros
- * A precisão deste sistema está dividido em partes
- *
- *
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if(gettime() - GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerDeath) < 20) {
- if(GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerValDeath) > 15) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_DEATHFLOOD_LEVEL1);
- }
- if(gettime() - GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerDeath) < 2) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_DEATHFLOOD_LEVEL2);
- }
- if(gettime() - GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerDeath) < 5) {
- if(GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerValDeath) > 3) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_DEATHFLOOD_LEVEL3);
- }
- }
- }
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #registerDeath, gettime());
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #registerValDeath, GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerValDeath) +1);
- return (pOPD ? CallLocalFunction("ExOnPlayerDeath", "i", playerid) : 1);
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerDeath
- #undef OnPlayerDeath
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnPlayerDeath
- #endif
- #define OnPlayerDeath ExOnPlayerDeath
- forward ExOnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason);
- public OnVehicleMod(playerid, vehicleid, componentid) {
- if(!GetPlayerInterior(playerid)) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_CPRACE_HACK);
- }
- return (pOVM ? CallLocalFunction("ExOnVehicleMod", "ddd", playerid, vehicleid, componentid) : 1);
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnVehicleMod
- #undef OnVehicleMod
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnVehicleMod
- #endif
- #define OnVehicleMod ExOnVehicleMod
- forward ExOnVehicleMod(playerid,vehicleid,componentid);
- public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid) {
- if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) {
- if(!getPlayerSpeed_pB(playerid)) {
- if(GetPVarInt(playerid, #checkHack) > 3) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_CPRACE_HACK);
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #checkHack, 0);
- }
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #checkHack, GetPVarInt(playerid, #checkHack)+1);
- }
- }
- return (pOPERCP ? CallLocalFunction("ExOnPlayerEnterRaceCP", "i", playerid) : 1);
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerEnterRaceCP
- #undef OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnPlayerEnterRaceCP
- #endif
- #define OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint ExOnPlayerEnterRaceCP
- forward ExOnPlayerEnterRaceCP(playerid);
- public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) {
- if(!IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) {
- if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) {
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Speed Hack
- * Usando GetPlayerSpeedANTIHACK com variáveis
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 100%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if(GetPVarInt(playerid, #checkSpeedtime)) {
- if(gettime() - GetPVarInt(playerid, #checkSpeedtime) > 1) {
- TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, true);
- SetPVarInt(playerid, "checkSpeedtime", 0);
- }
- }
- if(getPlayerSpeed_pB(playerid) > 260) {
- if((gettime() - vehVelocity[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)]) > 10) {
- TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, false);
- SetPVarInt(playerid, "checkSpeedtime", gettime());
- return CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_SPEED_HACK), true;
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Spider Car
- * Usando GetVehicleRotationQuat
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 75%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- static Float: pW, Float: pX, Float: pY, Float: pZ;
- GetVehicleRotationQuat(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), pW, pX, pY, pZ);
- pW = atan2(2 * ((pY * pZ) + (pX * pW)), (-(pX * pX) - (pY * pY) + (pZ * pZ) + (pW * pW)));
- // OBS: Inclinação de 5 graus. Construções mais inclinadas podem
- // fazer o veículo inclinar mais. Mas para evitar falsos reports deixe mais ou menos este valor
- if((85.0 < pW < 90.0) || (-85.0 > pW > -90.0)) {
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #spiderCar, GetPVarInt(playerid, #spiderCar) +1);
- if(GetPVarInt(playerid, #spiderCar) > 40) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_SPIDER_HACK);
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #spiderCar, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Health/Armour Hack
- * Usando GetPlayer(Health/Armour) com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 100%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- static Float: pLife;
- GetPlayerHealth(playerid, pLife);
- if(pLife > GetPVarFloat(playerid, #pHealth)) {
- SetPlayerHealth(playerid, GetPVarFloat(playerid, #pHealth));
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_HEALTH_HACK);
- }
- GetPlayerArmour(playerid, pLife);
- if(pLife > GetPVarFloat(playerid, #pArmour)) {
- SetPlayerArmour(playerid, GetPVarFloat(playerid, #pArmour));
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_ARMOUR_HACK);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Player Bugger
- * Usando GetPlayerPos com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 99%
- * Desbuga o jogador bugado e envia mensagem aos administradores
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- static Float: pX, Float: pY, Float:pZ;
- GetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ);
- if(pX > 0xdbb9f && pY > 0xdbb9f && pZ > 0xdbb9f) {
- SetTimerEx("verifBugger_pB", 250, false, "i", playerid);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Freeze Hack
- * Usando GetPlayerPos com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 90%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- else {
- // checar se realmente está está como MOVIMENTO FALSE
- if(!GetPVarInt(playerid, "PlayerControllable")) {
- GetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ);
- // Checar seus controle foram realmente bloqueados para diferentes de zero !
- if(GetPVarFloat(playerid,"xPosControll") && GetPVarFloat(playerid,"yPosControll") && GetPVarFloat(playerid,"zPosControll")) {
- if((GetPVarFloat(playerid,"xPosControll") != pX) || (GetPVarFloat(playerid,"yPosControll") != pY) || (GetPVarFloat(playerid,"zPosControll") != pZ)) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_FREEZE_HACK);
- // liberar jogador
- SetPVarInt(playerid, "PlayerControllable", 1);
- }
- }
- }
- GetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ);
- if(GetPVarFloat(playerid,"xposSet") != 0 && GetPVarFloat(playerid,"yposSet") != 0 && GetPVarFloat(playerid,"zposSet") != 0) {
- pX = GetPVarFloat(playerid,"xposSet") - pX;
- pY = GetPVarFloat(playerid,"yposSet") - pY;
- pZ = GetPVarFloat(playerid,"zposSet") - pZ;
- if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT && GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID(playerid) == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) {
- }
- if((gettime() - GetPVarInt(playerid, #tPosSet)) > 3 && GetPVarInt(playerid,"pSpawned")) {
- GetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ);
- SetTimerEx("checkPos_pB", 500, false, "ifff", playerid, pX, pY, pZ);
- }
- }
- }
- GetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ);
- SetPVarFloat(playerid,"xposSet", pX);
- SetPVarFloat(playerid,"yposSet", pY);
- SetPVarFloat(playerid,"zposSet", pZ);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Ping Alto
- * Usando GetPlayerScore com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 90%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if(GetPlayerPing(playerid) > MAX_PING) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_HIGH_PING);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Score Hack
- * Usando GetPlayerScore com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 100%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) > GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerScore)) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_SCORE_HACK);
- SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerScore));
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Money Hack
- * Usando GetPlayerMoney com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 100%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) > GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerMoney)) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_MONEY_HACK);
- GivePlayerMoney(playerid, (ResetPlayerMoney(playerid), GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerMoney)));
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Player Speed Hack
- * Usando GetPlayerVelocity com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 95%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) {
- GetPlayerVelocity(playerid, pX, pY, pZ);
- if(floatround(floatsqroot(floatadd(floatpower(pX, 2), floatpower(pY, 2))) * 200) > 100) {
- if(!(GetPVarInt(playerid, #WarnsSpeed) % 50)) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_PSPEED_HACK);
- }
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #WarnsSpeed, (GetPVarInt(playerid, #WarnsSpeed) + 1));
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Weapons Hack
- * Usando GetPlayerWeaponData com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 100%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- static wSlot[2];
- for(new w; w != 13; ++w) {
- GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, w, wSlot[0], wSlot[1]);
- if(GetPVarInt(playerid, getSlotID_pB(w)) != wSlot[0] && wSlot[0] && wSlot[0] < 47) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_WEAPON_HACK);
- SetPVarInt(playerid, getSlotID_pB(w), wSlot[0]);
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti No-Reload
- * Usando GetPlayerAmmo com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 100%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- static pKey[3];
- GetPlayerKeys(playerid, pKey[0], pKey[1], pKey[2]);
- if(isPlayerAiming_pB(playerid) && ((pKey[0] & KEY_FIRE) == KEY_FIRE || (pKey[0] & KEY_ACTION) == KEY_ACTION)) {
- if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) > 15 && GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) < 43 && GetPlayerAmmo(playerid) == GetPVarInt(playerid, getSlotAmmoID_pB(getWeaponSlot_pB(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid)))) && !GetPVarInt(playerid, "PlayerControllable") && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) {
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #keyWarns, (GetPVarInt(playerid, #keyWarns) + 1));
- if(!(GetPVarInt(playerid, #keyWarns) % 50) && GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_NORELOAD_HACK);
- }
- }
- if(GetPlayerWeaponState(playerid) == WEAPONSTATE_RELOADING || GetPlayerAmmo(playerid) < GetPVarInt(playerid, getSlotAmmoID_pB(getWeaponSlot_pB(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid))))) SetPVarInt(playerid, #keyWarns, 0);
- SetPVarInt(playerid, getSlotAmmoID_pB(getWeaponSlot_pB(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid))), GetPlayerAmmo(playerid));
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Ammo Hack
- * Usando GetPlayerAmmo com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 100%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) > 15 && GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) < 43) {
- if(GetPlayerAmmo(playerid) > GetPVarInt(playerid, getSlotAmmoID_pB(getWeaponSlot_pB(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid))))) {
- if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_AMMO_HACK);
- }
- }
- SetPVarInt(playerid, getSlotAmmoID_pB(getWeaponSlot_pB(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid))), GetPlayerAmmo(playerid));
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Fly Hack
- * Usando Posições e Animções.
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 85%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if(!isPlayerInWater_pB(playerid) && isPlayerUsingSwimAnim_pB(playerid)) {
- if(!(GetPVarInt(playerid, "FlyTime") % 50)) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_FLY_HACK);
- SetPVarInt(playerid, "FlyTime", 0);
- }
- SetPVarInt(playerid, "FlyTime", (GetPVarInt(playerid, "FlyTime") + 1));
- } else if(isPlayerInWater_pB(playerid) && isPlayerUsingSwimAnim_pB(playerid)) {
- SetPVarInt(playerid, "FlyTime", 0);
- }
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #registerMoney, GetPlayerMoney(playerid));
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #registerScore, GetPlayerScore(playerid));
- }
- return (pOPU ? CallLocalFunction("ExOnPlayerUpdate", "i", playerid) : 1);
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
- #undef OnPlayerUpdate
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
- #endif
- #define OnPlayerUpdate ExOnPlayerUpdate
- forward ExOnPlayerUpdate(playerid);
- public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate) {
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti State Hack
- * Usando OnPlayerStateChange com gettime
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 95%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) {
- if((gettime() - GetPVarInt(playerid, #registerState)) < 2 && (gettime() - GetPVarInt(playerid, #tPosSet)) > 3) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_STATE_HACK);
- }
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #registerState, gettime());
- }
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #spiderCar, 0);
- return (pOPSC ? CallLocalFunction("ExOnPlayerStateChange", "idi", playerid, newstate, oldstate) : 1);
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerStateChange
- #undef OnPlayerStateChange
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnPlayerStateChange
- #endif
- #define OnPlayerStateChange ExOnPlayerStateChange
- forward ExOnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate);
- public OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate(vehicleid, playerid, passenger_seat) {
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Surfer Vehicle
- * Usando OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate com gettime e outros
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 85%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, g_ucPos[0], g_ucPos[1], g_ucPos[2]);
- if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 1.0, g_ucPos[0], g_ucPos[1], g_ucPos[2])) {
- GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, g_ucPos[3]);
- if(g_diferencasAngle[vehicleid] != g_ucPos[3]) {
- if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) {
- GetPlayerPos(vehicleid, g_ucPos[1], g_ucPos[1], g_ucPos[3]);
- if(g_ucPos[3] > g_ucPos[2]) {
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #registrosUAF, GetPVarInt(playerid, #registrosUAF) +1);
- if(GetPVarInt(playerid, #registrosUAF) > 40) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_SURF_VEHICLE);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- g_diferencasAngle[vehicleid] = g_ucPos[3];
- return true;
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Teleport Vehicle
- * Usando OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate com gettime e outros
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 85%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- else if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 40.0, g_ucPos[0], g_ucPos[1], g_ucPos[2])) {
- if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && (gettime() - GetPVarInt(playerid, #tPosSet) > 3) && !vehRespawn[vehicleid]) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_CAR_TELEPORT);
- } else if(vehRespawn[vehicleid]) vehRespawn[vehicleid] = false;
- }
- return (pOUVU ? CallLocalFunction("ExOnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate", "idi", vehicleid, playerid, passenger_seat) : 1);
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate
- #undef OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate
- #endif
- #define OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate ExOnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate
- forward ExOnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate(vehicleid, playerid, passenger_seat);
- pFunction checkPos_pB(i, Float: pX, Float: pY, Float: pZ) {
- if(gettime() - GetPVarInt(i, #airBreakSet) < 10)
- return false;
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti Teleport Hack
- * Usando GetPlayerPos com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 95%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 2.012837, pX, pY, pZ)) {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", i, PLAYER_TELEPORT_HACK);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti AirBreak Hack
- * Usando GetPlayerPos e SetPlayerPos com variáveis server sided
- * A precisão deste sistema fica em torno de 95%
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- else {
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", i, PLAYER_AIRBREAK_HACK);
- SetPVarInt(i, #airBreakSet, gettime());
- }
- return true;
- }
- pFunction verifBugger_pB(playerid) {
- new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z;
- GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
- if(x > 0xdbb9f && y > 0xdbb9f && z > 0xdbb9f) SetPlayerPos(playerid, GetPVarFloat(playerid,"xposSet"), GetPVarFloat(playerid,"yposSet"), GetPVarFloat(playerid,"zposSet"));
- else CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_BUGGER_HACK);
- return 1;
- }
- pFunction registerBot_pB(playerid) {
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Anti DDos Bots
- * Usando GetPlayerPing/OnPlayerConnect com gettime e outros
- * A precisão deste sistema está dividido em partes
- *
- * PLAYER_BOT_LEVEL1 -> 70%
- * PLAYER_BOT_LEVEL2 -> 90%
- * PLAYER_BOT_LEVEL3 -> 100%
- *
- *
- -------------------------------------------------*/
- if(GetPlayerPing(playerid) != 0xFFFF && GetPlayerPing(playerid) != 0) SetPVarInt(playerid, #jogadorDisponivel, 1);
- if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && GetPlayerPing(playerid) == 0xFFFF) {
- static tmpip[20];
- GetPlayerIp(playerid, tmpip, 20);
- if(0x1c5 > (gettime() - varGet(tmpip))) {
- tmpip[(strlen(tmpip) - 1)] = 'x';
- if(varGet(tmpip) > 3) {
- return CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_BOT_LEVEL3);
- }
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_BOT_LEVEL2);
- }
- CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerHacking", "ii", playerid, PLAYER_BOT_LEVEL1);
- SetTimerEx("registerBot_pB", 700, false, #i , playerid);
- }
- return false;
- }
- pFunction registrarJogador_pB(playerid) {
- static tmpip[20];
- g_diferencasAngle[playerid] = 0;
- GetPlayerIp(playerid, tmpip, 20);
- varSet(tmpip, gettime()); ++connect;
- if(connect == MAX_PLAYERS - 1) {
- for(connect = 0; databaseIP[connect][0]; connect++) continue;
- }
- SetTimerEx("resetBot_pB", 50000, false, "i", connect);
- tmpip[strlen(tmpip)-1] = 'x';
- format(databaseIP[connect], 20, tmpip);
- varSet(tmpip, varGet(tmpip) +1);
- SetPVarInt(playerid, #tPosSet, gettime());
- return SetTimerEx("registerBot_pB", 700, false, #i , playerid);
- }
- pFunction resetBot_pB(botid) {
- varSet(databaseIP[botid], 0);
- return databaseIP[botid][0] = EOS;
- }
- #define GivePlayerMoney GivePlayerMoney_pB
- #define ResetPlayerMoney ResetPlayerMoney_pB
- #define SetPlayerScore SetPlayerScore_pB
- #define PutPlayerInVehicle PutPlayerInVehicle_pB
- #define SetPlayerArmour SetPlayerArmour_pB
- #define SetPlayerHealth SetPlayerHealth_pB
- #define TogglePlayerControllable TogglePlayerC_pB
- #define GivePlayerWeapon GivePlayerWeapon_pB
- #define ResetPlayerWeapons ResetPlayerWeapons_pB
- #define SetPlayerPos SetPlayerPos_pB
- #define SetVehiclePos SetVehiclePos_pB
- #define SetVehicleVelocity SetVehicleVelocity_pB
- #define SetVehicleToRespawn SetVehicleToRespawn_pB
- forward OnPlayerHacking(playerid, hackid);
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