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- import pandas as pd
- import numpy as np
- import math
- def get_ffme_returns():
- """
- Load the Fama-French Dataset for the returns of the Top and Bottom Deciles by MarketCap
- """
- me_m = pd.read_csv("data/Portfolios_Formed_on_ME_monthly_EW.csv",
- header=0, index_col=0, na_values=-99.99)
- rets = me_m[['Lo 10', 'Hi 10']]
- rets.columns = ['SmallCap', 'LargeCap']
- rets = rets/100
- rets.index = pd.to_datetime(rets.index, format="%Y%m").to_period('M')
- return rets
- def get_hfi_returns():
- """
- Load and format the EDHEC Hedge Fund Index Returns
- """
- hfi = pd.read_csv("data/edhec-hedgefundindices.csv",
- header=0, index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
- hfi = hfi/100
- hfi.index = hfi.index.to_period('M')
- return hfi
- def get_ind_file(filetype):
- """
- Load and format the Ken French 30 Industry Portfolios files
- """
- known_types = ["returns", "nfirms", "size"]
- if filetype not in known_types:
- sep = ','
- raise ValueError(f'filetype must be one of:{sep.join(known_types)}')
- if filetype is "returns":
- name = "vw_rets"
- divisor = 100
- elif filetype is "nfirms":
- name = "nfirms"
- divisor = 1
- elif filetype is "size":
- name = "size"
- divisor = 1
- ind = pd.read_csv(f"data/ind30_m_{name}.csv", header=0, index_col=0)/divisor
- ind.index = pd.to_datetime(ind.index, format="%Y%m").to_period('M')
- ind.columns = ind.columns.str.strip()
- return ind
- def get_ind_returns():
- """
- Load and format the Ken French 30 Industry Portfolios Value Weighted Monthly Returns
- """
- return get_ind_file("returns")
- def get_ind_nfirms():
- """
- Load and format the Ken French 30 Industry Portfolios Average number of Firms
- """
- return get_ind_file("nfirms")
- def get_ind_size():
- """
- Load and format the Ken French 30 Industry Portfolios Average size (market cap)
- """
- return get_ind_file("size")
- def get_total_market_index_returns():
- """
- Load the 30 industry portfolio data and derive the returns of a capweighted total market index
- """
- ind_nfirms = get_ind_nfirms()
- ind_size = get_ind_size()
- ind_return = get_ind_returns()
- ind_mktcap = ind_nfirms * ind_size
- total_mktcap = ind_mktcap.sum(axis=1)
- ind_capweight = ind_mktcap.divide(total_mktcap, axis="rows")
- total_market_return = (ind_capweight * ind_return).sum(axis="columns")
- return total_market_return
- def skewness(r):
- """
- Alternative to scipy.stats.skew()
- Computes the skewness of the supplied Series or DataFrame
- Returns a float or a Series
- """
- demeaned_r = r - r.mean()
- # use the population standard deviation, so set dof=0
- sigma_r = r.std(ddof=0)
- exp = (demeaned_r**3).mean()
- return exp/sigma_r**3
- def kurtosis(r):
- """
- Alternative to scipy.stats.kurtosis()
- Computes the kurtosis of the supplied Series or DataFrame
- Returns a float or a Series
- """
- demeaned_r = r - r.mean()
- # use the population standard deviation, so set dof=0
- sigma_r = r.std(ddof=0)
- exp = (demeaned_r**4).mean()
- return exp/sigma_r**4
- def compound(r):
- """
- returns the result of compounding the set of returns in r
- """
- return np.expm1(np.log1p(r).sum())
- def annualize_rets(r, periods_per_year):
- """
- Annualizes a set of returns
- We should infer the periods per year
- but that is currently left as an exercise
- to the reader :-)
- """
- compounded_growth = (1+r).prod()
- n_periods = r.shape[0]
- return compounded_growth**(periods_per_year/n_periods)-1
- def annualize_vol(r, periods_per_year):
- """
- Annualizes the vol of a set of returns
- We should infer the periods per year
- but that is currently left as an exercise
- to the reader :-)
- """
- return r.std()*(periods_per_year**0.5)
- def sharpe_ratio(r, riskfree_rate, periods_per_year):
- """
- Computes the annualized sharpe ratio of a set of returns
- """
- # convert the annual riskfree rate to per period
- rf_per_period = (1+riskfree_rate)**(1/periods_per_year)-1
- excess_ret = r - rf_per_period
- ann_ex_ret = annualize_rets(excess_ret, periods_per_year)
- ann_vol = annualize_vol(r, periods_per_year)
- return ann_ex_ret/ann_vol
- import scipy.stats
- def is_normal(r, level=0.01):
- """
- Applies the Jarque-Bera test to determine if a Series is normal or not
- Test is applied at the 1% level by default
- Returns True if the hypothesis of normality is accepted, False otherwise
- """
- if isinstance(r, pd.DataFrame):
- return r.aggregate(is_normal)
- else:
- statistic, p_value = scipy.stats.jarque_bera(r)
- return p_value > level
- def drawdown(return_series: pd.Series):
- """Takes a time series of asset returns.
- returns a DataFrame with columns for
- the wealth index,
- the previous peaks, and
- the percentage drawdown
- """
- wealth_index = 1000*(1+return_series).cumprod()
- previous_peaks = wealth_index.cummax()
- drawdowns = (wealth_index - previous_peaks)/previous_peaks
- return pd.DataFrame({"Wealth": wealth_index,
- "Previous Peak": previous_peaks,
- "Drawdown": drawdowns})
- def semideviation(r):
- """
- Returns the semideviation aka negative semideviation of r
- r must be a Series or a DataFrame, else raises a TypeError
- """
- if isinstance(r, pd.Series):
- is_negative = r < 0
- return r[is_negative].std(ddof=0)
- elif isinstance(r, pd.DataFrame):
- return r.aggregate(semideviation)
- else:
- raise TypeError("Expected r to be a Series or DataFrame")
- def var_historic(r, level=5):
- """
- Returns the historic Value at Risk at a specified level
- i.e. returns the number such that "level" percent of the returns
- fall below that number, and the (100-level) percent are above
- """
- if isinstance(r, pd.DataFrame):
- return r.aggregate(var_historic, level=level)
- elif isinstance(r, pd.Series):
- return -np.percentile(r, level)
- else:
- raise TypeError("Expected r to be a Series or DataFrame")
- def cvar_historic(r, level=5):
- """
- Computes the Conditional VaR of Series or DataFrame
- """
- if isinstance(r, pd.Series):
- is_beyond = r <= -var_historic(r, level=level)
- return -r[is_beyond].mean()
- elif isinstance(r, pd.DataFrame):
- return r.aggregate(cvar_historic, level=level)
- else:
- raise TypeError("Expected r to be a Series or DataFrame")
- from scipy.stats import norm
- def var_gaussian(r, level=5, modified=False):
- """
- Returns the Parametric Gauusian VaR of a Series or DataFrame
- If "modified" is True, then the modified VaR is returned,
- using the Cornish-Fisher modification
- """
- # compute the Z score assuming it was Gaussian
- z = norm.ppf(level/100)
- if modified:
- # modify the Z score based on observed skewness and kurtosis
- s = skewness(r)
- k = kurtosis(r)
- z = (z +
- (z**2 - 1)*s/6 +
- (z**3 -3*z)*(k-3)/24 -
- (2*z**3 - 5*z)*(s**2)/36
- )
- return -(r.mean() + z*r.std(ddof=0))
- def portfolio_return(weights, returns):
- """
- Computes the return on a portfolio from constituent returns and weights
- weights are a numpy array or Nx1 matrix and returns are a numpy array or Nx1 matrix
- """
- return weights.T @ returns
- def portfolio_vol(weights, covmat):
- """
- Computes the vol of a portfolio from a covariance matrix and constituent weights
- weights are a numpy array or N x 1 maxtrix and covmat is an N x N matrix
- """
- return (weights.T @ covmat @ weights)**0.5
- def plot_ef2(n_points, er, cov):
- """
- Plots the 2-asset efficient frontier
- """
- if er.shape[0] != 2 or er.shape[0] != 2:
- raise ValueError("plot_ef2 can only plot 2-asset frontiers")
- weights = [np.array([w, 1-w]) for w in np.linspace(0, 1, n_points)]
- rets = [portfolio_return(w, er) for w in weights]
- vols = [portfolio_vol(w, cov) for w in weights]
- ef = pd.DataFrame({
- "Returns": rets,
- "Volatility": vols
- })
- return ef.plot.line(x="Volatility", y="Returns", style=".-")
- from scipy.optimize import minimize
- def minimize_vol(target_return, er, cov):
- """
- Returns the optimal weights that achieve the target return
- given a set of expected returns and a covariance matrix
- """
- n = er.shape[0]
- init_guess = np.repeat(1/n, n)
- bounds = ((0.0, 1.0),) * n # an N-tuple of 2-tuples!
- # construct the constraints
- weights_sum_to_1 = {'type': 'eq',
- 'fun': lambda weights: np.sum(weights) - 1
- }
- return_is_target = {'type': 'eq',
- 'args': (er,),
- 'fun': lambda weights, er: target_return - portfolio_return(weights,er)
- }
- weights = minimize(portfolio_vol, init_guess,
- args=(cov,), method='SLSQP',
- options={'disp': False},
- constraints=(weights_sum_to_1,return_is_target),
- bounds=bounds)
- return weights.x
- def msr(riskfree_rate, er, cov):
- """
- Returns the weights of the portfolio that gives you the maximum sharpe ratio
- given the riskfree rate and expected returns and a covariance matrix
- """
- n = er.shape[0]
- init_guess = np.repeat(1/n, n)
- bounds = ((0.0, 1.0),) * n # an N-tuple of 2-tuples!
- # construct the constraints
- weights_sum_to_1 = {'type': 'eq',
- 'fun': lambda weights: np.sum(weights) - 1
- }
- def neg_sharpe(weights, riskfree_rate, er, cov):
- """
- Returns the negative of the sharpe ratio
- of the given portfolio
- """
- r = portfolio_return(weights, er)
- vol = portfolio_vol(weights, cov)
- return -(r - riskfree_rate)/vol
- weights = minimize(neg_sharpe, init_guess,
- args=(riskfree_rate, er, cov), method='SLSQP',
- options={'disp': False},
- constraints=(weights_sum_to_1,),
- bounds=bounds)
- return weights.x
- def gmv(cov):
- """
- Returns the weights of the Global Minimum Volatility portfolio
- given a covariance matrix
- """
- n = cov.shape[0]
- return msr(0, np.repeat(1, n), cov)
- def optimal_weights(n_points, er, cov):
- """
- Returns a list of weights that represent a grid of n_points on the efficient frontier
- """
- target_rs = np.linspace(er.min(), er.max(), n_points)
- weights = [minimize_vol(target_return, er, cov) for target_return in target_rs]
- return weights
- def plot_ef(n_points, er, cov, style='.-', legend=False, show_cml=False, riskfree_rate=0, show_ew=False, show_gmv=False):
- """
- Plots the multi-asset efficient frontier
- """
- weights = optimal_weights(n_points, er, cov)
- rets = [portfolio_return(w, er) for w in weights]
- vols = [portfolio_vol(w, cov) for w in weights]
- ef = pd.DataFrame({
- "Returns": rets,
- "Volatility": vols
- })
- ax = ef.plot.line(x="Volatility", y="Returns", style=style, legend=legend)
- if show_cml:
- ax.set_xlim(left = 0)
- # get MSR
- w_msr = msr(riskfree_rate, er, cov)
- r_msr = portfolio_return(w_msr, er)
- vol_msr = portfolio_vol(w_msr, cov)
- # add CML
- cml_x = [0, vol_msr]
- cml_y = [riskfree_rate, r_msr]
- ax.plot(cml_x, cml_y, color='green', marker='o', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, markersize=10)
- if show_ew:
- n = er.shape[0]
- w_ew = np.repeat(1/n, n)
- r_ew = portfolio_return(w_ew, er)
- vol_ew = portfolio_vol(w_ew, cov)
- # add EW
- ax.plot([vol_ew], [r_ew], color='goldenrod', marker='o', markersize=10)
- if show_gmv:
- w_gmv = gmv(cov)
- r_gmv = portfolio_return(w_gmv, er)
- vol_gmv = portfolio_vol(w_gmv, cov)
- # add EW
- ax.plot([vol_gmv], [r_gmv], color='midnightblue', marker='o', markersize=10)
- return ax
- def run_cppi(risky_r, safe_r=None, m=3, start=1000, floor=0.8, riskfree_rate=0.03, drawdown=None):
- """
- Run a backtest of the CPPI strategy, given a set of returns for the risky asset
- Returns a dictionary containing: Asset Value History, Risk Budget History, Risky Weight History
- """
- # set up the CPPI parameters
- dates = risky_r.index
- n_steps = len(dates)
- account_value = start
- floor_value = start*floor
- peak = account_value
- if isinstance(risky_r, pd.Series):
- risky_r = pd.DataFrame(risky_r, columns=["R"])
- if safe_r is None:
- safe_r = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
- safe_r.values[:] = riskfree_rate/12 # fast way to set all values to a number
- # set up some DataFrames for saving intermediate values
- account_history = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
- risky_w_history = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
- cushion_history = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
- floorval_history = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
- peak_history = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(risky_r)
- for step in range(n_steps):
- if drawdown is not None:
- peak = np.maximum(peak, account_value)
- floor_value = peak*(1-drawdown)
- cushion = (account_value - floor_value)/account_value
- risky_w = m*cushion
- risky_w = np.minimum(risky_w, 1)
- risky_w = np.maximum(risky_w, 0)
- safe_w = 1-risky_w
- risky_alloc = account_value*risky_w
- safe_alloc = account_value*safe_w
- # recompute the new account value at the end of this step
- account_value = risky_alloc*(1+risky_r.iloc[step]) + safe_alloc*(1+safe_r.iloc[step])
- # save the histories for analysis and plotting
- cushion_history.iloc[step] = cushion
- risky_w_history.iloc[step] = risky_w
- account_history.iloc[step] = account_value
- floorval_history.iloc[step] = floor_value
- peak_history.iloc[step] = peak
- risky_wealth = start*(1+risky_r).cumprod()
- backtest_result = {
- "Wealth": account_history,
- "Risky Wealth": risky_wealth,
- "Risk Budget": cushion_history,
- "Risky Allocation": risky_w_history,
- "m": m,
- "start": start,
- "floor": floor,
- "risky_r":risky_r,
- "safe_r": safe_r,
- "drawdown": drawdown,
- "peak": peak_history,
- "floor": floorval_history
- }
- return backtest_result
- def summary_stats(r, riskfree_rate=0.03):
- """
- Return a DataFrame that contains aggregated summary stats for the returns in the columns of r
- """
- ann_r = r.aggregate(annualize_rets, periods_per_year=12)
- ann_vol = r.aggregate(annualize_vol, periods_per_year=12)
- ann_sr = r.aggregate(sharpe_ratio, riskfree_rate=riskfree_rate, periods_per_year=12)
- dd = r.aggregate(lambda r: drawdown(r).Drawdown.min())
- skew = r.aggregate(skewness)
- kurt = r.aggregate(kurtosis)
- cf_var5 = r.aggregate(var_gaussian, modified=True)
- hist_cvar5 = r.aggregate(cvar_historic)
- return pd.DataFrame({
- "Annualized Return": ann_r,
- "Annualized Vol": ann_vol,
- "Skewness": skew,
- "Kurtosis": kurt,
- "Cornish-Fisher VaR (5%)": cf_var5,
- "Historic CVaR (5%)": hist_cvar5,
- "Sharpe Ratio": ann_sr,
- "Max Drawdown": dd
- })
- def gbm(n_years = 10, n_scenarios=1000, mu=0.07, sigma=0.15, steps_per_year=12, s_0=100.0, prices=True):
- """
- Evolution of Geometric Brownian Motion trajectories, such as for Stock Prices through Monte Carlo
- :param n_years: The number of years to generate data for
- :param n_paths: The number of scenarios/trajectories
- :param mu: Annualized Drift, e.g. Market Return
- :param sigma: Annualized Volatility
- :param steps_per_year: granularity of the simulation
- :param s_0: initial value
- :return: a numpy array of n_paths columns and n_years*steps_per_year rows
- """
- # Derive per-step Model Parameters from User Specifications
- dt = 1/steps_per_year
- n_steps = int(n_years*steps_per_year) + 1
- # the standard way ...
- # rets_plus_1 = np.random.normal(loc=mu*dt+1, scale=sigma*np.sqrt(dt), size=(n_steps, n_scenarios))
- # without discretization error ...
- rets_plus_1 = np.random.normal(loc=(1+mu)**dt, scale=(sigma*np.sqrt(dt)), size=(n_steps, n_scenarios))
- rets_plus_1[0] = 1
- ret_val = s_0*pd.DataFrame(rets_plus_1).cumprod() if prices else rets_plus_1-1
- return ret_val
- def discount(t, r):
- """
- Compute the price of a pure discount bond that pays a dollar at time period t
- and r is the per-period interest rate
- returns a |t| x |r| Series or DataFrame
- r can be a float, Series or DataFrame
- returns a DataFrame indexed by t
- """
- discounts = pd.DataFrame([(r+1)**-i for i in t])
- discounts.index = t
- return discounts
- def pv(flows, r):
- """
- Compute the present value of a sequence of cash flows given by the time (as an index) and amounts
- r can be a scalar, or a Series or DataFrame with the number of rows matching the num of rows in flows
- """
- dates = flows.index
- discounts = discount(dates, r)
- return discounts.multiply(flows, axis='rows').sum()
- def funding_ratio(assets, liabilities, r):
- """
- Computes the funding ratio of a series of liabilities, based on an interest rate and current value of assets
- """
- return pv(assets, r)/pv(liabilities, r)
- def inst_to_ann(r):
- """
- Convert an instantaneous interest rate to an annual interest rate
- """
- return np.expm1(r)
- def ann_to_inst(r):
- """
- Convert an instantaneous interest rate to an annual interest rate
- """
- return np.log1p(r)
- def cir(n_years = 10, n_scenarios=1, a=0.05, b=0.03, sigma=0.05, steps_per_year=12, r_0=None):
- """
- Generate random interest rate evolution over time using the CIR model
- b and r_0 are assumed to be the annualized rates, not the short rate
- and the returned values are the annualized rates as well
- """
- if r_0 is None: r_0 = b
- r_0 = ann_to_inst(r_0)
- dt = 1/steps_per_year
- num_steps = int(n_years*steps_per_year) + 1 # because n_years might be a float
- shock = np.random.normal(0, scale=np.sqrt(dt), size=(num_steps, n_scenarios))
- rates = np.empty_like(shock)
- rates[0] = r_0
- ## For Price Generation
- h = math.sqrt(a**2 + 2*sigma**2)
- prices = np.empty_like(shock)
- ####
- def price(ttm, r):
- _A = ((2*h*math.exp((h+a)*ttm/2))/(2*h+(h+a)*(math.exp(h*ttm)-1)))**(2*a*b/sigma**2)
- _B = (2*(math.exp(h*ttm)-1))/(2*h + (h+a)*(math.exp(h*ttm)-1))
- _P = _A*np.exp(-_B*r)
- return _P
- prices[0] = price(n_years, r_0)
- ####
- for step in range(1, num_steps):
- r_t = rates[step-1]
- d_r_t = a*(b-r_t)*dt + sigma*np.sqrt(r_t)*shock[step]
- rates[step] = abs(r_t + d_r_t)
- # generate prices at time t as well ...
- prices[step] = price(n_years-step*dt, rates[step])
- rates = pd.DataFrame(data=inst_to_ann(rates), index=range(num_steps))
- ### for prices
- prices = pd.DataFrame(data=prices, index=range(num_steps))
- ###
- return rates, prices
- def bond_cash_flows(maturity, principal=100, coupon_rate=0.03, coupons_per_year=12):
- """
- Returns the series of cash flows generated by a bond,
- indexed by the payment/coupon number
- """
- n_coupons = round(maturity*coupons_per_year)
- coupon_amt = principal*coupon_rate/coupons_per_year
- coupons = np.repeat(coupon_amt, n_coupons)
- coupon_times = np.arange(1, n_coupons+1)
- cash_flows = pd.Series(data=coupon_amt, index=coupon_times)
- cash_flows.iloc[-1] += principal
- return cash_flows
- def bond_price(maturity, principal=100, coupon_rate=0.03, coupons_per_year=12, discount_rate=0.03):
- """
- Computes the price of a bond that pays regular coupons until maturity
- at which time the principal and the final coupon is returned
- This is not designed to be efficient, rather,
- it is to illustrate the underlying principle behind bond pricing!
- If discount_rate is a DataFrame, then this is assumed to be the rate on each coupon date
- and the bond value is computed over time.
- i.e. The index of the discount_rate DataFrame is assumed to be the coupon number
- """
- if isinstance(discount_rate, pd.DataFrame):
- pricing_dates = discount_rate.index
- prices = pd.DataFrame(index=pricing_dates, columns=discount_rate.columns)
- for t in pricing_dates:
- prices.loc[t] = bond_price(maturity-t/coupons_per_year, principal, coupon_rate, coupons_per_year,
- discount_rate.loc[t])
- return prices
- else: # base case ... single time period
- if maturity <= 0: return principal+principal*coupon_rate/coupons_per_year
- cash_flows = bond_cash_flows(maturity, principal, coupon_rate, coupons_per_year)
- return pv(cash_flows, discount_rate/coupons_per_year)
- def macaulay_duration(flows, discount_rate):
- """
- Computes the Macaulay Duration of a sequence of cash flows, given a per-period discount rate
- """
- discounted_flows = discount(flows.index, discount_rate)*pd.DataFrame(flows)
- weights = discounted_flows/discounted_flows.sum()
- return np.average(flows.index, weights=weights.iloc[:,0])
- def match_durations(cf_t, cf_s, cf_l, discount_rate):
- """
- Returns the weight W in cf_s that, along with (1-W) in cf_l will have an effective
- duration that matches cf_t
- """
- d_t = macaulay_duration(cf_t, discount_rate)
- d_s = macaulay_duration(cf_s, discount_rate)
- d_l = macaulay_duration(cf_l, discount_rate)
- return (d_l - d_t)/(d_l - d_s)
- def bond_total_return(monthly_prices, principal, coupon_rate, coupons_per_year):
- """
- Computes the total return of a Bond based on monthly bond prices and coupon payments
- Assumes that dividends (coupons) are paid out at the end of the period (e.g. end of 3 months for quarterly div)
- and that dividends are reinvested in the bond
- """
- coupons = pd.DataFrame(data = 0, index=monthly_prices.index, columns=monthly_prices.columns)
- t_max = monthly_prices.index.max()
- pay_date = np.linspace(12/coupons_per_year, t_max, int(coupons_per_year*t_max/12), dtype=int)
- coupons.iloc[pay_date] = principal*coupon_rate/coupons_per_year
- total_returns = (monthly_prices + coupons)/monthly_prices.shift()-1
- return total_returns.dropna()
- def bt_mix(r1, r2, allocator, **kwargs):
- """
- Runs a back test (simulation) of allocating between a two sets of returns
- r1 and r2 are T x N DataFrames or returns where T is the time step index and N is the number of scenarios.
- allocator is a function that takes two sets of returns and allocator specific parameters, and produces
- an allocation to the first portfolio (the rest of the money is invested in the GHP) as a T x 1 DataFrame
- Returns a T x N DataFrame of the resulting N portfolio scenarios
- """
- if not r1.shape == r2.shape:
- raise ValueError("r1 and r2 should have the same shape")
- weights = allocator(r1, r2, **kwargs)
- if not weights.shape == r1.shape:
- raise ValueError("Allocator returned weights with a different shape than the returns")
- r_mix = weights*r1 + (1-weights)*r2
- return r_mix
- def fixedmix_allocator(r1, r2, w1, **kwargs):
- """
- Produces a time series over T steps of allocations between the PSP and GHP across N scenarios
- PSP and GHP are T x N DataFrames that represent the returns of the PSP and GHP such that:
- each column is a scenario
- each row is the price for a timestep
- Returns an T x N DataFrame of PSP Weights
- """
- return pd.DataFrame(data = w1, index=r1.index, columns=r1.columns)
- def terminal_values(rets):
- """
- Computes the terminal values from a set of returns supplied as a T x N DataFrame
- Return a Series of length N indexed by the columns of rets
- """
- return (rets+1).prod()
- def terminal_stats(rets, floor = 0.8, cap=np.inf, name="Stats"):
- """
- Produce Summary Statistics on the terminal values per invested dollar
- across a range of N scenarios
- rets is a T x N DataFrame of returns, where T is the time-step (we assume rets is sorted by time)
- Returns a 1 column DataFrame of Summary Stats indexed by the stat name
- """
- terminal_wealth = (rets+1).prod()
- breach = terminal_wealth < floor
- reach = terminal_wealth >= cap
- p_breach = breach.mean() if breach.sum() > 0 else np.nan
- p_reach = reach.mean() if reach.sum() > 0 else np.nan
- e_short = (floor-terminal_wealth[breach]).mean() if breach.sum() > 0 else np.nan
- e_surplus = (-cap+terminal_wealth[reach]).mean() if reach.sum() > 0 else np.nan
- sum_stats = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
- "mean": terminal_wealth.mean(),
- "std" : terminal_wealth.std(),
- "p_breach": p_breach,
- "e_short":e_short,
- "p_reach": p_reach,
- "e_surplus": e_surplus
- }, orient="index", columns=[name])
- return sum_stats
- def glidepath_allocator(r1, r2, start_glide=1, end_glide=0.0):
- """
- Allocates weights to r1 starting at start_glide and ends at end_glide
- by gradually moving from start_glide to end_glide over time
- """
- n_points = r1.shape[0]
- n_col = r1.shape[1]
- path = pd.Series(data=np.linspace(start_glide, end_glide, num=n_points))
- paths = pd.concat([path]*n_col, axis=1)
- paths.index = r1.index
- paths.columns = r1.columns
- return paths
- def floor_allocator(psp_r, ghp_r, floor, zc_prices, m=3):
- """
- Allocate between PSP and GHP with the goal to provide exposure to the upside
- of the PSP without going violating the floor.
- Uses a CPPI-style dynamic risk budgeting algorithm by investing a multiple
- of the cushion in the PSP
- Returns a DataFrame with the same shape as the psp/ghp representing the weights in the PSP
- """
- if zc_prices.shape != psp_r.shape:
- raise ValueError("PSP and ZC Prices must have the same shape")
- n_steps, n_scenarios = psp_r.shape
- account_value = np.repeat(1, n_scenarios)
- floor_value = np.repeat(1, n_scenarios)
- w_history = pd.DataFrame(index=psp_r.index, columns=psp_r.columns)
- for step in range(n_steps):
- floor_value = floor*zc_prices.iloc[step] ## PV of Floor assuming today's rates and flat YC
- cushion = (account_value - floor_value)/account_value
- psp_w = (m*cushion).clip(0, 1) # same as applying min and max
- ghp_w = 1-psp_w
- psp_alloc = account_value*psp_w
- ghp_alloc = account_value*ghp_w
- # recompute the new account value at the end of this step
- account_value = psp_alloc*(1+psp_r.iloc[step]) + ghp_alloc*(1+ghp_r.iloc[step])
- w_history.iloc[step] = psp_w
- return w_history
- def drawdown_allocator(psp_r, ghp_r, maxdd, m=3):
- """
- Allocate between PSP and GHP with the goal to provide exposure to the upside
- of the PSP without going violating the floor.
- Uses a CPPI-style dynamic risk budgeting algorithm by investing a multiple
- of the cushion in the PSP
- Returns a DataFrame with the same shape as the psp/ghp representing the weights in the PSP
- """
- n_steps, n_scenarios = psp_r.shape
- account_value = np.repeat(1, n_scenarios)
- floor_value = np.repeat(1, n_scenarios)
- peak_value = np.repeat(1, n_scenarios)
- w_history = pd.DataFrame(index=psp_r.index, columns=psp_r.columns)
- for step in range(n_steps):
- floor_value = (1-maxdd)*peak_value ### Floor is based on Prev Peak
- cushion = (account_value - floor_value)/account_value
- psp_w = (m*cushion).clip(0, 1) # same as applying min and max
- ghp_w = 1-psp_w
- psp_alloc = account_value*psp_w
- ghp_alloc = account_value*ghp_w
- # recompute the new account value and prev peak at the end of this step
- account_value = psp_alloc*(1+psp_r.iloc[step]) + ghp_alloc*(1+ghp_r.iloc[step])
- peak_value = np.maximum(peak_value, account_value)
- w_history.iloc[step] = psp_w
- return w_history
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