

Jul 19th, 2023
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  1. {
  2.     "LastTimePlayed": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
  3.     "Binned": false,
  4.     "ShowType": "SPACEOPERA",
  5.     "Score": 0,
  6.     "Title": "\"Cheesy Discoveries: Into the Muenster Anomaly\"",
  7.     "Summary": "The crew of the USS Entrepreneur ventures into a cheese anomaly on the Muenster system's third planet. As they investigate the unusual phenomenon, they encounter unexpected cheese-related challenges and potential scientific breakthroughs. With caution, they explore, collect samples, and attempt to communicate with cheese-like life forms. Meanwhile, the medical team and operations team prepare for any cheese-related emergencies. The mission's outcome remains uncertain as the crew embarks on this cheesy adventure.",
  8.     "Prompt": "The crew encounters a cheese related anomaly.",
  9.     "Prompter": "TheVortex",
  10.     "Scenes": [
  11.         {
  12.             "SpeakerName": "Captain Herbert Reynolds",
  13.             "Gender": "Male",
  14.             "DialogLine": "Captain's log, stardate 4587.2. The USS Entrepreneur has arrived at the Muenster system, known for its abundance of unique cheese varieties. Our mission is to establish a trade agreement and bring some of these delectable delicacies back to the Federation.",
  15.             "VisualDescription": "[Captain Herbert Reynolds stands tall with a distinguished appearance. Graying dark hair, a well-groomed beard, and a charismatic smile. Wearing a gold yellow starship uniform.]",
  16.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-239031772.jpg",
  17.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  18.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-1765744214.mp3"
  19.         },
  20.         {
  21.             "SpeakerName": "Commander Bob",
  22.             "Gender": "Male",
  23.             "DialogLine": "Captain, the sensors are detecting an unusual anomaly surrounding the third planet. It seems to be emanating a strong cheese odor.",
  24.             "VisualDescription": "[Bipedal lizard-like alien called a \"Cyzorian\" with scaly green skin, a long tail, and sharp claws. Wearing a red leather uniform as a starship Security Officer.]",
  25.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/758639909.jpg",
  26.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  27.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-1686057978.mp3"
  28.         },
  29.         {
  30.             "SpeakerName": "Captain Herbert Reynolds",
  31.             "Gender": "Male",
  32.             "DialogLine": "Cheese anomaly? That's certainly a first. Set a course and let's investigate, Commander Bob.",
  33.             "VisualDescription": "[Captain Herbert Reynolds nods, his charismatic smile widening as he gives the orders.]",
  34.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/1265061267.jpg",
  35.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  36.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/826926027.mp3"
  37.         },
  38.         {
  39.             "SpeakerName": "Lieutenant Commander Tala Seraphina",
  40.             "Gender": "Female",
  41.             "DialogLine": "Captain, I've been studying the anomaly. It appears to be a spatial rupture caused by an unstable concentration of cheese particles.",
  42.             "VisualDescription": "[Alien humanoid with blue skin and long pink hair wearing a pastel blue colored starship science uniform.]",
  43.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-931663177.jpg",
  44.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  45.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/1589761903.mp3"
  46.         },
  47.         {
  48.             "SpeakerName": "Lieutenant Marcus Sullivan",
  49.             "Gender": "Male",
  50.             "DialogLine": "Cheese particles causing spatial ruptures? That's... unexpected. But fascinating! Maybe we can find a way to harness that power for faster-than-light travel!",
  51.             "VisualDescription": "[Marcus Sullivan, with perpetually tousled hair and mischievous eyes, wearing a dark yellow starship engineer uniform.]",
  52.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/268301983.jpg",
  53.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  54.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-569275349.mp3"
  55.         },
  56.         {
  57.             "SpeakerName": "Ensign Liara Narvik",
  58.             "Gender": "Female",
  59.             "DialogLine": "Captain, I can pilot the shuttlecraft to get a closer look at the anomaly. We may be able to collect samples for further analysis.",
  60.             "VisualDescription": "[Android with a child-size and a logical expression, wearing a yellow starship ensign uniform.]",
  61.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-859672057.jpg",
  62.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  63.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-545414830.mp3"
  64.         },
  65.         {
  66.             "SpeakerName": "Lieutenant Commander Ravi Harken",
  67.             "Gender": "Male",
  68.             "DialogLine": "Captain, I suggest we proceed with caution. There's no telling what dangers we may encounter in such a cheesy environment.",
  69.             "VisualDescription": "[Tall and muscular with distinctive facial tattoos, wearing a red star trek uniform.]",
  70.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/937943407.jpg",
  71.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  72.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/208943852.mp3"
  73.         },
  74.         {
  75.             "SpeakerName": "Captain Herbert Reynolds",
  76.             "Gender": "Male",
  77.             "DialogLine": "Agreed, Commander Ravi. Keep our shields up, just in case. Let's proceed with the shuttlecraft, Ensign Liara.",
  78.             "VisualDescription": "[Captain Herbert Reynolds puts on a serious expression, nodding and giving his approval.]",
  79.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-721382805.jpg",
  80.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  81.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/1685496913.mp3"
  82.         },
  83.         {
  84.             "SpeakerName": "Chief Medical Officer Dr. Aria Thorne",
  85.             "Gender": "Female",
  86.             "DialogLine": "Captain, I'll prepare the medical team in case anyone has an adverse reaction to excessive cheese exposure. We should also bring some lactase supplements, just in case.",
  87.             "VisualDescription": "[Blonde-haired female Starfleet officer wearing a blue medical uniform.]",
  88.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-920879811.jpg",
  89.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  90.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-111508126.mp3"
  91.         },
  92.         {
  93.             "SpeakerName": "Ensign Kai O'Brien",
  94.             "Gender": "Male",
  95.             "DialogLine": "Captain, I can utilize my linguistic skills to try and communicate with any cheese-like life forms we encounter. It could lead to peaceful interactions.",
  96.             "VisualDescription": "[Confident and charismatic human, alien hybrid with mixed human and axolotl features, wearing an ensign uniform.]",
  97.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/623685468.jpg",
  98.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  99.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-1054597140.mp3"
  100.         },
  101.         {
  102.             "SpeakerName": "Chief of Operations Lieutenant Samantha 'Sam' Chen",
  103.             "Gender": "Female",
  104.             "DialogLine": "Captain, I'll coordinate with the crew to ensure all equipment and resources are ready for the mission. We'll be prepared for any cheesy surprises.",
  105.             "VisualDescription": "[Chinese female with short-cropped hair and a determined gaze, wearing a green starfleet uniform.]",
  106.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/673196019.jpg",
  107.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  108.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-491036404.mp3"
  109.         },
  110.         {
  111.             "SpeakerName": "Captain Herbert Reynolds",
  112.             "Gender": "Male",
  113.             "DialogLine": "Alright, team. Let's set a course for the cheese anomaly. Our mission is to explore, analyze, and if possible, make friends with some cheesy inhabitants. After all, when the ship lifts, all debts are paid. There can be no regrets.",
  114.             "VisualDescription": "[Captain Herbert Reynolds stands proudly, his charismatic smile shining as he addresses the crew.]",
  115.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-556611884.jpg",
  116.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  117.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/1469414129.mp3"
  118.         }
  119.     ],
  120.     "Characters": [
  121.         {
  122.             "Name": "Narrator",
  123.             "Description": "The host of the show.",
  124.             "VoiceProfile": {
  125.                 "VoiceName": "en-US-Standard-B",
  126.                 "LanguageCode": "en-US",
  127.                 "VoiceGender": "Unspecified"
  128.             }
  129.         },
  130.         {
  131.             "Name": "Herbert Reynolds",
  132.             "Description": "Norwegian Human captain of the starship USS Entrepreneur.",
  133.             "VoiceProfile": {
  134.                 "VoiceName": "nb-NO-Wavenet-D",
  135.                 "LanguageCode": "nb-NO",
  136.                 "VoiceGender": "Unspecified"
  137.             }
  138.         },
  139.         {
  140.             "Name": "Bob",
  141.             "Description": "Cyzorian Chief Officer of the starship USS Entrepreneur.",
  142.             "VoiceProfile": {
  143.                 "VoiceName": "ar-XA-Standard-D",
  144.                 "LanguageCode": "nb-NO",
  145.                 "VoiceGender": "Unspecified"
  146.             }
  147.         },
  148.         {
  149.             "Name": "Lieutenant Commander Tala Seraphina",
  150.             "Description": "Science officer specializing in anomalies.",
  151.             "VoiceProfile": {
  152.                 "VoiceName": "en-US-Standard-E",
  153.                 "LanguageCode": "en-US",
  154.                 "VoiceGender": "Female"
  155.             }
  156.         },
  157.         {
  158.             "Name": "Lieutenant Marcus Sullivan",
  159.             "Description": "Enthusiastic scientist with an interest in spatial phenomena.",
  160.             "VoiceProfile": {
  161.                 "VoiceName": "en-US-Standard-B",
  162.                 "LanguageCode": "en-US",
  163.                 "VoiceGender": "Male"
  164.             }
  165.         },
  166.         {
  167.             "Name": "Ensign Liara Narvik",
  168.             "Description": "Skilled pilot and shuttlecraft operator.",
  169.             "VoiceProfile": {
  170.                 "VoiceName": "en-US-Standard-F",
  171.                 "LanguageCode": "en-US",
  172.                 "VoiceGender": "Female"
  173.             }
  174.         },
  175.         {
  176.             "Name": "Lieutenant Commander Ravi Harken",
  177.             "Description": "Tactical officer, always cautious.",
  178.             "VoiceProfile": {
  179.                 "VoiceName": "en-US-Standard-A",
  180.                 "LanguageCode": "en-US",
  181.                 "VoiceGender": "Male"
  182.             }
  183.         },
  184.         {
  185.             "Name": "Chief Medical Officer Dr. Aria Thorne",
  186.             "Description": "Ship's doctor, prepared for any medical emergencies.",
  187.             "VoiceProfile": {
  188.                 "VoiceName": "en-US-Standard-H",
  189.                 "LanguageCode": "en-US",
  190.                 "VoiceGender": "Female"
  191.             }
  192.         },
  193.         {
  194.             "Name": "Ensign Kai O'Brien",
  195.             "Description": "Linguistic specialist with communication skills.",
  196.             "VoiceProfile": {
  197.                 "VoiceName": "en-US-Standard-I",
  198.                 "LanguageCode": "en-US",
  199.                 "VoiceGender": "Male"
  200.             }
  201.         },
  202.         {
  203.             "Name": "Chief of Operations Lieutenant Samantha 'Sam' Chen",
  204.             "Description": "Responsible for coordinating resources and equipment.",
  205.             "VoiceProfile": {
  206.                 "VoiceName": "en-US-Standard-H",
  207.                 "LanguageCode": "en-US",
  208.                 "VoiceGender": "Female"
  209.             }
  210.         }
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