
yba farmer

Aug 23rd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. _G.Min = 3 -- min players
  2. _G.Max = 14 -- max players
  3. _G.ItemFarm = "Lucky Arrow" -- Notify Which Item for webhook
  4. getgenv().Key = "HelloLadiesandGentlemen" -- the key will change every 24 hours
  5. getgenv().webhook = "" -- leave both empty if you don't want webhook ( otherwise it's required for both if you want webhook )
  6. getgenv().DiscordID = ""
  7. getgenv().AutoInvisible = false; -- change to true if you want invisible (more crash's)
  8. -- change to true to collect items you want to farm
  9. getgenv().Farming = {
  10. ["Mysterious Arrow"] = false;
  11. ["Rokakaka"] = false;
  12. ["Pure Rokakaka"] = false;
  13. ["Lucky Arrow"] = true;
  14. ["Rib Cage Of The Saint's Corpse"] = false;
  15. ["Steel Ball"] = false;
  16. ["Zepellin's Headband"] = false;
  17. ["Ancient Scroll"] = false;
  18. ["Quinton's Glove"] = false;
  19. ["Stone Mask"] = false;
  20. ["Gold Coin"] = false;
  21. ["Diamond"] = false;
  22. ["DEO's Diary"] = false;
  23. }
  25. loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
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